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With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

January 30, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Another example of double-standard “justice”
  • Minneapolis doubles down on stupid
  • Get Woke, Go Broke
  • Pipe Bomb Update


Mike Huckabee



Another example of double-standard “justice”

By Mike Huckabee

As if to rub in Americans’ noses in the idea that we have a two-tiered justice system, District Court Judge James Boasberg ignored special council John Durham’s request for six months in prison for former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, letting him off with just 12 months of probation and 400 hours’ community service.

As part of the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation/coup attempt against President Trump, Clinesmith pleaded guilty to altering an email from a CIA colleague. He made it appear that Trump campaign aide Carter Page had not been a CIA source (he was) so that a FISA court judge would grant a warrant to surveille Page.

The judge said Clinesmith’s actions “undermined the integrity of the FISA process,” but he believed Clinesmith was remorseful and didn’t alter the email to harm Page. No, he just violated his duty to his office to mislead a secret court into granting a bogus warrant to surveille and possibly frame an innocent American citizen in an attempt to overthrow a duly-elected President. Certainly nothing sinister about that! No harm done.

Whether it’s due to cluelessness or just pushing a chosen narrative, the left and its media and corporate consorts keep claiming that Trump riled up Americans to turn against the system that they represent. No, Trump was merely a symptom. They turned to him because they were already fed up, and Trump was the only one willing to fight for them.

They were fed up because they were sick of the blatant double standards, where leftists who loot, burn, riot, assault police and destroy federal monuments and buildings are called heroes of democracy and released immediately, while law-abiding Americans who try to defend themselves from them are prosecuted…where they’re told not to judge all peaceful protesters by the actions of a handful of violent leftists, but all conservatives are condemned and judged guilty for the actions of a handful of violent right-wingers…where working Americans can be arrested or fined into bankruptcy just for leaving their homes, seeing their families or trying to make a living if it violates unconstitutional COVID lockdown rules that the politicians who impose them openly flaunt…where their jobs can be destroyed by fatuous elites who tell them that’s the price they have to pay to cut carbon emissions, as they pocket their fat government checks and go flying off to eco-conferences on their private jets…where leftist violence is called free speech, but conservative free speech is branded as violence…where a “Democratic” socialist Congress member accuses a Republican Senator of inciting crazies to murder her because he wanted election irregularities investigated, while ignoring her Republican colleague who nearly was murdered by a lunatic incited by the radical, dehumanizing rhetoric of the “Democratic” socialist Senator she most admires…where a security wall on the border to keep out criminals, drug gangs and illegal immigrants is branded pointless and racist, but security walls around the elites' mansions, enclaves and work places are a necessary security measure…where leftists can threaten conservatives' lives on Twitter while conservatives get banned for saying anything critical of the left…where wealthy, well-connected brokers can treat the stock market like a casino, but small investors who follow the same rules are shut down and threatened with investigations…

And now, we have yet another example of double-standard “justice” to point to, where a government agent sworn to uphold the law is allowed to falsify evidence to mislead a FISA court to get a warrant to spy on and possibly frame an innocent citizen and yet gets off Scot-free. I’d ask what would happen if any Republican tried anything a fraction that bad, but we already know.

This very week, someone who allegedly “misled” Democrat voters by sharing Twitter memes about voting by text back in 2016 was arrested on federal charges. He’s facing up to 10 years in prison.

Did anyone even ask whether he was remorseful and didn’t mean to hurt anybody?

Minneapolis doubles down on stupid

By Mike Huckabee

Since the George Floyd protests/riots, Minneapolis’ leftist city council has stripped $8 million from the city’s police budget. Since then, crime in the city has skyrocketed with reported rapes up 22%, reported robberies up 59% and gunshot wounds up 225%.

What to do?! Well, the leftist geniuses on the city council have the answer: abolish the police department entirely.

They want to put a measure on next November’s ballot, asking voters to replace the police department with a nontraditional “public safety office,” that will deal with crime in ways “more reflective of our values” (I have to assume their chief value is masochism.)

Even the Democrat mayor criticized the plan for diluting accountability by having the head of public safety report to 14 different people. I hope their combined IQ’s at least reach triple digits, unlike the city council's.

If it’s true that a conservative is a liberal who got mugged, then by next November, about 90% of the city's population should be conservatives several times over. I hope they’ll use this election not only to defeat this idiotic plan but to set the council members who came up with it onto a more appropriate career path, maybe in the fast food or sanitation industries.

Get Woke, Go Broke

By Mike Huckabee

Never forget, the left may hold the megaphone, but you hold the purse strings. After Bed Bath & Beyond announced that it would no longer carry MyPillow products following attacks on CEO Mike Lindell for expressing pro-Trump political beliefs and suspicions about the 2020 election, conservatives organized boycotts, a petition drive and protests at stores. Thursday, the company’s stock took its biggest one-day fall ever: 36.4%.

Some protesters at a BB&B store in Larspur, California, left a message for CEO Mark Tritton that should be required reading for all CEOs thinking of betraying 75 million Trump voters to cater to a handful of leftist Twitter trolls whom I can't imagine care about buying clean sheets:

“Stop promoting 'cancel.’ You buckled to pressure, removing MyPillow products...because of Mike Lindell's politics. It's un-American...Our country was founded on the principle of free speech and open debate. These days, censorship and suppression are far too common, and you’re now part of the problem. You have that right, of course, but realize you’re antagonizing half of your customers. And Mark…we’ve had enough. We’re tired of corporate big-shots looking down on our beliefs. Reverse this decision now and get out of politics, or we’re done with you forever."

And then, do you know what they did? Did they scream threats, loot the store, set the building on fire? No. They left peacefully after leaving the checkers a $20 tip, because they hated to have to inconvenience them just because their boss is a bad businessman who drives away customers.

See, now THAT is how real Trump supporters hold a protest rally.

Pipe Bomb Update

By Mike Huckabee

The FBI announced Friday that pipe bombs found at the DC Republican and Democratic headquarters had been planted there the night before President Trump made the rally speech that Democrats are claiming incited the rioters who allegedly planted the bombs.

Do you know what this means? The rioters must have a time machine! They heard Trump’s speech and were so incited, they went back to the night before and planted those bombs!

Sorry, I started thinking like a CNN reporter there for a minute. I’m better now…

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Comments 26-50 of 50

  • James Drury Jr

    01/31/2021 07:06 AM

    Thanks Mike & Staff! Is It To late for the wake up?

  • Sara Hostrawser

    01/31/2021 03:49 AM

    Your daily writings and Bible verse keep me informed and sane! It helps so much to hear from someone who relays the news with a common sense perspective. Thank you!!

  • Jeffery Klar

    01/31/2021 01:44 AM

    Mr. Huckabee:

    I am a huge supporter of what you do. Reading your daily newsletters has been invaluable to me in keeping informed with all that is going on in our country. As you well know, it is very difficult to find any media that can be trusted to report the truth. I especially appreciate all the links you provide to the original sources of your reporting, so we can research for ourselves the information that you share. Especially since the election campaign and plethora (my favorite word!) of fraud allegations that followed, I have found myself sharing your information with more and more people in my circle of influence.

    Now for the proverbial "but": I really do wish you would prayerfully consider not resorting so much to name calling and insulting of the opposing side. I know it is done mostly to inject some humor into the posts, but it does stoop us down to their level in a way. I was led to write this after reading the "Minneapolis Doubles Down on Stupid" entry. In it, while attempting to make a humorous "dig" towards the Minneapolis city council members, you equated working in the fast food and sanitation industries as jobs for people with low IQ's. I happen to support my family working as a manager at a fast food franchise. I have a college degree and am a deacon at my church. I certainly don't consider myself as having a low IQ. And we would learn very quickly how important sanitation workers are to our lives if they suddenly disappeared from our communities. All work has dignity and value.

    Thank you for reading this. Nothing I said above changes my very high opinion of you and the support you will receive from me in the future.

  • Marylee Sprague

    01/31/2021 12:41 AM

    What can you tell me about the letter sent to Biden from the Democrats for a Secular Society?

  • Renee Kendrick

    01/31/2021 12:10 AM

    Governor, I am relieved you were able to come back to reality after your momentary lapse of CNNDS! Close call! Try not to go there too often. Such moments could turn into MSMDS, which possibly could ruin your life or even "kill" you! Hehehe!

  • Renee Kendrick

    01/31/2021 12:01 AM

    My wording in the prior post should have been "not invincible" for the upper echelon "elite".

  • Renee Kendrick

    01/30/2021 11:57 PM

    The MyPillow scandal caused me to order a couple more of them. (But not from Kohls or BB&B!) I received my first one back in December. I was thoroughly impressed! The first morning I woke up from sleeping on the pillow, I felt 20 years younger! I was sold!!! God will bless Mike Lindell as well as all of His children during these difficult days! Kudos to the BB&B protesters in Larspur, California for their message to the CEO, which could stand for Cowardly Extermination Officer. The upper echelon "elite" need to realize they are invincible!

    BB&B stockholders need to demand a change in upper management!

  • larry rippere

    01/30/2021 11:56 PM

    Beautiful rant about the two-tiered justice system examples. Of course you completely left out anything to do with, say, people named Clinton or their proteges. My guess: You did this on purpose since we've all memorized that part of history by now. :-(

  • Cheryl Thompson

    01/30/2021 11:50 PM

    Loved your summation that the city counsel should flip burgers at McD’s or work for the local landfill!! No kidding...maybe if they did they’d see the reality of their city and wake up, not woke up! Thank you for adding humor to otherwise depressing news.

  • William Schlumpf

    01/30/2021 11:44 PM

    That's ok, Governor. I've been waiting for Rod Serling to come on screen, cigarette in hand, and give us his analysis as to what the past 4 1/2 yrs have been all about, but I guess the show ain't over yet, huh?

  • Merle Douglas

    01/30/2021 11:25 PM

    I'm feeling sorry for my self tonight. My son suffered a TBI in 1990 and I have been trying to get him back for 30 years. A week on life support and several weeks in a coma followed by brain surgery that didn't work for non-stop seizures that didn't work either. Finally a multitude of medications and a vagel nerve stimulator or however you spell it gave us some peace. With all my heart I believe President Trump cares about people like him. He is 51 now and works as a sacker at a grocery in our local community. He said he is probably the only one working in this capacity with a college degree, but we are so very thankful that the local grocery store hired him. He has never received a dime in any of the stimulus packages, and I haven't received anything for him because he is now 51 and living at home with his mother. He pays taxes out of his meager grocery store salary. I feel deeply within my heart that President Trump cares about these people that are living at home with a parent who claims them as a dependent, but are over 17. How about the forgotten? He's not the only one.

  • Paul Kern

    01/30/2021 10:47 PM

    While I appreciate the real news you and others publish it is sad to see my area so heavily dominate the cities and even the churches. I know my. Priest relies on fake news and a "liberal" friend. His fallback is we know the Lord is returning. Another church I visited the preacher had a black woman pour out a rant about racism. He had the gall to to say it was a "word from the Lord!". It would be helpful on here or your talk show have an intelligent believer like George Barna speak on the problems in the church by false preaching and ideas for how to combat it.bplus how it fits in Scripture. Short of having to leave one's church.

  • Floyd Unger

    01/30/2021 10:24 PM

    Thank you

  • Claudia Andrews

    01/30/2021 10:12 PM

    If the Biden administration was really serious about global warming, they would consider having agribusiness grow things like bamboo to replace single use plastics and agave/mesquite to feed cattle. But of course, that would be too simple...

  • Michele Walker

    01/30/2021 09:59 PM

    Minnesota wants to replace the police. There are thousands of foreign born Muslims in Minnesota. I’m betting they will want to replace with a Muslim patrol. It happened in areas of England. I personally don’t agree with defund or replace police departments. We already see they are failing their communities.

  • Don Crumbley

    01/30/2021 09:58 PM

    Gov: This particular evening's edition is probably one of the best that I have seen lately from you and your staff. Thanks for drawing a line in the sand for others to see and follow through on. Thanks to a Deep State legal system, we no longer have "The Rule of Law" that applies equally to each and until there is, mayhem is going to feast and devour this Nation . Enough is enough!

  • Scott Copeland

    01/30/2021 09:46 PM

    Dear Mike: I love your devotion to God - your show and messages. I remember we wanted to vote for you when you were running for President but we are Canadian. We could sure use Mr. Trump up here no question! Are you able to watch this short clip by Johnathan Cahn? I found it hugely moving and superbly delivered.

  • Roy Kemp

    01/30/2021 09:44 PM

    I am really glad your daughter Sarah is running for governor and I am going to vote for her. But with everything that is happening today, I’m afraid she may have to change her strategy from normal to something different from what it usually takes to win a campaign.
    I’m thrilled to say that she will likely win but I believe the Dems are not above trying to steal an election.
    The GOP may have to start thinking like the Dems when it comes to voting.
    If it is ok for them to pull votes out of the air then what’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander.

  • Mary Swann

    01/30/2021 09:41 PM

    Thanks for making me laugh.

  • Judith Belanger

    01/30/2021 09:37 PM

    Thanx for giving Our Lord the first place in your wonderful newsletters! It is sooooo refreshing to know that someone as notable as you places God first!!!

  • Anne Turner

    01/30/2021 09:26 PM

    I am so glad you have a sense of humor. I saw a video circulating about not using petroleum products, it’s a hoot. Young man want to grab a beer and sit down to watch the game. Goes to fridge which disappears, sits down on chair, whose cushions disappear. Looks at watch which also disappears. Turns on .TV, disappears, runs outside, car chassis disappears and then clothes disappear. Old lady next door sees him in his skivvies. Embarrassing.

    So I guess we use cotton and wool. Oh no, growing things requires fertilizer, bug killer and water. Wool requires large herds of sheep is hard to clean, , requiring chemicals. Silk worms are disappearing. Flax for linen promising. But there again you have to grow plants, and I hope you like ironing. Fake leather is petroleum based. Oh, well there are wooden clogs and rope sandals. So this would require cutting down trees and growing fiber. Or we could use real leather, oops, all that gas production you know. Paint and building materials, hmmm. So I have a lovely cave with a smoke hole and fire pit. Cool room dug into back of cave. Large leaves available for clothing. Will be a short life anyway without meds and research.

    Please tell me why anyone gives that little silly twit, AOC, the time of day. Her only virtue is driving Nancy up the wall.

  • Tamara Oakes

    01/30/2021 09:16 PM

    Excellent commentary once again you've hit the nail on the head Mike. But too many people have nothing in their head to listen to some wisdom cause they're already so smart

  • PAUL Schaber

    01/30/2021 09:14 PM

    The FBI and the intelligence agencies embedded in the Swamp of Washington DC and all thoe Democratic Mayors and Governors who thought they had control of ANTIFA, BLACK LIVES MATTER and other leftist groups, they ignored and refused to convict them or arrest now have those Those cities that voted and bowed down and voted to defund the police. now have some the hghest crime rates in the U.S. That is why the gunsales have been soaring it starting to look like a town called Dodge City and it only stopped upon the arrival of Wyatt Earp..

    But comes March 2021, those National Guard forces will be gone back to their home states and those along the Southern border will be working on the illegal immigrant influx casued by Joe Biden's speech of "COME ON DOWN TO THE US STATES FOR THE NEXT 100 DAYS UNTIL 1 MAY 2021 AND YOU WILL NOT BE SENT BACK."

    But before that 31 March 2021, 2-`10 Americans will hear a knock the door with eviction notices in hand for all those people who not paid their rents and in those notices are legal paperwork assuring the Rental Agencies will get their back due money upon they gaining gameful employment.

    We are moving closer and closer to a recession due to all the debts we have accumulated by our borrowing practices and printing money like their is no problem and NOT correcting the main problem of allowing people to get back to work , but instead have become leeches hoping the the U.S. Government will come to the rescue and life returns to where it was prior to March 2020 when Trump was in charge. .

  • Annette Joyner

    01/30/2021 08:56 PM

    This country is in a mess the Democrats has gone crazy. The republicans are weak. What can we do

  • Shirley Clifton

    01/30/2021 08:52 PM

    I love your Editions of real reports and additional insights!! Keep those cards and letters coming to help WAKE UP AMERICA
    God Bless

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