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August 28, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - 1 Corinthians 13:13
  • Resign
  • Afghanistan Updates
  • He said it, not me
  • Defending the Indefensible
  • Pelosi wants more 2020 information from Trump, conservatives
  • Speaking of Accountability


Mike Huckabee


13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

1 Corinthians 13:13 KJV


By Mike Huckabee

Columnist and military veteran Kurt Schlichter, in his own inimitable way, delivers a message to all the incompetent top military brass who prioritized protecting their careers over protecting our troops and who stood by and said and did nothing as our "Commander-in-Chief" instituted the most transparently dangerous and idiotic pullout plan in history:


By the way, that message should not be limited to only the top military brass. There's a long list of people it should be cc'ed to.

Afghanistan Updates

For the latest news updates on Afghanistan, check out this link from Fox News:

He said it, not me

By Mike Huckabee

If I compared President Biden’s Afghanistan debacle to the Bay of Pigs, called the suicide bombing that killed 13 US service members the “worst day in his Administration,” and said that because of the way the withdrawal was handled, the situation is now more dangerous and difficult and we’ll have to send more troops back in for counterterrorism operations, I would be blasted by some on the left as a biased Republican “pouncing” on Biden.

Fortunately, I don’t have to say any of those things because Barack Obama’s former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said them for me.

Defending the Indefensible

By Mike Huckabee

President Biden’s supporters in the media are once again proving that they will go to any lengths to defend the indefensible. In the latest example, they’re circulating the photo of him with his head down at the press conference and saying Trump didn’t care about our fallen soldiers, but this shows how strong Biden is that he can express his grief for them publicly.

Three things wrong with that:

1. He wasn’t grieving. His head was down in befuddled consternation because he couldn’t answer Fox News reporter Peter Ducey’s questions about his botched Afghan pullout operation.

2. Trump had already issued a statement mourning those soldiers hours before the White House commented.

3. If Biden had followed Trump’s plan, those 13 troops and 90-plus Afghans likely wouldn’t have died. Indeed, under Trump, we lost only one soldier in Afghanistan in the previous 18 months. Under Biden, we’ve now lost 13 in one day. Even if he had been grieving in that photo, it doesn’t make someone a great President to show sorrow for the loss of soldiers who died needlessly because of his own bad decisions.

Pelosi wants more 2020 information from Trump, conservatives

By Mike Huckabee

Despite a report that the FBI has found no evidence of any planned insurrection among the protesters who invaded the Capitol on January 6th, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is determined to keep beating this dead horse until it’s hamburger. She’s now launched an outrageous demand for all documents and communications related to the 2020 election, over a 10-month period prior to January 20th, between the Trump White House and dozens of prominent conservatives, from Alex Jones to Trump campaign donors to social media influencers such as “Walk Away” founder Brandon Straka and even reporters.

Congressional Republicans are calling it “McCarthesque” (an insult to Sen. Joe McCarthy, who only dreamed of abusing power like Nancy Pelosi), “nuts,” and an attempt to spy on political opponents that’s worse than Watergate.

Incidentally, I notice my name isn’t on this list. I guess she knows that I have no secrets. Everything I’ve ever had to say about this incident I put right in this newsletter. If she wants to spy on my communications, I suggest she start reading it daily. She might actually find it educational.

Speaking of Accountability

By Mike Huckabee

A federal judge refused to dismiss a lawsuit by Baltimore business owners against the city for failing to stop rioters from burning and looting their businesses.

The city argued that those weren’t rioters, they were just some criminals opportunistically taking advantage of the protests and unrest (or as I’d call that, “a distinction without a difference.”) Also that their hold-back strategy ultimately led to shorter and less violent unrest than in other cities.

But the judge decided that a reasonable juror might not see it that way, particularly since the mayor openly boasted that the city “gave those who wished to destroy space to do that.” So the lawsuit continues.

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Comments 11-20 of 30

  • William John Douglas

    08/29/2021 10:43 AM

    Biden asleep during Israel PM meeting.
    He needs to get WOKE.


    08/29/2021 10:38 AM


  • Jerry

    08/29/2021 10:29 AM

    The leaders of China Iran Russia and the regions around Afgan. must be lighting Cuban cigars and opening bottles of Champaign celebrating the defeat of the Biden collection of fools. Congrats to the president biden for creating a winless situation and exposing your complete ignorance and cowardly traits. Personally thats my view I have another view and it is called TREASON you have exceeded your female low life Hilary Clinton cowardly traits blaming everyone else for your anti America actions. Let's face facts Leftist hate America and Americans.

  • Sally Wright

    08/29/2021 09:42 AM

    I absolutely believe you are “spot on” in your comments. I love getting your Bible verse of the day. I don’t always comment, but you have more common sense than most politicians in our government today. I am so ashamed to say they are leading our country. I appreciate being informed honestly by you.??????????????P.S. your daughter was one of the best press secretaries I have seen in my almost 80 years .

  • Stephen Russell

    08/29/2021 09:41 AM

    Afghan Debacle:
    JCS, COS DoD
    State Dept

    Place under DoD in the field now for Action

  • Dixie Stanfield

    08/29/2021 09:39 AM

    Pelosi is the perfect picture of a naraccistic, delusional hypocrite who keeps singing poor Frank’s mantra “ my way”. The American voter will soon be singing “Thank God and Greyhound She is Gone”.

  • Stephen Russell

    08/29/2021 09:34 AM

    Afghan Outcome
    If Joe lets Americans die, Will have hell to pay Big time
    Seed for revolt & Civil War 2
    Massive protests at White House or Joes DEL home

  • Stephen Russell

    08/29/2021 09:32 AM

    1-6 Comm: apply to Dems later for same IF we have our own 1-6 Comm

  • Ann Atwell

    08/29/2021 09:27 AM

    I still do not understand why someone in DC doesn't have the guts to go after Pelosi. She has wasted millions of tax payer dollars trying to bring President Trump down and all she has accomplished is wasteful spending and making her look like the idiot she is. She is a complete menace to the American people. If she cared about the people she swore to serve, she would be trying to stop the clown who resides in the oval office from making any more disastrous decisions. Instead she praised his Afghanistan decision just like she found nothing wrong with Eric Swallwell relationship with a Chinese communist spy. And need I remind everyone of her treatment of the National Guard in DC when they were there to protect her from those " trrorist Trump supporters." I cannot believe Biden has the nerve to appear when the bodies of those thirteen soldiers are brought home. If I were there for a family member I would tell Biden his presence was not wanted.

  • Jerry

    08/29/2021 09:20 AM

    Does the world need any more evidence that the American leftists are not only destroying America does the rest of the free world feel safe with leftists in charge of what is still a great military the biggest enemy of our military are the leftists Biden and his collection of misfits

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