Today's News Stories

September 2, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - 2 Timothy 3:16
  • Welcome to Bizarro World
  • ICYMI: New Podcast Episode
  • Fighting back against leftist indoctrination in our schools
  • Democrat Socialism can never pay for itself
  • Haymakers
  • Good stories out of Texas


Mike Huckabee


16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

2 Timothy 3:16

Welcome to Bizarro World

By Mike Huckabee

Taliban fighters said they feel upset and betrayed that the US military disabled the helicopters left at the Kabul airport instead of leaving them intact for their use.

We’re really sorry, guys, but maybe all the working helicopters and planes, plus the hundreds of thousands of guns and other functioning equipment we left OUTSIDE the airport will be a consolation to you.

ICYMI:  New Podcast Episode

By Mike Huckabee

As the United States completes its catastrophic exit from Afghanistan, leaving hundreds of Americans and countless Afghan allies behind, Governor Huckabee talks about what this all means for the 20 years spent fighting terror and those we lost doing so, and the safety and security of America moving forward. He continues the discussion with retired Navy SEAL and former special operator Rob O'Neill, (the man who shot and killed Bin Laden!), who weighs in on the frightening state of American military leadership and what that means for American safety from terror today and into the future.


Fighting back against leftist indoctrination in our schools

By Mike Huckabee

There are some teachers who think their job is not to educate but to indoctrinate children into the leftist hivemind. Fortunately, though, the public is catching on, partly because of the pandemic exposing parents to what’s happening in classrooms. But also because, as with Harvey Weinstein, years of doing it in secret and getting away with it made them arrogantly think they were untouchable, so they got sloppy about exposing themselves. That was a bad idea. Today’s cases in point:

The Natomas, California, school district has fired an Inderkum High School social studies teacher after Project Veritas released an undercover video of him allegedly revealing how he works to radicalize his students “farther and farther left.” He said, “I have 180 days to turn them into revolutionaries.”

The school found Antifa and Mao Zedong posters in his classroom, and stickers of communist dictators such as Stalin and Castro that he used to mark papers. He gave students extra credit for attending protests and described Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” in China that killed up to 20 million people as “fixing a problem.” When a student said that the teacher's Antifa flag made him uncomfortable, he replied, "Well, this is meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, so if you feel uncomfortable, I don’t really know what to tell you.”

Ooh! Ooh! I know, teacher! What I’d tell the student is this:

“Antifa follows in a long tradition of duplicitous radical left groups that use misleading terms to trick you into supporting terrible ideas. Antifa claims it’s fighting fascism by using violence and intimidation to silence political opponents, which is a hallmark of fascism. So if their flag makes you uncomfortable, it means you can spot dangerous, lying fascists when you see them. You’re smarter than your teacher, so you get an A.”

Meanwhile, an Orange County, California, teacher who bragged on TikTok that she removed the American flag from her classroom because it made her “uncomfortable,” and suggested kids say the Pledge of Allegiance to her LGBTQ Pride flag instead, has been removed and placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.

A group of parents rallied in protest outside her school, and a school district spokesperson said, “While we do not discuss employee related matters, we can tell you that showing respect and honor for our nation’s flag is a value that we instill in our students and an expectation of our employees. We take matters like this seriously and will be taking action to address it."

I’m very relieved to hear that. I’d be more relieved if it didn’t require exposure on social media and public parental protests just to get teachers to teach instead of indoctrinate.

Democrat Socialism can never pay for itself

By Mike Huckabee

This has always been true of socialism, but just to make it clear with hard numbers to those who didn’t learn it in school: even if the government took every penny from every American billionaire (total net worth: $4.4 trillion), it wouldn’t begin to cover all the new spending ($5.5 trillion) being pushed by Sen. Bernie Sanders and the Democrats in just the two spending bills they’re currently trying to pass.


By Mike Huckabee

Kurt Schlichter isn’t exactly known for pulling punches, but he’s now fed up enough to fill an entire column with haymakers.

Good stories out of Texas

By Mike Huckabee

Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media has an entertaining and informative write-up about two good stories out of Texas (the passage of the voter integrity bill and the Supreme Court allowing enforcement of the post-five-week abortion ban – FYI,, Chief Justice Roberts sided with the liberals in wanting to block that, but they were outvoted 5-4.)

Kruiser also talks about some of the apocalyptic hair-on-fire rhetoric dispensed by the Democrats in their anguish over the idea that Texans disapprove of election cheating and killing babies.

I fervently hope that this overheated verbiage is starting to lose its potency, like the boy who cried, “Wolf!” (or “Racist!”) It seems to me as if the left has a bag full of random red-hot words and phrases that they just throw wildly at anything that displeases them, in hopes it will stick even if it makes no sense. Like insulting black people by calling an ID requirement “voter suppression” or “Jim Crow on steroids” (most black Americans are perfectly capable of obtaining an ID and support having to show it to vote.)

But leave it to radical left Rep. Cori Bush to take this to new levels of incomprehensibility by tweeting, “I’m thinking about the Black, brown, low-income, queer, and young folks in Texas. The folks this abortion health care ban will disproportionately harm.”

Wow, applying logic to that is like trying to untangle the world’s biggest hairball. First of all, abortion isn’t “health care.” It’s the opposite: it’s killing a child in the womb. There is almost no circumstance in which abortion is considered a necessary procedure to protect a woman’s health.

Secondly, the way that black and brown people would be disproportionately affected by an abortion ban is that a lot more of them would be alive today. Since Roe v. Wade, more than 20 million black babies have been aborted. That’s more than the entire black US population in 1960. Also, 79% of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are located within walking distance of black or Latino neighborhoods. It should come as no surprise that Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist eugenicist.

Third, young folks probably are disproportionately affected by any abortion law, since old people don’t get pregnant that often.

Finally, “queer” people are certainly disproportionately affected by abortion laws, as in “not affected AT ALL!” Is unplanned pregnancy really a big concern for male-male or female-female couples? Maybe some hire surrogates or get artificially inseminated to have kids, but if so, I doubt they’ll be running to abortion clinics afterward.

This just goes to show that the left has no intelligent arguments in favor of killing children in the womb, so they just reach into their bag of buzzwords (“Black!” “Young!” “Queer!” “Disproportionate!”) and throw out whatever they can grab in hopes it will fly by so fast that you won’t have time to think about it.

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 11-20 of 25

  • Carl T Smith

    09/02/2021 11:21 PM

    The whole argument that brought about the Baby Killing Industry was pulled out of thin air on the basis of Women's PRIVACY ? I guess that meant if the Abortion was performed UN-NOTICED it was Private?

  • George Reynolds

    09/02/2021 10:35 PM

    Here in Virginia Beach, Virginia, in order to dump your trash at the Virginia Beach landfill, you have to show your drivers' license as ID showing that you live in Virginia Beach. I don't hear the Democrats calling that "racist" or "Jim Crow on steroids".

  • Jerry Korba

    09/02/2021 09:05 PM

    Mike would you build your house next to an active volcano or would you build your house in spot below sea level next to an ocean or would you cover up the ground with huge parking lots or parking ramps and add new roads to your city and new buildings that have rain runoff and not upgrade your storm system say you have 48 inch storm conduit and you cover up 35 percent of your water absorbing ground with concrete or blacktop wouldn't you increase the size of your storm systems conduit to an 80 inch conduit just using those numbers to set that one needs bigger conduit to rid the rain that is not absorbed by the ground just a couple questions take your time to answer maybe check with building codes "experts" please, maybe bring a climate change '"expert'" to see if that might help with rain fall and flooding below sea level grounds during storms. Maybe homes were not meant to be built in those areas just a thought. I thought building on higher ground was in the best interest for safety against a raging body of water. Climate change may not affect those houses on higher ground or a bit away from raging water.houses that are built below sea level next to a sea does not make sense to me. Oh well keep trying putting that big square in the small round bottle.

  • Brian Pruitt

    09/02/2021 08:53 PM

    If you ever feel bad about yourself just remember this. It took 20 years, 4 presidents and trillions of dollars to change the rulers of Afghanistan from the Taliban to the Taliban.

  • Cathy Fennell

    09/02/2021 08:41 PM

    My hope is that one day black, brown and Latino people realize they are being played and decide to leave the victim role and become victors

  • Joyce F Birch

    09/02/2021 08:26 PM

    Question Governor-I happen to read a little about this medication that had some good results from the COVID-19 virus, Ivermectin. You have to find a doctor to prescribe it. These individuals didn't get the vaccine.

  • ken moore

    09/02/2021 08:11 PM

    Taliban fighters said they feel upset and betrayed that the US military disabled the helicopters left at the Kabul airport instead of leaving them intact for their use.

  • Becky Henkel

    09/02/2021 08:07 PM

    Mike, I'd like to make you aware of a situation that is happening right now here in Kansas City and small towns all around us.
    The lack of people wanting to return to work has affected food distribution to our schools. One school was told this week that they were completely cut from one distributor's route while another food truck was simply a no-show. This has left cafeteria managers scraping for food to feed healthy school meals. In small towns, they're even having to make last-minute runs to the local grocery store.
    I am flabbergasted. Really, that's all I can say. Bad leadership is now affecting our children in schools, and honestly, I see this as the tip of a huge iceberg.
    I just thought you'd want to know and maybe have your team look into this crisis. Thanks for caring.

  • Jerry Korba

    09/02/2021 08:05 PM

    I am a guy that was brought up in a rural community my first person of color that I met was from NYC we were teammates on a college BB team I was 18 years old. Good memories of that fellow soon I got drafted into US Army were a met people of all colors and from all parts of the country and outside of the country the point i wish to make is I studied most of the people different from me, that is a rural fellow that had a lot to learn about people, where I came from we were much the same. The actions that i studied were varied some worked hard, some did what the leader demanded, some worked around the standards looking for the easy way out, and I found people that would con you or steal your assets and I found people that lie, cheat and bear false witness. The latter reminds me of joe biden I do not use caps with his name not worthy and that person ended up with bad memories and a few visits to the sick bay he had fallen from his bunk a few times too many, he did understand his bad traits seemed too upset most, as his bad traits of being a human being transformed into a better set of traits he was able to sleep without falling out of his bunk. joe biden would not have survived his basic training or his AIT training with his set of traits in the late 60's and early 70's while in the Army he would have been medically discharged for falling out of his bunk too many times.

  • Joyce F Birch

    09/02/2021 08:05 PM

    Another great newsletter! Let's face it, the democrats have us in the cross-hairs because everyone is calling for Biden's impeachment, resignation, or the 25th Amendment. I think most of us see the handwriting on the wall if any of this happens, we're looking a VP Harris & Pelosi in office. So, I think we have belly-up until 2022, but we shall not let Biden off the hook on a daily basis for all of his screw ups until 2022/2024! Like 9/11 and the 11 Military service men and 2 women, & Afghan's who died, we will never forget. I do think that Austin, Blinken, & Gen. Milley & others involved with this horrific attack should resign if at all possible.

Election 2024 Coverage

September 2, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - 2 Timothy 3:16
  • Welcome to Bizarro World
  • ICYMI: New Podcast Episode
  • Fighting back against leftist indoctrination in our schools
  • Democrat Socialism can never pay for itself
  • Haymakers
  • Good stories out of Texas


Mike Huckabee


16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

2 Timothy 3:16

Welcome to Bizarro World

By Mike Huckabee

Taliban fighters said they feel upset and betrayed that the US military disabled the helicopters left at the Kabul airport instead of leaving them intact for their use.

We’re really sorry, guys, but maybe all the working helicopters and planes, plus the hundreds of thousands of guns and other functioning equipment we left OUTSIDE the airport will be a consolation to you.

ICYMI:  New Podcast Episode

By Mike Huckabee

As the United States completes its catastrophic exit from Afghanistan, leaving hundreds of Americans and countless Afghan allies behind, Governor Huckabee talks about what this all means for the 20 years spent fighting terror and those we lost doing so, and the safety and security of America moving forward. He continues the discussion with retired Navy SEAL and former special operator Rob O'Neill, (the man who shot and killed Bin Laden!), who weighs in on the frightening state of American military leadership and what that means for American safety from terror today and into the future.


Fighting back against leftist indoctrination in our schools

By Mike Huckabee

There are some teachers who think their job is not to educate but to indoctrinate children into the leftist hivemind. Fortunately, though, the public is catching on, partly because of the pandemic exposing parents to what’s happening in classrooms. But also because, as with Harvey Weinstein, years of doing it in secret and getting away with it made them arrogantly think they were untouchable, so they got sloppy about exposing themselves. That was a bad idea. Today’s cases in point:

The Natomas, California, school district has fired an Inderkum High School social studies teacher after Project Veritas released an undercover video of him allegedly revealing how he works to radicalize his students “farther and farther left.” He said, “I have 180 days to turn them into revolutionaries.”

The school found Antifa and Mao Zedong posters in his classroom, and stickers of communist dictators such as Stalin and Castro that he used to mark papers. He gave students extra credit for attending protests and described Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” in China that killed up to 20 million people as “fixing a problem.” When a student said that the teacher's Antifa flag made him uncomfortable, he replied, "Well, this is meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, so if you feel uncomfortable, I don’t really know what to tell you.”

Ooh! Ooh! I know, teacher! What I’d tell the student is this:

“Antifa follows in a long tradition of duplicitous radical left groups that use misleading terms to trick you into supporting terrible ideas. Antifa claims it’s fighting fascism by using violence and intimidation to silence political opponents, which is a hallmark of fascism. So if their flag makes you uncomfortable, it means you can spot dangerous, lying fascists when you see them. You’re smarter than your teacher, so you get an A.”

Meanwhile, an Orange County, California, teacher who bragged on TikTok that she removed the American flag from her classroom because it made her “uncomfortable,” and suggested kids say the Pledge of Allegiance to her LGBTQ Pride flag instead, has been removed and placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.

A group of parents rallied in protest outside her school, and a school district spokesperson said, “While we do not discuss employee related matters, we can tell you that showing respect and honor for our nation’s flag is a value that we instill in our students and an expectation of our employees. We take matters like this seriously and will be taking action to address it."

I’m very relieved to hear that. I’d be more relieved if it didn’t require exposure on social media and public parental protests just to get teachers to teach instead of indoctrinate.

Democrat Socialism can never pay for itself

By Mike Huckabee

This has always been true of socialism, but just to make it clear with hard numbers to those who didn’t learn it in school: even if the government took every penny from every American billionaire (total net worth: $4.4 trillion), it wouldn’t begin to cover all the new spending ($5.5 trillion) being pushed by Sen. Bernie Sanders and the Democrats in just the two spending bills they’re currently trying to pass.


By Mike Huckabee

Kurt Schlichter isn’t exactly known for pulling punches, but he’s now fed up enough to fill an entire column with haymakers.

Good stories out of Texas

By Mike Huckabee

Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media has an entertaining and informative write-up about two good stories out of Texas (the passage of the voter integrity bill and the Supreme Court allowing enforcement of the post-five-week abortion ban – FYI,, Chief Justice Roberts sided with the liberals in wanting to block that, but they were outvoted 5-4.)

Kruiser also talks about some of the apocalyptic hair-on-fire rhetoric dispensed by the Democrats in their anguish over the idea that Texans disapprove of election cheating and killing babies.

I fervently hope that this overheated verbiage is starting to lose its potency, like the boy who cried, “Wolf!” (or “Racist!”) It seems to me as if the left has a bag full of random red-hot words and phrases that they just throw wildly at anything that displeases them, in hopes it will stick even if it makes no sense. Like insulting black people by calling an ID requirement “voter suppression” or “Jim Crow on steroids” (most black Americans are perfectly capable of obtaining an ID and support having to show it to vote.)

But leave it to radical left Rep. Cori Bush to take this to new levels of incomprehensibility by tweeting, “I’m thinking about the Black, brown, low-income, queer, and young folks in Texas. The folks this abortion health care ban will disproportionately harm.”

Wow, applying logic to that is like trying to untangle the world’s biggest hairball. First of all, abortion isn’t “health care.” It’s the opposite: it’s killing a child in the womb. There is almost no circumstance in which abortion is considered a necessary procedure to protect a woman’s health.

Secondly, the way that black and brown people would be disproportionately affected by an abortion ban is that a lot more of them would be alive today. Since Roe v. Wade, more than 20 million black babies have been aborted. That’s more than the entire black US population in 1960. Also, 79% of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are located within walking distance of black or Latino neighborhoods. It should come as no surprise that Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist eugenicist.

Third, young folks probably are disproportionately affected by any abortion law, since old people don’t get pregnant that often.

Finally, “queer” people are certainly disproportionately affected by abortion laws, as in “not affected AT ALL!” Is unplanned pregnancy really a big concern for male-male or female-female couples? Maybe some hire surrogates or get artificially inseminated to have kids, but if so, I doubt they’ll be running to abortion clinics afterward.

This just goes to show that the left has no intelligent arguments in favor of killing children in the womb, so they just reach into their bag of buzzwords (“Black!” “Young!” “Queer!” “Disproportionate!”) and throw out whatever they can grab in hopes it will fly by so fast that you won’t have time to think about it.

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 11-20 of 25

  • Carl T Smith

    09/02/2021 11:21 PM

    The whole argument that brought about the Baby Killing Industry was pulled out of thin air on the basis of Women's PRIVACY ? I guess that meant if the Abortion was performed UN-NOTICED it was Private?

  • George Reynolds

    09/02/2021 10:35 PM

    Here in Virginia Beach, Virginia, in order to dump your trash at the Virginia Beach landfill, you have to show your drivers' license as ID showing that you live in Virginia Beach. I don't hear the Democrats calling that "racist" or "Jim Crow on steroids".

  • Jerry Korba

    09/02/2021 09:05 PM

    Mike would you build your house next to an active volcano or would you build your house in spot below sea level next to an ocean or would you cover up the ground with huge parking lots or parking ramps and add new roads to your city and new buildings that have rain runoff and not upgrade your storm system say you have 48 inch storm conduit and you cover up 35 percent of your water absorbing ground with concrete or blacktop wouldn't you increase the size of your storm systems conduit to an 80 inch conduit just using those numbers to set that one needs bigger conduit to rid the rain that is not absorbed by the ground just a couple questions take your time to answer maybe check with building codes "experts" please, maybe bring a climate change '"expert'" to see if that might help with rain fall and flooding below sea level grounds during storms. Maybe homes were not meant to be built in those areas just a thought. I thought building on higher ground was in the best interest for safety against a raging body of water. Climate change may not affect those houses on higher ground or a bit away from raging water.houses that are built below sea level next to a sea does not make sense to me. Oh well keep trying putting that big square in the small round bottle.

  • Brian Pruitt

    09/02/2021 08:53 PM

    If you ever feel bad about yourself just remember this. It took 20 years, 4 presidents and trillions of dollars to change the rulers of Afghanistan from the Taliban to the Taliban.

  • Cathy Fennell

    09/02/2021 08:41 PM

    My hope is that one day black, brown and Latino people realize they are being played and decide to leave the victim role and become victors

  • Joyce F Birch

    09/02/2021 08:26 PM

    Question Governor-I happen to read a little about this medication that had some good results from the COVID-19 virus, Ivermectin. You have to find a doctor to prescribe it. These individuals didn't get the vaccine.

  • ken moore

    09/02/2021 08:11 PM

    Taliban fighters said they feel upset and betrayed that the US military disabled the helicopters left at the Kabul airport instead of leaving them intact for their use.

  • Becky Henkel

    09/02/2021 08:07 PM

    Mike, I'd like to make you aware of a situation that is happening right now here in Kansas City and small towns all around us.
    The lack of people wanting to return to work has affected food distribution to our schools. One school was told this week that they were completely cut from one distributor's route while another food truck was simply a no-show. This has left cafeteria managers scraping for food to feed healthy school meals. In small towns, they're even having to make last-minute runs to the local grocery store.
    I am flabbergasted. Really, that's all I can say. Bad leadership is now affecting our children in schools, and honestly, I see this as the tip of a huge iceberg.
    I just thought you'd want to know and maybe have your team look into this crisis. Thanks for caring.

  • Jerry Korba

    09/02/2021 08:05 PM

    I am a guy that was brought up in a rural community my first person of color that I met was from NYC we were teammates on a college BB team I was 18 years old. Good memories of that fellow soon I got drafted into US Army were a met people of all colors and from all parts of the country and outside of the country the point i wish to make is I studied most of the people different from me, that is a rural fellow that had a lot to learn about people, where I came from we were much the same. The actions that i studied were varied some worked hard, some did what the leader demanded, some worked around the standards looking for the easy way out, and I found people that would con you or steal your assets and I found people that lie, cheat and bear false witness. The latter reminds me of joe biden I do not use caps with his name not worthy and that person ended up with bad memories and a few visits to the sick bay he had fallen from his bunk a few times too many, he did understand his bad traits seemed too upset most, as his bad traits of being a human being transformed into a better set of traits he was able to sleep without falling out of his bunk. joe biden would not have survived his basic training or his AIT training with his set of traits in the late 60's and early 70's while in the Army he would have been medically discharged for falling out of his bunk too many times.

  • Joyce F Birch

    09/02/2021 08:05 PM

    Another great newsletter! Let's face it, the democrats have us in the cross-hairs because everyone is calling for Biden's impeachment, resignation, or the 25th Amendment. I think most of us see the handwriting on the wall if any of this happens, we're looking a VP Harris & Pelosi in office. So, I think we have belly-up until 2022, but we shall not let Biden off the hook on a daily basis for all of his screw ups until 2022/2024! Like 9/11 and the 11 Military service men and 2 women, & Afghan's who died, we will never forget. I do think that Austin, Blinken, & Gen. Milley & others involved with this horrific attack should resign if at all possible.

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    September 2, 2021

    Good evening!

    Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

    • Bible Verse of the Day - 2 Timothy 3:16
    • Welcome to Bizarro World
    • ICYMI: New Podcast Episode
    • Fighting back against leftist indoctrination in our schools
    • Democrat Socialism can never pay for itself
    • Haymakers
    • Good stories out of Texas


    Mike Huckabee


    16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

    2 Timothy 3:16

    Welcome to Bizarro World

    By Mike Huckabee

    Taliban fighters said they feel upset and betrayed that the US military disabled the helicopters left at the Kabul airport instead of leaving them intact for their use.

    We’re really sorry, guys, but maybe all the working helicopters and planes, plus the hundreds of thousands of guns and other functioning equipment we left OUTSIDE the airport will be a consolation to you.

    ICYMI:  New Podcast Episode

    By Mike Huckabee

    As the United States completes its catastrophic exit from Afghanistan, leaving hundreds of Americans and countless Afghan allies behind, Governor Huckabee talks about what this all means for the 20 years spent fighting terror and those we lost doing so, and the safety and security of America moving forward. He continues the discussion with retired Navy SEAL and former special operator Rob O'Neill, (the man who shot and killed Bin Laden!), who weighs in on the frightening state of American military leadership and what that means for American safety from terror today and into the future.


    Fighting back against leftist indoctrination in our schools

    By Mike Huckabee

    There are some teachers who think their job is not to educate but to indoctrinate children into the leftist hivemind. Fortunately, though, the public is catching on, partly because of the pandemic exposing parents to what’s happening in classrooms. But also because, as with Harvey Weinstein, years of doing it in secret and getting away with it made them arrogantly think they were untouchable, so they got sloppy about exposing themselves. That was a bad idea. Today’s cases in point:

    The Natomas, California, school district has fired an Inderkum High School social studies teacher after Project Veritas released an undercover video of him allegedly revealing how he works to radicalize his students “farther and farther left.” He said, “I have 180 days to turn them into revolutionaries.”

    The school found Antifa and Mao Zedong posters in his classroom, and stickers of communist dictators such as Stalin and Castro that he used to mark papers. He gave students extra credit for attending protests and described Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” in China that killed up to 20 million people as “fixing a problem.” When a student said that the teacher's Antifa flag made him uncomfortable, he replied, "Well, this is meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, so if you feel uncomfortable, I don’t really know what to tell you.”

    Ooh! Ooh! I know, teacher! What I’d tell the student is this:

    “Antifa follows in a long tradition of duplicitous radical left groups that use misleading terms to trick you into supporting terrible ideas. Antifa claims it’s fighting fascism by using violence and intimidation to silence political opponents, which is a hallmark of fascism. So if their flag makes you uncomfortable, it means you can spot dangerous, lying fascists when you see them. You’re smarter than your teacher, so you get an A.”

    Meanwhile, an Orange County, California, teacher who bragged on TikTok that she removed the American flag from her classroom because it made her “uncomfortable,” and suggested kids say the Pledge of Allegiance to her LGBTQ Pride flag instead, has been removed and placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.

    A group of parents rallied in protest outside her school, and a school district spokesperson said, “While we do not discuss employee related matters, we can tell you that showing respect and honor for our nation’s flag is a value that we instill in our students and an expectation of our employees. We take matters like this seriously and will be taking action to address it."

    I’m very relieved to hear that. I’d be more relieved if it didn’t require exposure on social media and public parental protests just to get teachers to teach instead of indoctrinate.

    Democrat Socialism can never pay for itself

    By Mike Huckabee

    This has always been true of socialism, but just to make it clear with hard numbers to those who didn’t learn it in school: even if the government took every penny from every American billionaire (total net worth: $4.4 trillion), it wouldn’t begin to cover all the new spending ($5.5 trillion) being pushed by Sen. Bernie Sanders and the Democrats in just the two spending bills they’re currently trying to pass.


    By Mike Huckabee

    Kurt Schlichter isn’t exactly known for pulling punches, but he’s now fed up enough to fill an entire column with haymakers.

    Good stories out of Texas

    By Mike Huckabee

    Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media has an entertaining and informative write-up about two good stories out of Texas (the passage of the voter integrity bill and the Supreme Court allowing enforcement of the post-five-week abortion ban – FYI,, Chief Justice Roberts sided with the liberals in wanting to block that, but they were outvoted 5-4.)

    Kruiser also talks about some of the apocalyptic hair-on-fire rhetoric dispensed by the Democrats in their anguish over the idea that Texans disapprove of election cheating and killing babies.

    I fervently hope that this overheated verbiage is starting to lose its potency, like the boy who cried, “Wolf!” (or “Racist!”) It seems to me as if the left has a bag full of random red-hot words and phrases that they just throw wildly at anything that displeases them, in hopes it will stick even if it makes no sense. Like insulting black people by calling an ID requirement “voter suppression” or “Jim Crow on steroids” (most black Americans are perfectly capable of obtaining an ID and support having to show it to vote.)

    But leave it to radical left Rep. Cori Bush to take this to new levels of incomprehensibility by tweeting, “I’m thinking about the Black, brown, low-income, queer, and young folks in Texas. The folks this abortion health care ban will disproportionately harm.”

    Wow, applying logic to that is like trying to untangle the world’s biggest hairball. First of all, abortion isn’t “health care.” It’s the opposite: it’s killing a child in the womb. There is almost no circumstance in which abortion is considered a necessary procedure to protect a woman’s health.

    Secondly, the way that black and brown people would be disproportionately affected by an abortion ban is that a lot more of them would be alive today. Since Roe v. Wade, more than 20 million black babies have been aborted. That’s more than the entire black US population in 1960. Also, 79% of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are located within walking distance of black or Latino neighborhoods. It should come as no surprise that Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist eugenicist.

    Third, young folks probably are disproportionately affected by any abortion law, since old people don’t get pregnant that often.

    Finally, “queer” people are certainly disproportionately affected by abortion laws, as in “not affected AT ALL!” Is unplanned pregnancy really a big concern for male-male or female-female couples? Maybe some hire surrogates or get artificially inseminated to have kids, but if so, I doubt they’ll be running to abortion clinics afterward.

    This just goes to show that the left has no intelligent arguments in favor of killing children in the womb, so they just reach into their bag of buzzwords (“Black!” “Young!” “Queer!” “Disproportionate!”) and throw out whatever they can grab in hopes it will fly by so fast that you won’t have time to think about it.

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    Comments 11-20 of 25

    • Carl T Smith

      09/02/2021 11:21 PM

      The whole argument that brought about the Baby Killing Industry was pulled out of thin air on the basis of Women's PRIVACY ? I guess that meant if the Abortion was performed UN-NOTICED it was Private?

    • George Reynolds

      09/02/2021 10:35 PM

      Here in Virginia Beach, Virginia, in order to dump your trash at the Virginia Beach landfill, you have to show your drivers' license as ID showing that you live in Virginia Beach. I don't hear the Democrats calling that "racist" or "Jim Crow on steroids".

    • Jerry Korba

      09/02/2021 09:05 PM

      Mike would you build your house next to an active volcano or would you build your house in spot below sea level next to an ocean or would you cover up the ground with huge parking lots or parking ramps and add new roads to your city and new buildings that have rain runoff and not upgrade your storm system say you have 48 inch storm conduit and you cover up 35 percent of your water absorbing ground with concrete or blacktop wouldn't you increase the size of your storm systems conduit to an 80 inch conduit just using those numbers to set that one needs bigger conduit to rid the rain that is not absorbed by the ground just a couple questions take your time to answer maybe check with building codes "experts" please, maybe bring a climate change '"expert'" to see if that might help with rain fall and flooding below sea level grounds during storms. Maybe homes were not meant to be built in those areas just a thought. I thought building on higher ground was in the best interest for safety against a raging body of water. Climate change may not affect those houses on higher ground or a bit away from raging water.houses that are built below sea level next to a sea does not make sense to me. Oh well keep trying putting that big square in the small round bottle.

    • Brian Pruitt

      09/02/2021 08:53 PM

      If you ever feel bad about yourself just remember this. It took 20 years, 4 presidents and trillions of dollars to change the rulers of Afghanistan from the Taliban to the Taliban.

    • Cathy Fennell

      09/02/2021 08:41 PM

      My hope is that one day black, brown and Latino people realize they are being played and decide to leave the victim role and become victors

    • Joyce F Birch

      09/02/2021 08:26 PM

      Question Governor-I happen to read a little about this medication that had some good results from the COVID-19 virus, Ivermectin. You have to find a doctor to prescribe it. These individuals didn't get the vaccine.

    • ken moore

      09/02/2021 08:11 PM

      Taliban fighters said they feel upset and betrayed that the US military disabled the helicopters left at the Kabul airport instead of leaving them intact for their use.

    • Becky Henkel

      09/02/2021 08:07 PM

      Mike, I'd like to make you aware of a situation that is happening right now here in Kansas City and small towns all around us.
      The lack of people wanting to return to work has affected food distribution to our schools. One school was told this week that they were completely cut from one distributor's route while another food truck was simply a no-show. This has left cafeteria managers scraping for food to feed healthy school meals. In small towns, they're even having to make last-minute runs to the local grocery store.
      I am flabbergasted. Really, that's all I can say. Bad leadership is now affecting our children in schools, and honestly, I see this as the tip of a huge iceberg.
      I just thought you'd want to know and maybe have your team look into this crisis. Thanks for caring.

    • Jerry Korba

      09/02/2021 08:05 PM

      I am a guy that was brought up in a rural community my first person of color that I met was from NYC we were teammates on a college BB team I was 18 years old. Good memories of that fellow soon I got drafted into US Army were a met people of all colors and from all parts of the country and outside of the country the point i wish to make is I studied most of the people different from me, that is a rural fellow that had a lot to learn about people, where I came from we were much the same. The actions that i studied were varied some worked hard, some did what the leader demanded, some worked around the standards looking for the easy way out, and I found people that would con you or steal your assets and I found people that lie, cheat and bear false witness. The latter reminds me of joe biden I do not use caps with his name not worthy and that person ended up with bad memories and a few visits to the sick bay he had fallen from his bunk a few times too many, he did understand his bad traits seemed too upset most, as his bad traits of being a human being transformed into a better set of traits he was able to sleep without falling out of his bunk. joe biden would not have survived his basic training or his AIT training with his set of traits in the late 60's and early 70's while in the Army he would have been medically discharged for falling out of his bunk too many times.

    • Joyce F Birch

      09/02/2021 08:05 PM

      Another great newsletter! Let's face it, the democrats have us in the cross-hairs because everyone is calling for Biden's impeachment, resignation, or the 25th Amendment. I think most of us see the handwriting on the wall if any of this happens, we're looking a VP Harris & Pelosi in office. So, I think we have belly-up until 2022, but we shall not let Biden off the hook on a daily basis for all of his screw ups until 2022/2024! Like 9/11 and the 11 Military service men and 2 women, & Afghan's who died, we will never forget. I do think that Austin, Blinken, & Gen. Milley & others involved with this horrific attack should resign if at all possible.