Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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January 6, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Kamala Harris schemes with fake "oppo" research
  • Republican turnout in Georgia was flat...think about that
  • Historic Day


Mike Huckabee

Kamala Harris schemes with fake "oppo" research

By Mike Huckabee

If you’re sick of hearing about the U.S. Senate run-off election in Georgia –- which looks at this point like a sad replay of the Nov. 3 election in Georgia, complete with late night shut-downs, Dominion crashes and poll-watcher evictions –- I have a fascinating article for you, but it’s not exactly going to make you feel better.

It will, however, make you smarter. Never again will you be taken by surprise when some negative information about a nominee or candidate is suddenly “found” or just appears out of nowhere. This article is about the calculated nature of “oppo research,” showing just how far it’s been taken in today’s political culture, and, most disconcerting of all, the eagerness Kamala Harris has displayed in using it. She’s shown that she’s quite fond of using dirt, even totally made-up dirt, to ruin people.

I’ve always said you shouldn’t go into politics unless you can stand the sight of your own blood, and oppo research has been around forever, of course, But today, it’s routinely taken to the tenth power, especially by the hysterical left, who are right at home with the concept of total personal destruction. Who knows how many great people have been intimidated from running for office or taking a judgeship or cabinet position because they can’t stand the thought of going through what, say, Brett Kavanaugh went through?

As it happens, of all the candidates vying to be Joe Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris spent “more on oppo research than anyone has ever seen,” according to Federal Election Commission records. She hired a man known in the industry as “Dr. Death,” a.k.a. Averell “Ace” Smith, who also has worked his black magic over the years for Chicago mayor Richard Daley, Texas Gov. Ann Richards, Barbara Boxer, Howard Dean, Dianne Feinstein, the Clintons and many more.

It was “Dr. Death” who appeared at a book party with Kamala in July 2018, just weeks after Brett Kavanaugh was nominated for the Supreme Court –- that timing, as you’ll see, is significant –- and proudly introduced him as “the father of oppo research.”

Apparently, no one equals this guy when it comes to dirt-digging. His reputation precedes him everywhere he goes, and politicians are justifiably terrified of him. “I’ve seen him walk into a room, and the opposition candidate will literally start mumbling,” former Democrat strategist Clint Reilly is quoted as saying.

Reading this, one can’t help but think there is surely no corruption involving the Bidens that Kamala Harris doesn’t already know all about. How she and the powers behind her will use it, and when, is anyone’s guess, but I don’t think it will take long. If Biden did have anything to do with the selection of Harris as his running mate, that in itself is testimony to his own lack of mental acuity, as having her in that spot is certainly not in his own interest. On the other hand, maybe he’s aware of this but has no choice, given what she knows. If that’s the case, and he manages to get inaugurated on the 20th, he’ll have to continue doing exactly what she and the people behind her want.

Though Harris stood beside him to get where she wanted to go, the idea that she might have any fidelity whatsoever to him is laughable, especially in light of what she said in support of women who have accused him of sexual impropriety. We’re all supposed to forget that now, but the internet is forever.

The article about “Dr. Death” and Kamala’s use of oppo research was written by Mark Judge, who was the friend of Kavanaugh’s that Christine Blasey Ford named during her testimony, saying he was in the room when Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her at a party in 1982 and witnessed this event before stepping in to break things up. Judge was interested in how, less than 24 hours after the story broke in the WASHINGTON POST, a very long and richly detailed “exclusive” story appeared in the DAILY MAIL about the culture at their high school, Georgetown Prep. Impossibly, there it was, appearing out of the blue fully formed, with quotes from books Judge had written and pictures he had posted on Twitter and Facebook months before.

"How did a slimy local D.C. lawyer have a copy of our 1983 yearbook?” Judge wondered. “Why was he ready to pore through it with passages highlighted with post-it notes, on a local news station, just one day after the Ford story broke?”

At the same time, Ford’s own yearbook had been scrubbed from media coverage and most online searches. All this takes expert, long-range planning. A team of high-powered pros had to have been working on this from the moment Kavanaugh’s name was even mentioned as a prospective Supreme Court nominee. No doubt they had “dossiers” prepared on EVERY prospective conservative nominee.

Apparently, Ford herself was in on the planning, using an oppo research “professional” herself for weeks leading up to Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. We know his name: Keith Koegler. He’s profiled in the book THE EDUCATION OF BRETT KAVANAUGH, by former WASHINGTON EXAMINER Supreme Court reporter Ryan Lovelace.

It’s hard even to find the words to communicate how toxic this process was. I would add that the work takes hours and hours of digging and strategizing and is no doubt very expensive. It would be interesting to know where the money came from to pay Koegler. Surely Ford didn’t pay for his services herself.

At the time she was positioning herself to be Biden’s running mate, then-Sen. Harris showed the political stuff she was made of and displayed remarkable initiative by using oppo research herself to target Kavanaugh. Way to impress the Democrat machine! Two days before the Senate confirmation hearings began, Harris’s staff turned over to Senate investigators a letter from a “Jane Doe” in Oceanside, California, claiming that Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her. The claim unraveled and turned out to be bogus. A woman named Judy Munro-Leighton identified herself as Ms. Doe and admitted she didn’t even know Kavanaugh, saying she’d just participated in this stunt to “get attention.”

Given her Hillary-like history of using oppo research to sink others for personal gain, just imagine Kamala’s future political life as Biden’s second-in-command (and, not long afterwards, first-in-command). Think of how she might weaponize the considerable forces of government to keep her political enemies in line. She seems willing and even eager to do so. Hillary may have been the resident spider of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in her time, but the sticky resources for spiderweb-building are far greater now than they have ever been.

Republican turnout in Georgia was flat...think about that

By Mike Huckabee

At this writing, the Senate races in Georgia are not yet officially called, but results do not look good for the Republican incumbents (or for America, in my opinion.) It appears that Raphael Warnock will defeat Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue is narrowly behind Jon Ossoff in a too-close-to-call race, with several thousand absentee ballots still to be counted. It’s currently close enough to spark a recount, so there may not be an official winner for a while. But if Warnock and Ossoff both prevail, as now appears likely, it will give the Democrats control of the House and a 50-50 tie in the Senate.

With a President Biden in the White House and Kamala Harris’ vote breaking Senate ties, the Democrats could (and likely will try) to impose the most radical, America-transforming agenda in the history of the nation. Their leaders have already floated such ideas as eliminating the filibuster to end all minority power, stacking the Supreme Court with leftist activists, legalizing millions of illegal immigrants, making DC and Puerto Rico states to add four more Democrat Senators, and that’s not even getting into their more “mainstream” ideas, like open borders, massive tax increases, Medicare For All, unfettered taxpayer-funded abortion, a war on religious freedom and gun rights, and passing the “Green New Deal” that will destroy our domestic fuel industry and send power bills skyrocketing.

At this point, all we can do is pray for God to protect the United States and retain our faith that ultimately, our fate is in His hands, not Washington’s.

There were reports of irregularities in the Georgia runoffs that will spark déjà vu (Dominion voting machines in GOP counties going down, Republican poll watchers not being allowed to view counting in Fulton County, etc.) But the cold fact is that Democrats turned out more people than they did in November, while Republican turnout was flat, which I cannot understand.

How could any Georgia Republican or Christian have possibly sat out this election, knowing that the fate of the entire nation could rest on it? It’s not as if they didn’t have ample warning of the stakes, from many commentators (including me) and even the Rev. Franklin Graham.

There were reports that some Republicans were demoralized by Trump’s win or swallowed the suicidal argument that they should “protest” the November election by not voting in the runoffs. President Trump not only condemned that, he traveled to Georgia twice to urge his supporters to vote. If he could come to Georgia and back twice, you’d think the least his supporters could do was go to their local polling place.

If this shakes out the way it appears, and there is no miracle in Congress today that prevents Biden from taking office (and I’m sorry, but don’t count on that), the next two years are going to require both a lot of prayer and a lot of grassroots action. Republicans on the state and local level had better start tightening voter integrity laws that have been eroded into meaninglessness by Democrats, before ballot harvesting and other chicanery make them an endangered species. Republicans and business people had better start lobbying their Senators and Representatives hard, to encourage them to fight as much as they can to prevent the passage of a ruinous leftwing agenda that will turn all of the US into California.

Conservative legal foundations and donors had better be ready to file court challenges against unconstitutional laws and executive orders. This is one way in which all those Trump judicial appointments might be a firewall, although that won’t matter if they eventually end up in a stacked Supreme Court. To prevent that, Republicans and moderate Democrats in purple states had better let their Democrat Senators and Representatives know that if they go along with the radical left agenda, their careers will be over as of the next election or recall petition. (The same apples to wishy-washy Republicans. We’re looking at you, Mitt. He may already be getting that message.)

Under this scenario, it’s entirely possible that the most powerful and influential person in Congress may become West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a moderate Democrat who’s already announced that he will not support any radical “remaking America” proposals. If so, he might have the power to save America by one vote. But he’s caved before, and imagine the intense pressure, from political bribery and arm-twisting to threats against his family, that he will face now if he dares stand in the way of the radical left’s fanatical ambitions.

There is one way to avoid that, Sen. Manchin, and still save the nation: switch parties right now.

Historic Day

By Mike Huckabee

Today promises to be a historic day in Washington. There’s the joint session of Congress to perform the normally-routine certification of the electoral vote that is instead going to be challenged by a number of House and Senate Republicans. That gets rolling at noon Central Time, and you can watch it live on C-SPAN here.

There’s also to be a massive “Save America Rally,” where President Trump will speak at 11 a.m. CST.

There have been reports that Trump supporters have been harassed by DC police and liberal officials, attacked by protesters and denied service by liberal business owners. Maybe they should have worn black masks, destroyed some monuments and set some businesses on fire; then they would’ve been left alone and defended by DC officials.

And just in case today’s events weren’t enough to have us all biting our nails, a mysterious threat to fly a plane into the Capitol today as revenge for the killing of Iranian terrorist leader Qassem Soleimani was picked up by air traffic controllers in New York Monday. Defense officials say they’re not overly concerned that it’s credible, but they’re taking the threat seriously and working with the FAA and other authorities to insure public safety.

What else can we say at this point but...Stay tuned!



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Comments 26-48 of 48

  • Gayle Rightmyer

    01/06/2021 01:49 PM

    When the House chaplain (or whatever his title is) ended his prayer with Amen... and a-woman, he actually should have said, a-person. Gender neutral, right. So sad, so sad. And these are our leaders.

    What does BBML accepted mean? Underneath this comment box.

  • Linda Springer

    01/06/2021 01:46 PM

    May God help the USA

  • Paul

    01/06/2021 01:43 PM

    So do we Christians just passively wait to be destroyed by evil believing that this world counts for nothing or does God allow the righteous to defend themselves?

  • rosario l caballero

    01/06/2021 01:32 PM

    I truly enjoy your newsletters and your podcasts, actually, I enjoy you every time you speak.
    I am very concerned about my grandchildren and our future as a free country. Already we see the communist propaganda, censorship, and intimidation and they have not opened the flood door of deceit and Marxist control on the American people yet. Imagine living in the United States with leftist radicals running the country. God Please Save Us ALL. Gov. Huckabee, I am a Cuban American, a veteran of the United States Armed Forces, proudly served for six-year and proudly married a veteran of the US Army. We love this country, we love our President, we love our country and will stand for justice and liberty with your lives. I know communism, I know censorship and I saw people getting killed by firing squad for attempting to flee that horror. My mother clandestinely flew away with us with five dollars in my headband by the miracle of God Himself. We flew to a halfway house for refugees in Jamaica. They housed many of us fleeing from the deadly communist monsters that have killed a nation of hard working happy people... what the hell is wrong with Americans. I live in California, guess what it's too late for California.
    In two years this state better wake the heck up. We almost did it... whom did Pussylosi intimidate and harass to make sure she kept that gabble. Good Grief, Mr. Govenor, when will this end.

    Thank you for all you do. Be safe and Have A Happy New Year... God is with this Nation. Amen

  • Jeffrey thomas

    01/06/2021 01:22 PM

    There is a God in Heaven who is more powerful than all of this evilness that is happening in our country and he will take care of it and us. Have faith in Him.

  • Don Kottwitz

    01/06/2021 01:05 PM

    There is one possible light in the darkness which is happening in the USA - the Book of Revelations.
    The Muslim-Communist bloc won't dare attack Israel as long as America is a strong defender. But when we weaken ourselves to the point that we become impotent, it might happen, to the point that the Armageddon war becomes possible. That would bring in the Second Coming of Christ. I'm not wishing for catastrophe to happen, but this might just be a sign of the times.

  • Melinda Long

    01/06/2021 12:51 PM

    I am totally disgusted and ashamed in the people of Georgia. So many did not vote because of the November 3 election and the voting machines but they NEEDED to get their voice out there! Trump asked and asked...that no matter what...VOTE and they sat on their lazy butts and let the democrats SCARE them into NOT voting. I will hold them all accountable for the mess this new team is going to cause...my heart is broken,but MY GOD is supreme and all these people WILL stand before Him and answer for all their HATE!!!

  • Christine Pfeiffer

    01/06/2021 12:42 PM

    I hate to say it but this may be exactly what America deserves. After decades of Christians as a whole standing by and letting sin run rampant and by not standing against it even at the voting polls, perhaps God has had enough of this nation's rebellion and sin. We as a nation have been removing God, His Word and His morals, little by little, until now there is an all out effort to remove Him from our country entirely. Christians have stood by and let it happen, so maybe we deserve what we're about to get.

  • Floyd Unger

    01/06/2021 12:34 PM

    Hmmmm ??

  • Angie Hathaway

    01/06/2021 12:27 PM

    I am sickened by all of the corruption in DC. I did my part in yesterday’s election although I felt totally defeated before/after my vote! If we don’t stand together and fight this we are doomed! It’s going to be a wake up call in about 6-9 months for all the Biden/Harris voters when the promises that were made do not come to fruition. God Bless you Mike & our country! We are going to need His blessings/grace most of all for the next 4 years. I can only pray Trump doesn’t give up just because he is out of office & continues to fight the evil corruption in DC!

  • Rick Locke

    01/06/2021 12:15 PM

    I have trouble understanding why Christine Blasey Ford & Judy Munro-Leighton are not in jail? Why is “Dr. Death,” a.k.a. Averell “Ace” Smith not in jail? Who is minding the store. It seems that they (whomever they are) are not able to close the deal. To finish their work! This as a stalwart Republican is most disturbing to me. I hear accusations - but that just seems to be "it". I'm waiting for conclusions.
    After reading your article above, I'm thinking that Nancy Pelosi might be one of Dr. Death's subscribers. I've been constantly amazed at her abilities to hold the speakers seat, but I now may have my answer.

  • Margot Plummer

    01/06/2021 12:15 PM

    I think the Republicans need to persuade Tulsi Gabbard to jump the blue ship. She seems to be too smart to be involved with the left. Her only drawback is her pro-choice stance. Maybe her mind can be changed.

  • Betty R Reisinger

    01/06/2021 12:10 PM

    Gov. Huckabee, what our country is need of is a religious revival to remind or teach people that God is in control of lives that either praise/love/follow the Holy Scriptures or burn in hell for following Satan. Is there not a outstanding person of God that would fill Billy Sunday's/ Billy Graham's place?


    01/06/2021 12:07 PM

    Those people that voted for the Democrats in Georgia better get off their rose colored glasses and start looking at all the military bases and large government contractors and government agencies in Georgia. Something from history to know to fund the CCC, WPA and other programs during the Franklin D Roosevelt Presidency, he cut spending to the military and as Hitler and japan where getting military stronger, we got weaker. So remember for each military person and family stationed in Georgia. Seven non-military jobs and school systems and cities benefit from them. So get ready to see what you did by electing those two.

  • john roy Clark

    01/06/2021 12:03 PM

    I am very very disappointed at georgia elections I am praying God will fix it.

  • Allen Rathbone

    01/06/2021 11:53 AM

    Governor, I have lost all faith in the election process, the judicial branch of the government, and all hope that these maniacs can be checked. They hijacked a presidential election in the most obvious fashion, used their state media to legitimize it, and then rigged a senate election to gain ultimate power over our lives. I feel that the USA as we know it is over. Rule by law is over. The aristocracy has staged their coup and they have won. I and all the rest of us working class deplorabled- including those delusional democrats who actually support this disaster- are peasants now. I fear the Left will begin expanding their persecution of anyone who doesn't agree with them until we arrive at a point that there will be "ideological cleansing." Governor, I voted for you every chance I got and I support you as the last decent politician, but my hope is dead. God save us all- only He can at this point. And given that the Left supports abortions after birth, Satanic after school programs, Satanic statues at court houses, and lowering the age of consent to 10, I wonder if He should even bother.

  • Matthew Nowell

    01/06/2021 11:29 AM

    Thank You Governor, for continuing this informative blog

  • Jim Tackett

    01/06/2021 11:27 AM

    God is in control. Know matter the results are "God is still in control".

  • Jeff Johnson

    01/06/2021 11:18 AM

    Does anyone know what the purchase price was for the Dominion voting machines? Was it a competitive bid process? Were the machines essentially donated to these various counties?

  • James Joseph Evart

    01/06/2021 11:08 AM

    There are no words to express my intense repulsion and disgust that I have for the actions of the Democratic Party. Talk about abuse of power and the public trust, let alone the law and the Constitution, their actions are repugnant and odious to the point of becoming a stench in the nostrils of anyone who values integrity, truth and honesty.
    I lay all of this at the feet of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and ask that he will act on behalf of all that is right and honorable and just.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    01/06/2021 10:47 AM

    One other thing Mike : this oppo crap didn't work did it or why do they need fraud? It might work with Democrat with Republicans no.

  • William Fuhrer

    01/06/2021 10:43 AM

    Every Roman Catholic should know what a PHONY Roman Catholic Joseph Biden is and to stp his agenda should have come out and voted for the Republican candidate. Even Lou Holtz knows that Joseph Biden is Catholic in name only

  • Georgina Saba

    01/06/2021 10:41 AM

    Good listening

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