Today's News Stories

September 8, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Acts 18:9
  • New Podcast Episode
  • Democrats don't believe in accountability, otherwise you would have heard about this
  • Bad People
  • Biden Tries To PIVOT
  • The Democrat Protection Industry
  • Media Bias: Explosive document ignored


Mike Huckabee


9 One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.

Acts 18:9

New Podcast Episode

By Mike Huckabee

Juliana Taimoorazy, who has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for her work in the Middle East, joins this week's bonus episode of "The People's Podcast" for a candid conversation about the current situations, continuing dangers, and ongoing persecution of Christians in Iran and Iraq at the hands of ISIS.


Democrats don't believe in accountability, otherwise you would have heard about this

By Mike Huckabee

If you recall this story from 2020, while America’s cities were being burned and looted, many top Democrats were doing everything in their power to protect the rioters and looters (apparently, riots are only a crime when they happen near a Democrat Congress member’s office.) There was even a fund set up to bail out Minnesota rioters…sorry, “protesters”…so they could go right back to it. Then-candidate Kamala Harris promoted this fund, and her staffers donated to it.

One of the people that fund bailed out was an alleged domestic abuser who’s now charged with shooting another man to death in a fit of road rage.

I don’t expect anyone to be held accountable for aiding and abetting this murder, least of all Vice President Harris, because the motto of today’s Democratic Party is “Accountability? What’s That?!” But you should at least know about one of these incidents. Sadly, if I listed every violent crime committed by a criminal let out of jail by Democrats who don’t believe in accountability, that’s all this newsletter would be.

Bad People

By Mike Huckabee

The Taliban just painted over the George Floyd “I can’t breathe” mural in Kabul, one of hundreds of “woke” murals the US paid to have painted in Afghanistan. If all the people who can’t breathe because they were killed by the Taliban didn’t convince the Biden White House that the Taliban are bad people, maybe this will.

Biden Tries To PIVOT

By Mike Huckabee

Did you ever see the classic episode of “Friends” where Ross bought a couch that he roped his friends into helping carry up a stairwell? Even after it was hopelessly stuck in place, he kept frantically yelling, “Pivot! Pivot!! PIV-OT!!!”

Well, that’s pretty much the Biden White House strategy for pivoting away from his Afghanistan catastrophe and getting us all to forget about the Americans and Afghan allies he left behind at the mercy of the Taliban.

As Mike Miller of reports at the link, Biden’s staffers are hoping to “turn the page” on this “unrelenting summer” (Yeah, all these disasters must be the summer’s fault! No wonder Biden thinks the weather is America’s #1 threat.) They want the media to direct Americans' attention away from Afghanistan, the border, and all of Biden’s other self-inflicted disasters and get us to focus on the shiny object of his “domestic agenda.” That is, the $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill (only about 23% of which will go to actual infrastructure) and the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion “expansion of the social safety net,” or as we critics more accurately call it, their government-bloating, socialist spending orgy. (And Sen. Joe Manchin may have just scuttled that, or at least $2.5 trillion worth of it.)

Biden will also use try to distract us with an all-out battle against the new Texas abortion law protecting babies with a fetal heartbeat. He wouldn’t stand up and fight the Taliban when they were slaughtering post-born humans, but he will bravely go to battle to ensure the slaughter of pre-born humans.

In this, he’ll have the help of big tech companies like GoDaddy and others that are trying to punish Texas for protecting life.

Will this Penn & Teller-level feat of misdirection work? So far, it’s not going too well, even in deep blue New Jersey.

Nor is Biden reacting well to criticism. Or even coherently.

But as powerful and politically biased as the mass media are, it will undoubtedly work with some people, particularly those whose political prejudices make them predisposed toward wanting to be gaslighted. But I believe in Abe Lincoln's principle that you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

I especially don’t believe that Americans can be distracted into forgetting the horrific scenes in Afghanistan, not when I fear more horror stories will continue to come pouring out; or that they will ever forget the shame of an American President leaving Americans behind enemy lines and running away while he took orders from a group of terrorists who gave a safe haven to the people who plotted 9/11.

I’m not a doctor, so I won’t make any guesses about the state of Joe Biden’s memory, but I can assure you that’s something that most Americans will never be able to forget, no matter how much they wish they could.

The Democrat Protection Industry

By Mike Huckabee

Speaking of the media as the Democrat Protection Industry, the Media Research Center notes that none of the big three network newscasts mentioned the bombshell documents revealing that Dr. Anthony Fauci apparently lied to the Senate about the NIH under his leadership funding gain-of-function research on viruses in China, and the possibility that experiments he funded resulted in COVID-19.

ABC and CBS had a more important story: attacking Texas for passing an election integrity law. ABC covered Fauci, but only to repeat his COVID scaremongering against attending Labor Day events and his touting of a third COVID booster shot (or is a fourth by now? It is in Israel.)

Meanwhile, CNN actually interviewed Fauci and didn’t even bring up the new revelations, instead using the segment to attack Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for refusing to impose draconian COVID measures.

Moral: When you rely on these sources for your news, you get all the news that fits the left’s agenda.

In a related story, the news networks might not be serious about holding Dr. Fauci accountable for lying to the Senate, but Sen. Rand Paul is.

Media Bias: Explosive document ignored

By Mike Huckabee

The Democrat Protection Industry (i.e., the media) has another explosive document to ignore aside from those obtained by the Intercept suggesting that Dr. Fauci lied to the Senate about funding gain-of-function virus research in China. Now, they also have to try to bury the original Trump plan for pulling out of Afghanistan. It lays out the conditions the Taliban was required to meet, and the sequence of events that were to take place. Needless to say, closing Bagram Air Base and removing our troops before we evacuated our people was NOT Trump’s plan. That was entirely Biden’s.

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 11-19 of 19

  • Carmen Price

    09/08/2021 10:48 PM

    Governor Huckabee:
    I found out the problem with not being able to make the print in yur newsletter larger, I had to switch to Google, not all is bigger!
    Keep up the good work, love your TV show, you have some of the greatest guests.
    Carmen Price
    Reno, NV

  • Kenneth Hadler

    09/08/2021 10:38 PM

    There are certainly a lot of ENABLERS, such as the bail fund so "protesters" (rioters). I consider every member of Congress who is voting to pass the abortion allowing/promoting legislation is an ENABLER for murder.

    Some of our "science supporters" remind me of the TV "talking out of both sides of your mouth" routine. They say believe what science says when it is talking about the climate/weather changes, but they don't accept science that says life begins at conception.

  • Paul Kern

    09/08/2021 09:02 PM

    It is so sad to see a nation founded on God's laws has so perverted everything.
    Even Lincoln would have disavowed the RNC and exposed it for carrying water for the left
    All that is needed us for the CCP to come in and rename the White House for Xi Xi Ping's use. While letting the Muslims complete their takeover
    Even many conservative news outlets appear to be confirming to the left.
    Not a surprise. Only 6 percent of Americans hold to a Biblical world view now. Like in Hezekiah's time God's Word has been hidden from the people
    Now we need God to intervene

  • Carl T Smith

    09/08/2021 08:26 PM

    Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA has explained how the Vaccines and all the subsequent vaccines will continue ad Infinium. The Spanish Flu of 1918 is still replicating for 103 years. Still waiting on a vaccine for the common cold, Aids, MS, etc. What will Fauchi and associates use to describe the varients when all the letters of the Greek alphabet are used. In my 83 years, I have learned to NEVER trust "NEWS", Facebook, Twitter, Google. It takes time to Search for sources that have a track record. I have yet to wear a Face Diaper or taken the JAB. I'm going to depend on the IMMUNE System I was GIFTED with. I should have Died on more occasions than I have fingers and I have no idea when God will call my name to come home or Lucifer if I'm rejected. My outlook after about age 35 was " I escaped Planned Parenthood and I'm going to die. I have NO CONTROL over the interval on earth but my Creator must have had a plan and maybe someday I'll know His plan! Till then I will Fight like my Patriot Founders to protect this Experiment in Self-Governance. I have traveled, Worked, and Lived in countries that would give an Arm to have our FREEDOMS. Will it take another 100 years to turn Education around to TEACHING and NOT INDOCTRINATION or Giving personal Opinions?

  • Lawrence Foster

    09/08/2021 07:55 PM

    Governor Mike, you are spot on about the democrats unwillingness to accept responsibility.

    If you define adulthood as the age when you become responsible, then no democrat is an adult. The last democrat to accept responsibility for anything he did was JFK in 1961. Perhaps we should celebrate the 60th anniversary of the last time a democrat admitted responsibility for screwing up.

  • James Drury Jr.

    09/08/2021 07:44 PM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!

  • Anne Turner

    09/08/2021 07:37 PM

    I believe women should have control over their bodies. When they say NO Ithere should me no more insistent remarks or guilt trips from the guy. Rapists and those guilty of incest should spend most of their life in prison. Women should take control over their bodies by using some method of birth control, bring choosy about whom the sleep with and when. They should be taught to recognize the overwhelming desires of young men and taught to resist. Oh, you say, that’s putting it all on the women. Well that’s taking responsibility for yourself and you body by controlling what goes into it. A man who truly loves a woman understands that she is the one at risk for changing her life. Ever hear if condoms and spermicide. Guys? How about birth control ladies. Some religions prohibit that, but what goes along with it is no prewedding sex. Can’t have it both ways folks.But then, the ultimate control is to marry and then produce children. Hard for a man to walk away. Oh I know my guy would take care of me and any baby. Ladies you don’t really know someone until you live with them for awhile. Finally, if a woman gets caught up in having unprotected sex, see the local pharmacist for the magic pill. If your guy says, no way, dump him hastily. All this is called taking responsibility for yourself and your body. If you must have sex to keep the guy, he is not worth the effort. You do not have to have a boyfriend to enjoy life and be whole. This said from an old lady who had a stellar husband with a sense of responsibility. The men I dated did not pressure except for one and I dumped him. Oh times have changed you say. Expectations are different. Sweetie, character is character, no matter what year.

  • Marian Ferrell

    09/08/2021 07:32 PM

    In today's Patriot Post Mark Alexander wrote the following at the end of his essay: "Next year, the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 attack - the one-year anniversary of Biden's AFG disaster and all of its consequences - will be revisited in full just before the midterm elections."

  • Charlotte Brees

    09/08/2021 06:56 PM

    I wonder if all of this "crap" Biden is doing is in anyway connected to protecting his son, Hunter, from the Chinese & everyone else who might want Hunter's hide.

Election 2024 Coverage

September 8, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Acts 18:9
  • New Podcast Episode
  • Democrats don't believe in accountability, otherwise you would have heard about this
  • Bad People
  • Biden Tries To PIVOT
  • The Democrat Protection Industry
  • Media Bias: Explosive document ignored


Mike Huckabee


9 One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.

Acts 18:9

New Podcast Episode

By Mike Huckabee

Juliana Taimoorazy, who has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for her work in the Middle East, joins this week's bonus episode of "The People's Podcast" for a candid conversation about the current situations, continuing dangers, and ongoing persecution of Christians in Iran and Iraq at the hands of ISIS.


Democrats don't believe in accountability, otherwise you would have heard about this

By Mike Huckabee

If you recall this story from 2020, while America’s cities were being burned and looted, many top Democrats were doing everything in their power to protect the rioters and looters (apparently, riots are only a crime when they happen near a Democrat Congress member’s office.) There was even a fund set up to bail out Minnesota rioters…sorry, “protesters”…so they could go right back to it. Then-candidate Kamala Harris promoted this fund, and her staffers donated to it.

One of the people that fund bailed out was an alleged domestic abuser who’s now charged with shooting another man to death in a fit of road rage.

I don’t expect anyone to be held accountable for aiding and abetting this murder, least of all Vice President Harris, because the motto of today’s Democratic Party is “Accountability? What’s That?!” But you should at least know about one of these incidents. Sadly, if I listed every violent crime committed by a criminal let out of jail by Democrats who don’t believe in accountability, that’s all this newsletter would be.

Bad People

By Mike Huckabee

The Taliban just painted over the George Floyd “I can’t breathe” mural in Kabul, one of hundreds of “woke” murals the US paid to have painted in Afghanistan. If all the people who can’t breathe because they were killed by the Taliban didn’t convince the Biden White House that the Taliban are bad people, maybe this will.

Biden Tries To PIVOT

By Mike Huckabee

Did you ever see the classic episode of “Friends” where Ross bought a couch that he roped his friends into helping carry up a stairwell? Even after it was hopelessly stuck in place, he kept frantically yelling, “Pivot! Pivot!! PIV-OT!!!”

Well, that’s pretty much the Biden White House strategy for pivoting away from his Afghanistan catastrophe and getting us all to forget about the Americans and Afghan allies he left behind at the mercy of the Taliban.

As Mike Miller of reports at the link, Biden’s staffers are hoping to “turn the page” on this “unrelenting summer” (Yeah, all these disasters must be the summer’s fault! No wonder Biden thinks the weather is America’s #1 threat.) They want the media to direct Americans' attention away from Afghanistan, the border, and all of Biden’s other self-inflicted disasters and get us to focus on the shiny object of his “domestic agenda.” That is, the $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill (only about 23% of which will go to actual infrastructure) and the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion “expansion of the social safety net,” or as we critics more accurately call it, their government-bloating, socialist spending orgy. (And Sen. Joe Manchin may have just scuttled that, or at least $2.5 trillion worth of it.)

Biden will also use try to distract us with an all-out battle against the new Texas abortion law protecting babies with a fetal heartbeat. He wouldn’t stand up and fight the Taliban when they were slaughtering post-born humans, but he will bravely go to battle to ensure the slaughter of pre-born humans.

In this, he’ll have the help of big tech companies like GoDaddy and others that are trying to punish Texas for protecting life.

Will this Penn & Teller-level feat of misdirection work? So far, it’s not going too well, even in deep blue New Jersey.

Nor is Biden reacting well to criticism. Or even coherently.

But as powerful and politically biased as the mass media are, it will undoubtedly work with some people, particularly those whose political prejudices make them predisposed toward wanting to be gaslighted. But I believe in Abe Lincoln's principle that you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

I especially don’t believe that Americans can be distracted into forgetting the horrific scenes in Afghanistan, not when I fear more horror stories will continue to come pouring out; or that they will ever forget the shame of an American President leaving Americans behind enemy lines and running away while he took orders from a group of terrorists who gave a safe haven to the people who plotted 9/11.

I’m not a doctor, so I won’t make any guesses about the state of Joe Biden’s memory, but I can assure you that’s something that most Americans will never be able to forget, no matter how much they wish they could.

The Democrat Protection Industry

By Mike Huckabee

Speaking of the media as the Democrat Protection Industry, the Media Research Center notes that none of the big three network newscasts mentioned the bombshell documents revealing that Dr. Anthony Fauci apparently lied to the Senate about the NIH under his leadership funding gain-of-function research on viruses in China, and the possibility that experiments he funded resulted in COVID-19.

ABC and CBS had a more important story: attacking Texas for passing an election integrity law. ABC covered Fauci, but only to repeat his COVID scaremongering against attending Labor Day events and his touting of a third COVID booster shot (or is a fourth by now? It is in Israel.)

Meanwhile, CNN actually interviewed Fauci and didn’t even bring up the new revelations, instead using the segment to attack Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for refusing to impose draconian COVID measures.

Moral: When you rely on these sources for your news, you get all the news that fits the left’s agenda.

In a related story, the news networks might not be serious about holding Dr. Fauci accountable for lying to the Senate, but Sen. Rand Paul is.

Media Bias: Explosive document ignored

By Mike Huckabee

The Democrat Protection Industry (i.e., the media) has another explosive document to ignore aside from those obtained by the Intercept suggesting that Dr. Fauci lied to the Senate about funding gain-of-function virus research in China. Now, they also have to try to bury the original Trump plan for pulling out of Afghanistan. It lays out the conditions the Taliban was required to meet, and the sequence of events that were to take place. Needless to say, closing Bagram Air Base and removing our troops before we evacuated our people was NOT Trump’s plan. That was entirely Biden’s.

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 11-19 of 19

  • Carmen Price

    09/08/2021 10:48 PM

    Governor Huckabee:
    I found out the problem with not being able to make the print in yur newsletter larger, I had to switch to Google, not all is bigger!
    Keep up the good work, love your TV show, you have some of the greatest guests.
    Carmen Price
    Reno, NV

  • Kenneth Hadler

    09/08/2021 10:38 PM

    There are certainly a lot of ENABLERS, such as the bail fund so "protesters" (rioters). I consider every member of Congress who is voting to pass the abortion allowing/promoting legislation is an ENABLER for murder.

    Some of our "science supporters" remind me of the TV "talking out of both sides of your mouth" routine. They say believe what science says when it is talking about the climate/weather changes, but they don't accept science that says life begins at conception.

  • Paul Kern

    09/08/2021 09:02 PM

    It is so sad to see a nation founded on God's laws has so perverted everything.
    Even Lincoln would have disavowed the RNC and exposed it for carrying water for the left
    All that is needed us for the CCP to come in and rename the White House for Xi Xi Ping's use. While letting the Muslims complete their takeover
    Even many conservative news outlets appear to be confirming to the left.
    Not a surprise. Only 6 percent of Americans hold to a Biblical world view now. Like in Hezekiah's time God's Word has been hidden from the people
    Now we need God to intervene

  • Carl T Smith

    09/08/2021 08:26 PM

    Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA has explained how the Vaccines and all the subsequent vaccines will continue ad Infinium. The Spanish Flu of 1918 is still replicating for 103 years. Still waiting on a vaccine for the common cold, Aids, MS, etc. What will Fauchi and associates use to describe the varients when all the letters of the Greek alphabet are used. In my 83 years, I have learned to NEVER trust "NEWS", Facebook, Twitter, Google. It takes time to Search for sources that have a track record. I have yet to wear a Face Diaper or taken the JAB. I'm going to depend on the IMMUNE System I was GIFTED with. I should have Died on more occasions than I have fingers and I have no idea when God will call my name to come home or Lucifer if I'm rejected. My outlook after about age 35 was " I escaped Planned Parenthood and I'm going to die. I have NO CONTROL over the interval on earth but my Creator must have had a plan and maybe someday I'll know His plan! Till then I will Fight like my Patriot Founders to protect this Experiment in Self-Governance. I have traveled, Worked, and Lived in countries that would give an Arm to have our FREEDOMS. Will it take another 100 years to turn Education around to TEACHING and NOT INDOCTRINATION or Giving personal Opinions?

  • Lawrence Foster

    09/08/2021 07:55 PM

    Governor Mike, you are spot on about the democrats unwillingness to accept responsibility.

    If you define adulthood as the age when you become responsible, then no democrat is an adult. The last democrat to accept responsibility for anything he did was JFK in 1961. Perhaps we should celebrate the 60th anniversary of the last time a democrat admitted responsibility for screwing up.

  • James Drury Jr.

    09/08/2021 07:44 PM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!

  • Anne Turner

    09/08/2021 07:37 PM

    I believe women should have control over their bodies. When they say NO Ithere should me no more insistent remarks or guilt trips from the guy. Rapists and those guilty of incest should spend most of their life in prison. Women should take control over their bodies by using some method of birth control, bring choosy about whom the sleep with and when. They should be taught to recognize the overwhelming desires of young men and taught to resist. Oh, you say, that’s putting it all on the women. Well that’s taking responsibility for yourself and you body by controlling what goes into it. A man who truly loves a woman understands that she is the one at risk for changing her life. Ever hear if condoms and spermicide. Guys? How about birth control ladies. Some religions prohibit that, but what goes along with it is no prewedding sex. Can’t have it both ways folks.But then, the ultimate control is to marry and then produce children. Hard for a man to walk away. Oh I know my guy would take care of me and any baby. Ladies you don’t really know someone until you live with them for awhile. Finally, if a woman gets caught up in having unprotected sex, see the local pharmacist for the magic pill. If your guy says, no way, dump him hastily. All this is called taking responsibility for yourself and your body. If you must have sex to keep the guy, he is not worth the effort. You do not have to have a boyfriend to enjoy life and be whole. This said from an old lady who had a stellar husband with a sense of responsibility. The men I dated did not pressure except for one and I dumped him. Oh times have changed you say. Expectations are different. Sweetie, character is character, no matter what year.

  • Marian Ferrell

    09/08/2021 07:32 PM

    In today's Patriot Post Mark Alexander wrote the following at the end of his essay: "Next year, the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 attack - the one-year anniversary of Biden's AFG disaster and all of its consequences - will be revisited in full just before the midterm elections."

  • Charlotte Brees

    09/08/2021 06:56 PM

    I wonder if all of this "crap" Biden is doing is in anyway connected to protecting his son, Hunter, from the Chinese & everyone else who might want Hunter's hide.

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    September 8, 2021

    Good evening!

    Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

    • Bible Verse of the Day - Acts 18:9
    • New Podcast Episode
    • Democrats don't believe in accountability, otherwise you would have heard about this
    • Bad People
    • Biden Tries To PIVOT
    • The Democrat Protection Industry
    • Media Bias: Explosive document ignored


    Mike Huckabee


    9 One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.

    Acts 18:9

    New Podcast Episode

    By Mike Huckabee

    Juliana Taimoorazy, who has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for her work in the Middle East, joins this week's bonus episode of "The People's Podcast" for a candid conversation about the current situations, continuing dangers, and ongoing persecution of Christians in Iran and Iraq at the hands of ISIS.


    Democrats don't believe in accountability, otherwise you would have heard about this

    By Mike Huckabee

    If you recall this story from 2020, while America’s cities were being burned and looted, many top Democrats were doing everything in their power to protect the rioters and looters (apparently, riots are only a crime when they happen near a Democrat Congress member’s office.) There was even a fund set up to bail out Minnesota rioters…sorry, “protesters”…so they could go right back to it. Then-candidate Kamala Harris promoted this fund, and her staffers donated to it.

    One of the people that fund bailed out was an alleged domestic abuser who’s now charged with shooting another man to death in a fit of road rage.

    I don’t expect anyone to be held accountable for aiding and abetting this murder, least of all Vice President Harris, because the motto of today’s Democratic Party is “Accountability? What’s That?!” But you should at least know about one of these incidents. Sadly, if I listed every violent crime committed by a criminal let out of jail by Democrats who don’t believe in accountability, that’s all this newsletter would be.

    Bad People

    By Mike Huckabee

    The Taliban just painted over the George Floyd “I can’t breathe” mural in Kabul, one of hundreds of “woke” murals the US paid to have painted in Afghanistan. If all the people who can’t breathe because they were killed by the Taliban didn’t convince the Biden White House that the Taliban are bad people, maybe this will.

    Biden Tries To PIVOT

    By Mike Huckabee

    Did you ever see the classic episode of “Friends” where Ross bought a couch that he roped his friends into helping carry up a stairwell? Even after it was hopelessly stuck in place, he kept frantically yelling, “Pivot! Pivot!! PIV-OT!!!”

    Well, that’s pretty much the Biden White House strategy for pivoting away from his Afghanistan catastrophe and getting us all to forget about the Americans and Afghan allies he left behind at the mercy of the Taliban.

    As Mike Miller of reports at the link, Biden’s staffers are hoping to “turn the page” on this “unrelenting summer” (Yeah, all these disasters must be the summer’s fault! No wonder Biden thinks the weather is America’s #1 threat.) They want the media to direct Americans' attention away from Afghanistan, the border, and all of Biden’s other self-inflicted disasters and get us to focus on the shiny object of his “domestic agenda.” That is, the $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill (only about 23% of which will go to actual infrastructure) and the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion “expansion of the social safety net,” or as we critics more accurately call it, their government-bloating, socialist spending orgy. (And Sen. Joe Manchin may have just scuttled that, or at least $2.5 trillion worth of it.)

    Biden will also use try to distract us with an all-out battle against the new Texas abortion law protecting babies with a fetal heartbeat. He wouldn’t stand up and fight the Taliban when they were slaughtering post-born humans, but he will bravely go to battle to ensure the slaughter of pre-born humans.

    In this, he’ll have the help of big tech companies like GoDaddy and others that are trying to punish Texas for protecting life.

    Will this Penn & Teller-level feat of misdirection work? So far, it’s not going too well, even in deep blue New Jersey.

    Nor is Biden reacting well to criticism. Or even coherently.

    But as powerful and politically biased as the mass media are, it will undoubtedly work with some people, particularly those whose political prejudices make them predisposed toward wanting to be gaslighted. But I believe in Abe Lincoln's principle that you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

    I especially don’t believe that Americans can be distracted into forgetting the horrific scenes in Afghanistan, not when I fear more horror stories will continue to come pouring out; or that they will ever forget the shame of an American President leaving Americans behind enemy lines and running away while he took orders from a group of terrorists who gave a safe haven to the people who plotted 9/11.

    I’m not a doctor, so I won’t make any guesses about the state of Joe Biden’s memory, but I can assure you that’s something that most Americans will never be able to forget, no matter how much they wish they could.

    The Democrat Protection Industry

    By Mike Huckabee

    Speaking of the media as the Democrat Protection Industry, the Media Research Center notes that none of the big three network newscasts mentioned the bombshell documents revealing that Dr. Anthony Fauci apparently lied to the Senate about the NIH under his leadership funding gain-of-function research on viruses in China, and the possibility that experiments he funded resulted in COVID-19.

    ABC and CBS had a more important story: attacking Texas for passing an election integrity law. ABC covered Fauci, but only to repeat his COVID scaremongering against attending Labor Day events and his touting of a third COVID booster shot (or is a fourth by now? It is in Israel.)

    Meanwhile, CNN actually interviewed Fauci and didn’t even bring up the new revelations, instead using the segment to attack Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for refusing to impose draconian COVID measures.

    Moral: When you rely on these sources for your news, you get all the news that fits the left’s agenda.

    In a related story, the news networks might not be serious about holding Dr. Fauci accountable for lying to the Senate, but Sen. Rand Paul is.

    Media Bias: Explosive document ignored

    By Mike Huckabee

    The Democrat Protection Industry (i.e., the media) has another explosive document to ignore aside from those obtained by the Intercept suggesting that Dr. Fauci lied to the Senate about funding gain-of-function virus research in China. Now, they also have to try to bury the original Trump plan for pulling out of Afghanistan. It lays out the conditions the Taliban was required to meet, and the sequence of events that were to take place. Needless to say, closing Bagram Air Base and removing our troops before we evacuated our people was NOT Trump’s plan. That was entirely Biden’s.

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    More Stories

    Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

    Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

    Comments 11-19 of 19

    • Carmen Price

      09/08/2021 10:48 PM

      Governor Huckabee:
      I found out the problem with not being able to make the print in yur newsletter larger, I had to switch to Google, not all is bigger!
      Keep up the good work, love your TV show, you have some of the greatest guests.
      Carmen Price
      Reno, NV

    • Kenneth Hadler

      09/08/2021 10:38 PM

      There are certainly a lot of ENABLERS, such as the bail fund so "protesters" (rioters). I consider every member of Congress who is voting to pass the abortion allowing/promoting legislation is an ENABLER for murder.

      Some of our "science supporters" remind me of the TV "talking out of both sides of your mouth" routine. They say believe what science says when it is talking about the climate/weather changes, but they don't accept science that says life begins at conception.

    • Paul Kern

      09/08/2021 09:02 PM

      It is so sad to see a nation founded on God's laws has so perverted everything.
      Even Lincoln would have disavowed the RNC and exposed it for carrying water for the left
      All that is needed us for the CCP to come in and rename the White House for Xi Xi Ping's use. While letting the Muslims complete their takeover
      Even many conservative news outlets appear to be confirming to the left.
      Not a surprise. Only 6 percent of Americans hold to a Biblical world view now. Like in Hezekiah's time God's Word has been hidden from the people
      Now we need God to intervene

    • Carl T Smith

      09/08/2021 08:26 PM

      Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA has explained how the Vaccines and all the subsequent vaccines will continue ad Infinium. The Spanish Flu of 1918 is still replicating for 103 years. Still waiting on a vaccine for the common cold, Aids, MS, etc. What will Fauchi and associates use to describe the varients when all the letters of the Greek alphabet are used. In my 83 years, I have learned to NEVER trust "NEWS", Facebook, Twitter, Google. It takes time to Search for sources that have a track record. I have yet to wear a Face Diaper or taken the JAB. I'm going to depend on the IMMUNE System I was GIFTED with. I should have Died on more occasions than I have fingers and I have no idea when God will call my name to come home or Lucifer if I'm rejected. My outlook after about age 35 was " I escaped Planned Parenthood and I'm going to die. I have NO CONTROL over the interval on earth but my Creator must have had a plan and maybe someday I'll know His plan! Till then I will Fight like my Patriot Founders to protect this Experiment in Self-Governance. I have traveled, Worked, and Lived in countries that would give an Arm to have our FREEDOMS. Will it take another 100 years to turn Education around to TEACHING and NOT INDOCTRINATION or Giving personal Opinions?

    • Lawrence Foster

      09/08/2021 07:55 PM

      Governor Mike, you are spot on about the democrats unwillingness to accept responsibility.

      If you define adulthood as the age when you become responsible, then no democrat is an adult. The last democrat to accept responsibility for anything he did was JFK in 1961. Perhaps we should celebrate the 60th anniversary of the last time a democrat admitted responsibility for screwing up.

    • James Drury Jr.

      09/08/2021 07:44 PM

      Thanks Mike & Staff!

    • Anne Turner

      09/08/2021 07:37 PM

      I believe women should have control over their bodies. When they say NO Ithere should me no more insistent remarks or guilt trips from the guy. Rapists and those guilty of incest should spend most of their life in prison. Women should take control over their bodies by using some method of birth control, bring choosy about whom the sleep with and when. They should be taught to recognize the overwhelming desires of young men and taught to resist. Oh, you say, that’s putting it all on the women. Well that’s taking responsibility for yourself and you body by controlling what goes into it. A man who truly loves a woman understands that she is the one at risk for changing her life. Ever hear if condoms and spermicide. Guys? How about birth control ladies. Some religions prohibit that, but what goes along with it is no prewedding sex. Can’t have it both ways folks.But then, the ultimate control is to marry and then produce children. Hard for a man to walk away. Oh I know my guy would take care of me and any baby. Ladies you don’t really know someone until you live with them for awhile. Finally, if a woman gets caught up in having unprotected sex, see the local pharmacist for the magic pill. If your guy says, no way, dump him hastily. All this is called taking responsibility for yourself and your body. If you must have sex to keep the guy, he is not worth the effort. You do not have to have a boyfriend to enjoy life and be whole. This said from an old lady who had a stellar husband with a sense of responsibility. The men I dated did not pressure except for one and I dumped him. Oh times have changed you say. Expectations are different. Sweetie, character is character, no matter what year.

    • Marian Ferrell

      09/08/2021 07:32 PM

      In today's Patriot Post Mark Alexander wrote the following at the end of his essay: "Next year, the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 attack - the one-year anniversary of Biden's AFG disaster and all of its consequences - will be revisited in full just before the midterm elections."

    • Charlotte Brees

      09/08/2021 06:56 PM

      I wonder if all of this "crap" Biden is doing is in anyway connected to protecting his son, Hunter, from the Chinese & everyone else who might want Hunter's hide.