Today's News Stories

June 1, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Buyer's remorse is showing up in polls
  • Good News for Recovered COVID Patients
  • Maine Dad battles Leftist School Board
  • The Experts Are Always Right!
  • Censored by YouTube
  • The bloom is off the rose
  • RIP, B.J. Thomas And Gavin MacLeod
  • A Reader Writes...


Mike Huckabee


“Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:”

Acts 13:38 KJV


Buyer's remorse is showing up in polls

By Mike Huckabee

Many Americans who voted for Joe Biden thought they were getting a moderate, bipartisan unifier. Instead, they’re suffering whiplash from how quickly he’s yanked the nation hard-left, with open borders, massive spending, huge tax hike proposals, a return to failed “appease our enemies” foreign policies, the destruction of America’s fossil fuel industry and more insanity from the far left wish list.

The buyer’s remorse is showing up in polls. I told you last week about a Fox News poll showing that the number of Americans who think Biden is too far left has jumped 10 points to 46%. Now, a new survey by Echelon Insights and Winning for Women finds deep concerns about Biden’s profligate spending.

Fifty-eight percent believe that "inflation, raising prices and the cost-of-living for Americans" is certain if Biden’s massive spending plans become law; 57% agreed that the tax hikes on American families his spending would require would "slow down our already fragile economy" and "jeopardize our recovery;" and 53% said his plans would "lead to an unprecedented expansion of big government."

Surprisingly, those numbers include 61% of Independents, 54% of women, 63% of women with children and even 56% of non-liberal Democrats.

So if Biden is governing far to the left of his record, his campaign rhetoric and even many of his own supporters, you have to wonder why? It’s almost as if the guy who’s running the Biden Presidency isn’t the Joe Biden who was in Washington for nearly half a century.

The editors of Issues & Insights have a theory that might explain why Joe Biden doesn’t seem to be governing like Joe Biden. Meet the person they believe is virtually the acting President, his unelected Chief of Staff known to some as “Biden’s brain,” Ron Klain.

Good News for Recovered COVID Patients

By Mike Huckabee

The latest study suggests that if you had even a mild case of COVID-19, your antibody levels may fall over time, but memory B cells will patrol your bloodstream for reinfection and plasma cells in your bone marrow will keep making antibodies for decades.

This would make sense, since most vaccines work by making your body think you had a particular disease, to try to mimic the immunity you get from really having it. But it brings up an important point: with so many people trying to divide Americans into two groups (vaccinated and unvaccinated), and prevent the unvaccinated from going without masks or getting on planes or even being able to afford to attend a concert, what about people who had COVID and are now naturally immune, maybe even more so than the vaccinated? Some doctors are advising them not to get the vaccine, out of concerns that it could cause complications. Should there be a third category: “Unvaccinated but immune because I had it already”?

Or maybe we should just stop putting people in categories and denying them rights, keep allowing those who haven’t had COVID to get vaccinated if they want to until we reach herd immunity (if we haven’t already), and quit trying to force people to get the shot if they don’t want to. Because forcing them to take a shot is a practice that’s about to enter the court system, and there’s a good chance it won’t survive.

Maine Dad battles Leftist School Board

By Mike Huckabee

A dad in Maine who stood up against his twin daughters’ school pushing racist “anti-racist” indoctrination says the school is trying to ban him from attending their graduation ceremony. So glad we have leftists running our schools so they can teach kids about tolerance and respecting diversity.

Personally, I’m amazed that he let his kids attend that school long enough to graduate from it.

The Experts Are Always Right!

By Mike Huckabee

A study of the effects of lockdowns in 10 nations found that “mandatory stay-at-home and business closures” resulted in “no clear, significant beneficial effect…on case growth in any country.” In some cases, lockdowns even made the contagion worse.

That’s largely because most workplaces took immediate steps to reduce contagion risks (masks, social distancing, constant disinfecting, improved ventilation, etc.) that most people didn’t take in their homes. On average, workers were 4 to 5 times less safe outside their workplaces than in their workplaces. But the “experts” imposed lockdowns that shut workplaces and forced people into places where they were more likely to catch the virus.

So putting aside all the ruined businesses, crushed dreams, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, lost class time and dangerously postponed medical treatments, the lockdowns were at best useless and at worst, spread the virus even more.

Heck of a job, experts!

Censored by YouTube

By Mike Huckabee

Rishi Sharma has made it his life’s mission to interview World War II veterans and get their memories on video for posterity. But if the YouTube censors have their way, posterity will never see them.

Sharma told Glenn Beck that clips of some of the vets’ stories were going viral until suddenly, the numbers of views and subscribers crashed. He can’t get YouTube to explain why, but he thinks they were censored, possibly because their algorithm assumes that anything about World War II must be promoting Hitler and the Nazis, even if it’s interviews with the heroes who defeated Hitler and the Nazis.

Fortunately, just as many conservatives are leaving social media sites and returning to having their own websites (I already did that long ago), the veterans’ stories are not reliant on the Big Tech censors. You can see them at the original source, Sharma’s Heroes of the Second World War website.

I encourage you to check it out, and if it inspires you, donate to help his mission.

The bloom is off the rose

By Mike Huckabee

The bloom may be off the rose for the Black Lives Matter group. Once, they had Americans so intimidated that money was flowing to them in rivers and people were shamed and canceled just for not putting their logo on their social media accounts or daring to question their anti-cop, anti-American dogma.

But lately, the bad news has been coming thick and fast. Polls show Americans’ opinions of the group have taken a steep dive. Their co-founder, Patrisse Cullors, was criticized for buying expensive houses in mostly white neighborhoods and resigned last week. The mothers of several black people who were shot by police blasted BLM, and Cullors in particular, accusing her of taking the money and running, and BLM of using their children’s names and stories to promote their organization and make money, while doing nothing for their families or communities.

The founder of Black Lives Matter in St. Paul is also speaking out against the group, saying he discovered the “ugly truth,” that they couldn’t care less about rebuilding black families or improving education for black children.

There’s also this story out of Denver that could tarnish the group’s image further.

Leave it to the Babylon Bee to perfectly illustrate how BLM’s hold on the left may be slipping, as people finally start thinking clearly and daring to speak up for common sense again.

RIP, B.J. Thomas And Gavin MacLeod

By “Huckabee” writer/pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

Over the long weekend, we lost two beloved showbiz figures of the past half century, who couldn’t have been more different but who had something very important in common in their private lives.


One of the most distinctive singers of his generation, B.J. (Billy Joe) Thomas, died Saturday at his home in Arlington, Texas, at 78, after announcing in March that he’d been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer.


Most remembered for his Oscar-winning hit, “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head” from “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,” Thomas had a decades-long string of hits in multiple genres. He broke through in 1966 with a cover of “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.” That was followed by major pop hits like “Hooked on a Feeling,” “Rock and Roll Lullaby,” “I Just Can’t Help Believing,” “Don’t Worry, Baby” and “(Hey, Won’t You Play) Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song” (still the longest title of any song to hit the Billboard Hot 100.) In the ‘70s, he released “Home Where I Belong,” the first Christian album to go platinum, and became the top Christian singer of the era.  In the ‘80s, he moved into A/C and country with hits like “Whatever Happened to Old Fashioned Love” and “New Looks from an Old Lover.”


Personal note: my wife and “Huckabee” co-writer Laura Ainsworth and I live very near Arlington and saw Thomas perform at the Arlington Music Hall in 2019 before a packed house. He sounded as great as ever and we planned to see him there again in March 2020. Sadly, that show got canceled due to COVID.


Recommendation: Check out his 2013 album “The Living Room Sessions,” featuring stripped-down versions of his greatest songs with guests like Keb Mo and Vince Gill. It puts a fresh twist on his classics with the focus on his still-fantastic vocals.


Also on Saturday, actor Gavin MacLeod died in Los Angeles at 90.


MacLeod was a struggling working actor for years, playing small roles in dozens of TV shows and movies before finally landing his unexpected breakthrough as wisecracking news writer Murray Slaughter on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” (his passing leaves Ed Asner and Betty White as the only surviving cast members.)


After that, he became Captain Merrill Stubing on “The Love Boat.” Critics hated it, but audiences loved it. It ran for nine seasons, spawned four specials and made MacLeod an unlikely TV star and spokesman for Princess Cruise Lines. By all accounts, MacLeod was a truly nice guy, very grateful for his success, whose bright smile on TV was genuine.


Obscure Trivia: MacLeod’s baldness, later one of his most famous features, initially kept him from getting roles, so he wore a toupee early on. He originally auditioned for the part of Lou Grant on “MTM” but realized the gruff character was wrong for him and asked to try out for nice guy Murray instead. He also declined to audition for Archie Bunker on “All In The Family” because he just couldn’t say those bigoted lines.


If you want to see him in an atypical mean guy role, check out “The Kill,” the first episode of the great detective series “Peter Gunn” (streaming free on the IMDb TV app), where he plays a ruthless gang boss.


And what did Thomas and MacLeod have in common in real life? Both had addictions (MacLeod to alcohol, Thomas to drugs and alcohol) that nearly destroyed their marriages. But both overcame their addictions and saved their marriages after becoming Christians. Outspoken about their faith, Thomas became the most popular Christian music artist of the ‘70s, and MacLeod and his wife Patti Steele hosted a Christian radio series called “Back on Course: A Ministry for Marriages.” 


Our sympathies to their families and condolences to their fans, which includes all of us here.

A Reader Writes Back... 

Love and look forward to your news letters but please leave out pictures of Biden, Pelosi, AOC and those idiots! Its painful to see them!

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 11-20 of 23

  • Stephen Russell

    06/02/2021 09:17 AM

    Fake news: Read where Pres Trump will assume WH in Aug due to election vote count?
    & Video from 1-6 still suppressed under Biden

  • Kathy nazzaro

    06/02/2021 05:58 AM

    Love your analyses! You cover all the bases and?I am always happy to read you Bible verse if the day. It carries me through the whole day. Thank you!

  • Renee Kendrick

    06/02/2021 01:29 AM

    May 29, 2021 - a very significant day in America's entertainment history!

    The day falls into the same category as:

    February 12, 2000 - the day that Tom Landry and Charles Schulz died.

    June 25, 2009 - the day that Farrah Fawcet and Michael Jackson died.

    And September 8, 2017 - the day Troy Gentry and Don Williams died.

    Such times are forever etched in our minds.

  • Paul Kern

    06/02/2021 12:21 AM

    A few thoughts. As for as who is the "real" president today an interview with a far left rag came out. In it Obama stated sleepy is completing his agenda. We who never"woke" up always suspected that. He and Hilary both trained at the Saul Alinski Institute I am told. A recent study by many immunologists blame the " vaccine" for thousands of deaths and long term negative side effects. It bypasses be the blood- brain barrier.
    Also we in SW Washington are trying to get rid of a RINO. Jaime Herrera-Butler.
    A Christian and retired military man, Joe Kent us running against her. You should invite him to your show. He has a good head about him. He retired after 20 years to take care of his children His wife military also and killed fighting ISIS.

  • Dale P Ferguson

    06/02/2021 12:11 AM

    To keep us safe and well, our benevolent government is going to require us to have a "vaccine passport." We are told it will only be required on international flights.

    Yeah, right!

    Let's say I want to fly to Anchorage. I go to the departure gate and a man in a fancy new uniform says, "Show me your vaccine passport."

    I tell him, "I'm only going to Alaska. It's part of the United States."

    He says, "Yes, but you will fly over Canadian territory. That makes it an international flight. Your papers, please."

    Denied access to Alaska, I cash in my ticket and go to the airport restaurant for lunch. At the door another man in a fancy uniform says, "You have to show me your vaccine passport before you can go in."

    I say, "This is a restaurant, not a flight gate."

    "Yes, but some international passengers are in there. Your papers, please."

    Denied access to a restaurant, I go outside to take the bus. Blocking the door to the bus, a woman in a fancy uniform says, "May I see your vaccine passport?"

    I say, "This is a bus, not an airplane."

    She says, "Yes, but some international passengers are aboard. Your papers, please."

    My only choice now is to take a taxi. I open the door and the driver says, "I need to see your vaccine passport."

    And I say, "This is a taxi, not an airplane."

    "Yes, but I'm a Canadian citizen. So this is an international vehicle. Your papers, please."

    This tyranny is already happening in the People's Republic of New York. Check it out!

  • Jerry H Brown

    06/01/2021 11:50 PM

    I tried to put the article by I & I Editorial Board on FB and they would not allow it. Gave excuses.

  • Sarah Johnson

    06/01/2021 10:48 PM

    Here’s a story for you to look into and write about. This school was my alma mater. It sickens me and saddens me.

  • Anne Turner

    06/01/2021 10:27 PM

    I heard several things today but they should be verified: :
    Families in NYC are objecting to sex educations for their first graders. Apparently they are teaching that parents should ask if it’s okay before hugging their child and that little girls should not allow grandpa to hug them.

    Police in Chicago have been ordered to not perform foot chases for anything but major felonies. There will be no foot chases for shop lifting, mugging a woman for her purse if it contains less than $400, breaking a store window, traffic stops, etc.
    can you imagine how many small businesses are going to get ripped off snd damaged. Certainly no one will want to visit Chicago and criminals will flock there.

    Apparently some folks want to close down Memorial day as a Federal .holiday because it is a reminder of are terrible colonization history and our other sins. You know like going against Hitler and fighting back after Pearl Harbor. Then there is fighting a war to free slaves.

    I just heard Laura Ingram say it is hard to govern a country you hate.

    Insanity has surely taken over this country. I wonder what other countries think. . Of course countries like China, N. Korea, Russia, Cuba, Iran etc are rubbing their hands together in glee. So .I wonder what Israel thinks of us giving millions to Gaza. Why not just send then missiles. Or, we could send food drops, medical supplies, and building materials instead of money. Who would ever think of that.
    MY tax dollars going to finance killing Israelis.

    Biden is like a bot. Recharge and program him and he’s good to go, well sot of. Harris is a joke. It embarrasses me that the first woman VP if so silly and lazy, .I think.

    Tell me was the Jan 6 episode, heinous as it was, any worse than Pelosi publicly and dramatically tearing up the State of the Union address?

  • John T Stewart

    06/01/2021 10:10 PM

    Beautiful story on BJ and Gavin...I did not know...

  • Elizabeth Crouse

    06/01/2021 10:00 PM

    It was amazing tonight to hear tonight on TV two shows that talked about how Joe Biden spoke in OK and it was totally untrue. Bill Oreilly had lots of good statistics. Praying for America and both Biden and Harris will move back home. My husband served in Korea and two tours in Vietnam but they have no clue what our life was like. Praying for leadership and the truth plus quit giving America away.

Election 2024 Coverage

June 1, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Buyer's remorse is showing up in polls
  • Good News for Recovered COVID Patients
  • Maine Dad battles Leftist School Board
  • The Experts Are Always Right!
  • Censored by YouTube
  • The bloom is off the rose
  • RIP, B.J. Thomas And Gavin MacLeod
  • A Reader Writes...


Mike Huckabee


“Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:”

Acts 13:38 KJV


Buyer's remorse is showing up in polls

By Mike Huckabee

Many Americans who voted for Joe Biden thought they were getting a moderate, bipartisan unifier. Instead, they’re suffering whiplash from how quickly he’s yanked the nation hard-left, with open borders, massive spending, huge tax hike proposals, a return to failed “appease our enemies” foreign policies, the destruction of America’s fossil fuel industry and more insanity from the far left wish list.

The buyer’s remorse is showing up in polls. I told you last week about a Fox News poll showing that the number of Americans who think Biden is too far left has jumped 10 points to 46%. Now, a new survey by Echelon Insights and Winning for Women finds deep concerns about Biden’s profligate spending.

Fifty-eight percent believe that "inflation, raising prices and the cost-of-living for Americans" is certain if Biden’s massive spending plans become law; 57% agreed that the tax hikes on American families his spending would require would "slow down our already fragile economy" and "jeopardize our recovery;" and 53% said his plans would "lead to an unprecedented expansion of big government."

Surprisingly, those numbers include 61% of Independents, 54% of women, 63% of women with children and even 56% of non-liberal Democrats.

So if Biden is governing far to the left of his record, his campaign rhetoric and even many of his own supporters, you have to wonder why? It’s almost as if the guy who’s running the Biden Presidency isn’t the Joe Biden who was in Washington for nearly half a century.

The editors of Issues & Insights have a theory that might explain why Joe Biden doesn’t seem to be governing like Joe Biden. Meet the person they believe is virtually the acting President, his unelected Chief of Staff known to some as “Biden’s brain,” Ron Klain.

Good News for Recovered COVID Patients

By Mike Huckabee

The latest study suggests that if you had even a mild case of COVID-19, your antibody levels may fall over time, but memory B cells will patrol your bloodstream for reinfection and plasma cells in your bone marrow will keep making antibodies for decades.

This would make sense, since most vaccines work by making your body think you had a particular disease, to try to mimic the immunity you get from really having it. But it brings up an important point: with so many people trying to divide Americans into two groups (vaccinated and unvaccinated), and prevent the unvaccinated from going without masks or getting on planes or even being able to afford to attend a concert, what about people who had COVID and are now naturally immune, maybe even more so than the vaccinated? Some doctors are advising them not to get the vaccine, out of concerns that it could cause complications. Should there be a third category: “Unvaccinated but immune because I had it already”?

Or maybe we should just stop putting people in categories and denying them rights, keep allowing those who haven’t had COVID to get vaccinated if they want to until we reach herd immunity (if we haven’t already), and quit trying to force people to get the shot if they don’t want to. Because forcing them to take a shot is a practice that’s about to enter the court system, and there’s a good chance it won’t survive.

Maine Dad battles Leftist School Board

By Mike Huckabee

A dad in Maine who stood up against his twin daughters’ school pushing racist “anti-racist” indoctrination says the school is trying to ban him from attending their graduation ceremony. So glad we have leftists running our schools so they can teach kids about tolerance and respecting diversity.

Personally, I’m amazed that he let his kids attend that school long enough to graduate from it.

The Experts Are Always Right!

By Mike Huckabee

A study of the effects of lockdowns in 10 nations found that “mandatory stay-at-home and business closures” resulted in “no clear, significant beneficial effect…on case growth in any country.” In some cases, lockdowns even made the contagion worse.

That’s largely because most workplaces took immediate steps to reduce contagion risks (masks, social distancing, constant disinfecting, improved ventilation, etc.) that most people didn’t take in their homes. On average, workers were 4 to 5 times less safe outside their workplaces than in their workplaces. But the “experts” imposed lockdowns that shut workplaces and forced people into places where they were more likely to catch the virus.

So putting aside all the ruined businesses, crushed dreams, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, lost class time and dangerously postponed medical treatments, the lockdowns were at best useless and at worst, spread the virus even more.

Heck of a job, experts!

Censored by YouTube

By Mike Huckabee

Rishi Sharma has made it his life’s mission to interview World War II veterans and get their memories on video for posterity. But if the YouTube censors have their way, posterity will never see them.

Sharma told Glenn Beck that clips of some of the vets’ stories were going viral until suddenly, the numbers of views and subscribers crashed. He can’t get YouTube to explain why, but he thinks they were censored, possibly because their algorithm assumes that anything about World War II must be promoting Hitler and the Nazis, even if it’s interviews with the heroes who defeated Hitler and the Nazis.

Fortunately, just as many conservatives are leaving social media sites and returning to having their own websites (I already did that long ago), the veterans’ stories are not reliant on the Big Tech censors. You can see them at the original source, Sharma’s Heroes of the Second World War website.

I encourage you to check it out, and if it inspires you, donate to help his mission.

The bloom is off the rose

By Mike Huckabee

The bloom may be off the rose for the Black Lives Matter group. Once, they had Americans so intimidated that money was flowing to them in rivers and people were shamed and canceled just for not putting their logo on their social media accounts or daring to question their anti-cop, anti-American dogma.

But lately, the bad news has been coming thick and fast. Polls show Americans’ opinions of the group have taken a steep dive. Their co-founder, Patrisse Cullors, was criticized for buying expensive houses in mostly white neighborhoods and resigned last week. The mothers of several black people who were shot by police blasted BLM, and Cullors in particular, accusing her of taking the money and running, and BLM of using their children’s names and stories to promote their organization and make money, while doing nothing for their families or communities.

The founder of Black Lives Matter in St. Paul is also speaking out against the group, saying he discovered the “ugly truth,” that they couldn’t care less about rebuilding black families or improving education for black children.

There’s also this story out of Denver that could tarnish the group’s image further.

Leave it to the Babylon Bee to perfectly illustrate how BLM’s hold on the left may be slipping, as people finally start thinking clearly and daring to speak up for common sense again.

RIP, B.J. Thomas And Gavin MacLeod

By “Huckabee” writer/pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

Over the long weekend, we lost two beloved showbiz figures of the past half century, who couldn’t have been more different but who had something very important in common in their private lives.


One of the most distinctive singers of his generation, B.J. (Billy Joe) Thomas, died Saturday at his home in Arlington, Texas, at 78, after announcing in March that he’d been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer.


Most remembered for his Oscar-winning hit, “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head” from “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,” Thomas had a decades-long string of hits in multiple genres. He broke through in 1966 with a cover of “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.” That was followed by major pop hits like “Hooked on a Feeling,” “Rock and Roll Lullaby,” “I Just Can’t Help Believing,” “Don’t Worry, Baby” and “(Hey, Won’t You Play) Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song” (still the longest title of any song to hit the Billboard Hot 100.) In the ‘70s, he released “Home Where I Belong,” the first Christian album to go platinum, and became the top Christian singer of the era.  In the ‘80s, he moved into A/C and country with hits like “Whatever Happened to Old Fashioned Love” and “New Looks from an Old Lover.”


Personal note: my wife and “Huckabee” co-writer Laura Ainsworth and I live very near Arlington and saw Thomas perform at the Arlington Music Hall in 2019 before a packed house. He sounded as great as ever and we planned to see him there again in March 2020. Sadly, that show got canceled due to COVID.


Recommendation: Check out his 2013 album “The Living Room Sessions,” featuring stripped-down versions of his greatest songs with guests like Keb Mo and Vince Gill. It puts a fresh twist on his classics with the focus on his still-fantastic vocals.


Also on Saturday, actor Gavin MacLeod died in Los Angeles at 90.


MacLeod was a struggling working actor for years, playing small roles in dozens of TV shows and movies before finally landing his unexpected breakthrough as wisecracking news writer Murray Slaughter on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” (his passing leaves Ed Asner and Betty White as the only surviving cast members.)


After that, he became Captain Merrill Stubing on “The Love Boat.” Critics hated it, but audiences loved it. It ran for nine seasons, spawned four specials and made MacLeod an unlikely TV star and spokesman for Princess Cruise Lines. By all accounts, MacLeod was a truly nice guy, very grateful for his success, whose bright smile on TV was genuine.


Obscure Trivia: MacLeod’s baldness, later one of his most famous features, initially kept him from getting roles, so he wore a toupee early on. He originally auditioned for the part of Lou Grant on “MTM” but realized the gruff character was wrong for him and asked to try out for nice guy Murray instead. He also declined to audition for Archie Bunker on “All In The Family” because he just couldn’t say those bigoted lines.


If you want to see him in an atypical mean guy role, check out “The Kill,” the first episode of the great detective series “Peter Gunn” (streaming free on the IMDb TV app), where he plays a ruthless gang boss.


And what did Thomas and MacLeod have in common in real life? Both had addictions (MacLeod to alcohol, Thomas to drugs and alcohol) that nearly destroyed their marriages. But both overcame their addictions and saved their marriages after becoming Christians. Outspoken about their faith, Thomas became the most popular Christian music artist of the ‘70s, and MacLeod and his wife Patti Steele hosted a Christian radio series called “Back on Course: A Ministry for Marriages.” 


Our sympathies to their families and condolences to their fans, which includes all of us here.

A Reader Writes Back... 

Love and look forward to your news letters but please leave out pictures of Biden, Pelosi, AOC and those idiots! Its painful to see them!

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 11-20 of 23

  • Stephen Russell

    06/02/2021 09:17 AM

    Fake news: Read where Pres Trump will assume WH in Aug due to election vote count?
    & Video from 1-6 still suppressed under Biden

  • Kathy nazzaro

    06/02/2021 05:58 AM

    Love your analyses! You cover all the bases and?I am always happy to read you Bible verse if the day. It carries me through the whole day. Thank you!

  • Renee Kendrick

    06/02/2021 01:29 AM

    May 29, 2021 - a very significant day in America's entertainment history!

    The day falls into the same category as:

    February 12, 2000 - the day that Tom Landry and Charles Schulz died.

    June 25, 2009 - the day that Farrah Fawcet and Michael Jackson died.

    And September 8, 2017 - the day Troy Gentry and Don Williams died.

    Such times are forever etched in our minds.

  • Paul Kern

    06/02/2021 12:21 AM

    A few thoughts. As for as who is the "real" president today an interview with a far left rag came out. In it Obama stated sleepy is completing his agenda. We who never"woke" up always suspected that. He and Hilary both trained at the Saul Alinski Institute I am told. A recent study by many immunologists blame the " vaccine" for thousands of deaths and long term negative side effects. It bypasses be the blood- brain barrier.
    Also we in SW Washington are trying to get rid of a RINO. Jaime Herrera-Butler.
    A Christian and retired military man, Joe Kent us running against her. You should invite him to your show. He has a good head about him. He retired after 20 years to take care of his children His wife military also and killed fighting ISIS.

  • Dale P Ferguson

    06/02/2021 12:11 AM

    To keep us safe and well, our benevolent government is going to require us to have a "vaccine passport." We are told it will only be required on international flights.

    Yeah, right!

    Let's say I want to fly to Anchorage. I go to the departure gate and a man in a fancy new uniform says, "Show me your vaccine passport."

    I tell him, "I'm only going to Alaska. It's part of the United States."

    He says, "Yes, but you will fly over Canadian territory. That makes it an international flight. Your papers, please."

    Denied access to Alaska, I cash in my ticket and go to the airport restaurant for lunch. At the door another man in a fancy uniform says, "You have to show me your vaccine passport before you can go in."

    I say, "This is a restaurant, not a flight gate."

    "Yes, but some international passengers are in there. Your papers, please."

    Denied access to a restaurant, I go outside to take the bus. Blocking the door to the bus, a woman in a fancy uniform says, "May I see your vaccine passport?"

    I say, "This is a bus, not an airplane."

    She says, "Yes, but some international passengers are aboard. Your papers, please."

    My only choice now is to take a taxi. I open the door and the driver says, "I need to see your vaccine passport."

    And I say, "This is a taxi, not an airplane."

    "Yes, but I'm a Canadian citizen. So this is an international vehicle. Your papers, please."

    This tyranny is already happening in the People's Republic of New York. Check it out!

  • Jerry H Brown

    06/01/2021 11:50 PM

    I tried to put the article by I & I Editorial Board on FB and they would not allow it. Gave excuses.

  • Sarah Johnson

    06/01/2021 10:48 PM

    Here’s a story for you to look into and write about. This school was my alma mater. It sickens me and saddens me.

  • Anne Turner

    06/01/2021 10:27 PM

    I heard several things today but they should be verified: :
    Families in NYC are objecting to sex educations for their first graders. Apparently they are teaching that parents should ask if it’s okay before hugging their child and that little girls should not allow grandpa to hug them.

    Police in Chicago have been ordered to not perform foot chases for anything but major felonies. There will be no foot chases for shop lifting, mugging a woman for her purse if it contains less than $400, breaking a store window, traffic stops, etc.
    can you imagine how many small businesses are going to get ripped off snd damaged. Certainly no one will want to visit Chicago and criminals will flock there.

    Apparently some folks want to close down Memorial day as a Federal .holiday because it is a reminder of are terrible colonization history and our other sins. You know like going against Hitler and fighting back after Pearl Harbor. Then there is fighting a war to free slaves.

    I just heard Laura Ingram say it is hard to govern a country you hate.

    Insanity has surely taken over this country. I wonder what other countries think. . Of course countries like China, N. Korea, Russia, Cuba, Iran etc are rubbing their hands together in glee. So .I wonder what Israel thinks of us giving millions to Gaza. Why not just send then missiles. Or, we could send food drops, medical supplies, and building materials instead of money. Who would ever think of that.
    MY tax dollars going to finance killing Israelis.

    Biden is like a bot. Recharge and program him and he’s good to go, well sot of. Harris is a joke. It embarrasses me that the first woman VP if so silly and lazy, .I think.

    Tell me was the Jan 6 episode, heinous as it was, any worse than Pelosi publicly and dramatically tearing up the State of the Union address?

  • John T Stewart

    06/01/2021 10:10 PM

    Beautiful story on BJ and Gavin...I did not know...

  • Elizabeth Crouse

    06/01/2021 10:00 PM

    It was amazing tonight to hear tonight on TV two shows that talked about how Joe Biden spoke in OK and it was totally untrue. Bill Oreilly had lots of good statistics. Praying for America and both Biden and Harris will move back home. My husband served in Korea and two tours in Vietnam but they have no clue what our life was like. Praying for leadership and the truth plus quit giving America away.

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    June 1, 2021

    Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

    • Daily Bible Verse
    • Buyer's remorse is showing up in polls
    • Good News for Recovered COVID Patients
    • Maine Dad battles Leftist School Board
    • The Experts Are Always Right!
    • Censored by YouTube
    • The bloom is off the rose
    • RIP, B.J. Thomas And Gavin MacLeod
    • A Reader Writes...


    Mike Huckabee


    “Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:”

    Acts 13:38 KJV


    Buyer's remorse is showing up in polls

    By Mike Huckabee

    Many Americans who voted for Joe Biden thought they were getting a moderate, bipartisan unifier. Instead, they’re suffering whiplash from how quickly he’s yanked the nation hard-left, with open borders, massive spending, huge tax hike proposals, a return to failed “appease our enemies” foreign policies, the destruction of America’s fossil fuel industry and more insanity from the far left wish list.

    The buyer’s remorse is showing up in polls. I told you last week about a Fox News poll showing that the number of Americans who think Biden is too far left has jumped 10 points to 46%. Now, a new survey by Echelon Insights and Winning for Women finds deep concerns about Biden’s profligate spending.

    Fifty-eight percent believe that "inflation, raising prices and the cost-of-living for Americans" is certain if Biden’s massive spending plans become law; 57% agreed that the tax hikes on American families his spending would require would "slow down our already fragile economy" and "jeopardize our recovery;" and 53% said his plans would "lead to an unprecedented expansion of big government."

    Surprisingly, those numbers include 61% of Independents, 54% of women, 63% of women with children and even 56% of non-liberal Democrats.

    So if Biden is governing far to the left of his record, his campaign rhetoric and even many of his own supporters, you have to wonder why? It’s almost as if the guy who’s running the Biden Presidency isn’t the Joe Biden who was in Washington for nearly half a century.

    The editors of Issues & Insights have a theory that might explain why Joe Biden doesn’t seem to be governing like Joe Biden. Meet the person they believe is virtually the acting President, his unelected Chief of Staff known to some as “Biden’s brain,” Ron Klain.

    Good News for Recovered COVID Patients

    By Mike Huckabee

    The latest study suggests that if you had even a mild case of COVID-19, your antibody levels may fall over time, but memory B cells will patrol your bloodstream for reinfection and plasma cells in your bone marrow will keep making antibodies for decades.

    This would make sense, since most vaccines work by making your body think you had a particular disease, to try to mimic the immunity you get from really having it. But it brings up an important point: with so many people trying to divide Americans into two groups (vaccinated and unvaccinated), and prevent the unvaccinated from going without masks or getting on planes or even being able to afford to attend a concert, what about people who had COVID and are now naturally immune, maybe even more so than the vaccinated? Some doctors are advising them not to get the vaccine, out of concerns that it could cause complications. Should there be a third category: “Unvaccinated but immune because I had it already”?

    Or maybe we should just stop putting people in categories and denying them rights, keep allowing those who haven’t had COVID to get vaccinated if they want to until we reach herd immunity (if we haven’t already), and quit trying to force people to get the shot if they don’t want to. Because forcing them to take a shot is a practice that’s about to enter the court system, and there’s a good chance it won’t survive.

    Maine Dad battles Leftist School Board

    By Mike Huckabee

    A dad in Maine who stood up against his twin daughters’ school pushing racist “anti-racist” indoctrination says the school is trying to ban him from attending their graduation ceremony. So glad we have leftists running our schools so they can teach kids about tolerance and respecting diversity.

    Personally, I’m amazed that he let his kids attend that school long enough to graduate from it.

    The Experts Are Always Right!

    By Mike Huckabee

    A study of the effects of lockdowns in 10 nations found that “mandatory stay-at-home and business closures” resulted in “no clear, significant beneficial effect…on case growth in any country.” In some cases, lockdowns even made the contagion worse.

    That’s largely because most workplaces took immediate steps to reduce contagion risks (masks, social distancing, constant disinfecting, improved ventilation, etc.) that most people didn’t take in their homes. On average, workers were 4 to 5 times less safe outside their workplaces than in their workplaces. But the “experts” imposed lockdowns that shut workplaces and forced people into places where they were more likely to catch the virus.

    So putting aside all the ruined businesses, crushed dreams, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, lost class time and dangerously postponed medical treatments, the lockdowns were at best useless and at worst, spread the virus even more.

    Heck of a job, experts!

    Censored by YouTube

    By Mike Huckabee

    Rishi Sharma has made it his life’s mission to interview World War II veterans and get their memories on video for posterity. But if the YouTube censors have their way, posterity will never see them.

    Sharma told Glenn Beck that clips of some of the vets’ stories were going viral until suddenly, the numbers of views and subscribers crashed. He can’t get YouTube to explain why, but he thinks they were censored, possibly because their algorithm assumes that anything about World War II must be promoting Hitler and the Nazis, even if it’s interviews with the heroes who defeated Hitler and the Nazis.

    Fortunately, just as many conservatives are leaving social media sites and returning to having their own websites (I already did that long ago), the veterans’ stories are not reliant on the Big Tech censors. You can see them at the original source, Sharma’s Heroes of the Second World War website.

    I encourage you to check it out, and if it inspires you, donate to help his mission.

    The bloom is off the rose

    By Mike Huckabee

    The bloom may be off the rose for the Black Lives Matter group. Once, they had Americans so intimidated that money was flowing to them in rivers and people were shamed and canceled just for not putting their logo on their social media accounts or daring to question their anti-cop, anti-American dogma.

    But lately, the bad news has been coming thick and fast. Polls show Americans’ opinions of the group have taken a steep dive. Their co-founder, Patrisse Cullors, was criticized for buying expensive houses in mostly white neighborhoods and resigned last week. The mothers of several black people who were shot by police blasted BLM, and Cullors in particular, accusing her of taking the money and running, and BLM of using their children’s names and stories to promote their organization and make money, while doing nothing for their families or communities.

    The founder of Black Lives Matter in St. Paul is also speaking out against the group, saying he discovered the “ugly truth,” that they couldn’t care less about rebuilding black families or improving education for black children.

    There’s also this story out of Denver that could tarnish the group’s image further.

    Leave it to the Babylon Bee to perfectly illustrate how BLM’s hold on the left may be slipping, as people finally start thinking clearly and daring to speak up for common sense again.

    RIP, B.J. Thomas And Gavin MacLeod

    By “Huckabee” writer/pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

    Over the long weekend, we lost two beloved showbiz figures of the past half century, who couldn’t have been more different but who had something very important in common in their private lives.


    One of the most distinctive singers of his generation, B.J. (Billy Joe) Thomas, died Saturday at his home in Arlington, Texas, at 78, after announcing in March that he’d been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer.



    Most remembered for his Oscar-winning hit, “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head” from “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,” Thomas had a decades-long string of hits in multiple genres. He broke through in 1966 with a cover of “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.” That was followed by major pop hits like “Hooked on a Feeling,” “Rock and Roll Lullaby,” “I Just Can’t Help Believing,” “Don’t Worry, Baby” and “(Hey, Won’t You Play) Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song” (still the longest title of any song to hit the Billboard Hot 100.) In the ‘70s, he released “Home Where I Belong,” the first Christian album to go platinum, and became the top Christian singer of the era.  In the ‘80s, he moved into A/C and country with hits like “Whatever Happened to Old Fashioned Love” and “New Looks from an Old Lover.”


    Personal note: my wife and “Huckabee” co-writer Laura Ainsworth and I live very near Arlington and saw Thomas perform at the Arlington Music Hall in 2019 before a packed house. He sounded as great as ever and we planned to see him there again in March 2020. Sadly, that show got canceled due to COVID.


    Recommendation: Check out his 2013 album “The Living Room Sessions,” featuring stripped-down versions of his greatest songs with guests like Keb Mo and Vince Gill. It puts a fresh twist on his classics with the focus on his still-fantastic vocals.


    Also on Saturday, actor Gavin MacLeod died in Los Angeles at 90.


    MacLeod was a struggling working actor for years, playing small roles in dozens of TV shows and movies before finally landing his unexpected breakthrough as wisecracking news writer Murray Slaughter on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” (his passing leaves Ed Asner and Betty White as the only surviving cast members.)


    After that, he became Captain Merrill Stubing on “The Love Boat.” Critics hated it, but audiences loved it. It ran for nine seasons, spawned four specials and made MacLeod an unlikely TV star and spokesman for Princess Cruise Lines. By all accounts, MacLeod was a truly nice guy, very grateful for his success, whose bright smile on TV was genuine.


    Obscure Trivia: MacLeod’s baldness, later one of his most famous features, initially kept him from getting roles, so he wore a toupee early on. He originally auditioned for the part of Lou Grant on “MTM” but realized the gruff character was wrong for him and asked to try out for nice guy Murray instead. He also declined to audition for Archie Bunker on “All In The Family” because he just couldn’t say those bigoted lines.


    If you want to see him in an atypical mean guy role, check out “The Kill,” the first episode of the great detective series “Peter Gunn” (streaming free on the IMDb TV app), where he plays a ruthless gang boss.


    And what did Thomas and MacLeod have in common in real life? Both had addictions (MacLeod to alcohol, Thomas to drugs and alcohol) that nearly destroyed their marriages. But both overcame their addictions and saved their marriages after becoming Christians. Outspoken about their faith, Thomas became the most popular Christian music artist of the ‘70s, and MacLeod and his wife Patti Steele hosted a Christian radio series called “Back on Course: A Ministry for Marriages.” 


    Our sympathies to their families and condolences to their fans, which includes all of us here.

    A Reader Writes Back... 

    Love and look forward to your news letters but please leave out pictures of Biden, Pelosi, AOC and those idiots! Its painful to see them!

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    Comments 11-20 of 23

    • Stephen Russell

      06/02/2021 09:17 AM

      Fake news: Read where Pres Trump will assume WH in Aug due to election vote count?
      & Video from 1-6 still suppressed under Biden

    • Kathy nazzaro

      06/02/2021 05:58 AM

      Love your analyses! You cover all the bases and?I am always happy to read you Bible verse if the day. It carries me through the whole day. Thank you!

    • Renee Kendrick

      06/02/2021 01:29 AM

      May 29, 2021 - a very significant day in America's entertainment history!

      The day falls into the same category as:

      February 12, 2000 - the day that Tom Landry and Charles Schulz died.

      June 25, 2009 - the day that Farrah Fawcet and Michael Jackson died.

      And September 8, 2017 - the day Troy Gentry and Don Williams died.

      Such times are forever etched in our minds.

    • Paul Kern

      06/02/2021 12:21 AM

      A few thoughts. As for as who is the "real" president today an interview with a far left rag came out. In it Obama stated sleepy is completing his agenda. We who never"woke" up always suspected that. He and Hilary both trained at the Saul Alinski Institute I am told. A recent study by many immunologists blame the " vaccine" for thousands of deaths and long term negative side effects. It bypasses be the blood- brain barrier.
      Also we in SW Washington are trying to get rid of a RINO. Jaime Herrera-Butler.
      A Christian and retired military man, Joe Kent us running against her. You should invite him to your show. He has a good head about him. He retired after 20 years to take care of his children His wife military also and killed fighting ISIS.

    • Dale P Ferguson

      06/02/2021 12:11 AM

      To keep us safe and well, our benevolent government is going to require us to have a "vaccine passport." We are told it will only be required on international flights.

      Yeah, right!

      Let's say I want to fly to Anchorage. I go to the departure gate and a man in a fancy new uniform says, "Show me your vaccine passport."

      I tell him, "I'm only going to Alaska. It's part of the United States."

      He says, "Yes, but you will fly over Canadian territory. That makes it an international flight. Your papers, please."

      Denied access to Alaska, I cash in my ticket and go to the airport restaurant for lunch. At the door another man in a fancy uniform says, "You have to show me your vaccine passport before you can go in."

      I say, "This is a restaurant, not a flight gate."

      "Yes, but some international passengers are in there. Your papers, please."

      Denied access to a restaurant, I go outside to take the bus. Blocking the door to the bus, a woman in a fancy uniform says, "May I see your vaccine passport?"

      I say, "This is a bus, not an airplane."

      She says, "Yes, but some international passengers are aboard. Your papers, please."

      My only choice now is to take a taxi. I open the door and the driver says, "I need to see your vaccine passport."

      And I say, "This is a taxi, not an airplane."

      "Yes, but I'm a Canadian citizen. So this is an international vehicle. Your papers, please."

      This tyranny is already happening in the People's Republic of New York. Check it out!

    • Jerry H Brown

      06/01/2021 11:50 PM

      I tried to put the article by I & I Editorial Board on FB and they would not allow it. Gave excuses.

    • Sarah Johnson

      06/01/2021 10:48 PM

      Here’s a story for you to look into and write about. This school was my alma mater. It sickens me and saddens me.

    • Anne Turner

      06/01/2021 10:27 PM

      I heard several things today but they should be verified: :
      Families in NYC are objecting to sex educations for their first graders. Apparently they are teaching that parents should ask if it’s okay before hugging their child and that little girls should not allow grandpa to hug them.

      Police in Chicago have been ordered to not perform foot chases for anything but major felonies. There will be no foot chases for shop lifting, mugging a woman for her purse if it contains less than $400, breaking a store window, traffic stops, etc.
      can you imagine how many small businesses are going to get ripped off snd damaged. Certainly no one will want to visit Chicago and criminals will flock there.

      Apparently some folks want to close down Memorial day as a Federal .holiday because it is a reminder of are terrible colonization history and our other sins. You know like going against Hitler and fighting back after Pearl Harbor. Then there is fighting a war to free slaves.

      I just heard Laura Ingram say it is hard to govern a country you hate.

      Insanity has surely taken over this country. I wonder what other countries think. . Of course countries like China, N. Korea, Russia, Cuba, Iran etc are rubbing their hands together in glee. So .I wonder what Israel thinks of us giving millions to Gaza. Why not just send then missiles. Or, we could send food drops, medical supplies, and building materials instead of money. Who would ever think of that.
      MY tax dollars going to finance killing Israelis.

      Biden is like a bot. Recharge and program him and he’s good to go, well sot of. Harris is a joke. It embarrasses me that the first woman VP if so silly and lazy, .I think.

      Tell me was the Jan 6 episode, heinous as it was, any worse than Pelosi publicly and dramatically tearing up the State of the Union address?

    • John T Stewart

      06/01/2021 10:10 PM

      Beautiful story on BJ and Gavin...I did not know...

    • Elizabeth Crouse

      06/01/2021 10:00 PM

      It was amazing tonight to hear tonight on TV two shows that talked about how Joe Biden spoke in OK and it was totally untrue. Bill Oreilly had lots of good statistics. Praying for America and both Biden and Harris will move back home. My husband served in Korea and two tours in Vietnam but they have no clue what our life was like. Praying for leadership and the truth plus quit giving America away.