Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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January 25, 2022

Question: how does a regime focused on perpetuating and expanding its own power, such as the one currently occupying Washington DC, crush all opposition --- both actual and potential? According to Michael Anton, in his new commentary for American Greatness, it conducts what in national security parlance is a “psy-op,” or psychological operation. This is what seems to be going on right now in our country.

According to Anton, this form of propagandizing is done to demoralize --- THAT sure seems to be happening --- and also “to create other opportunities that otherwise might not present themselves.” For example, to create the opportunity to stop dissent, they first have to criminalize it. And since we supposedly live in a free country, criminalizing dissent poses a problem. This is America, so unless we’re young and brainwashed, we naturally resist attempts to restrict our free speech and persecute us for our politics. So the regime needs a big-time excuse to make that happen.

So, what do Americans hate and fear at least as much as incursions on their freedom? Terrorism. Mob rule. Civil strife. Civil WAR. Ah –- there we are! Americans hate the thought of civil war! In order to rein in political opposition and stifle dissent, an effective plan might be to make Americans extremely concerned about domestic terrorism and, ultimately, civil war.

And since our rulers are leftists, they have to make the perceived threat come from the right.

The main tool a government has for implementing such a propaganda plan is FACT-BASED LIES. It’s a fact that some conservatives truly believe we’re headed down the road to civil war, simply because the country is so divided –- as they say in divorce court, “irreparably broken.” If we’re talking about a violent rebellion, an insurrection, that’s a war that Anton very reasonably explains could not be won. Perhaps an “amicable divorce” as a last resort could be workable if it came to that, rather than give up our freedom, but not civil war, which he likens to “Bambi vs. Godzilla.” Check this out...


It’s also a fact that a relative handful of people from the right really were involved in the January 6 riot in a way that went beyond walking into the Rotunda and taking selfies. But the threat they posed has been so greatly exaggerated by Congress and the media that many Democrats actually believe a small, unarmed group posed a serious threat to “our democracy” and were seriously trying to take over the government.

Of course, that is ludicrous. But I think we’re starting to see that there is nothing so ludicrous that people won’t believe it if it’s drummed into them by their political masters.

Even though there’s no domestic terrorism going on (at least on the right), the federal government has set up a “domestic terrorism unit” to go in search of it (at least on the right). They’re targeting “those who are motivated by racial animus, as well as those who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies.” Who are those people? So-called “anti-vaxxers”? The unmasked? Parents opposed to CRT? Those who sign petitions for election audits? Conservative bloggers? Subscribers to the Mike Huckabee newsletter?

Importantly, since there are no acts of domestic terrorism being perpetrated by the right, the government is targeting motives, feelings, ideologies --- what people think, not what they do.

We’re even seeing examples in the media of commentaries that defend the use of this “psy-ops” strategy, in the name of “fighting disinformation.”


Of course, the problem with this kind of content control is that “disinformation” or “misinformation” is anything the government authority says it is. For example, the story that the Bidens really have been in bed financially with Ukrainians, Russians and Chinese, as revealed on Hunter’s abandoned laptop, was quickly censored as “Russian disinformation” to keep voters from knowing about it right before the 2020 election. And it’s TRUE.

I would add that because of the two-tier “justice” system the left has established, people on their team politically who actually DO commit acts of domestic terrorism and other violent crimes against civil society will be released without bail, if they are dealt with by law enforcement at all.

Lately, the “buzz” being generated is that because of angry Americans on the right --- typically white and rural, and shamefully portrayed as “white supremacists” --- our country is being primed for civil war. To maintain this narrative, the left uses the closest thing it has to that: January 6. (We’ve said all along that the Capitol Hill riot played into the left’s hands so well that if it didn’t happen on its own, they would’ve had to make it happen. More about that tomorrow.) As Anton points out, “The regime is trying to brainwash everyone that January 6 was the equivalent of 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. But it’s not working --- three quarters of Americans think is was ‘a protest that went too far’ --- so the regime needs a Plan B.”

Plan B is to create that “buzz,” to talk up domestic strife and impending civil war –- even books are coming out about this –- so that Americans increasingly believe the threat and become frightened. If they’re frightened enough, they’ll start to accept more draconian measures that would normally be unthinkable. I would add that the virus is a great example of this; those who cower in fear of COVID will accept any amount of restriction: lockdowns, vaccine passports, employer mandates, an endless string of booster shots, social isolation, tracking/travel restrictions, censorship, detention or even denial of medical care for the unvaccinated. It’s just a matter of generating enough fear and dread. The same can be done to instill fear in political opponents; in fact, there’s even some overlap, as resistance to COVID mandates is being politicized.

So, if you’ve been hearing more about the threat or even inevitability of civil war lately, it’s not your imagination. And Anton warns that the feds behind this plan WANT you to step out of line --- to do something that they can paint as a prelude to starting a war. That gives them all the excuse they need to respond, with “more censorship, surveillance, no-knock raids, computer and records seizures, asset confiscation, frivolous (but deadly serious) criminal charges, endless pretrial detention, and draconian sentences for misdemeanors and non-crimes.”

So don't play into it. I would recommend thinking of this as a chess game. Our next move has to be "checkmate" at the ballot box.



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Comments 11-17 of 17

  • Ed Thompson

    01/25/2022 06:16 PM

    In my circle of friends, family, talk about “civil war” has been heard on and off for years. Mostly started during Obamas time in the White House after it became clear he was no friend of police or military but more often took the side of criminals, especially when they were “of color” and police had to use firearms to stop whatever they were doing. “Civil War” talk cropped up in conversation on these occasions when riots broke out and he, Mr Obama, did little to try to help authorities get control of these things. Now we have Joe Knows Nothing, puppet of someone, and other elected officials who constantly call all people who are not “of color” racist, — I must be uneducated about the color white because it is a color— right?? Everyone is “of color” , right, but these people, elected, under oath to act as elected officials who are supposed to uphold our nations laws, all of these people are doing is tearing the country apart and dividing everyone. Civil War??? Nah, that’s just what some really idiotic people what others to think—- don’t drink the coolaid folks. Stay calm, go vote them out of our government and lets get back to loving America and working together.

  • Mark Gostlin

    01/25/2022 05:19 PM


    I agree with you in principle that our next move should be in the ballot box. On the other hand, I don’t think I’m anywhere near alone in saying that my confidence that anything even remotely close to a fair election will happen is near zero.


  • Daphna Yurfest

    01/25/2022 02:50 PM

    Biden wants a civil war! Biden want a war with Russia! Why? Because that is the only way the democrats can cancel the next election and the next one after that…

  • Scott Jamerson

    01/25/2022 02:02 PM

    The information in the article by Anton is a bit of the "psy-op". It sickens me reading it. I didn't finish. They likely said the colonists chances of beating the King's forces were similar to Bambi versus Godzilla, but Bambi won. The left still doesn't have the heart of the military, but they're pursuing it. Also, many of them hold conservative sentiments and wouldn't want to attack fellow countrymen for loving freedom even if it came down to that. They've gone so far so fast out into left field, even many leftists find themselves closer to the right. If you believe otherwise, I would think the psychological warfare is already working on you.

  • Skip Milam

    01/25/2022 12:42 PM

    What I’m waiting for is some sort of manufactured crisis that the Dems cause that will give them the excuse to declare Marshall Law prior to the 2022 or 2024 election(s) and then cancel the election(s) or postpone them indefinitely. Or Marshall Law will give them a way that they can control the outcome of either or both elections. I just don’t see them handing over power to the Republicans graciously after they lose.

  • Leslie McKown

    01/25/2022 11:11 AM

    Electing responsible individuals is a great first step, but I think the second step is to rid Washington of the unelected bureaucrats. That’s where the real power lays. Anyone SES 1 and above needs to go.

  • John Faulkner

    01/25/2022 09:51 AM

    The left has been dragging this country down to invite a civil war. The gloves came off during the GWB administration. They don't hide it. They just say it in a way that's very difficult to decipher

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