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Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

February 5, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Harris Breaks The Tie
  • Much-Needed Message
  • New Developments In Fight Over School Lockdowns
  • AOC Update: Yes, She Was In Washington, DC The Day Of The Riot
  • Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Dreams Up Orwellian Nightmare For Gun-Owners
  • Very Revealing


Mike Huckabee



Harris Breaks The Tie

By Mike Huckabee

Late Thursday night, after more than 15 hours of rancorous debates and votes on amendments, the Senate passed a budget resolution for a massive COVID-19 relief bill that (editorial comment coming) should not be done by budget resolution. It passed on a party line vote, 51-50, with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking the tie (thanks, Georgia!)

To be clear: I’m not against helping Americans who are genuinely hurting, but before we heap trillions more in debt onto future generations, we should ensure that any aid is carefully targeted and not just an excuse to shower money on Democrat constituencies.

Republicans did keep their word to force vote after vote, to make Democrats go on record as supporting or opposing various controversial issues. Those commenters here who claim there’s no difference between the parties and who are threatening to vote for Democrats “just to show” the Republicans should note that the votes were evenly split 50-50 along party lines on…

Whether to support a border security wall, opposing a federal carbon tax, banning oil and gas leasing on federal land, giving stimulus checks to prison inmates, and even supporting religious freedom (yes, all the Democrats voted for checks for criminals and against supporting religious freedom.) So now you know what you’ll be voting for. They did vote 100-0 against defunding police, but someone needs to pass that word along to Democrats on the local government level.

This is too long and complicated to recap here, so check out the Fox News account.

And those flirting with voting Democrat, please note this paragraph, too:

“A final Democratic amendment proposed by Schumer undid three GOP-proposed amendments that passed with bipartisan majorities on fracking, the Keystone XL Pipeline and opposing stimulus checks for illegal immigrants. Harris cast the tie-breaking vote on that too.”

Much-Needed Message

By Mike Huckabee

A much-needed message from Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media for all the “I’m gonna take my ball and go home” Republicans.

New Developments In School Lockdown Fight

By Mike Huckabee

I haven’t been talking regularly about the endless COVID-19 school lockdowns because it’s just the same bad situation dragging on for month after month. But in the past week, some developments have started to appear that suggest parents and at least some officials are out of patience with keeping kids out of school indefinitely no matter how much harm it’s causing, while teachers’ unions continue to fight going back to work. The disease seems to pose very little risk to young people, but keeping them out of school is harming their academic and athletic abilities, their social skills, and causing depression and even suicide. Here’s a round-up of some of the latest news:

First, it’s obvious that the Biden Administration is willing to shower more money on teachers’ unions while demanding nothing in return. Biden’s plan is to reopen most schools after another 100 days, and here’s his Chief of Staff defending that, despite medical studies showing that among schools that have reopened with masks and social distancing, there has been very little transmission of the disease.

That article also notes that three doctors associated with the Centers for Disease Control wrote an article in the AMA Journal encouraging schools to reopen nationwide. They wrote, “There has been little evidence that schools have contributed meaningfully to increased community transmission.”

The director of the CDC agrees that schools can reopen safely, and teachers don’t even need vaccinations.

The American Academy of Pediatrics is also calling for schools to reopen immediately, saying that the shutdowns are causing bigger risks to students than the coronavirus.

Fed-up parents around the nation are now holding their own protest rallies to demand that schools reopen.

Finally, even Biden’s former presidential rival, Mike Bloomberg, is urging Biden to stand up to the teachers’ unions. He said, "It's time for Joe Biden to stand up and say ‘kids are the most important things.’ Teachers are going to have to suck it up, stand up and provide an education. The President has to stand up to the unions.”

Strong words, but I have a feeling that the greatest wish for a long life that I could offer anyone in the era of COVID is, “May you live long enough to see a Democrat President stand up to the teachers’ unions.”

AOC Update: Yes, She Was In Washington, DC The Day Of The Riot

By Mike Huckabee

I’m not going to wade into who is telling the truth in the “he said/she said” drama that began with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez accusing Sen. Ted Cruz of trying to get her murdered because he questioned the integrity of the 2020 vote, which allegedly sparked the Capitol riot (it didn’t.) But since it’s making news, here’s where we are so far.

AOC next said a Capitol cop burst into her office to evacuate her, banged on the door and shouted, “Where is she?” and looked at her “in all of this anger and hostility,” triggering her trauma from a previous undetailed assault. Then a Twitter hashtag comparing her to actor Jussie Smollett trended after a colleague whose office is next to hers pointed out that they aren’t even in the Capitol building, they are in the Cannon House Office Building, and “insurrectionists” never stormed their hallway. AOC called that “manipulation” by the right, claiming that the attack wasn’t just on the Capitol dome but the entire Capitol complex.

Okay, before this gets any more confusing, here’s a detailed, illustrated timeline of exactly what happened that day. The only mention of the Cannon building is that it was evacuated.

And she’s now being accused of trying to rally her own followers to bully the media into silence.

That’s where we are as of this writing. All I’ll add is that since AOC has made an accusation that a Capitol cop triggered her victim’s trauma with his allegedly hateful gaze, I’d like to hear his side of the story. Especially since, if what she claims about her life being in danger is true, he was actually there to save her.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Dreams Up Orwellian Nightmare For Gun-Owners

By Mike Huckabee

Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee recently introduced the Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act, the Democrats’ most radical assault yet on the Second Amendment, and that’s really saying something considering what they've proposed in the past.

The bill would not only create extremely burdensome licensing and other restrictions on all buyers or sellers of guns or ammunition, it would also create a nationwide gun registry that would gather tons of personal information on every gun owner that would be ripe for hacking and abuse. Most outrageous of all, it would mandate that gun buyers or sellers undergo a psychiatric exam and that a licensed psychologist interview the person’s spouse, ex-spouse, family members and associates to determine the “mental, emotional, and relational stability of the individual in relation to firearms.”

Let’s hope that there are enough reasonable Democrats – or that the Senate filibuster remains safe – or that the Supreme Court doesn’t get stacked with leftists – to insure this Orwellian nightmare never sees the light of day.

But if we’re going to start demanding psychiatric exams before people exercise their Constitutional rights, then how about one for anybody who’d vote to reelect Sheila Jackson Lee? Or one to determine the mental and emotional stability of leftist politicians before they’re allowed to exercise their First Amendment rights and talk in public?

Very Revealing

By Mike Huckabee

This is very revealing: Sen. Rand Paul drilled down on Secretary of Education nominee Miguel Cardona about President Biden’s order to let males who “identify” as females compete in girls’ sports. Watch Cardona squirm, evade and change the subject as he tries to defend this policy without admitting the obvious: he knows it’s a ridiculous attempt to deny biological reality that will destroy girls’ sports. He can’t say so publicly for political reasons, but he knows it, and he’s going to enforce it anyway.


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Comments 26-39 of 39

  • Robert

    02/05/2021 08:57 PM

    Sheila Jackson Lee moved from New Jersey to Texas many years ago for the purpose of representing one of the poorest congressional districts in Texas. The district has declined in many ways with uneducated, poor voters. I don't see why they keep voting her in. She is only interested in herself!

  • Wendy souza

    02/05/2021 08:38 PM

    I think its time, Americans need answers and enough of the lies, theater acts, childish behaviors. I really do not think people will sit idle for very much longer.

  • Jewell Reeves

    02/05/2021 08:02 PM

    Mike, I think you sent me a request for money on name MY FAITH VOTES. I SENT A CK. NOW I RECEIVED A LETTER WITHOUT YOUR NAME and signed JASON YATES. IS THIS YOUR GROUP?

  • Emmett M. Shutes

    02/05/2021 07:55 PM

    You can think like a politician; we voters(70 million of us) don’t; and that’s a big reason we loved Pres. Trump—he is not a politician! Answer me this: why do the RINOS &
    Republicans ALWAYS figure out what they did wrong AFTER it is too late?!! They have 90 million dollars of our Trump donations—and those losers still are begging us for money!!!! They have a 15% approval rating, and a horrible track record—why in God’s Holy Name should we stay with them?! No wonder the Deep State rules that rotten swamp!! Doesn’t ANYONE have the guts to drain the filth?!! I think Trump started to; but our cowards shoved him under the bus. God help us, now!

  • Elaine Fortune

    02/05/2021 07:44 PM

    Every damn one of them has psychiatric problems. THEY scare the shit out of most of us with their obsessive compulsion to Control the populus. They remind me of the darkest parts of WWII and the holocaust camps. All I can say is I pray that We The People will be brave enough to stand shoulder to shoulder across America and tell the world the truth of the crimes they've already committed with the evidence we have on the election fraud and coup of America by Foreign and Domestic players throughout our own govt and corporate world. Today aired the evidence and talked to the experts but yet no main stream coverage of the event nor a peep from our so called leaders in Congress.

  • Alan Liljekrans

    02/05/2021 07:44 PM

    It's good to focus on 2022, but when the voting machines are rigged in favor of the democrats, who in their right mind thinks that republicans can win any election from now on? Did you see the program presented by Mike Lindell on OAN today? The greatest foreign intervention in an American election in history! We have the facts. We have the logs. But, our FBI and DOJ have done and will not do anything with it but bury it! And, the states will not do anything either. The fix is in, and short of rebellion, nothing will change it.

  • William Fuhrer

    02/05/2021 07:20 PM

    Do girl and women athletes testify as to the disadvantage that is put before them? Marquise of Queensbury appreciated a level playing field in sports. Doesn't most of the men and women legislaters know an unfair advantage when it is shown to them. Democrats had no problem with arabs tyiing a journalist hands behind his back and chopping off his head so I guess not

  • Tommy Wienke

    02/05/2021 07:19 PM

    Concerning AOC and her latest near death story and equating it with a previously undisclosed sexual assault, all I say is this;
    1. If you equate words spoken by Ted Cruz with sexual assault, chances are you weren’t sexually assaulted.
    2. If you never filed a report for said crime, then please tell me why we should believe you? The sexual assault claim is used for political purposes constantly anymore, and frankly, after the Kavanaugh debacle, I’ve had quite enough.
    If you weren’t brave enough to go to the police when it happened, what changed to give you courage to tell your millions of Instagram followers.
    I call bull.

  • Rick Locke

    02/05/2021 07:11 PM

    My son-in-law is a math and p.e. teacher in Southern California. He has lived his whole life with a heart defect. His younger brother died from that same defect a year and a half ago. Please don't expect me (or he and his family) to roll over and accept the "one size fits all" "teachers don't need to be vaccinated.

  • PJ Robinson

    02/05/2021 07:03 PM

    There is an option for teachers that do not want to return to the class room. Stop their pay check. Once they are no longer being paid let us see how long they will hold out. Why are they still being paid?

  • William D. Jakovac

    02/05/2021 07:01 PM

    If we are guaranteed the right to bear arms, do politicians have the right to make it so difficult and expensive to actually keep us from exercising that right?

    I do agree with you to demand psychiatric exams on determining the mental and emotional stability of leftist politicians.

  • Charles E. Harris

    02/05/2021 06:59 PM

    If this passes we should also require those desiring to vote pass a civics exam (this bill requires a psychological exam and weapons handling training) and get a government issued photo ID (this bill requires insurance) and vote in person (guns can’t be purchased online). 2nd Amendment vs. 15th Amendment. Both rights established by the Constitution. Why manage them differently?

  • Stephen Russell

    02/05/2021 06:49 PM

    LA CA Vaccine issues:

    No way to connect for appointments
    Cant sign up on websites ( USC Keck & LA County)
    Hours on phone.
    & when they pickup & deny acess No 1 knows when next supply coming or to place me into system for Next round.
    No coordination seen
    No regional control seen
    Too bureaucratic
    Poor communication.

    Over 65 wait to April for shot 1?
    None will take vaccines
    Ammo for anti vaxers.
    Lose more lives?
    System inflexible to allow over 65 meet with next group for vaccines
    If in line to take vaccine & fit req for said vaccine GIve dose & screw the appointment system

    Is this nationwide.
    Im 66, In Phase 1B for vaccines, & cant get Into system
    Inflexible websites DONT allow sign ups
    No forms to fill out & Your in & send me email for date for vaccine 1.

  • Debra Zino

    02/05/2021 06:24 PM

    Dear Lord,Jesus please help us. Your will be done . Please let us again be one nation under God with liberty and justice for all !

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