Today's News Stories

March 24, 2022

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Kamala Harris: In the Deep End
  • Tipping=Racism
  • And more…


Mike Huckabee


But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

James 1:6

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

Intriguing idea

I’m naturally skeptical of any voting system that involves the Internet, but this is at least an intriguing idea.

A company called Redo Voting is touting its new ballot system based on the same security protocols as state lotteries. They say that while it’s technically possible to hack it, it would be so difficult that that’s why nobody has ever been able to rig a lottery. It would give every registered voter one ballot synched to their ID (if you lose it, it can be replaced, but you can’t vote twice.) You can vote from anywhere, the vote is tallied immediately, and anyone can look at the results to ensure they’re honest. There would be no chain-of-custody issues, no influence buying by tech billionaires, and no stopping ballot counts at midnight. They claim it’s transparent, unhackable and incorruptible.

If I were a betting man, I’d wager everything I own that the Democrats will fight it tooth and claw.

Time for alternatives to Twitter

Here’s yet another reason why everyone should stop using Twitter and switch to an alternative site that respects freedom of speech. Here are a few options (hint: not Facebook):

Not only did Twitter ban the Babylon Bee over a satirical story that accurately described HHS official Rachel Levine as a biological male, now they’ve suspended the account of the Christian Post for the same reason. Only to make matters worse, they claimed the CP might be in violation of French hate speech laws, and that if they disagreed, they might have to challenge the decision in a French court.

I didn’t realize that Twitter is a French company. Maybe that would explain why they seem to be totally ignorant of such American traditions as the First Amendment and Section 230 of the Communications Act that protects them from lawsuits only as long as they act as a neutral platform and not a publisher/editor.

As that linked story notes, Twitter has a strange set of standards for what it does and doesn’t allow. Former President Trump is banned for allegedly fomenting violence, but the leaders of Iran who take daily breaks to chant “Death to America” still have Twitter accounts. The President of a nation that perpetuates genocide can stay on Twitter, but they ban comedians who tweet jokes pointing out that that nation perpetuates genocide.

Also, while they censor many conservative sites (including this one) for “disinformation” even though we’re telling the truth, there have been no repercussions for liberals who’ve wildly mischaracterized Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Bill and falsely labeled it as the “Don’t Say Gay Law.” In fact, they’re openly promoting that disinformation.

Of course, Twitter is hardly alone in its attempts to silence people for speaking obvious truths that counteract leftist narratives. Take a look at how NBC applied more Photoshopping to “trans” swimmer Lia Thomas you’d see on a Vogue magazine cover shot of Kamala Harris.

I would say the assaults on reality by both big media and social media have become trans…parent.

“Harrison Bergeron 2022”

Parents are furious at the Cherry Creek School District in Colorado for doing away with the concept of a class Valedictorian because “learning is not a competition” and “class rank and Valedictorian status” are outdated.

I’m betting that nobody on that school board was class valedictorian.

In a story that I’m sure is totally unrelated, the New York Post reports that over 120,000 students and families have left the New York City public school system over the past five years.


Wait, so you’re saying that electing leftist radicals who gut your police department and hand your city over to anarchists, rioters and criminals results in a “criminal and humanitarian emergency”? Why didn’t someone warn the voters of Seattle about this?!

This happened for REAL

Yet more proof of why it’s so hard to be a satirist these days: No matter how ridiculous a story you make up, it won’t be long before the “woke” left do it for real.

Kamala Harris: In the Deep End

Those who suspect that Kamala Harris is in over her head don’t even realize just how far off the deep end she is, at least according to a new book by two New York Times reporters.

In addition to the well-documented public fumbles and endless staff turnovers we’ve all seen, the book claims that Harris tortures her staff with diva-like behavior like complaining about the photo of her that appeared on the cover of Vogue (staffers warned that her griping would come across as the very definition of a “first world problem”), and demanding to know why everyone stood when Biden entered the room but not when she did (uh…because he’s the President and she’s not?)

Caveat: I tend to take any revelations from tell-all books, especially those involving anonymous sources and New York Times reporters, with a pillar of salt. There were a lot of those during the Trump years, and with my White House connections, I knew that many of the outrageous stories they peddled were complete garbage. As to whether the horror stories about Harris are true or not, I don’t have a clue. But I do know that the people pushing the anti-Trump books had a strong ulterior motive to harm and undermine him, while the same people are desperate to shore up support for Biden and Harris. If this is the best they can make her look, I can only imagine what it’s really like.


“1619 Project” author Nikole Hannah-Jones (who actually won a Pulitzer Prize for that widely-debunked piece of historically illiterate claptrap) has found yet another thing that’s a racist legacy of slavery: tipping. She claims it arose after the Civil War as an excuse for underpaying black service workers, and that’s why “we tip in the US and nowhere else.”

But as Nina Bookout at the Victory Girls blog points out, none of that is true. Service workers are all races and always have been. Tipping is common around the world, even in nations that aren’t multi-racial, and has been for centuries. She even reproduced a tweet from a real historian who scanned a page on tipping from a travel guide to Europe written in the 1730s.

The inexplicable popularity of Nikole Hannah-Jones and her obsession with finding slavery at the root of every subject in American history reminds me of something that the late Dr. Carl Sagan said about Eric von Däniken, the writer who popularized the idea of space aliens building all the wonders of the ancient world. He said that everything von Däniken doesn’t understand, he attributes to aliens, and unfortunately, there are a LOT of things he doesn’t understand. Sagan also said this, which is equally applicable to the “1619 Project” author:

“That writing as careless as von Däniken's, whose principal thesis is that our ancestors were dummies, should be so popular is a sober commentary on the credulousness and despair of our times…I know of no recent books so riddled with logical and factual errors as the works of von Däniken.”

Well, now we do.

I Just Wanted to Say:

Thank you for reading the Evening Edition.

For more news of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 11-13 of 13

  • Nicholas Brown

    03/24/2022 07:54 PM

    It's pretty clear that people like Hannah-Jones think of themselves as being so "progressive" that they see their ancestors (or more accurately, OUR ancestors) as being backwards, stupid, and evil. Nothing good can come out of a history involving these people, it must all be torn down. Everything is seen through this filter.

  • James Drury Jr.

    03/24/2022 07:29 PM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!

  • Sharon Faulkner

    03/24/2022 05:30 PM

    I doubt this Nikole Hannah-Jones person is popular. Who with? And actually the first time Americans encountered tipping was in WWI France - and they didn't like it and considered it un democratic.

Election 2024 Coverage

March 24, 2022

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Kamala Harris: In the Deep End
  • Tipping=Racism
  • And more…


Mike Huckabee


But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

James 1:6

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

Intriguing idea

I’m naturally skeptical of any voting system that involves the Internet, but this is at least an intriguing idea.

A company called Redo Voting is touting its new ballot system based on the same security protocols as state lotteries. They say that while it’s technically possible to hack it, it would be so difficult that that’s why nobody has ever been able to rig a lottery. It would give every registered voter one ballot synched to their ID (if you lose it, it can be replaced, but you can’t vote twice.) You can vote from anywhere, the vote is tallied immediately, and anyone can look at the results to ensure they’re honest. There would be no chain-of-custody issues, no influence buying by tech billionaires, and no stopping ballot counts at midnight. They claim it’s transparent, unhackable and incorruptible.

If I were a betting man, I’d wager everything I own that the Democrats will fight it tooth and claw.

Time for alternatives to Twitter

Here’s yet another reason why everyone should stop using Twitter and switch to an alternative site that respects freedom of speech. Here are a few options (hint: not Facebook):

Not only did Twitter ban the Babylon Bee over a satirical story that accurately described HHS official Rachel Levine as a biological male, now they’ve suspended the account of the Christian Post for the same reason. Only to make matters worse, they claimed the CP might be in violation of French hate speech laws, and that if they disagreed, they might have to challenge the decision in a French court.

I didn’t realize that Twitter is a French company. Maybe that would explain why they seem to be totally ignorant of such American traditions as the First Amendment and Section 230 of the Communications Act that protects them from lawsuits only as long as they act as a neutral platform and not a publisher/editor.

As that linked story notes, Twitter has a strange set of standards for what it does and doesn’t allow. Former President Trump is banned for allegedly fomenting violence, but the leaders of Iran who take daily breaks to chant “Death to America” still have Twitter accounts. The President of a nation that perpetuates genocide can stay on Twitter, but they ban comedians who tweet jokes pointing out that that nation perpetuates genocide.

Also, while they censor many conservative sites (including this one) for “disinformation” even though we’re telling the truth, there have been no repercussions for liberals who’ve wildly mischaracterized Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Bill and falsely labeled it as the “Don’t Say Gay Law.” In fact, they’re openly promoting that disinformation.

Of course, Twitter is hardly alone in its attempts to silence people for speaking obvious truths that counteract leftist narratives. Take a look at how NBC applied more Photoshopping to “trans” swimmer Lia Thomas you’d see on a Vogue magazine cover shot of Kamala Harris.

I would say the assaults on reality by both big media and social media have become trans…parent.

“Harrison Bergeron 2022”

Parents are furious at the Cherry Creek School District in Colorado for doing away with the concept of a class Valedictorian because “learning is not a competition” and “class rank and Valedictorian status” are outdated.

I’m betting that nobody on that school board was class valedictorian.

In a story that I’m sure is totally unrelated, the New York Post reports that over 120,000 students and families have left the New York City public school system over the past five years.


Wait, so you’re saying that electing leftist radicals who gut your police department and hand your city over to anarchists, rioters and criminals results in a “criminal and humanitarian emergency”? Why didn’t someone warn the voters of Seattle about this?!

This happened for REAL

Yet more proof of why it’s so hard to be a satirist these days: No matter how ridiculous a story you make up, it won’t be long before the “woke” left do it for real.

Kamala Harris: In the Deep End

Those who suspect that Kamala Harris is in over her head don’t even realize just how far off the deep end she is, at least according to a new book by two New York Times reporters.

In addition to the well-documented public fumbles and endless staff turnovers we’ve all seen, the book claims that Harris tortures her staff with diva-like behavior like complaining about the photo of her that appeared on the cover of Vogue (staffers warned that her griping would come across as the very definition of a “first world problem”), and demanding to know why everyone stood when Biden entered the room but not when she did (uh…because he’s the President and she’s not?)

Caveat: I tend to take any revelations from tell-all books, especially those involving anonymous sources and New York Times reporters, with a pillar of salt. There were a lot of those during the Trump years, and with my White House connections, I knew that many of the outrageous stories they peddled were complete garbage. As to whether the horror stories about Harris are true or not, I don’t have a clue. But I do know that the people pushing the anti-Trump books had a strong ulterior motive to harm and undermine him, while the same people are desperate to shore up support for Biden and Harris. If this is the best they can make her look, I can only imagine what it’s really like.


“1619 Project” author Nikole Hannah-Jones (who actually won a Pulitzer Prize for that widely-debunked piece of historically illiterate claptrap) has found yet another thing that’s a racist legacy of slavery: tipping. She claims it arose after the Civil War as an excuse for underpaying black service workers, and that’s why “we tip in the US and nowhere else.”

But as Nina Bookout at the Victory Girls blog points out, none of that is true. Service workers are all races and always have been. Tipping is common around the world, even in nations that aren’t multi-racial, and has been for centuries. She even reproduced a tweet from a real historian who scanned a page on tipping from a travel guide to Europe written in the 1730s.

The inexplicable popularity of Nikole Hannah-Jones and her obsession with finding slavery at the root of every subject in American history reminds me of something that the late Dr. Carl Sagan said about Eric von Däniken, the writer who popularized the idea of space aliens building all the wonders of the ancient world. He said that everything von Däniken doesn’t understand, he attributes to aliens, and unfortunately, there are a LOT of things he doesn’t understand. Sagan also said this, which is equally applicable to the “1619 Project” author:

“That writing as careless as von Däniken's, whose principal thesis is that our ancestors were dummies, should be so popular is a sober commentary on the credulousness and despair of our times…I know of no recent books so riddled with logical and factual errors as the works of von Däniken.”

Well, now we do.

I Just Wanted to Say:

Thank you for reading the Evening Edition.

For more news of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 11-13 of 13

  • Nicholas Brown

    03/24/2022 07:54 PM

    It's pretty clear that people like Hannah-Jones think of themselves as being so "progressive" that they see their ancestors (or more accurately, OUR ancestors) as being backwards, stupid, and evil. Nothing good can come out of a history involving these people, it must all be torn down. Everything is seen through this filter.

  • James Drury Jr.

    03/24/2022 07:29 PM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!

  • Sharon Faulkner

    03/24/2022 05:30 PM

    I doubt this Nikole Hannah-Jones person is popular. Who with? And actually the first time Americans encountered tipping was in WWI France - and they didn't like it and considered it un democratic.

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    March 24, 2022

    Good evening!

    Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

    Today's newsletter includes:

    • Kamala Harris: In the Deep End
    • Tipping=Racism
    • And more…


    Mike Huckabee


    But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

    James 1:6

    If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

    Intriguing idea

    I’m naturally skeptical of any voting system that involves the Internet, but this is at least an intriguing idea.

    A company called Redo Voting is touting its new ballot system based on the same security protocols as state lotteries. They say that while it’s technically possible to hack it, it would be so difficult that that’s why nobody has ever been able to rig a lottery. It would give every registered voter one ballot synched to their ID (if you lose it, it can be replaced, but you can’t vote twice.) You can vote from anywhere, the vote is tallied immediately, and anyone can look at the results to ensure they’re honest. There would be no chain-of-custody issues, no influence buying by tech billionaires, and no stopping ballot counts at midnight. They claim it’s transparent, unhackable and incorruptible.

    If I were a betting man, I’d wager everything I own that the Democrats will fight it tooth and claw.

    Time for alternatives to Twitter

    Here’s yet another reason why everyone should stop using Twitter and switch to an alternative site that respects freedom of speech. Here are a few options (hint: not Facebook):

    Not only did Twitter ban the Babylon Bee over a satirical story that accurately described HHS official Rachel Levine as a biological male, now they’ve suspended the account of the Christian Post for the same reason. Only to make matters worse, they claimed the CP might be in violation of French hate speech laws, and that if they disagreed, they might have to challenge the decision in a French court.

    I didn’t realize that Twitter is a French company. Maybe that would explain why they seem to be totally ignorant of such American traditions as the First Amendment and Section 230 of the Communications Act that protects them from lawsuits only as long as they act as a neutral platform and not a publisher/editor.

    As that linked story notes, Twitter has a strange set of standards for what it does and doesn’t allow. Former President Trump is banned for allegedly fomenting violence, but the leaders of Iran who take daily breaks to chant “Death to America” still have Twitter accounts. The President of a nation that perpetuates genocide can stay on Twitter, but they ban comedians who tweet jokes pointing out that that nation perpetuates genocide.

    Also, while they censor many conservative sites (including this one) for “disinformation” even though we’re telling the truth, there have been no repercussions for liberals who’ve wildly mischaracterized Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Bill and falsely labeled it as the “Don’t Say Gay Law.” In fact, they’re openly promoting that disinformation.

    Of course, Twitter is hardly alone in its attempts to silence people for speaking obvious truths that counteract leftist narratives. Take a look at how NBC applied more Photoshopping to “trans” swimmer Lia Thomas you’d see on a Vogue magazine cover shot of Kamala Harris.

    I would say the assaults on reality by both big media and social media have become trans…parent.

    “Harrison Bergeron 2022”

    Parents are furious at the Cherry Creek School District in Colorado for doing away with the concept of a class Valedictorian because “learning is not a competition” and “class rank and Valedictorian status” are outdated.

    I’m betting that nobody on that school board was class valedictorian.

    In a story that I’m sure is totally unrelated, the New York Post reports that over 120,000 students and families have left the New York City public school system over the past five years.


    Wait, so you’re saying that electing leftist radicals who gut your police department and hand your city over to anarchists, rioters and criminals results in a “criminal and humanitarian emergency”? Why didn’t someone warn the voters of Seattle about this?!

    This happened for REAL

    Yet more proof of why it’s so hard to be a satirist these days: No matter how ridiculous a story you make up, it won’t be long before the “woke” left do it for real.

    Kamala Harris: In the Deep End

    Those who suspect that Kamala Harris is in over her head don’t even realize just how far off the deep end she is, at least according to a new book by two New York Times reporters.

    In addition to the well-documented public fumbles and endless staff turnovers we’ve all seen, the book claims that Harris tortures her staff with diva-like behavior like complaining about the photo of her that appeared on the cover of Vogue (staffers warned that her griping would come across as the very definition of a “first world problem”), and demanding to know why everyone stood when Biden entered the room but not when she did (uh…because he’s the President and she’s not?)

    Caveat: I tend to take any revelations from tell-all books, especially those involving anonymous sources and New York Times reporters, with a pillar of salt. There were a lot of those during the Trump years, and with my White House connections, I knew that many of the outrageous stories they peddled were complete garbage. As to whether the horror stories about Harris are true or not, I don’t have a clue. But I do know that the people pushing the anti-Trump books had a strong ulterior motive to harm and undermine him, while the same people are desperate to shore up support for Biden and Harris. If this is the best they can make her look, I can only imagine what it’s really like.


    “1619 Project” author Nikole Hannah-Jones (who actually won a Pulitzer Prize for that widely-debunked piece of historically illiterate claptrap) has found yet another thing that’s a racist legacy of slavery: tipping. She claims it arose after the Civil War as an excuse for underpaying black service workers, and that’s why “we tip in the US and nowhere else.”

    But as Nina Bookout at the Victory Girls blog points out, none of that is true. Service workers are all races and always have been. Tipping is common around the world, even in nations that aren’t multi-racial, and has been for centuries. She even reproduced a tweet from a real historian who scanned a page on tipping from a travel guide to Europe written in the 1730s.

    The inexplicable popularity of Nikole Hannah-Jones and her obsession with finding slavery at the root of every subject in American history reminds me of something that the late Dr. Carl Sagan said about Eric von Däniken, the writer who popularized the idea of space aliens building all the wonders of the ancient world. He said that everything von Däniken doesn’t understand, he attributes to aliens, and unfortunately, there are a LOT of things he doesn’t understand. Sagan also said this, which is equally applicable to the “1619 Project” author:

    “That writing as careless as von Däniken's, whose principal thesis is that our ancestors were dummies, should be so popular is a sober commentary on the credulousness and despair of our times…I know of no recent books so riddled with logical and factual errors as the works of von Däniken.”

    Well, now we do.

    I Just Wanted to Say:

    Thank you for reading the Evening Edition.

    For more news of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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    More Stories

    Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

    Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

    Comments 11-13 of 13

    • Nicholas Brown

      03/24/2022 07:54 PM

      It's pretty clear that people like Hannah-Jones think of themselves as being so "progressive" that they see their ancestors (or more accurately, OUR ancestors) as being backwards, stupid, and evil. Nothing good can come out of a history involving these people, it must all be torn down. Everything is seen through this filter.

    • James Drury Jr.

      03/24/2022 07:29 PM

      Thanks Mike & Staff!

    • Sharon Faulkner

      03/24/2022 05:30 PM

      I doubt this Nikole Hannah-Jones person is popular. Who with? And actually the first time Americans encountered tipping was in WWI France - and they didn't like it and considered it un democratic.