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July 31, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!   

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Matthew 28:19
  • A Sad Day In the House
  • Harris Releases Immigration Plan
  • Cuomo Begs For Business
  • Dem Panic
  • America The Beautiful
  • Word Play


Mike Huckabee


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Matthew 28:19

A Sad Day In The House

By Mike Huckabee

It was a sad day in the House Thursday, and a sign of just how radical the Democrats have become, when for the first time in 45 years, the House passed on party lines a Medicaid spending bill that didn’t include the Hyde Amendment. That’s the amendment that prevents taxpayer money from being used to fund abortions, something opposed by a majority of Americans.

It also didn’t include the Weldon Amendment, which prohibits agencies that receive federal funds from discriminating against entities because they refuse to provide or fund abortions.

Later that night, House Democrats passed a State Department funding bill that dropped the Helms Amendment, which prohibits using taxpayer money to fund abortions in other countries. A Marist poll shows that’s opposed by 77% of Americans and supported by only 19%, but the Democrats care more about the abortion lobby than the will of the people.

The Democrats have always been the more pro-abortion party, but at least there used to be room for pro-life Democrats. Not only have they all been driven out, but now, even the reasonable compromise of not forcing pro-life taxpayers to fund the killing of children in the womb is gone.

That’s been replaced by denouncing every disagreement as racist, which California Rep. Barbara Lee tried here, saying, “These provisions have long had a terrible and disproportionate impact on low-income women and women of color. Getting them off the books will be a huge step forward for reproductive and racial justice.”

In short, the Democrats now claim to be fighting racism by making it even easier to abort black babies, who are already greatly disproportionate victims of abortion. In opposing voter ID, Democrats argue that the disproportionate impact of any policy on certain races is prima facie proof of racism. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, a eugenicist who thought that “inferior” races should be weeded out, must be looking up and smiling.

The good news is that these radical changes aren't likely to survive in the Senate. But it should send a long-overdue wake-up call to everyday Democratic voters that this is no longer your father’s Democratic Party. The leadership is now solidly a far-left, pro-death cult of radical extremists. And the one thing I do agree with them on is that extremists are dangerous to America and should not be in positions of power.

Harris Releases Immigration Plan

By Mike Huckabee

As thousands of illegal immigrants continue streaming across our border, and getting released on the US side with no court dates (only 13% even check in as they’re ordered to), Vice President Kamala Harris finally released her five-pronged plan to deal with the problem. It has to be seen to be believed.

Talk about a fork full of manure. The various prongs are heaped with high-flown liberal fantasies about fixing the “root causes” of illegal immigration into America, like “combating corruption, strengthening democratic governance, and advancing the rule of law” and “promoting respect for human rights, labor rights, and free press” in Central America. All well and good, as future goals. But, maybe, in the short term, we might consider CLOSING THE DOOR!!!

It’s like asking someone to help put out a forest fire that she started, and seven months later, she hands over an essay on the history of combustion. And it’s a D- essay. If she and President Biden really want to know the root cause of our current illegal immigration crisis, they can find it in the nearest mirror.

Meanwhile, a new cry has gone up for Biden to appoint someone else as an illegal immigration czar. Say, I know someone who’d be perfect! He has a proven track record of reducing illegal immigration, and he left his last job on January 20th, so he’s probably tanned, rested and ready.

Cuomo Begs For Business

By Mike Huckabee

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is begging New York City employers to make workers come back to their offices by Labor Day because so many people are working from home that local businesses are struggling. Cuomo said they have to get people back to support all the struggling shops, restaurants and service businesses. I'll say to him what many of his female staffers probably have: "Please don't beg."

I won’t go into the fact that it was boneheaded lockdown policies by Democrats like Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio that forced people to work at home in the first place. But they also bear responsibility in many other ways for the reluctance to return. DeBlasio’s awful leftist policies have brought back the crime and filth that Rudy Giuliani miraculously reversed, and the high taxes and costs of living are also driving people not only out of the city but out of the state.

I’ll share a secret with him: employers don’t locate in a city or people move there because the city needs them to support it. They move there because they see it as a good place to live. If it’s dangerous, dirty, inconvenient and over-priced, they’ll go somewhere else.

I used to have to go to New York City every weekend to do my Fox News show, and I can’t tell you how happy I am that I now get to record my TBN show in Hendersonville, Tennessee. I assume that many of those workers are overjoyed to be able to work from somewhere else via Zoom and the Internet.

I’ve been predicting for years that as more and more of our business transactions moved online, people would start to question why they were living in tiny, expensive apartments in cold, dirty, dangerous, overtaxed cities when they could do the same work via their laptops from the sunny patios of their spacious homes in low-tax Florida or Texas? I've said that the day that possibility finally dawned on everyone would be the beginning of the end of New York City as a hub for major financial services.

Gov. Cuomo doesn’t seem to realize that COVID didn’t cause the great exodus, it just sped it up. Begging employers to force workers to come back is like standing on the banks of a river and ordering it to flow the other way. Or to choose a metaphor liberals should appreciate, it’s like trying to deny evolution.

New York City might recover a bit, if its leaders ever take their boots off the necks of business owners and citizens and start using them to kick criminals into jail again. But the only way they’ll convince people to start flowing back in big numbers is to do what Rudy did: create a clean, safe, well-run city and state. Frankly, I don’t believe they’re capable of that.

Dem Panic

By Mike Huckabee

Citing concerns over the Delta variant, various cities and businesses including Walt Disney World are bringing back indoor mask mandates. Teachers unions are pushing to continue them in schools. And President Biden, who changes direction more often than LeBron James, now appears poised to mandate that all government workers (not surprisingly, that’s the largest workforce in America) get vaccinated or face regular tests and various restrictions. The Postal Workers Union had something to say about that.

We’re told that we need to bring back all these draconian measures because of the dangers of the dreaded Delta Variant. Biden once even claimed it’s deadlier than the original disease, which it is not (like all viruses, it’s mutating to forms that are weaker but easier to spread as it tries to stay alive when there are fewer potential hosts.)

This mixed messaging is destroying the CDC’s credibility and undermining their own arguments for getting vaccinated. For instance, if it’s still necessary for vaccinated people to wear masks and social distance, that implies that the vaccine is useless, which isn't true. They say we should listen to them because they represent “SCIENCE!” but they’re coming off more as politicians speaking out of both sides of their mouths at once (I wish there was a vaccine to cure that.)

Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw released a series of tweets blasting the CDC and claiming that the entire basis for the return of mask mandates was a single study done in India that was rejected in peer review and that involved a vaccine we don’t even use here.

Wednesday, Fox News Primetime aired a series of graphs illustrating the rising cases of COVID that are sparking the return of draconian measures. They showed that the case increase was about one-tenth of the previous peak, and the more important measures (hospitalizations and deaths) were flat. In fact, US COVID deaths are at their lowest level since March of last year, around the time the pandemic began.

Since so few people trust the CDC, here’s some straight dope on the actual danger level of the Delta variant and the effectiveness of the vaccines (quite high, but not perfect), from health industry consultant Kevin Roche’s Healthy Skeptic blog.

He deserves a read just for his brilliant observation that “pandemic” is an anagram for “Dem panic.”

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Congaree National Park, visit its website here.

Word Play

By Mike Huckabee

Working in the White House these days is sort of like playing a party game where you pick words out of a deck of cards at random and try to make a coherent sentence out of them. Except the poor Biden staffers have to try to convince us that the random words that drop out of President Biden’s mouth actually make sense. It’s infinitely harder.

For the record: a school bus isn’t an 18-wheel truck, and riding in an 18-wheeler is not the same as driving one.

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Comments 11-20 of 31

  • Jerry

    07/31/2021 07:17 PM

    Echo the NYC state of mind the 2 baboons that put the policies in place primates are fleeing the concrete jungle in mass. The two baboons run the city and the State have killed off human life and made it unlivable for humans with out having human turn into savages themselves to survive. Humans with resources packed up and left New York the 2 baboons left New York in a miserable State of Mind. Concrete jungle people still enjoy your baron city maybe you need to change your state of mind and vote in strong Conservative Human Beings into your major offices. Just a thought maybe you change your city of baboons back to to a habitat Human Beings want to inhabit.

  • Thom Schotanus

    07/31/2021 05:58 PM

    I get your comment about Margaret Sanger but we both know that if she's looking up, she's not smiling! She'd probably give anything to come back and redo her life.

  • James Jessup

    07/31/2021 04:46 PM

    I've been reading your news letter and watching your TV show for a couple of months now. While Fox News, and News Max are very good, I think overall, the information you provide is better. It really does sound "Fair and Balanced". Honest, straight-forward facts; how refreshing!
    Best regards,
    Jim Jessup
    Elizabethtown, KY

  • James Evart

    07/31/2021 03:59 PM

    The Democrats are such flaming hypocrites. In just one of many cases they cite:

    “root causes” of illegal immigration into America, like “combating corruption, strengthening democratic governance, and advancing the rule of law” and “promoting respect for human rights, labor rights, and free press” ,

    when they, themselves, in telling other countries to clean up their people shedding problems, are prime examples of what they suggest clean up. Maybe they should take the plank out of their own eyes before they start lecturing other countries to clean up their acts.

  • Firewagon

    07/31/2021 03:53 PM

    "Gov. Cuomo doesn’t seem to realize that COVID didn’t cause the great exodus," HE DID!!

  • Floyd A Unger

    07/31/2021 02:46 PM

    Thank you


    07/31/2021 01:35 PM

    Always make my day

  • Alan Johns

    07/31/2021 11:56 AM

    The most practical thing to do about Biden's mouth at this point, is to hire
    "BAD LIP READING" from you-tube to do voice-overs.

    If they can't make sense out of Mumbles, no one can.

  • PAUL Schaber

    07/31/2021 11:51 AM

    Something that Coumo and Deblasio cannot understand is that
    of them to come to understand that taxes and public safety is
    important there will be contining exodus from New York City
    to other low cost states and police safety communities along
    with criminals being convicted vice given a slap on the wrist
    and released back into the community to continue their life of
    crime. Thse same employees will continue resigning from the
    company or finding new employment opportunities elsewhere.

  • Stephen Russell

    07/31/2021 11:31 AM

    Vaccine quotas down:
    Due to these:
    o Prior campaign comments about" Trump" vaccine then
    o Big Tech censoring data
    o Block MDs from speaking out on vaccines
    o Skew data on vaccines
    o Vaccine deaths
    o Mixed messages
    & they wonder why People WONT take vaccine.
    Since campaign of 2020, 2019 to date by Dems

UPDATE: New details on federal $$$ paid for POLITICO Pro subscriptions by Mike Huckabee

Brad Slager at REDSTATE has worked to put together the details on federal spending for POLITICO Pro and other news outlets that have been uncovered by DOGE...

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Handy Timeline Shows Biden White House Set Up Mar-A-Lago Raid by Mike Huckabee

Instead, deputy WHITE HOUSE Counsel came up with a pretext for a “special access request” to obtain those records.

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Mike Huckabee Essays

The Most Important Form of Government is a Father, Mother and Children by Mike Huckabee

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The spiritual side of our life really does matter by Mike Huckabee

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Lack of Morality Makes Our Government Grow by Mike Huckabee

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