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Trip of a Lifetime

Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Pop the popcorn

No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

June 10, 2021

How badly has Vice President Kamala Harris botched her first big assignment, to clean up the disaster President Biden created on the border? Let me count the ways…

(1.) As of today, she’s had the assignment for 78 days and has yet to even visit the border…(2.) When asked about that by a reporter, she laughed oddly and said she hadn’t visited Europe either, as if she’s in charge of keeping Frenchmen from swimming across the Atlantic to enter New Jersey illegally…(3.) She went to Guatemala and was greeted by protesters with signs reading “Trump won,” “Go home” and “Guatemala is pro-life”…(4.) She claimed the root causes of illegal immigration were climate change and hostility to LGBTQ people…(5.) The President of Guatemala personally contradicted her by telling “Face the Nation” that the cause of the surge was Biden undoing Trump’s border security policies.

And now, to make it an even half dozen: she’s done such a lousy job that even the Biden White House is letting it be known that they are frustrated, perplexed and “not thrilled” with her inexplicably incompetent performance.

At this rate, she really needs to up her game if she ever hopes to take over the job of being President from Jill Biden.

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Comments 21-30 of 37

  • Nona Lowery

    06/11/2021 07:13 AM

    You always hit the nail on the head and with great humor when called for. I live in Texas and I know first hand what it is like to see the influx of illegals coming into this country. Our current administration has made a terrible decision to allow this to happen and it appears our state is going to have to take things into our own hands. It is sad to see what is taking place and sad to see nothing is being done by our incompetent POTUS. Thank you Governor Huckabee for your great twice daily news letter.

  • Robert Marshall

    06/11/2021 06:56 AM

    You can't expect a problem solver when the only qualification she has involved being under the work desk of someone in a position of power.

  • Vickie Fiorentino Baggett

    06/11/2021 06:50 AM

    She is trying to act "presidential" and doing a LOUSY job. Camel hasn't a clue and nobody to sleep with to up the stakes to actual President. Her dreams and ambitions cannot be fulfilled at this point because there is someone else in the job she wants to install herself.

  • Paul Christensen

    06/11/2021 03:19 AM

    No surprise here. She was chosen for the wrong reasons and is not up to the task.

  • Eddie Byrn

    06/11/2021 01:42 AM

    A picture of Kamala Harris or even just her name causes me to remember her as Willie Brown's mistress (every time).

  • Robin Gonsalves

    06/11/2021 01:13 AM

    I think she knows she is way over her head and figures I can't sleep with dementia joe because he won't remember their deal so do what any unqualified person would do, enjoy the ride as long as you can before "We The People" give her the boot or she makes a deal with Susan rice patty. Like cover for me or I'll spill the beans on who is really running the country into the ground!
    Either way we lose!

  • Diane Wilson

    06/11/2021 01:04 AM

    I suppose the current administration has figured out that the Guatemalans aren’t going to be good little Democrat voters, thus the newfound desire to encourage them to stay where they are. How refreshing that the Guatemalans see them for what they are. If only some of the willfully blind Americans could muster up the courage to remove their blindfolds.

  • Rebecca Holstine

    06/11/2021 12:47 AM

    I can only pray that Kamala is never president. But then again I also pray that Jill won't be either. Thank you Mike for your great News Letter. Keep up the good work.

  • Sunrise Phoenix

    06/11/2021 12:25 AM

    Maybe Dr. Jill would make a better President!LOL

  • micheal ramsey

    06/11/2021 12:13 AM

    Thank you for your very needed commentary on important issues of Our day.

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