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Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

February 12, 2021

The case brought yesterday by the House impeachment managers was a master class, not in how to present a factual case but how NOT to –- how to avoid the facts and skillfully create a piece of propaganda.

"What I think is really glaring as the House managers wrapped up their case was what was not in that case,” said legal analyst Jonathan Turley to Sean Hannity on Thursday night. “You know, after doing that snap impeachment, there were four weeks where the House did nothing in terms of locking in testimony. There were a dozen people who were around the President who spoke publicly about things he did or said during those critical hours. The House never called any of them as witnesses, never locked in their testimony, never created the record that they failed to create when they did this snap impeachment. And the question is why?”

Instead, Turley pointed out, they quoted NEWS ARTICLES about potential witnesses that they never called, either in the impeachment or the "trial." Very curiously, they chose not to use direct evidence from these witnesses.

He said it was particularly glaring on Wednesday, when the managers repeatedly claimed they had information on Trump’s “state of mind.” That’s not the charge; in the one article of impeachment, Trump is charged with insurrection to violence.

Trump isn’t being charged for being “a lousy person,” Turley said. He was impeached on the charge of trying to incite an actual rebellion. They’ve “dug a very deep hole” that they “didn’t really try” to fill, so why didn’t they bring in their evidence? Even if they wanted to stress Trump’s state of mind, they brought in very little evidence of that.

But we do have a LOT of evidence that the breach of the Capitol Building was planned well in advance. Trump could not have “incited” an “insurrection” unless he got in a time machine and went back to November/December and told them to do it, or unless he was actively plotting with them at the time. There is no evidence of that, or of the time machine, either.

Turley wrote at length about the House managers’ problem with the lack of direct witness testimony and what it says about the credibility of their case. Highly recommended reading.

So, with Trump’s attorneys presenting their defense on Friday, how should they proceed? Turley said the House managers have “opened the door” to examining “reckless rhetoric,” which they should not want, considering all the horrific examples that can be cited from the Democrats. “It may be difficult to distinguish from the accused, the prosecutors and the jury,” Turley said. “We’re living in an age of rage, and people say irresponsible things.” Oddly, the managers have moved away from the impeachment article they drafted to focus on Trump’s language generally, showing a lot of clips of past speeches. And, according to Turley, “they really didn’t prove that case.”

The way to counter that is, of course, to show a long montage of clips of Democrat senators and representatives using violent and threatening language, of which there are many. Some of them are so dark and chilling, so hateful, they go way beyond anything Trump has said. Try to imagine President Trump saying those things --- he wouldn’t.

Turley has said previously that Trump shouldn’t put on a defense at all and just “rest on the constitutional challenge.” Personally, though, I would love to see him “fight” --- there’s that word --- with some fabulous pushback to devastate and humiliate those who put together this sham. They deserve a good slap-down, and, gosh, I apologize for my use of violent rhetoric. Trump’s attorneys should do this quickly, though, in just a few hours, and not allow the left to continue distracting the country with this show trial.

Much has been said about the 13-minute “movie” that the Democrats had produced and showed on the first day of the “trial,” specifically about the emotional effect it seemed to have on its audience. There were reports that the room went utterly silent at the end of it. This was the centerpiece of the propaganda presented at this “trial.” It would never have been permitted in a real trial, as it was deceptively edited to link Trump’s words to violent actions from different times and places; there was no actual link established. Most importantly, producers chose to leave out the key piece of exculpatory evidence –- Trump’s own words, revealing his assumption that the crowd would be going to the Capitol Building “peacefully and patriotically.”

THAT ONE FACT –- that in their manipulative little Hollywood production, they conveniently left out the words “peacefully and patriotically” –- is enough right there to discredit their entire case. At least to my mind it is.

I can sum it up in two words: “falsifying evidence.”

Alan Dershowitz commented that “the President made a statement, a speech, which was so within the parameters of our First Amendment and Brandenburg [Brandenburg v. Ohio, 1968], notwithstanding the fact that 144 scholars have said it would be unethical –- unethical –- to even raise a First Amendment issue...” He went on to rail that these people are trying to intimidate Trump’s attorneys from using the First Amendment to defend him. This, he said, would be “depriving all of America and the Senate of the opportunity to hear how the First Amendment precludes this impeachment.’

David Shoen is “a very good lawyer,” Dershowitz said, adding that he expects that Friday we’ll get a few hours of laser-like focus on the First Amendment. (I would add this that might be extremely instructive to the rest of the country, as everyone could use a good lecture on the First Amendment right now.) He said they should also spend some time on the jurisdictional issue –- the fact that Trump is now a private citizen –- as some senators might acquit more on free speech grounds, others more on jurisdictional grounds. Since only a third of the senators have to vote to acquit, he expects an acquittal.

"The Democrats overplayed their hand [Thursday],” he said. “They went on too long, [they were] too repetitious, they should have rested...” Trump’s lawyers “will do a good job by making it neat and clean and to the point and short.”

Shoen told reporters on Thursday that Democrats have failed to tie Trump to the breach of the Capitol Building. “I think they’re making a movie,” he said. “...And I think it’s offensive. Quite frankly, it’s antithetical [to] to the healing process to continue to show the tragedy that happened here that Donald Trump has condemned, and I think it tears at the American people, quite frankly.”

It sure does. And to the Democrats, tearing at us is an extra benefit of this sideshow. It’s just one more way to go after Trump supporters, one more way to make us feel crushed and defeated. But it will backfire, because we’re smarter than that, we can see through them, and we can spot all the fakery and the strings being pulled.


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Comments 51-75 of 101

  • Lynn YOung

    02/12/2021 12:47 PM

    This is about election tampering. Again. Democrats want to decide for the people if Trump will run again in 2024. Before that election even takes place, WE must expose election fraud (looking at you Stacy Abrams/Raphael Warnock) to the fullest degree and put honest GOP in charge of election integrity. If we don't do that, ANY GOP that is miraculously elected will be subjected to these idiotic impeachments. The silence on election integrity is astounding. And scares the hell out of me.

  • Sharon Harris

    02/12/2021 12:36 PM

    After all this, I am finally relieved President Trump is no longer in the White House. I just couldn't bear to watch "them" focus on their vitriol and hatred toward him to the exclusion of getting anything meaningful and beneficial to We the People. I needed to see Mr. Trump retain his presidency and continue what he started. He deserves a quiet life now enjoying his family and grooming them to take over where he left off so they can repair the horror show we are living in under the current administration.

  • Janis engel

    02/12/2021 12:32 PM

    All of this reminds me of the old saying,
    “It is better to be thought ignorant than to open your mouth and
    remove all doubt”

  • Peter Tentis

    02/12/2021 12:09 PM

    This was about intimidating the future. This is a ploy to scare off future non-swamp republican candidates.

  • Bene Davis

    02/12/2021 12:08 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee,

    I thoroughly enjoy each of your newsletters. Your sense of humor is so refreshing. I loved your Rock Hall of Shame News article.

    Thank you for always offering a Godly, balanced perspective on today's events. May The LORD save our nation from the evil that is upon us, and may He bless you and your family beyond anything you could ever ask or imagine.
    Bene Davis

  • J CSquiers

    02/12/2021 12:01 PM

    Let the truth be known and it will set you free!

  • Henry P Cincere Jr.

    02/12/2021 11:54 AM

    It would certainly be nice if this article was sent and read to the 10 reps and 6 senators that voted for impeachment. Everyone of them needs to get fired in the next election cycle.

  • Les Whitehead

    02/12/2021 11:49 AM

    This all comes down to Leadership or the lack of it, our Congress is being led by incompetent, corrupt ,Liars who are ignoring the laws and are trying to bullshit and brainwash the rest of us. They all need to be held accountable.

  • Deborah Borgens

    02/12/2021 11:48 AM

    Mike, thank you so much for being a voice of reason. I look forward to reading your emails every day. I don't watch the news on TV, so your precise and researched information is important. With the horrid, untrue rhetoric of today, a spot of truth each day keeps me grounded. Praying for you and for Sarah's successful bid for Governor.

  • Ca Sherman

    02/12/2021 11:44 AM

    I hope the devilcrats continue their nonsense long enough to come back and bite themselves in the butt. Any American "with half their brain tied behind their back" can see thru their nonsense
    They need to be hit with endless lawsuits and rubbish for the next 4 years like they have done to President Trump. They are discusting

  • Melinda Lucas

    02/12/2021 11:43 AM

    Looks like somebody didn’t get this memo: “Ask not what what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. “ Thank you Governor Huckabee for sharing knowledge of what really is best for our country!

  • Liz Rome

    02/12/2021 11:41 AM

    Love-the America the Beautiful picture! And so happy you will have one every day. I am a New Englander who went to Zion and Bryce Parks years ago. They are fantastic-amazing -and made me think of history. How brave the pioneers who went west in wagons had to be to cross that vast land. Maybe love of country can start with love of our beautiful sites.

  • Mary Jo Lincoln

    02/12/2021 11:41 AM

    Regarding the "silence" over the room following the "feature film" produced by the Democrat impeachment managers, two thoughts have occurred to me: 1) What the rioters (the real rioters, not the peaceful protesters) did was appalling. That turned the stomachs of every true patriotic American and all who hold American values. It would naturally have left all of us silent. 2) The fact that the Democrats used "selected" clips and "produced" such a film by editing out the exculpatory evidence in order to "manufacture evidence" to "create" a case is just as appalling! Could the realization that such a "crime" was being committed right there in the Senate chamber -- the upper house of the American Congress -- have been just as likely a cause for being speechless?

  • Tina J Meyers

    02/12/2021 11:40 AM

    I find it very unethical to bring up an edited movie in order to prosecute the best president since Reagan and not prosecute the likes of Pelosi, Waters, and Clinton. Clinton should be in jail. I would have been had I mishandled classified as she did, knowingly or unknowingly

  • Ken Lawyer

    02/12/2021 11:40 AM

    Once again, why the Republican Party allows the Democratic Party to run "roughshod" and "with reckless abandon" through the Constitution without nothing more than a whimper is disgraceful. We continue to hear of Ted Cruz's abilities and knowledge of the Constitution but still no legal attempts to stop the misuse of our taxpayer monies and blockage of legal procedures through this whole sham of an impeachment. If we are to believe the so-called lack of support of evidence then why is it being allowed in what most Americans are being led to believe "IS" a legal process to impeach a president who is no longer in office? This whole debacle is embarrassing and a divisive tool of Hollywood bamboozle!!!

  • Gail S Denham

    02/12/2021 11:39 AM

    they're really kind of hilarious, don't you think - all their grandstanding and "serious" faces (if you can tell behind the black masks and everyone dressed in black. What a joke. It's a good thing they put up a fence - keep the people causing trouble - inside.
    they do not even CONSIDER the people they're supposed to represent.
    Thanks for the picture of Zion Nat. Pk - it is beautiful - but please start telling us some of the good news - like the Okla. Gov. creating his own executive order against biden's gas/oil mandate. How exactly are they going to fly their well-stocked private jets. perhaps they could take a horse or even walk. then they could encounter they people they're supposed to represent. Prayers for Russ - and for our country. Amen.

  • Barbara Bunch

    02/12/2021 11:34 AM

    We are so tired of the left’s attempts at doing ANYTHING possible to do away with one of the best Presidents since President Regan. They lie, cheat, steal (the election) and we all collectively feel that our hands and voices are being suppressed . We need to stand strong behind President Trump-he truly advocated for the American citizenry-We the People.

  • Sylvua Centeno

    02/12/2021 11:20 AM

    Love the addition of America the Beautiful to your newsletter. Our God is an awesome architect of creation. Blessings

  • Robert P Rank

    02/12/2021 11:04 AM

    Hi Governor, I understand your point about the Republican party need to rebuild. My question is how do you do so after an election where there were so many "irregularities". Where was the DOJ? Where was the FBI? Where was the Supreme Court? President Trump had to suffer through a needless investigation for four years and he was President. I will leave you with a quote by Joseph Stalin, "It is not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes." Sounds like this past election to me. I would appreciate your perspective on this. Thank you for taking the time to read this.


  • Phil Spampinato

    02/12/2021 11:04 AM

    Hello Governor, Could it be the Dems are afraid of producing witnesses because then, as promised by the Rebublicans, the FBI can be used as a witness to show evidence of pre-planned actions? I sincerely believe so.
    I must reward your efforts to chide the R&R Hall of Fame. It seems to me that they want to put on aires of Hollywood. Your listing of the general foundation of Rock bands that have yet to be included is downright shameful. Here again the mainstream public, and their popular favorites are being ignored for "sales leaders". Thanks, keep up the good work!

  • Pamela Falls

    02/12/2021 11:01 AM

    Governor Huckabee,
    Thank you for your investigative reporting and sharing it to “ the people”.
    I would like to address the severe attack against the Pipeline. This attack will result in millions of jobs lost! The recent Hollywood sign on by so many notable actors due to their reasoning “ The Sioux Nation “ property is untrue . We all realize that this is a direct coop against Our past President. The government continues to this day to limit and restrict what the Indian Nation can and cannot do with their property. They are “hog tied “ with fines and exorbitant fees to even dig a hole in the ground . The plight of the Indian Reservation is one of forgotten people with little information in their favor. This halt of the pipeline has created another financial burden in unemployment! I want to know why we don’t have a huge outcry from the people! Where is the petition for this problem facing our country? Where are our Government officials? Please consider attacking this issue on your program . Also the attack on our Second Amendment is an action item that this President and his team are out to destroy. The Constitution is not taught in schools . People have no idea what it says. Recently in North Carolina the School Board voted to accept a Social Studies curriculum that will erase the true history of our Nation. Our fight must be with leaders that are “ Christian Soldiers” like your daughter Sarah, Mark Walker and Mark Robinson in NC Thank you again Sir for your work for the Lord and for our beloved country

    Pam Falls

  • Jean Linder

    02/12/2021 10:59 AM

    I think it's funny that the point was made that the room was totally silent during the showing of the video. If I'm not mistaken, at the very beginning of the proceedings, they were instructed to remain silent throughout the trial or risk incarceration!

  • Richard Brazier

    02/12/2021 10:55 AM

    First thing to remember about Demonrats is never believe what they say they're Communist and like all Communist they lie.

  • Linda Richardson

    02/12/2021 10:54 AM

    Maybe instead of trying to impeach the retired president ( which is utterly preposterous ) the fine, intelligent, upstanding Congressmen/women would fare much better taking a remedial course in English and learn how to spell and use a dictionary to look up meanings of words. It probably would not harm them to take a course in theology--- they may be able to tell the difference between Christ dying on the Cross and a regiment of mounted soldiers. I know 5 years old that know that . And these people (?) call themselves scholars ??? I pray God has mercy on them for their lies and hatred toward the best president we have had in at least 70 years.

  • Cindy Zromkoski

    02/12/2021 10:50 AM

    Dear Gov. Huckabee,
    I do enjoy your news letters. They are very informative and to the point. However, I am very skeptical that this sham “trial” will result in a victory for former President Trump. I pray that I’m wrong, very wrong. But seeing how the judicial system ignored all the evidence of voter fraud, I’m afraid the Democrats are here to stay and will continue to take our great country down a dark path.

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