Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Other Top Stories We Are Following


Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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January 21, 2022

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Tonight's stories include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - 2 Corinthians Matthew 6:33-34 KJV
  • What winning looks like in Virginia
  • Jawdropper of the Day
  • What we stand for
  • Exclusive Trump interview
  • The Internet never forgets
  • Federal judge blocks federal vaccine mandate


Mike Huckabee

P.S. To subscribe to the advertisement-free version of the newsletter (delivering the morning and evening editions together in one email), go here.


But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Matthew 6:33-34 KJV

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

2. What winning looks like in Virginia:

A tectonic shift is occurring in Virginia politics, and liberals who have been taking that great state down for years are screaming in outrage and panic as the ground moves beneath their feet. This month, three Republicans were inaugurated into the top statewide offices, and all three quickly signaled that they were serious about keeping their promises to voters.

Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears spoke out forcefully and persuasively against the politics of racial division. Attorney General Jason Miyares fired 30 AG staffers and said, “There’s a new sheriff in town,” and he would be prosecuting criminals that his far-left predecessors had let slide while they made Virginians less safe and less secure. And new Gov. Glenn Youngkin issued executive orders ending Critical Race Theory and mask mandates in public schools.

Some schools are trying to defy his mask order, and a group of parents filed a lawsuit. But Miyares has asked the state Supreme Court to dismiss it, arguing that the Governor has full power to make that order and citing a state law that says parents, not education system bureaucrats, have a “fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent’s child.”


It’s ironic that parents are suing to block the assertion of parental rights. If those parents want their kids to wear masks, and they believe they work and do more good than harm, then they can tell their kids to wear masks, and they will be “protected.” Other parents may decide otherwise, if they choose. If the plaintiffs are hostile to the concept of parental rights, then think of it as “respecting diversity.”

All this activity in Virginia inspired a must-read article by Kurt Schlichter at Townhall.com on how first Trump and now Youngkin are showing Republicans how to win.


Here’s how you don’t win: by promising conservative principles, then turning liberal the minute you’re in office and worrying about what Twitter or the Washington Post might say about you. You also don’t win by protecting only your donors or the country club elite set. You do it by listening to what the people care about, promising action on those issues, and once you’re elected, actually keeping your promises, no matter how much leftists howl about it. They denounce this as "populism," as if paying attention to the concerns of the people was reprehensible.

I covered a lot of the same territory in my book “God, Guns, Grits and Gravy,” about how out-of-touch with most Americans our media and political elites were. That was published before Trump ever came down that escalator and got into politics, but the people it was warning didn’t listen. Now, with leftist policies exposed as the crushing failures they are, there are more and more Republicans winning office by actually listening to the people.

The left may have managed to defeat Trump, but very few people trust their media propaganda outlets anymore, and they can’t throw a pandemic or a Deep State frame-up at every rising Republican.

3. Jawdropper of the Day:

Jesse Lee, a Biden staffer and senior advisor to the National Economics Council, tweeted out a chart touting “The Biggest Job Creation Year in History” and declared, “Trump’s last year: -9.4 million jobs. Biden’s first year: +6.4 million jobs The most jobs lost in one year vs the most jobs gained in one year, ever. Thanks to Biden’s American Rescue Plan and the competent vaccination effort it funded.”


This is one of many times recently when I’ve had to wonder whether the person telling us something really believed it, or more likely, just thought so little of the American people that they figured we might actualy be stupid enough to believe it.

I guess we’re all supposed to forget the booming economy we had in 2020 before China unleashed a virus on the world that caused a lot of governments (particularly Democrat-led governments) to shut down their entire economies for “two weeks” (going on two years in some cases) and destroy many businesses and nearly 10 million jobs. Some states (mostly red states that were savaged as mass murderers by Democrats and the media for defying Biden and reopening their economies) have helped to bring back over 6 million of those jobs, but as even that bogus chart shows, we’re still down by 3 million. I thought Twitter banned people for spreading “misinformation.”

I think one of the commenters on this tweet, Lazer Rubin, summed it up perfectly: “Today I invented the light bulb. I switched it on after someone else switched it off yesterday…”

And don’t even get me started on that “competent vaccination effort” claim. Of all the terms one could use to describe Biden’s vaccination efforts, “competent” is hardly the first to spring to mind. Maybe it would have gone more smoothly if Biden and Harris hadn’t spread suspicion of vaccines because they were developed under Trump, up until they took office and started taking credit for them.

4. What we stand for:

During President Biden’s disturbing and rambling press conference Wednesday, he claimed that Republicans couldn’t even tell people what they stand for. Which is weird, considering I put out a daily newsletter that makes that pretty clear.

In fact, he could just look back to the policies that prevailed in 2019 – securing our borders, pro-economic growth, cutting onerous government regulations, encouraging energy independence, guarding freedom of speech and religion and other Constitutional rights, defending the sanctity of life, enforcing laws, projecting strength to the world instead of weakness, supporting the military, and making foreign policy decisions and trade deals that are in the best interests of Americans – and just say, “We stand for all that. You know, all the stuff you immediately started reversing on your first day in office.”

That seems clear enough, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also told Biden what the Party stands for, and more importantly, what it and the American people won’t stand for, and that’s trying to force a Bernie Sanders-style socialist agenda down the nation’s throat with a tie Senate and a tiny House majority.


5. Exclusive Trump interview:

Last night on Fox News, Sean Hannity had an exclusive interview with former President Trump, in which he gave his assessment of Joe Biden’s first year in office. Trump dismissed as fake news stories of a feud between him and Florida Gov. Ron DiSantis. Trump also refused to say whether he’s planning to run again in 2024, but teased that we’ll “be happy” with his decision.


Still, according to a new AP/NORC poll, not many Americans are pining to relive 2020. The poll found that only 27% of Americans want Trump to run for President again in 2024, and just 28% want Biden to run for reelection. With the 3.9% margin of error, that’s equal disinterest in a Trump-Biden rematch.


But maybe if more people knew that Biden said that if he runs again, Kamala Harris will be his running mate, it might get support for him down to the single digits.

One thing that didn’t help Biden in the polls was his Wednesday press conference. According to pollster Lee Carter of Maslansky & Partners, while Democrats were generally supportive of the speech, Independents graded it a “D” and Republicans gave it an “F.” Even Democrats gave Biden a "C" on schools reopening.


Carter said respondents were very concerned about Biden questioning the legitimacy of the upcoming elections, they didn’t like him trying to blame Republicans for every problem when he ran as a bipartisan unifier, and they thought he said things that were clearly untrue. They also didn’t buy his claims about how great things are going, saying he seems out of touch, like he lives in a Washington bubble and doesn’t understand regular people’s lives.

To be fair, voters knew when they voted for Biden that he’d spent almost his entire life in government. He’s been in Washington since he was first elected to the Senate in 1972, which is half a century ago this year. So of course, he lives in a Washington bubble. He’s been inside it so long, the bubble is petrified.

6. The Internet never forgets:

With even some friendly media outlets describing President Biden’s one-year anniversary press conference as a disaster, and polls growing worse by the day, Biden’s Presidential Inaugural Committee has blown some leftover funds to launch a "morning in America" style TV commercial to try to convince Americans that everything's coming up roses, and who are you gonna believe, your empty pocketbook or Tom Hanks?


But as if to prove how cursed this Administration is, apparently nobody remembered that Hanks already voiced a parody of this exact same kind of ad years ago on “The Simpsons.” But the Internet never forgets, and so it’s going viral again. It features an animated Hanks saying, “Hello, I’m Tom Hanks. The US government has lost its credibility, so it’s borrowing some of mine.” You can see both clips at the link and decide for yourself which one is funnier.

Personally, I think they should’ve hired Leonardo DiCaprio. He’s a big star, a liberal, and it would be more appropriate since this ad is like trying to bail out the Titanic.

8. Federal judge blocks federal vaccine mandate

A week after the Supreme Court struck down the Biden OSHA vaccine mandate on businesses with over 100 employees, a federal judge has put a nationwide block on Biden’s vax mandate for federal workers. Siding with the plaintiff group Feds for Medical Freedom, Judge Jeffrey Brown cited the law and the recent SCOTUS ruling in finding that Biden does not have the broad power to, “with the stroke of a pen and without the input of Congress, require millions of federal employees to undergo a medical procedure as a condition of their employment.” He called it “a bridge too far.” Someone may have to explain to Biden that that has nothing to do with the infrastructure bill.


While I'm happy with the ruling, I admit that I did feel a bit of shock just reading the words, "millions of federal employees."

9. I Just Wanted To Say:

Thank you for reading the Evening Edition.

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Comments 11-17 of 17

  • Guy Hicklin

    01/22/2022 12:07 AM

    The disinterest in a Trump-Biden rematch is further evidence of the lack of support from the Republican party for what Trump accomplished during his presidency. While it's true the democratic/liberal/media attack on everything Trump was/is very successful, the lack of republican support both during and after his term in office is what is really preventing more people from being able to recognize a failed (Biden) versus successful (Trump) presidency. The Republican Party has yet to recognize that Trump (or another with the same ideology) is what they and the country needs, as opposed to simply a different politician than Biden.

  • LaDonna Ryan

    01/21/2022 09:47 PM

    How many really think Biden is going to run in 2024. Not me I think his health will get him or he will be impeached.

  • Anne Turner

    01/21/2022 08:48 PM

    I, too, do not want Trump to run again. I would rather see him in the role of advisor, campaigner, and contributor. I do not believe that someone, no matter how well preserved, who is close to eighty should be in the job of President. I say that as one who is 81. The chances of cognitive losses, illness and death are increased at that age.
    One thing I know for sure is that whomever the GOP nominates, he/she’d must have a pristine background. Unlike Hilary, Joe and others they will not be protected by the Government or the media. They better not have hired an undocumented handy man to do a two hour job, or dressed up in a tacky outfit for a party. It will be found, exaggerated and exploited. They best not have been seen having dinner with a person of the opposite sex other than their spouse, even for business. It is fine if leftists are unfaithful, used black face, dressed in a sheet, committed crimes, disobey court orders, etc. They will be protected. This is not supposition, this fact. Our Federal law enforcement, once so very respected, and our media, long ago gave up any integrity they may have once possessed.
    It is too bad that Ms. Sears cannot ever run for President, as she was born in Jamaica. I see huge potential with her.
    Let’s be truly honest, Biden was elected purely because he was not Trump. Ignorance knows no boundaries. Leftists do not have the welfare of Black people at heart. They want to keep them beholding for the crumbs doled our and for them to continue to answer, yes massah, no massah.

    Finally to end today’s diatribe: there are two genders! There are only two genders! There are very, very rare cases where babies have some genetic abnormality. A person can wear the opposite sex’s clothes make-up, ,etc., I don’t care. But to mess oneself up physically with hormones, and to have drastic and debilitating surgery is obscene. Being gay is understandable. Gay men and women are still themselves, it is merely attraction to the same sex. Transitioning to the opposite sex is a mental aberration. To some, gay practices may be sinful, to others not. But trans that includes physical desecration of the body is sinful.

  • Robin Rebhan

    01/21/2022 08:14 PM

     RE: " Jawdropper of the Day: " Baghdad Bob ( Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf- Iraqi Information Officer during the Gulf War ) couldn't come up with better press conferences, Tweets and explanations than this current administration.

  • Roberta Marye

    01/21/2022 07:47 PM

    Governor, I am reading RFK Jr’s new book, “The Real Anthony Fauci”. I would like to recommend that everyone read it. It is a real eye opener. I would like to know how this information, which is highly documented with footnotes and web links, can be known, yet nothing is being done about it. Has all decency been lost? Has all that our nation’s soldiers fought and died for been in vain? What can we do besides go to the polls? We already know that too has become a farce. I am appalled at all of this. I was a registered nurse for 45 years and proud of it. We always advised patients to weigh risk vs benefit when making decisions about treatment, and helped them get that information. I declined the COVID shots because there was no information on risks, and the benefits were unproven. I am grateful to have retired before this plandemic came along. I no longer have any faith in any medical institution, organization, publication, medication, government agency, etc…I grieve for the country, especially for the children. Thank you for reading my post. I know you always do! Roberta Marye

  • James Drury Jr.

    01/21/2022 07:43 PM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!

  • Sharon Faulkner

    01/21/2022 05:59 PM

    NOBODY ever defeated Trump. He is still going strong. And WHO did they poll that don't want Trump to run again? If Bozo Biden has 1% more that want him to run and you can't tell who "they" are than you need a vacation.
    Americans want Trump 2.0 and the Left know it that is why all the persecution against our greatest President.
    Shame on you.

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