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Trip of a Lifetime

Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

November 14, 2022

Say, remember the COVID “health emergency”? It seems to pop up and then disappear again more often than Waldo. President Biden claimed it was over so he could remove restrictions on illegal immigrants pouring into the US. Then suddenly, it was back, so he could inappropriately claim forgiving student loan debt as a health emergency power. He said himself that it was over – and most of the public agrees, if you look at how few masks you see at crowded restaurants, sporting events and other places.

But wait! It’s back again! Biden now plans to extend his COVID health emergency power through April of 2023.

Even the Biden court jesters at “Saturday Night Live” are mocking the idea of COVID still being a health emergency.

The far more dangerous sickness now is the government’s addiction to unconstitutional powers. When do we get a vaccine for that?


Speaking of COVID, the last thing we need is more veiled attempts at exercising power thinly veiled as a “health emergency.”

A survey in the UK by the University of Portsmouth found that because of the self-serving actions, misinformation and lies of government health authorities, nearly one in four respondents across all demographics now have less confidence in vaccines in general. That includes people who supported other vaccine campaigns in the past.  

Thanks, Dr. “Science!”

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  • Ted Roberts

    11/14/2022 04:05 PM

    Speaking of the elections, I am disappointed like most conservatives. But I think most people are happy with high gas prices, high inflation, open borders, defunding police, burning of cities, death threats against our officials, traumatizing our children, tearing down our historical statures, pitting one race against another, etc. I could on and on but not enough room. Anyway they are happy with what they have got! What bothers me though is that even though they voted for these leftist and I didn`t I`m still going to have to pay right along beside them. It rains on the just as well as the unjust. May God help us!

  • Jennifer Ramos

    11/14/2022 02:07 PM

    So, in light of this recent fraud of an election...what are we the people going to do about it? What can we do? We vote, but it's to no avail. What is the next option? There seems to be no answer. How can we change the dreadful course of our nation when we have no voice in elections? Its very disheartening.

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