Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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November 30, 2021


Good evening! Here are some stories from me that I think you will want to read. 


10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Psalm, 46:10 KJV



I’ve repeatedly warned readers not to fall for the idea that the $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill was actually going to buy $1.2 trillion worth of roads, bridges and airport improvements (hence our habitual use of quotation marks around “infrastructure.”) That’s partly because only a fraction of the money goes to things that any sane person would consider to be actual infrastructure (Democrats only win arguments by redefining words, in this case turning “government giveaway programs” into “human infrastructure.”) But it’s also because Democrats, in thrall to environmentalist donors, have created so many laws that make it darn near impossible to build a new road, highway, dam or any other major construction project.

We went through the same thing under Obama. Remember the promise that spending nearly a trillion tax dollars would create thousands of “shovel-ready jobs?” Then we discovered that it took a 10-year environmental impact study just to get permits to buy a shovel. Even Obama himself admitted that he found out there were no “shovel-ready jobs.”

Well, one of the hallmarks of modern liberals is that they never learn from prior mistakes. So now we have a freshly-signed $1.2 trillion “infrastructure” bill, and the New York Times, which pushed hard for passage, has suddenly realized that it probably won’t actually build or fix very much infrastructure.


The Times actually printed an analysis by independent journalist Ralph Vartabadian in which he found that the bill “carries enormous risks that the projects will face the same kind of cost, schedule and technical problems that have hobbled ambitious efforts from New York to Seattle, delaying benefits to the public and driving up the price tag that taxpayers ultimately will bear.”

It would have been nice if the Times had looked that closely at the bill before it was passed with their support and we taxpayers got stuck with the tab. But even if it never results in a new road or bridge, it will accomplish its actual goals of (A.) giving Biden a legislative “win,” (B.) expanding government size and control, and (C.) showering money on Democrat donors and voting blocs.

In short, the Times will never learn because keeping their readers willfully ignorant until it’s too late advances the left’s political agenda. But the rest of us can learn from this never to pay attention to the New York Times.


This is an excellent op-ed by Karol Markowicz at the New York Post, about clueless celebrities and politicians who can’t understand the fuss about runaway theft or a broken supply chain because, hey, it’s just “stuff.” It’s no big deal to lose, and you can always get more.


Spoken like clueless, privileged elitists who never have to worry about losing their “stuff” because they have so easily obtained so much more of it than most people, who have to work their tails off for whatever stuff they have. Ms Markowicz offers some moving examples of the devastation that has occurred in the past when governments failed to respect or to protect private property rights, and how that resulted in the tragic loss of far more than mere “stuff.”

If the people she’s addressing are incapable of learning from her historic examples, let me put it in terms they might find more familiar. Remember how on “Friends,” the well-paid friends kept wanting to go to expensive restaurants, obvious to the fact that their poorer friends couldn’t afford it? Ross said, “I guess we just never thought of money as being an issue.” Rachel snapped back, “That’s because you HAVE it!”

3. $901,000 

If you thought it was outrageous that the FDA wanted 55 years to make public the documents it used to approve the Pfizer COVID vaccine, try this: a group of concerned parents asked the Rochester, Minnesota, school board for all documents related to Critical Race Theory, which should be available to the public. The district responded to their lawyers that complying with that records request would require so much time and copying that it would cost the parents over $901,000 to see those records, and it had to be paid in advance.


I would say that if it takes $901,000 worth of work just to compile all the school documents that touch on Critical Race Theory, then that’s proof enough that there’s way too much Critical Race Theory in your school system.

Besides, something tells me that if those parents had $901,000, their kids would be going to private school.


We’ve received many letters in response to yesterday's story on the Salvation Army. (A follow-up story ran today.) Here are few that called out for responses.

From Larry (excerpt):

Love your show and your website, have for a long time. Just want to express a concern about people falling in the trap of using racist terms that are promoted by the left. You used one of the most racist terms in your article when you said " people of color." ...White is a color, it's just not one the racist democrats like.

It's just one of many things that non-Democrats fall prey to because they don't stop to think about a word before they just accept it and start using it.

As I said, we've always thought you were, and still are, one of the smartest people in the public eye that speaks for Conservatives and Christians. Best wishes.

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Larry, and for your kind words. We’re really sensitive to the language and how leftists try to shape it, and are glad to see you are, too. Keep in mind that commentaries include quotations, and these are run in quotation marks exactly as they were originally stated. The commentary you refer to included lengthy excerpts from a CRT-based publication, and that’s the term they used. I wouldn’t soften or censor what someone else said unless it was vulgar or otherwise over-the-line offensive.

We all have different ideas on how to use language respectfully to refer to race, and it continues to evolve. Personally, I’m baffled as to why leftists like the abbreviation “POC” for “people of color,” because it also stands for something offensive. But, again, I and my staff didn't use either of these; we were just quoting someone else.

From Jane (excerpt):

I am of heavy Irish descent. In fact I am Irish Catholic, which is amongst the Irish the most discriminated against, including by our own government (my grandfather was only allowed to work for the government if he professed himself to be an orange man)...I guess the existence of Irish slaves in the colonies (who were considered to be less valuable than the black slaves) is an inconvenient truth to yet another position that the Democrats take in order to control people. So, are there any non-woke charities out there that we can donate gently used items to?

From the Gov:

Thank you, Jane, for a history lesson that most people never receive. This is why it does no good for some groups to do a personal accounting of the accumulated grievances that were done to their ancestors. An ideology based on past victimhood poisons the present. As for non-woke charities, I’m sure there are still quite a few, and it’s always good to start close to home.

From Dale:

I am really disappointed that Huckabee would write something that can be damaging to the Salvation Army. They have already recanted and removed those Guides which could be wrongly construed. I will be canceling my daily Huckabee Newsletter because of this!!

From the Gov:

Dale, I hope you’ll stay. Actually, if you see the update today, the SA is “reviewing” those guides but has not recanted. Perhaps they will, and I’ll update the story if they do. But so far, they’ve blamed readers for believing they’ve promoted damaging ideas they actually HAVE promoted. This poison has turned some once-laudable organizations into something very different in 2021.

I did not specifically call for a boycott of the SA, and will not. But it would be a failure on my part not to report on what’s happening to major charities in the U.S. That’s the only way they’re going to be brought back to sanity.

Finally, this from Duncan:

News flash, woke people!!! EVERYONE has 'unconscious bias' about someone or something. If you claim to be completely conscious you better notify the Dalai Llama. He might have some advice for you to help you cope with total enlightenment.

It does behoove all of us to be aware of the possibility that we may be unaware of our faults. On the other hand, let's not let fear(s) paralyze us to living and growing. The most simple and central tenant of Christianity, ‘Treat thy neighbor as you would be treated,' pretty much says it all.

Thanks Governor for your ongoing clear common-sense publications. Keep it going!

From the Gov:

Thanks, Duncan. You have indeed said it all, so you get the last word.


Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg proved over the weekend that he knows almost as much about rural Middle Americans as he does transportation, which is zip. He said on MSNBC that the solution to high gas prices for them is to buy electric cars, and then they’d never have to worry about gas prices again. He pointed out that Biden’s big spending bill that’s in the Senate includes a $12,500 subsidy for people who buy EVs.


As noted in the linked article, the cost of an average EV is $55,676. Even after a $12,500 discount, that’s still out of the price range of most Americans (but not Pete: we pay him over $221,000 a year for these pearls of wisdom.) Plus, most have to drive a lot more than city dwellers, and even if they could find charging stations (and where will the juice come from to power those?), they can’t take regular long breaks from work to charge their cars. Because unlike Pete Buttigieg, they have real jobs where they’re expected to show up and be competent.

I'd say that an easier way for Americans to deal with high gas prices would be to elect a President who doesn't declare war on the American energy industry.


I don’t know if John Edwards was right about there being “Two Americas,” but since President Biden took over, there are definitely two justice systems. One in which people who stepped inside the Capitol on January 6th, looked around and took a selfie are held in jail for months on end and threatened with years in prison for “assaulting democracy”…

And the other America, where a leftist radical Antifa member who smashed in the door of Sen. John Hoeven’s office in Fargo with an ax is given probation and fined just $2,784 for restitution. He then mocked the FBI for returning his ax to him! Oh, and Democrat politicians pitched in for his legal defense, in between crying on camera about how traumatized they were by the January 6th “insurrection.”


I would say from this that President Biden and Attorney General Garland are doing to the American justice system what this creep did to that office door.


The more we learn about Jack Dorsey’s replacement as CEO of Twitter, the more it seems that the Who weren’t correct when they sang, “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” Sometimes the new boss is actually even worse.



People like their ice cream in different ways. Some like plain vanilla or chocolate, others go for more exotic flavors, and some like it with all sorts of toppings, from fruit to hot fudge. Personally, I like my ice cream without a big dose of socialism and anti-Semitism, so I’m not a big fan of Ben & Jerry’s. And neither is the bipartisan group of House members who are calling on the SEC to look into whether parent company Unilever is complying with rules requiring disclosure to shareholders of activities that risk harming profits, like boycotting Israel.


Ben & Jerry’s ice cream might be made from the milk of contented cows, but it would be a lot more palatable for all concerned if Ben & Jerry themselves weren’t a couple of leftist cranks.


Swiss voters were allowed to weigh in on whether to create a COVID certificate system that would bar people from attending public events unless they provided verification that they’d been vaccinated, recently tested negative or had already recovered from COVID. The measure passed by 62%.


I’m not sure if it would be that popular in America, where we have a long tradition of guarding personal freedom and resistance to having to “show your papers” to the government. Or has that free spirit been beaten out of a lot of Americans, who now seem all too willing to trade their rights for hollow promises of safety? I also wonder if such a bill would be more popular here if our health officials would recognize natural immunity from recovery, as the Swiss do?

For past editions of my evening newsletter, please visit my website here.

For more of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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Comments 11-20 of 20

  • Sarah Menne

    11/30/2021 10:56 PM

    I'm glad they are investigation Ben & Jerry's boycott of Israel. Personally, I'll never purchase their ice cream. I'm also glad it's a bipartisan group of House Members suggesting the investigation. I wish our nation had more bipartisan agreement on issues that would benefit our citizens and our country rather than following party interests.

  • Charles Sigars

    11/30/2021 10:18 PM

    Is Secretary Buttigieg related to Marie Antoinette? "Let the buy EV's!".

  • Ruth

    11/30/2021 09:29 PM

    People can donate clothes and other items to the Saint Vincent de Paul society. They are not woke.
    They help people in need. The money they earn from their store sales all goes to people in need. All volunteers work in the stores.

  • William Fuhrer

    11/30/2021 09:18 PM


  • Paul Kern

    11/30/2021 09:17 PM

    To teach the bureaucrats how people really live cut their annual pay to 60,000 and make them clock in and off after a full 8 hour day. Must work a full 40 hour week, including the president and all federal and state employees. Then see how the ones who stay in think and feel after just one month.
    The most I ever earned was $39,000. Now seniors like me have to survive on SSA and some part time work.
    The "emperor" has never worked a day in his life. Just hobnobbed with the rich and decadent.

  • John D Tyler

    11/30/2021 08:59 PM

    You've mentioned in your newsletter that electric cars need charging stations to charge the cars and that where will the power come from to run these station. I agree America's power grids are already strained and often times don't have enough power to provide the current electrical needs. Look at all of the power outages and rationing that occurs in area of the country during the hot summers and cold winters. I don't think that the liberals know that electrical power has to come from somewhere and not all power stations generate power by "green sources" such as hydroelectric plants. Nuclear provides 20% of the electricity and nuclear plants aren't on the list of the "acceptable" sources for power. That leaves coal at 20% and natural gas at 40% and these certainly aren't on the accepted "green" list. (Percentages from the US Information Administration website) So, where is the extra power coming from to run all the needed charging station if we all drive electric cars?

  • Mary Anne Berry

    11/30/2021 08:54 PM

    Just an additional comment regarding the "infra$tructure" bill...a close relative works for a company that is related to the alternative energy sector. They are having to re-negotiate contracts because the Democrat money is flowing and their current contract holders want a bigger piece of the pie. One is adding on an additional 500 million for a project..."M" as in million...because they can...How much of that money will go to padding pockets? We are definitely being "shoveled"!

  • Don Grosek

    11/30/2021 08:35 PM

    Governor: I've been a Salvation Army volunteer bell ringer for over 30 years. I read your newsletter and now for the first time I have lost my zeal to do the seasonal "Ringy Dingy Thingy". I guess I need to find somewhere else to volunteer to help the less fortunate in my community in the name of Jesus. Any suggestions on where to start looking? Don from WI

  • Rick Bishop

    11/30/2021 08:19 PM

    A friend sent the following link explaining how much of the world has been “hypnotized”. Seems to make sense. Thought I’d share and let someone with better research ability know about it.


  • Joseph Orsini

    11/30/2021 07:58 PM

    INDENTURED SERVITUDE is again present in the USA. Most of the 2 million ILLEGALS coming through the southern border do not have the thousands of $$ to pay the CARTELS, so they pledge to work for them - as needed - until their debt is paid!

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