Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

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Trump Assassination Attempts

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Neighboring police chief says Springfield, Ohio, police have gone “radio silent”

Department of Double Standards

So just to be clear: Biden gets a pass, Trump gets impeachment

Activist Judge

Federal judge sides sided with the ACLU and “transgender” prison inmate

Illegal Immigration

News flash: She isn’t serious about the border

Endorsement Watch

Harris spins up a police endorsement from a recently-formed organization called “Police Leaders for Community Safety”

Proof Media Bias Exists

In interview, Melania Trump says she herself was “de-banked” and her charitable donations refused

Big Tech Censorship

“Protecting women’s health”

Lawfare Update

“Special Counsel” Smith receives widespread condemnation, doesn’t give a rat’s behind

SIREN: This Isn't Good Dept.

Voter rolls STILL lack transparency leading into the election

February 5, 2021

Bro Mike, you say: "since the Constitution says “the Chief Justice SHALL preside...” Chief Justice John Roberts has wisely chosen not to accept this dubious honor and will play no part in the "trial," so Sen. Leahy has graciously taken it upon himself." How is it that Justice Roberts can "choose" to not perform his constitutionally required duty? And how is it that Leahy can "take it upon himself"? (asking for a friend)


From the Gov:

When President Trump went through his first impeachment trial in the Senate, Chief Justice Roberts presided, just as the Constitution calls for during the impeachment trial of a President. For the second (sigh) trial that takes place next week, the Chief Justice sent his regrets, but neither he nor the Supreme Court offered any comments.

Donald Trump is now a private citizen; he does not hold the office of President and so cannot be removed from it. So the ceremonial duty of presiding as outlined in the Constitution apparently does not apply to the Chief Justice in this case.

Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy, who serves as president pro tempore of the Senate, will preside instead. In a statement, he said, “The president pro tempore has historically presided over Senate impeachment trials of non-presidents.” What he didn’t say is that those “non-presidents” were other office-holders, not private citizens as Trump now is. Vice President Kamala Harris could have presided as well, but she is so closely in line for the Presidency that it would have looked even more inappropriate than what we are going to see.

As I've said, Democrats are essentially making this up as they go along. Some have argued that the Chief Justice owes us an explanation for his decision not to preside, as analyst Dan McLaughlin does here in an article we linked to a couple of weeks ago.

There also remains the question of whether a former President can be impeached at all. Legal expert Andrew McCarthy has said, “History and precedent are on the side of those who argue that impeachment trials of non-incumbents are constitutional,” –- this is news to me, and he doesn’t cite the precedent –- “but that is beside the point. The Supreme Court surely wants no part of this hot political dispute, and the Constitution’s commitment to impeachment trials to Senate control gives the justices a good reason to stay out of it.”

As McCarthy said, “Impeachment is a political process, not a legal one; there is no entitlement to the kind of due process required in judicial proceedings, where a presumptively impartial judge and counsel for the parties to select a jury of the defendant’s peers, which has been vetted to ensure its objectivity.”

In other words, this will be a political circus. Sen. Leahy has already said he’s voting to convict, before the thing even starts. With him presiding instead of Chief Justice Roberts, it will seem even more like the show trial it is. If the Democrats have any self-awareness at all, which is doubtful, maybe they’ll try to keep it a little more low-key this time around, to avoid looking like the partisan ghouls they are.

Yes, ghouls. If you don’t think this is going to be a hateful and contentious process, take a look at the wording of Impeachment Manager Jamie Raskin’s letter to Trump “inviting” him to testify --- which he wisely will not be doing.


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Comments 51-64 of 64

  • ken moore

    02/05/2021 12:21 PM

    future elections will not be any different than the past presidential election IF NO CHANGES ARE MADE IN THE VOTE COUNT DOCUMENTION
    there has to a way to calibrate the vote count as cast other wise why have another election
    on another point schools not back in session if teachers do not show up for their job eliminate them and replace then with out a union teachers are crippling our youth ( those under 30)

  • Gail Denham

    02/05/2021 12:19 PM

    Okay then - let's hear more good news. Instead of re-hashing all the dirty dealings from congress (and remember they all live in a bubble up there on the WH hill - they do not even know we have 50 states now - let alone what the people think.)
    SO - please print more positive news - things such as what the Rep. states are doing - fighting back, so to speak. Please don't just re-hash what we already know - what's news on the hill - we want to know what the rest of the country is doing to combat the horrible effects of this election.
    and one other thing - a fellow who subscribes to you - told me he doesn't read your post cuz it's all re-hash. I don't feel that way - but...to remind us over and over WHY we should keep voting - WHY we should have hope - WHAT the good guys are doing - would be so excellent. Thanks.

  • S.H. Ames

    02/05/2021 12:19 PM

    What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Evidently left version is innocent if you’re on our side...
    And re this “trial” as a “dog and pony show” I think it mostly resembles what the dog and pony left behind.
    Disgusting and heartbreaking.

  • rodney burke

    02/05/2021 12:18 PM

    dems are so blind they can't see what Roberts thinks of the entire affair. Circus is the proper term. they seem to think they can do as they please and no one has any say. They (dems) are about to make even BIGGER fools of themselves than last time. there are too many FACTS out there to make this farce possible. I am reading even some DEMS are not questioning this entire exercise of insanity. But hate does bring insanity and this is just that. Hate, blinding them from rational thought. Of course, rational thought is a foreign idea for the left.

  • Sandra L Webber

    02/05/2021 12:10 PM

    I am not sure how this whole thing works but I do know that this whole impeachment is a very wrong and evil conspiracy against a man who was only trying to save this country from going communist. This will go down in history as the most corrupt, evil process that ever took place in America!!! God help all of those who ever took a part in this and God bless America for letting it happen!! This is the end!! All will be punished for these atrocities!!

  • RHoda Weintraub

    02/05/2021 11:58 AM

    If Ross Perot had not pulled out because of threats against his daughter’s wedding—he would have won! I ran his campaign in NJ. All studies showed he would have won. I cannot vote for or donate to the Party of Romney, Kissinger, and McConnell. Sorry. There is a lot of anger out here! People are really afraid to tell pollers the truth in this culture. Trump is more popular than ever! So I vote for Trump.

  • Ros

    02/05/2021 11:58 AM

    I can only think of a Colosseum scenario with President Trump in the arena; fighting for his life as the blood thirsty mob (our reps) scream for his demise).

  • Lisa Long

    02/05/2021 11:40 AM

    Dear Gov,

    I am from Georgia and with all due respect I totally disagree that Georgia did not turn out for the run offs. In my home town we I know there were 2 times more that voted in the runoff than the original election. It was the same old scam. No accountability. We used the same machines. Our state is not blue it is red. And what congress is doing to Congress woman Taylor is crazy. She is every that Georgia stands for.

  • Marilyn kuhnel

    02/05/2021 11:34 AM

    I am so tired of elected officials working on their own agendas and totally ignoring the "little" people who trusted them and put them in office. When are they going to earn their paycheck?

  • James Bryant

    02/05/2021 11:29 AM

    Thank you Governor, for your thoughtful responses. Of particular interest to me is the 3rd party response. You are correct that we, as Conservatives need to retake the Republican Party. We must start at the local level, as active members and at the polling place in local and state elections and primaries for House, Senate, and President. We can also help with donations and withholding them as well. Let the RNC know that we will not support RINOs any longer. I have never been a big party person, but it is clear we need to remake the GOP, as it is probably the best way to give Conservative patriots have a voice.

  • Joseph Nicholson

    02/05/2021 11:17 AM

    It seems to me the reality and facts are that January 13, 2021 when the House of Representatives voted and certified the second impeachment of Donald J Trump they simultaneously and instantly re-certified Donald J Trump as the current President of The United States and de-certified Joseph R Biden as President since only a sitting President can be impeached. So, now Trump cannot be removed as President unless the Senate trial votes impeachment conviction.

  • Sandra O’ROURKE

    02/05/2021 11:02 AM

    So if the Senator is presiding over the proceedings he can’t vote than right?

  • Judith dsmith

    02/05/2021 11:02 AM

    If they can try President Trump, then maybe we can do the same for Obama. This could backfire on them...

  • John Lewicke

    02/05/2021 10:23 AM

    On DC statehood:
    DC Came from Virginia and Maryland and unto them it can return. There's no justification for any different result. The federally owned property in the former district would still be federal, and would still be administered by the feds. The private property and public infrastructure in the district would be under the administration of the two states. (I'm sending this to you because you have a much taller soapbox, and because I haven't heard this logical solution anywhere.)

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