Today's News Stories

January 26, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Arrested
  • Leftist Delusions
  • Term Limits Reintroduced
  • Republicans Call For A Wider Investigation
  • Wrong Leader Impeached
  • Daily Bible Verse


Mike Huckabee


By Mike Huckabee

I was frankly shocked to hear that WalkAway founder Brandon Straka had been arrested on a felony charge of interfering with police during civil disorder, as well as unlawful entry into a restricted building and disorderly conduct during the January 6th Capitol violence in DC. The details of the charges are at this link:

Two things strike me immediately. One is confusion, since he’s charged with unlawful entry into the Capitol, but the statement doesn’t say he even went into the Capitol, only what he allegedly said and did outside the building. It’s also not clear from this whether what they claim he said was actually an incitement to rioters.

For instance, shouting “Go, go” in a crowd could mean “Go on and riot” or “Go home” or even "Get out of my way so I can leave." How do they know for sure what he intended? Likewise, they assume that him allegedly saying, “Take it away from him” referred to taking away a cop’s shield. Maybe he was talking about taking away a pole that some rioter was swinging at a cop. They seem awfully certain of being able to discern someone’s intentions from allegedly overheard words shouted in the midst of chaos.

The other thing that strikes me is the utter incongruity of these charges. I’ve had Brandon on my show twice, one of them since this occurred, to discuss how Facebook banned his completely peaceful page (it’s now at He has always struck me as remarkably polite and rational. He founded the WalkAway movement because, as a lifelong liberal, he was appalled at the Democratic Party’s embrace of bullying, violence and censorship. He strikes me as the last person in the world who would ever use such tactics himself.

I haven’t seen the evidence, and I wasn’t there, so I can’t pass judgement definitively. But I can say that the evidence for these charges had better be overwhelming and airtight, or else it will be perceived, perhaps rightly, as retribution for someone who dared to stand up to the Democratic Party’s lurch into thuggishness.

And if he’s being prosecuted just for exercising his rights to free speech and to protest, then why were all the charges dropped against the people who rioted in 2017 to protest Trump’s inauguration?

Leftist Delusions

By Mike Huckabee

It’s always interesting to me how leftists’ minds work. They believe that their opinions are the only objective truth. They believe that their ideas are the only ones that work, despite over a century of proven, tragic failure. They think that all of America wants to become California, even though people are fleeing California in droves because of the very policies they want to instill nationwide.

And now, add to their self-delusions the Biden Administration’s idea that Middle East nations hated Trump and are so relieved to have Obama-style policies back.

Under Obama, there was constant war and death in the Middle East, ISIS increased its caliphate to the size of Pennsylvania, and Iran was a growing nuclear threat. Under Trump, ISIS was crushed, no new wars were started (in the Middle East or ANYWHERE), and Iran was neutralized, allowing multiple Arab nations to finally sign landmark peace deals with Israel.

Now, here comes Joe Biden, promising to reverse all that progress and actually thinking Middle East nations will be happy, grateful and relieved to see the old regime back. Guess again. They don’t get their news from WaPo or Stephen Colbert, so they don’t think that everything Trump did was automatically wrong. They’re kind of enjoying all the Middle East peace, and they’re not ready to buy what Biden’s selling.

Term Limits Reintroduced

By Mike Huckabee

It may not have much chance of passage, but let’s all let our Senators know how much we support the Senate term limits bill just reintroduced by Sens. Ted Cruz and five other Republicans.


Republicans Call For A Wider Investigation

By Mike Huckabee

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee are calling on the FBI, if it is going to investigate Parler over the Capitol violence, to also investigate Facebook and Twitter. Seems fair, since so far, that appears to be where most of the planning, threats and anti-government activism actually took place.

In a letter to the Democrat Representative who requested the FBI probe of Parler, GOP Reps. James Comer and Greg Steube wrote, "Like you, we were disturbed and angered by the riot and we believe those responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But casting blame on a single social media company known for its conservative username while simply ignoring other social media companies known for sympathizing with liberal causes is blatantly and overtly partisan…Moreover, your letter is additional evidence of the growing alliance between Big Tech and Democrats to muzzle certain viewpoints, opinions, and perspectives."

Say, as long the FBI is investigating social media, how about investigating that, too?


Wrong Leader Impeached

By Mike Huckabee

I have long warned people about putting private information on the Internet. Power-mad politicians and corporations now want to weaponize everything you ever posted, sorting through years’ worth of posts for examples of “wrongthink,” in a sick and un-American version of the “social credit score” system China uses to control citizens’ speech and behavior.

The thing is, though, totalitarianism crushes all freedoms equally. For instance, here’s a story about how online data-mining of past comments and behavior is being used to discriminate against sex workers and their advocates, a group you’d think Democrats would be strongly sympathetic to.

And no wonder Democrats want complete control over the Internet to be in their hands. Things on the net stay there forever, which is very inconvenient when you constantly flip the standards to which you hold yourself and your opponents.

For instance, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the violence in the Capitol on January 6th an assault on democracy itself, and tried to blame it on the free speech of President Trump and Congressional Republicans who wanted an investigation of the 2020 election. How inconvenient for her that someone just dug up her Twitter tweets from 10 years ago.

In 2011, a mob of leftwing protesters besieged the Wisconsin state Capitol for weeks. At one point, they swarmed the building, yelling and banging on the windows. Terrified senators huddled under the stairwell until police could clear a path through the protesters to a bus. The protesters shook the bus and punched the windows as the senators hunkered down to avoid any flying glass.

And how did Nancy Pelosi respond to that on Twitter on February 17, 2011?

“I stand with the students & workers of #WI, impressive show of democracy in action.”

So to make sure we have this straight: when rightwing protesters attack a Capitol and terrify legislators, it’s an assault on the very seat of democracy. When leftwing protesters do the exact same thing, it’s an “impressive show of democracy in action.”

Some might say that she was encouraging people to commit insurrection. And unlike Trump’s speech, her words actually came BEFORE the planning of the January 6th attack. That’s not even counting all the times she shrugged off or encouraged violent protests in 2020, even against federal buildings and monuments in Washington, DC.

Sounds like the House impeached the wrong leader. They needed Perry Mason at that proceeding, to reveal that the real guilty culprit was the accuser, not the defendant.




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Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

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Comments 26-28 of 28

  • Debra Trinchini

    01/26/2021 06:50 PM

    After Nancy Pelosi tore up Pres. Trump's speech, we should have done something - like maybe censure her in some way? It was a foreboding show of the impending presidential election steal of Pres. Donald J. Trump! We Republicans should be investigating that!!! War was declared on November 3, 2020; and our country now stands divided in another Civil War!!! The Democrats and their allies the CCP (Communist Chinese Party) declared WAR on America!

  • Linda Wolfe

    01/26/2021 06:46 PM

    The FBI STILL HAS CROOKED COPS ? They also arrested Dr. Simone Gold

  • Harold Levi

    01/26/2021 06:38 PM

    Sir, there has been a lot of talk about Congressional Term Limits. Does anyone realize and understand that a Constitutional Amendment will be required? The same for doing away with the Electoral College. It will require a Constitutional Amendment. If any or all states subvert the Constitutionally prescribed rules and guidelines for the Electoral College then they have subverted the Constitution and have setup a case for Trump to spearhead.

    Yee Haww - Yeah that nasty Constitution can have some teeth - assuming there are people who understand and Supreme Court Justices who give a S--t.

Election 2024 Coverage

January 26, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Arrested
  • Leftist Delusions
  • Term Limits Reintroduced
  • Republicans Call For A Wider Investigation
  • Wrong Leader Impeached
  • Daily Bible Verse


Mike Huckabee


By Mike Huckabee

I was frankly shocked to hear that WalkAway founder Brandon Straka had been arrested on a felony charge of interfering with police during civil disorder, as well as unlawful entry into a restricted building and disorderly conduct during the January 6th Capitol violence in DC. The details of the charges are at this link:

Two things strike me immediately. One is confusion, since he’s charged with unlawful entry into the Capitol, but the statement doesn’t say he even went into the Capitol, only what he allegedly said and did outside the building. It’s also not clear from this whether what they claim he said was actually an incitement to rioters.

For instance, shouting “Go, go” in a crowd could mean “Go on and riot” or “Go home” or even "Get out of my way so I can leave." How do they know for sure what he intended? Likewise, they assume that him allegedly saying, “Take it away from him” referred to taking away a cop’s shield. Maybe he was talking about taking away a pole that some rioter was swinging at a cop. They seem awfully certain of being able to discern someone’s intentions from allegedly overheard words shouted in the midst of chaos.

The other thing that strikes me is the utter incongruity of these charges. I’ve had Brandon on my show twice, one of them since this occurred, to discuss how Facebook banned his completely peaceful page (it’s now at He has always struck me as remarkably polite and rational. He founded the WalkAway movement because, as a lifelong liberal, he was appalled at the Democratic Party’s embrace of bullying, violence and censorship. He strikes me as the last person in the world who would ever use such tactics himself.

I haven’t seen the evidence, and I wasn’t there, so I can’t pass judgement definitively. But I can say that the evidence for these charges had better be overwhelming and airtight, or else it will be perceived, perhaps rightly, as retribution for someone who dared to stand up to the Democratic Party’s lurch into thuggishness.

And if he’s being prosecuted just for exercising his rights to free speech and to protest, then why were all the charges dropped against the people who rioted in 2017 to protest Trump’s inauguration?

Leftist Delusions

By Mike Huckabee

It’s always interesting to me how leftists’ minds work. They believe that their opinions are the only objective truth. They believe that their ideas are the only ones that work, despite over a century of proven, tragic failure. They think that all of America wants to become California, even though people are fleeing California in droves because of the very policies they want to instill nationwide.

And now, add to their self-delusions the Biden Administration’s idea that Middle East nations hated Trump and are so relieved to have Obama-style policies back.

Under Obama, there was constant war and death in the Middle East, ISIS increased its caliphate to the size of Pennsylvania, and Iran was a growing nuclear threat. Under Trump, ISIS was crushed, no new wars were started (in the Middle East or ANYWHERE), and Iran was neutralized, allowing multiple Arab nations to finally sign landmark peace deals with Israel.

Now, here comes Joe Biden, promising to reverse all that progress and actually thinking Middle East nations will be happy, grateful and relieved to see the old regime back. Guess again. They don’t get their news from WaPo or Stephen Colbert, so they don’t think that everything Trump did was automatically wrong. They’re kind of enjoying all the Middle East peace, and they’re not ready to buy what Biden’s selling.

Term Limits Reintroduced

By Mike Huckabee

It may not have much chance of passage, but let’s all let our Senators know how much we support the Senate term limits bill just reintroduced by Sens. Ted Cruz and five other Republicans.


Republicans Call For A Wider Investigation

By Mike Huckabee

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee are calling on the FBI, if it is going to investigate Parler over the Capitol violence, to also investigate Facebook and Twitter. Seems fair, since so far, that appears to be where most of the planning, threats and anti-government activism actually took place.

In a letter to the Democrat Representative who requested the FBI probe of Parler, GOP Reps. James Comer and Greg Steube wrote, "Like you, we were disturbed and angered by the riot and we believe those responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But casting blame on a single social media company known for its conservative username while simply ignoring other social media companies known for sympathizing with liberal causes is blatantly and overtly partisan…Moreover, your letter is additional evidence of the growing alliance between Big Tech and Democrats to muzzle certain viewpoints, opinions, and perspectives."

Say, as long the FBI is investigating social media, how about investigating that, too?


Wrong Leader Impeached

By Mike Huckabee

I have long warned people about putting private information on the Internet. Power-mad politicians and corporations now want to weaponize everything you ever posted, sorting through years’ worth of posts for examples of “wrongthink,” in a sick and un-American version of the “social credit score” system China uses to control citizens’ speech and behavior.

The thing is, though, totalitarianism crushes all freedoms equally. For instance, here’s a story about how online data-mining of past comments and behavior is being used to discriminate against sex workers and their advocates, a group you’d think Democrats would be strongly sympathetic to.

And no wonder Democrats want complete control over the Internet to be in their hands. Things on the net stay there forever, which is very inconvenient when you constantly flip the standards to which you hold yourself and your opponents.

For instance, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the violence in the Capitol on January 6th an assault on democracy itself, and tried to blame it on the free speech of President Trump and Congressional Republicans who wanted an investigation of the 2020 election. How inconvenient for her that someone just dug up her Twitter tweets from 10 years ago.

In 2011, a mob of leftwing protesters besieged the Wisconsin state Capitol for weeks. At one point, they swarmed the building, yelling and banging on the windows. Terrified senators huddled under the stairwell until police could clear a path through the protesters to a bus. The protesters shook the bus and punched the windows as the senators hunkered down to avoid any flying glass.

And how did Nancy Pelosi respond to that on Twitter on February 17, 2011?

“I stand with the students & workers of #WI, impressive show of democracy in action.”

So to make sure we have this straight: when rightwing protesters attack a Capitol and terrify legislators, it’s an assault on the very seat of democracy. When leftwing protesters do the exact same thing, it’s an “impressive show of democracy in action.”

Some might say that she was encouraging people to commit insurrection. And unlike Trump’s speech, her words actually came BEFORE the planning of the January 6th attack. That’s not even counting all the times she shrugged off or encouraged violent protests in 2020, even against federal buildings and monuments in Washington, DC.

Sounds like the House impeached the wrong leader. They needed Perry Mason at that proceeding, to reveal that the real guilty culprit was the accuser, not the defendant.




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Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

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Comments 26-28 of 28

  • Debra Trinchini

    01/26/2021 06:50 PM

    After Nancy Pelosi tore up Pres. Trump's speech, we should have done something - like maybe censure her in some way? It was a foreboding show of the impending presidential election steal of Pres. Donald J. Trump! We Republicans should be investigating that!!! War was declared on November 3, 2020; and our country now stands divided in another Civil War!!! The Democrats and their allies the CCP (Communist Chinese Party) declared WAR on America!

  • Linda Wolfe

    01/26/2021 06:46 PM

    The FBI STILL HAS CROOKED COPS ? They also arrested Dr. Simone Gold

  • Harold Levi

    01/26/2021 06:38 PM

    Sir, there has been a lot of talk about Congressional Term Limits. Does anyone realize and understand that a Constitutional Amendment will be required? The same for doing away with the Electoral College. It will require a Constitutional Amendment. If any or all states subvert the Constitutionally prescribed rules and guidelines for the Electoral College then they have subverted the Constitution and have setup a case for Trump to spearhead.

    Yee Haww - Yeah that nasty Constitution can have some teeth - assuming there are people who understand and Supreme Court Justices who give a S--t.

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    January 26, 2021

    Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

    • Arrested
    • Leftist Delusions
    • Term Limits Reintroduced
    • Republicans Call For A Wider Investigation
    • Wrong Leader Impeached
    • Daily Bible Verse


    Mike Huckabee


    By Mike Huckabee

    I was frankly shocked to hear that WalkAway founder Brandon Straka had been arrested on a felony charge of interfering with police during civil disorder, as well as unlawful entry into a restricted building and disorderly conduct during the January 6th Capitol violence in DC. The details of the charges are at this link:

    Two things strike me immediately. One is confusion, since he’s charged with unlawful entry into the Capitol, but the statement doesn’t say he even went into the Capitol, only what he allegedly said and did outside the building. It’s also not clear from this whether what they claim he said was actually an incitement to rioters.

    For instance, shouting “Go, go” in a crowd could mean “Go on and riot” or “Go home” or even "Get out of my way so I can leave." How do they know for sure what he intended? Likewise, they assume that him allegedly saying, “Take it away from him” referred to taking away a cop’s shield. Maybe he was talking about taking away a pole that some rioter was swinging at a cop. They seem awfully certain of being able to discern someone’s intentions from allegedly overheard words shouted in the midst of chaos.

    The other thing that strikes me is the utter incongruity of these charges. I’ve had Brandon on my show twice, one of them since this occurred, to discuss how Facebook banned his completely peaceful page (it’s now at He has always struck me as remarkably polite and rational. He founded the WalkAway movement because, as a lifelong liberal, he was appalled at the Democratic Party’s embrace of bullying, violence and censorship. He strikes me as the last person in the world who would ever use such tactics himself.

    I haven’t seen the evidence, and I wasn’t there, so I can’t pass judgement definitively. But I can say that the evidence for these charges had better be overwhelming and airtight, or else it will be perceived, perhaps rightly, as retribution for someone who dared to stand up to the Democratic Party’s lurch into thuggishness.

    And if he’s being prosecuted just for exercising his rights to free speech and to protest, then why were all the charges dropped against the people who rioted in 2017 to protest Trump’s inauguration?

    Leftist Delusions

    By Mike Huckabee

    It’s always interesting to me how leftists’ minds work. They believe that their opinions are the only objective truth. They believe that their ideas are the only ones that work, despite over a century of proven, tragic failure. They think that all of America wants to become California, even though people are fleeing California in droves because of the very policies they want to instill nationwide.

    And now, add to their self-delusions the Biden Administration’s idea that Middle East nations hated Trump and are so relieved to have Obama-style policies back.

    Under Obama, there was constant war and death in the Middle East, ISIS increased its caliphate to the size of Pennsylvania, and Iran was a growing nuclear threat. Under Trump, ISIS was crushed, no new wars were started (in the Middle East or ANYWHERE), and Iran was neutralized, allowing multiple Arab nations to finally sign landmark peace deals with Israel.

    Now, here comes Joe Biden, promising to reverse all that progress and actually thinking Middle East nations will be happy, grateful and relieved to see the old regime back. Guess again. They don’t get their news from WaPo or Stephen Colbert, so they don’t think that everything Trump did was automatically wrong. They’re kind of enjoying all the Middle East peace, and they’re not ready to buy what Biden’s selling.

    Term Limits Reintroduced

    By Mike Huckabee

    It may not have much chance of passage, but let’s all let our Senators know how much we support the Senate term limits bill just reintroduced by Sens. Ted Cruz and five other Republicans.


    Republicans Call For A Wider Investigation

    By Mike Huckabee

    Republicans on the House Oversight Committee are calling on the FBI, if it is going to investigate Parler over the Capitol violence, to also investigate Facebook and Twitter. Seems fair, since so far, that appears to be where most of the planning, threats and anti-government activism actually took place.

    In a letter to the Democrat Representative who requested the FBI probe of Parler, GOP Reps. James Comer and Greg Steube wrote, "Like you, we were disturbed and angered by the riot and we believe those responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But casting blame on a single social media company known for its conservative username while simply ignoring other social media companies known for sympathizing with liberal causes is blatantly and overtly partisan…Moreover, your letter is additional evidence of the growing alliance between Big Tech and Democrats to muzzle certain viewpoints, opinions, and perspectives."

    Say, as long the FBI is investigating social media, how about investigating that, too?


    Wrong Leader Impeached

    By Mike Huckabee

    I have long warned people about putting private information on the Internet. Power-mad politicians and corporations now want to weaponize everything you ever posted, sorting through years’ worth of posts for examples of “wrongthink,” in a sick and un-American version of the “social credit score” system China uses to control citizens’ speech and behavior.

    The thing is, though, totalitarianism crushes all freedoms equally. For instance, here’s a story about how online data-mining of past comments and behavior is being used to discriminate against sex workers and their advocates, a group you’d think Democrats would be strongly sympathetic to.

    And no wonder Democrats want complete control over the Internet to be in their hands. Things on the net stay there forever, which is very inconvenient when you constantly flip the standards to which you hold yourself and your opponents.

    For instance, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the violence in the Capitol on January 6th an assault on democracy itself, and tried to blame it on the free speech of President Trump and Congressional Republicans who wanted an investigation of the 2020 election. How inconvenient for her that someone just dug up her Twitter tweets from 10 years ago.

    In 2011, a mob of leftwing protesters besieged the Wisconsin state Capitol for weeks. At one point, they swarmed the building, yelling and banging on the windows. Terrified senators huddled under the stairwell until police could clear a path through the protesters to a bus. The protesters shook the bus and punched the windows as the senators hunkered down to avoid any flying glass.

    And how did Nancy Pelosi respond to that on Twitter on February 17, 2011?

    “I stand with the students & workers of #WI, impressive show of democracy in action.”

    So to make sure we have this straight: when rightwing protesters attack a Capitol and terrify legislators, it’s an assault on the very seat of democracy. When leftwing protesters do the exact same thing, it’s an “impressive show of democracy in action.”

    Some might say that she was encouraging people to commit insurrection. And unlike Trump’s speech, her words actually came BEFORE the planning of the January 6th attack. That’s not even counting all the times she shrugged off or encouraged violent protests in 2020, even against federal buildings and monuments in Washington, DC.

    Sounds like the House impeached the wrong leader. They needed Perry Mason at that proceeding, to reveal that the real guilty culprit was the accuser, not the defendant.




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    More Stories

    Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

    Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

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    Comments 26-28 of 28

    • Debra Trinchini

      01/26/2021 06:50 PM

      After Nancy Pelosi tore up Pres. Trump's speech, we should have done something - like maybe censure her in some way? It was a foreboding show of the impending presidential election steal of Pres. Donald J. Trump! We Republicans should be investigating that!!! War was declared on November 3, 2020; and our country now stands divided in another Civil War!!! The Democrats and their allies the CCP (Communist Chinese Party) declared WAR on America!

    • Linda Wolfe

      01/26/2021 06:46 PM

      The FBI STILL HAS CROOKED COPS ? They also arrested Dr. Simone Gold

    • Harold Levi

      01/26/2021 06:38 PM

      Sir, there has been a lot of talk about Congressional Term Limits. Does anyone realize and understand that a Constitutional Amendment will be required? The same for doing away with the Electoral College. It will require a Constitutional Amendment. If any or all states subvert the Constitutionally prescribed rules and guidelines for the Electoral College then they have subverted the Constitution and have setup a case for Trump to spearhead.

      Yee Haww - Yeah that nasty Constitution can have some teeth - assuming there are people who understand and Supreme Court Justices who give a S--t.