Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Other Top Stories We Are Following


Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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January 26, 2022


Good morning! 

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!  

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Ephesians 3:20-21
  • Another Ukraine blunder
  • Count this as a Biden accomplishment
  • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis blasts the FDA
  • Oregon Governor is working hard to destroy what is left of her state
  • New video tells more about Ashli Babbitt's final minutes
  • Canadian Convoy

Join hundreds of readers already subscribing to the advertisement-free version of the newsletter (Delivering the morning and evening editions together in one email), go here.


Mike Huckabee


This verse is dedicated by Sue H.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

Ephesians 3:20-21

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].


2. Another Ukraine blunder:

Between his attacks on the US oil industry and his boosting of Russian oil, his projecting of weakness and incompetence on the international stage, his evacuation of our Ukrainian Embassy, and his blunder of virtually okaying a “minor incursion” into Ukraine, I thought there couldn’t possibly any more ways in which President Biden could set the stage for an invasion of Ukraine by Russia. But we shouldn't forget Barack Obama’s admonition to “never underestimate Joe’s ability to (bleep) things up.”

How about having your spokesperson announce to the adversary you’re trying to intimidate that “there is no intention or interest or desire by the President to send troops to Ukraine.”


Pretty bad bluffing. I’m not a betting man, but if I played poker for money, I would definitely want to play it with Joe Biden.

Apparently, the White House plans to scare Putin into line by launching a Twitter hashtag campaign called “#StandWithUkraine.” If Biden stands with Ukraine, why would he be doing so much to set it up to fall? It's understandable, though, since at this point, Putin would probably be more afraid of a Twitter mob than of Biden.

Also, it turns out we don’t even have a US ambassador in Ukraine to represent us or give us on-the-scene reports because even after more than a year in office, Biden has yet to get around to nominating one.


All things considered, I’m not at all surprised that Vladimir Putin has now progressed from ignoring the US to openly threatening us to stay out of his way.


When asked if Biden had any plans to nominate a Ukraine ambassador, press secretary Jen Psaki had no answer. I’m surprised she didn’t repeat her previous advice that this would be a very good time for everyone to drink a lot of margaritas.


3. Count this as a Biden accomplishment:

Look for the White House to start bragging about yet another Biden accomplishment: helping to improve the diets of Americans by creating such rampant inflation that they’ve destroyed fast food restaurant dollar menus and discount deals. You’re welcome, America!


4. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis blasts the FDA:

The FDA has ignited a firestorm of protests and accusations of politicizing science by revoking the Trump-era emergency use authorization for two major COVID monoclonal antibody treatments.


Florida, with its large, vulnerable elderly population, was in the forefront of offering these treatments, and the move forced the cancellation of scheduled treatments for about 2,000 patients.

Gov. Ron DeSantis blasted the FDA's move, calling it “sudden” and “reckless.” He said, “Without a shred of clinical data to support this action, Biden has forced trained medical professionals to choose between treating their patients or breaking the law.”

The FDA justified the revocation by claiming that these treatments have not been effective against the Omicron variant. DeSantis admitted that evidence of the treatments working is anecdotal and not peer-reviewed, but he pointed out that the FDA also has no clinical data to prove that all the cases now being treated are Omicron.

He said, “This indefensible edict takes treatment out of the hands of medical professionals and will cost some Americans their lives. There are real-world implications to Biden’s medical authoritarianism. Americans’ access to treatments is now subject to the whims of a failing President.”

As for my opinion of this, I don’t know whether the treatments are effective or not. Do you know why? Because I’m not a doctor. This has somehow become a battle between political leaders and career health bureaucrats, with the doctors who are actually trained to heal the sick, and who are inside hospitals, personally dealing with this disease every day, being ordered to shut up and do what they’re told or else by desk jockeys in DC.

I’m not a doctor, but I’ve been a patient. And I can tell you that whenever I’ve been really sick, I call my doctor, I don’t call Washington.

5. Oregon Governor is working hard to destroy what is left of her state:

Apparently, the massive crime wave plaguing America’s large cities due to “progressive” DA’s refusing to enforce the laws just hasn’t done enough to make cities like Portland, Oregon, unlivable. Fortunately, Oregon’s ultra-left Gov. Kate Brown has a solution: abuse her clemency power to open up the prisons and release violent offenders who were put away before the state’s voters started electing leftist lunatics.


6. New video tells more about Ashli Babbitt's final minutes:

Aaron Babbitt, Ashli Babbitt’s husband, has been on a mission of discovery to piece together the evidence on what really happened inside the Capitol on January 6. As you know, his wife was the only direct casualty of that day’s violence, shot dead by Capitol Hill Police Lt. Michael Byrd as she attempted to climb, unarmed, through a broken-out window in the door to the Speaker’s Lobby. Last week, after viewing video shot by self-appointed “documentarian” John Sullivan, Aaron concluded that Ashli was not even part of the riot –- that, in fact, she had been trying to stop the riot.

After forcing himself to watch and analyze that agonizing video over and over, he concluded that she was crawling through the window to get away from the rowdy crush of people outside the door. With the training she’d had as an officer herself, she knew things were getting out of control, and she wanted to get to safety. Aaron also says she was claustrophobic, severely enough for them to have to leave events because of large packed crowds.

Aaron has since had the opportunity to examine additional video of the riot and shooting, and it shows much more detail, which reinforces his conclusion that his wife had been trying to stop what was happening.

He had already seen that the man who broke the window by punching it and repeatedly hitting it with a riot helmet, identified as Zachary J. Alam, was delayed in his own attempt to crawl through the window when his glasses got knocked and he had to reposition them. The new video shows that Ashli was the one who hit him in the face, after grabbing him in an apparent attempt to stop him.

The video shows that for several minutes before she was shot, Ashli shouted at the rioters to stop vandalizing the Capitol, her face registering great distress. Video also reveals that she was shouting at the police guarding the doors to call for backup. She also shouted at Alam as he was breaking the glass: “Stop it!”

Newly-reviewed video shows Ashli grabbed Alam’s backpack and hit him in the nose with a left hook, knocking his glasses out of position on his face. As Alam reset his glasses, Ashli started to climb through the broken-out window. Of course, that’s when she was shot. Accounts differ as to whether Byrd shouted any warning before he fired; if he did, it might have been impossible for her to hear.

Witnesses think it’s likely that Ashli, in delaying Alam’s scramble through that window, unwittingly saved his life before she lost her own.

Babbitt told The Epoch Times, “As we keep seeing these videos and it’s all coming into play and it’s literally laying out everything I’ve said from day one, that she’s a good person, that she loved this country, she was law enforcement, pro-law enforcement, wasn’t breaking anything, didn’t hurt anybody --- we’re seeing it now.”

Additional video shot by journalist Tayler Hansen has shed even more light on what happened. Amazingly, it shows Ashli yelling at the three officers guarding the door to call for help. When they didn’t, she berated them for their inaction. “You’re a fraud!,” she yelled. “You’re a [expletive] fraud! You’re wrong!”

Some in the crowd started chanting, “Break it down! Break it down!” Ashli yelled, “Stop that!”

Another video, shot from another angle and farther away, shows that Ashli was not the woman who shouted, “Take it down,” as has been erroneously reported.

Aaron knows his wife was no insurrectionist. “We’re going to get to the bottom of it,” he said. “We’re going to get it out there.”

It’s now clear the situation had gone from calm to mayhem in just a few minutes. “I think she just realized she was in a bad spot, something wasn’t right,” he said. “She had her wits about her. The frustration came out when she punched him [Alam] in the face, because he deserved it. He deserved it from a man, not the little woman there in that small hallway.”

The strangest thing to us about this whole scenario is the cops’ inaction. Some had left their post by the door, and the three who remained were just standing there. Aaron doesn’t understand that, either. “He [Alam] deserved it from a cop,” he said, “but none of that was happening. For a former law enforcement person to be seeing this happening is like mass confusion, ‘What is going on here right now?’”

This would have gone against all her training and common sense. Ashli, 35, was a military police officer in the Air Force and National Guard for 14 years, after enlisting at age 17. Ironically, she actually served in the National Guard for the District of Columbia, which DEFENDS THE NATION’S CAPITAL. She was not there to tear it down.

From cameraman Hansen: “She was not a terrorist, she was a vehement supporter of law enforcement who took major issue with those who didn’t do their jobs on January 6th. The family should be heavily compensated by the mainstream media and the government for the propaganda they’ve pushed surrounding Ashli.”

The new information related above comes from a premium story from Joseph Hanneman in The Epoch Times.


According to The Epoch Times, Zachary Alam was arrested on January 30 of last year. This past November, the DOJ issued a “superseding” indictment that charges him with 11 counts, including assaulting, resisting or impeding police with a dangerous weapon; civil disorder; and destruction of government property. He’s due in court in February for a status conference.

Stills show him wearing a MAGA hat under his fur one. He had previously been in jail and refused to turn himself in because he didn’t want to go back.

Here’s more, from a local story out of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where he hid out.


We also found a legal document online, a petition for Alam’s release on bond dated June 4, 2021, saying he’d been detained since February 6. (Don’t know if he was released.) So he doesn’t seem to fit the category of those mysterious individuals who encouraged the breach of the Capitol but weren’t detained. So far, we haven’t been able to find out anything about who else he was with that day.

. . . . . .

But as a postscript, we’ll tell you who WAS just sentenced: our friend Brandon Straka, founder of the #WalkAway Movement. Though he did not enter the Capitol that day, he’s been sentenced to three months of home detention and a $5,000 fine. “Even if he didn’t personally engage in violence or property destruction during the riot, Straka encouraged and celebrated the violence of that day,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Brittany Reed wrote in a court filing.

Straka’s attorney said they were violating his First Amendment rights and “attempting to make a public spectacle of a prominent Trump-supporting influencer.” As if anyone in our system of justice would ever do that.



7. Canadian Convoy:

Hey, we got a great big convoy, rockin’ through the night! The bad news: the 50,000 trucks, a convoy 43 miles long, aren’t dodging Smokies' to rush goods to empty store shelves. They’re heading to Ottawa to protest the Canadian (and soon, American) vaccination mandates that threaten to take even more truckers off the road during a time when we have a severe shortage and a supply chain crisis.


8. I Just Wanted to Say:

Thank you for reading the Morning Edition.

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Comments 11-15 of 15

  • Floyd A Unger

    01/26/2022 03:04 PM

    Thank you

  • Jerry

    01/26/2022 02:25 PM

    With all the attention Ukraine is getting this just a distraction from all the problems this administration has caused the Fool is sending military weapons to Ukraine to defend itself with American resources against our enemy Russia and then turns around and pays the Russian government for fuel that we as a country have here? what type of person makes decisions like this? the noun Traitor comes to mind our southern border is under attack does the southern border still belong to the United States if so why isn’t the Fool protecting it? his inaction is treasonous does the oath of office for the president no longer binding?

  • Richard V Farrar

    01/26/2022 01:54 PM

    #3: With transportation shrinking, perishable and non-perishable goods being artificially diminished by COVID-19 Executive Orders creating regionally/locally goods deserts. Governmental ELITIST creating a "Let Them Eat Cake" environment.

  • ken moore

    01/26/2022 12:24 PM

    how can individuals route a bus load of us law breakers from the southern border to delaware i am personally prepared to pay for the guaranteed transport of us law breakers how can you help me in this transport perhaps a few more thousand patriots will have like kind interest if that data was available through your newsletters

  • Sharon Faulkner

    01/26/2022 12:03 PM

    Most Americans celebrated seeing the cowardly Capitol establishment get their cages rattled - are the Blue gestapeo going to arrest us all? Go brandon!!

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