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June 27, 2021

Good morning! As a subscriber to one of my newsletters, I am sending you my Sunday Standard Edition.  Each Sunday I will email you the top stories that ran on my website for the week that was:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Info from Chinese defector might change the course of history
  • UPDATE on Chinese defector, and some intriguing context
  • What Changed?
  • Nepotism At The White House
  • Hilarious


Mike Huckabee


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Matthew 28:19


Info from Chinese defector might change the course of history

By Mike Huckabee

It reads like a stunning political spy thriller, but what we’re learning after China’s head of intelligence apparently defected to the West is proving to be more of a true crime story. took the news about the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) working with defector Dong Jingwei of China’s Ministry of State Security beyond the “rumor” stage, but it was still so wild that the appropriate initial response was skepticism. RedState’s sources, however, appear to be sound. And if this story is true, it makes Dong the highest-level defector in the history of the People’s Republic of China.

RedState has doubled down on their story, saying they've confirmed the name of this official and the nature of the work he had been doing. Reportedly, he defected from China in mid-February after flying from Hong Kong to the United States to visit his daughter, Dong Yang, who was attending a university in California. Once his plane had landed, he contacted the DIA and told them of his plans to defect and also of the information he had with him. According to publicly available records, since April 2018 he has been the head of the Ministry of State Security’s counterintelligence activities in China. Translation: he was China's #1 spy-catcher. It makes sense to think that if anyone would know how to defect without getting caught, it's this guy.

According to RedState’s sources, Dong “hid in plain sight” for about two weeks while waiting to go safely into DIA custody. Presumably, his daughter was taken into custody as well.

CCP officials reportedly have demanded that Dong be returned. Sources say that Secretary of State Andrew Blinken was not aware at the time that Dong was in America, and so he told the Chinese what he thought was true: that we didn’t have Dong. In fact, it seems that until the last three or four weeks, NO ONE outside the DIA knew Dong had defected. Until then, they were vetting the information he had passed to them.

RedState reports that Dong has provided the following information to the DIA. If you haven’t seen this list, prepare to be blown away:

--- Early pathogenic studies of the virus we now know as SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).

--- Models of predicted COVID-19 spread and damage to the U.S. and the world. Perhaps this "Exhibit A" will be the most infuriating of all.

--- Financial records relating to the exact organizations and governments that funded research on SARS-CoV-2 and other biological warfare.

–- Names of U.S. citizens who provide intel to China. Let's see 'em.

–- Names of Chinese spies working in the U.S. and/or attending American universities. This promises to be a long list.

–- Financial records showing U.S. business people and public officials who have received money from the Chinese government. I assume that means "besides Hunter Biden."

–- Details of meetings U.S. government officials had, perhaps unwittingly, with Chinese spies and members of Russia’s SVR (External Intelligence Service).

–- Details of how the Chinese gained access to a CIA communications system, which led to the deaths of dozens of Chinese people who had been working with the CIA.

Oh, wait –- there’s more! According to RedState, Dong has also provided the DIA with copies of the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop, revealing all the scuzz the Chinese government has on Hunter, his nefarious personal habits and his business dealings with Chinese entities. His father’s, too. It was common sense to assume China had it all, and apparently they do.

In a revelation that should surprise no one, Dong reportedly told the DIA that at least a third of Chinese students attending American universities are intel assets, with many living under pseudonyms to hide the fact that they are children of high-ranking military and CCP leaders.

RedState says they have “high confidence” in their reporting because, in the days since their original report, others are starting to investigate some of the claims. Sources continue to tell RedState that “This defector has the rest of the intelligence community and the LEO [law enforcement officer] community scared sh**less.”

Here’s their full update.

Gordon Chang, FOX NEWS analyst and author of THE COMING COLLAPSE OF CHINA, takes this report very seriously indeed, telling NEWSMAX on Saturday that if the information Dong has about the Wuhan Institute of Virology is proven true, it could “even lead to the fall of the Communist Party.” There has been no official response from China, but according to Chang, Beijing appears to be in a panic.

“This is so explosive it could lead to a chain of events which would sever relations between China and the United States,” said Chang.

Some experts have denied the reports, however, and Chang said the SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST has reported that Dong is still in China and even gave a talk on Friday about catching foreign spies (Dong’s specialty). But Chang also said that those accounts do not seem credible.

And why did this Chinese defector deal exclusively with the Defense Intel Agency, rather than other agencies? Chang believes it’s because those other units of our government have been “penetrated by the Chinese Ministry of State” security agents (spies). He said it appears China “has penetrated most units of the U.S. government, indeed, state governments as well.”

This is consistent with what RedState has reported; namely, that “Dong has extremely embarrassing and damaging information about our intelligence community and government officials in the ‘terabytes of data’ he’s provided to the DIA.” Sure makes you wonder how many “Fang Fangs” are out there, and how many Eric Swalwells. Recall that Swalwell is a member of the House Intelligence Committee.

Chang also believes that Dong’s role as chief spy-catcher would put him close to Chinese leader Xi Jinping. “This is really important,” Chang said, “because what this does [is] blow open the Chinese political system.” Xi could be blamed and overthrown in the blink of an eye. “This could cause the Communist Party to lose the stability that apparently people think it has,” Chang said. That’s why the CCP leadership is so enraged.

The full story of Chang’s interview with NEWSMAX is here.

Finally, Dan Bongino’s Friday podcast led off with this story, stressing the extreme significance of what the DIA might be learning from the defector. You can see it on Rumble, here.

Bongino points out that what Dong is offering about the origin and spread of the virus confirms much of what Trump has said for many months. Not wanting to prove Trump right is probably the main reason why full reports on this story will be few and far between, not to mention twisted beyond recognition in order to pass muster with social media. But we’ll bring them hot and fresh and factual, as we look forward to telling the real story.

Addendum: Sunday night, reporter Jennifer Van Laar, who broke the story of the Chinese defector in, commented on the media strategy for dealing with it.

Van Laar offers a detailed, chronological and quite fascinating account in a “VIP” article on

I’ll summarize: Van Laar stands by her reporting and says that as the story has developed, “the reactions are an interesting and disturbing insight into how those with their own agendas attempt to shape the narrative and marginalize those who won’t go along with that narrative.” She says the “former spook community” (I love that characterization) “went from saying RedState’s reporting was completely untrue and used to attack Dr. Fauci, to admitting that parts of it could be true, to taking credit for the reporting.”

She describes the strategy: “First, ignore. Then, attack the source’s credibility. Then, leak information to take the story in a different direction. If none of that works, again attack the source’s credibility and attempt to introduce contradictory evidence. If that doesn’t work, claim ownership of the story and start shaping your own narrative.”

Van Laar will be appearing Tuesday on The Chris Salcedo Show on NEWSMAX to go over the latest developments, which, of course, we’ll bring to you here.


UPDATE on Chinese defector, and some intriguing context

By Mike Huckabee

Gordon Chang, expert on China and author of THE GREAT U.S. - CHINA TECH WAR, appeared on TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT Monday to speak further on the likelihood that Dong Jingwei, the 57-year-old head of counterintelligence for the Chinese Ministry of State Security, had flown from Hong Kong to California on February 10 and defected to the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, bringing with him a treasure trove of secret information.

Chang reiterated that he thinks the story is true.

China is denying that this happened, of course, and both BEIJING DAILY and the Hong Kong publication SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST have reported that Dong is in China doing whatever spooky things he normally does in the land of Chinese spooks, such as giving presentations at spy-catcher seminars.

Chang does not believe their reports, as “China has every reason in the world to parade this guy in front of the cameras. That would squelch all sorts of rumors that are damaging to the regime. Now, China hasn’t done that, and that to me says that we have him, and that he, in fact, defected.”

RELATED READING:  Info from Chinese defector might change the course of history

Incidentally, the SOUTH CHINA MORNING POST story makes reference to the “new anti-espionage regulation released in April” that applies to “not only Chinese government departments, but also social groups and businesses, supplemented with lists of Chinese entities that are assigned counter-espionage responsibilities.” This onerous new law has received very little press in the United States, so I'm taking the opportunity here to describe it. Under this law, once entities been designated by the government, they're required to watch for and prevent foreign espionage activity. They must “vet and train personnel, particularly ahead of foreign trips, after which they must be debriefed about any national security issues.” This law treats even universities and private businesses as if they’re “sensitive government agencies.”

More on this soon, but for now, back to the Chang interview. Tucker brought up the fact that the media are suddenly changing their tune on the origin of the virus, as if they knew...somehow...they could no longer get away with spouting their original fairy tale about bat soup. And Chang noted what seems to be a similar shift of opinion among officials of the Biden administration. This story out of Australia mentions that same shift as evidence that the defection probably happened.

Chang said this could be due to any of a number of things, perhaps political pressure, but he thinks it’s because they now have evidence of a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Even more important is the information that the Chinese military was working with that lab as part of its bioweapons program.

As for China intentionally releasing the virus, Chang believes this scenario is possible but unlikely, given that they didn’t yet have a vaccine. He thinks it was a mistake, and that China “wasn’t able to contain it.” On the other hand, he noted that while foreigners typically believe the leak was accidental, Chinese nationals are more likely to think it was released on purpose. They know their government all too well.

We came across another report from that same Australian news outlet that provides a lot of context for this alleged defection. It says that no “convincing” photo of Dong has been released since last September, and the one that's purported to be him isn't persuading anyone. This story also includes some intriguing background on Dong’s daughter.

All we’d seen in the press about Dong Yang was that she'd been studying at a California university, but now there’s more: She’s reportedly the ex-wife of Alibaba executive Jiang Fan. Alibaba, an international tech firm, has been in the crosshairs of the CCP in recent months. The company is being scrutinized for alleged “antitrust” and “corruption” issues. Jack Ma, Alibaba’s CEO, “disappeared” for several weeks earlier this year.

Since that time, Ma has reportedly “embraced supervision.” (Ah, there’s a euphemism for you.) And he rarely appears in public or makes public statements. The CCP appears to be cracking down in general on billionaires and academics. Interesting case in point: at the same time we were hearing denials of a nuclear accident of some kind at the China Taishan power plant, one of its leading nuclear scientists, Vice President of Harbin Engineering University Zhang Zhijian, reportedly “fell” from his building. No details were given.

Another billionaire, the chairman of a Chinese high-tech firm, got in hot water and was ordered to “keep a low profile” after publishing a historic poem as part of a media campaign. This poem was critical of an ancient emperor. In China, criticism of emperors is banned on social media, as it could be interpreted as criticism of their current leader-for-life, Xi Jinping.

(Wow, you thought censorship on American social media was bad! On the other hand, this story gives us a peek at just how bad it can get, and almost certainly WILL get if we don’t weaken the power of Big Tech.)

Another billionaire, this one in agriculture, lost control of his business after being arrested over a minor property dispute. He’s since been charged with “seeking quarrels and provoking trouble.”

So our speculation is that this kind of crackdown by the CCP might have had some impact on Dong’s daughter, considering her ties, and might even have something to do with the defection. Just a hypothesis. We’ll see if anyone else makes this connection.

I’ll leave you with the words being (falsely?) attributed to Dong from that seminar, as they relate to the way China is cracking down on business moguls and, ironically, might even describe what Dong himself has done by defecting: “In particular, some individuals are willing to be ‘internal traitors,’ secretly colluding with foreign spies and intelligence agencies and hostile forces to engage in anti-China activities. Individuals ‘act behind the scenes’ and send funds to hostile forces through illegal channels to support anti-China activities. These ‘traitors’ and behind-the-scenes gold masters’ have severely endangered the country’s political security. They will eventually be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.”

Translation: we need to keep this man, and his daughter, safe.


What Changed?

By Mike Huckabee

Seth Barrett Tillman, a law lecturer at the National University of Ireland, dug up an eye-opening Newsweek article from January 18, 2018. Currently, Trump supporters who think the election was rigged are being silenced and vilified as delusional for thinking that the results could be overturned and Trump become President again. I’m not saying that could happen, but this article reminds us that many Democrats had a very different attitude when they thought the Mueller probe might prove that Russia rigged the 2016 election for Trump.

The article quotes Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig as saying that if it was proven Trump conspired with Russia to steal the election (spoiler alert: it wasn’t, and he didn’t), both he and Mike Pence should resign or be impeached. That would make then-House Speaker Paul Ryan President, and he should nominate Hillary Clinton, "the person defeated by the treason of his own party, and then step aside, and let her become President.”

Lessig admitted that there is no “mechanism for correcting the criminal results of the previous election," and he wasn’t saying this should happen, just that it could.

The important point is that only three years ago, questioning the validity of the previous Presidential election wasn’t treason or insurrection, it was free speech. And fantasizing about the current President being forced to step down and replaced by his former opponent because the election was rigged wasn’t a conspiracy theory so crazy that anyone who even mentioned it had to be censored, monitored and investigated. It was something that Harvard professors openly discussed in mainstream media outlets.

Gee, I wonder what changed in so short a time?


Nepotism At The White House

By Mike Huckabee

Among the many campaign promises made by President Biden that are falling like the leaves in autumn is his claim that he would restore ethics and integrity to the White House. That’s working out about as well as Obama’s laughable claim of having “the most transparent Administration in history.”

Of course, there’s Hunter Biden, the gift that keeps on giving to authors of novels about international financial chicanery who need new plots…

…And the continuing questions about his dad’s alleged involvement in Hunter’s schemes.

But even putting the prodigal son (and his uncle) aside, one of the top criteria for job placement in the White House appears to be nepotism.

Biden’s staff includes so many privileged recent graduates with no experience but relatives in high places that Walter Shaub, Obama’s former director of the Office of Government Ethics (yes, there is one of those!), called it “pathetic” and ranted, “I’m disgusted!” Shaub previously blasted Trump for giving important jobs to relatives, like tasking son-in-law Jared Cushner with crafting Middle East peace deals (I’d say he did a darn good job that Biden’s now destroying, but that’s another topic.) But Shaub actually believed that Biden was going to prioritize strict ethics.

He concluded, “Do I sound bitter? HELL, YEAH, I’M BITTER! I’m the stupid moron who fell for his false promises. I wasn’t naive enough to think he’d be a transformative president. He told us he’d be plain vanilla. But I thought there was momentum behind his ethics promises. Boy, was I stupid.”

Well, that’s something I think we can all agree on. And I hate to break it to you, but if you thought Biden was going to be “plain vanilla” and not try to “transform America,” then you fell for another false promise.

And speaking of falling for false campaign promises, you didn’t really believe Biden was going to spend trillions upon trillions of dollars and only raise taxes on the ultra-rich, did you? If so, I’ve got some prime real estate in Siberia that I’d like to sell you.



By Mike Huckabee

Rep. Eric Swalwell filed a ridiculous nuisance lawsuit against President Trump, his son Don Jr., Rudy Giuliani and Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks, claiming that they incited violent rioters to attack the Capitol on January 6th. Since then, Swalwell has repeatedly claimed that Brooks is hiding from process servers to avoid his subpoena.

This has led to some funny tweets from Brooks, pointing out that he’s shared the House floor with Swalwell over a hundred times since January. He’s posted photos of himself “hiding out” in public places, including one at his granddaughter’s birthday party where he’s wearing a sign on his cap reading, “I am not Mo.”

But the story turned serious when Swalwell actually sent an aide to serve a subpoena, and the man trespassed on Brooks’ property and chased his frightened wife into their house. Now, she’s filed a lawsuit and the Brooks family has made an arrest complaint. Swalwell’s camp tried to deny the claim, but it was all captured on security video. Brooks says he is putting anyone who would threaten his family “on notice that we will pursue illegal actions to the fullest extent of the law.”

So to sum up: because Swalwell tried to score publicity points by filing a bogus lawsuit falsely accusing Brooks of threatening his security, Swalwell's aide is now facing charges and a real lawsuit for actually threatening Brooks’ security.

On my TBN TV show recently, I had a story about how Australia’s oldest man credited his longevity to eating chicken brains, and I joked that they were about as small as Eric Swalwell’s brain. I might have to take that back. After reading this story, it doesn’t seem like a joke anymore. It just seems like an insult to chickens.


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Comments 11-12 of 12

  • Stephen Russell

    06/27/2021 11:28 AM

    Biden CRT for Govt edict:
    Wants whole Govt under CRT Exp
    Posotive note:
    Reduce, decrease Deep State:

    Retirements early
    Less enlistments
    Govt wide??

    Win win: reduce Deep State more

  • Joyce F Birch

    06/27/2021 10:30 AM

    Fantastic newsletter, a real eye-opener! Keep up the great work.

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