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With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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July 28, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Topics include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Romans 12:18
  • Simple Answers, Please
  • Margin Of Error in California
  • Verifiable Lies
  • Ominous Development For Freedom Of Speech
  • Comedy Is Racist
  • Free Stuff


Mike Huckabee


If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Romans 12:18

Simple Answers, Please

By Mike Huckabee

My daughter having been a White House Press Secretary, I can appreciate how stressful a job it is, so I’m not as hard on Jen Psaki as many conservative commentators. Still, I sometimes can’t help wondering if she’s getting her talking points from the White House via a game of “Telephone.”

Fox News’ Peter Doocey asked her a simple, straightforward question: If COVID vaccines work, why did the CDC reverse itself and say that fully vaccinated people should go back to wearing masks indoors in areas of high or substantial transmission of the virus, which includes 2/3rds of US counties? Her response wasn’t very enlightening.

Look, I get it: no vaccine is 100% effective, and there may be new variants we still have to avoid. That’s the answer in 16 simple words. Why couldn’t she have said that?

Maybe because she’s being forced to try to explain so many mixed messages that it’s like trying to read a newspaper as it comes out of a wood chipper. Biden has always been known as a gaffe machine, but lately, the gas pedal on his mouth has been stuck at full throttle, and the ever-changing “guidances” from the CDC aren’t helping. After trying to appeal to people who are wary of getting vaccinated because the CDC has lost so much credibility, Biden just pivoted to insulting their intelligence, which is a surefire way to win friends and influence people.

I know Ms Psaki will get blasted by the conservative media for however she has to explain that, but I almost feel sympathy for her. If she had to face a Press Corps that was as hostile to her as it was to Sarah, I’d suggest she get combat pay.

Margin Of Error in California

By Mike Huckabee

Democrats who scoffed that the California recall election was a waste of time and money (and then threw up every roadblock possible to prevent it from happening) may panic at the latest poll from Democrat-friendly UC-Berkeley.

It shows support for Newsom at 50% with 47% wanting to recall him and only 3% undecided. Three percent is the poll’s margin of error.

I don’t like to think of him continuing in power a day longer than necessary, but if he does manage to survive the recall vote, how appropriate it will be to say that he was kept in office by the margin of error.

Verifiable Lies

By Mike Huckabee

In what I’m sure will become a daily feature, is compiling a list of verifiable lies told at the House’s January 6th commission hearing. Here’s Day One:

Ominous Development For Freedom Of Speech

By Mike Huckabee

In an ominous development for freedom of speech and thought, the money-transfer giant Paypal announced that it’s partnering with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to consider ways to block financial flow to groups that support “white supremacist and anti-government organizations.” It will also look at “networks spreading and profiting from antisemitism, Islamophobia, racism, anti-immigrant, anti-Black, anti-Hispanic and anti-Asian bigotry.”

Nobody wants to fund any of that garbage for real, but that statement casts an awfully wide net. The problem is, who gets to define those terms? Does “anti-government” mean it’s now a crime punishable by financial death to criticize the great god government? Is "racist" defined by the same people who claim that literally everything is racist? We’ve already seen many examples, from social media platforms to Paypal itself, of woke tech companies cutting off Internet access or financial services to perfectly legitimate conservative and Christian organizations just because some leftists slandered them as a hate group.

If there are any conservative billionaires out there who’d like to look into launching a new financial services business, Paypal suddenly appears to be ripe for competition.

Comedy Is Racist

By Mike Huckabee

Robin DiAngelo, the white lady who’s made a fat living off of peddling woke racial divisiveness and cringing white liberal guilt to corporations and the media via her absurd book “White Fragility,” must know how many people, including some professional comedians (although not late night hosts, of course) are starting to shake off their fear of cancel culture and make fun of her nonsense. You can tell because she’s now declared comedy itself to be racist.

I’m not going to recount what passes for her “reasoning,” because it was painful enough just having to slog through it once. But you can read it at the link. It might remind you of the classic scene in Mel Brooks’ “History of the World” where he’s a Greek philosopher applying for unemployment, and the clerk (Bea Arthur) says, “Oh, you’re a bull-BLEEP artist,” and asks, “Did you bull-BLEEP last week?...Did you TRY to bull-BLEEP?...” No wonder she hates comedy: Mel Brooks has already summed up her profession perfectly.

You won’t be surprised to learn that this tidbit of self-interest disguised as high-mindedness came in an interview promoting her new book, "Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm." Finally, she said something we can all agree with!

Comedy is essential to free speech and free thought. Since the days when court jesters were the only ones allowed to joke about the king, it’s been the job of comedians to mock the foibles and hypocrisies of all sides, especially those in power. They perform the vital service of pointing out when the emperor has no clothes. That’s why tyrants always try to crack down on comedy, and why victims of oppressive regimes always have plenty of jokes about their leaders that they only tell amongst themselves. Here in America, we tell those jokes out in the open. Or at least we used to (I refused to stop), and I hope we’re finally getting back to doing it again.

For the record: no, Ms DiAngelo, I will not stop joking about things that richly deserve it, and if that includes certain politicians or celebrities who happen to be black, then so be it. Claiming as she does that it’s racist for white people to joke about black people is itself racist and condescending. The shows she criticizes (“Family Guy,” “South Park,” “The Simpsons”) often include jokes that are offensive to my sensibilities, but I’d never say they shouldn’t be allowed to make them. They can make fun of my beliefs, and I can make fun of theirs. And fortunately, since MsDiAngelo is white, she should have no objections to all of us making fun of her beliefs, which are a veritable Mother Lode of comedy material.

Free Stuff

By Mike Huckabee

Well, people in blue cities like San Francisco voted in leftists because they promised everything would be free, and for once, they kept their promise.

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Comments 11-14 of 14

  • Barbara Pierson

    07/28/2021 07:36 PM

    Please stop calling it a vaccine. It clearly is not and it’s killing thousands and thousands. The jab is more deadly that the virus. People need to be able to count on someone and if not you, then who?

  • Lawrence Foster

    07/28/2021 06:53 PM

    I did not watch Granny Pelosi's klownshow iii yesterday or today, but did catch some excerpts from yesterday. I was particularly "impressed by the weeping capitol police officer who said he "went through Hell" on January 6. Now I sent to Vietnam twice, and Iraq twice, plus a few other places equally uninspiring, and never thought of any of those places as "hell". I guess it was all the fire and brimstone preachers on the radio when I was a kid, but I really thought Hell would be just a bit tougher.

    I want to be a fly on the wall when that whining sissy boy tells a GI whose been to Iraq for 14 months, came back for a year (much of it spent away from his family), and went to Afghanistan for another year, that he "went through hell" January 6. I'll bet the resultant laughter from the GI will send our sissy boy cop to the capitol police "safe space" where he can cuddle a teddy bear. I really hope that cop got his job because he's a relative of some democrat representative. I'd hate to think he is the product of the capitol police screening and selection process.

  • Jerry

    07/28/2021 06:51 PM

    I wish every county in this country had a comedy club I believe this population of 85 million Conservatives are waiting for a club to open with acts that are unfiltered. Yes I want the government officials and its policies ridiculed to the point even liberals can get a look at how ignorant they can be supporting a loser like biden. Liberals do not laugh I get it narrow minded people can not look outside its lane because biden said they have to follow him and his policies or else they might have to pay their own way. The libs are leeches and have only one way to go as they are dependent on biden to feed house and care for them. So no laughing no independent thinking listen to Psaki for your info what else do ya have Dems. CNN/CCP biden won't talk to ya if he does you won't understand him don't to bad no one else does either bring on the Comedians............

  • Janice Oden

    07/28/2021 05:17 PM

    My husband & l live in SC, but will be in Indianapolis for a conference in a couple of weeks. We would love to be in the audience at one of your shows, if possible. Can that be arranged, & if so, what is the cost?
    Janice & bill Oden

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