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Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

March 26, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Parler: FBI ignored us
  • 9th Circuit Rules on 2nd Amendment
  • Prime Example of Ridiculous Spending
  • The Daily Wire Sets a Great Example
  • A Few Additional Clips
  • A Reader Writes...
  • America The Beautiful


Mike Huckabee


Parler: FBI ignored us

By Mike Huckabee

It was bad enough when the free speech social media platform Parler was vilified and deplatformed over the Capitol riot despite no evidence that the violence was planned by people using Parler. It got worse after an investigation found that most of the actual planning was done on Facebook and Instagram. Now, prepare for a new level of injustice.

In a letter to a Congressional Committee investigating the riot, Parler revealed that it had reached out to the FBI long before the attack to facilitate cooperation and refer any violent threats or incitement to law enforcement. Parler did this over 50 times and even warned the FBI about specific threats of violence being planned for the Capitol.

And yet Parler was given the cyber equivalent of a death penalty by the other tech giants, even though it not only didn't help facilitate the riot, it was actively helping the FBI to prevent it. The FBI even thanked Parler for its efforts.

The more we learn about this, the more it seems obvious that when Big Tech crushed Parler, it wasn’t because it represented a threat to the Capitol but to Big Tech’s monopolies and censorship of free speech.

9th Circuit Rules on 2nd Amendment

By Mike Huckabee

The notorious 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco just ruled that the Second Amendment only applies inside your house. In an opinion written by George W. Bush appointee Judge Jay Bybee, the court ruled, contrary to just about every previous court ruling, that “There is no right to carry arms openly in public; nor is any such right within the scope of the Second Amendment.”

He went on: “It remains as true today as it was centuries ago, that the mere presence of such weapons presents a terror to the public and that widespread carrying of handguns would strongly suggest that state and local governments have lost control of our public areas…Our review of more than 700 years of English and American legal history reveals a strong theme: government has the power to regulate arms in the public square.”

Wow, where to begin? Why is a US court looking at English laws as far back as the 1300s? Maybe this escaped their notice, but the reason we have Second Amendment rights is that we fought a revolution in the 1700s to break free of onerous English laws and establish a nation in which the rights of the people were paramount. We no longer have to care what the British royals think or do (take note, Oprah.) They might as well be telling us that we don’t have that Constitutional right because they didn’t have it in ancient Egypt.

Secondly, if Americans feel the need to carry weapons in public, that alone strongly suggests that state and local governments have lost control of our public areas. Judging by the news lately, I’d say the feeling is correct.

Finally, if the Founders had intended the right to weapons of self-defense to apply only inside of your home, why do we have the “right to keep and bear arms” and not just the right to keep them? Did they mean we can only bear them as we walk from the kitchen to the bathroom?

The 9th Circuit is known for being the federal court most overturned by the Supreme Court. Let’s hope this nonsense will quickly become the latest example.

Prime Example of Ridiculous Spending

By Mike Huckabee

Those of you who have been stuck at home and unable to stay in a hotel for a year now can at least live vicariously knowing that thanks to President Biden allocating $86.9 million for 1,239 hotel rooms to house illegal border crossers, you’ll be paying $71,666.67 of your tax dollars per migrant for hotel rooms. As Andrew Arthur of the Center for Immigration Studies put it, “You are now a co-conspirator to one of the largest smuggling schemes in history.”

On the bright side, you not only get the vicarious thrill of paying for a long, expensive hotel stay but also being part of an exciting smuggling scheme that’s apparently now 100% legal so nobody has to worry about being arrested for it.

The Daily Wire Sets a Great Example

By Mike Huckabee

The Daily Wire is setting a great example for conservatives who are fed up with giving their money to companies that capitulate to tiny but loud leftist rage mobs. They’re launching businesses to serve all those conservatives that these “woke” corporations don’t seem to want as customers. First, they branched out into movie production and signed a deal with Gina Carano, who was fired by Disney over her non-PC social media posts. Now, after Harry’s, a men’s grooming company, pulled its ads in response to complaints from LGBTQ+ activists, the Daily Wire announced that it’s exploring launching its own direct-to-consumer grooming products business.

A spokesman said, “It’s time to challenge the cultural hegemony of the 23-year-old woke staffers who apparently drive strategy for so many of these businesses. It’s time for conservatives to stop funding companies who hate us, and to get busy creating alternatives.”

For a long time, I opposed boycotts of companies based on the politics of their executives. I thought they usually just harmed the employees and deprived me of products I liked while having little effect. Besides, I thought it was un-American to refuse to do business with someone just because they held different political opinions.

But that was before the left was taken over by the ultra-left and started politicizing everything. It was no longer enough for CEOs to be liberal, they had to silence or fire employees who dared to hold conservative views, or even liberal views that weren’t radical enough. If people are going to declare war on you, it’s stupid to give them money to buy more ammunition to fire at you.

If there’s a conservative, or even a nonpartisan, alternative, then why not give them your business? That’s not a boycott, it’s just a smart consumer decision. And if the aggressively leftist companies end up going out of business because of it, well…that wasn’t my fault. They decided to alienate half their potential customer base and try to survive on the income from people who live in their moms’ basements.

A Few Additional Clips

By Mike Huckabee

Congratulations to the Oral Roberts University basketball team for its success so far in the NCAA finals. And leave it to the liberal media to turn a Christian university team winning some basketball games into a whole new concept of “March Madness.”

A survey by Gallup found that among residents of 33 nations in Latin America and the Caribbean, 42 million people want to move to the US permanently.

The big question now is, will they all be here by next weekend?

A Reader Writes Back...

I hope and pray President Trump starts his own social media! I will drop FB and join it even if I have to pay for the privilege! He has been SO unfairly treated by the Media and social networks, and now we Conservatives will have a Voice! I pray that God will bless President Trump and help him to prosper in every way. Thank you for always supporting him, Governor Huckabee!

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Mount Rainier National Park, visit its website here.

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Comments 26-30 of 30

  • Betty McLeod

    03/26/2021 09:18 PM

    Thank you Gov. Huckabee for giving your readers clear, concise and up to the minute information on many topics. Some that are destroying our country and the rights that were long ago granted by fighting FOR this beautiful United States of America. We have long been a Christian nation but I fear Satan has a strong foothold at this point. Praying for this Country and leaders like you.

  • Doug Maas

    03/26/2021 09:00 PM

    I am pleased that there seem to be more and more conservative and Christian based communication options sprouting. There are so many, in fact, that it is difficult to determine where to focus. I have sampled literally hundreds of alternative news sources. And I want you to know that your daily morning and evening editions are among about six that I depend on and enjoy reading and sharing. Thanks for being there for us.

  • Dennis L Lokken

    03/26/2021 08:57 PM

    It would be great if there was a source for conservative businesses and maybe a list of known anti-democratic leftist businesses. It is hard to keep track of. I hope somebody takes on Amazon.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    03/26/2021 06:17 PM


    This too shall pass
    America has been through some pretty hard things in our past and it has always worked out well because of people who believe in faith and freedom and Common Sense.
    But if this is the end then we as Christians should be still working for Faith, innocent life, God ordained individual freedom and Bible based justice.
    As one founder once said if the Lord is returning let him find us doing his work.
    God created Israel he also created the United States and he and he alone will determine when we come to our end.
    Remember he said he causes the nations to rise and fall.
    Keep up the good work

  • Sharon Faulkner

    03/26/2021 06:16 PM


    This too shall pass
    America has been through some pretty hard things in our past and it has always worked out well because of people who believe in face and freedom and Common Sense.
    But if this is the end then we as Christians should be still working for Faith, innocent life, God ordained individual freedom and Bible based justice.
    As one founder once said if the Lord is returning let him find us doing his work.
    God created Israel he also created the United States and he and he alone will determine when we come to our end.
    Remember he said he causes the nations to rise and fall.
    Keep up the good work

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