Today's News Stories

May 27, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse Of The Day
  • California shooting
  • Memorial Day
  • New Mike Huckabee Podcasts
  • Feel-Good Story of the Day
  • Gun-control's Ultimate Representative
  • Dershowitz on censorship: "a very, very dangerous situation"
  • A Reader Writes Back...


Mike Huckabee


“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”

John 13:34 KJV


California shooting

By Mike Huckabee

Please join me in saying prayers for the victims and the families of the victims of yesterday’s shooting at a San Jose, California, rail yard. As of this writing, nine people have died. A 57-year-old man (in keeping with our policy, I refuse to broadcast the names of people who become famous by killing others) opened fire and killed himself once police arrived.

One of the victims, Taptejdeep Singh, died a hero. The father of two small children was working in a separate building when the shooting started, but he left his safe space and rushed around the building, warning others and helping them to safety before the gunman targeted him.

This is a developing story, so check the news for updates.

Memorial Day

By Mike Huckabee

Next Monday is Memorial Day, and with the pandemic easing, a number of observances that were canceled last year will be back this weekend. Some will have live audiences while others will still be virtual events, but you can join in via TV or the Internet. Since Memorial Day weekend is also the unofficial start of summer, I know many people will be taking advantage of their first chance in a long time to hit the beach, lakes or parks, or to shop Memorial Day sales. But please remember the real reason for this holiday: to honor the military heroes who gave their lives so that we can enjoy the freedom to celebrate this weekend.

Fox News has a round-up of some of major Memorial Day events here:

And I also have a special Memorial Day edition of “Huckabee” planned, so please be sure to join us this weekend on TBN.

New Mike Huckabee Podcasts

Episode 46: This week on The People’s Podcast, Governor Huckabee cuts through the nonsense surrounding the topic of the coronavirus vaccine. He’ll tell us why he made the personal decision to get the jab, and why the rest of us all need to mind our own P’s, Q’s and vaxxes when it comes to the personal health choices of others. Then, he’ll talk with a rising star in the Republican Party, Congressman Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, about what we’ve learned about the origins of Covid-19 and who’s been trying to cover it up.

Episode 45: On this bonus edition of The People’s Podcast, Governor Huckabee talks to Mike Evans, head of Friends of Zion, about the Israel/Hamas war and how Facebook shut down his organization’s profile just for supporting Israel.

Episode 44: This week on The People’s Podcast, Governor Huckabee puts the latest developments in the Israel-Palestine conflict into context using history lessons and his firsthand accounts from visiting the Middle East. Then, he talks with Alex Marlow about his new book Breaking The News, and whether a media this broken can ever be repaired.


Feel-Good Story of the Day

By Mike Huckabee

First, the Harvest Rock Church of Pasadena fought back against California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s unconstitutional crackdown on worship services during the pandemic and won in the Supreme Court. Now, as part of a settlement, California has agreed not to put any limits on churches that are stricter than those on any other gatherings, and Newsom has been ordered to pay $1.35 million for the church’s legal fees.

I wonder if he’ll try passing the plate to pay it off.

Gun-control's Ultimate Representative

By Mike Huckabee

I’ve pointed out many times over the years that the strongest proponents of gun control laws seem to know the least about guns. They’ve found their ultimate representative in David Chipman, President Biden’s nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. His Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday at times looked more like a shoot to create video for future NRA commercials.

For instance, he wants to ban “assault weapons,” but couldn’t define what one was (to be fair, nobody can: that’s a nebulous term created by gun control advocates, and many of the characteristics they list for an “assault weapon” are actually cosmetic or safety features.)

Chipman also admitted he wants to ban the AR-15, the most popular rifle in America, even though a letter from 21 state Attorneys General urging Biden to withdraw Chipman’s nomination points out that the AR-15 is used in fewer murders than “sharp objects.”

Then there was this bizarre moment, about the alleged threat of violent crime by law-abiding gun owners.

Chipman conceded that most gun owners are law-abiding but said someone may buy a gun legally, then go on to do something illegal with it. But if that’s the criteria, then we should probably ban cars, too. Most career criminals, such as drug gang members, prefer to get black market guns that aren’t traceable and don’t require a background check.

And when they use those guns, you should hope and pray that there’s a law-abiding gun owner close at hand.

Dershowitz on censorship: "a very, very dangerous situation"

By Mike Huckabee

(Warning: huge sarcasm alert)

We interrupt this commentary on censorship as discussed by legal expert Alan Dershowitz to offer the following words of gratitude and praise to Almighty Facebook:

Thank you, THANK YOU, O benevolent, magnificent and powerful Facebook, the arbiter of truth and blocker of misinformation for every American –- and, indeed, the entire planet –- for finally allowing us to express an opinion at odds with the one viewpoint you have permitted about the origin of the virus. We understand why, in your deep concern for our well-being, you spent the past year boldly and tenaciously censoring our slightest question about the “wet market” theory of origin for covid-19. It must have been quite important to make us believe that it entered the first human being quite innocently from a bowl of fresh and tasty bat soup or pangolin pie.

Why, you even dictated, in the interest of accuracy and anti-racism, that we CALL it covid-19, and not something outrageous like “China virus” or “Wuhan virus,” even though it came from Wuhan, China. Thank you so much for your wisdom and your guidance, as we realize that sometimes we need to be told what to think and otherwise kept in line.

Dear FB –- may we call you FB? –- we thank you for graciously informing us these many months that stories about the virus possibly emerging from the Wuhan lab were “misinformation,” nothing more than right-wing conspiracy theory and propaganda, and not worthy of your great and magnificent social media platform. Your diligent and tireless fact-checkers worked around the clock to make sure we expressed only the truth as you saw it, because you cared so much that only the right information would be shared with our “friends.” How thoughtful you were to protect us all from the woefully ignorant view that the Chinese bioweapons program might pose a risk.

Suddenly, now, the tide has turned –- even at the White House, where President Biden has called for an investigation after his State Department disbanded the one Trump had initiated –- and you, Dear Facebook, in your infinite, all-seeing and all-knowing authority and mysterious wokeness and wonderfulness have decided the narrative should change, so you've tweaked your algorithms and now permit us to speculate that the virus came from the Wuhan lab after all.

We are even allowed to say that some Wuhan lab staffers came down with symptoms consistent with covid-19 in the fall of 2019. Praise to you, glorious Facebook! We trust your inerrant judgment in finally offering us this freedom, as you know best, and, again, thank you, THANK YOU, for keeping such a close and protective eye on the information we read and share.


Now, on to Dershowitz and the First Amendment.

Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz did an interview for the EPOCH TV show “Crossroads” to express concern about the removal of Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier from the U.S. Space Force over his stated opposition to Marxism and Critical Race Theory, and also about President Trump’s removal from Facebook, Twitter and other platforms after the Capitol Hill security breach on January 6 of this year.

Before Trump was removed from Twitter, he had about 90 million followers. Twitter says his ban will stay in place indefinitely. Facebook has upheld his ban but has been told by its advisory board to put a time limit on it.

“What Donald Trump tweets --- I may disagree with every word he says, but he has the right to say it,” Dershowitz said. “And more importantly, people forget the First Amendment has two aspects: one, the right of the speaker --- Donald Trump to speak --- that’s one part of it. And the second part, which is largely ignored, is the right of you and me the public to hear and read and see what he has to say to accept or reject it in the marketplace of ideas.

“When you ban a speaker,” Dershowitz continued, “you also ban his viewers and listeners from having access to that speech, and that’s an equally dangerous aspect of violating free speech rights.”

Of course, most of the “moderation of content” (censorship) is being done to conservative and pro-Trump speech.

Lohmeier’s comments about Marxism spreading through the military were deemed “politically partisan,” and he also spoke less-than-glowingly of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s pro-CRT agenda. He was removed from the 11th Space Warning Squadron just a few days ago, on May 19.

Censorship is at the top of Dershowitz’ mind right now; he has a new book out called “THE CASE AGAINST THE NEW CENSORSHIP: Protecting Free Speech from Big Tech, Progressives and Universities.” Here’s the interview, highly recommended, in which he describes this censorship as something new, “a sign of the times.”

“I’m critical of Marxism,” Dershowitz said in the interview, “I’m critical of ‘race theory,’ I’m critical of Black Lives Matter --- not the concept, the organization. I’m critical of many of the things that today you can’t criticize.” He mentioned a course he co-taught at Harvard about ten years ago called “Taboo,” about subjects you couldn’t talk about, and back then it ran 14 weeks. “Today, it could be a thousand-week course,” he quipped.

We have to use our power as consumers, he said, to STOP THIS CENSORSHIP.

The government isn’t supposed to be in the business of censorship, but Dershowitz says it's using Big Tech to sidestep the First Amendment. Be sure and see his full interview, which features multiple examples of the “new” censorship. He also briefly examines the history of government censorship, starting with the Alien & Sedition Acts very early in our nation’s life. Believe it or not, just a few years after the Bill Of Rights was passed, this law that made it a serious, prison-worthy crime to criticize the government, yet it was signed into law by President John Adams and supported by Alexander Hamilton and even George Washington.

“We’ve always had a struggle in our country,” Dershowitz says, “between those who believe in free speech and those who believe that they know better.” I would say that right now, we have a huge oversupply of people on the left who think they know better and have no problem at all with shutting down any speech they deem “problematic.”

Dershowitz brought up the current struggle in the Mideast, noting that former President Trump would very much like to go on social media and express support for Israel. “But they say ‘No, Trump lies! You can’t be on Twitter, you can’t be on Facebook, you can’t be on YouTube.’” Yet they leave up horribly anti-semitic and even pro-Hitler speech, wrongly implying that this is truthful.

“That’s the problem,” he says, “because when you have censorship of some things, then other things seem to have the imprimatur of truth.”

In applying this to Facebook and the virus, we could say the “bat soup” theory was given the imprimatur of truth. Until it wasn’t. “The Truth” is whatever Facebook decides it will be, on any given day. Have mercy on us, O Great And Powerful Facebook.

A Reader Writes Back... 

Thank God, I live in Texas. I pray that all the people moving here from other states leave their left wing insanity in the state they came from!

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Comments 11-19 of 19

  • Helen Nees

    05/27/2021 04:03 PM

    I live in Cali and from what I've read in the papers is that the recall for Newsom is losing steam. Well, I'm hoping with this ruling against him from Harvest Rock Church will keep the recall going. Just because we're starting to open up here doesn't mean he's all of a sudden a good governor. Cali has a big state surplus and he's going to spend it on the illegals here. One way or another the taxpayers are going to end up paying the $1.35 million. Oh, and BTW-gas here in the OC is over $4.00 a gallon depending on where you go. Will probably be $5.00 before/after Memorial Day weekend. Can we say inflation? We will be staying put not only because of the gas prices but about 100 vehicles have had their windows shot out w/a BB gun on the 91 freeway from San Bernardino County all the way into Los Angeles County-even targeted a CHP vehicle. They think they caught the guy but we don't know for sure. Praying for the Rapture-Come quickly Lord!!

  • Stephen Russell

    05/27/2021 03:51 PM

    Facebook OKd data on vaccines & virus NO more censorship
    Take down & Break up

  • jack macdonald

    05/27/2021 03:51 PM

    You abbreviated Facebook as FB. I think FB should stand for Fatuous Buttheads. Zuckerberg is one of the Socialist/Communists who believes that Capitalism is great until you achieve untold wealth and then preaches Socialism as the best system for the non elite. He and Dorsey are obviously products of our corrupt Education system.

  • Marilynn Anderson

    05/27/2021 03:48 PM

    AMEN!! to Renee Kendrick's comment.

  • Ken Truell

    05/27/2021 03:46 PM

    A little help here please. I am caught in the middle of a disagreement in the family over the reality of ‘viral skin cell shedding’ after receiving the COVID vaccination. Is this a real problem or a conspiracy theory?

  • Floyd A Unger

    05/27/2021 02:58 PM

    Thank you and yes we must continue to emphasize and remind ourselves and each other about the real meanings of our holidays: Memorial Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and Presidents Day ??

  • Tommy Burns

    05/27/2021 01:36 PM

    Governor Huckabee, your comment about assault weapons is spot on. Nobody can define what an assault weapon is. It could be a BB gun that someone "assaults" someone else with. It could be an "automobile", are we going to ban all automobiles <looks like the liberals/demoncrats, utterly foolish and senseless individuals are trying to with all their idiotic legislation they are trying to pass. Belts can be an assault weapon. Women's/man purses may be an assault weapon. What about a fist, it can be an assault weapon, are the demoncrats going to ban our "fist"? They are just being utterly foolish and senseless in what they are trying to do, legislate guns out of the hands of private citizens. The demoncrats have assault weapons of their own and it is called antifa and black lives matter, violent groups of individuals.

  • Firewagon

    05/27/2021 12:53 PM

    "....killed himself once police arrived." Or as is often pointed out when a "good guy with a gun" shows up! It is unfortunate that the "hero" assisting and warning others to seek safety was UNARMED, as this whack may have offed himself before having killed 8 innocent people.

    This Chipman idealogue is simply regurgitated flotsam, and should be flushed down the toilet, or deported, along with his coterie of anti-American colleagues in that Congress, to some country run by a dictator, like China or Russia.

  • Renee Kendrick

    05/27/2021 12:12 PM

    With FB opposing Israel, the big-tech company will crumble eventually. No one can oppose God's chosen people and continue to prosper. In HIS time...the fall of FB will happen.

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Biden Scandal News

    May 27, 2021

    Good morning!

    Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

    Today's newsletter includes:

    • Bible Verse Of The Day
    • California shooting
    • Memorial Day
    • New Mike Huckabee Podcasts
    • Feel-Good Story of the Day
    • Gun-control's Ultimate Representative
    • Dershowitz on censorship: "a very, very dangerous situation"
    • A Reader Writes Back...


    Mike Huckabee


    “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”

    John 13:34 KJV


    California shooting

    By Mike Huckabee

    Please join me in saying prayers for the victims and the families of the victims of yesterday’s shooting at a San Jose, California, rail yard. As of this writing, nine people have died. A 57-year-old man (in keeping with our policy, I refuse to broadcast the names of people who become famous by killing others) opened fire and killed himself once police arrived.

    One of the victims, Taptejdeep Singh, died a hero. The father of two small children was working in a separate building when the shooting started, but he left his safe space and rushed around the building, warning others and helping them to safety before the gunman targeted him.

    This is a developing story, so check the news for updates.

    Memorial Day

    By Mike Huckabee

    Next Monday is Memorial Day, and with the pandemic easing, a number of observances that were canceled last year will be back this weekend. Some will have live audiences while others will still be virtual events, but you can join in via TV or the Internet. Since Memorial Day weekend is also the unofficial start of summer, I know many people will be taking advantage of their first chance in a long time to hit the beach, lakes or parks, or to shop Memorial Day sales. But please remember the real reason for this holiday: to honor the military heroes who gave their lives so that we can enjoy the freedom to celebrate this weekend.

    Fox News has a round-up of some of major Memorial Day events here:

    And I also have a special Memorial Day edition of “Huckabee” planned, so please be sure to join us this weekend on TBN.

    New Mike Huckabee Podcasts

    Episode 46: This week on The People’s Podcast, Governor Huckabee cuts through the nonsense surrounding the topic of the coronavirus vaccine. He’ll tell us why he made the personal decision to get the jab, and why the rest of us all need to mind our own P’s, Q’s and vaxxes when it comes to the personal health choices of others. Then, he’ll talk with a rising star in the Republican Party, Congressman Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, about what we’ve learned about the origins of Covid-19 and who’s been trying to cover it up.

    Episode 45: On this bonus edition of The People’s Podcast, Governor Huckabee talks to Mike Evans, head of Friends of Zion, about the Israel/Hamas war and how Facebook shut down his organization’s profile just for supporting Israel.

    Episode 44: This week on The People’s Podcast, Governor Huckabee puts the latest developments in the Israel-Palestine conflict into context using history lessons and his firsthand accounts from visiting the Middle East. Then, he talks with Alex Marlow about his new book Breaking The News, and whether a media this broken can ever be repaired.


    Feel-Good Story of the Day

    By Mike Huckabee

    First, the Harvest Rock Church of Pasadena fought back against California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s unconstitutional crackdown on worship services during the pandemic and won in the Supreme Court. Now, as part of a settlement, California has agreed not to put any limits on churches that are stricter than those on any other gatherings, and Newsom has been ordered to pay $1.35 million for the church’s legal fees.

    I wonder if he’ll try passing the plate to pay it off.

    Gun-control's Ultimate Representative

    By Mike Huckabee

    I’ve pointed out many times over the years that the strongest proponents of gun control laws seem to know the least about guns. They’ve found their ultimate representative in David Chipman, President Biden’s nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. His Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday at times looked more like a shoot to create video for future NRA commercials.

    For instance, he wants to ban “assault weapons,” but couldn’t define what one was (to be fair, nobody can: that’s a nebulous term created by gun control advocates, and many of the characteristics they list for an “assault weapon” are actually cosmetic or safety features.)

    Chipman also admitted he wants to ban the AR-15, the most popular rifle in America, even though a letter from 21 state Attorneys General urging Biden to withdraw Chipman’s nomination points out that the AR-15 is used in fewer murders than “sharp objects.”

    Then there was this bizarre moment, about the alleged threat of violent crime by law-abiding gun owners.

    Chipman conceded that most gun owners are law-abiding but said someone may buy a gun legally, then go on to do something illegal with it. But if that’s the criteria, then we should probably ban cars, too. Most career criminals, such as drug gang members, prefer to get black market guns that aren’t traceable and don’t require a background check.

    And when they use those guns, you should hope and pray that there’s a law-abiding gun owner close at hand.

    Dershowitz on censorship: "a very, very dangerous situation"

    By Mike Huckabee

    (Warning: huge sarcasm alert)

    We interrupt this commentary on censorship as discussed by legal expert Alan Dershowitz to offer the following words of gratitude and praise to Almighty Facebook:

    Thank you, THANK YOU, O benevolent, magnificent and powerful Facebook, the arbiter of truth and blocker of misinformation for every American –- and, indeed, the entire planet –- for finally allowing us to express an opinion at odds with the one viewpoint you have permitted about the origin of the virus. We understand why, in your deep concern for our well-being, you spent the past year boldly and tenaciously censoring our slightest question about the “wet market” theory of origin for covid-19. It must have been quite important to make us believe that it entered the first human being quite innocently from a bowl of fresh and tasty bat soup or pangolin pie.

    Why, you even dictated, in the interest of accuracy and anti-racism, that we CALL it covid-19, and not something outrageous like “China virus” or “Wuhan virus,” even though it came from Wuhan, China. Thank you so much for your wisdom and your guidance, as we realize that sometimes we need to be told what to think and otherwise kept in line.

    Dear FB –- may we call you FB? –- we thank you for graciously informing us these many months that stories about the virus possibly emerging from the Wuhan lab were “misinformation,” nothing more than right-wing conspiracy theory and propaganda, and not worthy of your great and magnificent social media platform. Your diligent and tireless fact-checkers worked around the clock to make sure we expressed only the truth as you saw it, because you cared so much that only the right information would be shared with our “friends.” How thoughtful you were to protect us all from the woefully ignorant view that the Chinese bioweapons program might pose a risk.

    Suddenly, now, the tide has turned –- even at the White House, where President Biden has called for an investigation after his State Department disbanded the one Trump had initiated –- and you, Dear Facebook, in your infinite, all-seeing and all-knowing authority and mysterious wokeness and wonderfulness have decided the narrative should change, so you've tweaked your algorithms and now permit us to speculate that the virus came from the Wuhan lab after all.

    We are even allowed to say that some Wuhan lab staffers came down with symptoms consistent with covid-19 in the fall of 2019. Praise to you, glorious Facebook! We trust your inerrant judgment in finally offering us this freedom, as you know best, and, again, thank you, THANK YOU, for keeping such a close and protective eye on the information we read and share.


    Now, on to Dershowitz and the First Amendment.

    Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz did an interview for the EPOCH TV show “Crossroads” to express concern about the removal of Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier from the U.S. Space Force over his stated opposition to Marxism and Critical Race Theory, and also about President Trump’s removal from Facebook, Twitter and other platforms after the Capitol Hill security breach on January 6 of this year.

    Before Trump was removed from Twitter, he had about 90 million followers. Twitter says his ban will stay in place indefinitely. Facebook has upheld his ban but has been told by its advisory board to put a time limit on it.

    “What Donald Trump tweets --- I may disagree with every word he says, but he has the right to say it,” Dershowitz said. “And more importantly, people forget the First Amendment has two aspects: one, the right of the speaker --- Donald Trump to speak --- that’s one part of it. And the second part, which is largely ignored, is the right of you and me the public to hear and read and see what he has to say to accept or reject it in the marketplace of ideas.

    “When you ban a speaker,” Dershowitz continued, “you also ban his viewers and listeners from having access to that speech, and that’s an equally dangerous aspect of violating free speech rights.”

    Of course, most of the “moderation of content” (censorship) is being done to conservative and pro-Trump speech.

    Lohmeier’s comments about Marxism spreading through the military were deemed “politically partisan,” and he also spoke less-than-glowingly of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s pro-CRT agenda. He was removed from the 11th Space Warning Squadron just a few days ago, on May 19.

    Censorship is at the top of Dershowitz’ mind right now; he has a new book out called “THE CASE AGAINST THE NEW CENSORSHIP: Protecting Free Speech from Big Tech, Progressives and Universities.” Here’s the interview, highly recommended, in which he describes this censorship as something new, “a sign of the times.”

    “I’m critical of Marxism,” Dershowitz said in the interview, “I’m critical of ‘race theory,’ I’m critical of Black Lives Matter --- not the concept, the organization. I’m critical of many of the things that today you can’t criticize.” He mentioned a course he co-taught at Harvard about ten years ago called “Taboo,” about subjects you couldn’t talk about, and back then it ran 14 weeks. “Today, it could be a thousand-week course,” he quipped.

    We have to use our power as consumers, he said, to STOP THIS CENSORSHIP.

    The government isn’t supposed to be in the business of censorship, but Dershowitz says it's using Big Tech to sidestep the First Amendment. Be sure and see his full interview, which features multiple examples of the “new” censorship. He also briefly examines the history of government censorship, starting with the Alien & Sedition Acts very early in our nation’s life. Believe it or not, just a few years after the Bill Of Rights was passed, this law that made it a serious, prison-worthy crime to criticize the government, yet it was signed into law by President John Adams and supported by Alexander Hamilton and even George Washington.

    “We’ve always had a struggle in our country,” Dershowitz says, “between those who believe in free speech and those who believe that they know better.” I would say that right now, we have a huge oversupply of people on the left who think they know better and have no problem at all with shutting down any speech they deem “problematic.”

    Dershowitz brought up the current struggle in the Mideast, noting that former President Trump would very much like to go on social media and express support for Israel. “But they say ‘No, Trump lies! You can’t be on Twitter, you can’t be on Facebook, you can’t be on YouTube.’” Yet they leave up horribly anti-semitic and even pro-Hitler speech, wrongly implying that this is truthful.

    “That’s the problem,” he says, “because when you have censorship of some things, then other things seem to have the imprimatur of truth.”

    In applying this to Facebook and the virus, we could say the “bat soup” theory was given the imprimatur of truth. Until it wasn’t. “The Truth” is whatever Facebook decides it will be, on any given day. Have mercy on us, O Great And Powerful Facebook.

    A Reader Writes Back... 

    Thank God, I live in Texas. I pray that all the people moving here from other states leave their left wing insanity in the state they came from!

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    Comments 11-19 of 19

    • Helen Nees

      05/27/2021 04:03 PM

      I live in Cali and from what I've read in the papers is that the recall for Newsom is losing steam. Well, I'm hoping with this ruling against him from Harvest Rock Church will keep the recall going. Just because we're starting to open up here doesn't mean he's all of a sudden a good governor. Cali has a big state surplus and he's going to spend it on the illegals here. One way or another the taxpayers are going to end up paying the $1.35 million. Oh, and BTW-gas here in the OC is over $4.00 a gallon depending on where you go. Will probably be $5.00 before/after Memorial Day weekend. Can we say inflation? We will be staying put not only because of the gas prices but about 100 vehicles have had their windows shot out w/a BB gun on the 91 freeway from San Bernardino County all the way into Los Angeles County-even targeted a CHP vehicle. They think they caught the guy but we don't know for sure. Praying for the Rapture-Come quickly Lord!!

    • Stephen Russell

      05/27/2021 03:51 PM

      Facebook OKd data on vaccines & virus NO more censorship
      Take down & Break up

    • jack macdonald

      05/27/2021 03:51 PM

      You abbreviated Facebook as FB. I think FB should stand for Fatuous Buttheads. Zuckerberg is one of the Socialist/Communists who believes that Capitalism is great until you achieve untold wealth and then preaches Socialism as the best system for the non elite. He and Dorsey are obviously products of our corrupt Education system.

    • Marilynn Anderson

      05/27/2021 03:48 PM

      AMEN!! to Renee Kendrick's comment.

    • Ken Truell

      05/27/2021 03:46 PM

      A little help here please. I am caught in the middle of a disagreement in the family over the reality of ‘viral skin cell shedding’ after receiving the COVID vaccination. Is this a real problem or a conspiracy theory?

    • Floyd A Unger

      05/27/2021 02:58 PM

      Thank you and yes we must continue to emphasize and remind ourselves and each other about the real meanings of our holidays: Memorial Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and Presidents Day ??

    • Tommy Burns

      05/27/2021 01:36 PM

      Governor Huckabee, your comment about assault weapons is spot on. Nobody can define what an assault weapon is. It could be a BB gun that someone "assaults" someone else with. It could be an "automobile", are we going to ban all automobiles <looks like the liberals/demoncrats, utterly foolish and senseless individuals are trying to with all their idiotic legislation they are trying to pass. Belts can be an assault weapon. Women's/man purses may be an assault weapon. What about a fist, it can be an assault weapon, are the demoncrats going to ban our "fist"? They are just being utterly foolish and senseless in what they are trying to do, legislate guns out of the hands of private citizens. The demoncrats have assault weapons of their own and it is called antifa and black lives matter, violent groups of individuals.

    • Firewagon

      05/27/2021 12:53 PM

      "....killed himself once police arrived." Or as is often pointed out when a "good guy with a gun" shows up! It is unfortunate that the "hero" assisting and warning others to seek safety was UNARMED, as this whack may have offed himself before having killed 8 innocent people.

      This Chipman idealogue is simply regurgitated flotsam, and should be flushed down the toilet, or deported, along with his coterie of anti-American colleagues in that Congress, to some country run by a dictator, like China or Russia.

    • Renee Kendrick

      05/27/2021 12:12 PM

      With FB opposing Israel, the big-tech company will crumble eventually. No one can oppose God's chosen people and continue to prosper. In HIS time...the fall of FB will happen.

    Trump Indictment News

    May 27, 2021

    Good morning!

    Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

    Today's newsletter includes:

    • Bible Verse Of The Day
    • California shooting
    • Memorial Day
    • New Mike Huckabee Podcasts
    • Feel-Good Story of the Day
    • Gun-control's Ultimate Representative
    • Dershowitz on censorship: "a very, very dangerous situation"
    • A Reader Writes Back...


    Mike Huckabee


    “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”

    John 13:34 KJV


    California shooting

    By Mike Huckabee

    Please join me in saying prayers for the victims and the families of the victims of yesterday’s shooting at a San Jose, California, rail yard. As of this writing, nine people have died. A 57-year-old man (in keeping with our policy, I refuse to broadcast the names of people who become famous by killing others) opened fire and killed himself once police arrived.

    One of the victims, Taptejdeep Singh, died a hero. The father of two small children was working in a separate building when the shooting started, but he left his safe space and rushed around the building, warning others and helping them to safety before the gunman targeted him.

    This is a developing story, so check the news for updates.

    Memorial Day

    By Mike Huckabee

    Next Monday is Memorial Day, and with the pandemic easing, a number of observances that were canceled last year will be back this weekend. Some will have live audiences while others will still be virtual events, but you can join in via TV or the Internet. Since Memorial Day weekend is also the unofficial start of summer, I know many people will be taking advantage of their first chance in a long time to hit the beach, lakes or parks, or to shop Memorial Day sales. But please remember the real reason for this holiday: to honor the military heroes who gave their lives so that we can enjoy the freedom to celebrate this weekend.

    Fox News has a round-up of some of major Memorial Day events here:

    And I also have a special Memorial Day edition of “Huckabee” planned, so please be sure to join us this weekend on TBN.

    New Mike Huckabee Podcasts

    Episode 46: This week on The People’s Podcast, Governor Huckabee cuts through the nonsense surrounding the topic of the coronavirus vaccine. He’ll tell us why he made the personal decision to get the jab, and why the rest of us all need to mind our own P’s, Q’s and vaxxes when it comes to the personal health choices of others. Then, he’ll talk with a rising star in the Republican Party, Congressman Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, about what we’ve learned about the origins of Covid-19 and who’s been trying to cover it up.

    Episode 45: On this bonus edition of The People’s Podcast, Governor Huckabee talks to Mike Evans, head of Friends of Zion, about the Israel/Hamas war and how Facebook shut down his organization’s profile just for supporting Israel.

    Episode 44: This week on The People’s Podcast, Governor Huckabee puts the latest developments in the Israel-Palestine conflict into context using history lessons and his firsthand accounts from visiting the Middle East. Then, he talks with Alex Marlow about his new book Breaking The News, and whether a media this broken can ever be repaired.


    Feel-Good Story of the Day

    By Mike Huckabee

    First, the Harvest Rock Church of Pasadena fought back against California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s unconstitutional crackdown on worship services during the pandemic and won in the Supreme Court. Now, as part of a settlement, California has agreed not to put any limits on churches that are stricter than those on any other gatherings, and Newsom has been ordered to pay $1.35 million for the church’s legal fees.

    I wonder if he’ll try passing the plate to pay it off.

    Gun-control's Ultimate Representative

    By Mike Huckabee

    I’ve pointed out many times over the years that the strongest proponents of gun control laws seem to know the least about guns. They’ve found their ultimate representative in David Chipman, President Biden’s nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. His Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday at times looked more like a shoot to create video for future NRA commercials.

    For instance, he wants to ban “assault weapons,” but couldn’t define what one was (to be fair, nobody can: that’s a nebulous term created by gun control advocates, and many of the characteristics they list for an “assault weapon” are actually cosmetic or safety features.)

    Chipman also admitted he wants to ban the AR-15, the most popular rifle in America, even though a letter from 21 state Attorneys General urging Biden to withdraw Chipman’s nomination points out that the AR-15 is used in fewer murders than “sharp objects.”

    Then there was this bizarre moment, about the alleged threat of violent crime by law-abiding gun owners.

    Chipman conceded that most gun owners are law-abiding but said someone may buy a gun legally, then go on to do something illegal with it. But if that’s the criteria, then we should probably ban cars, too. Most career criminals, such as drug gang members, prefer to get black market guns that aren’t traceable and don’t require a background check.

    And when they use those guns, you should hope and pray that there’s a law-abiding gun owner close at hand.

    Dershowitz on censorship: "a very, very dangerous situation"

    By Mike Huckabee

    (Warning: huge sarcasm alert)

    We interrupt this commentary on censorship as discussed by legal expert Alan Dershowitz to offer the following words of gratitude and praise to Almighty Facebook:

    Thank you, THANK YOU, O benevolent, magnificent and powerful Facebook, the arbiter of truth and blocker of misinformation for every American –- and, indeed, the entire planet –- for finally allowing us to express an opinion at odds with the one viewpoint you have permitted about the origin of the virus. We understand why, in your deep concern for our well-being, you spent the past year boldly and tenaciously censoring our slightest question about the “wet market” theory of origin for covid-19. It must have been quite important to make us believe that it entered the first human being quite innocently from a bowl of fresh and tasty bat soup or pangolin pie.

    Why, you even dictated, in the interest of accuracy and anti-racism, that we CALL it covid-19, and not something outrageous like “China virus” or “Wuhan virus,” even though it came from Wuhan, China. Thank you so much for your wisdom and your guidance, as we realize that sometimes we need to be told what to think and otherwise kept in line.

    Dear FB –- may we call you FB? –- we thank you for graciously informing us these many months that stories about the virus possibly emerging from the Wuhan lab were “misinformation,” nothing more than right-wing conspiracy theory and propaganda, and not worthy of your great and magnificent social media platform. Your diligent and tireless fact-checkers worked around the clock to make sure we expressed only the truth as you saw it, because you cared so much that only the right information would be shared with our “friends.” How thoughtful you were to protect us all from the woefully ignorant view that the Chinese bioweapons program might pose a risk.

    Suddenly, now, the tide has turned –- even at the White House, where President Biden has called for an investigation after his State Department disbanded the one Trump had initiated –- and you, Dear Facebook, in your infinite, all-seeing and all-knowing authority and mysterious wokeness and wonderfulness have decided the narrative should change, so you've tweaked your algorithms and now permit us to speculate that the virus came from the Wuhan lab after all.

    We are even allowed to say that some Wuhan lab staffers came down with symptoms consistent with covid-19 in the fall of 2019. Praise to you, glorious Facebook! We trust your inerrant judgment in finally offering us this freedom, as you know best, and, again, thank you, THANK YOU, for keeping such a close and protective eye on the information we read and share.


    Now, on to Dershowitz and the First Amendment.

    Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz did an interview for the EPOCH TV show “Crossroads” to express concern about the removal of Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier from the U.S. Space Force over his stated opposition to Marxism and Critical Race Theory, and also about President Trump’s removal from Facebook, Twitter and other platforms after the Capitol Hill security breach on January 6 of this year.

    Before Trump was removed from Twitter, he had about 90 million followers. Twitter says his ban will stay in place indefinitely. Facebook has upheld his ban but has been told by its advisory board to put a time limit on it.

    “What Donald Trump tweets --- I may disagree with every word he says, but he has the right to say it,” Dershowitz said. “And more importantly, people forget the First Amendment has two aspects: one, the right of the speaker --- Donald Trump to speak --- that’s one part of it. And the second part, which is largely ignored, is the right of you and me the public to hear and read and see what he has to say to accept or reject it in the marketplace of ideas.

    “When you ban a speaker,” Dershowitz continued, “you also ban his viewers and listeners from having access to that speech, and that’s an equally dangerous aspect of violating free speech rights.”

    Of course, most of the “moderation of content” (censorship) is being done to conservative and pro-Trump speech.

    Lohmeier’s comments about Marxism spreading through the military were deemed “politically partisan,” and he also spoke less-than-glowingly of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s pro-CRT agenda. He was removed from the 11th Space Warning Squadron just a few days ago, on May 19.

    Censorship is at the top of Dershowitz’ mind right now; he has a new book out called “THE CASE AGAINST THE NEW CENSORSHIP: Protecting Free Speech from Big Tech, Progressives and Universities.” Here’s the interview, highly recommended, in which he describes this censorship as something new, “a sign of the times.”

    “I’m critical of Marxism,” Dershowitz said in the interview, “I’m critical of ‘race theory,’ I’m critical of Black Lives Matter --- not the concept, the organization. I’m critical of many of the things that today you can’t criticize.” He mentioned a course he co-taught at Harvard about ten years ago called “Taboo,” about subjects you couldn’t talk about, and back then it ran 14 weeks. “Today, it could be a thousand-week course,” he quipped.

    We have to use our power as consumers, he said, to STOP THIS CENSORSHIP.

    The government isn’t supposed to be in the business of censorship, but Dershowitz says it's using Big Tech to sidestep the First Amendment. Be sure and see his full interview, which features multiple examples of the “new” censorship. He also briefly examines the history of government censorship, starting with the Alien & Sedition Acts very early in our nation’s life. Believe it or not, just a few years after the Bill Of Rights was passed, this law that made it a serious, prison-worthy crime to criticize the government, yet it was signed into law by President John Adams and supported by Alexander Hamilton and even George Washington.

    “We’ve always had a struggle in our country,” Dershowitz says, “between those who believe in free speech and those who believe that they know better.” I would say that right now, we have a huge oversupply of people on the left who think they know better and have no problem at all with shutting down any speech they deem “problematic.”

    Dershowitz brought up the current struggle in the Mideast, noting that former President Trump would very much like to go on social media and express support for Israel. “But they say ‘No, Trump lies! You can’t be on Twitter, you can’t be on Facebook, you can’t be on YouTube.’” Yet they leave up horribly anti-semitic and even pro-Hitler speech, wrongly implying that this is truthful.

    “That’s the problem,” he says, “because when you have censorship of some things, then other things seem to have the imprimatur of truth.”

    In applying this to Facebook and the virus, we could say the “bat soup” theory was given the imprimatur of truth. Until it wasn’t. “The Truth” is whatever Facebook decides it will be, on any given day. Have mercy on us, O Great And Powerful Facebook.

    A Reader Writes Back... 

    Thank God, I live in Texas. I pray that all the people moving here from other states leave their left wing insanity in the state they came from!

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    Comments 11-19 of 19

    • Helen Nees

      05/27/2021 04:03 PM

      I live in Cali and from what I've read in the papers is that the recall for Newsom is losing steam. Well, I'm hoping with this ruling against him from Harvest Rock Church will keep the recall going. Just because we're starting to open up here doesn't mean he's all of a sudden a good governor. Cali has a big state surplus and he's going to spend it on the illegals here. One way or another the taxpayers are going to end up paying the $1.35 million. Oh, and BTW-gas here in the OC is over $4.00 a gallon depending on where you go. Will probably be $5.00 before/after Memorial Day weekend. Can we say inflation? We will be staying put not only because of the gas prices but about 100 vehicles have had their windows shot out w/a BB gun on the 91 freeway from San Bernardino County all the way into Los Angeles County-even targeted a CHP vehicle. They think they caught the guy but we don't know for sure. Praying for the Rapture-Come quickly Lord!!

    • Stephen Russell

      05/27/2021 03:51 PM

      Facebook OKd data on vaccines & virus NO more censorship
      Take down & Break up

    • jack macdonald

      05/27/2021 03:51 PM

      You abbreviated Facebook as FB. I think FB should stand for Fatuous Buttheads. Zuckerberg is one of the Socialist/Communists who believes that Capitalism is great until you achieve untold wealth and then preaches Socialism as the best system for the non elite. He and Dorsey are obviously products of our corrupt Education system.

    • Marilynn Anderson

      05/27/2021 03:48 PM

      AMEN!! to Renee Kendrick's comment.

    • Ken Truell

      05/27/2021 03:46 PM

      A little help here please. I am caught in the middle of a disagreement in the family over the reality of ‘viral skin cell shedding’ after receiving the COVID vaccination. Is this a real problem or a conspiracy theory?

    • Floyd A Unger

      05/27/2021 02:58 PM

      Thank you and yes we must continue to emphasize and remind ourselves and each other about the real meanings of our holidays: Memorial Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and Presidents Day ??

    • Tommy Burns

      05/27/2021 01:36 PM

      Governor Huckabee, your comment about assault weapons is spot on. Nobody can define what an assault weapon is. It could be a BB gun that someone "assaults" someone else with. It could be an "automobile", are we going to ban all automobiles <looks like the liberals/demoncrats, utterly foolish and senseless individuals are trying to with all their idiotic legislation they are trying to pass. Belts can be an assault weapon. Women's/man purses may be an assault weapon. What about a fist, it can be an assault weapon, are the demoncrats going to ban our "fist"? They are just being utterly foolish and senseless in what they are trying to do, legislate guns out of the hands of private citizens. The demoncrats have assault weapons of their own and it is called antifa and black lives matter, violent groups of individuals.

    • Firewagon

      05/27/2021 12:53 PM

      "....killed himself once police arrived." Or as is often pointed out when a "good guy with a gun" shows up! It is unfortunate that the "hero" assisting and warning others to seek safety was UNARMED, as this whack may have offed himself before having killed 8 innocent people.

      This Chipman idealogue is simply regurgitated flotsam, and should be flushed down the toilet, or deported, along with his coterie of anti-American colleagues in that Congress, to some country run by a dictator, like China or Russia.

    • Renee Kendrick

      05/27/2021 12:12 PM

      With FB opposing Israel, the big-tech company will crumble eventually. No one can oppose God's chosen people and continue to prosper. In HIS time...the fall of FB will happen.

    Election 2024 Coverage

    May 27, 2021

    Good morning!

    Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

    Today's newsletter includes:

    • Bible Verse Of The Day
    • California shooting
    • Memorial Day
    • New Mike Huckabee Podcasts
    • Feel-Good Story of the Day
    • Gun-control's Ultimate Representative
    • Dershowitz on censorship: "a very, very dangerous situation"
    • A Reader Writes Back...


    Mike Huckabee


    “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”

    John 13:34 KJV


    California shooting

    By Mike Huckabee

    Please join me in saying prayers for the victims and the families of the victims of yesterday’s shooting at a San Jose, California, rail yard. As of this writing, nine people have died. A 57-year-old man (in keeping with our policy, I refuse to broadcast the names of people who become famous by killing others) opened fire and killed himself once police arrived.

    One of the victims, Taptejdeep Singh, died a hero. The father of two small children was working in a separate building when the shooting started, but he left his safe space and rushed around the building, warning others and helping them to safety before the gunman targeted him.

    This is a developing story, so check the news for updates.

    Memorial Day

    By Mike Huckabee

    Next Monday is Memorial Day, and with the pandemic easing, a number of observances that were canceled last year will be back this weekend. Some will have live audiences while others will still be virtual events, but you can join in via TV or the Internet. Since Memorial Day weekend is also the unofficial start of summer, I know many people will be taking advantage of their first chance in a long time to hit the beach, lakes or parks, or to shop Memorial Day sales. But please remember the real reason for this holiday: to honor the military heroes who gave their lives so that we can enjoy the freedom to celebrate this weekend.

    Fox News has a round-up of some of major Memorial Day events here:

    And I also have a special Memorial Day edition of “Huckabee” planned, so please be sure to join us this weekend on TBN.

    New Mike Huckabee Podcasts

    Episode 46: This week on The People’s Podcast, Governor Huckabee cuts through the nonsense surrounding the topic of the coronavirus vaccine. He’ll tell us why he made the personal decision to get the jab, and why the rest of us all need to mind our own P’s, Q’s and vaxxes when it comes to the personal health choices of others. Then, he’ll talk with a rising star in the Republican Party, Congressman Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, about what we’ve learned about the origins of Covid-19 and who’s been trying to cover it up.

    Episode 45: On this bonus edition of The People’s Podcast, Governor Huckabee talks to Mike Evans, head of Friends of Zion, about the Israel/Hamas war and how Facebook shut down his organization’s profile just for supporting Israel.

    Episode 44: This week on The People’s Podcast, Governor Huckabee puts the latest developments in the Israel-Palestine conflict into context using history lessons and his firsthand accounts from visiting the Middle East. Then, he talks with Alex Marlow about his new book Breaking The News, and whether a media this broken can ever be repaired.


    Feel-Good Story of the Day

    By Mike Huckabee

    First, the Harvest Rock Church of Pasadena fought back against California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s unconstitutional crackdown on worship services during the pandemic and won in the Supreme Court. Now, as part of a settlement, California has agreed not to put any limits on churches that are stricter than those on any other gatherings, and Newsom has been ordered to pay $1.35 million for the church’s legal fees.

    I wonder if he’ll try passing the plate to pay it off.

    Gun-control's Ultimate Representative

    By Mike Huckabee

    I’ve pointed out many times over the years that the strongest proponents of gun control laws seem to know the least about guns. They’ve found their ultimate representative in David Chipman, President Biden’s nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. His Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday at times looked more like a shoot to create video for future NRA commercials.

    For instance, he wants to ban “assault weapons,” but couldn’t define what one was (to be fair, nobody can: that’s a nebulous term created by gun control advocates, and many of the characteristics they list for an “assault weapon” are actually cosmetic or safety features.)

    Chipman also admitted he wants to ban the AR-15, the most popular rifle in America, even though a letter from 21 state Attorneys General urging Biden to withdraw Chipman’s nomination points out that the AR-15 is used in fewer murders than “sharp objects.”

    Then there was this bizarre moment, about the alleged threat of violent crime by law-abiding gun owners.

    Chipman conceded that most gun owners are law-abiding but said someone may buy a gun legally, then go on to do something illegal with it. But if that’s the criteria, then we should probably ban cars, too. Most career criminals, such as drug gang members, prefer to get black market guns that aren’t traceable and don’t require a background check.

    And when they use those guns, you should hope and pray that there’s a law-abiding gun owner close at hand.

    Dershowitz on censorship: "a very, very dangerous situation"

    By Mike Huckabee

    (Warning: huge sarcasm alert)

    We interrupt this commentary on censorship as discussed by legal expert Alan Dershowitz to offer the following words of gratitude and praise to Almighty Facebook:

    Thank you, THANK YOU, O benevolent, magnificent and powerful Facebook, the arbiter of truth and blocker of misinformation for every American –- and, indeed, the entire planet –- for finally allowing us to express an opinion at odds with the one viewpoint you have permitted about the origin of the virus. We understand why, in your deep concern for our well-being, you spent the past year boldly and tenaciously censoring our slightest question about the “wet market” theory of origin for covid-19. It must have been quite important to make us believe that it entered the first human being quite innocently from a bowl of fresh and tasty bat soup or pangolin pie.

    Why, you even dictated, in the interest of accuracy and anti-racism, that we CALL it covid-19, and not something outrageous like “China virus” or “Wuhan virus,” even though it came from Wuhan, China. Thank you so much for your wisdom and your guidance, as we realize that sometimes we need to be told what to think and otherwise kept in line.

    Dear FB –- may we call you FB? –- we thank you for graciously informing us these many months that stories about the virus possibly emerging from the Wuhan lab were “misinformation,” nothing more than right-wing conspiracy theory and propaganda, and not worthy of your great and magnificent social media platform. Your diligent and tireless fact-checkers worked around the clock to make sure we expressed only the truth as you saw it, because you cared so much that only the right information would be shared with our “friends.” How thoughtful you were to protect us all from the woefully ignorant view that the Chinese bioweapons program might pose a risk.

    Suddenly, now, the tide has turned –- even at the White House, where President Biden has called for an investigation after his State Department disbanded the one Trump had initiated –- and you, Dear Facebook, in your infinite, all-seeing and all-knowing authority and mysterious wokeness and wonderfulness have decided the narrative should change, so you've tweaked your algorithms and now permit us to speculate that the virus came from the Wuhan lab after all.

    We are even allowed to say that some Wuhan lab staffers came down with symptoms consistent with covid-19 in the fall of 2019. Praise to you, glorious Facebook! We trust your inerrant judgment in finally offering us this freedom, as you know best, and, again, thank you, THANK YOU, for keeping such a close and protective eye on the information we read and share.


    Now, on to Dershowitz and the First Amendment.

    Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz did an interview for the EPOCH TV show “Crossroads” to express concern about the removal of Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier from the U.S. Space Force over his stated opposition to Marxism and Critical Race Theory, and also about President Trump’s removal from Facebook, Twitter and other platforms after the Capitol Hill security breach on January 6 of this year.

    Before Trump was removed from Twitter, he had about 90 million followers. Twitter says his ban will stay in place indefinitely. Facebook has upheld his ban but has been told by its advisory board to put a time limit on it.

    “What Donald Trump tweets --- I may disagree with every word he says, but he has the right to say it,” Dershowitz said. “And more importantly, people forget the First Amendment has two aspects: one, the right of the speaker --- Donald Trump to speak --- that’s one part of it. And the second part, which is largely ignored, is the right of you and me the public to hear and read and see what he has to say to accept or reject it in the marketplace of ideas.

    “When you ban a speaker,” Dershowitz continued, “you also ban his viewers and listeners from having access to that speech, and that’s an equally dangerous aspect of violating free speech rights.”

    Of course, most of the “moderation of content” (censorship) is being done to conservative and pro-Trump speech.

    Lohmeier’s comments about Marxism spreading through the military were deemed “politically partisan,” and he also spoke less-than-glowingly of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s pro-CRT agenda. He was removed from the 11th Space Warning Squadron just a few days ago, on May 19.

    Censorship is at the top of Dershowitz’ mind right now; he has a new book out called “THE CASE AGAINST THE NEW CENSORSHIP: Protecting Free Speech from Big Tech, Progressives and Universities.” Here’s the interview, highly recommended, in which he describes this censorship as something new, “a sign of the times.”

    “I’m critical of Marxism,” Dershowitz said in the interview, “I’m critical of ‘race theory,’ I’m critical of Black Lives Matter --- not the concept, the organization. I’m critical of many of the things that today you can’t criticize.” He mentioned a course he co-taught at Harvard about ten years ago called “Taboo,” about subjects you couldn’t talk about, and back then it ran 14 weeks. “Today, it could be a thousand-week course,” he quipped.

    We have to use our power as consumers, he said, to STOP THIS CENSORSHIP.

    The government isn’t supposed to be in the business of censorship, but Dershowitz says it's using Big Tech to sidestep the First Amendment. Be sure and see his full interview, which features multiple examples of the “new” censorship. He also briefly examines the history of government censorship, starting with the Alien & Sedition Acts very early in our nation’s life. Believe it or not, just a few years after the Bill Of Rights was passed, this law that made it a serious, prison-worthy crime to criticize the government, yet it was signed into law by President John Adams and supported by Alexander Hamilton and even George Washington.

    “We’ve always had a struggle in our country,” Dershowitz says, “between those who believe in free speech and those who believe that they know better.” I would say that right now, we have a huge oversupply of people on the left who think they know better and have no problem at all with shutting down any speech they deem “problematic.”

    Dershowitz brought up the current struggle in the Mideast, noting that former President Trump would very much like to go on social media and express support for Israel. “But they say ‘No, Trump lies! You can’t be on Twitter, you can’t be on Facebook, you can’t be on YouTube.’” Yet they leave up horribly anti-semitic and even pro-Hitler speech, wrongly implying that this is truthful.

    “That’s the problem,” he says, “because when you have censorship of some things, then other things seem to have the imprimatur of truth.”

    In applying this to Facebook and the virus, we could say the “bat soup” theory was given the imprimatur of truth. Until it wasn’t. “The Truth” is whatever Facebook decides it will be, on any given day. Have mercy on us, O Great And Powerful Facebook.

    A Reader Writes Back... 

    Thank God, I live in Texas. I pray that all the people moving here from other states leave their left wing insanity in the state they came from!

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    Comments 11-19 of 19

    • Helen Nees

      05/27/2021 04:03 PM

      I live in Cali and from what I've read in the papers is that the recall for Newsom is losing steam. Well, I'm hoping with this ruling against him from Harvest Rock Church will keep the recall going. Just because we're starting to open up here doesn't mean he's all of a sudden a good governor. Cali has a big state surplus and he's going to spend it on the illegals here. One way or another the taxpayers are going to end up paying the $1.35 million. Oh, and BTW-gas here in the OC is over $4.00 a gallon depending on where you go. Will probably be $5.00 before/after Memorial Day weekend. Can we say inflation? We will be staying put not only because of the gas prices but about 100 vehicles have had their windows shot out w/a BB gun on the 91 freeway from San Bernardino County all the way into Los Angeles County-even targeted a CHP vehicle. They think they caught the guy but we don't know for sure. Praying for the Rapture-Come quickly Lord!!

    • Stephen Russell

      05/27/2021 03:51 PM

      Facebook OKd data on vaccines & virus NO more censorship
      Take down & Break up

    • jack macdonald

      05/27/2021 03:51 PM

      You abbreviated Facebook as FB. I think FB should stand for Fatuous Buttheads. Zuckerberg is one of the Socialist/Communists who believes that Capitalism is great until you achieve untold wealth and then preaches Socialism as the best system for the non elite. He and Dorsey are obviously products of our corrupt Education system.

    • Marilynn Anderson

      05/27/2021 03:48 PM

      AMEN!! to Renee Kendrick's comment.

    • Ken Truell

      05/27/2021 03:46 PM

      A little help here please. I am caught in the middle of a disagreement in the family over the reality of ‘viral skin cell shedding’ after receiving the COVID vaccination. Is this a real problem or a conspiracy theory?

    • Floyd A Unger

      05/27/2021 02:58 PM

      Thank you and yes we must continue to emphasize and remind ourselves and each other about the real meanings of our holidays: Memorial Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and Presidents Day ??

    • Tommy Burns

      05/27/2021 01:36 PM

      Governor Huckabee, your comment about assault weapons is spot on. Nobody can define what an assault weapon is. It could be a BB gun that someone "assaults" someone else with. It could be an "automobile", are we going to ban all automobiles <looks like the liberals/demoncrats, utterly foolish and senseless individuals are trying to with all their idiotic legislation they are trying to pass. Belts can be an assault weapon. Women's/man purses may be an assault weapon. What about a fist, it can be an assault weapon, are the demoncrats going to ban our "fist"? They are just being utterly foolish and senseless in what they are trying to do, legislate guns out of the hands of private citizens. The demoncrats have assault weapons of their own and it is called antifa and black lives matter, violent groups of individuals.

    • Firewagon

      05/27/2021 12:53 PM

      "....killed himself once police arrived." Or as is often pointed out when a "good guy with a gun" shows up! It is unfortunate that the "hero" assisting and warning others to seek safety was UNARMED, as this whack may have offed himself before having killed 8 innocent people.

      This Chipman idealogue is simply regurgitated flotsam, and should be flushed down the toilet, or deported, along with his coterie of anti-American colleagues in that Congress, to some country run by a dictator, like China or Russia.

    • Renee Kendrick

      05/27/2021 12:12 PM

      With FB opposing Israel, the big-tech company will crumble eventually. No one can oppose God's chosen people and continue to prosper. In HIS time...the fall of FB will happen.