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Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

January 21, 2021

The brainless January 6 attack on the Capitol was a gift to the left, giving the incoming administration an excuse to treat all Trump supporters, going forward, as domestic terrorists. So it should come as no surprise that President Joseph Robinette Biden, in his inaugural address on Wednesday, declared war on domestic terror.

Will definitions be twisted to enable this war to be waged against all those who supported Trump? Will 75 million Americans now be opposed in the same ways we opposed al-Qaeda after 9/11? And what does that do for “unity”?


Former CIA Director and world-class dangerous person John Brennan gave his impression of this “war” on MSNBC, where he now works: “...The members of the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas, where they germinate in different parts of the country, and they gain strength, and it brings together an ‘unholy alliance,’ frequently, of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians. And unfortunately, I think there has been this momentum that has been generated as a result of, unfortunately, the demagogic rhetoric of people that have just departed government, but also those who continue in the halls of Congress.”

Let’s break that down. Brennan says the Biden team is now moving in “laser-like fashion” to uncover what “looks very similar” to overseas “insurgency” movements.

"Laser-like”: A laser is quick and focused. In other words, no time for judicial review and due process.

"Looks very similar”: It doesn’t have to BE an insurgency, just give the appearance of one to the people in charge.

"Insurgency”: This loose term may be applied at will. A peaceful protest held to question, say, the outcome of the election would be labeled by many –- including social media, which has the power to censor –- as an insurgency that must be held in check because it might “incite violence.”

"Unholy alliance”: This means groups that might not agree with each other on most things but happen to be on the same side about a particular issue. If no differentiation is made, an innocent group might be considered guilty by association. They wouldn’t even have to associate to be lumped together.

"Religious extremists”: Who are the extremists? Depending on who’s talking, socially-conservative Baptists and Catholics might be considered extremist, while far-left Muslims and militant atheists might not be, simply because their politics are approved by those in charge. Never mind the First Amendment; it’s the politics that will decide how various faiths are treated.

"Authoritarians”: Again, who are the real authoritarians? It seems to me we have people in control now who relish their new power and the idea of running everything way, way too much, and I’m talking about you, Nancy Pelosi and AOC. Among numerous others.

"Fascists”: At least here in America, this word applies most truthfully to those who claim to be “anti-fascist.” But who gets to decide where to slap that “fascist” label? And what if they’ve already dictated that Trump supporters will be the ones labeled fascists, even though the real fascists are the ones burning down buildings and trashing their enemies’ civil rights?

"Bigots/racists”: In the switched-around world of 2021, either of these terms can be used to refer to people who criticize the “anti-racist” movement, even to condemn those of us who think it’s best to be color-blind. If I’m the one talking, the “anti-racist” movement, so-called Critical Race Theory, is the most racist thing to come along since Jim Crow laws. But I’m not the one talking –- not in the halls of government, anyway. And not in public education and the universities. Also, it doesn't help that anyone who supported Trump is automatically labeled a racist.

"Nativists”: This word can be used to describe anyone who just wants to put America first. And –- aha –- all the people who wanted to build a wall and “Make America Great Again.” Anti-immigrant! Bad people!

"Libertarians”: These are people who want as limited a government as realistically possible and all the protections that the Constitution was intended to provide. To the current government, these might be the most dangerous people of all, especially when teamed with fed-up Republicans who lean that way. If they can be lumped in with extremists, fascists and bigots, so much the better.

I"ll translate the rest of what he said: These groups gained “momentum” from Trump-style rhetoric during the past four years, and unfortunately we still have some members of Congress who engage in that. His implication: We need to get those people out.

So, will the new administration be “moving in laser-like fashion” towards getting those people out of office? And will part of their new domestic “war” be to criminalize all of the above, with THEM writing the definitions?

Glenn Greenwald has a stunning and very important, must-read piece, available at, on this new war the left plans to wage on domestic terror.

By the way, Greenwald leans left politically, so does that make ours an “unholy alliance”? No, it does not! Read his piece, and it’s clear who the real authoritarians are. Hint: it’s not Trump supporters.


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Comments 26-50 of 81

  • David Abercrombie

    01/21/2021 05:25 PM

    Governor, you are in error calling the events of January 6th a: "brainless January 6 attack on the Capitol". Everything President Trump did was right including encouraging those at his DC rally on 1/6 to go to the Capitol and address the Congress. The Judiciary had abdicated their role in the election controversy leaving it up to the legislative branch to deal with. When those rally goers went to the Capitol they were exercising their 1st A. rights and it was the Congress's failure to properly respond with appropriate security and management of the many thousands of citizens' appeals (The coming of which they had had ample for-warning). Imagine the different result if McConnell, Pelosi & Co. had gone out onto the Capitol steps and addressed the crowd with assurances of their commitment to addressing the peoples' concerns and allowed the normally orderly process of visitors while the Congress is in session to occur. Instead they cowered inside only to allow chaos develop. It should be emphasized that what he has been blamed for was totally the fault of Congress. January 6, was not a riot. It was a supplication by a concerned citizenry that fell upon deaf ears. The reaction to which was mild in comparison to the affront that such a total lack of reception and of concern for the supplications of such a massive crowd represented.

  • Laurie Dee

    01/21/2021 05:24 PM

    Their laser better start in Seattle and Portland!

  • Veronica Vollmer

    01/21/2021 05:21 PM

    While I mainly do agree with what you think and write, I don't think that ANTIFA will stop rioting unless they are imprisoned. And that won't happen with the current administration. These riots will go on forever until a top Democrat's house is burned to the ground with someone in it.... They are punks and won't quit stirring up trouble. That is what they do for a living....

  • Michael K. Garrett

    01/21/2021 04:52 PM

    As a retired 42-year newspaper journalist, the only conclusions we can make from this new usage of the English language is to rewrite all dictionaries to reflect the new liberal meanings behind such words as "insurgency" and "unity."
    To the liberal left, unity means this: If you don't agree with our policies and viewpoints, you will cease to exist as a legitimate American and we will torment you if you dare to speak out against us because your First Amendment rights will no longer exist as long as we control Big Government. Insurgency now means a surge of politically correct terminology. American traditions, history and the Constitution are now irrelevant to our progressive way of thinking that all truths can now be debated. 1984 and doublespeak has now arrived in America.
    Michael Garrett
    Trinidad, Colo. 81082

  • Rebecca Letson

    01/21/2021 04:47 PM

    A couple of comments:

    1. Nancy Pelosi has been no outspoken about gun control and confiscating guns and now for the inauguration she wants bigger guns and bigger ammunition to be personnaly protected. She is a paradox and not for "the American citizen."

    2. If Trump was impeached for inciting the riot that he did not incite -- it was planned and initiated long before he completed his speech at the White House, why is Kamala Harris not impeached for her ranting on Facebook and other social media this past summer to protest?, protest?, protest?, and even started a GoFund Me to bail the perpetrators out of jail so they could get back on the streets and "riot, riot, riot". They didn't protest, they rioted and destroyed peoples businesses, and especially black business owners who spent their lives building up a business to support themselves and not be on welfare. I see a double standard here - what is good for her is not good for Trump or the black people who lost everything. One man lost his life protecting he black friend's business trying to save it. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

  • Sheri Toole

    01/21/2021 04:37 PM

    Mike I am scared. We are definitely in the last days. Can you please get back to where we are biblically and step away from the political. I need to be more spiritually prepared and I listen often to your programs. Besides prayer how do we prepare and know what to do to keep our families safe until Jesus return? God bless you Govenor

  • Nancy Murphy

    01/21/2021 04:30 PM

    My biggest problem with this whole new presidential administration is that they cheated to win and are being treated as legitimate winners. The election was RIGGED! The county has been duped. Biden is NOT a legitimate president. This whole thing is like a bad dream. The Bible talks about a time when Israel had 2 kings for awhile- (1 Kings chapter 1) We all need to pray that God will intervene. This is NOT acceptable! We are being manipulated by liars and cheaters who care nothing about the American people, they only care about their own careers and being in power.

  • Earle E Van Gilder

    01/21/2021 04:16 PM

    UNHOLY ALLIANSE - JAY SEKULOW - New York Times Best Seller - "THE AGENDA IRAN, RUSSIA & JIHADISTS SHARE FOR CONQUERING THE WORLD." My book (fiction) POINT OF CONNECTION reveals their earlier efforts as Flower Children in the 1960s. Change tactics & begin infiltrating ALL OF AMERICAN SOCIETY, education, religion, military, Federal, State, local government, mfg., etc. - the PLOT TO ALTER THE COURSE OF THE FREE WORLD...They are succeeding Mr. Huckabee!>

  • Hillary Fox

    01/21/2021 04:10 PM

    Last time I checked, I lived in a Free Country..... oh, that's right, we have a cheating, communist as the President now.

  • Elizabeth Crouse

    01/21/2021 04:01 PM

    I was born during the depression, lived through WWII! Rationing, no money and hard times but I have never felt so fearful and seen that in others before. What is going on in America is scary and evil. God help us.

  • Stephen Russell

    01/21/2021 03:59 PM

    Apply same rules nationwide & see how Dems like it since it applies= as the Law should.
    Use same MO they use
    Quit playing chicken with Dems'
    But gutless GOP blocks our way forward save new bodies elected

  • Pat Morris

    01/21/2021 03:59 PM

    They won't need to look. All will get blamed on Trump. It will be invented like in the past 4 years. Facts are not necessary according to Pelosi. They make up the proof.

  • valentin Bazavan

    01/21/2021 03:51 PM

    As long as people of this country don't understand that fascism is a far left ideology, not right wing, they will keep voting for those who claim that they are anti fascists. The fact is that fascism and communism are far left ideologies and the two ideologies are fused into the current incarnation of the Democrat party. in less than 50 years this country will be fully communisto-fascist. The American communism will be the worst in the history of the movement, because it is spearheaded by the rich and famous ( those who benefitted the most from capitalism and free markets) who are not working to improve the lives of the downtrodden, but to control the lives of the rest of us. In addition the American communism has a race component, which will lead to the annihilation of the white race. Before you start calling me a racist, let me explain: Once the power is in their hands, the communists are always trying to figure out why things are not going as expected ( they never do ) and look for the culprits i.e. saboteurs of the revolution, who then are systematically eliminated in the name of the people and revolution.In the US we know who the culprits are in advance, because the media tells us every single day: it’s the whites, who are born racists, bigots, xenophobes etc. They have to be dealt with so we can finally have equality and social justice.
    For all the true conservatives:
    The Democrat party= the fusion of Fascism (the antifa faction) and Communism ( the BLM faction.) Don't wait until they take complete control. It will be practically impossible to reverse the course. I am talking from experience. I have lived half of my life in a now former Socialist/communist country in Eastern Europe. By coming to the US I put half a continent and an ocean between me and communism, but it wasn't enough. It's hard to understand how such a great number of people in this country are ready to give up all the freedoms guaranteed by an exceptional constitution for demagogic promises, which were never and nowhere attained, which shows that you can fool some of the people all of the time As the French say:

    A bon entendeur salut!
    Valentin B.
    Harrison, Idaho

  • Michael Young

    01/21/2021 03:42 PM

    I just wanted to say thank you Mike Huckabee for the way you stand up to the crazy political views of the liberal left with your common sense. I am one of the 75 million law-abiding, patriotic Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. I have voted Republican all my life ( I’m 64 ) mainly because I am Pro-Life. That is where I start on any platform. The way President Trump stood up for the rights of the unborn was truly amazing. He did a lot of good things for America and yet they will be over looked because he is Donald Trump. I like many am embarrassed by some of the things he said, and his behavior on camera and via Twitter wasn’t very Christian like. I’m not throwing stones as I have said and done many things that would have others say the same. But the liberal media have been throwing stones at him for four years and they still aren’t done! Now I fear four more years of the Biden Presidency, the Democratic run House and Senate, the “Squad”’ and the liberal fake news,...will blame everything going forward on the Trump Presidency. So thank you for the way you stand up to all this garbage! I look forward to your daily newsletters, I try to stream your TV show, I say try because I’m not a computer wiz. I’m hoping to get your book soon. Most of all, I appreciate your Christian viewpoint on all this. You put God first in everything, this country was founded, “In God We Trust”. That means a lot to me and millions of others!! This will be an uncertain four years ahead, we must put our faith and trust in our King on the throne. Thank you Gov. Huckabee and God bless you, your family, and staff ???? ????
    P.S. I so admire your daughter and her courage when she was President Trumps press secretary. I know the Lord was with her among all those liberal reporters. She handled their attacking questions like the pro she is!!

  • Virginia Bassi

    01/21/2021 03:29 PM

    He’s declaring war on US CITIZENS really
    We pay your salary
    You are so greedy
    You will take the the presidents salary instead of donating it
    I believe over 59% or more aren’t on your approval list mr Biden
    I will never call you my president EVER ! You are slowing madam Pelosi to spread hate ... and u want us to unify ???
    You are already destroying our country it’s just been 2 days
    Wow .. the Dems will not get in in 2024 .. your demonic

  • Anne Turner

    01/21/2021 03:00 PM

    Please be very careful Governor. You know you will be watched and parsed. That is not paranoia, that is realism under this administration. I really believe this President wants to do things good for America but he will be dictated to by the folks like Pelosi and .Schumer as well as the cabinet. My guess is that he had little to say about his choices. There is going to be a backlash, I just pray it does not take the form of violent acts. People will be falsely accused of stirring people up and with an influx of liberal judges they will not have a prayer. Attorneys will be faced with not defending them in order to protect their families. All the fence mending speeches in the world will not help as long as there is hatred and vengeance. This has destroyed civilizations. Why would it not destroy ours. These people are frankly terrifying.

    Recently my church in conjunction with health care had an outreach to some homeless and people being treated for drug dependence. The health team was totally taken back that the church people were so nice. They had been brainwashed to think evangelical churches had mean, judgmental people, preachy One worker is making inquiries into coming to .Christ. We gave out bags filled with Sox, gloves, hats, toiletries, health bars, etc. plus a New Testament. The people who work with addiction say that the best outcomes come with faith based treatments. This must drive the Libs up the wall. From time to time our pastor wears a clerical collar, especially when visiting patients. As an Elder I am going to suggest he might not want to be seen on the street wearing same.

  • David Snodderly

    01/21/2021 02:56 PM

    This is scary stuff. Forget the obvious gross double standard. If the 1rst amendment is no obstacle, then the rest of our rights will fall like dominos.

  • Carol Sechrist

    01/21/2021 02:54 PM

    When will they label radical Islam, antics & blm as domestic terrorists? blm is not about black lives matter they are communist thugs and criminals.

  • Tom Godbold

    01/21/2021 02:48 PM

    Huck, your first sentence implies that it was the MAGA Trump supporters who made the brainless attack on the Capitol building. I know it was NOT that group, but BLM/ANTIFA. They were allowed in - and Congress was complicit. It was an inside job to push the leftist agenda. We tried to STOP the violence, but the police stood by and did nothing. I know. I was there.

  • Jay Hensley

    01/21/2021 02:44 PM

    so they are starting a civil war, so be it.

  • Clarissa House

    01/21/2021 02:43 PM

    I canceled my Kohl’s account today. I have no plans in the near future to patronize Bed Bath & Beyond. A bit back I closed and canceled my Facebook, Netflix & Amazon accounts. Amazon even had a nice little “notice” that stated that this action once taken is “permanent”.
    Okay. I’ll patronize other establishments. Maybe a result of this is they will grow and flourish. This is how free enterprise works.
    I enjoyed the luxury and convenience these places offered but not enough to put my freedom to choose at risk. Not acceptable.

    If they can discriminate against others for their beliefs, I have no illusion that they can do this to anyone of us.
    This is more than a convenience or luxury to me. It is a basic right. That one IS important to me. If I’m not paying attention, it could be a permanent change I would regret.

    I stand with freedoms not infringed.
    So to Kohl’s and the likes, it’s been fun - good luck - God Bless - Peace Out ???.


    01/21/2021 02:39 PM

    Dear Governor,
    I always look forward to your informative newsletters and as well as your always interesting and entertaining show on TBN.
    Thanks for providing a list of "The Woke" companies and thankfully I don't shop with them.
    I got off of Facebook years ago and don't use social media but appreciate the alternatives that you present and am happily using the "duck" search engine.
    I just ordered sheets and towels from MyPillow and told the rep to pass the word on to Mike that I and others were praying for their success and he seemed appreciative.
    I'm also weaning myself off of Amazon and re-thinking how I shop.
    It's a great feeling to know that in my own way I'm not contributing to their empire.
    Thanks again for all you do to keep conservatives informed!
    Sandra (from Hope, AR)

  • Patricia O'Lenick

    01/21/2021 02:33 PM

    Dear Mr. Huckabee: I've been following the political landscape for years. The deep state has been in control and still apparently is. I am a forever Trumper.....and I hope his return is quickly arranged. My question is this: How is it that Biden is president when we are under Military Rule and not even Trump is in charge? I believe the military is 100% in Trump's camp...... so why is all this playing out as "true," when it is nothing of the sort? With great respect to you..... Patty

  • Deana Elliott

    01/21/2021 02:28 PM

    Yet the left continues to ignore the violence from the far left including 1/20/21 Portland riots and damage. So insincere.

  • Karen Jones Cody

    01/21/2021 02:20 PM

    Dear Governor Huckabee - I am the editor of a small weekly newspaper in Eastern Kentucky. I have a question -- am I allowed to reprint any of your articles from this site? There are lots of times I'd love to share them with people who may not be getting your emails. I so much appreciate your Christian leadership and your plain and honest words. I'm a fan forever!!

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