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With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

July 30, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!   

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Acts 18:9
  • Reader responds to father of "insurrectionist"
  • Questions That Need Answering
  • RIP, Dusty Hill And Ron Popeil
  • Related News?
  • America The Beautiful
  • Reliable News Sources


Mike Huckabee


9 Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace:

Acts 18:9

Reader responds to father of "insurrectionist"

By Mike Huckabee

Yesterday, we wrote about a letter from a newsletter reader whose son is one of those incarcerated in the wake of the Capitol breach on January 6. (His son is one of those who didn’t even go inside the building.) Imagine how it must be to have one’s son being held in jail by the feds, with no bail, for many months (like a murderer), awaiting a trial that might not even happen until sometime in 2022. It’s not even possible for the father to have a private conversation with his own son, as phone conversations are monitored at the jail, and the son isn’t even able to meet in private with an attorney. All of this, I feel compelled to remind you, is happening in America, the land of the free.

In case you didn’t see the father’s letter and our response, here it is.

After this piece ran, we received a comment from another reader who took exception to what the father had said about his son, saying the son had nothing to apologize for and was even a hero. In fact, her letter ended in a way that seemed downright abusive to the father. (It’s all too easy to get abusive towards people we only talk to online, people we have never met and don’t know at all.) We thought this reader’s questions and observations deserved to be addressed at length. First, here is her letter...

(From Sharon)

Just a couple of questions about the father of the Capitol Hill detainee:

First of all, why would black people not support Trump people?

Because most black people do but then again these were criminals.

Also, the father says what his son did was wrong? Oh? Getting in the way of Goebbels and the Gestapo?

My father saw combat in Korea and Vietnam and if that’d been me he’d have been cheering not saying I’d done wrong.

Mister your son did right and he is a hero and if you don’t stand with him shame on you.


Dear Sharon:

Thank you for responding; we welcome responses from all sides. But I think some issues here cry out for clarification.

The father, Keith, did mention in his letter that most of the inmates at DC Correctional were black –- as are most of the residents of Washington, DC –- and that in general they were dismayed to have Trump supporters in their midst. That is not surprising and is not the same as saying black people don’t support Trump, only that these particular black people in Washington, DC, did not. And while the black conservative movement is picking up steam in some parts of the country, most black people are still not a part of that. We can deny reality if you would like, but these inmates of the DC Correctional facility, who do happen to be mostly black, are not Trump supporters. Probably some of the white ones aren’t, either; after all, this is Washington, DC. On the bright side, once they learned Alan was a Trump supporter and not a pedophile, they treated him better than they treat pedophiles.

Recall that according to the letter we previously posted from detainee Joe Biggs, some of the black people Biggs met in a Florida correctional facility were struck by what a nice guy he was. They liked him. It wasn’t the black men, but some of the white men identifying as white supremacists, who didn’t want to be associated with him. They said he was “too nice” to be in their group.

In fact, Joe said that one thing he’d learned for sure after meeting real white supremacists in this jail was that he WASN’T ONE.

Sharon, you criticize Alan’s father for saying that what his son did was wrong. We don’t know the details of the confrontation his son had with police and a reporter outside the Capitol Building, but the son does, and if he feels contrite and believes he was in the wrong, I think we should take him at his word. You know I’ve said myself that this confrontation was a bad idea and has had terrible repercussions. I’m not sure you understood me when I said the left is using this for great political benefit. In that sense, anything that was done at the Capitol Building that went beyond peaceable assembly was indeed wrong. If this young man realizes that, so much the better.

You may say he did right to fight against “Goebbels and the Gestapo,” but, again, we don’t know exactly what went down and his part in it. According to his dad, since he’s come to the Lord he’s thought deeply about the kind of man he wants to be. He’s sorry for what he did. His father respects that, and I think we should, too.

The thing that really stood out to me in this father’s letter was the dismay at the two-tier justice system. “I guess if you are a Democrat,” he said, “you can burn a city or burn a federal building with agents inside it; you may be arrested but will be out the next day without bail.”

This young man does NOT deserve to be languishing on a lower rung of our “justice” system simply because he is a Trump supporter, and he absolutely does not deserve to be held for many months with bail denied. As I’ve said, he and the other “detainees” (political prisoners) are being used as political props for the statecraft that is Nancy Pelosi’s investigatory “commission,” when they should be treated with exactly the same rights as any other American. Direct your fury at THAT, not at a father who is hurting and thinking about his son.


Questions That Need Answering

By Mike Huckabee

Since we’re not likely to learn anything of value about the January 6th Capitol violence from the one-sided political show being staged in the House, C.S. Boddie at American Thinker has helpfully listed a series of questions about that day that do need to be answered – that is, if anyone ever undertakes a serious investigation of it.

And today’s MUST-READ is this Twitter thread by writer John Hayward, assembled into one article at the Bookworm blog:

It reminds us in detail of why Americans who believe in respecting elections that are run respectably, who have zero tolerance for political violence, and who think everyone’s safety and property (not just Congress members’) are deserving of respect and police protection, are rolling their eyes at the histrionic hypocrites at the House show trial.

RIP, Dusty Hill And Ron Popeil 

By Huckabee pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

While it’s always sad to have to write the celebrity obituaries, this one hits especially hard. Dusty Hill, bassist and vocalist for “The Little Ol’ Band from Texas,” ZZ Top, died in his sleep at his home in Houston Wednesday at 72. The Top were on tour and Hill had taken a break, supposedly to deal with hip problems.

Hill was a Dallas native (like me), and I can assure you that to us true Texans, ZZ Top are icons. Anyone who badmouths ZZ Top, Willie Nelson or the Alamo in Texas runs the risk of getting their butts kicked up to their shoulder blades with a pointy-toed boot. We grow up on ZZ Top, never grow tired of ZZ Top, and when the real thing isn’t touring, we go see tribute bands who wear department Santa beards. ZZ Top IS Texas. What other band ever went on tour with live longhorn steer on stage with them? Or had a hit song about the Chicken Ranch five years before “The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas” debuted? But I saw a recent YouTube video that attempted to list the “Most American Bands of All Time,” and they tied for #1 with Lynyrd Skynyrd, so I guess we’ll share them with the rest of y’all.

Dusty Hill, drummer Frank Beard and guitarist/vocalist Billy Gibbons had been together since 1969, making them the longest-running band ever with the original unchanged lineup (52 years!) They’ve gone through some musical changes over the years, from the bluesy sound of “ZZ Top’s First Album” through the smoother ‘80s hits like “Sharp-Dressed Man” and “Legs,” to their more recent albums like “Rhythmeen” or 2012’s “La Futura,” that returned to the rough blues/rock style I sometimes think of as the sound of heavy machinery self-destructing. But they never strayed too far from that uniquely Texan blend of blues, rock, country and sly, hilarious lyrics. If you liked the old stuff and haven’t heard any of the newer material, check it out. It’s raw and terrific.

The band announced that it will continue on, and I’m sure Billy and Frank will keep making great music (Billy has put out a couple of excellent solo albums in recent years.) But it will never be exactly the same. Especially if Gov. Huckabee grows his new beard out and becomes Dusty’s replacement.

Order a taco plate, hoist a Lone Star and put on “Tres Hombres” or "Tejas" in Dusty’s honor. And watch the Grammy-nominated documentary, “ZZ Top: That Little Ol’ Band From Texas.”

But wait, there’s more! We’ve also lost yet another American icon of a very different sort: Infomercial king Ron Popeil died in Los Angeles Wednesday at 86.

Possibly the greatest sales/pitchman of all time, Popeil also invented many of the gadgets he hawked on TV (although two of his most famous, the Veg-O-Matic and the suggestively-named Pocket Fisherman, were actually invented by his father.) Popeil’s knack for coming up with products you never knew you needed (The Inside-The-Shell Egg Scrambler! The Mr. Microphone! The Electric Food Dehydrator! The Portable Smokeless Ashtray! And of course, Hair-In-A-Can!) was matched only by his talent for making them so entertaining.

While some of these products seem kitschy today, they were often surprisingly high quality. I recently saw a YouTube video of someone trying a Veg-O-Matic from the ‘60s, and it still worked like a charm. Try that with one of today’s plastic, made-in-China gadgets. And I would definitely not recommend any Chinese-made Hair-In-A-Can.

Related News?

By Mike Huckabee

Are these stories related? You make the call!

1. Wages are rising due to the difficulty of getting people to take jobs (maybe because they’re being paid more not to work under expanded unemployment.) But at the same time, inflation is pushing consumer prices so much higher that real average hourly wages decreased by 1.7% between June 2020 and June 2021. That means that Americans earning $50,000 a year lost about $850 in purchasing power to inflation. And with Biden and the Democrats determined to pump out trillions more in deficit spending, inflation shows no signs of slowing.

2. The Commerce Department reports that in the three months ending in June, the US economy grew slower than expected, considering the lockdowns were finally ending. Due to supply chain disruptions and labor shortages (see above), GDP grew at only a 6.5% annual rate. Economists were expecting 8.5% growth. First quarter growth was also revised downward from 6.4 to 6.3%.

3. Six months into his Administration, President Biden’s approval rating with likely voters has taken a plunge. Rasmussen’s poll is based on a three-day rolling average, and Biden has generally polled in the high 40s to low 50s. As of yesterday it had dropped to an all-time low of 46% with 52% disapproval.

See any connection? If you do, forget about ever working for CNN.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Gates Of The Arctic National Park, visit its website here.

Reliable News Sources

By Mike Huckabee

I get a lot of requests from readers asking where they can find reliable sources of news that are not tilted too far to the left or the right – aside from this newsletter that is (I am unapologetically conservative, but I won’t bend or ignore facts to make a point; that would only weaken my own arguments.)

The sad truth is, there are few sources these days that are completely reliable. My staffers previously wrote a radio prep service that required them to read news from a variety of sources and they developed good noses for sniffing out self-serving bias and spotting fake news and slanted “facts,” which made them uniquely qualified for this job. I like Fox News and Western Journal and have business relationships with them, but I acknowledge that they mostly come from a conservative point of view, even as they do try hard to get the facts correct. One good thing about them is that, unlike many of their critics, they label commentary as “commentary,” not front page news.

To find the news we print, we look at a wide variety of sources, even liberal outlets (we have to know their version if we’re going to refute it.) The aggregator/commentary site Instapundit is a good place to go for a variety of viewpoints and intelligent commentary. For videos that YouTube censors, the sites Rumble and Odysee are oases of free speech. does a good job of living up to its name. Substack has become the home base of a number of reporters such as Glenn Greenwald whose archaic pursuit of actual journalism has gotten them banished from the big media outlets. And the Epoch Times and the associated sites of, and offer a good selection of news and conservative/Libertarian commentary.

And here’s some welcome news for those who have been frustrated by the recent leftward lurch of the once-mighty Drudge Report: a former Drudge editor who feels your pain has launched a site called that brings back the no-holds-barred spirit of the original Drudge Report.

Here’s some more information on that:

Or you can just continue reading this newsletter, safe in the knowledge that we read the news, so you won’t have to.

For more news, visit my website here.

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Comments 11-18 of 18

  • Firewagon

    07/30/2021 02:47 PM

    "....being held in jail by the feds, with no bail, for many months (like a murderer), awaiting a trial that might not even happen until sometime in 2022."

    Well now, that Congresswoman, Sheila Jackson Lee, was just arrested at some protest at that Capitol building. My question being, will she be incarcerated, sans bail, for even a day, as have more than several of those Trump Rally attendees that never entered that building? Where are the protests to have these, at worst, trespassers, or just non-trespasser attendees, RELEASED? As I have long said, there is NO EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW in America today. That carved in stone LIE above that vaunted (not) SCOTUS entrance should be changed to reflect the truth!

  • Anne Turner

    07/30/2021 02:44 PM

    I am really surprised that Biden’s rating is that high. How can anyone, no matter how much the hate Trump, say they are satisfied with a man in such powerful
    position is so obviously mentally impaired? How can they be happy with the gas prices, the prices of food, Covid infected immigrants flooding over the border along with more drugs and dealers? These are not unverified . They are facts. How can people be satisfied with teaching our children Marxism, telling them to withhold things from their parents, , and teaching little children to hate each other because of color? These are facts. I guess they hate Trump so much, anyone would do who is not Trump. Surely, people can understand hypocrisy when they see it. TDS is not a joke. It is real and has caused people’s minds to shut down. They also feel oh so virtuous. My black friends, please understand who really wants to see you succeed and respects you, as apposed to wanting you to stay on the plantation and take care of you, in a fashion, like a child.

  • Floyd A Unger

    07/30/2021 02:35 PM

    Thank you

  • Amanda moore

    07/30/2021 02:27 PM

    What is going to happen these guys in prison, that no one is able to get in to see them? Some Republicans went to try to see them yesterday but was turned away. How do we they are getting decent treatment?

  • Guy Hicklin

    07/30/2021 02:21 PM

    Regarding the Jan 6th detainees, perhaps I have missed it but has any of the conservative legal organizations files suite on behalf of these people to get them out of this limbo situation? If not, why not? It seems reasonable that within six months time this should have appeared before a judge (more than once if need be by reason of appeal). What has occurred is so blatantly illegal that even with our deteriorated courts it should have been addressed by now if someone is trying. Without there is a lot of rhetoric, but what about actual action steps?

  • Bruce Obermeyer

    07/30/2021 02:05 PM

    Heads UP! The Tech Tyrants are now starting to label Conservative sites as SPAM so their emailer gets blocked when the site sends out notices or opt-in daily newsletters. ISPs are detecting them as SPAM and their filters are blocking or bouncing them. may soon find itself on that list.

    The lady who operates "The New Americanist" website just posted this message. Do you know how to help her?

    The domain has somehow mysteriously been added to a google spamming database @

    All of my emails @ [email protected] are now being returned with fatal delivery errors because they are now classified as SPAM.

    Do any of our resident IT experts here have any suggestions on how to resolve this?

    Until further notice & this garbage is sorted out, please use this new email account to contact me:

    [email protected]

  • Sharon Faulkner

    07/30/2021 01:56 PM

    FOX is no longer to Conservative. They are to the Left now. sad.

  • Angelo Privetera

    07/30/2021 12:30 PM

    Although I feel the actions at the Capitol on January 6th were ill advised, who is willing to stand against the very vocal and incendiary left! Who is out in front of the Capitol, the Supreme Court, and the jails today protesting the treatment of those held in terrible conditions without bail? Why is their right to a speedy trial not the law? Only the left is allowed to protest and use VIOLENCE! Only left leaning military can speak out without fear of discipline! We cannot wait for the next time to vote, they even steal that! Is there no way for conservatives to push back on the anti-American actions of the left?

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