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Trip of a Lifetime

Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Pop the popcorn

No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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1. TRANSFORMATION in Washington | Huckabee Today

2. U.S.-Israel Alliance Strengthened | Huckabee Today

3. Trump’s pick for ambassador to Israel: Hamas has to go | On Balance

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

July 16, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Proverbs 18:10
  • FBI Releases Long-Awaited Report
  • Arizona Audit News
  • A Mask Mandate In California
  • Private Security
  • Your Tuition Dollars At Work
  • Not Insurrection


Mike Huckabee

P.S.  If you need to change the email address for your subscription, please go to my website here.


The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

Proverbs 18:10

FBI Releases Long-Awaited Report

By Mike Huckabee

Wednesday, the FBI released a long-awaited report on the agency’s handling of the notorious case of now-imprisoned national Olympic team doctor Larry Nassar’s sexual abuse of hundreds of female gymnasts under the guise of medical treatment. It’s a damning indictment of the agency’s failure to act to protect the athletes, but as to whether it will lead to any actual indictments of agents, or even firings or demotions or stern reprimands is an open question. We'll be lucky if they don't end up as CNN commentators.

The report found that FBI agents committed multiple failings in responding to the gymnasts’ complaints, did nothing for more than a year after learning about the allegations, and later made false statements to cover up their mistakes. Full details from the Wall Street Journal at the link. It’s yet another in a depressing series of stories that show how far the FBI has fallen since the days when it was considered the gold standard of professional law enforcement.

Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist had the best comment on this story, tweeting, “I’m shocked, shocked, to find the FBI botched an important investigation, lied in order to cover it up, and completely got away with it (again.)”

Arizona Audit News

By Mike Huckabee

While conservative media have been preoccupied with the Georgia election audit, and liberal media have been preoccupied with ignoring it, Republican state Senators in Arizona revealed some of the results of the vote audit in Maricopa County. It made it clear why Democrats have been trying so hysterically to prevent an audit that, if they are correct, should prove that they won fair and square.

Among the many problems found that caused the election process there to be labeled a “mess” were 74,000 absentee ballots that were received and counted despite there being no records of them ever being mailed out to voters by the county. Considering Biden’s margin of victory in Arizona was 10,457 votes, that seems concerning.

Fortunately, House Democrats are concerned and want to get to the bottom of this. They’ve already called for an investigation…of the audit. Maybe they could get a Capitol Police Officer to shoot the messenger for them.

A Mask Mandate In California

By Mike Huckabee

If you’re even wondering why so many Californians are fed up with their leaders, check out this chart illustrating the huge spike in COVID cases that led Los Angeles County officials to reinstate the mask mandate.

Question: If mask mandates work, why were there two far larger spikes prior to this when mask mandates and all the other draconian measures were fully in effect?

Private Security

By Mike Huckabee

New campaign finance filings show that during a three-month period when she was pushing to defund the police, far-left Missouri Democrat Rep. Cori Bush spent nearly $70,000 on private security.

I’m waiting for her to dodge the charge of hypocrisy by calling for the government to print enough money to give every American $70,000 to hire private security.

Your Tuition Dollars At Work

By Mike Huckabee

Watch these college students express bewilderment at why pro-freedom protesters in Cuba, Hong Kong and Venezuela are waving American flags, when it’s a “controversial” symbol of racism, sexism and bigotry.

I have a question: would Cuba be willing to trade its pro-freedom protesters for our socialism-loving college students? That way, the Cubans could finally get their freedom, and the students could finally learn what socialism and oppression really are.

Not Insurrection

By Mike Huckabee

Predictably, Megyn Kelly’s statement of “That-which-must-not-spoken” (the January 6th Capitol violence was not insurrection and the Democrats are overdramatizing it worse than Fred Sanford faking a heart attack) has set the liberal media squealing like stuck pigs. As President Trump proved for four years, speaking blunt truths has a way of doing that to them. Glenn Greenwald is one of the few liberal journalists who sees through the scam.

As Greenwald points out, if this is truly “insurrection,” a worse assault on the federal government than was even launched by the Confederate Army, how come nobody involved has actually been charged with insurrection? Since they’re trying to imprison grannies just for stepping inside the building and looking around, I assume that if it were possible to stretch the charges far enough to include insurrection, someone would have been charged with it by now. Maybe prosecutors realize that juries are not as pliant and gullible as CNN hosts.

For more political news, visit my website here.

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Comments 11-20 of 24

  • James Drury Jr.

    07/17/2021 07:04 AM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!

  • Erika Eimicke

    07/17/2021 12:49 AM

    Why do you think there has been no prominent lawyer on tv suggesting there was no insurrection, or did I miss it? IMO, there has to be a fair lawyer's voice out in the open shouting that there was no insurrection, countering the MSM lies.

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/17/2021 12:43 AM

    Jan6th, NOT an insurrection, just trespassing with one UNARMED female veteran DEAD due to DC Police. STILL NO NAME, NO repercussions as per usual.
    YET last summer for 4-5 months DEMOCRATS bussed in domestic terrorists to torch, destroy loot riot & murder in Portland Minneapolis Chicago Kenosha NY& NOTHING! Innocent citizens property destroyed, businesses destroyed, but Democrats remain BLIND DEAF&DUMB.

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/17/2021 12:35 AM

    Tuition dollars at work. BRILLIANT idea! DO send EVERY anti American, ????Anti-Flag waving traitor to Cuba, N.Korea, China, Russia in EXCHANGE FOR ????America loving, Constitution supporting, Liberty, freedom& rights supporting people! DO IT NOW! Fill up C130’s, C17’s&move, start with the democrats in office, mayors, governors Senators & then ALLStudents with NO RETURN VISA! A ONE WAY TICKET OUT of our One Nation still UNDER GOD! ( not Marxism,communism socialism). Yes We Can! ????????????????????

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/17/2021 12:28 AM

    Cori Bush & ANYONE ELSE who got armed security MUST, out of their own POCKET PAY IT BACK WITH INTEREST!

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/17/2021 12:26 AM

    California & masks. First, it’s been proven dirty, unhealthy pathogens are ON masks, CO2 is breathed in & it’s supposed to BE OXYGEN! What is wrong with you sheep in California? I thought you woke up & threw out Newsom? You’re democrat dictatorship is unhealthy! How do you lock us down, mask us up IN A FREE( I think it still is) Country? Uh, the same way I guess when former obama,BIDEN FORCED unaffordable healthcare on LEGAL peasants, I mean citizens as Government officials KEPT THEIR AAA gold card insurance. That’s dictatorship. Do as I say…not as I do. Obama, Biden, now Biden(Obama in his ear along with Hillary&Soros)& Jamaican Indian Socialist female VP Harris. FIRE these traitors!! VOTE them OUT, I.D. In hand!!!

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/17/2021 12:19 AM

    Get the DC police to shoot???????You really are, no kidding, too funny! How STUPID do democrats think we are? Seriously?? HOW STUPID do they think we are NOT TO be concerned& question democrats covering up windows, kicking out, refusing observers IN to DO THEIR JOB? Or not questioning gorilla boxes filled with PHONY ballots? Then, with a land slide FOR OUR President Trump all of a sudden, take an immediate down hill AFTER Democrats kick out counters, cover windows, count maybe 2x each Biden ??ballots b/c Cheating, lying& deception IS THEIR ONLY WAY IN our WH. Democrats love like??, darkness&hate the light because their deeds are evil.

  • Joyce Kanlan

    07/17/2021 12:11 AM

    The FBI. Come on man, how many times, how many YEARS has the FBI FAILED to do their job? WHY does average Joe American get FIRED for NOT doing THEIR JOB? FIRE THEM! REPLACE the chain of command, bringing in Honorable, Honest, American loving, Constitution supporting men& women! Quit pussyfooting around!

  • Paul Kern

    07/16/2021 10:44 PM

    It looks like there is an irreparable divide between the left and the right. It includes the division between woke churches and faithful churches. So insane and demonic.
    And now there are reports that the Taliban has invited Russian participation.Plus the CCP has stated that they would use nuclear weapons on James if any Japanese troops sent to help defend Taiwan.
    Would be nice to hear more about these as they will have an impact on this divided country

  • Floyd A Unger

    07/16/2021 10:29 PM

    Thank you

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