Today's News Stories

January 1, 2021

UPDATE --- Hearing Monday on obtaining ballot access

By Mike Huckabee

Maybe we can finally get some answers, but the “powers that be” sure believe in cutting it close. The petition to have some of the Fulton County ballots examined will be heard by the Superior Court of that county, but the hearing is set for Monday, January 4. Note that this is just a hearing, not a decision on whether or not that will happen.

Note: We’re talking about Monday, January 4.

Georgia’s U.S. Senate run-off elections are on Tuesday, January 5.

The certification of the vote for U.S. President in the federal legislature takes place on Wednesday, January 6.

As reported, Jovan Pulitzer, the inventor of electronic bar code scanner technology, says he needs just two hours with the ballots from different areas to determine what was or was not done to accomplish election fraud. We share his frustration about officials playing “hide-and-seek” with the ballots –- and can’t help wondering why they would do that if they weren’t worried about what might be discovered.

It still seems possible that he could do this prior to the certification on the 6th. I can imagine a scene right out of a movie in which Pulitzer, Jimmy Stewart-style, bursts into the House chamber during the certification vote, sweating and with his tie undone, with carts full of ballots, yelling, “I’ve got it! I’ve got it! I can show you exactly how they did it!”

But if that happened, would the media even cover it?


GA senate subcommittee hears STUNNING ballot testimony

(This article originally posted to yesterday.)

By Mike Huckabee

A hearing of the Georgia State Senate Subcommittee on Election Fraud was going on Wednesday --- anybody see the wall-to-wall mainstream media coverage of it?

I know, I know, very funny. But news is slowly emerging about something quite dramatic and fascinating and totally new that happened during this hearing. And we’re not talking about some crazy conspiracy theory about Chinese robot astronauts hacking Dominion voting machines from space.

But there was sworn expert testimony to the effect that they COULD be hacked, not (necessarily) by Chinese robot astronauts from space, but certainly by someone who knew how and wanted to change the vote.

This wasn’t just any expert, either. You know those scanners you see at the grocery store when you check out, at the airport when you print a boarding pass, and just about every other place where you purchase something, show proof of purchase, or have to verify information? This is the man who invented and patented the technology for that. His name is Jovan Hutton Pulitzer.

As reported by Victoria Taft at PJ MEDIA, Pulitzer claimed that to the extent Georgia had election issues, these could be resolved simply by looking at the paper ballots. Then he went further, claiming he could prove the system was susceptible to manipulation via WiFi because his team had already broken in that way and were in the system right then, as he spoke.

A link to Pulitzer’s testimony is included within the story. Pulitzer issued a challenge to the subcommittee: SHOW HIM THE BALLOTS, give him two hours, and he’d be able to tell them if there was election fraud in Fulton County, Georgia.

He said it’s not the code in the machines that is at issue, but the ballots themselves --- something about the ballots that causes them to be read by the machine in a certain way, either as an error or not. In his hour-long presentation, he discussed something he had already found: differences in the type of paper used in two different areas of Fulton County, one heavily Republican, the other heavily Democrat. He could clearly tell the difference.

In addition, there was a bar code on ballots from the Republican area that was not on ballots from the Democrat location, he said. And the alignment cues on the Republican ballots were not correctly aligned, while the Democrat ones were. Those cues are what enable the scanner to read the ballots.

"What I care about is the physical artifact,” he testified, meaning just the ballot. “That physical artifact has material differences from district to district that should not be there. Why are they there?"

He said he and his team can tell immediately if a ballot is real or was made in a copier, whether a person or a machine marked the choices, and whether or not it actually went through the mail. Also, the ballots are numbered, so they can check to see if numbers recurred, to see if a number was run again and again and again as has been claimed in sworn testimony. He can tell where the paper came from, he said, and where the ink came from.

"I’ve spent the last 24 years studying the way paper and machines and internet react. I’ve spent the last six years studying the paper reading details at the nano level. I can tell you what paper came from China. I can tell you if the person who handled it was a smoker. All of it is detectable with the physical ballot.”

Recall the sworn eyewitness testimony of numerous election workers at counting locations who said some of the mail-in ballots were on different paper, looked like copies, hadn't been folded, etc.

And oh-by-the-way, even though Pulitzer said the secret was in the ballots, he also claimed his team had indeed penetrated the voting system with WiFi. He told the subcommittee that when officials assured him the system couldn’t give and receive signals, that was not true. Watch him drop the bomb here.

Pulitzer said, “I’m the guy who told the world that that little bar code can talk to the internet...This is as simple as scanning a loaf of bread at a grocery store. That’s your vote. You’re handing it to the checker or scanning it yourself --- that’s basically the polling machine.”

He continued: “What’s sad about this is we’re not even performing at standards expected at grocery stores...If you complained, [the store] would have to audit and make it right. But we don’t do this in elections? They’re playing hide and seek with the ballots? Why?”

Rudy Giuliani gave some compelling testimony of his own. Here's the video, for when you have time.

After the hearing, the subcommittee did say that they would make “some of” the ballots available for examination. For crying out loud, give the man all the ballots he wants, give his team two hours --- heck, give him three hours --- and let’s see once and for all if anything untoward was done with this vote. Let's put this thing to rest if we can, one way or the other, and if fraud really did change the outcome, we are going to have to look that in the face. There will have to be a legal remedy and we all know what that is. I'm sorry the country has to be put through this, but there is no way around it.

I have to wonder if the lieutenant governor of Georgia, Republican Geoff Duncan, knew anything at all about Pulitzer's testimony when he went on Sandra Smith’s FOX NEWS show Wednesday and said those who question the election results are participating in a “misinformation” campaign.

He accused some Republicans of “trying to figure out ways to flip the election with misinformation” and said that’s “not American.” He's concerned that talking about misinformation was hurting them for their January 5 election –- that it interferes with their “winning attitude.” I’m not quite sure I follow his reasoning. Asking questions and determining the answers to the most important issue before our nation right now is not dealing in “misinformation.” It’s something that has to happen, or upwards of 70 million voters will never trust an election again. Most especially this one in Georgia.

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More Stories

Election interference

“Not This (BLEEP) Again!”

Biden to Morehouse College

Comments 101-125 of 194

  • Joan Mesardjian

    01/01/2021 11:46 PM

    Americans are angry at what has been allowed to take place. Everyone knows Trump won the courts are a disgrace and should man up and do what is right

  • Shirley Angelini

    01/01/2021 11:44 PM

    Corruption running rampant in this country. Voter Fraud in six States is
    Treason. FBI,CIA,DoJ,Supreme court all corrupt. Biden and Son being protected. If Biden is elected this Country will be in World War 3

  • Connie BergerIt osnt

    01/01/2021 11:43 PM

    It doesn't take a genius to know the Election was hacked. What I'm wondering is why the Court's are not hearing the evidence. Are they also corrupt? God help us!

  • Vernon Bristol

    01/01/2021 11:41 PM

    Nothing gets done by law or Construction it will be time for all Americans to protect our Republic per the Constitution against all enemies foreign or domestic...v

  • JanC

    01/01/2021 11:40 PM

    Good article. Thank you. And not at all surprising this could be done, if one stops to think about it and be honest with themselves. I truly don't know why so many choose to be deceived. After everything we have seen, it is willing blindness. I am sick of trying to convince people. It isn't simply the man the left loves to hate that is being deprived of due process. It is 75 million Americans. I am one and I am taking it personal.

  • BETTY Norris

    01/01/2021 11:39 PM

    So glad to hear that this can be done to check all the types of fraud that may have taken place. Our election should be honest and true.

  • Linda Bailey

    01/01/2021 11:38 PM

    FULTON COUNTY IS A FRAUD COUNTY. BUT THIS TIME IT WAS CAUGHT ON SECURITY CAMERA. WE HAVE CHICKENS AS JUDGES!! We must depend on people who we can vote out. Ga has a recall going against Brian Kemp and Raffensberger. Both broke the Constitution. But there has been too much money. I saw a $20 given for band and address. She refused to sign. Thd lady signed for her. Kemp got 108 Million from Dominion for a 10 year illegal contract. STOP THE STEAL.

  • James McGinnis

    01/01/2021 11:37 PM

    The facts and TRUTH must prevail! Nothing less is acceptable. May God shed His light on this and TRUTH PREVAIL.

  • Robert Marsh

    01/01/2021 11:33 PM

    I would love to see this man sitting in a court room checking the ballots and then give his findings to the judge he is incredibly intelligent

  • Mary Womack

    01/01/2021 11:32 PM

    Thank you President Donald Trump for standing up to Corruption and standing for Freedom.

  • David whitt

    01/01/2021 11:22 PM

    This fraud is obvious and our country will never be the same. Unless justice prevails and people go to jail

  • Patricia Yates

    01/01/2021 11:18 PM

    Thank goodness there is someone with the intelligence to verify all the cheating that was done.

  • Terry Jones

    01/01/2021 11:17 PM

    Give him 3 hours and all the ballots he wants and let him give us his expert opinion of weather there was fraud or not. Both sides should be willing to accept the truth! Period

  • Bobbie Morman

    01/01/2021 11:14 PM

    I believe that the election was bought and paid for the Democratic party!

  • Ruby Brown

    01/01/2021 10:58 PM

    I think The Whole Georgia Congress is IN ON THE STEAL as well as our Georgia COURTS.If they aren’t then they should follow the Les they are constantly pushing under the rug! A spade is a SPADE! Call it what it is and correct the issue! In other words do your jobs as you sworn under oath to do!!!! I’m angry about how this has been handled at everyone who is skirting the law and shamefully disregarding their sworn duty!

  • Brenda Schillaci

    01/01/2021 10:51 PM

    The states where their is all edged voter fraud should simply do the election again, no mail in votes, in person only.

  • Richard L Bergeron

    01/01/2021 10:37 PM

    Anything that can be done must be done to stop this election fraud that has happened.

  • Rhenda J. Tharp

    01/01/2021 10:34 PM

    President Trump is the Best President I have ever had in my life time. He truly loves America and The American People?????? His Patriotism made me soooo proud to be an American. This Election has been a real disappointment to me. First of all it shocks me that any True American would ever want this Country to be a Socialist / Communist Country . But then you find out about all the voter fraud and that some of our own Congressmen are involved with China, Russia, Ukraine, and Iran. We already know where Biden wants to take our Country. This is heartbreaking for me because I want my Children and Grandchildren to enjoy the same FREEDOMS that I have enjoyed all my life in the United States of America?????? It is very sad when you can’t even find a judge or court with enough integrity and honesty to look at all the Evidence that has been found in the election voter fraud?????? I am proud to be a Christian and I pray for my Country everyday, God is our only hope in this life and through His Son Jesus Christ our eternal hope is to someday be in Heaven with our Savior????

  • Doris J Buckey

    01/01/2021 10:20 PM

    You are correct. We will never trust an election again if this is not cleared up.

  • Kim Purdy

    01/01/2021 10:18 PM

    Americans are demanding the proof Not asking!

  • Carol Nugent

    01/01/2021 10:08 PM

    Why eont they give Pulitzer an his team the ballots? Seems Georgia is not the only state that needs to be looked at closely.In Beaumont Texas my friend got a ballot thru the mail that Only had Democrats on it.No Republican ppl on it at all. Like as if a Democrat ballot was her only option wonder how many ppl got these by mail.

  • LaDonna Frank

    01/01/2021 10:07 PM

    There is misinformation, because of how the Democrats twist the truth and payoff the main networks. They are in their backpockets.

  • Lincoln A. Kosa

    01/01/2021 10:06 PM

    President Trump won and we need Transparency. My brother fought 20 years for my freedom. My uncle's gave their lives for my freedom. America deserves the Truth!!!

  • Edward Moore

    01/01/2021 10:00 PM

    This Election was Rigged big time, Mr.TRUMP WON BY A LANDSLIDE, AND HOW GREAT IT IS !!!

  • Tom Butler

    01/01/2021 09:37 PM

    I’m a Georgia voter and I no my vote was stolen and I am pissed and they better fix this corrupt ass election! Stop the steal

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    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Biden Scandal News

    January 1, 2021

    UPDATE --- Hearing Monday on obtaining ballot access

    By Mike Huckabee

    Maybe we can finally get some answers, but the “powers that be” sure believe in cutting it close. The petition to have some of the Fulton County ballots examined will be heard by the Superior Court of that county, but the hearing is set for Monday, January 4. Note that this is just a hearing, not a decision on whether or not that will happen.

    Note: We’re talking about Monday, January 4.

    Georgia’s U.S. Senate run-off elections are on Tuesday, January 5.

    The certification of the vote for U.S. President in the federal legislature takes place on Wednesday, January 6.

    As reported, Jovan Pulitzer, the inventor of electronic bar code scanner technology, says he needs just two hours with the ballots from different areas to determine what was or was not done to accomplish election fraud. We share his frustration about officials playing “hide-and-seek” with the ballots –- and can’t help wondering why they would do that if they weren’t worried about what might be discovered.

    It still seems possible that he could do this prior to the certification on the 6th. I can imagine a scene right out of a movie in which Pulitzer, Jimmy Stewart-style, bursts into the House chamber during the certification vote, sweating and with his tie undone, with carts full of ballots, yelling, “I’ve got it! I’ve got it! I can show you exactly how they did it!”

    But if that happened, would the media even cover it?


    GA senate subcommittee hears STUNNING ballot testimony

    (This article originally posted to yesterday.)

    By Mike Huckabee

    A hearing of the Georgia State Senate Subcommittee on Election Fraud was going on Wednesday --- anybody see the wall-to-wall mainstream media coverage of it?

    I know, I know, very funny. But news is slowly emerging about something quite dramatic and fascinating and totally new that happened during this hearing. And we’re not talking about some crazy conspiracy theory about Chinese robot astronauts hacking Dominion voting machines from space.

    But there was sworn expert testimony to the effect that they COULD be hacked, not (necessarily) by Chinese robot astronauts from space, but certainly by someone who knew how and wanted to change the vote.

    This wasn’t just any expert, either. You know those scanners you see at the grocery store when you check out, at the airport when you print a boarding pass, and just about every other place where you purchase something, show proof of purchase, or have to verify information? This is the man who invented and patented the technology for that. His name is Jovan Hutton Pulitzer.

    As reported by Victoria Taft at PJ MEDIA, Pulitzer claimed that to the extent Georgia had election issues, these could be resolved simply by looking at the paper ballots. Then he went further, claiming he could prove the system was susceptible to manipulation via WiFi because his team had already broken in that way and were in the system right then, as he spoke.

    A link to Pulitzer’s testimony is included within the story. Pulitzer issued a challenge to the subcommittee: SHOW HIM THE BALLOTS, give him two hours, and he’d be able to tell them if there was election fraud in Fulton County, Georgia.

    He said it’s not the code in the machines that is at issue, but the ballots themselves --- something about the ballots that causes them to be read by the machine in a certain way, either as an error or not. In his hour-long presentation, he discussed something he had already found: differences in the type of paper used in two different areas of Fulton County, one heavily Republican, the other heavily Democrat. He could clearly tell the difference.

    In addition, there was a bar code on ballots from the Republican area that was not on ballots from the Democrat location, he said. And the alignment cues on the Republican ballots were not correctly aligned, while the Democrat ones were. Those cues are what enable the scanner to read the ballots.

    "What I care about is the physical artifact,” he testified, meaning just the ballot. “That physical artifact has material differences from district to district that should not be there. Why are they there?"

    He said he and his team can tell immediately if a ballot is real or was made in a copier, whether a person or a machine marked the choices, and whether or not it actually went through the mail. Also, the ballots are numbered, so they can check to see if numbers recurred, to see if a number was run again and again and again as has been claimed in sworn testimony. He can tell where the paper came from, he said, and where the ink came from.

    "I’ve spent the last 24 years studying the way paper and machines and internet react. I’ve spent the last six years studying the paper reading details at the nano level. I can tell you what paper came from China. I can tell you if the person who handled it was a smoker. All of it is detectable with the physical ballot.”

    Recall the sworn eyewitness testimony of numerous election workers at counting locations who said some of the mail-in ballots were on different paper, looked like copies, hadn't been folded, etc.

    And oh-by-the-way, even though Pulitzer said the secret was in the ballots, he also claimed his team had indeed penetrated the voting system with WiFi. He told the subcommittee that when officials assured him the system couldn’t give and receive signals, that was not true. Watch him drop the bomb here.

    Pulitzer said, “I’m the guy who told the world that that little bar code can talk to the internet...This is as simple as scanning a loaf of bread at a grocery store. That’s your vote. You’re handing it to the checker or scanning it yourself --- that’s basically the polling machine.”

    He continued: “What’s sad about this is we’re not even performing at standards expected at grocery stores...If you complained, [the store] would have to audit and make it right. But we don’t do this in elections? They’re playing hide and seek with the ballots? Why?”

    Rudy Giuliani gave some compelling testimony of his own. Here's the video, for when you have time.

    After the hearing, the subcommittee did say that they would make “some of” the ballots available for examination. For crying out loud, give the man all the ballots he wants, give his team two hours --- heck, give him three hours --- and let’s see once and for all if anything untoward was done with this vote. Let's put this thing to rest if we can, one way or the other, and if fraud really did change the outcome, we are going to have to look that in the face. There will have to be a legal remedy and we all know what that is. I'm sorry the country has to be put through this, but there is no way around it.

    I have to wonder if the lieutenant governor of Georgia, Republican Geoff Duncan, knew anything at all about Pulitzer's testimony when he went on Sandra Smith’s FOX NEWS show Wednesday and said those who question the election results are participating in a “misinformation” campaign.

    He accused some Republicans of “trying to figure out ways to flip the election with misinformation” and said that’s “not American.” He's concerned that talking about misinformation was hurting them for their January 5 election –- that it interferes with their “winning attitude.” I’m not quite sure I follow his reasoning. Asking questions and determining the answers to the most important issue before our nation right now is not dealing in “misinformation.” It’s something that has to happen, or upwards of 70 million voters will never trust an election again. Most especially this one in Georgia.

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    More Stories

    Election interference

    “Not This (BLEEP) Again!”

    Biden to Morehouse College

    Comments 101-125 of 194

    • Joan Mesardjian

      01/01/2021 11:46 PM

      Americans are angry at what has been allowed to take place. Everyone knows Trump won the courts are a disgrace and should man up and do what is right

    • Shirley Angelini

      01/01/2021 11:44 PM

      Corruption running rampant in this country. Voter Fraud in six States is
      Treason. FBI,CIA,DoJ,Supreme court all corrupt. Biden and Son being protected. If Biden is elected this Country will be in World War 3

    • Connie BergerIt osnt

      01/01/2021 11:43 PM

      It doesn't take a genius to know the Election was hacked. What I'm wondering is why the Court's are not hearing the evidence. Are they also corrupt? God help us!

    • Vernon Bristol

      01/01/2021 11:41 PM

      Nothing gets done by law or Construction it will be time for all Americans to protect our Republic per the Constitution against all enemies foreign or domestic...v

    • JanC

      01/01/2021 11:40 PM

      Good article. Thank you. And not at all surprising this could be done, if one stops to think about it and be honest with themselves. I truly don't know why so many choose to be deceived. After everything we have seen, it is willing blindness. I am sick of trying to convince people. It isn't simply the man the left loves to hate that is being deprived of due process. It is 75 million Americans. I am one and I am taking it personal.

    • BETTY Norris

      01/01/2021 11:39 PM

      So glad to hear that this can be done to check all the types of fraud that may have taken place. Our election should be honest and true.

    • Linda Bailey

      01/01/2021 11:38 PM

      FULTON COUNTY IS A FRAUD COUNTY. BUT THIS TIME IT WAS CAUGHT ON SECURITY CAMERA. WE HAVE CHICKENS AS JUDGES!! We must depend on people who we can vote out. Ga has a recall going against Brian Kemp and Raffensberger. Both broke the Constitution. But there has been too much money. I saw a $20 given for band and address. She refused to sign. Thd lady signed for her. Kemp got 108 Million from Dominion for a 10 year illegal contract. STOP THE STEAL.

    • James McGinnis

      01/01/2021 11:37 PM

      The facts and TRUTH must prevail! Nothing less is acceptable. May God shed His light on this and TRUTH PREVAIL.

    • Robert Marsh

      01/01/2021 11:33 PM

      I would love to see this man sitting in a court room checking the ballots and then give his findings to the judge he is incredibly intelligent

    • Mary Womack

      01/01/2021 11:32 PM

      Thank you President Donald Trump for standing up to Corruption and standing for Freedom.

    • David whitt

      01/01/2021 11:22 PM

      This fraud is obvious and our country will never be the same. Unless justice prevails and people go to jail

    • Patricia Yates

      01/01/2021 11:18 PM

      Thank goodness there is someone with the intelligence to verify all the cheating that was done.

    • Terry Jones

      01/01/2021 11:17 PM

      Give him 3 hours and all the ballots he wants and let him give us his expert opinion of weather there was fraud or not. Both sides should be willing to accept the truth! Period

    • Bobbie Morman

      01/01/2021 11:14 PM

      I believe that the election was bought and paid for the Democratic party!

    • Ruby Brown

      01/01/2021 10:58 PM

      I think The Whole Georgia Congress is IN ON THE STEAL as well as our Georgia COURTS.If they aren’t then they should follow the Les they are constantly pushing under the rug! A spade is a SPADE! Call it what it is and correct the issue! In other words do your jobs as you sworn under oath to do!!!! I’m angry about how this has been handled at everyone who is skirting the law and shamefully disregarding their sworn duty!

    • Brenda Schillaci

      01/01/2021 10:51 PM

      The states where their is all edged voter fraud should simply do the election again, no mail in votes, in person only.

    • Richard L Bergeron

      01/01/2021 10:37 PM

      Anything that can be done must be done to stop this election fraud that has happened.

    • Rhenda J. Tharp

      01/01/2021 10:34 PM

      President Trump is the Best President I have ever had in my life time. He truly loves America and The American People?????? His Patriotism made me soooo proud to be an American. This Election has been a real disappointment to me. First of all it shocks me that any True American would ever want this Country to be a Socialist / Communist Country . But then you find out about all the voter fraud and that some of our own Congressmen are involved with China, Russia, Ukraine, and Iran. We already know where Biden wants to take our Country. This is heartbreaking for me because I want my Children and Grandchildren to enjoy the same FREEDOMS that I have enjoyed all my life in the United States of America?????? It is very sad when you can’t even find a judge or court with enough integrity and honesty to look at all the Evidence that has been found in the election voter fraud?????? I am proud to be a Christian and I pray for my Country everyday, God is our only hope in this life and through His Son Jesus Christ our eternal hope is to someday be in Heaven with our Savior????

    • Doris J Buckey

      01/01/2021 10:20 PM

      You are correct. We will never trust an election again if this is not cleared up.

    • Kim Purdy

      01/01/2021 10:18 PM

      Americans are demanding the proof Not asking!

    • Carol Nugent

      01/01/2021 10:08 PM

      Why eont they give Pulitzer an his team the ballots? Seems Georgia is not the only state that needs to be looked at closely.In Beaumont Texas my friend got a ballot thru the mail that Only had Democrats on it.No Republican ppl on it at all. Like as if a Democrat ballot was her only option wonder how many ppl got these by mail.

    • LaDonna Frank

      01/01/2021 10:07 PM

      There is misinformation, because of how the Democrats twist the truth and payoff the main networks. They are in their backpockets.

    • Lincoln A. Kosa

      01/01/2021 10:06 PM

      President Trump won and we need Transparency. My brother fought 20 years for my freedom. My uncle's gave their lives for my freedom. America deserves the Truth!!!

    • Edward Moore

      01/01/2021 10:00 PM

      This Election was Rigged big time, Mr.TRUMP WON BY A LANDSLIDE, AND HOW GREAT IT IS !!!

    • Tom Butler

      01/01/2021 09:37 PM

      I’m a Georgia voter and I no my vote was stolen and I am pissed and they better fix this corrupt ass election! Stop the steal

    Trump Indictment News

    January 1, 2021

    UPDATE --- Hearing Monday on obtaining ballot access

    By Mike Huckabee

    Maybe we can finally get some answers, but the “powers that be” sure believe in cutting it close. The petition to have some of the Fulton County ballots examined will be heard by the Superior Court of that county, but the hearing is set for Monday, January 4. Note that this is just a hearing, not a decision on whether or not that will happen.

    Note: We’re talking about Monday, January 4.

    Georgia’s U.S. Senate run-off elections are on Tuesday, January 5.

    The certification of the vote for U.S. President in the federal legislature takes place on Wednesday, January 6.

    As reported, Jovan Pulitzer, the inventor of electronic bar code scanner technology, says he needs just two hours with the ballots from different areas to determine what was or was not done to accomplish election fraud. We share his frustration about officials playing “hide-and-seek” with the ballots –- and can’t help wondering why they would do that if they weren’t worried about what might be discovered.

    It still seems possible that he could do this prior to the certification on the 6th. I can imagine a scene right out of a movie in which Pulitzer, Jimmy Stewart-style, bursts into the House chamber during the certification vote, sweating and with his tie undone, with carts full of ballots, yelling, “I’ve got it! I’ve got it! I can show you exactly how they did it!”

    But if that happened, would the media even cover it?


    GA senate subcommittee hears STUNNING ballot testimony

    (This article originally posted to yesterday.)

    By Mike Huckabee

    A hearing of the Georgia State Senate Subcommittee on Election Fraud was going on Wednesday --- anybody see the wall-to-wall mainstream media coverage of it?

    I know, I know, very funny. But news is slowly emerging about something quite dramatic and fascinating and totally new that happened during this hearing. And we’re not talking about some crazy conspiracy theory about Chinese robot astronauts hacking Dominion voting machines from space.

    But there was sworn expert testimony to the effect that they COULD be hacked, not (necessarily) by Chinese robot astronauts from space, but certainly by someone who knew how and wanted to change the vote.

    This wasn’t just any expert, either. You know those scanners you see at the grocery store when you check out, at the airport when you print a boarding pass, and just about every other place where you purchase something, show proof of purchase, or have to verify information? This is the man who invented and patented the technology for that. His name is Jovan Hutton Pulitzer.

    As reported by Victoria Taft at PJ MEDIA, Pulitzer claimed that to the extent Georgia had election issues, these could be resolved simply by looking at the paper ballots. Then he went further, claiming he could prove the system was susceptible to manipulation via WiFi because his team had already broken in that way and were in the system right then, as he spoke.

    A link to Pulitzer’s testimony is included within the story. Pulitzer issued a challenge to the subcommittee: SHOW HIM THE BALLOTS, give him two hours, and he’d be able to tell them if there was election fraud in Fulton County, Georgia.

    He said it’s not the code in the machines that is at issue, but the ballots themselves --- something about the ballots that causes them to be read by the machine in a certain way, either as an error or not. In his hour-long presentation, he discussed something he had already found: differences in the type of paper used in two different areas of Fulton County, one heavily Republican, the other heavily Democrat. He could clearly tell the difference.

    In addition, there was a bar code on ballots from the Republican area that was not on ballots from the Democrat location, he said. And the alignment cues on the Republican ballots were not correctly aligned, while the Democrat ones were. Those cues are what enable the scanner to read the ballots.

    "What I care about is the physical artifact,” he testified, meaning just the ballot. “That physical artifact has material differences from district to district that should not be there. Why are they there?"

    He said he and his team can tell immediately if a ballot is real or was made in a copier, whether a person or a machine marked the choices, and whether or not it actually went through the mail. Also, the ballots are numbered, so they can check to see if numbers recurred, to see if a number was run again and again and again as has been claimed in sworn testimony. He can tell where the paper came from, he said, and where the ink came from.

    "I’ve spent the last 24 years studying the way paper and machines and internet react. I’ve spent the last six years studying the paper reading details at the nano level. I can tell you what paper came from China. I can tell you if the person who handled it was a smoker. All of it is detectable with the physical ballot.”

    Recall the sworn eyewitness testimony of numerous election workers at counting locations who said some of the mail-in ballots were on different paper, looked like copies, hadn't been folded, etc.

    And oh-by-the-way, even though Pulitzer said the secret was in the ballots, he also claimed his team had indeed penetrated the voting system with WiFi. He told the subcommittee that when officials assured him the system couldn’t give and receive signals, that was not true. Watch him drop the bomb here.

    Pulitzer said, “I’m the guy who told the world that that little bar code can talk to the internet...This is as simple as scanning a loaf of bread at a grocery store. That’s your vote. You’re handing it to the checker or scanning it yourself --- that’s basically the polling machine.”

    He continued: “What’s sad about this is we’re not even performing at standards expected at grocery stores...If you complained, [the store] would have to audit and make it right. But we don’t do this in elections? They’re playing hide and seek with the ballots? Why?”

    Rudy Giuliani gave some compelling testimony of his own. Here's the video, for when you have time.

    After the hearing, the subcommittee did say that they would make “some of” the ballots available for examination. For crying out loud, give the man all the ballots he wants, give his team two hours --- heck, give him three hours --- and let’s see once and for all if anything untoward was done with this vote. Let's put this thing to rest if we can, one way or the other, and if fraud really did change the outcome, we are going to have to look that in the face. There will have to be a legal remedy and we all know what that is. I'm sorry the country has to be put through this, but there is no way around it.

    I have to wonder if the lieutenant governor of Georgia, Republican Geoff Duncan, knew anything at all about Pulitzer's testimony when he went on Sandra Smith’s FOX NEWS show Wednesday and said those who question the election results are participating in a “misinformation” campaign.

    He accused some Republicans of “trying to figure out ways to flip the election with misinformation” and said that’s “not American.” He's concerned that talking about misinformation was hurting them for their January 5 election –- that it interferes with their “winning attitude.” I’m not quite sure I follow his reasoning. Asking questions and determining the answers to the most important issue before our nation right now is not dealing in “misinformation.” It’s something that has to happen, or upwards of 70 million voters will never trust an election again. Most especially this one in Georgia.

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    More Stories

    Election interference

    “Not This (BLEEP) Again!”

    Biden to Morehouse College

    Comments 101-125 of 194

    • Joan Mesardjian

      01/01/2021 11:46 PM

      Americans are angry at what has been allowed to take place. Everyone knows Trump won the courts are a disgrace and should man up and do what is right

    • Shirley Angelini

      01/01/2021 11:44 PM

      Corruption running rampant in this country. Voter Fraud in six States is
      Treason. FBI,CIA,DoJ,Supreme court all corrupt. Biden and Son being protected. If Biden is elected this Country will be in World War 3

    • Connie BergerIt osnt

      01/01/2021 11:43 PM

      It doesn't take a genius to know the Election was hacked. What I'm wondering is why the Court's are not hearing the evidence. Are they also corrupt? God help us!

    • Vernon Bristol

      01/01/2021 11:41 PM

      Nothing gets done by law or Construction it will be time for all Americans to protect our Republic per the Constitution against all enemies foreign or domestic...v

    • JanC

      01/01/2021 11:40 PM

      Good article. Thank you. And not at all surprising this could be done, if one stops to think about it and be honest with themselves. I truly don't know why so many choose to be deceived. After everything we have seen, it is willing blindness. I am sick of trying to convince people. It isn't simply the man the left loves to hate that is being deprived of due process. It is 75 million Americans. I am one and I am taking it personal.

    • BETTY Norris

      01/01/2021 11:39 PM

      So glad to hear that this can be done to check all the types of fraud that may have taken place. Our election should be honest and true.

    • Linda Bailey

      01/01/2021 11:38 PM

      FULTON COUNTY IS A FRAUD COUNTY. BUT THIS TIME IT WAS CAUGHT ON SECURITY CAMERA. WE HAVE CHICKENS AS JUDGES!! We must depend on people who we can vote out. Ga has a recall going against Brian Kemp and Raffensberger. Both broke the Constitution. But there has been too much money. I saw a $20 given for band and address. She refused to sign. Thd lady signed for her. Kemp got 108 Million from Dominion for a 10 year illegal contract. STOP THE STEAL.

    • James McGinnis

      01/01/2021 11:37 PM

      The facts and TRUTH must prevail! Nothing less is acceptable. May God shed His light on this and TRUTH PREVAIL.

    • Robert Marsh

      01/01/2021 11:33 PM

      I would love to see this man sitting in a court room checking the ballots and then give his findings to the judge he is incredibly intelligent

    • Mary Womack

      01/01/2021 11:32 PM

      Thank you President Donald Trump for standing up to Corruption and standing for Freedom.

    • David whitt

      01/01/2021 11:22 PM

      This fraud is obvious and our country will never be the same. Unless justice prevails and people go to jail

    • Patricia Yates

      01/01/2021 11:18 PM

      Thank goodness there is someone with the intelligence to verify all the cheating that was done.

    • Terry Jones

      01/01/2021 11:17 PM

      Give him 3 hours and all the ballots he wants and let him give us his expert opinion of weather there was fraud or not. Both sides should be willing to accept the truth! Period

    • Bobbie Morman

      01/01/2021 11:14 PM

      I believe that the election was bought and paid for the Democratic party!

    • Ruby Brown

      01/01/2021 10:58 PM

      I think The Whole Georgia Congress is IN ON THE STEAL as well as our Georgia COURTS.If they aren’t then they should follow the Les they are constantly pushing under the rug! A spade is a SPADE! Call it what it is and correct the issue! In other words do your jobs as you sworn under oath to do!!!! I’m angry about how this has been handled at everyone who is skirting the law and shamefully disregarding their sworn duty!

    • Brenda Schillaci

      01/01/2021 10:51 PM

      The states where their is all edged voter fraud should simply do the election again, no mail in votes, in person only.

    • Richard L Bergeron

      01/01/2021 10:37 PM

      Anything that can be done must be done to stop this election fraud that has happened.

    • Rhenda J. Tharp

      01/01/2021 10:34 PM

      President Trump is the Best President I have ever had in my life time. He truly loves America and The American People?????? His Patriotism made me soooo proud to be an American. This Election has been a real disappointment to me. First of all it shocks me that any True American would ever want this Country to be a Socialist / Communist Country . But then you find out about all the voter fraud and that some of our own Congressmen are involved with China, Russia, Ukraine, and Iran. We already know where Biden wants to take our Country. This is heartbreaking for me because I want my Children and Grandchildren to enjoy the same FREEDOMS that I have enjoyed all my life in the United States of America?????? It is very sad when you can’t even find a judge or court with enough integrity and honesty to look at all the Evidence that has been found in the election voter fraud?????? I am proud to be a Christian and I pray for my Country everyday, God is our only hope in this life and through His Son Jesus Christ our eternal hope is to someday be in Heaven with our Savior????

    • Doris J Buckey

      01/01/2021 10:20 PM

      You are correct. We will never trust an election again if this is not cleared up.

    • Kim Purdy

      01/01/2021 10:18 PM

      Americans are demanding the proof Not asking!

    • Carol Nugent

      01/01/2021 10:08 PM

      Why eont they give Pulitzer an his team the ballots? Seems Georgia is not the only state that needs to be looked at closely.In Beaumont Texas my friend got a ballot thru the mail that Only had Democrats on it.No Republican ppl on it at all. Like as if a Democrat ballot was her only option wonder how many ppl got these by mail.

    • LaDonna Frank

      01/01/2021 10:07 PM

      There is misinformation, because of how the Democrats twist the truth and payoff the main networks. They are in their backpockets.

    • Lincoln A. Kosa

      01/01/2021 10:06 PM

      President Trump won and we need Transparency. My brother fought 20 years for my freedom. My uncle's gave their lives for my freedom. America deserves the Truth!!!

    • Edward Moore

      01/01/2021 10:00 PM

      This Election was Rigged big time, Mr.TRUMP WON BY A LANDSLIDE, AND HOW GREAT IT IS !!!

    • Tom Butler

      01/01/2021 09:37 PM

      I’m a Georgia voter and I no my vote was stolen and I am pissed and they better fix this corrupt ass election! Stop the steal

    Election 2024 Coverage

    January 1, 2021

    UPDATE --- Hearing Monday on obtaining ballot access

    By Mike Huckabee

    Maybe we can finally get some answers, but the “powers that be” sure believe in cutting it close. The petition to have some of the Fulton County ballots examined will be heard by the Superior Court of that county, but the hearing is set for Monday, January 4. Note that this is just a hearing, not a decision on whether or not that will happen.

    Note: We’re talking about Monday, January 4.

    Georgia’s U.S. Senate run-off elections are on Tuesday, January 5.

    The certification of the vote for U.S. President in the federal legislature takes place on Wednesday, January 6.

    As reported, Jovan Pulitzer, the inventor of electronic bar code scanner technology, says he needs just two hours with the ballots from different areas to determine what was or was not done to accomplish election fraud. We share his frustration about officials playing “hide-and-seek” with the ballots –- and can’t help wondering why they would do that if they weren’t worried about what might be discovered.

    It still seems possible that he could do this prior to the certification on the 6th. I can imagine a scene right out of a movie in which Pulitzer, Jimmy Stewart-style, bursts into the House chamber during the certification vote, sweating and with his tie undone, with carts full of ballots, yelling, “I’ve got it! I’ve got it! I can show you exactly how they did it!”

    But if that happened, would the media even cover it?


    GA senate subcommittee hears STUNNING ballot testimony

    (This article originally posted to yesterday.)

    By Mike Huckabee

    A hearing of the Georgia State Senate Subcommittee on Election Fraud was going on Wednesday --- anybody see the wall-to-wall mainstream media coverage of it?

    I know, I know, very funny. But news is slowly emerging about something quite dramatic and fascinating and totally new that happened during this hearing. And we’re not talking about some crazy conspiracy theory about Chinese robot astronauts hacking Dominion voting machines from space.

    But there was sworn expert testimony to the effect that they COULD be hacked, not (necessarily) by Chinese robot astronauts from space, but certainly by someone who knew how and wanted to change the vote.

    This wasn’t just any expert, either. You know those scanners you see at the grocery store when you check out, at the airport when you print a boarding pass, and just about every other place where you purchase something, show proof of purchase, or have to verify information? This is the man who invented and patented the technology for that. His name is Jovan Hutton Pulitzer.

    As reported by Victoria Taft at PJ MEDIA, Pulitzer claimed that to the extent Georgia had election issues, these could be resolved simply by looking at the paper ballots. Then he went further, claiming he could prove the system was susceptible to manipulation via WiFi because his team had already broken in that way and were in the system right then, as he spoke.

    A link to Pulitzer’s testimony is included within the story. Pulitzer issued a challenge to the subcommittee: SHOW HIM THE BALLOTS, give him two hours, and he’d be able to tell them if there was election fraud in Fulton County, Georgia.

    He said it’s not the code in the machines that is at issue, but the ballots themselves --- something about the ballots that causes them to be read by the machine in a certain way, either as an error or not. In his hour-long presentation, he discussed something he had already found: differences in the type of paper used in two different areas of Fulton County, one heavily Republican, the other heavily Democrat. He could clearly tell the difference.

    In addition, there was a bar code on ballots from the Republican area that was not on ballots from the Democrat location, he said. And the alignment cues on the Republican ballots were not correctly aligned, while the Democrat ones were. Those cues are what enable the scanner to read the ballots.

    "What I care about is the physical artifact,” he testified, meaning just the ballot. “That physical artifact has material differences from district to district that should not be there. Why are they there?"

    He said he and his team can tell immediately if a ballot is real or was made in a copier, whether a person or a machine marked the choices, and whether or not it actually went through the mail. Also, the ballots are numbered, so they can check to see if numbers recurred, to see if a number was run again and again and again as has been claimed in sworn testimony. He can tell where the paper came from, he said, and where the ink came from.

    "I’ve spent the last 24 years studying the way paper and machines and internet react. I’ve spent the last six years studying the paper reading details at the nano level. I can tell you what paper came from China. I can tell you if the person who handled it was a smoker. All of it is detectable with the physical ballot.”

    Recall the sworn eyewitness testimony of numerous election workers at counting locations who said some of the mail-in ballots were on different paper, looked like copies, hadn't been folded, etc.

    And oh-by-the-way, even though Pulitzer said the secret was in the ballots, he also claimed his team had indeed penetrated the voting system with WiFi. He told the subcommittee that when officials assured him the system couldn’t give and receive signals, that was not true. Watch him drop the bomb here.

    Pulitzer said, “I’m the guy who told the world that that little bar code can talk to the internet...This is as simple as scanning a loaf of bread at a grocery store. That’s your vote. You’re handing it to the checker or scanning it yourself --- that’s basically the polling machine.”

    He continued: “What’s sad about this is we’re not even performing at standards expected at grocery stores...If you complained, [the store] would have to audit and make it right. But we don’t do this in elections? They’re playing hide and seek with the ballots? Why?”

    Rudy Giuliani gave some compelling testimony of his own. Here's the video, for when you have time.

    After the hearing, the subcommittee did say that they would make “some of” the ballots available for examination. For crying out loud, give the man all the ballots he wants, give his team two hours --- heck, give him three hours --- and let’s see once and for all if anything untoward was done with this vote. Let's put this thing to rest if we can, one way or the other, and if fraud really did change the outcome, we are going to have to look that in the face. There will have to be a legal remedy and we all know what that is. I'm sorry the country has to be put through this, but there is no way around it.

    I have to wonder if the lieutenant governor of Georgia, Republican Geoff Duncan, knew anything at all about Pulitzer's testimony when he went on Sandra Smith’s FOX NEWS show Wednesday and said those who question the election results are participating in a “misinformation” campaign.

    He accused some Republicans of “trying to figure out ways to flip the election with misinformation” and said that’s “not American.” He's concerned that talking about misinformation was hurting them for their January 5 election –- that it interferes with their “winning attitude.” I’m not quite sure I follow his reasoning. Asking questions and determining the answers to the most important issue before our nation right now is not dealing in “misinformation.” It’s something that has to happen, or upwards of 70 million voters will never trust an election again. Most especially this one in Georgia.

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    More Stories

    Election interference

    “Not This (BLEEP) Again!”

    Biden to Morehouse College

    Comments 101-125 of 194

    • Joan Mesardjian

      01/01/2021 11:46 PM

      Americans are angry at what has been allowed to take place. Everyone knows Trump won the courts are a disgrace and should man up and do what is right

    • Shirley Angelini

      01/01/2021 11:44 PM

      Corruption running rampant in this country. Voter Fraud in six States is
      Treason. FBI,CIA,DoJ,Supreme court all corrupt. Biden and Son being protected. If Biden is elected this Country will be in World War 3

    • Connie BergerIt osnt

      01/01/2021 11:43 PM

      It doesn't take a genius to know the Election was hacked. What I'm wondering is why the Court's are not hearing the evidence. Are they also corrupt? God help us!

    • Vernon Bristol

      01/01/2021 11:41 PM

      Nothing gets done by law or Construction it will be time for all Americans to protect our Republic per the Constitution against all enemies foreign or domestic...v

    • JanC

      01/01/2021 11:40 PM

      Good article. Thank you. And not at all surprising this could be done, if one stops to think about it and be honest with themselves. I truly don't know why so many choose to be deceived. After everything we have seen, it is willing blindness. I am sick of trying to convince people. It isn't simply the man the left loves to hate that is being deprived of due process. It is 75 million Americans. I am one and I am taking it personal.

    • BETTY Norris

      01/01/2021 11:39 PM

      So glad to hear that this can be done to check all the types of fraud that may have taken place. Our election should be honest and true.

    • Linda Bailey

      01/01/2021 11:38 PM

      FULTON COUNTY IS A FRAUD COUNTY. BUT THIS TIME IT WAS CAUGHT ON SECURITY CAMERA. WE HAVE CHICKENS AS JUDGES!! We must depend on people who we can vote out. Ga has a recall going against Brian Kemp and Raffensberger. Both broke the Constitution. But there has been too much money. I saw a $20 given for band and address. She refused to sign. Thd lady signed for her. Kemp got 108 Million from Dominion for a 10 year illegal contract. STOP THE STEAL.

    • James McGinnis

      01/01/2021 11:37 PM

      The facts and TRUTH must prevail! Nothing less is acceptable. May God shed His light on this and TRUTH PREVAIL.

    • Robert Marsh

      01/01/2021 11:33 PM

      I would love to see this man sitting in a court room checking the ballots and then give his findings to the judge he is incredibly intelligent

    • Mary Womack

      01/01/2021 11:32 PM

      Thank you President Donald Trump for standing up to Corruption and standing for Freedom.

    • David whitt

      01/01/2021 11:22 PM

      This fraud is obvious and our country will never be the same. Unless justice prevails and people go to jail

    • Patricia Yates

      01/01/2021 11:18 PM

      Thank goodness there is someone with the intelligence to verify all the cheating that was done.

    • Terry Jones

      01/01/2021 11:17 PM

      Give him 3 hours and all the ballots he wants and let him give us his expert opinion of weather there was fraud or not. Both sides should be willing to accept the truth! Period

    • Bobbie Morman

      01/01/2021 11:14 PM

      I believe that the election was bought and paid for the Democratic party!

    • Ruby Brown

      01/01/2021 10:58 PM

      I think The Whole Georgia Congress is IN ON THE STEAL as well as our Georgia COURTS.If they aren’t then they should follow the Les they are constantly pushing under the rug! A spade is a SPADE! Call it what it is and correct the issue! In other words do your jobs as you sworn under oath to do!!!! I’m angry about how this has been handled at everyone who is skirting the law and shamefully disregarding their sworn duty!

    • Brenda Schillaci

      01/01/2021 10:51 PM

      The states where their is all edged voter fraud should simply do the election again, no mail in votes, in person only.

    • Richard L Bergeron

      01/01/2021 10:37 PM

      Anything that can be done must be done to stop this election fraud that has happened.

    • Rhenda J. Tharp

      01/01/2021 10:34 PM

      President Trump is the Best President I have ever had in my life time. He truly loves America and The American People?????? His Patriotism made me soooo proud to be an American. This Election has been a real disappointment to me. First of all it shocks me that any True American would ever want this Country to be a Socialist / Communist Country . But then you find out about all the voter fraud and that some of our own Congressmen are involved with China, Russia, Ukraine, and Iran. We already know where Biden wants to take our Country. This is heartbreaking for me because I want my Children and Grandchildren to enjoy the same FREEDOMS that I have enjoyed all my life in the United States of America?????? It is very sad when you can’t even find a judge or court with enough integrity and honesty to look at all the Evidence that has been found in the election voter fraud?????? I am proud to be a Christian and I pray for my Country everyday, God is our only hope in this life and through His Son Jesus Christ our eternal hope is to someday be in Heaven with our Savior????

    • Doris J Buckey

      01/01/2021 10:20 PM

      You are correct. We will never trust an election again if this is not cleared up.

    • Kim Purdy

      01/01/2021 10:18 PM

      Americans are demanding the proof Not asking!

    • Carol Nugent

      01/01/2021 10:08 PM

      Why eont they give Pulitzer an his team the ballots? Seems Georgia is not the only state that needs to be looked at closely.In Beaumont Texas my friend got a ballot thru the mail that Only had Democrats on it.No Republican ppl on it at all. Like as if a Democrat ballot was her only option wonder how many ppl got these by mail.

    • LaDonna Frank

      01/01/2021 10:07 PM

      There is misinformation, because of how the Democrats twist the truth and payoff the main networks. They are in their backpockets.

    • Lincoln A. Kosa

      01/01/2021 10:06 PM

      President Trump won and we need Transparency. My brother fought 20 years for my freedom. My uncle's gave their lives for my freedom. America deserves the Truth!!!

    • Edward Moore

      01/01/2021 10:00 PM

      This Election was Rigged big time, Mr.TRUMP WON BY A LANDSLIDE, AND HOW GREAT IT IS !!!

    • Tom Butler

      01/01/2021 09:37 PM

      I’m a Georgia voter and I no my vote was stolen and I am pissed and they better fix this corrupt ass election! Stop the steal