Today's News Stories

March 30, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Sarah for Governor
  • Severe Weather
  • Missing Trump
  • Vaccine Passports
  • SB202
  • A Reader Writes...
  • America The Beautiful


Mike Huckabee


Sarah for Governor

By Mike Huckabee

A truly remarkable lady, my daughter Sarah, is running for my old job.

She's running to be first woman Governor of Arkansas. But it's not about her gender, but a lifetime of preparation. She's smart & compassionate, and fearless for what's right. 

At midnight tomorrow, her campaign’s first quarter of fundraising will come to an end. If you can afford to do so, I hope you will consider a donation to her campaign before then.  She is running a strong campaign and is ready for the road ahead! 

Severe Weather

By Mike Huckabee

Severe weather continues to pound the Southeastern US. Our friends in Nashville have already suffered so many tragedies and setbacks in the past year, and now, the Mayor has declared a state of emergency after severe flooding caused by torrential rains left at least four people dead.

Our prayers for the victims’ families and for everyone affected by the floods and dangerous weather. I hope you’ll please donate to Samaritan’s Purse, which is already on the scene to help. Just go to

Missing Trump

By Mike Huckabee

I suspect a lot of Americans (including some who would never admit it) are already starting to miss President Trump. Maybe not the tweets, but certainly the border security, the energy independence, the lower gas prices and the feeling that we had someone in the White House who put America’s interests first and was actually working more than an hour a day.

But for those who really do miss the tweets and the shoot-from-the-hip press conferences (or who miss Presidential press conferences in general), Trump issued a lengthy statement yesterday, blasting Drs. Birx and Fauci in vintage Trumpian style.

By the way, if you want a less Trumpian but similarly outraged refutation of Drs. Birx and Fauci’s claims made over the weekend on CNN, here’s one from former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who uses more high-falutin' words than Trump, like “revisionist” and “disingenuous.”

That statement from Trump was one of two released on Monday, the other being an announcement of the launch of Trump’s new website, Despite the left’s attempts to silence Trump, he’s not going away quietly. I hope that will serve as an inspiration to his supporters whom they also seek to intimidate into silence.

Vaccine Passports

By Mike Huckabee

President Biden is once again reversing a previous position and is now pushing for the creation of “vaccine passports,” a document verifying that you have been vaccinated for COVID-19. Without it, you would be barred from many activities, such as traveling, taking a cruise or going to a pro sports event.

As Darlene Click at the Victory Girls blog entertainingly explains, this is not going over well at all with Republicans, who vowed to fight it in the Senate and block it at the state level. They say it’s a violation of Constitutional rights and smacks of the “Show us your papers!” Nazi era.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has already declared that “vaccine passports” are “completely unacceptable” and Florida will not require citizens to get a permission slip from the government to exercise their basic rights and freedoms.

Ms. Click also makes some excellent points about the blatant double standards of today’s so-called “progressives” whose “principles” flip 180 degrees depending on whatever policy they’re pushing at the moment. For instance:

It’s perfectly okay to demand that people be forced to get an ID proving they’ve been vaccinated and show it before exercising their rights to assemble or to worship. But (FLIP!)…

It’s sick, racist and a relic of Jim Crow to demand that people show an ID before exercising their right to vote. But (FLIP!)…

It’s only reasonable to demand that people fill out all sorts of ID forms and undergo weeks of background checks before exercising their Second Amendment right to buy a gun.

It’s this kind of head-popping inconsistency that’s caused commentators to start comparing today’s neo-Marxists to the only Marx worth listening to, Groucho Marx, who once declared, “These are my principles! If you don’t like them, I have others.”


By Mike Huckabee

Georgia’s Gov. Brian Kemp just signed a bill, SB202, to restore election integrity laws in the wake of the recent loosening of them that undermined confidence in the 2020 vote. Immediately, Democrats went on the attack. Some activists are pressuring sports leagues to cancel games in Georgia over it (FYI, the call to move the Masters Golf Tournament out of Georgia has been called “the dumbest idea for a protest involving sports ever.”)

President Biden infamously said the law made “Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle” (whatever that means) and called it “sick.” But what’s really sick was a tweet from Georgia Rep. Park Cannon, who actually compared the voter integrity law to the recent shooting deaths of Asian women in Georgia.

All this is based on the condescending and racist claim that imposing basic integrity measures such as making voters show an ID suppresses the minority vote because minorities are incapable of obtaining an ID. That’s the same document they're required to show all the time to write a check, get on a plane, buy a beer, get into a nightclub, take out a loan, see a doctor or even enter a government building filled with politicians who claim that making people show an ID is racist.

But with so many white liberals speaking for minorities, here’s a thought: why don’t we ask them what they think? Rasmussen Surveys did. They found that nationwide, 75% of likely voters approve of requiring voters to show ID before voting. That includes 74% of whites, 69% of blacks and 82% of all other minorities. That makes sense to me, since they all know that every fraudulent vote deprives a legitimate voter of whatever race of the fundamental right to have a say in his or her own government.

I don’t know who that leaves to oppose it in large numbers, other than people who benefit from vote fraud and, if we listen to Joe Biden, possibly crows and eagles. I suspect the real reason Democrats oppose such bills can be summed up best in one picture.

A Reader Writes Back...

I love to read your page and also enjoy your TV show. You tell it like it is, no holds barred but it is TRUTH - something we don't see on much of the media for some time now. Thanks for sharing the Bible verses as well.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Capitol Reef National Park, visit its website here.

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 26-28 of 28

  • Joseph Kurt Weydemann

    03/30/2021 10:59 PM

    How would a regular citizen get hold of President Trump? See watching the people at the border made me ill. Biden's attack dog telling you to stop filming, for the people. What a joke. I want to seek donations for the border. Possibly we can request military tents. Better sleeping arrangements. Tent for testing and separate those infected. Maybe better bath arrangements for them. Some clothing for those here. But shut the border. Ask Mexico if we Americans could work on the Mexican side of the fence. We have to get America back now. We cannot wait for the mid terms or 2024. Also Mike Pence wants to run for President. But he is far to dividing. President Trump lost because no one around him could tell him, NO! No one could tell President Trump no. That is why we lost.
    Can you explain how the 1% of the population is running the country? Why has no filed charges against the President for violating the 1st Amendment? I actually agreed with Bill Mahr the other night about the Asian appearance in a child's book. We need to protect the children from their parents. There have to be some doctors out there that will say pumping drugs into a 5y/o is dangerous. Cosmetic surgery on a child under 16y/o is abuse. If at 5 your son says he wants to be a girl let him be a girl at home. If the kids want to change sexes now they should feel the same as the grow up.
    I apologize for the book

  • Dan Klaffke

    03/30/2021 10:38 PM

    "making voters show an ID suppresses the minority vote because minorities are incapable of obtaining an ID" - really means "making voters show an ID suppresses the (undocumented) immigrant vote, because they are all Democrat votes and would force them to admit they are not a citizen..."

  • Patricia Carlton

    03/30/2021 10:38 PM

    I am asking a question that I have had on my mind. Nancy Pelosi wants 16 year old teens to vote for the president of the United States. At the same time, supports unaccompanied minors, most of whom are 14 to 17 years old, to be sent all over the country to be cared for by taxpayers. She refers to this group as "children" for whom we have a responsibility to feed, house, clothe, educate, and provide medical care. Do we really want children voting? I thought this was for adults. What do you think?

Election 2024 Coverage

March 30, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Sarah for Governor
  • Severe Weather
  • Missing Trump
  • Vaccine Passports
  • SB202
  • A Reader Writes...
  • America The Beautiful


Mike Huckabee


Sarah for Governor

By Mike Huckabee

A truly remarkable lady, my daughter Sarah, is running for my old job.

She's running to be first woman Governor of Arkansas. But it's not about her gender, but a lifetime of preparation. She's smart & compassionate, and fearless for what's right. 

At midnight tomorrow, her campaign’s first quarter of fundraising will come to an end. If you can afford to do so, I hope you will consider a donation to her campaign before then.  She is running a strong campaign and is ready for the road ahead! 

Severe Weather

By Mike Huckabee

Severe weather continues to pound the Southeastern US. Our friends in Nashville have already suffered so many tragedies and setbacks in the past year, and now, the Mayor has declared a state of emergency after severe flooding caused by torrential rains left at least four people dead.

Our prayers for the victims’ families and for everyone affected by the floods and dangerous weather. I hope you’ll please donate to Samaritan’s Purse, which is already on the scene to help. Just go to

Missing Trump

By Mike Huckabee

I suspect a lot of Americans (including some who would never admit it) are already starting to miss President Trump. Maybe not the tweets, but certainly the border security, the energy independence, the lower gas prices and the feeling that we had someone in the White House who put America’s interests first and was actually working more than an hour a day.

But for those who really do miss the tweets and the shoot-from-the-hip press conferences (or who miss Presidential press conferences in general), Trump issued a lengthy statement yesterday, blasting Drs. Birx and Fauci in vintage Trumpian style.

By the way, if you want a less Trumpian but similarly outraged refutation of Drs. Birx and Fauci’s claims made over the weekend on CNN, here’s one from former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who uses more high-falutin' words than Trump, like “revisionist” and “disingenuous.”

That statement from Trump was one of two released on Monday, the other being an announcement of the launch of Trump’s new website, Despite the left’s attempts to silence Trump, he’s not going away quietly. I hope that will serve as an inspiration to his supporters whom they also seek to intimidate into silence.

Vaccine Passports

By Mike Huckabee

President Biden is once again reversing a previous position and is now pushing for the creation of “vaccine passports,” a document verifying that you have been vaccinated for COVID-19. Without it, you would be barred from many activities, such as traveling, taking a cruise or going to a pro sports event.

As Darlene Click at the Victory Girls blog entertainingly explains, this is not going over well at all with Republicans, who vowed to fight it in the Senate and block it at the state level. They say it’s a violation of Constitutional rights and smacks of the “Show us your papers!” Nazi era.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has already declared that “vaccine passports” are “completely unacceptable” and Florida will not require citizens to get a permission slip from the government to exercise their basic rights and freedoms.

Ms. Click also makes some excellent points about the blatant double standards of today’s so-called “progressives” whose “principles” flip 180 degrees depending on whatever policy they’re pushing at the moment. For instance:

It’s perfectly okay to demand that people be forced to get an ID proving they’ve been vaccinated and show it before exercising their rights to assemble or to worship. But (FLIP!)…

It’s sick, racist and a relic of Jim Crow to demand that people show an ID before exercising their right to vote. But (FLIP!)…

It’s only reasonable to demand that people fill out all sorts of ID forms and undergo weeks of background checks before exercising their Second Amendment right to buy a gun.

It’s this kind of head-popping inconsistency that’s caused commentators to start comparing today’s neo-Marxists to the only Marx worth listening to, Groucho Marx, who once declared, “These are my principles! If you don’t like them, I have others.”


By Mike Huckabee

Georgia’s Gov. Brian Kemp just signed a bill, SB202, to restore election integrity laws in the wake of the recent loosening of them that undermined confidence in the 2020 vote. Immediately, Democrats went on the attack. Some activists are pressuring sports leagues to cancel games in Georgia over it (FYI, the call to move the Masters Golf Tournament out of Georgia has been called “the dumbest idea for a protest involving sports ever.”)

President Biden infamously said the law made “Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle” (whatever that means) and called it “sick.” But what’s really sick was a tweet from Georgia Rep. Park Cannon, who actually compared the voter integrity law to the recent shooting deaths of Asian women in Georgia.

All this is based on the condescending and racist claim that imposing basic integrity measures such as making voters show an ID suppresses the minority vote because minorities are incapable of obtaining an ID. That’s the same document they're required to show all the time to write a check, get on a plane, buy a beer, get into a nightclub, take out a loan, see a doctor or even enter a government building filled with politicians who claim that making people show an ID is racist.

But with so many white liberals speaking for minorities, here’s a thought: why don’t we ask them what they think? Rasmussen Surveys did. They found that nationwide, 75% of likely voters approve of requiring voters to show ID before voting. That includes 74% of whites, 69% of blacks and 82% of all other minorities. That makes sense to me, since they all know that every fraudulent vote deprives a legitimate voter of whatever race of the fundamental right to have a say in his or her own government.

I don’t know who that leaves to oppose it in large numbers, other than people who benefit from vote fraud and, if we listen to Joe Biden, possibly crows and eagles. I suspect the real reason Democrats oppose such bills can be summed up best in one picture.

A Reader Writes Back...

I love to read your page and also enjoy your TV show. You tell it like it is, no holds barred but it is TRUTH - something we don't see on much of the media for some time now. Thanks for sharing the Bible verses as well.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Capitol Reef National Park, visit its website here.

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More Stories

Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

Comments 26-28 of 28

  • Joseph Kurt Weydemann

    03/30/2021 10:59 PM

    How would a regular citizen get hold of President Trump? See watching the people at the border made me ill. Biden's attack dog telling you to stop filming, for the people. What a joke. I want to seek donations for the border. Possibly we can request military tents. Better sleeping arrangements. Tent for testing and separate those infected. Maybe better bath arrangements for them. Some clothing for those here. But shut the border. Ask Mexico if we Americans could work on the Mexican side of the fence. We have to get America back now. We cannot wait for the mid terms or 2024. Also Mike Pence wants to run for President. But he is far to dividing. President Trump lost because no one around him could tell him, NO! No one could tell President Trump no. That is why we lost.
    Can you explain how the 1% of the population is running the country? Why has no filed charges against the President for violating the 1st Amendment? I actually agreed with Bill Mahr the other night about the Asian appearance in a child's book. We need to protect the children from their parents. There have to be some doctors out there that will say pumping drugs into a 5y/o is dangerous. Cosmetic surgery on a child under 16y/o is abuse. If at 5 your son says he wants to be a girl let him be a girl at home. If the kids want to change sexes now they should feel the same as the grow up.
    I apologize for the book

  • Dan Klaffke

    03/30/2021 10:38 PM

    "making voters show an ID suppresses the minority vote because minorities are incapable of obtaining an ID" - really means "making voters show an ID suppresses the (undocumented) immigrant vote, because they are all Democrat votes and would force them to admit they are not a citizen..."

  • Patricia Carlton

    03/30/2021 10:38 PM

    I am asking a question that I have had on my mind. Nancy Pelosi wants 16 year old teens to vote for the president of the United States. At the same time, supports unaccompanied minors, most of whom are 14 to 17 years old, to be sent all over the country to be cared for by taxpayers. She refers to this group as "children" for whom we have a responsibility to feed, house, clothe, educate, and provide medical care. Do we really want children voting? I thought this was for adults. What do you think?

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    March 30, 2021

    Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

    • Daily Bible Verse
    • Sarah for Governor
    • Severe Weather
    • Missing Trump
    • Vaccine Passports
    • SB202
    • A Reader Writes...
    • America The Beautiful


    Mike Huckabee


    Sarah for Governor

    By Mike Huckabee

    A truly remarkable lady, my daughter Sarah, is running for my old job.

    She's running to be first woman Governor of Arkansas. But it's not about her gender, but a lifetime of preparation. She's smart & compassionate, and fearless for what's right. 

    At midnight tomorrow, her campaign’s first quarter of fundraising will come to an end. If you can afford to do so, I hope you will consider a donation to her campaign before then.  She is running a strong campaign and is ready for the road ahead! 

    Severe Weather

    By Mike Huckabee

    Severe weather continues to pound the Southeastern US. Our friends in Nashville have already suffered so many tragedies and setbacks in the past year, and now, the Mayor has declared a state of emergency after severe flooding caused by torrential rains left at least four people dead.

    Our prayers for the victims’ families and for everyone affected by the floods and dangerous weather. I hope you’ll please donate to Samaritan’s Purse, which is already on the scene to help. Just go to

    Missing Trump

    By Mike Huckabee

    I suspect a lot of Americans (including some who would never admit it) are already starting to miss President Trump. Maybe not the tweets, but certainly the border security, the energy independence, the lower gas prices and the feeling that we had someone in the White House who put America’s interests first and was actually working more than an hour a day.

    But for those who really do miss the tweets and the shoot-from-the-hip press conferences (or who miss Presidential press conferences in general), Trump issued a lengthy statement yesterday, blasting Drs. Birx and Fauci in vintage Trumpian style.

    By the way, if you want a less Trumpian but similarly outraged refutation of Drs. Birx and Fauci’s claims made over the weekend on CNN, here’s one from former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who uses more high-falutin' words than Trump, like “revisionist” and “disingenuous.”

    That statement from Trump was one of two released on Monday, the other being an announcement of the launch of Trump’s new website, Despite the left’s attempts to silence Trump, he’s not going away quietly. I hope that will serve as an inspiration to his supporters whom they also seek to intimidate into silence.

    Vaccine Passports

    By Mike Huckabee

    President Biden is once again reversing a previous position and is now pushing for the creation of “vaccine passports,” a document verifying that you have been vaccinated for COVID-19. Without it, you would be barred from many activities, such as traveling, taking a cruise or going to a pro sports event.

    As Darlene Click at the Victory Girls blog entertainingly explains, this is not going over well at all with Republicans, who vowed to fight it in the Senate and block it at the state level. They say it’s a violation of Constitutional rights and smacks of the “Show us your papers!” Nazi era.

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has already declared that “vaccine passports” are “completely unacceptable” and Florida will not require citizens to get a permission slip from the government to exercise their basic rights and freedoms.

    Ms. Click also makes some excellent points about the blatant double standards of today’s so-called “progressives” whose “principles” flip 180 degrees depending on whatever policy they’re pushing at the moment. For instance:

    It’s perfectly okay to demand that people be forced to get an ID proving they’ve been vaccinated and show it before exercising their rights to assemble or to worship. But (FLIP!)…

    It’s sick, racist and a relic of Jim Crow to demand that people show an ID before exercising their right to vote. But (FLIP!)…

    It’s only reasonable to demand that people fill out all sorts of ID forms and undergo weeks of background checks before exercising their Second Amendment right to buy a gun.

    It’s this kind of head-popping inconsistency that’s caused commentators to start comparing today’s neo-Marxists to the only Marx worth listening to, Groucho Marx, who once declared, “These are my principles! If you don’t like them, I have others.”


    By Mike Huckabee

    Georgia’s Gov. Brian Kemp just signed a bill, SB202, to restore election integrity laws in the wake of the recent loosening of them that undermined confidence in the 2020 vote. Immediately, Democrats went on the attack. Some activists are pressuring sports leagues to cancel games in Georgia over it (FYI, the call to move the Masters Golf Tournament out of Georgia has been called “the dumbest idea for a protest involving sports ever.”)

    President Biden infamously said the law made “Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle” (whatever that means) and called it “sick.” But what’s really sick was a tweet from Georgia Rep. Park Cannon, who actually compared the voter integrity law to the recent shooting deaths of Asian women in Georgia.

    All this is based on the condescending and racist claim that imposing basic integrity measures such as making voters show an ID suppresses the minority vote because minorities are incapable of obtaining an ID. That’s the same document they're required to show all the time to write a check, get on a plane, buy a beer, get into a nightclub, take out a loan, see a doctor or even enter a government building filled with politicians who claim that making people show an ID is racist.

    But with so many white liberals speaking for minorities, here’s a thought: why don’t we ask them what they think? Rasmussen Surveys did. They found that nationwide, 75% of likely voters approve of requiring voters to show ID before voting. That includes 74% of whites, 69% of blacks and 82% of all other minorities. That makes sense to me, since they all know that every fraudulent vote deprives a legitimate voter of whatever race of the fundamental right to have a say in his or her own government.

    I don’t know who that leaves to oppose it in large numbers, other than people who benefit from vote fraud and, if we listen to Joe Biden, possibly crows and eagles. I suspect the real reason Democrats oppose such bills can be summed up best in one picture.

    A Reader Writes Back...

    I love to read your page and also enjoy your TV show. You tell it like it is, no holds barred but it is TRUTH - something we don't see on much of the media for some time now. Thanks for sharing the Bible verses as well.

    America The Beautiful

    God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Capitol Reef National Park, visit its website here.

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    More Stories

    Evening Edition: Not Even Texas Is Safe

    Evening Edition: Kudos to Senator Cruz

    Comments 26-28 of 28

    • Joseph Kurt Weydemann

      03/30/2021 10:59 PM

      How would a regular citizen get hold of President Trump? See watching the people at the border made me ill. Biden's attack dog telling you to stop filming, for the people. What a joke. I want to seek donations for the border. Possibly we can request military tents. Better sleeping arrangements. Tent for testing and separate those infected. Maybe better bath arrangements for them. Some clothing for those here. But shut the border. Ask Mexico if we Americans could work on the Mexican side of the fence. We have to get America back now. We cannot wait for the mid terms or 2024. Also Mike Pence wants to run for President. But he is far to dividing. President Trump lost because no one around him could tell him, NO! No one could tell President Trump no. That is why we lost.
      Can you explain how the 1% of the population is running the country? Why has no filed charges against the President for violating the 1st Amendment? I actually agreed with Bill Mahr the other night about the Asian appearance in a child's book. We need to protect the children from their parents. There have to be some doctors out there that will say pumping drugs into a 5y/o is dangerous. Cosmetic surgery on a child under 16y/o is abuse. If at 5 your son says he wants to be a girl let him be a girl at home. If the kids want to change sexes now they should feel the same as the grow up.
      I apologize for the book

    • Dan Klaffke

      03/30/2021 10:38 PM

      "making voters show an ID suppresses the minority vote because minorities are incapable of obtaining an ID" - really means "making voters show an ID suppresses the (undocumented) immigrant vote, because they are all Democrat votes and would force them to admit they are not a citizen..."

    • Patricia Carlton

      03/30/2021 10:38 PM

      I am asking a question that I have had on my mind. Nancy Pelosi wants 16 year old teens to vote for the president of the United States. At the same time, supports unaccompanied minors, most of whom are 14 to 17 years old, to be sent all over the country to be cared for by taxpayers. She refers to this group as "children" for whom we have a responsibility to feed, house, clothe, educate, and provide medical care. Do we really want children voting? I thought this was for adults. What do you think?