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Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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1. TRANSFORMATION in Washington | Huckabee Today

2. U.S.-Israel Alliance Strengthened | Huckabee Today

3. Trump’s pick for ambassador to Israel: Hamas has to go | On Balance

4. Lessons from COVID: Building Trust in Public Health | Huckabee Today

Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

February 6, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse Of The Day
  • Biden Says No On Space
  • Military Stand-Down Ordered
  • Fantastic Proposal
  • Trump Drops The SAG
  • The “Party of Science!”
  • Hold On To Your Teeth


Mike Huckabee



Biden Says No

By Mike Huckabee

Any young people who voted for Democrats because you think they’re “progressive” might be interested to hear that President Biden is reversing Trump’s emphasis on space exploration and going to Mars and the FAA has ordered Elon Musk to cancel his upcoming SpaceX Starship prototype test launch.

No reason was given, but I’m sure the prediction that kneecapping space exploration puts 50,000 American jobs at risk must’ve been a strong incentive. My personal theory is that because Musk said a Martian colony wouldn’t be ruled by “Earth-based laws,” Biden is afraid that after a year or two under the Democrats, everybody in America will be demanding to move to Mars.

Military Stand-Down Ordered

By Mike Huckabee

New Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has ordered a 60-day stand-down to address “extremism” in the ranks of the US military. Toni Williams at the Victory Girls blog has more background, and makes some excellent points.

For instance, if this is intended to root out genuine extremists, such as Major Nidal Hassan, the Fort Hood mass shooter, and other dangerous characters of all stripes, then it should be applauded. If it’s an attempt to redefine “extremism” to mean pro-lifers, Trump voters, Second Amendment supporters and other law-abiding conservatives, then it will be an unconstitutional witch hunt and an unconscionable slander of America’s troops.

I will try to be hopeful that it’s the former. But considering how Hassan’s growing extremism was deliberately overlooked for fear of accusations of “Islamophobia” and how the Obama/Biden Administration tried to pass his deadly, radical Islamic terrorist attack off as “workplace violence,” I will have to be convinced.

Fantastic Proposal

By Mike Huckabee

Here’s a fantastic proposal by Mark Tapscott at PJ Media that would not only rein in the too-big-and-powerful tech companies, it would also put money in all our pockets:

Make them pay us our share of the profits they make from selling our personal data, which should belong only to us.

Tapscott compares this to the music industry, where artists and songwriters must be paid royalties whenever anyone uses their creations to make profits.

Tapscott suggests changing the law so that 90% of the profits generated from selling our data would be redistributed back to all Americans (Democrats should like that because it has the phrase “redistributing wealth” in it.) That means that instead of raking in a combined $130 billion in ad revenue last year, Google, Facebook and Twitter would have to scrape by on just $13 billion. The rest would be evenly divided between all of us, who provided them with the data that they sold to make that profit. It would be a big help to all the people in radio, TV and print who’ve lost their jobs or taken pay cuts because those three companies are soaking up so much ad revenue.

Of course, the stockholders of those companies would not be happy, but maybe this will serve as a warning that they need to order their executives to prioritize shareholder profits and customer service over pushing their radical left political views.

Tapscott’s proposal sounds much fairer (“fair” is another word Democrats claim to love), although Democrats might not love the fact that it would leave these tech companies with a lot less money to interfere in our elections and make it harder for them to try to censor, slander and cancel half their customer base. To me, that would be an even bigger bonus than the annual royalty check.

Trump Drops The SAG

By Mike Huckabee

SAG/AFTRA, the union of movie and TV performers, decided to do some self-righteous, anti-Trump virtue signaling (this routine is getting as old as telling Nixon jokes) by threatening to expel him from the union. It blew up in their faces when he released a letter to them that’s such an epic “in your face” smackdown that it gave Trump voters and the world a much-needed reminder of why they supported him in the first place.

Here’s the story:

And here’s an easy-to-read copy of the entire letter.

Also worth mentioning: how many actors have you seen over the past four years wishing horrible violent deaths on Trump and anyone who supports him, and calling for insurrection against the Trump White House? How many of them have been expelled or even criticized by SAG-AFTRA? Perfect example: Kathy “Severed Bloody Trump Head” Griffin is still a member.

The “Party of Science!”

By Mike Huckabee

White House press secretary Jen Psaki declared that even though the COVID-19 vaccines are “obviously an incredible medical breakthrough,” Americans will still have to keep wearing masks and social distancing even after they’re vaccinated.

Apparently, we’ll all be expected to continue obeying these draconian government edicts to avoid a virus that we’ll all be vaccinated against until the end of time, or until she credits President Trump with that “incredible medical breakthrough,” whichever comes last.

I know it’s been a looooooooooooong time since the White House Press Corps practiced journalism, so they’ve probably forgotten how, so I’m going to give them a refresher course in how to do their jobs: When you hear a political figure tell you that Americans will have to keep following strict government mandates even after the point at which they’ve been rendered completely pointless, that’s your cue to all shout in union:


Hold On To Your Teeth

By Mike Huckabee

CNN actually ran a story questioning the propriety of Joe Biden’s family members using their name and political connections to make money.

Sure, it comes about a year too late, but whenever CNN commits actual journalism, it should be noted. It’s like the old saying about a dog walking on its hind legs: you don’t criticize its posture; the miracle is that it’s done at all.


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Comments 26-50 of 53

  • mark poyhonen

    02/06/2021 01:47 PM

    The 'fantastic proposal' was suggested years ago. No one paid any attention in the past and it almost seems as disliked as a Democrat conspiracy theory.
    Health care, and political representation fixes are also available but, like the fantastic proposal, it takes a lot of public exposure to make such large scale changes known, understood, and acceptable.
    Thanks for posting the concept. Hopefully some important people will take it seriously.

  • George Murrey

    02/06/2021 01:28 PM

    Governor it comes down to this. Anything Pres Trump has done, is not good for the biden/obama admin. Whether it be the Space Force, or telling the military to stand down on transgender joining the military. or even telling people they need to put on their mask even though people have taken the second vaccination. Power, control, mind control is the biden/obama way.

  • Cheryl Shellenberger

    02/06/2021 12:39 PM

    The letter from President Trump to the union is absolutely fantastic!! It really IS why I voted for him twice (among other reasons)!

  • Donna L Cornell

    02/06/2021 12:06 PM

    Ohhh...LOVE 2 Cor. 12:9! Listen to this in the 'Mirror Bible' by Francois DuToit:
    "Finally it dawned on me that 'grace' IS God's language; He doesn't speak 'thorn language'! He said to me, "My Grace 'elevates' (arkeo-stems from airo means to elevate) you, to be 'fully' content". And now, instead of being overwhelmed with a sense of my own weakness, He overwhems me with an 'awareness' of His STRENGTH! Oh what 'bliss' (hedista from hedeos-means:pleasure) to rejoice in the fact that in the 'midst' of 'my frailties' I 'encounter' the 'dynamic' of the 'Grace' of God to 'be MY' 'habitation'!" ('episkenoo'-has 2 components: epi, continual influence (yah!) upon and 'skenoo'-to 'encamp', to 'reside' 'in a tent' (yes! us!); the noun, 'skenos' reminds of the English word 'skin'! Paul suggests that God's Grace 'fits us like a skin'! One feels most 'at home' in the 'consciousness of His Grace', yes!) Wow!
    JUST REALLY EMPHASISES THE 'DEPTH AND BREADTH' OF THE 'LORD', JESUS CHRIST, HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD 'IN' US (John 7:38 KJV) and how He loves us so!!! Thank you for this reminder.

  • doug

    02/06/2021 12:03 PM

    The "party of science".
    The problem with the "party of science" is the Democrats want us to believe that science is absolute. The truth is that there are few absolutes in science. There are a few scientific "laws" such as gravity, that are absolute. Outside of that, science is very fluid. Research is proving yesterday's "absolutes" wrong every day. At one time our planet was flat. Then amazingly, suddenly in one day it became round. So, as long as the "party of science" expects us to believe science is absolute, it is just another convenient smoke screen Democratic lie. If you really believe the Democrat's are the "party of science" I have some swamp land in Washington D.C. for sale.

  • Aaron Woien

    02/06/2021 11:53 AM

    Well, if the courts actually do hear and rule justly on the voter fraud cases, and all of the states get rid of the Canadian counting machines by January 1, 2022, then there is hope we will FINALLY shed the triple masks on January 20, 2025, when Ted Cruz is sworn in as President. Mr. Trump is one of my favorite Presidents (Eisenhower and Reagan are the others), but he does not need to put up with another four years of nonsense, especially at ages 78 to 82. He deserves better.

  • Renee Kendrick

    02/06/2021 11:49 AM

    Jen Psaki...her name sounds like she should be a bartender instead of a press secretary. Her answers at the press conferences are far worse than those of a rookie bartender. Maybe Sam Malone could give her a point or two of how to be more convincing. Maybe AOC could hook her up with a job.

    Psaki certainly needs to communicate more with the "big guy"! She has circled back more times than a group of buzzards over roadkill! But then again, she works for such a group!

    The DIMS in DC must have made some huge investments in China's PPE manufacturing industry last year. They need to make more money off of them now so the mask mandate and double-masking should help their cause. I guess next year, triple masking will be required and so on...add a mask for each year the pandemic goes on until we eventually smother ourselves.

    If adding masks continues, can they be made large enough to cover the mouths of AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Obama, Clinton, and Biden? China needs to start sure to measure twice, maybe three times on them!

  • Stephen Russell

    02/06/2021 11:47 AM

    Military Stand Out:
    Define Extremisim: ISIS, KKK, Neo Nazis, BLM, Antifa, Black Panthers,. etc
    & then whose definition do we go by??
    Cover both sides.
    Not fair if 1 sided.,
    Do recall scene in Tour of Duty of some unit showing Rebel flag other wise none
    Tour of Duty set in Vietnam.
    Cover officers & enlisted.
    Or dont do Stand Down

    Hell Extremisim is Antifa on Cap Hill for 1-6 event
    Pre staged rigged
    Add that to list

  • Ann Atwell

    02/06/2021 11:37 AM

    Since the "good old days" of actors such as John Wayne, Angela Lansberry, Maureen O'Hare, Clint Eastwood etc. I have had very little use for Hollywood celebrities. Anyone as gross as Kathy Griffin who is supposed to be a comedian, should be barred from ever being on TV. Reiner from Archie Bunker days is just as bad. I watch very little TV , most of my time is spent reading good mystery books. If more people would turn off the TV and find other forms of entertainment this would be a better world. Think back to when parents got out in the yard and played games with their children. How often do you see that these days. Or my Mom had board games that she played with my brother and me. If we got to go see a movie that was a read treat. Now all children it seems are born with a cell phone in their hands. They grow up watching some of the most ludicrous programs.

  • Lawrence Foster

    02/06/2021 11:34 AM

    Reference the DOD "stand down" to ferret out "white supremacy" in the ranks.

    It's beginning t o look like the left has changed its mantra again. A couple of years ago, when they redefined free speech (Free speech means you are free to agree with me. If you don't agree and say so, that is hate speech).

    Now, instead of "hate speech" everything the left does not like will be "White Supremacy".

    George Orwell, you were pessimistic by 36 years, but 1984 has finally arrived.

  • William Fuhrer

    02/06/2021 11:30 AM


  • Randy Griffith

    02/06/2021 11:30 AM

    How about the story of Absolute Truth by Mike Lindell on your newsletter

  • Linda Wolfe

    02/06/2021 11:16 AM

    Masks are a way of controling the population. Recovery rate from the chinese/donkey virus is 99.997% for people under 50. For people over 70 it falls to 95% It is time for people to take off the masks, pick up the 2 edge sword (for those who don't know what that is, it's the Word of GOD) put on the whole armour of GOD and fight the good fight of faith. We should hate what GOD hates.
    Those things are found in Proverbs. GOD hates those who sow discord between blacks & whites. He hates liars ( shifty shiff ). GOD hates stealing elections. What you sow, you reap.
    Expect a harvest, whether it be good or bad.

  • Stephen K Lentz

    02/06/2021 10:54 AM

    "how many actors have you seen over the past four years wishing horrible violent deaths on Trump and anyone who supports him, and calling for insurrection against the Trump White House"

    And AGAIN you rinos do NOTHING about it!! I can only imagine the blowback the jackasses would have if those remarks were made by conservatives!! BUT you have to give the jackasses credit because they have the nerve to defend their "agenda" unlike you rinos who do NOTHING when the left attacks!!!

  • Randy Pochel

    02/06/2021 10:53 AM

    I weep for my country

  • LIZ Fisher

    02/06/2021 10:50 AM

    Been drinking for a week, but I am also on a Keto diet. It is hard to take the Multi Cleanse with just water. It taste terrible.

  • Paul Kern

    02/06/2021 10:49 AM

    Sad to see the Marxist puppet isolating America more by stopping space exploration. It is pne area they can' t control.
    Also sad to see how biblically literate ministers there are.
    Wish you would invite a sound minister like James White to explain to your audience what ge sees going on.
    All believers need to understand and move away from the Bible haters

  • Joanne Wolf

    02/06/2021 10:49 AM

    Just received “Obamacare DVD and it’s from Judicial Watch. Accurate with original texts, emails, etc. being played by two actors. We need to get this out. Can you air it? It’s on Have not been able to watch yet but totally trust Yom Fitton at JW. Will be watching tonight. Thanks, Joanne from MI

  • Walt Miller

    02/06/2021 10:49 AM

    We are no longer the U.S.A. The Democrats have destroyed our great country. I am an American and will always be American. I will die and fight for my freedom. I will not live under senile Biden and communist Harris rule. I AM AMERICAN.

  • Gene Chappell

    02/06/2021 10:34 AM

    CNN running the story about Biden family members using their name and political connections to make money isn't an indication that CNN is changing its stripes. They are most likely telegraphing, and beginning the process, of how Biden will be ushered out the door.

  • Helen Greer

    02/06/2021 10:27 AM

    There seems to be so much wrong in the world today that sometimes we miss the good. I know that God knows all that is going on while I sometimes say why Lord I know he already knows the out come. When I see that President Biden has signed so many bills that are wrong by the Bible and the Lord's word but one day he is coming to set things right and am ready where it be by death are the Rapture even so come quickly LORD JESUS!!!!.

  • Gladys Hizer

    02/06/2021 10:21 AM

    Loved Trump's letter about SAG. My late husband was a democrat until Trump came along. He was not educated in the formal way but a business man who could identify with Trump and his "way with words." Economy runs on small business and not those who live off someone else's income. The millions of us who voted for Trump are grateful for the man who had the fierce loyalty of not only us but his entire family. Nothing more important than family!

  • James Hartsock

    02/06/2021 10:20 AM

    Why are we subjected to ads of Nancy Pelosi complaining about something on your newsletters? Also pictures and stories about Sleepy-eyed Joe.

  • Stephen Russell

    02/06/2021 09:43 AM

    Damn no Mission to Mars, killing aerospace jobs now too.
    Sense uprising in air
    Esp killing Manned Space
    Is Susan Rice behind this?
    What do they expect to gain?
    Killing space jobs killing ISS?
    No jobs=no taxes

  • Stephen Russell

    02/06/2021 09:39 AM

    See Data Dividend Project .org
    Love PJ Media idea
    See Data Divided
    ALL Big Tech should pay US our data value to them IE 4K a month, 10K per month

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