Today's News Stories

February 1, 2021

Recently, we ran a poll that asked, “Now that Joe Biden has been inaugurated, do you accept him as President of the United States?” As reported on Saturday, with over 122,000 votes cast, the results are in:

YES: 4 percent

NO: 94 percent

UNDECIDED: 2 percent

So, 94 percent of the respondents to our poll do not accept Joe Biden as President. We are shocked --- shocked! --- that so many of our readers are domestic terrorists! Why, you’re probably already plotting right now to storm Washington DC and take the Capitol Building by force.

Do we really need to keep thousands more National Guard troops on duty indefinitely, just to keep the small number of QAnon crazies and white supremacists away from the halls of power? Their numbers don’t appear to be large and diminishing as their views are out of step with constitutional conservatives who reject racism and unsourced conspiracy theories. But if that’s really the fear of the left, then clear out the parking garages so the Guard can get a nap from time to time. And somebody bring them some blankets, for gosh sakes, and order them some pizzas with extra cheese! This is our national security we’re talking about.

All 94 percent of you –- and even the 2 percent undecided –- will have to be removed from Facebook and Twitter immediately. That’s not necessarily because of anything you’ve said, but about what you might say if they allowed you the forum everyone else gets to have, something incendiary that might conceivably cause OTHER people to storm the Capitol, but that YOU will have to be help accountable for, because if there’s one thing our federal justice system stands for now, it’s accountability. Just ask Kevin Clinesmith.

(Pause for insane laughter.)

So, 94 percent of respondents said they don’t “accept” Biden as President. What does this actually tell us? At the risk of sounding like former President Bill Clinton, it depends on what the meaning of “accept” is. Among those who answered our poll, that will vary from person to person. Of course, there's deep, unquestioning acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ Jesus as my Savior” –- but there's also very grudging acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ that my business has been ordered closed and there’s nothing I can do to avoid bankruptcy.” And there's a whole spectrum in between. From a random sample of the over 50,000 comments we received –- we’ll be highlighting some of those responses later in the week –- I think even the tiny amount of “acceptance” Biden is getting from the right-leaning half the country is the grudging kind. There's an outcome you deeply suspect is wrong but are powerless to do anything about, so you think the best thing for the country is just to move forward.

Here’s one example of that: “I think I fall within the 4 percent of folks who say Biden is my President, because he is currently the President of the United (?) States. He stole the election, granted, but there he sits, in the Oval Office. It pains me to even type that, but until we can legally get the Democrats out of office, I will have to deal with Biden making pronouncements.”

Maintaining even that level of “acceptance” might become increasingly difficult for Biden as he continues to act as if he had a huge mandate, issuing 40 such “pronouncements” in the form of executive orders and actions in just his first nine days in the White House. This is three times the number signed by Presidents Trump, Obama and George W. Bush at the same point in their terms of office.

For the word “accept,” the working definition that I think makes the most sense here is from Oxford Dictionaries: “believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as valid or correct.” Synonyms: believe, trust, give credence to, credit, give credit to, put confidence in, be convinced of, have faith in, count on, rely on, depend on. Informal: buy; go for; fall for; swallow; swallow hook, line and sinker; take as gospel.

The Free Dictionary has these: To regard as proper, usual or right; to regard as true, believe in; to endure resignedly or patiently, as in “to accept one’s fate” (also, to tolerate or accommodate oneself to); to receive officially, as in “to accept the committee’s report.”

It is true that President Biden sits in the Oval Office and functions, to the best of his cognitive ability, as President. It could be said that he has been received officially. Those few on the right who say they “accept” him likely also mean this in the sense that they are resigned to it, enduring it.

But going back to the Oxford Dictionary, do they believe this was the correct outcome? Do they have faith or confidence in the outcome? Do they take it as gospel? Doubtful.

Millions of Americans are going around with a dark feeling that something is amiss, that needs to be put right. It’s not the same as Hillary and her supporters carping for four years about Trump’s election being illegitimate, when Trump clearly won in 2016. The 2020 election was very different, with millions and millions of mail-in ballots, unconstitutional rule changes, razor-thin margins in key states, numerous anomalies that just haven’t been explained and much more that we’ve been over. “Fact”-checkers who try to debunk these claims by saying they “lack context” still have not really debunked them. That’s not proof the election was “stolen,” but suspicions still run very deep, and justifiably so.

In case you didn’t see it over the weekend, we’ll re-post this excellent piece from about the difference between what the so-called “debunkers” in the media say about the election and what the real story is. They really are trying to make us all say that 2+2=5.

The fact that social media and most broadcast media are censoring any talk of this makes it that much worse. Adding insult to injury by impeaching President Trump and putting him on trial after he’s been removed from office is another big banana-republic-style slap-down. We know that what is being done to Trump is also being done, in effect, to us, his supporters. We see the entire nation under siege by the left, with no sign of it letting up. Happiest of all: probably China.

When leftists keep piling on, after an election we don't trust, with one more grave injustice after another (again, I’ll cite the legal double standard and the Kevin Clinesmith case), I have to wonder if they realize what this could be building up to. Are they naive, do they just not care, or is that what they want? How long can they lie to us, lie ABOUT us, calling us deplorables, domestic terrorists and white supremacists? We can’t have upwards of 75 million people feeling abused like this at the same time Washington DC, the media, social media, the universities, the public schools, major corporations, the entertainment world, and even the justice system are telling us essentially to shut up or they will cancel us, ruin our lives. It's McCarthyism to the tenth power. Nothing like this has ever happened before in this country.

And none of of us should “accept” it.


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More Stories

Election interference

“Not This (BLEEP) Again!”

Comments 101-125 of 465

  • Mary Beth Spivey

    02/01/2021 09:41 PM

    I totally agree with you! I’m not sure how many of the 75 million Trump supporters are going to continue to take the suppression handed to us daily from the Washington elite. They can only push so far until the 75 million have had enough! ??

  • Elizabeth Wilkinson

    02/01/2021 09:39 PM

    I absolutely do not accept Mr. Biden as the President of our great nation. I know he did not win the 2020 election. He is very busy making a huge mess of things, and that is depressing. I feel powerless to do anything about it, and that is why it is depressing. He needs to be removed and the rightful winner, President Trump put back into the White House. The fraudulent electoral votes should never have been confirmed without first investigating all of the "allegations of fraud". Biden should never have been permitted into the White House as President. He has done so much harm. Time is of the essence. What can be done?

  • Liz Rome

    02/01/2021 09:27 PM

    Your daily emails are great- fact filled-but calm. The verse of the day gives me hope.

    The 2 biggest issues to fix are: (1)break up Big Tech so all voices have equal chance to be heard (2) fix election laws -to insure integrity for 2022.
    BUT--- PLEASE-PLEASE- PLEASE investigate the "climate crisis" craziness. As Rahm Emanuel said --never let a crisis go to waste. The liberals sure used Covid. When Covid is over..they are arming to come full steam ahead with "climate crisis". Sane conservatives --MUST be prepared--ready with facts to counter the emotional nonsense coming from climate activists. They are dangerous. PLEASE -PLEASE - read "Apocalypse Never" by Michael Shellenberger and Alex Epstein's talking points. Also FOLLOW THE MONEY- coastal elites like Jhn Kerry et al are heavily invested in back up energy because "renewables" are unreliable (think Brown outs in CA). It's all about the "priviledges making even more money and grabbing even more power. PLEASE Please bring this discussion out in the open. Thank you.
    Sincerely, Liz Rome

  • Gregg Zappone

    02/01/2021 09:19 PM


    I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

    I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

    The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between D & R control.

    In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

    It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).


  • Lisa napier

    02/01/2021 09:06 PM

    No never

  • Linda Aman

    02/01/2021 09:06 PM

    I will never accept him as president. The best I can do is thief-in-chief, as I watch him and the democrats destroy our great country. They literally make me sick.

  • Ken Truell

    02/01/2021 08:55 PM


    While I did not take part in your survey you can add me and my wife Jan to your 94% total. We are very concerned about the direction Mr. Biden is dragging this country. We have shown our displeasure by abandoning companies that have become hostile to Conservatives as best we can. My greatest disappointment has been my reach out to local Republican offices in order to volunteer and have received no interest at all. Any connections with anyone in the state of Georgia that I can work with?


  • Wendy Liu

    02/01/2021 08:53 PM

    Joe Biden, the puppet, fake president, will NEVER be MY president. This election was rigged and stolen from the true president, President Trump!!!!

  • Paul Ferguson

    02/01/2021 08:36 PM

    I look forward to your articles morning and evening. You say so well what I am thinking but have a hard time articulating, and you do it with humor. Thank you so much. It's so refreshing in this world of crap and lies we are living through.
    Keep it up, please.

  • Marcia Meaghet

    02/01/2021 08:35 PM

    Not my president.

  • Glenn Hamilton

    02/01/2021 08:27 PM

    Mike, your point of view is priceless, and even inspiring during this most trying time. I’ve been struggling to comprehend the dynamics in play during the “peaceful transition “ , and I think most of all realize that these unprecedented actions by the president “elect”, the speaker of the house, and now the senate majority leader are downright predictable and scary. Where does this stop? We see that they accuse the conservatives of exactly what they are doing. How far are they willing to push it?

  • Virginia (JENNY) Shumate

    02/01/2021 08:27 PM

    Love the way you look at things and the way you write, Mike Huckabee. Appreciate your humor all the way through such serious and crazy times we are going through. Your words are informative, to the point, ACCURATE, full of common sense and courage and most of all, I just feel like I've known you all my life. Thank you for your dedication to the freedom of this country and your fellow Americans. We need YOU to continue to reach out to us, keep us informed and encouraged and enlightened and Laughing....and looking to our REAL HOME, which is not here on this earth. Just wanted you to know how much you are loved and appreciated. May God richly bless you and your family. JENNY SHUMATE

  • Kimberly Wohletz

    02/01/2021 08:26 PM

    What do those of us who voted for Trump and see that we are being canceled supposed to do now?

  • Janet Ford

    02/01/2021 08:25 PM

    Dear Governor,
    You write beautifully and your words express exactly how I am feeling... it’s good to know others’ understand my feelings at this very sad time in our country’s history. Thank you.

  • Emma Lambert

    02/01/2021 08:23 PM

    I’m among the 94%. Biden is president in title only. It is hard for me to comprehend all the lies and evil deeds that have transpired during the 2020 election and the past four years. There seems to be no consequences for these misconceptions that have poisoned people’s minds. I think of all the evils I want for these evil doers. Then, I have to ask God for forgiveness and rely on God’s word in Romans 12:19. I enjoy your truthful articles. Keep them coming!

  • Ralph Norman

    02/01/2021 08:21 PM

    what's amazing is to watch the left and media make statements such as don't publish books by GOP or conservatives or don't honor their degrees at certain facilities, then why don't those on the right come back and start the same rhetoric, no one on the right buy books by that publisher, then no one on the right will donate or support or attend those universities that are so ignorant with their bias comments, who is the sanctimonious left and media that believe they control any of their nonsense, it's only controllable if citizens with basic logic put up with it, it's absurd what the democrat party has gotten away with for the past 10 years especially

  • Diane E Monroe

    02/01/2021 08:13 PM

    The situation we are in is nearing insanity but day by day more truth is revealed. No, that person Joseph Biden will not be accepted as he is clearly a criminal with a criminal family.

  • Ellen Klapperich

    02/01/2021 08:13 PM

    The poll results are just as suspected. The distrust that has been fomented will have lasting effects. How can we trust any election from here on out? And shutting us down through deplatforming and censoring is mind boggling. Quite audacious to say the least.

  • Marco A Arboleda

    02/01/2021 08:11 PM

    Add me in the NO list

  • Roger Bangs

    02/01/2021 08:11 PM

    Just wondering if anyone who voted for Biden is now having BUYERS REMORSE!

  • Vickie Devaughn

    02/01/2021 08:09 PM

    I will NEVER accept Biden as president. DONALD J. TRUMP won this election and he is and will always be MY President!!
    I will not accept anything from the left.

  • JoAnn

    02/01/2021 08:08 PM

    He took the pipeline out with his signature and now people 11000 will not be able to make mortgage or send their. Children to college

  • Linda Tech

    02/01/2021 08:08 PM

    Mike, I’m always uplifted by your wisdom. That said, where do we go from here? There are so many out there asking for money to help the cause of bringing back power to the right and fixing election integrity, it’s hard to know which ones are actually going to do the job and which are scams. Please help direct our efforts and our contributions!

  • William Barnett

    02/01/2021 08:02 PM

    He will never be my president he's a nut

  • James Parker

    02/01/2021 07:58 PM

    94% reject Biden so what your telling me is that 4% of the population in America voted for Biden, and he Still won the popular vote along with the electoral college. I say “BullShit”. Election Stolen!!

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Biden Scandal News

    February 1, 2021

    Recently, we ran a poll that asked, “Now that Joe Biden has been inaugurated, do you accept him as President of the United States?” As reported on Saturday, with over 122,000 votes cast, the results are in:

    YES: 4 percent

    NO: 94 percent

    UNDECIDED: 2 percent

    So, 94 percent of the respondents to our poll do not accept Joe Biden as President. We are shocked --- shocked! --- that so many of our readers are domestic terrorists! Why, you’re probably already plotting right now to storm Washington DC and take the Capitol Building by force.

    Do we really need to keep thousands more National Guard troops on duty indefinitely, just to keep the small number of QAnon crazies and white supremacists away from the halls of power? Their numbers don’t appear to be large and diminishing as their views are out of step with constitutional conservatives who reject racism and unsourced conspiracy theories. But if that’s really the fear of the left, then clear out the parking garages so the Guard can get a nap from time to time. And somebody bring them some blankets, for gosh sakes, and order them some pizzas with extra cheese! This is our national security we’re talking about.

    All 94 percent of you –- and even the 2 percent undecided –- will have to be removed from Facebook and Twitter immediately. That’s not necessarily because of anything you’ve said, but about what you might say if they allowed you the forum everyone else gets to have, something incendiary that might conceivably cause OTHER people to storm the Capitol, but that YOU will have to be help accountable for, because if there’s one thing our federal justice system stands for now, it’s accountability. Just ask Kevin Clinesmith.

    (Pause for insane laughter.)

    So, 94 percent of respondents said they don’t “accept” Biden as President. What does this actually tell us? At the risk of sounding like former President Bill Clinton, it depends on what the meaning of “accept” is. Among those who answered our poll, that will vary from person to person. Of course, there's deep, unquestioning acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ Jesus as my Savior” –- but there's also very grudging acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ that my business has been ordered closed and there’s nothing I can do to avoid bankruptcy.” And there's a whole spectrum in between. From a random sample of the over 50,000 comments we received –- we’ll be highlighting some of those responses later in the week –- I think even the tiny amount of “acceptance” Biden is getting from the right-leaning half the country is the grudging kind. There's an outcome you deeply suspect is wrong but are powerless to do anything about, so you think the best thing for the country is just to move forward.

    Here’s one example of that: “I think I fall within the 4 percent of folks who say Biden is my President, because he is currently the President of the United (?) States. He stole the election, granted, but there he sits, in the Oval Office. It pains me to even type that, but until we can legally get the Democrats out of office, I will have to deal with Biden making pronouncements.”

    Maintaining even that level of “acceptance” might become increasingly difficult for Biden as he continues to act as if he had a huge mandate, issuing 40 such “pronouncements” in the form of executive orders and actions in just his first nine days in the White House. This is three times the number signed by Presidents Trump, Obama and George W. Bush at the same point in their terms of office.

    For the word “accept,” the working definition that I think makes the most sense here is from Oxford Dictionaries: “believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as valid or correct.” Synonyms: believe, trust, give credence to, credit, give credit to, put confidence in, be convinced of, have faith in, count on, rely on, depend on. Informal: buy; go for; fall for; swallow; swallow hook, line and sinker; take as gospel.

    The Free Dictionary has these: To regard as proper, usual or right; to regard as true, believe in; to endure resignedly or patiently, as in “to accept one’s fate” (also, to tolerate or accommodate oneself to); to receive officially, as in “to accept the committee’s report.”

    It is true that President Biden sits in the Oval Office and functions, to the best of his cognitive ability, as President. It could be said that he has been received officially. Those few on the right who say they “accept” him likely also mean this in the sense that they are resigned to it, enduring it.

    But going back to the Oxford Dictionary, do they believe this was the correct outcome? Do they have faith or confidence in the outcome? Do they take it as gospel? Doubtful.

    Millions of Americans are going around with a dark feeling that something is amiss, that needs to be put right. It’s not the same as Hillary and her supporters carping for four years about Trump’s election being illegitimate, when Trump clearly won in 2016. The 2020 election was very different, with millions and millions of mail-in ballots, unconstitutional rule changes, razor-thin margins in key states, numerous anomalies that just haven’t been explained and much more that we’ve been over. “Fact”-checkers who try to debunk these claims by saying they “lack context” still have not really debunked them. That’s not proof the election was “stolen,” but suspicions still run very deep, and justifiably so.

    In case you didn’t see it over the weekend, we’ll re-post this excellent piece from about the difference between what the so-called “debunkers” in the media say about the election and what the real story is. They really are trying to make us all say that 2+2=5.

    The fact that social media and most broadcast media are censoring any talk of this makes it that much worse. Adding insult to injury by impeaching President Trump and putting him on trial after he’s been removed from office is another big banana-republic-style slap-down. We know that what is being done to Trump is also being done, in effect, to us, his supporters. We see the entire nation under siege by the left, with no sign of it letting up. Happiest of all: probably China.

    When leftists keep piling on, after an election we don't trust, with one more grave injustice after another (again, I’ll cite the legal double standard and the Kevin Clinesmith case), I have to wonder if they realize what this could be building up to. Are they naive, do they just not care, or is that what they want? How long can they lie to us, lie ABOUT us, calling us deplorables, domestic terrorists and white supremacists? We can’t have upwards of 75 million people feeling abused like this at the same time Washington DC, the media, social media, the universities, the public schools, major corporations, the entertainment world, and even the justice system are telling us essentially to shut up or they will cancel us, ruin our lives. It's McCarthyism to the tenth power. Nothing like this has ever happened before in this country.

    And none of of us should “accept” it.


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    More Stories

    Election interference

    “Not This (BLEEP) Again!”

    Comments 101-125 of 465

    • Mary Beth Spivey

      02/01/2021 09:41 PM

      I totally agree with you! I’m not sure how many of the 75 million Trump supporters are going to continue to take the suppression handed to us daily from the Washington elite. They can only push so far until the 75 million have had enough! ??

    • Elizabeth Wilkinson

      02/01/2021 09:39 PM

      I absolutely do not accept Mr. Biden as the President of our great nation. I know he did not win the 2020 election. He is very busy making a huge mess of things, and that is depressing. I feel powerless to do anything about it, and that is why it is depressing. He needs to be removed and the rightful winner, President Trump put back into the White House. The fraudulent electoral votes should never have been confirmed without first investigating all of the "allegations of fraud". Biden should never have been permitted into the White House as President. He has done so much harm. Time is of the essence. What can be done?

    • Liz Rome

      02/01/2021 09:27 PM

      Your daily emails are great- fact filled-but calm. The verse of the day gives me hope.

      The 2 biggest issues to fix are: (1)break up Big Tech so all voices have equal chance to be heard (2) fix election laws -to insure integrity for 2022.
      BUT--- PLEASE-PLEASE- PLEASE investigate the "climate crisis" craziness. As Rahm Emanuel said --never let a crisis go to waste. The liberals sure used Covid. When Covid is over..they are arming to come full steam ahead with "climate crisis". Sane conservatives --MUST be prepared--ready with facts to counter the emotional nonsense coming from climate activists. They are dangerous. PLEASE -PLEASE - read "Apocalypse Never" by Michael Shellenberger and Alex Epstein's talking points. Also FOLLOW THE MONEY- coastal elites like Jhn Kerry et al are heavily invested in back up energy because "renewables" are unreliable (think Brown outs in CA). It's all about the "priviledges making even more money and grabbing even more power. PLEASE Please bring this discussion out in the open. Thank you.
      Sincerely, Liz Rome

    • Gregg Zappone

      02/01/2021 09:19 PM


      I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

      I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

      The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between D & R control.

      In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

      It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).


    • Lisa napier

      02/01/2021 09:06 PM

      No never

    • Linda Aman

      02/01/2021 09:06 PM

      I will never accept him as president. The best I can do is thief-in-chief, as I watch him and the democrats destroy our great country. They literally make me sick.

    • Ken Truell

      02/01/2021 08:55 PM


      While I did not take part in your survey you can add me and my wife Jan to your 94% total. We are very concerned about the direction Mr. Biden is dragging this country. We have shown our displeasure by abandoning companies that have become hostile to Conservatives as best we can. My greatest disappointment has been my reach out to local Republican offices in order to volunteer and have received no interest at all. Any connections with anyone in the state of Georgia that I can work with?


    • Wendy Liu

      02/01/2021 08:53 PM

      Joe Biden, the puppet, fake president, will NEVER be MY president. This election was rigged and stolen from the true president, President Trump!!!!

    • Paul Ferguson

      02/01/2021 08:36 PM

      I look forward to your articles morning and evening. You say so well what I am thinking but have a hard time articulating, and you do it with humor. Thank you so much. It's so refreshing in this world of crap and lies we are living through.
      Keep it up, please.

    • Marcia Meaghet

      02/01/2021 08:35 PM

      Not my president.

    • Glenn Hamilton

      02/01/2021 08:27 PM

      Mike, your point of view is priceless, and even inspiring during this most trying time. I’ve been struggling to comprehend the dynamics in play during the “peaceful transition “ , and I think most of all realize that these unprecedented actions by the president “elect”, the speaker of the house, and now the senate majority leader are downright predictable and scary. Where does this stop? We see that they accuse the conservatives of exactly what they are doing. How far are they willing to push it?

    • Virginia (JENNY) Shumate

      02/01/2021 08:27 PM

      Love the way you look at things and the way you write, Mike Huckabee. Appreciate your humor all the way through such serious and crazy times we are going through. Your words are informative, to the point, ACCURATE, full of common sense and courage and most of all, I just feel like I've known you all my life. Thank you for your dedication to the freedom of this country and your fellow Americans. We need YOU to continue to reach out to us, keep us informed and encouraged and enlightened and Laughing....and looking to our REAL HOME, which is not here on this earth. Just wanted you to know how much you are loved and appreciated. May God richly bless you and your family. JENNY SHUMATE

    • Kimberly Wohletz

      02/01/2021 08:26 PM

      What do those of us who voted for Trump and see that we are being canceled supposed to do now?

    • Janet Ford

      02/01/2021 08:25 PM

      Dear Governor,
      You write beautifully and your words express exactly how I am feeling... it’s good to know others’ understand my feelings at this very sad time in our country’s history. Thank you.

    • Emma Lambert

      02/01/2021 08:23 PM

      I’m among the 94%. Biden is president in title only. It is hard for me to comprehend all the lies and evil deeds that have transpired during the 2020 election and the past four years. There seems to be no consequences for these misconceptions that have poisoned people’s minds. I think of all the evils I want for these evil doers. Then, I have to ask God for forgiveness and rely on God’s word in Romans 12:19. I enjoy your truthful articles. Keep them coming!

    • Ralph Norman

      02/01/2021 08:21 PM

      what's amazing is to watch the left and media make statements such as don't publish books by GOP or conservatives or don't honor their degrees at certain facilities, then why don't those on the right come back and start the same rhetoric, no one on the right buy books by that publisher, then no one on the right will donate or support or attend those universities that are so ignorant with their bias comments, who is the sanctimonious left and media that believe they control any of their nonsense, it's only controllable if citizens with basic logic put up with it, it's absurd what the democrat party has gotten away with for the past 10 years especially

    • Diane E Monroe

      02/01/2021 08:13 PM

      The situation we are in is nearing insanity but day by day more truth is revealed. No, that person Joseph Biden will not be accepted as he is clearly a criminal with a criminal family.

    • Ellen Klapperich

      02/01/2021 08:13 PM

      The poll results are just as suspected. The distrust that has been fomented will have lasting effects. How can we trust any election from here on out? And shutting us down through deplatforming and censoring is mind boggling. Quite audacious to say the least.

    • Marco A Arboleda

      02/01/2021 08:11 PM

      Add me in the NO list

    • Roger Bangs

      02/01/2021 08:11 PM

      Just wondering if anyone who voted for Biden is now having BUYERS REMORSE!

    • Vickie Devaughn

      02/01/2021 08:09 PM

      I will NEVER accept Biden as president. DONALD J. TRUMP won this election and he is and will always be MY President!!
      I will not accept anything from the left.

    • JoAnn

      02/01/2021 08:08 PM

      He took the pipeline out with his signature and now people 11000 will not be able to make mortgage or send their. Children to college

    • Linda Tech

      02/01/2021 08:08 PM

      Mike, I’m always uplifted by your wisdom. That said, where do we go from here? There are so many out there asking for money to help the cause of bringing back power to the right and fixing election integrity, it’s hard to know which ones are actually going to do the job and which are scams. Please help direct our efforts and our contributions!

    • William Barnett

      02/01/2021 08:02 PM

      He will never be my president he's a nut

    • James Parker

      02/01/2021 07:58 PM

      94% reject Biden so what your telling me is that 4% of the population in America voted for Biden, and he Still won the popular vote along with the electoral college. I say “BullShit”. Election Stolen!!

    Trump Indictment News

    February 1, 2021

    Recently, we ran a poll that asked, “Now that Joe Biden has been inaugurated, do you accept him as President of the United States?” As reported on Saturday, with over 122,000 votes cast, the results are in:

    YES: 4 percent

    NO: 94 percent

    UNDECIDED: 2 percent

    So, 94 percent of the respondents to our poll do not accept Joe Biden as President. We are shocked --- shocked! --- that so many of our readers are domestic terrorists! Why, you’re probably already plotting right now to storm Washington DC and take the Capitol Building by force.

    Do we really need to keep thousands more National Guard troops on duty indefinitely, just to keep the small number of QAnon crazies and white supremacists away from the halls of power? Their numbers don’t appear to be large and diminishing as their views are out of step with constitutional conservatives who reject racism and unsourced conspiracy theories. But if that’s really the fear of the left, then clear out the parking garages so the Guard can get a nap from time to time. And somebody bring them some blankets, for gosh sakes, and order them some pizzas with extra cheese! This is our national security we’re talking about.

    All 94 percent of you –- and even the 2 percent undecided –- will have to be removed from Facebook and Twitter immediately. That’s not necessarily because of anything you’ve said, but about what you might say if they allowed you the forum everyone else gets to have, something incendiary that might conceivably cause OTHER people to storm the Capitol, but that YOU will have to be help accountable for, because if there’s one thing our federal justice system stands for now, it’s accountability. Just ask Kevin Clinesmith.

    (Pause for insane laughter.)

    So, 94 percent of respondents said they don’t “accept” Biden as President. What does this actually tell us? At the risk of sounding like former President Bill Clinton, it depends on what the meaning of “accept” is. Among those who answered our poll, that will vary from person to person. Of course, there's deep, unquestioning acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ Jesus as my Savior” –- but there's also very grudging acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ that my business has been ordered closed and there’s nothing I can do to avoid bankruptcy.” And there's a whole spectrum in between. From a random sample of the over 50,000 comments we received –- we’ll be highlighting some of those responses later in the week –- I think even the tiny amount of “acceptance” Biden is getting from the right-leaning half the country is the grudging kind. There's an outcome you deeply suspect is wrong but are powerless to do anything about, so you think the best thing for the country is just to move forward.

    Here’s one example of that: “I think I fall within the 4 percent of folks who say Biden is my President, because he is currently the President of the United (?) States. He stole the election, granted, but there he sits, in the Oval Office. It pains me to even type that, but until we can legally get the Democrats out of office, I will have to deal with Biden making pronouncements.”

    Maintaining even that level of “acceptance” might become increasingly difficult for Biden as he continues to act as if he had a huge mandate, issuing 40 such “pronouncements” in the form of executive orders and actions in just his first nine days in the White House. This is three times the number signed by Presidents Trump, Obama and George W. Bush at the same point in their terms of office.

    For the word “accept,” the working definition that I think makes the most sense here is from Oxford Dictionaries: “believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as valid or correct.” Synonyms: believe, trust, give credence to, credit, give credit to, put confidence in, be convinced of, have faith in, count on, rely on, depend on. Informal: buy; go for; fall for; swallow; swallow hook, line and sinker; take as gospel.

    The Free Dictionary has these: To regard as proper, usual or right; to regard as true, believe in; to endure resignedly or patiently, as in “to accept one’s fate” (also, to tolerate or accommodate oneself to); to receive officially, as in “to accept the committee’s report.”

    It is true that President Biden sits in the Oval Office and functions, to the best of his cognitive ability, as President. It could be said that he has been received officially. Those few on the right who say they “accept” him likely also mean this in the sense that they are resigned to it, enduring it.

    But going back to the Oxford Dictionary, do they believe this was the correct outcome? Do they have faith or confidence in the outcome? Do they take it as gospel? Doubtful.

    Millions of Americans are going around with a dark feeling that something is amiss, that needs to be put right. It’s not the same as Hillary and her supporters carping for four years about Trump’s election being illegitimate, when Trump clearly won in 2016. The 2020 election was very different, with millions and millions of mail-in ballots, unconstitutional rule changes, razor-thin margins in key states, numerous anomalies that just haven’t been explained and much more that we’ve been over. “Fact”-checkers who try to debunk these claims by saying they “lack context” still have not really debunked them. That’s not proof the election was “stolen,” but suspicions still run very deep, and justifiably so.

    In case you didn’t see it over the weekend, we’ll re-post this excellent piece from about the difference between what the so-called “debunkers” in the media say about the election and what the real story is. They really are trying to make us all say that 2+2=5.

    The fact that social media and most broadcast media are censoring any talk of this makes it that much worse. Adding insult to injury by impeaching President Trump and putting him on trial after he’s been removed from office is another big banana-republic-style slap-down. We know that what is being done to Trump is also being done, in effect, to us, his supporters. We see the entire nation under siege by the left, with no sign of it letting up. Happiest of all: probably China.

    When leftists keep piling on, after an election we don't trust, with one more grave injustice after another (again, I’ll cite the legal double standard and the Kevin Clinesmith case), I have to wonder if they realize what this could be building up to. Are they naive, do they just not care, or is that what they want? How long can they lie to us, lie ABOUT us, calling us deplorables, domestic terrorists and white supremacists? We can’t have upwards of 75 million people feeling abused like this at the same time Washington DC, the media, social media, the universities, the public schools, major corporations, the entertainment world, and even the justice system are telling us essentially to shut up or they will cancel us, ruin our lives. It's McCarthyism to the tenth power. Nothing like this has ever happened before in this country.

    And none of of us should “accept” it.


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    Election interference

    “Not This (BLEEP) Again!”

    Comments 101-125 of 465

    • Mary Beth Spivey

      02/01/2021 09:41 PM

      I totally agree with you! I’m not sure how many of the 75 million Trump supporters are going to continue to take the suppression handed to us daily from the Washington elite. They can only push so far until the 75 million have had enough! ??

    • Elizabeth Wilkinson

      02/01/2021 09:39 PM

      I absolutely do not accept Mr. Biden as the President of our great nation. I know he did not win the 2020 election. He is very busy making a huge mess of things, and that is depressing. I feel powerless to do anything about it, and that is why it is depressing. He needs to be removed and the rightful winner, President Trump put back into the White House. The fraudulent electoral votes should never have been confirmed without first investigating all of the "allegations of fraud". Biden should never have been permitted into the White House as President. He has done so much harm. Time is of the essence. What can be done?

    • Liz Rome

      02/01/2021 09:27 PM

      Your daily emails are great- fact filled-but calm. The verse of the day gives me hope.

      The 2 biggest issues to fix are: (1)break up Big Tech so all voices have equal chance to be heard (2) fix election laws -to insure integrity for 2022.
      BUT--- PLEASE-PLEASE- PLEASE investigate the "climate crisis" craziness. As Rahm Emanuel said --never let a crisis go to waste. The liberals sure used Covid. When Covid is over..they are arming to come full steam ahead with "climate crisis". Sane conservatives --MUST be prepared--ready with facts to counter the emotional nonsense coming from climate activists. They are dangerous. PLEASE -PLEASE - read "Apocalypse Never" by Michael Shellenberger and Alex Epstein's talking points. Also FOLLOW THE MONEY- coastal elites like Jhn Kerry et al are heavily invested in back up energy because "renewables" are unreliable (think Brown outs in CA). It's all about the "priviledges making even more money and grabbing even more power. PLEASE Please bring this discussion out in the open. Thank you.
      Sincerely, Liz Rome

    • Gregg Zappone

      02/01/2021 09:19 PM


      I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

      I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

      The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between D & R control.

      In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

      It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).


    • Lisa napier

      02/01/2021 09:06 PM

      No never

    • Linda Aman

      02/01/2021 09:06 PM

      I will never accept him as president. The best I can do is thief-in-chief, as I watch him and the democrats destroy our great country. They literally make me sick.

    • Ken Truell

      02/01/2021 08:55 PM


      While I did not take part in your survey you can add me and my wife Jan to your 94% total. We are very concerned about the direction Mr. Biden is dragging this country. We have shown our displeasure by abandoning companies that have become hostile to Conservatives as best we can. My greatest disappointment has been my reach out to local Republican offices in order to volunteer and have received no interest at all. Any connections with anyone in the state of Georgia that I can work with?


    • Wendy Liu

      02/01/2021 08:53 PM

      Joe Biden, the puppet, fake president, will NEVER be MY president. This election was rigged and stolen from the true president, President Trump!!!!

    • Paul Ferguson

      02/01/2021 08:36 PM

      I look forward to your articles morning and evening. You say so well what I am thinking but have a hard time articulating, and you do it with humor. Thank you so much. It's so refreshing in this world of crap and lies we are living through.
      Keep it up, please.

    • Marcia Meaghet

      02/01/2021 08:35 PM

      Not my president.

    • Glenn Hamilton

      02/01/2021 08:27 PM

      Mike, your point of view is priceless, and even inspiring during this most trying time. I’ve been struggling to comprehend the dynamics in play during the “peaceful transition “ , and I think most of all realize that these unprecedented actions by the president “elect”, the speaker of the house, and now the senate majority leader are downright predictable and scary. Where does this stop? We see that they accuse the conservatives of exactly what they are doing. How far are they willing to push it?

    • Virginia (JENNY) Shumate

      02/01/2021 08:27 PM

      Love the way you look at things and the way you write, Mike Huckabee. Appreciate your humor all the way through such serious and crazy times we are going through. Your words are informative, to the point, ACCURATE, full of common sense and courage and most of all, I just feel like I've known you all my life. Thank you for your dedication to the freedom of this country and your fellow Americans. We need YOU to continue to reach out to us, keep us informed and encouraged and enlightened and Laughing....and looking to our REAL HOME, which is not here on this earth. Just wanted you to know how much you are loved and appreciated. May God richly bless you and your family. JENNY SHUMATE

    • Kimberly Wohletz

      02/01/2021 08:26 PM

      What do those of us who voted for Trump and see that we are being canceled supposed to do now?

    • Janet Ford

      02/01/2021 08:25 PM

      Dear Governor,
      You write beautifully and your words express exactly how I am feeling... it’s good to know others’ understand my feelings at this very sad time in our country’s history. Thank you.

    • Emma Lambert

      02/01/2021 08:23 PM

      I’m among the 94%. Biden is president in title only. It is hard for me to comprehend all the lies and evil deeds that have transpired during the 2020 election and the past four years. There seems to be no consequences for these misconceptions that have poisoned people’s minds. I think of all the evils I want for these evil doers. Then, I have to ask God for forgiveness and rely on God’s word in Romans 12:19. I enjoy your truthful articles. Keep them coming!

    • Ralph Norman

      02/01/2021 08:21 PM

      what's amazing is to watch the left and media make statements such as don't publish books by GOP or conservatives or don't honor their degrees at certain facilities, then why don't those on the right come back and start the same rhetoric, no one on the right buy books by that publisher, then no one on the right will donate or support or attend those universities that are so ignorant with their bias comments, who is the sanctimonious left and media that believe they control any of their nonsense, it's only controllable if citizens with basic logic put up with it, it's absurd what the democrat party has gotten away with for the past 10 years especially

    • Diane E Monroe

      02/01/2021 08:13 PM

      The situation we are in is nearing insanity but day by day more truth is revealed. No, that person Joseph Biden will not be accepted as he is clearly a criminal with a criminal family.

    • Ellen Klapperich

      02/01/2021 08:13 PM

      The poll results are just as suspected. The distrust that has been fomented will have lasting effects. How can we trust any election from here on out? And shutting us down through deplatforming and censoring is mind boggling. Quite audacious to say the least.

    • Marco A Arboleda

      02/01/2021 08:11 PM

      Add me in the NO list

    • Roger Bangs

      02/01/2021 08:11 PM

      Just wondering if anyone who voted for Biden is now having BUYERS REMORSE!

    • Vickie Devaughn

      02/01/2021 08:09 PM

      I will NEVER accept Biden as president. DONALD J. TRUMP won this election and he is and will always be MY President!!
      I will not accept anything from the left.

    • JoAnn

      02/01/2021 08:08 PM

      He took the pipeline out with his signature and now people 11000 will not be able to make mortgage or send their. Children to college

    • Linda Tech

      02/01/2021 08:08 PM

      Mike, I’m always uplifted by your wisdom. That said, where do we go from here? There are so many out there asking for money to help the cause of bringing back power to the right and fixing election integrity, it’s hard to know which ones are actually going to do the job and which are scams. Please help direct our efforts and our contributions!

    • William Barnett

      02/01/2021 08:02 PM

      He will never be my president he's a nut

    • James Parker

      02/01/2021 07:58 PM

      94% reject Biden so what your telling me is that 4% of the population in America voted for Biden, and he Still won the popular vote along with the electoral college. I say “BullShit”. Election Stolen!!

    Election 2024 Coverage

    February 1, 2021

    Recently, we ran a poll that asked, “Now that Joe Biden has been inaugurated, do you accept him as President of the United States?” As reported on Saturday, with over 122,000 votes cast, the results are in:

    YES: 4 percent

    NO: 94 percent

    UNDECIDED: 2 percent

    So, 94 percent of the respondents to our poll do not accept Joe Biden as President. We are shocked --- shocked! --- that so many of our readers are domestic terrorists! Why, you’re probably already plotting right now to storm Washington DC and take the Capitol Building by force.

    Do we really need to keep thousands more National Guard troops on duty indefinitely, just to keep the small number of QAnon crazies and white supremacists away from the halls of power? Their numbers don’t appear to be large and diminishing as their views are out of step with constitutional conservatives who reject racism and unsourced conspiracy theories. But if that’s really the fear of the left, then clear out the parking garages so the Guard can get a nap from time to time. And somebody bring them some blankets, for gosh sakes, and order them some pizzas with extra cheese! This is our national security we’re talking about.

    All 94 percent of you –- and even the 2 percent undecided –- will have to be removed from Facebook and Twitter immediately. That’s not necessarily because of anything you’ve said, but about what you might say if they allowed you the forum everyone else gets to have, something incendiary that might conceivably cause OTHER people to storm the Capitol, but that YOU will have to be help accountable for, because if there’s one thing our federal justice system stands for now, it’s accountability. Just ask Kevin Clinesmith.

    (Pause for insane laughter.)

    So, 94 percent of respondents said they don’t “accept” Biden as President. What does this actually tell us? At the risk of sounding like former President Bill Clinton, it depends on what the meaning of “accept” is. Among those who answered our poll, that will vary from person to person. Of course, there's deep, unquestioning acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ Jesus as my Savior” –- but there's also very grudging acceptance –- “I ‘accept’ that my business has been ordered closed and there’s nothing I can do to avoid bankruptcy.” And there's a whole spectrum in between. From a random sample of the over 50,000 comments we received –- we’ll be highlighting some of those responses later in the week –- I think even the tiny amount of “acceptance” Biden is getting from the right-leaning half the country is the grudging kind. There's an outcome you deeply suspect is wrong but are powerless to do anything about, so you think the best thing for the country is just to move forward.

    Here’s one example of that: “I think I fall within the 4 percent of folks who say Biden is my President, because he is currently the President of the United (?) States. He stole the election, granted, but there he sits, in the Oval Office. It pains me to even type that, but until we can legally get the Democrats out of office, I will have to deal with Biden making pronouncements.”

    Maintaining even that level of “acceptance” might become increasingly difficult for Biden as he continues to act as if he had a huge mandate, issuing 40 such “pronouncements” in the form of executive orders and actions in just his first nine days in the White House. This is three times the number signed by Presidents Trump, Obama and George W. Bush at the same point in their terms of office.

    For the word “accept,” the working definition that I think makes the most sense here is from Oxford Dictionaries: “believe or come to recognize (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as valid or correct.” Synonyms: believe, trust, give credence to, credit, give credit to, put confidence in, be convinced of, have faith in, count on, rely on, depend on. Informal: buy; go for; fall for; swallow; swallow hook, line and sinker; take as gospel.

    The Free Dictionary has these: To regard as proper, usual or right; to regard as true, believe in; to endure resignedly or patiently, as in “to accept one’s fate” (also, to tolerate or accommodate oneself to); to receive officially, as in “to accept the committee’s report.”

    It is true that President Biden sits in the Oval Office and functions, to the best of his cognitive ability, as President. It could be said that he has been received officially. Those few on the right who say they “accept” him likely also mean this in the sense that they are resigned to it, enduring it.

    But going back to the Oxford Dictionary, do they believe this was the correct outcome? Do they have faith or confidence in the outcome? Do they take it as gospel? Doubtful.

    Millions of Americans are going around with a dark feeling that something is amiss, that needs to be put right. It’s not the same as Hillary and her supporters carping for four years about Trump’s election being illegitimate, when Trump clearly won in 2016. The 2020 election was very different, with millions and millions of mail-in ballots, unconstitutional rule changes, razor-thin margins in key states, numerous anomalies that just haven’t been explained and much more that we’ve been over. “Fact”-checkers who try to debunk these claims by saying they “lack context” still have not really debunked them. That’s not proof the election was “stolen,” but suspicions still run very deep, and justifiably so.

    In case you didn’t see it over the weekend, we’ll re-post this excellent piece from about the difference between what the so-called “debunkers” in the media say about the election and what the real story is. They really are trying to make us all say that 2+2=5.

    The fact that social media and most broadcast media are censoring any talk of this makes it that much worse. Adding insult to injury by impeaching President Trump and putting him on trial after he’s been removed from office is another big banana-republic-style slap-down. We know that what is being done to Trump is also being done, in effect, to us, his supporters. We see the entire nation under siege by the left, with no sign of it letting up. Happiest of all: probably China.

    When leftists keep piling on, after an election we don't trust, with one more grave injustice after another (again, I’ll cite the legal double standard and the Kevin Clinesmith case), I have to wonder if they realize what this could be building up to. Are they naive, do they just not care, or is that what they want? How long can they lie to us, lie ABOUT us, calling us deplorables, domestic terrorists and white supremacists? We can’t have upwards of 75 million people feeling abused like this at the same time Washington DC, the media, social media, the universities, the public schools, major corporations, the entertainment world, and even the justice system are telling us essentially to shut up or they will cancel us, ruin our lives. It's McCarthyism to the tenth power. Nothing like this has ever happened before in this country.

    And none of of us should “accept” it.


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    Election interference

    “Not This (BLEEP) Again!”

    Comments 101-125 of 465

    • Mary Beth Spivey

      02/01/2021 09:41 PM

      I totally agree with you! I’m not sure how many of the 75 million Trump supporters are going to continue to take the suppression handed to us daily from the Washington elite. They can only push so far until the 75 million have had enough! ??

    • Elizabeth Wilkinson

      02/01/2021 09:39 PM

      I absolutely do not accept Mr. Biden as the President of our great nation. I know he did not win the 2020 election. He is very busy making a huge mess of things, and that is depressing. I feel powerless to do anything about it, and that is why it is depressing. He needs to be removed and the rightful winner, President Trump put back into the White House. The fraudulent electoral votes should never have been confirmed without first investigating all of the "allegations of fraud". Biden should never have been permitted into the White House as President. He has done so much harm. Time is of the essence. What can be done?

    • Liz Rome

      02/01/2021 09:27 PM

      Your daily emails are great- fact filled-but calm. The verse of the day gives me hope.

      The 2 biggest issues to fix are: (1)break up Big Tech so all voices have equal chance to be heard (2) fix election laws -to insure integrity for 2022.
      BUT--- PLEASE-PLEASE- PLEASE investigate the "climate crisis" craziness. As Rahm Emanuel said --never let a crisis go to waste. The liberals sure used Covid. When Covid is over..they are arming to come full steam ahead with "climate crisis". Sane conservatives --MUST be prepared--ready with facts to counter the emotional nonsense coming from climate activists. They are dangerous. PLEASE -PLEASE - read "Apocalypse Never" by Michael Shellenberger and Alex Epstein's talking points. Also FOLLOW THE MONEY- coastal elites like Jhn Kerry et al are heavily invested in back up energy because "renewables" are unreliable (think Brown outs in CA). It's all about the "priviledges making even more money and grabbing even more power. PLEASE Please bring this discussion out in the open. Thank you.
      Sincerely, Liz Rome

    • Gregg Zappone

      02/01/2021 09:19 PM


      I’ll get right to the point, but first know that I am an evangelical believer who loves our Lord, worships Him and His Word, and votes wherever possible for candidates who hold a biblical worldview, where God is the center of Truth; and when we honor and follow His Word we are blessed, and when we continue to disobey and reject Him, we reap depravity.

      I’m saddened and disappointed in your continued tact with the election—that it was stolen via widespread fraud. Trump had his many chances in our post-election process to legally challenge the election, and nothing stuck. The fact he had the best legal resources available (and $$) and was not able to make anything stick is indicative of the fact that there really was no evidence of widespread election fraud—and many of those law suits were adjudicated by conservative Republican-appointed judges. Trump truly did not have a leg to stand on, as the wholesale rejection of his lawsuits showed.

      The reality is we live in an evenly divided nation right now. Our presidential elections have been razor thin for a while now, not just 2020. We see the split division in the House and Senate as well—and have for years as it also has teetered between D & R control.

      In the spirit of Romans 13:1-5, and given Trump’s wholesale failure at providing evidence of widespread fraud on a scale large enough to change the election outcome--and this through our entire legal system--it is right for us to “give credence to” the outcome of this election, and stop with the quite harmful seeds of conspiracy theory.

      It is time to SWITCH THE DIALOG to the fact that we have indeed put a liberal in the president's office—and lost control of the Senate—all because we are that evenly split as a nation. It’s time to pray for wisdom and influence in promoting a biblical worldview, which is how we will change the evenly balanced electorate away from humanism (liberalism).


    • Lisa napier

      02/01/2021 09:06 PM

      No never

    • Linda Aman

      02/01/2021 09:06 PM

      I will never accept him as president. The best I can do is thief-in-chief, as I watch him and the democrats destroy our great country. They literally make me sick.

    • Ken Truell

      02/01/2021 08:55 PM


      While I did not take part in your survey you can add me and my wife Jan to your 94% total. We are very concerned about the direction Mr. Biden is dragging this country. We have shown our displeasure by abandoning companies that have become hostile to Conservatives as best we can. My greatest disappointment has been my reach out to local Republican offices in order to volunteer and have received no interest at all. Any connections with anyone in the state of Georgia that I can work with?


    • Wendy Liu

      02/01/2021 08:53 PM

      Joe Biden, the puppet, fake president, will NEVER be MY president. This election was rigged and stolen from the true president, President Trump!!!!

    • Paul Ferguson

      02/01/2021 08:36 PM

      I look forward to your articles morning and evening. You say so well what I am thinking but have a hard time articulating, and you do it with humor. Thank you so much. It's so refreshing in this world of crap and lies we are living through.
      Keep it up, please.

    • Marcia Meaghet

      02/01/2021 08:35 PM

      Not my president.

    • Glenn Hamilton

      02/01/2021 08:27 PM

      Mike, your point of view is priceless, and even inspiring during this most trying time. I’ve been struggling to comprehend the dynamics in play during the “peaceful transition “ , and I think most of all realize that these unprecedented actions by the president “elect”, the speaker of the house, and now the senate majority leader are downright predictable and scary. Where does this stop? We see that they accuse the conservatives of exactly what they are doing. How far are they willing to push it?

    • Virginia (JENNY) Shumate

      02/01/2021 08:27 PM

      Love the way you look at things and the way you write, Mike Huckabee. Appreciate your humor all the way through such serious and crazy times we are going through. Your words are informative, to the point, ACCURATE, full of common sense and courage and most of all, I just feel like I've known you all my life. Thank you for your dedication to the freedom of this country and your fellow Americans. We need YOU to continue to reach out to us, keep us informed and encouraged and enlightened and Laughing....and looking to our REAL HOME, which is not here on this earth. Just wanted you to know how much you are loved and appreciated. May God richly bless you and your family. JENNY SHUMATE

    • Kimberly Wohletz

      02/01/2021 08:26 PM

      What do those of us who voted for Trump and see that we are being canceled supposed to do now?

    • Janet Ford

      02/01/2021 08:25 PM

      Dear Governor,
      You write beautifully and your words express exactly how I am feeling... it’s good to know others’ understand my feelings at this very sad time in our country’s history. Thank you.

    • Emma Lambert

      02/01/2021 08:23 PM

      I’m among the 94%. Biden is president in title only. It is hard for me to comprehend all the lies and evil deeds that have transpired during the 2020 election and the past four years. There seems to be no consequences for these misconceptions that have poisoned people’s minds. I think of all the evils I want for these evil doers. Then, I have to ask God for forgiveness and rely on God’s word in Romans 12:19. I enjoy your truthful articles. Keep them coming!

    • Ralph Norman

      02/01/2021 08:21 PM

      what's amazing is to watch the left and media make statements such as don't publish books by GOP or conservatives or don't honor their degrees at certain facilities, then why don't those on the right come back and start the same rhetoric, no one on the right buy books by that publisher, then no one on the right will donate or support or attend those universities that are so ignorant with their bias comments, who is the sanctimonious left and media that believe they control any of their nonsense, it's only controllable if citizens with basic logic put up with it, it's absurd what the democrat party has gotten away with for the past 10 years especially

    • Diane E Monroe

      02/01/2021 08:13 PM

      The situation we are in is nearing insanity but day by day more truth is revealed. No, that person Joseph Biden will not be accepted as he is clearly a criminal with a criminal family.

    • Ellen Klapperich

      02/01/2021 08:13 PM

      The poll results are just as suspected. The distrust that has been fomented will have lasting effects. How can we trust any election from here on out? And shutting us down through deplatforming and censoring is mind boggling. Quite audacious to say the least.

    • Marco A Arboleda

      02/01/2021 08:11 PM

      Add me in the NO list

    • Roger Bangs

      02/01/2021 08:11 PM

      Just wondering if anyone who voted for Biden is now having BUYERS REMORSE!

    • Vickie Devaughn

      02/01/2021 08:09 PM

      I will NEVER accept Biden as president. DONALD J. TRUMP won this election and he is and will always be MY President!!
      I will not accept anything from the left.

    • JoAnn

      02/01/2021 08:08 PM

      He took the pipeline out with his signature and now people 11000 will not be able to make mortgage or send their. Children to college

    • Linda Tech

      02/01/2021 08:08 PM

      Mike, I’m always uplifted by your wisdom. That said, where do we go from here? There are so many out there asking for money to help the cause of bringing back power to the right and fixing election integrity, it’s hard to know which ones are actually going to do the job and which are scams. Please help direct our efforts and our contributions!

    • William Barnett

      02/01/2021 08:02 PM

      He will never be my president he's a nut

    • James Parker

      02/01/2021 07:58 PM

      94% reject Biden so what your telling me is that 4% of the population in America voted for Biden, and he Still won the popular vote along with the electoral college. I say “BullShit”. Election Stolen!!