Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

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Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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July 6, 2021

How can we all be so connected, and our government be so disconnected?

One of the benefits of living in the 21st century is that thanks to jet travel and the Internet, I constantly talk to Americans from every state and every walk of life. And believe me, they are not shy about sharing their opinions. It gives me a perspective that I wish more of our politicians and media people inside the Beltway Bubble could experience.

According to a recent Reuters Institute and University of Oxford survey, America ranked last among 46 nations in public trust in the news media. If I had to explain that subterranean approval rating in one word, it would be “disconnection.” I don’t think there’s ever been a time when the people in the media were so out of touch with the people they’re supposed to be serving (you’d think the shock they experienced on Election night 2016 would’ve caused them to reflect a bit and make some changes, but they only doubled down on the demonizing of people they never talk to.) They apparently really believed in 2016 that when voters asked for “change,” they wanted bigger deficits and a bloated, more powerful regulatory state. Trust me, based on what they told me, they did not. And they didn’t think they were getting that when they voted for Biden, either. They’re angry now because many believe they’re the victims of a bait-and-switch con.

If you ask most Americans what they want from government, it’s not to have every aspect of their lives regulated and “transformed,” including those that worked a lot better before the government “improved” them. They don’t want 2,000-page bills nobody’s read, or bureaucrats telling them which doctor they can see or how much money they’re allowed to make. The list of what most Americans say they want from government is actually pretty short: national defense, secure borders, safe streets; smooth highways; health care for veterans, seniors, children, the disabled (all those who genuinely can’t help themselves); good schools, firefighters and (yes) police – now more than ever - and it would be nice if the trash were picked up on time. That’s about it.

Yet somehow, the government finds so many ways to meddle in our lives that federal, state and local government spending combined now equals about 40 percent of America’s entire gross domestic product. And in some big cities, they don’t pick up the garbage at all. They just let people live in it.

In poll after poll, despite claims that socialism is on the rise, most Americans say they want less government and less spending. Even those who say they want government handouts like “Medicare For All” abruptly change their tunes when told what it will do to their tax bills and quality of services. They don’t give a hoot what the talking heads or the endlessly-surprised economists or the “too-big-to-fail” Wall Street failures say: they want government out of their lives, out of their wallets and out of their way.

Sadly, whenever political candidates support that philosophy, their opponents and the media paint them as cold-hearted and uncaring. Compassion has been redefined as the willingness to spend limitless amounts of other people’s money. The media also devote almost no time to examining political philosophies and a lot of time to gotcha games, gaffes, fake news and who’s ahead in the horse race.

But the horse is now out of the barn. For eight years, Americans experienced firsthand the results of so-called “progressive” policies. Government out of control, a health care boondoggle two-thirds of us didn’t want, and the economy still struggling long after it should’ve roared back.

The Election of 2016 was not a surprise to me. I predicted it months in advance because, unlike so many people who claim to represent or report on the American people, I actually talk to – and more importantly, listen to - people. Things were turning around quite well before a pandemic artificially shut down the economy and people let the media bamboozle them into blaming Trump and thinking they’d be bringing back moderation and “normality” if they elected Biden.

Now, they find themselves stuck with a combination of Obama and Jimmy Carter times 10. This isn’t what they voted for, but they’re getting it good and hard.

I predict that, despite the media’s best efforts to bamboozle us, politicians who try to sell Americans on socialistic, big government policies will eventually fail, for the same reason that a used car salesman has a hard time selling a lemon to the same customer twice. I think those politicians know it, too; hence their desperation to take over elections so they can control the results. I also predict that politicians who were elected on a promise not to “fundamentally transform” America will remain in office only as long as they remember that Americans did not elect them to turn the United States into Venezuela.

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Comments 26-37 of 37

  • James Lee Walls, Jr.(U.S.Navy Ret.)

    07/06/2021 08:50 PM

    I cannot believe there are now folks out there who claim "if I had known" I would not voted for him. REALLY!!! They where drinking the cool aid. GOD bless, but the damage is done. They know but now trying to hedge the bet. Jim


    07/06/2021 08:47 PM

    "Now, they find themselves stuck with a combination of Obama and Jimmy Carter times 10. This isn’t what they voted for, but they’re getting it good and hard."

    But, this *is* what they voted for. Anyone who still votes for Democrats or RINOs is getting exactly what they voted for. There is no pretending otherwise, and there is no excuse for being uninformed at this point. Both parties have failed us miserably, and evil is spreading.

    The only way this ends:
    1) Rank-and-file Americans come to grips with the fact that we must cut off the money that feeds this mess -- including search engines, social media channels, all mainstream media, and "activist" corporations and advertisers;
    2) Rank-and-file Americans decide not to vote, AT ALL, unless candidates toe the line when it comes to putting America first. No one should vote for any candidate just because he or she is one of only two choices on a ballot (Think: would you purchase a pair of shoes if all the stores carried only Size 2 or Size 16? Most people would not ... they'd leave the store in hopes of finding one that carried shoes closer to their size). We should demand candidates who put our country first, or reject them all; or
    3) Communism takes hold in certain parts of our country. The rest of the country resists. This will not end well.

    I'm really praying for scenarios #1 and #2. But #3 is coming fast. We all should pray for God's mercy, as well as the Holy Spirit to guide every one of our decisions.

  • Melinda Smith

    07/06/2021 08:40 PM

    How can the mainstream media be allowed to operate when it is supposed to be a free and fair press? Once they stopped operating as fair and became an arm of the democrat party they should have had their licenses yanked. The right of free speech does not allow the media to intentionally lie, deceive and mislead the public.

  • Sheldon E Russell

    07/06/2021 08:33 PM

    Amen Brother, Preach it. Unless the Lord comes back before the next election, I really hope and pray that We The People "get" it, pay attention, and realize the life or death of our great nation is in our hands (Vote), and we put "real" American patriots into office who will fight for us and our nation, no matter the cost.

  • Ricky Ledford

    07/06/2021 06:49 PM

    Please spend time explaining why what you said is true. Why do large “produce nothing” corporations, wealthy owned news outlets, and many politicians all want to dismantle government of, by, and for the people?

  • MO

    07/06/2021 06:08 PM

    What Government? The people that stole this election are running free and not one damn repub said this is a con job and not allow it to go this far. I am ashamed of this countries so called leaders. You all do this with yourself coming first above country.

  • Cesar Queirolo

    08/10/2020 05:18 PM

    sadly, it is not the politicians selling the socialist ideas but the Education authorities through schools and Universities brainwashing them with fallacies. But it is also true that parents have a great deal of responsibilities educating their children. I learned early aged that if I wanted anything in life, I must earn it with the sweat of my forehead. I do not care about politicians who talk about socialist ideas because they are against my personal values and ideas toward a free society

  • John Sita

    07/06/2020 03:54 PM

    Thanks for your insight, Mike.

  • Darlene Marchant

    07/06/2020 12:58 PM

    When will the Covid 19 Hoax be exposed?

  • James Edward Gosney

    07/06/2020 12:56 AM

    “ The list of what most Americans say they want from government is actually pretty short: national defense, secure borders, safe streets; smooth highways; health care for veterans, seniors, children, the disabled (all those who genuinely can’t help themselves); good schools, firefighters and (yes) police – now more than ever - and it would be nice if the trash were picked up on time. That’s about it.”

    Yep. The above is pretty much what I want from government. The bigger government gets, the wasteful and out of touch it becomes.

  • Rick May

    07/05/2020 01:36 PM

    Hi Governor... thanks for keeping us up on events. I know I can get the truth from your site.
    I’m a 5 generation Democrat and I do like several local ones, but I am so embarrassed by so many Democrats on the national level. They stand for nothing I was raised to believe in. My vote this fall will reflect that... keep up the good fight!


  • R. Ann Rall

    07/05/2020 01:33 PM

    I really wish at times that I could “share” your newsletters. My brain echoes with your assessments. For a moment or two, I feel reassured that I am not alone in my thoughts and/or opinions. I am part of the “Silent Majority”. Thank you so much!

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