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Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Three Stories Worth Reading

1. "When Paradise is Lost," by Col. Ken Allard.

2. "Anti-Semitism and Israel's Future," my latest video. 

3. Lawfare update: Judge Merchan and “Special Counsel” Smith seen for what they are.

Election News

The Democrats still have a chance to ruin everything!!!

July 12, 2021

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

My staff is taking a break to celebrate the Fourth of July with their families and enjoy a well-earned vacation week. 

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Philippians 4:19
  • VP Harris Uses A New Excuse
  • Un-American Display Of Political Prosecution
  • Branson Goes To The Edge Of Space
  • Update On The Lego Insurrection
  • Biden Finally Speaks Up On Cuba
  • Time To Celebrate


Mike Huckabee


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Philippians 4:19

VP Harris Uses A New Excuse

By Mike Huckabee

With polls showing that majorities of Americans back voter ID laws, including minorities, the Democrats are getting desperate to come up with reasons to oppose them. That led to VP Kamala Harris’ hilarious new excuse:

It’s “almost impossible” for us deprived folk out in the hinterlands to provide a copy of our IDs because we ain’t got none of them fancy photocopiers like the city slickers do.

Why, ‘round these h'yer parts, we ain’t even got toilet paper. We have to use the New York Times.

Un-American Display Of Political Prosecution

By Mike Huckabee

In an outrageous and un-American display of political prosecution, many people charged in the January 6th violence at the Capitol have been held for months in deplorable conditions without bail, at least one in solitary confinement, while known violent left-wing rioters who attacked police and burned and looted other federal buildings are being released back onto the streets.

I’m all for prosecuting anyone who committed violence at the Capitol to the full extent of the law, but laws should be applied equally, with “blind justice.” That’s why the statue of justice is wearing a blindfold, not a “Biden/Harris” T-shirt. But check out the official charges against one of the alleged “insurrectionists”:

Basically, he’s accused of stepping inside the Capitol, standing off to the side, looking around for 13 minutes, then leaving. Obviously, he’s Public Enemy #1!

To see the Banana Republic-style prosecutorial standards based on people’s political beliefs, check out this handy compare-and-contrast chart:

Branson Goes To The Edge Of Space

By Mike Huckabee

Sunday, billionaire Richard Branson joined five crewmembers in traveling aboard the private Virgin Galactic aircraft VSS Unity to the edge of space. The rocket plane reached an altitude of 53.3 miles, high enough for Branson and the crew to see the darkness of space and the curve of the Earth and to experience weightlessness for four minutes before returning safely to the ground.

Some might dismiss this as a stunt by billionaires with giant toys, but it actually represents the beginning of a new era in space travel: the first space tourist on a privately-owned air/spacecraft. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos plans to launch into space in a few days in a craft made by his company Blue Origin, and Elon Musk’s SpaceX is already taking astronauts and cargo to the space station and planning a trip to Mars.

As a boy, my heroes were the Apollo astronauts, and I’ve always been a big booster of NASA and space exploration, which has resulted in technological advancements in every walk of life, even those that have nothing to do with space. I don’t think I’ll be getting on one of those rockets myself, but I’m glad to see that someone is. And if it has to be billionaires who are shot into space first, then I have a few suggestions.

Update On The Lego Insurrection

By Mike Huckabee

The Biden DOJ retracted a claim that it seized a “fully-constructed Lego set” of the US Capitol from one of the accused January 6th rioters. They admitted that the Lego set was still in the box and not constructed. Oh, well in that case, maybe he’s not an insurrectionist!

Something tells me this has more to do with ending the tidal wave of jokes, memes and ridicule about the “Lego Insurrection.” I also suspect that it will not work.

Biden Finally Speaks Up On Cuba

By Mike Huckabee

“Better Late Than Never” Dept: President Biden finally broke his silence and issued a statement in support of Cuban pro-freedom protesters -- albeit with a muddying reference to the pandemic that suggests they're protesting COVID, too.

Nice words in condemning the deadly oppressive nature of communism that’s enslaved Cuba for decades, but how about some policies to back them up? Obama left the pro-freedom protesters of Iran hanging. Will Biden show more support for the Cuban freedom fighters when he won’t even stand up to the socialist radicals in his own party?

Time To Celebrate

By Mike Huckabee

Time to celebrate another long-overdue court victory for former President Trump and for free speech and the right to create political satire. With the New York State Supreme Court finally dismissing this frivolous lawsuit as the groundless assault on the First Amendment that it was, how long will it take Twitter to reinstate the meme’s creator who was banned simply for being falsely accused of “misappropriating” copyrighted content when it was a textbook case of "fair use"? He assumes “never.” In a just world, there would be a legitimate lawsuit in that.

For more political news, visit my website here.

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Comments 11-20 of 24

  • PAUL Schaber

    07/13/2021 10:20 AM

    Vice-President Harris, go get into your car without your Secret Service Detachment
    as you driving along get your lapdogs to count all the wireless G-5 towers belonging
    to corporations and then get out your car and go knock on one of the farms or
    people living in the country and ask them to show you all their electronic devices
    that own.

    For JOE BIDEN, if you do the same thing that your buddy did to the Iranians, when
    you where Vice-President and having your METHHEAD Son being the BAGMAN for
    selling influence to you. Your fellow democrats in those locations that have a majority
    of Latinos or Spanish speaking people. They know comes November 2022 or sooner,
    they know their political future is dead on arrival.

  • George A Reynolds

    07/13/2021 09:52 AM

    What does a photocopier have to do with voter ID? You get an ID card from DMV or some other government agency, and you show it (not a photocopy of it) when you go to vote. Does mail-in voting require a photocopy ID? I voted absentee when I was overseas in the, Army in southeast Asia (many years ago), but I don't remember having to photocopy an ID then.

  • Stephen Russell

    07/13/2021 09:36 AM

    Door 2 door:
    Plan use of volunteers for door 2 door vaccinations

  • Jerry

    07/13/2021 07:32 AM

    The MSM and biden's Collection of Socialism Activists are on full display by not covering the rejection of the Cuban Communist government by the Cuban citizens. The promise of Communist care giving has collapsed as everyone knew it would and Murder Theft Hunger incarseration just to protest has taken over just like the Left run American cities. If corrupt elections continue and Leftist take control one will not have to travel 90 miles to America Cuba will be America land of oppression famine and without freedom open your eyes Americans you are next to become a Communist. Reject the Left. today's Dems. are Communists disguised as Americans.

  • Paul Kern

    07/13/2021 01:14 AM

    When I was stationed in the Philippines mountain people would walk about 8 hours to attend the little Assembly of God Church I attended. One day they brought in a demon possessed woman. Pastor stopped his sermon and went down and cast the demons out and returned to his sermon. Using K's thinking Americans can't even drive a few miles to copy their ID and cast a legal ballot.


    07/12/2021 08:21 PM

    The Democrats say poor people are unable to get ID so it is discrimination against blacks/browns--- poor people are ALL COLORS, NOT JUST BLACK OR BROWN. I believe most poor people visit the Welfare Office for foodstamps or other services--Doesn't the Welfare Office issue an ID card or Medicaid card to their beneficiaries--couldn't Welfare put a photo on the ID. Low income people may be poor, but that does NOT make them too stupid to request an ID card. If there is a charge, I am sure Welfare would pay for this service. In the past, I have heard social service offices in cities with bus service have mailed bus tokens to people needing free transportation.

  • Sherry Lynn Stone

    07/12/2021 08:05 PM

    Why isn’t anyone doing anything to help those poor people that were arrested at the Capital? If the BLM rioters were let go, then the people at the Capital should be let go! This shouldn’t be allowed to continue any longer. It’s just as bad as the Japanese being held in internment camps!

  • Marie Barrett

    07/12/2021 06:39 PM

    When will someone create a GOFUNDME for the imprisoned political prisoners and lawyers of Jan 6th. I can not believe President Trump hasn't done this.

  • Floyd A Unger

    07/12/2021 06:28 PM

    Thank you….except for the Branson story……”Sheesh!”

  • William Fuhrer

    07/12/2021 06:12 PM

    Why doesn't Vice President Kamala Harris get an assistant or college student smarter than herself or on good at debate or public speaking or someone who really is good at getting political things done. Democrats must have people national too keep images at least on the average level

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