Today's News Stories

June 15, 2021

Today’s MUST-READ (and share): Fox News reports that Yeonmi Park came to America at age 13 as a defector from North Korea and was able to attend Ivy League Columbia University. Her verdict: the anti-American brainwashing there is worse than in North Korea.

She knew something was wrong on day one when she said at orientation that she liked the novels of Jane Austen and the instructor scolded her that writers of classic literature were racists and bigots and “had a colonial mindset.” She said the anti-American propaganda was like what she grew up with in North Korea. She was also attacked for not getting people’s “preferred pronouns” right when she was trying to speak in her third language.

Park, who had seen people die of starvation in front of her eyes, knows what real oppression is. But she said the Columbia students kept saying how oppressed they were and how much injustice they’d seen when they had no clue how great they had it. She said, "It was chaos. It felt like the regression in civilization…Even North Korea is not this nuts. North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy."

After a lot of arguments, she finally “learned how to just shut up,” maintain a high GPA and graduate. It’s tragic that she had to flee a totalitarian communist state seeking freedom, only to discover that our college campuses have become totalitarian communist states.

This story comes on the heels of another about a mom who survived Mao’s cultural revolution blasting her kids’ school for its “Critical Race Theory” brainwashing that’s eerily similar to China.

When refugees from communist states with no freedom can’t even tell the difference between our schools and the places they fled, it’s time for a “purge.” Not a communist-style purge, but a purge of the school officials who have turned America’s education system into indoctrination camps to brainwash kids into hating their own country.

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A bounce back?

Inconvenient Truth

Comments 11-20 of 71

  • chris vandoran

    06/16/2021 10:09 AM

    I believe this culture started at the top - Washington. The Dems are so scared of people having their own opinions that they've made people afraid to speak their 'true' minds. There's a lot to lose when go against the grain. This goes back so many years. I can remember problems dating back to the death of MLK, and that's when I think a lot of this started. It's just gotten worse and worse.


    06/16/2021 08:23 AM

    I saw an interview with her on Newsmax last night. Very alarming (among other things) going in our once great Country. And the beat goes on.
    Thank you for all you do to keep us up on things such as this.

  • Eric Lindell

    06/16/2021 07:57 AM

    I believe Communist indoctrination has been in our schools for more years than people realize. It was Satan's plan from the beginning when he got Supreme Court "justices" to remove everything involving God from public schools.

  • Pamela

    06/16/2021 06:11 AM

    Mr. Huckabee,
    Correction on the age of Ms. Park coming to America. She said yesterday in an interview that she was 21 not 13 when she came here.

  • Mary Euler

    06/16/2021 05:06 AM

    I am 74 years old and I hate to tell you this but out universities and colleges have been in their current dictatorial socialist/communist state long before now! I remember when taking my undergraduate classes the accusations of having a colonial mindset was bantered around by the instructors. I knew it was suppose to "mean" something but I never put it together. They never equated the terms bigots and racists but the progression of the "education" indoctrination system since then has not surprised me. Through the Grace of God I was educated from K through 12 in Catholic Schools before I was subjected to a Public College/University. I too over time learned to "keep my mouth shut and opinions to myself" in order to get my degree. In allowing this to go on the people that were like this from my generation have led and trained the ones currently leading all the ones currently causing our difficulties now. I refused to pay for any education of my children and grand children that chose to go to those institutions that propagate this sort of education. Today to graduate from all the "Ivy League" schools only brands the graduates as "brainwashed". Not an honor in my book. Now it is up to those of us that has not stopped this to start doing so. Pushing back works in the education arena as well as political. We need to take back our schools too!

  • Janice Hamman

    06/16/2021 02:13 AM

    We have got to get rid of these teachers who are brain washing children even if they have to be home school or put in church affiliated schools. These teachers aren't teaching and need to be fired, but their union probably wouldn't allow it. I worked in a middle school a few years ago. In the office one day, I heard that the teachers teach to the test so the school will get more money. They don't teach children to think but to be sheep. The schools weren't like this years ago when I was teaching.

  • Sandy Puckett

    06/15/2021 11:52 PM

    Fox made a mistake that didn't get corrected in your clip. I believe she said that she came to America when she was 21...not 13. She escaped N. Korea and went to China and later went to S. Korea before coming to America. I watched a 2 hour interview with her and Jordan Peterson. She's an amazing woman. She said that her time at Columbia University was a complete waste of time and money because of all of the indoctrination. The interview with Mr. Peterson was long but very interesting and can be watched in smaller increments if desired. It was well worth it.

  • Kay Scherting

    06/15/2021 09:40 PM

    How…how do we change this craziness???

  • HelenC

    06/15/2021 09:29 PM

    One person speaking up won’t do the job of changing what misinformation schools r indoctrinating their students. Sending your children to these schools has to stop. Home school them. There is a support system that helps you. Schools r cesspools of indoctrination. Your kids can’t do your job.

  • Tracey Donovan

    06/15/2021 08:50 PM

    Mr. Huckabee,
    Where do we each and everyone of us do something to change our current dire situation in our education system? If each of us does just one thing that might cause a small ripple, this may cause a wave of change. America is strong and united we stand. We must all do something for our children and grandchildren’s future.

Election 2024 Coverage

June 15, 2021

Today’s MUST-READ (and share): Fox News reports that Yeonmi Park came to America at age 13 as a defector from North Korea and was able to attend Ivy League Columbia University. Her verdict: the anti-American brainwashing there is worse than in North Korea.

She knew something was wrong on day one when she said at orientation that she liked the novels of Jane Austen and the instructor scolded her that writers of classic literature were racists and bigots and “had a colonial mindset.” She said the anti-American propaganda was like what she grew up with in North Korea. She was also attacked for not getting people’s “preferred pronouns” right when she was trying to speak in her third language.

Park, who had seen people die of starvation in front of her eyes, knows what real oppression is. But she said the Columbia students kept saying how oppressed they were and how much injustice they’d seen when they had no clue how great they had it. She said, "It was chaos. It felt like the regression in civilization…Even North Korea is not this nuts. North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy."

After a lot of arguments, she finally “learned how to just shut up,” maintain a high GPA and graduate. It’s tragic that she had to flee a totalitarian communist state seeking freedom, only to discover that our college campuses have become totalitarian communist states.

This story comes on the heels of another about a mom who survived Mao’s cultural revolution blasting her kids’ school for its “Critical Race Theory” brainwashing that’s eerily similar to China.

When refugees from communist states with no freedom can’t even tell the difference between our schools and the places they fled, it’s time for a “purge.” Not a communist-style purge, but a purge of the school officials who have turned America’s education system into indoctrination camps to brainwash kids into hating their own country.

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A bounce back?

Inconvenient Truth

Comments 11-20 of 71

  • chris vandoran

    06/16/2021 10:09 AM

    I believe this culture started at the top - Washington. The Dems are so scared of people having their own opinions that they've made people afraid to speak their 'true' minds. There's a lot to lose when go against the grain. This goes back so many years. I can remember problems dating back to the death of MLK, and that's when I think a lot of this started. It's just gotten worse and worse.


    06/16/2021 08:23 AM

    I saw an interview with her on Newsmax last night. Very alarming (among other things) going in our once great Country. And the beat goes on.
    Thank you for all you do to keep us up on things such as this.

  • Eric Lindell

    06/16/2021 07:57 AM

    I believe Communist indoctrination has been in our schools for more years than people realize. It was Satan's plan from the beginning when he got Supreme Court "justices" to remove everything involving God from public schools.

  • Pamela

    06/16/2021 06:11 AM

    Mr. Huckabee,
    Correction on the age of Ms. Park coming to America. She said yesterday in an interview that she was 21 not 13 when she came here.

  • Mary Euler

    06/16/2021 05:06 AM

    I am 74 years old and I hate to tell you this but out universities and colleges have been in their current dictatorial socialist/communist state long before now! I remember when taking my undergraduate classes the accusations of having a colonial mindset was bantered around by the instructors. I knew it was suppose to "mean" something but I never put it together. They never equated the terms bigots and racists but the progression of the "education" indoctrination system since then has not surprised me. Through the Grace of God I was educated from K through 12 in Catholic Schools before I was subjected to a Public College/University. I too over time learned to "keep my mouth shut and opinions to myself" in order to get my degree. In allowing this to go on the people that were like this from my generation have led and trained the ones currently leading all the ones currently causing our difficulties now. I refused to pay for any education of my children and grand children that chose to go to those institutions that propagate this sort of education. Today to graduate from all the "Ivy League" schools only brands the graduates as "brainwashed". Not an honor in my book. Now it is up to those of us that has not stopped this to start doing so. Pushing back works in the education arena as well as political. We need to take back our schools too!

  • Janice Hamman

    06/16/2021 02:13 AM

    We have got to get rid of these teachers who are brain washing children even if they have to be home school or put in church affiliated schools. These teachers aren't teaching and need to be fired, but their union probably wouldn't allow it. I worked in a middle school a few years ago. In the office one day, I heard that the teachers teach to the test so the school will get more money. They don't teach children to think but to be sheep. The schools weren't like this years ago when I was teaching.

  • Sandy Puckett

    06/15/2021 11:52 PM

    Fox made a mistake that didn't get corrected in your clip. I believe she said that she came to America when she was 21...not 13. She escaped N. Korea and went to China and later went to S. Korea before coming to America. I watched a 2 hour interview with her and Jordan Peterson. She's an amazing woman. She said that her time at Columbia University was a complete waste of time and money because of all of the indoctrination. The interview with Mr. Peterson was long but very interesting and can be watched in smaller increments if desired. It was well worth it.

  • Kay Scherting

    06/15/2021 09:40 PM

    How…how do we change this craziness???

  • HelenC

    06/15/2021 09:29 PM

    One person speaking up won’t do the job of changing what misinformation schools r indoctrinating their students. Sending your children to these schools has to stop. Home school them. There is a support system that helps you. Schools r cesspools of indoctrination. Your kids can’t do your job.

  • Tracey Donovan

    06/15/2021 08:50 PM

    Mr. Huckabee,
    Where do we each and everyone of us do something to change our current dire situation in our education system? If each of us does just one thing that might cause a small ripple, this may cause a wave of change. America is strong and united we stand. We must all do something for our children and grandchildren’s future.

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    Latest News

    June 15, 2021

    Today’s MUST-READ (and share): Fox News reports that Yeonmi Park came to America at age 13 as a defector from North Korea and was able to attend Ivy League Columbia University. Her verdict: the anti-American brainwashing there is worse than in North Korea.

    She knew something was wrong on day one when she said at orientation that she liked the novels of Jane Austen and the instructor scolded her that writers of classic literature were racists and bigots and “had a colonial mindset.” She said the anti-American propaganda was like what she grew up with in North Korea. She was also attacked for not getting people’s “preferred pronouns” right when she was trying to speak in her third language.

    Park, who had seen people die of starvation in front of her eyes, knows what real oppression is. But she said the Columbia students kept saying how oppressed they were and how much injustice they’d seen when they had no clue how great they had it. She said, "It was chaos. It felt like the regression in civilization…Even North Korea is not this nuts. North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy."

    After a lot of arguments, she finally “learned how to just shut up,” maintain a high GPA and graduate. It’s tragic that she had to flee a totalitarian communist state seeking freedom, only to discover that our college campuses have become totalitarian communist states.

    This story comes on the heels of another about a mom who survived Mao’s cultural revolution blasting her kids’ school for its “Critical Race Theory” brainwashing that’s eerily similar to China.

    When refugees from communist states with no freedom can’t even tell the difference between our schools and the places they fled, it’s time for a “purge.” Not a communist-style purge, but a purge of the school officials who have turned America’s education system into indoctrination camps to brainwash kids into hating their own country.

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    More Stories

    A bounce back?

    Inconvenient Truth

    Comments 11-20 of 71

    • chris vandoran

      06/16/2021 10:09 AM

      I believe this culture started at the top - Washington. The Dems are so scared of people having their own opinions that they've made people afraid to speak their 'true' minds. There's a lot to lose when go against the grain. This goes back so many years. I can remember problems dating back to the death of MLK, and that's when I think a lot of this started. It's just gotten worse and worse.


      06/16/2021 08:23 AM

      I saw an interview with her on Newsmax last night. Very alarming (among other things) going in our once great Country. And the beat goes on.
      Thank you for all you do to keep us up on things such as this.

    • Eric Lindell

      06/16/2021 07:57 AM

      I believe Communist indoctrination has been in our schools for more years than people realize. It was Satan's plan from the beginning when he got Supreme Court "justices" to remove everything involving God from public schools.

    • Pamela

      06/16/2021 06:11 AM

      Mr. Huckabee,
      Correction on the age of Ms. Park coming to America. She said yesterday in an interview that she was 21 not 13 when she came here.

    • Mary Euler

      06/16/2021 05:06 AM

      I am 74 years old and I hate to tell you this but out universities and colleges have been in their current dictatorial socialist/communist state long before now! I remember when taking my undergraduate classes the accusations of having a colonial mindset was bantered around by the instructors. I knew it was suppose to "mean" something but I never put it together. They never equated the terms bigots and racists but the progression of the "education" indoctrination system since then has not surprised me. Through the Grace of God I was educated from K through 12 in Catholic Schools before I was subjected to a Public College/University. I too over time learned to "keep my mouth shut and opinions to myself" in order to get my degree. In allowing this to go on the people that were like this from my generation have led and trained the ones currently leading all the ones currently causing our difficulties now. I refused to pay for any education of my children and grand children that chose to go to those institutions that propagate this sort of education. Today to graduate from all the "Ivy League" schools only brands the graduates as "brainwashed". Not an honor in my book. Now it is up to those of us that has not stopped this to start doing so. Pushing back works in the education arena as well as political. We need to take back our schools too!

    • Janice Hamman

      06/16/2021 02:13 AM

      We have got to get rid of these teachers who are brain washing children even if they have to be home school or put in church affiliated schools. These teachers aren't teaching and need to be fired, but their union probably wouldn't allow it. I worked in a middle school a few years ago. In the office one day, I heard that the teachers teach to the test so the school will get more money. They don't teach children to think but to be sheep. The schools weren't like this years ago when I was teaching.

    • Sandy Puckett

      06/15/2021 11:52 PM

      Fox made a mistake that didn't get corrected in your clip. I believe she said that she came to America when she was 21...not 13. She escaped N. Korea and went to China and later went to S. Korea before coming to America. I watched a 2 hour interview with her and Jordan Peterson. She's an amazing woman. She said that her time at Columbia University was a complete waste of time and money because of all of the indoctrination. The interview with Mr. Peterson was long but very interesting and can be watched in smaller increments if desired. It was well worth it.

    • Kay Scherting

      06/15/2021 09:40 PM

      How…how do we change this craziness???

    • HelenC

      06/15/2021 09:29 PM

      One person speaking up won’t do the job of changing what misinformation schools r indoctrinating their students. Sending your children to these schools has to stop. Home school them. There is a support system that helps you. Schools r cesspools of indoctrination. Your kids can’t do your job.

    • Tracey Donovan

      06/15/2021 08:50 PM

      Mr. Huckabee,
      Where do we each and everyone of us do something to change our current dire situation in our education system? If each of us does just one thing that might cause a small ripple, this may cause a wave of change. America is strong and united we stand. We must all do something for our children and grandchildren’s future.