Today's News Stories

January 25, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Sarah for Governor
  • Let's call this "the Democracy Destruction Act of 2021"
  • What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
  • Companies That Don't Discriminate Against Conservatives
  • Bible Verse Of The Day


Mike Huckabee

Sarah for Governor

By Mike Huckabee

A truly remarkable lady just announced she's running for my old job. It comes with the same gov't housing she grew up in. Watch the video. Support her w/ prayer & contributions! 

She's running to be first woman Governor of Arkansas. But it's not about her gender, but a lifetime of preparation. She's smart & compassionate, but fearless for what's right. Join the fight! Contribute now!



Let's call this "the Democracy Destruction Act of 2021"

By Mike Huckabee

First, a surprise, as who would've thought the best video shown all weekend would be on ABC’s Sunday show with George Stephanopoulos?

Not because of Stephanopoulos, of course, but of how Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul responded to him after being asked the leading, litmus-test question, “This election was not stolen. Do you accept that fact?”

To his everlasting credit, Sen. Paul did not play along with the Leftist Inquisition, saying instead that “the debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur,” that there was never any presentation in court of the evidence and that lawsuits were dismissed not for lack of evidence but “for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question.”

Sen. Paul detailed some of the “clearly” unconstitutional ways in which laws were changed by courts and secretaries of state –- as opposed to state legislatures –- before November. He said there was still a chance that “some of these actually do work their way up to the Supreme Court.”

"...Yes, were there people who voted twice? Were there dead people who voted? Were there illegal aliens who voted? Yes, and we should get to the bottom of it.” There’s also the failure to purge voter rolls of ineligible people.

Stephanopoulos was having none of it, of course, and kept interrupting. “No election is perfect,” he said, “but there were 86 challenges filed by President Trump and his allies in court; all were dismissed.” (He apparently didn’t hear Sen. Paul just explain why they were dismissed.)

"Can’t you just say the words, that this election was not stolen?” Stephanopoulos insisted.

Sen. Paul did not cave to the pressure and left it an open question. “What I would suggest is that if we want greater confidence in our elections, and 75 percent of Republicans agree with me, is that we do need to look at election integrity...”

"Well, 75 percent of Republicans agree with you because they were fed a BIG LIE by President Trump and his supporters, who say the election was stolen,” Stephanopoulos replied in his usual role of Democrat Party shill. “Why can’t you say, ‘President Biden won a legitimate and fair election’?”

Paul called him out on this: “George, where you make a mistake is that people coming from the liberal side like you, you immediately say everything’s a lie instead of saying there’s two sides to everything...”

This went round and round, with Stephanopoulos using faulty logic to say that because the election was “certified,” it wasn’t stolen. Paul went into the specifics of what happened illegally in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

"I plan on spending the next two years going around from state to state and fixing these problems,” Paul said, “and I won’t be cowed by liberals in the media who say, ‘There’s no evidence here –- you’re a liar if you talk about election fraud!’ No, let’s have an open debate; it’s a free country.”

Stephanopoulos continued with his “These go to 11” responses (see the movie SPINAL TAP if you don’t get the reference), and was so sure there is no room for the slightest question that he even said “there are NOT two sides” to this story. Paul never backed down. “You’re forgetting who you are as a journalist,” he told Stephanpoulos. (Unintentional humor alert: Sen. Paul refers to Stephanopoulos as a journalist.) This is must-see video; the entire segment with transcript is here.

Now, to the main story: House Democrats are already trying to codify all the voting irregularities Sen. Paul was talking about into law, to essentially make it impossible to verify future elections. Everything to raise cheating to an art form is here in HR 1, “the Democracy Restoration Act of 2021,” their very first bill: nationwide mail-in ballots, unrestricted ballot harvesting, the end of voter ID, convicted criminals eligible to vote and much, much more.

I have a better name for this: “the Democracy Destruction Act of 2021.” Indeed, POPULIST PRESS describes this as “the bill that will destroy America.” We can only hope that SCOTUS will see it that way, too, as its infringement upon state legislatures is hugely, wildly, unmistakably unconstitutional.

This bill essentially requires every state to do away with their own rules for elections. No state gets to require more than the last four digits of a Social Security number, for example. Every state must accept internet-only registration, including the signature. Every state must have automatic registration to vote (“motor voter”) unless the individual specifically declines it. Every state has to allow 16-year-olds to go ahead and register to vote, though states won’t have to let them vote until they’re 18 –- so one might infer that voting at 16 is an option for states that want it. All states must allow anyone to register the same day as an election.

It goes on. In no state may a person other than a state or local election official call for voter rolls to be brought up to date, the way Tom Fitton and others have been doing in some states. In all states, everyone convicted of any crime –- yes, murder –- has the right to vote and must be so notified in writing.

All states must have a period of early voting. All states must participate in uniform absentee balloting. This is nationwide mail-in voting. Relative to that, “a state may not require an individual to provide any form of identification as a condition of obtaining an absentee ballot...” other than just a signature or “similar affirmation.”

Here’s something reminiscent of Wisconsin’s recent success with all those dropboxes: A voter can “designate any person to return a voted and sealed absentee ballot to the post office, a ballot drop-off location, tribally designated building or election office so long as the person designated to return the ballot does not receive any compensation based on the number of ballots the person has returned...” (It says nothing about the voters receiving compensation, haha.) There is no limit on the number of voted-and-sealed ballots a “designated person” can return. What could possibly go wrong?

There’s much more, including the “roadmap” for DC statehood and what appears to be a complete congressional takeover of redistricting. They’ve thought of everything.

I’ve saved perhaps the most chilling for last: SEC. 3201 NATIONAL STRATEGY TO PROTECT UNITED STATES DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS. This calls for the President, in consultation with various Cabinet members and agency officials, to develop over the next year a plan to deal with a number of possible occurrences, including an “influence operation” or “disinformation campaign” that could cause the “erosion of public trust” or undermine the “security and integrity of United States democratic institutions.” Gosh, isn't Twitter already doing that?

I don't see how this gets a thumbs-up from the Supreme Court, but if it does, we’re finished. Why, depending on what the President and his advisers decided, Sen. Paul might not be allowed to question an election at all. And when George Stephanopoulos asked him if it was stolen, he might have to answer, “No, sir, it was perfectly secure and honest.” For the good of the democracy, you know.



What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

By Mike Huckabee

Among President Biden’s flurry of mind boggling executive orders is one that rescinds Trump’s order to keep China from being involved in America’s power grid.

Biden also intends to go back to the failed Obama “catch and release” immigration program, instead of keeping migrants on the Mexican side of the border while their claims to enter the US are being processed. Biden had a phone call with Mexico’s President, who, while trying to remain diplomatic, seemingly conveyed that he agreed with Trump’s plan. What Biden denounced as Trump’s “draconian immigration policies” actually helped both the US and Mexico. They kept illegal immigrants from being released in America, never to show up for their court dates, and they discouraged migrants from Central America from crossing through Mexico to get here.

Biden’s genius plan for stopping illegal immigration is to send $4 billion of our tax money to Central America to address the “root causes” of illegal immigration. I’m sure that money will end up going only into the most efficient and productive areas to aid the people, and will not be pocketed by corrupt officials and powerful drug gangs. A policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute called $4 billion a nice start, but only that. Spoken like a true Democrat.

Or maybe Biden’s genius plan is to kill so many jobs and take away so many freedoms in America that migrants will decide they’d rather just stay in Honduras or El Salvador. If so, he’s certainly off to a good start.

Companies That Don't Discriminate Against Conservatives

By Mike Huckabee

While it’s a great idea for conservatives to let companies that cave to the leftist mobs know they’re sacrificing millions of customers over the bleating of a handful of radicals on Twitter and that you will take your dollars elsewhere if they don’t grow a spine and stop it, it’s also important that conservatives flex their economic power by patronizing companies that don’t target, insult and demonize them.

For instance (and I hope they forgive me for putting them on the spot by praising them), Costco announced that it has no intention of violating its contracts with MyPillow over CEO Mike Lindell’s skepticism of the 2020 election results, unlike Kohl’s, Bed Bath & Beyond and Wayfair.

A Costco rep said, “We have contractual commitments to MyPillow that we intend to honor, as we seek to do with all of our suppliers.” Why, it’s almost as if they were running a business, not a Stalinist purge!

(Incidentally, if you’re wondering why I would link to what the left calls a “rightwing conspiracy site” – Gateway Pundit – rather than the source of their story,, it’s because the GP story is far more accurate and objective. The MSN site is filled with disproven claims and overheated propaganda, even tarring Lindell because MyPillow advertises on Fox News.)

Along those same lines, here are 17 companies you can support that don’t discriminate against conservatives.

And a link to our recent entertainment gift guide, if you’d like to support entertainers who don’t go around calling conservatives Nazis and demanding they be put in concentration camps (I never said Hollywood stars were history students.)




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Comments 26-39 of 39

  • April Stussy

    01/25/2021 03:42 PM

    Sarah For Governor!!! Sign me up!!!

    I am a fan of the entire Huckabee family, and have been since the 90s when we moved from Little Rock to Texarkana and learned more about y’all.
    I remember Janet from working at St. Michael’s hospital.
    I was all in for you as Governor & as presidential candidate.
    You continue to encourage me because you don’t apologize for worshiping our Creator/Savior & speaking truth.
    I just want to say “well done” with Sarah!

  • Sondra Andersen

    01/25/2021 03:40 PM

    Being Arkansas residents, we are thrilled that Sarah intends to run for governor. Personally, I can currently get interested in the politics here in the state.
    The 17 conservative list is not very helpful for our area because there is no Cosco rather than Walmart...nor Goya Foods, and I'm sorry to say...nor Sheetz. Is there any good news for Parler now? I surely have no wish to take up nicotine products in order to support a conservative...nor am I in a category for fishing/hunting products...nor even for self protection , being a little old lady with a broken back , however patched up with plasty. But we are hanging in there due to knowing God is in charge and providing what we need!

  • Floyd Unger

    01/25/2021 03:36 PM


  • Carol LeQuieu

    01/25/2021 03:31 PM

    The Democrats continue to drag us conservatives and our President Trump through the mud, kicking us while we are down, demoralizing us, destroying our communication sources with each other, so they can prevent us from having any resources to “turn the tables on them”, using the same tactics they have unleashed on Trump and us. How can 75 million of us, spread over the great land mass of this, our country, One Nation Under God, form a united force to push back and overcome the evils of the Democrats?
    Yes, I believe God is in control; I pray; I sign online petitions sent to members of Congress.
    What more can I do to make an urgent difference?

  • Greg Jackson

    01/25/2021 03:23 PM

    The list of companies that support conservatives is missing an one: Lowe's, which supports military Veterans.

    With proof of military service (DD-214) to register, and showing one's retired ID at the register, veterans a get 10% discount. Our local Lowe's also has 4 designated parking slots for Veterans, and there are also other slots designated specifically for Combat Wounded Veterans.

  • LaVon WALKER

    01/25/2021 03:14 PM

    US - 74 million who voted for Trump - need a list of the banks refusing to do business with the Trumps ................. to be sure US - 74 million - do not have accounts - credit cards - business accounts - or do any business with those BANKS

  • Jacqueline Stidham

    01/25/2021 03:13 PM

    I'm so happy Sarah has decided to run especially after all she's been through the last couple of years. I have dubbed her my "New Hope"...shameless Star Wars reference. This is the best news I've had in a week. Thank you Sarah and Good Luck-!

  • Paul Kern

    01/25/2021 02:50 PM

    It is very unsettling 1984 being put into law now. So-called church leaders are calling for prayer so God will "bless" an illegal and a Marxist government. One that is making new laws just like Hitler, Stalin, and the CCP did. Have they become Red
    Letter Christians?
    Now the UN has an upcoming conference in order to start the Great Reset and take charge off thw world. The first step is almost complete. Demoralize and destroy America. The few free nations left will have ro give in
    These are dire circumstances. Only God can intervene on behalf if His Church
    It is spiritual war. Nit political! Satan has now installed his throne in the federal capital

  • Julie Heim

    01/25/2021 02:08 PM

    My heart skipped a beat..and then I cried uncontrollably..
    Thank God for ur daughter
    She is amazing..
    I have written u in on the last Presidential elections..
    I adore u both.
    God Bless!!

  • Jeannettte Dodge

    01/25/2021 02:08 PM

    Gov. Huckabee,
    I suspected that Sarah would run for Gov. When she resigned as Press Secretary !!! This announcement makes me very Excited & Happy !!! I would love to speak with Sarah however. One on One. I feel it could be costly if she runs based on Walmart and Rep. Al Green. We need to talk•••CONGRATS Sarah!!!! This give Hope & Light during a dark time !!! God Speed and remember it's the Woman who makes the Pearls not the Pearls that make the Woman ???????????????

  • John Hart

    01/25/2021 01:37 PM

    Sarah will make a great governor. The fruit doesn’t fall fare from the tree if I may say. 3John4 tells us, “it gives me no greater pleasure than to know my children are walking in the truth.” God is a faithful King...OoooRaaah!

  • Faride Soler Sola

    01/25/2021 01:23 PM


  • Sharon Faulkner

    01/25/2021 11:30 AM

    I am told to pray for Biden and Harris. OK :
    Dear God
    Please give them Harpies in their hair all day and Furies on their butts all night world without end. In Jesus name.
    Howzzat? :)

  • Renee Kendrick

    01/25/2021 11:24 AM


Election 2024 Coverage

January 25, 2021

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Sarah for Governor
  • Let's call this "the Democracy Destruction Act of 2021"
  • What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
  • Companies That Don't Discriminate Against Conservatives
  • Bible Verse Of The Day


Mike Huckabee

Sarah for Governor

By Mike Huckabee

A truly remarkable lady just announced she's running for my old job. It comes with the same gov't housing she grew up in. Watch the video. Support her w/ prayer & contributions! 

She's running to be first woman Governor of Arkansas. But it's not about her gender, but a lifetime of preparation. She's smart & compassionate, but fearless for what's right. Join the fight! Contribute now!



Let's call this "the Democracy Destruction Act of 2021"

By Mike Huckabee

First, a surprise, as who would've thought the best video shown all weekend would be on ABC’s Sunday show with George Stephanopoulos?

Not because of Stephanopoulos, of course, but of how Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul responded to him after being asked the leading, litmus-test question, “This election was not stolen. Do you accept that fact?”

To his everlasting credit, Sen. Paul did not play along with the Leftist Inquisition, saying instead that “the debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur,” that there was never any presentation in court of the evidence and that lawsuits were dismissed not for lack of evidence but “for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question.”

Sen. Paul detailed some of the “clearly” unconstitutional ways in which laws were changed by courts and secretaries of state –- as opposed to state legislatures –- before November. He said there was still a chance that “some of these actually do work their way up to the Supreme Court.”

"...Yes, were there people who voted twice? Were there dead people who voted? Were there illegal aliens who voted? Yes, and we should get to the bottom of it.” There’s also the failure to purge voter rolls of ineligible people.

Stephanopoulos was having none of it, of course, and kept interrupting. “No election is perfect,” he said, “but there were 86 challenges filed by President Trump and his allies in court; all were dismissed.” (He apparently didn’t hear Sen. Paul just explain why they were dismissed.)

"Can’t you just say the words, that this election was not stolen?” Stephanopoulos insisted.

Sen. Paul did not cave to the pressure and left it an open question. “What I would suggest is that if we want greater confidence in our elections, and 75 percent of Republicans agree with me, is that we do need to look at election integrity...”

"Well, 75 percent of Republicans agree with you because they were fed a BIG LIE by President Trump and his supporters, who say the election was stolen,” Stephanopoulos replied in his usual role of Democrat Party shill. “Why can’t you say, ‘President Biden won a legitimate and fair election’?”

Paul called him out on this: “George, where you make a mistake is that people coming from the liberal side like you, you immediately say everything’s a lie instead of saying there’s two sides to everything...”

This went round and round, with Stephanopoulos using faulty logic to say that because the election was “certified,” it wasn’t stolen. Paul went into the specifics of what happened illegally in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

"I plan on spending the next two years going around from state to state and fixing these problems,” Paul said, “and I won’t be cowed by liberals in the media who say, ‘There’s no evidence here –- you’re a liar if you talk about election fraud!’ No, let’s have an open debate; it’s a free country.”

Stephanopoulos continued with his “These go to 11” responses (see the movie SPINAL TAP if you don’t get the reference), and was so sure there is no room for the slightest question that he even said “there are NOT two sides” to this story. Paul never backed down. “You’re forgetting who you are as a journalist,” he told Stephanpoulos. (Unintentional humor alert: Sen. Paul refers to Stephanopoulos as a journalist.) This is must-see video; the entire segment with transcript is here.

Now, to the main story: House Democrats are already trying to codify all the voting irregularities Sen. Paul was talking about into law, to essentially make it impossible to verify future elections. Everything to raise cheating to an art form is here in HR 1, “the Democracy Restoration Act of 2021,” their very first bill: nationwide mail-in ballots, unrestricted ballot harvesting, the end of voter ID, convicted criminals eligible to vote and much, much more.

I have a better name for this: “the Democracy Destruction Act of 2021.” Indeed, POPULIST PRESS describes this as “the bill that will destroy America.” We can only hope that SCOTUS will see it that way, too, as its infringement upon state legislatures is hugely, wildly, unmistakably unconstitutional.

This bill essentially requires every state to do away with their own rules for elections. No state gets to require more than the last four digits of a Social Security number, for example. Every state must accept internet-only registration, including the signature. Every state must have automatic registration to vote (“motor voter”) unless the individual specifically declines it. Every state has to allow 16-year-olds to go ahead and register to vote, though states won’t have to let them vote until they’re 18 –- so one might infer that voting at 16 is an option for states that want it. All states must allow anyone to register the same day as an election.

It goes on. In no state may a person other than a state or local election official call for voter rolls to be brought up to date, the way Tom Fitton and others have been doing in some states. In all states, everyone convicted of any crime –- yes, murder –- has the right to vote and must be so notified in writing.

All states must have a period of early voting. All states must participate in uniform absentee balloting. This is nationwide mail-in voting. Relative to that, “a state may not require an individual to provide any form of identification as a condition of obtaining an absentee ballot...” other than just a signature or “similar affirmation.”

Here’s something reminiscent of Wisconsin’s recent success with all those dropboxes: A voter can “designate any person to return a voted and sealed absentee ballot to the post office, a ballot drop-off location, tribally designated building or election office so long as the person designated to return the ballot does not receive any compensation based on the number of ballots the person has returned...” (It says nothing about the voters receiving compensation, haha.) There is no limit on the number of voted-and-sealed ballots a “designated person” can return. What could possibly go wrong?

There’s much more, including the “roadmap” for DC statehood and what appears to be a complete congressional takeover of redistricting. They’ve thought of everything.

I’ve saved perhaps the most chilling for last: SEC. 3201 NATIONAL STRATEGY TO PROTECT UNITED STATES DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS. This calls for the President, in consultation with various Cabinet members and agency officials, to develop over the next year a plan to deal with a number of possible occurrences, including an “influence operation” or “disinformation campaign” that could cause the “erosion of public trust” or undermine the “security and integrity of United States democratic institutions.” Gosh, isn't Twitter already doing that?

I don't see how this gets a thumbs-up from the Supreme Court, but if it does, we’re finished. Why, depending on what the President and his advisers decided, Sen. Paul might not be allowed to question an election at all. And when George Stephanopoulos asked him if it was stolen, he might have to answer, “No, sir, it was perfectly secure and honest.” For the good of the democracy, you know.



What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

By Mike Huckabee

Among President Biden’s flurry of mind boggling executive orders is one that rescinds Trump’s order to keep China from being involved in America’s power grid.

Biden also intends to go back to the failed Obama “catch and release” immigration program, instead of keeping migrants on the Mexican side of the border while their claims to enter the US are being processed. Biden had a phone call with Mexico’s President, who, while trying to remain diplomatic, seemingly conveyed that he agreed with Trump’s plan. What Biden denounced as Trump’s “draconian immigration policies” actually helped both the US and Mexico. They kept illegal immigrants from being released in America, never to show up for their court dates, and they discouraged migrants from Central America from crossing through Mexico to get here.

Biden’s genius plan for stopping illegal immigration is to send $4 billion of our tax money to Central America to address the “root causes” of illegal immigration. I’m sure that money will end up going only into the most efficient and productive areas to aid the people, and will not be pocketed by corrupt officials and powerful drug gangs. A policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute called $4 billion a nice start, but only that. Spoken like a true Democrat.

Or maybe Biden’s genius plan is to kill so many jobs and take away so many freedoms in America that migrants will decide they’d rather just stay in Honduras or El Salvador. If so, he’s certainly off to a good start.

Companies That Don't Discriminate Against Conservatives

By Mike Huckabee

While it’s a great idea for conservatives to let companies that cave to the leftist mobs know they’re sacrificing millions of customers over the bleating of a handful of radicals on Twitter and that you will take your dollars elsewhere if they don’t grow a spine and stop it, it’s also important that conservatives flex their economic power by patronizing companies that don’t target, insult and demonize them.

For instance (and I hope they forgive me for putting them on the spot by praising them), Costco announced that it has no intention of violating its contracts with MyPillow over CEO Mike Lindell’s skepticism of the 2020 election results, unlike Kohl’s, Bed Bath & Beyond and Wayfair.

A Costco rep said, “We have contractual commitments to MyPillow that we intend to honor, as we seek to do with all of our suppliers.” Why, it’s almost as if they were running a business, not a Stalinist purge!

(Incidentally, if you’re wondering why I would link to what the left calls a “rightwing conspiracy site” – Gateway Pundit – rather than the source of their story,, it’s because the GP story is far more accurate and objective. The MSN site is filled with disproven claims and overheated propaganda, even tarring Lindell because MyPillow advertises on Fox News.)

Along those same lines, here are 17 companies you can support that don’t discriminate against conservatives.

And a link to our recent entertainment gift guide, if you’d like to support entertainers who don’t go around calling conservatives Nazis and demanding they be put in concentration camps (I never said Hollywood stars were history students.)




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Comments 26-39 of 39

  • April Stussy

    01/25/2021 03:42 PM

    Sarah For Governor!!! Sign me up!!!

    I am a fan of the entire Huckabee family, and have been since the 90s when we moved from Little Rock to Texarkana and learned more about y’all.
    I remember Janet from working at St. Michael’s hospital.
    I was all in for you as Governor & as presidential candidate.
    You continue to encourage me because you don’t apologize for worshiping our Creator/Savior & speaking truth.
    I just want to say “well done” with Sarah!

  • Sondra Andersen

    01/25/2021 03:40 PM

    Being Arkansas residents, we are thrilled that Sarah intends to run for governor. Personally, I can currently get interested in the politics here in the state.
    The 17 conservative list is not very helpful for our area because there is no Cosco rather than Walmart...nor Goya Foods, and I'm sorry to say...nor Sheetz. Is there any good news for Parler now? I surely have no wish to take up nicotine products in order to support a conservative...nor am I in a category for fishing/hunting products...nor even for self protection , being a little old lady with a broken back , however patched up with plasty. But we are hanging in there due to knowing God is in charge and providing what we need!

  • Floyd Unger

    01/25/2021 03:36 PM


  • Carol LeQuieu

    01/25/2021 03:31 PM

    The Democrats continue to drag us conservatives and our President Trump through the mud, kicking us while we are down, demoralizing us, destroying our communication sources with each other, so they can prevent us from having any resources to “turn the tables on them”, using the same tactics they have unleashed on Trump and us. How can 75 million of us, spread over the great land mass of this, our country, One Nation Under God, form a united force to push back and overcome the evils of the Democrats?
    Yes, I believe God is in control; I pray; I sign online petitions sent to members of Congress.
    What more can I do to make an urgent difference?

  • Greg Jackson

    01/25/2021 03:23 PM

    The list of companies that support conservatives is missing an one: Lowe's, which supports military Veterans.

    With proof of military service (DD-214) to register, and showing one's retired ID at the register, veterans a get 10% discount. Our local Lowe's also has 4 designated parking slots for Veterans, and there are also other slots designated specifically for Combat Wounded Veterans.

  • LaVon WALKER

    01/25/2021 03:14 PM

    US - 74 million who voted for Trump - need a list of the banks refusing to do business with the Trumps ................. to be sure US - 74 million - do not have accounts - credit cards - business accounts - or do any business with those BANKS

  • Jacqueline Stidham

    01/25/2021 03:13 PM

    I'm so happy Sarah has decided to run especially after all she's been through the last couple of years. I have dubbed her my "New Hope"...shameless Star Wars reference. This is the best news I've had in a week. Thank you Sarah and Good Luck-!

  • Paul Kern

    01/25/2021 02:50 PM

    It is very unsettling 1984 being put into law now. So-called church leaders are calling for prayer so God will "bless" an illegal and a Marxist government. One that is making new laws just like Hitler, Stalin, and the CCP did. Have they become Red
    Letter Christians?
    Now the UN has an upcoming conference in order to start the Great Reset and take charge off thw world. The first step is almost complete. Demoralize and destroy America. The few free nations left will have ro give in
    These are dire circumstances. Only God can intervene on behalf if His Church
    It is spiritual war. Nit political! Satan has now installed his throne in the federal capital

  • Julie Heim

    01/25/2021 02:08 PM

    My heart skipped a beat..and then I cried uncontrollably..
    Thank God for ur daughter
    She is amazing..
    I have written u in on the last Presidential elections..
    I adore u both.
    God Bless!!

  • Jeannettte Dodge

    01/25/2021 02:08 PM

    Gov. Huckabee,
    I suspected that Sarah would run for Gov. When she resigned as Press Secretary !!! This announcement makes me very Excited & Happy !!! I would love to speak with Sarah however. One on One. I feel it could be costly if she runs based on Walmart and Rep. Al Green. We need to talk•••CONGRATS Sarah!!!! This give Hope & Light during a dark time !!! God Speed and remember it's the Woman who makes the Pearls not the Pearls that make the Woman ???????????????

  • John Hart

    01/25/2021 01:37 PM

    Sarah will make a great governor. The fruit doesn’t fall fare from the tree if I may say. 3John4 tells us, “it gives me no greater pleasure than to know my children are walking in the truth.” God is a faithful King...OoooRaaah!

  • Faride Soler Sola

    01/25/2021 01:23 PM


  • Sharon Faulkner

    01/25/2021 11:30 AM

    I am told to pray for Biden and Harris. OK :
    Dear God
    Please give them Harpies in their hair all day and Furies on their butts all night world without end. In Jesus name.
    Howzzat? :)

  • Renee Kendrick

    01/25/2021 11:24 AM


Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Latest News

    January 25, 2021

    Good morning!

    Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

    Today's newsletter includes:

    • Sarah for Governor
    • Let's call this "the Democracy Destruction Act of 2021"
    • What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
    • Companies That Don't Discriminate Against Conservatives
    • Bible Verse Of The Day


    Mike Huckabee

    Sarah for Governor

    By Mike Huckabee

    A truly remarkable lady just announced she's running for my old job. It comes with the same gov't housing she grew up in. Watch the video. Support her w/ prayer & contributions! 

    She's running to be first woman Governor of Arkansas. But it's not about her gender, but a lifetime of preparation. She's smart & compassionate, but fearless for what's right. Join the fight! Contribute now!



    Let's call this "the Democracy Destruction Act of 2021"

    By Mike Huckabee

    First, a surprise, as who would've thought the best video shown all weekend would be on ABC’s Sunday show with George Stephanopoulos?

    Not because of Stephanopoulos, of course, but of how Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul responded to him after being asked the leading, litmus-test question, “This election was not stolen. Do you accept that fact?”

    To his everlasting credit, Sen. Paul did not play along with the Leftist Inquisition, saying instead that “the debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur,” that there was never any presentation in court of the evidence and that lawsuits were dismissed not for lack of evidence but “for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question.”

    Sen. Paul detailed some of the “clearly” unconstitutional ways in which laws were changed by courts and secretaries of state –- as opposed to state legislatures –- before November. He said there was still a chance that “some of these actually do work their way up to the Supreme Court.”

    "...Yes, were there people who voted twice? Were there dead people who voted? Were there illegal aliens who voted? Yes, and we should get to the bottom of it.” There’s also the failure to purge voter rolls of ineligible people.

    Stephanopoulos was having none of it, of course, and kept interrupting. “No election is perfect,” he said, “but there were 86 challenges filed by President Trump and his allies in court; all were dismissed.” (He apparently didn’t hear Sen. Paul just explain why they were dismissed.)

    "Can’t you just say the words, that this election was not stolen?” Stephanopoulos insisted.

    Sen. Paul did not cave to the pressure and left it an open question. “What I would suggest is that if we want greater confidence in our elections, and 75 percent of Republicans agree with me, is that we do need to look at election integrity...”

    "Well, 75 percent of Republicans agree with you because they were fed a BIG LIE by President Trump and his supporters, who say the election was stolen,” Stephanopoulos replied in his usual role of Democrat Party shill. “Why can’t you say, ‘President Biden won a legitimate and fair election’?”

    Paul called him out on this: “George, where you make a mistake is that people coming from the liberal side like you, you immediately say everything’s a lie instead of saying there’s two sides to everything...”

    This went round and round, with Stephanopoulos using faulty logic to say that because the election was “certified,” it wasn’t stolen. Paul went into the specifics of what happened illegally in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

    "I plan on spending the next two years going around from state to state and fixing these problems,” Paul said, “and I won’t be cowed by liberals in the media who say, ‘There’s no evidence here –- you’re a liar if you talk about election fraud!’ No, let’s have an open debate; it’s a free country.”

    Stephanopoulos continued with his “These go to 11” responses (see the movie SPINAL TAP if you don’t get the reference), and was so sure there is no room for the slightest question that he even said “there are NOT two sides” to this story. Paul never backed down. “You’re forgetting who you are as a journalist,” he told Stephanpoulos. (Unintentional humor alert: Sen. Paul refers to Stephanopoulos as a journalist.) This is must-see video; the entire segment with transcript is here.

    Now, to the main story: House Democrats are already trying to codify all the voting irregularities Sen. Paul was talking about into law, to essentially make it impossible to verify future elections. Everything to raise cheating to an art form is here in HR 1, “the Democracy Restoration Act of 2021,” their very first bill: nationwide mail-in ballots, unrestricted ballot harvesting, the end of voter ID, convicted criminals eligible to vote and much, much more.

    I have a better name for this: “the Democracy Destruction Act of 2021.” Indeed, POPULIST PRESS describes this as “the bill that will destroy America.” We can only hope that SCOTUS will see it that way, too, as its infringement upon state legislatures is hugely, wildly, unmistakably unconstitutional.

    This bill essentially requires every state to do away with their own rules for elections. No state gets to require more than the last four digits of a Social Security number, for example. Every state must accept internet-only registration, including the signature. Every state must have automatic registration to vote (“motor voter”) unless the individual specifically declines it. Every state has to allow 16-year-olds to go ahead and register to vote, though states won’t have to let them vote until they’re 18 –- so one might infer that voting at 16 is an option for states that want it. All states must allow anyone to register the same day as an election.

    It goes on. In no state may a person other than a state or local election official call for voter rolls to be brought up to date, the way Tom Fitton and others have been doing in some states. In all states, everyone convicted of any crime –- yes, murder –- has the right to vote and must be so notified in writing.

    All states must have a period of early voting. All states must participate in uniform absentee balloting. This is nationwide mail-in voting. Relative to that, “a state may not require an individual to provide any form of identification as a condition of obtaining an absentee ballot...” other than just a signature or “similar affirmation.”

    Here’s something reminiscent of Wisconsin’s recent success with all those dropboxes: A voter can “designate any person to return a voted and sealed absentee ballot to the post office, a ballot drop-off location, tribally designated building or election office so long as the person designated to return the ballot does not receive any compensation based on the number of ballots the person has returned...” (It says nothing about the voters receiving compensation, haha.) There is no limit on the number of voted-and-sealed ballots a “designated person” can return. What could possibly go wrong?

    There’s much more, including the “roadmap” for DC statehood and what appears to be a complete congressional takeover of redistricting. They’ve thought of everything.

    I’ve saved perhaps the most chilling for last: SEC. 3201 NATIONAL STRATEGY TO PROTECT UNITED STATES DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS. This calls for the President, in consultation with various Cabinet members and agency officials, to develop over the next year a plan to deal with a number of possible occurrences, including an “influence operation” or “disinformation campaign” that could cause the “erosion of public trust” or undermine the “security and integrity of United States democratic institutions.” Gosh, isn't Twitter already doing that?

    I don't see how this gets a thumbs-up from the Supreme Court, but if it does, we’re finished. Why, depending on what the President and his advisers decided, Sen. Paul might not be allowed to question an election at all. And when George Stephanopoulos asked him if it was stolen, he might have to answer, “No, sir, it was perfectly secure and honest.” For the good of the democracy, you know.



    What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

    By Mike Huckabee

    Among President Biden’s flurry of mind boggling executive orders is one that rescinds Trump’s order to keep China from being involved in America’s power grid.

    Biden also intends to go back to the failed Obama “catch and release” immigration program, instead of keeping migrants on the Mexican side of the border while their claims to enter the US are being processed. Biden had a phone call with Mexico’s President, who, while trying to remain diplomatic, seemingly conveyed that he agreed with Trump’s plan. What Biden denounced as Trump’s “draconian immigration policies” actually helped both the US and Mexico. They kept illegal immigrants from being released in America, never to show up for their court dates, and they discouraged migrants from Central America from crossing through Mexico to get here.

    Biden’s genius plan for stopping illegal immigration is to send $4 billion of our tax money to Central America to address the “root causes” of illegal immigration. I’m sure that money will end up going only into the most efficient and productive areas to aid the people, and will not be pocketed by corrupt officials and powerful drug gangs. A policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute called $4 billion a nice start, but only that. Spoken like a true Democrat.

    Or maybe Biden’s genius plan is to kill so many jobs and take away so many freedoms in America that migrants will decide they’d rather just stay in Honduras or El Salvador. If so, he’s certainly off to a good start.

    Companies That Don't Discriminate Against Conservatives

    By Mike Huckabee

    While it’s a great idea for conservatives to let companies that cave to the leftist mobs know they’re sacrificing millions of customers over the bleating of a handful of radicals on Twitter and that you will take your dollars elsewhere if they don’t grow a spine and stop it, it’s also important that conservatives flex their economic power by patronizing companies that don’t target, insult and demonize them.

    For instance (and I hope they forgive me for putting them on the spot by praising them), Costco announced that it has no intention of violating its contracts with MyPillow over CEO Mike Lindell’s skepticism of the 2020 election results, unlike Kohl’s, Bed Bath & Beyond and Wayfair.

    A Costco rep said, “We have contractual commitments to MyPillow that we intend to honor, as we seek to do with all of our suppliers.” Why, it’s almost as if they were running a business, not a Stalinist purge!

    (Incidentally, if you’re wondering why I would link to what the left calls a “rightwing conspiracy site” – Gateway Pundit – rather than the source of their story,, it’s because the GP story is far more accurate and objective. The MSN site is filled with disproven claims and overheated propaganda, even tarring Lindell because MyPillow advertises on Fox News.)

    Along those same lines, here are 17 companies you can support that don’t discriminate against conservatives.

    And a link to our recent entertainment gift guide, if you’d like to support entertainers who don’t go around calling conservatives Nazis and demanding they be put in concentration camps (I never said Hollywood stars were history students.)




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    Comments 26-39 of 39

    • April Stussy

      01/25/2021 03:42 PM

      Sarah For Governor!!! Sign me up!!!

      I am a fan of the entire Huckabee family, and have been since the 90s when we moved from Little Rock to Texarkana and learned more about y’all.
      I remember Janet from working at St. Michael’s hospital.
      I was all in for you as Governor & as presidential candidate.
      You continue to encourage me because you don’t apologize for worshiping our Creator/Savior & speaking truth.
      I just want to say “well done” with Sarah!

    • Sondra Andersen

      01/25/2021 03:40 PM

      Being Arkansas residents, we are thrilled that Sarah intends to run for governor. Personally, I can currently get interested in the politics here in the state.
      The 17 conservative list is not very helpful for our area because there is no Cosco rather than Walmart...nor Goya Foods, and I'm sorry to say...nor Sheetz. Is there any good news for Parler now? I surely have no wish to take up nicotine products in order to support a conservative...nor am I in a category for fishing/hunting products...nor even for self protection , being a little old lady with a broken back , however patched up with plasty. But we are hanging in there due to knowing God is in charge and providing what we need!

    • Floyd Unger

      01/25/2021 03:36 PM


    • Carol LeQuieu

      01/25/2021 03:31 PM

      The Democrats continue to drag us conservatives and our President Trump through the mud, kicking us while we are down, demoralizing us, destroying our communication sources with each other, so they can prevent us from having any resources to “turn the tables on them”, using the same tactics they have unleashed on Trump and us. How can 75 million of us, spread over the great land mass of this, our country, One Nation Under God, form a united force to push back and overcome the evils of the Democrats?
      Yes, I believe God is in control; I pray; I sign online petitions sent to members of Congress.
      What more can I do to make an urgent difference?

    • Greg Jackson

      01/25/2021 03:23 PM

      The list of companies that support conservatives is missing an one: Lowe's, which supports military Veterans.

      With proof of military service (DD-214) to register, and showing one's retired ID at the register, veterans a get 10% discount. Our local Lowe's also has 4 designated parking slots for Veterans, and there are also other slots designated specifically for Combat Wounded Veterans.

    • LaVon WALKER

      01/25/2021 03:14 PM

      US - 74 million who voted for Trump - need a list of the banks refusing to do business with the Trumps ................. to be sure US - 74 million - do not have accounts - credit cards - business accounts - or do any business with those BANKS

    • Jacqueline Stidham

      01/25/2021 03:13 PM

      I'm so happy Sarah has decided to run especially after all she's been through the last couple of years. I have dubbed her my "New Hope"...shameless Star Wars reference. This is the best news I've had in a week. Thank you Sarah and Good Luck-!

    • Paul Kern

      01/25/2021 02:50 PM

      It is very unsettling 1984 being put into law now. So-called church leaders are calling for prayer so God will "bless" an illegal and a Marxist government. One that is making new laws just like Hitler, Stalin, and the CCP did. Have they become Red
      Letter Christians?
      Now the UN has an upcoming conference in order to start the Great Reset and take charge off thw world. The first step is almost complete. Demoralize and destroy America. The few free nations left will have ro give in
      These are dire circumstances. Only God can intervene on behalf if His Church
      It is spiritual war. Nit political! Satan has now installed his throne in the federal capital

    • Julie Heim

      01/25/2021 02:08 PM

      My heart skipped a beat..and then I cried uncontrollably..
      Thank God for ur daughter
      She is amazing..
      I have written u in on the last Presidential elections..
      I adore u both.
      God Bless!!

    • Jeannettte Dodge

      01/25/2021 02:08 PM

      Gov. Huckabee,
      I suspected that Sarah would run for Gov. When she resigned as Press Secretary !!! This announcement makes me very Excited & Happy !!! I would love to speak with Sarah however. One on One. I feel it could be costly if she runs based on Walmart and Rep. Al Green. We need to talk•••CONGRATS Sarah!!!! This give Hope & Light during a dark time !!! God Speed and remember it's the Woman who makes the Pearls not the Pearls that make the Woman ???????????????

    • John Hart

      01/25/2021 01:37 PM

      Sarah will make a great governor. The fruit doesn’t fall fare from the tree if I may say. 3John4 tells us, “it gives me no greater pleasure than to know my children are walking in the truth.” God is a faithful King...OoooRaaah!

    • Faride Soler Sola

      01/25/2021 01:23 PM


    • Sharon Faulkner

      01/25/2021 11:30 AM

      I am told to pray for Biden and Harris. OK :
      Dear God
      Please give them Harpies in their hair all day and Furies on their butts all night world without end. In Jesus name.
      Howzzat? :)

    • Renee Kendrick

      01/25/2021 11:24 AM