Mike Huckabee's Commentary On The News

Where the Election Stands

Updated: 10:22 AM CDT, October 24


1. Mike Huckabee: Biden administration has gone after political enemies.

2. Mike Huckabee: I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris.

3. Illegal immigrants from Central America must read the polls too.

4. Democrats target humor; desperation growing with Kamala’s weakness showing.

5. For once, I agree with Kamala Harris: Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. 

6. Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind?





Source: RealClearPolitics - Live Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls

Other Top Stories We Are Following


Updated: 8:56 AM CDT, October 24

1. Former Trump VA Secretary blasts the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, and letting down American veterans and taxpayers.

2. Thelma Mothershed Wair of the Little Rock Nine passes due to complications with MS.

3. Handwriting analyst: Cassidy Hutchinson did not write note as she claimed.

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March 9, 2022

Good evening!

This is the MORNING + EVENING Editions fior today combined. Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day 
  • NYT reporter caught admitting: the left distorted Jan. 6
  • Here we go again: Biden is enabling Iran
  • Biden bans Russian Oil imports
  • And more…


Mike Huckabee


And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Matthew 28:18

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NYT reporter caught admitting: the left distorted Jan. 6

Those of us who used to read the front page of the newspaper, back when it was a literal paper and not a lighted screen with type that moved around, remember what it was like to find interesting juxtapositions of the headlines that in themselves told a story. Maybe in the upper right, there would be a headline like “Scores Killed in Weekend Murder Rampage,” while off to the left, it would say “Drop in Tourism Mystifies City Leaders”

I had a similar experience yesterday, scanning the news aggregator site The Liberty Daily.

The huge story at that moment, in big type right in the middle, was “PROJECT VERITAS: PULITZER PRIZE-WINNING NY TIMES JOURNALIST ADMITS JAN. 6 WAS ‘NO BIG DEAL.’”

Nearby, in the small typeface above the big headline, was this: “DOJ Offers 70- to 87-Month Prison Sentence to American Patriot Photographed with Feet Up in Nancy Pelosi’s Office.”

Farther down was this: “Guy Reffitt, First Political Prisoner to Stand Trial in Mostly Peaceful Protest on Jan. 6, Found Guilty by Democrat D.C. Jury.”

Then this: “Shocking Statement by January 6 Daughter Called by DOJ Political Prosecution: I Never Felt Threatened by My Dad --- The DOJ Wanted Me to Say That!’” Nothing says “politics in 2022” better than all these January 6 stories appearing onscreen together.

Let’s go first to the Project Veritas story. James O’Keefe really has done it again. As J. D. Rucker reports, Project Veritas managed to get undercover video that enables us to watch NYT National Security Correspondent Matthew Rosenberg “spill the beans over drinks.” Pretty amazing, and this is just Part 1. The language gets a little rough, as one might expect from a journalist talking up his work over double scotches, but it’s bleeped.


“I’m so over it,” he says of January 6 with a chuckle. “The left’s overreaction to it, in some places, was way over the top.”

We already knew that corporate media, in their zeal to paint President Trump as evil and unhinged, was milking the January 6 Capitol Hill story for all it’s worth. And Rosenberg’s reporting was very much a part of that. But we see that his own opinion was the opposite. He was supposed to be “traumatized,” he said, but nobody on the NYT staff –- at least the seasoned reporters –- thought they were in any danger. “We were just having fun!” he said. The newbies in their twenties, he said, the “little dweebs,” did not share his cavalier attitude, and he wanted to tell them to just “man up.” He said he wanted to be “like, dude, come on, like, you were not in any danger.” (Editorial note: true, people weren’t in any danger –- unless they were on that stair landing where Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed.)

“They were making too big a deal,” Rosenberg said. “They were making this an organized thing that it wasn’t.” On the other hand, he said, “There were a ton of FBI informants amongst the people who attacked the Capitol.” (To his credit, he did actually report that.)

As Rosenberg told his companion at the table, he is an investigative reporter who usually tackles longer-term stories as opposed to single events. The implication: that he’d have a “nose” that might be able to sniff out informants. In fact, he says in the video that because acting CIA and NSA (National Security Agency) personnel can’t talk to the media, he dug into this by talking to former officials who didn’t have to fear the dreaded annual polygraph. So he was aware of the government infiltration.

Being a reporter for the NYT, though, it’s no surprise that he said the left’s overreaction gave “the lunatics on the right” ammunition to say, “Oh, well, nothing happened here.” (For the record: Not being lunatics, we never said that nothing happened. And what DID happen never should have, as the political and personal repercussions for many people touched by this story have been staggering. But it was not an attempt to overthrow the government, nor anything close to the way it’s been portrayed.)

When asked if he’d talked to people who had been arrested, he said their lawyers generally advise them not to talk to journalists. “No good can come of it,” he said. But according to O’Keefe, some of those incarcerated after January 6 have indeed made their voices heard, not to NYT reporters (smart!) but to Project Veritas, about the stunning lack of due process they’ve received, which stems largely from the “overreaction,” as Rosenberg put it, from the media and politicians on the left.

Now, let’s move on to the other January 6 stories:

Richard ‘Bigo’ Barnett, the Arkansas man who was photographed with his feet up at Nancy Pelosi’s desk, has rejected the offer of a guilty plea in exchange for a prison sentence of between 70 to 87 months. That’s for a PLEA, from someone with no criminal record. So he’ll be taking his chances at trial in the fall and, if found guilty, could be in prison for the rest of his life, as he is 61.

This story also highlights the recent suicide of another defendant, Matthew Perna, 37, which we reported last week.


Next, we have Guy Reffitt, who went to trial before a DC jury and on Friday was quickly found guilty on all five counts. He’s the first January 6 defendant to stand trial, and this outcome doesn’t bode well for the others. As Julie Kelly points out in American Greatness, it’s hard to get a fair trial in a city that voted nearly 94 percent for Joe Biden in 2020. Afterwards, a juror told CBS News that the case was “simple” and there was “not a dissenting voice in the jury.”

He’d already been incarcerated since his arrest in January, 2021, and could face 20 years in prison for each count of obstruction. He’ll be sentenced in June.

He never entered the Capitol building that day.


Finally, there’s the story of how, during Reffitt’s trial, the DOJ called his teenage son to testify against him, as their narrative included allegations that Reffitt had physically threatened his kids about going to the FBI.

Prosecutors had convinced Reffitt’s son to secretly record him at home for eight days before turning him over to the FBI. They had intended to call his younger sister to the stand as well but changed their minds, and the reason seems clear. Outside the courthouse, she said, “I never felt threatened by my father...It hurts me so much that they are saying that.”

She had wanted to be called to the stand to DEFEND her dad, but Reffitt’s court-appointed attorney never called a single witness. This is a shocking story and a must-read.


So, we have the big-deal NYT reporter, someone who furthered the left’s January 6 narrative while saying in private that it was really overblown, and then we have a heartbreaking travesty of “justice” like this. Matthew Rosenberg should have to sit through all these trials.

Here we go again: Biden is enabling Iran

Not content with having enabled Vladimir Putin’s aggression toward his neighbors, President Biden seems intent on doing the same thing for Iran. And so talks are being held in Vienna to revive Obama’s dangerous Iran nuclear deal – only as one Israeli security official said, Obama’s deal was bad, but Biden’s version is “spectacularly bad.”

Still, as Obama himself said, never underestimate Biden’s ability to (bleep) things up, and so now we’re hearing leaks out of the meetings that it's worse than anyone feared, and Iran is getting concessions that even they didn’t think they’d be able to secure. Reportedly, those include lifting sanctions on some of the most evil, mass-murdering terrorists in the Middle East. Sounds as if Biden sent people who play poker the same way he does with Putin: by announcing in advance that there’s no way he’d ever send troops to Ukraine.

Tablet magazine has a detailed article on what’s emerging from these talks, and let’s just say that Russia may not be the only nuclear threat we’ll have to worry about in the near future.


Ukraine Updates

Here is today’s link to Fox News' continually-updated bulletins on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine:


Among the major stories: Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is urging the US and Poland to work out a deal to send Ukraine some military planes so they can defend Ukraine’s airspace, since NATO won’t impose a no-fly zone. That appears to be one of those things that Biden was for before he was against it.


The Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine has been cut off the grid due to damage inflicted by Russian forces, sparking fears of potential radiation leaks. Somehow, this story seems oddly familiar.

China announced that while it still opposes sanctions on Russia, it will send $800,000 worth of “humanitarian aid” to Ukraine. Because when you think of humanitarians, you think of the Chinese Communist Party.

Biden bans Russian oil imports

As expected, on Tuesday, President Biden announced that he would end US imports of Russian oil. It’s assumed he didn’t want to, since he’s let it go on all through the buildup to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and past the first two weeks of shocking carnage. But after even Nancy Pelosi agreed with Ted Cruz (one of the signs of the Apocalypse) that Congress should act and cut off Russian oil, Biden reportedly asked Pelosi to delay Monday’s scheduled House vote so that he could jump out in front of the parade and pretend to be leading it.


In the speech, Biden warned Americans that gas prices, which shot up even further beyond previous records on Tuesday, would go up even more because of the cutoff of Russian oil. But apparently, his plan is to replace Russian oil with banana oil, because he dispensed so much of it in his speech as he attempted to convince Americans that “Russia is responsible” for a gallon of gas costing more than a Burger King Whopper (I chose that because there were plenty of whoppers in the speech, too.)

The first thing that caught my ear was Biden's carefully-constructed phrase “Putin’s price hikes,” laid on with all the subtlety of a 10-year-old boy standing by a broken vase and pointing at the cat. As the media would say, “Republicans pounced” on that. Jorge Bonilla tweeted a couple of charts, the first one having already gone viral, showing how the price of gas has been climbing since the day Biden took office, with the recent “Ukraine war” spike representing only a fraction of the increase.


The second chart was the same, except it went back even further and showed that the rise in gas prices actually began right after Election Night, when oil futures investors realized that Biden would be replacing Trump. Trump had made energy independence and low gas prices a priority, while Biden had campaigned on destroying our domestic fossil fuel industry in the name of fighting “climate change.” No wonder Trump sent out a message in response that consisted of nothing but the headline about record gas prices, and one sentence: “Do you miss me yet?”


But that was hardly the end of the Biden jaw-droppers. I guess he thinks we can save energy by returning to gas lighting, which is the only way to explain lines like this:

“First, it’s simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production. It’s simply not true.” Except it simply is true. Thanks to his policies, US oil and gas production are down by more than a million gallons a day. Again, that was actually one of his campaign promises, to kill the fossil fuel industry, and he started doing it with executive orders on his first day in office.

He also tried to blame the oil companies, saying they had 9,000 permits to drill and it was their decision not to use them to produce oil. An industry spokesman replied that that reflects a “fundamental misunderstanding” of how the industry works, which doesn’t surprise me in the least. Not only are government drilling leases down by about 75%, but a lease doesn’t even mean there’s oil on the land. There’s a long process of development to explore and start pumping the oil, and Biden has not only cut the number of leases but added lots more regulations to hamstring that process even more.

Here’s a former Keystone Pipeline worker who urges Americans not to buy this blame-shifting and reminds us that they tried to warn everyone what was coming. Hey, join the club, pal!


Toni Williams at the Victory Girls blog also has a good rundown of the many lies packed into that one speech.


And Katie Pavlich at Townhall.com did a good fact-check as well.


But to me, the biggest tip-off that we are dealing with people who are completely out of touch with the reality of the pain they’re causing for working Americans was that both Biden and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg actually suggested that the solution to high gas prices was for everyone to buy electric cars.


The average price of an EV is over $56,000; there’s a long waiting list to obtain one just with the demand that exists now; and even if every American could afford and obtain one, they’ve still never answered where we’re going to get the power required to charge them all. It’s as if they think regular cars run on bad, dirty gas but the fuel for electric cars comes out of a wall socket directly from Heaven.

With that argument, Biden, Buttigieg and their house jester Stephen Colbert are all competing for the title of the Marie Antoinette of the 21st century: “So the peasants can’t afford gas? Well, let them buy Teslas!”


Drive Slower

With gas prices reaching the stratosphere, NBC has a brilliant idea to help: drive slower and get better mileage.


And with that suggestion of the return of 55 mph speed limits to counter the gas shortage caused by our reliance on foreign oil, our transition back to the 1970s is complete. And they accuse Republicans of wanting to “turn back the clock!”

Quick, Hide! Joe Biden is calling again!

Say, remember when we were told we had to replace Trump with Biden so that other world leaders would respect America again? Well, I bet the leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates didn’t react to Trump’s phone calls by pretending not to be home.


Brilliant! Biden’s Impeachment Insurance Plan

I think I’ve figured out why the White House keeps sending Kamala Harris out to make statements on important issues: it’s Biden’s best insurance policy against any attempts to impeach him.


Extremely Depressing Poll

We have enough depressing news without people thinking up more, but Quinnipiac University released a new poll that I find extremely depressing. I think it shows how effective our schools have been at indoctrinating people to hate their country and disrespect traditional American ideals.

The poll was inspired by the brave Ukrainians who are refusing to surrender or flee and instead risking their lives to stay and fight to defend their homeland from superior Russian forces. It asked Americans, if the USA were invaded like Ukraine was, would they flee or stay and fight? At least a majority said they would fight, but it’s a pitifully small majority of 55%. 38% would run away, and I guess the rest couldn’t decide.


It’s sad to think that this is what’s become of a people whose heritage includes George Washington at Valley Forge, the defenders of the Alamo, and the soldiers, sailors and airmen who saved the world twice in the 20th century.

For the record, 68% of Republicans would stay and fight, while only 25% would flee (I’m guessing those are the Beltway Republicans who like to start wars and send other people’s kids to fight them.) Among Independents, 57% would fight and 36% would flee. Only among Democrats would a majority run away rather than defend America with the skedaddlers outnumbering the patriots by 52-40 percent.

Therefore, I have a suggestion: Republican campaign ads should start referring to the millions of illegal immigrants pouring across Biden’s open borders as an “invasion.” Maybe that would scare the 52% of Democrats who think America’s not worth defending into fleeing to Sweden or wherever. Then those of us who are still here could start repairing the damage they’ve caused.

I Just Wanted to Say:

Thank you for reading the Evening Edition.

For more news of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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Comments 11-19 of 19

  • Stephen Russell

    03/10/2022 09:10 AM

    Matt Rosenberg interview shows how of touch Dems are & they see J6 as a comedy show
    I agree he should Testify at J6 court hearings for the Defense
    Bravo Project Veritas

  • Jerry

    03/10/2022 07:51 AM

    As biden is Humiliated around the world and Putin is hated around the world what is china thinking after infecting the world with its virus will the world reject China when it invaded Taiwan will more hate come to China as the word gets out about it disrespect of human beings and what will the rest of the world think when biden sits and watches. What does the world think today as the United States is being dismantled will the world be better off when America is ruined??????

  • James Drury Jr.

    03/10/2022 06:46 AM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!

  • Jerry

    03/10/2022 04:04 AM

    As low life democrats call me indigent names racist nazi deplorable what ever these Malignant cancers dream up means nothing to me that is a statement that tells me the democrats fear me the democrats know it will never control me again like it did with the pandemic I believe a large part of the population has lost its desire to be a democrat the country still has a long way to go to flush out its evil attempt to control the life of an American the black minority groups are starting to figure out how the Democratic Party control affected its life while the group wanted to blame ordinary white people for their lack of economic rise it is the democratic policies they voted for that has kept the group in the lower economic and educational sector people are now finding out what the evil democrats are doing oppressing all people today and yes all people have to get this figured out today it’s not me it is we that have to get together and destroy the democrats/communist party

  • jan jones

    03/10/2022 12:31 AM

    You nailed it again. Biden's motivation may also result from the history of wartime Presidents being easily re-elected. I would like to believe it is the only way Biden would ever be re-elected, but at this point, the intelligence of Americans may have declined to the point of mass stupidity.
    However, the first sign of something dirty in just about any situation is the over-sell of the Mainstream Media.
    The MSM hyper sell of the virtues of Ukraine plus their refusal to correct the accusations against Trump in his onversation with Zelensky plus the film of Biden's extorting Ukrainian leaders leads me and others to suspect more corruption than we know.
    At this point any time an issue or person is highly praised by the New York Times with outright lies stated as implications then repeated as fact by the MSM, it is wise to suspect an evil political or financial motive. Like liberal politicians, Media is often paid off by liberal politicians and/or big business.

  • Nancy Martin

    03/09/2022 11:42 PM

    So Biden finally visited TX today. In Ft. Worth. Not the border. I guess he's forgotten about that.

  • ken moore

    03/09/2022 10:34 PM

    oil supply and green new deal i see air force one john kerry and nancy pelosi all use jet fuel base power when they fly when they all convert their transportation in planes to battery power i will consider elect power

  • Floyd A Unger

    03/09/2022 10:02 PM

    Thank you. And Sheesh!

  • Joyce F Birch

    03/09/2022 07:45 PM

    What a mess we are in! I may have to get a bike because I couldn't afford a EV!!
    It's heart breaking to watch the news & see all those innocent people dying & leaving the homes & families behind. Putin has no mercy no matter who he kills. He's an evil, evil, person.
    Too bad & it's shameful that we don't have a president with a backbone! Look at our VP, what a joke. Half of the time she's talking like a 3rd grade student & she's way over her head, for sure. Their both an embarrassment to the USA.

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