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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

January 9, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Joe Manchin says no
  • Thanks for the reminder
  • Pelosi engages in sedition
  • RIP Tommy Lasorda
  • Tech alternatives


Mike Huckabee

Joe Manchin says no

By Mike Huckabee

I already predicted that with the Senate tied at 50-50, moderate Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin would become one of the most powerful figures in Washington. Well, it’s already happening. Manchin announced that he would absolutely not support another round of $2000 stimulus checks, which the Democrats want. Some Republicans might support the checks, but not all the other unrelated partisan stuff the Democrats want to tack onto them. So Manchin may have already killed Joe Biden’s first big initiative.

It’s too early to say whether Manchin will relish his newfound power or quickly be rattled by all the hatred, vitriol and threats that are sure to be coming his way from his own party. But if it’s the latter, there’s a simple solution: switch parties.

Thanks for the reminder

By Mike Huckabee

Thanks to Ed Driscoll at Instapundit for reminding us that when BLM was burning down cities, Colin Kaepernick used Twitter to call for more violence, and Twitter CEO Jack (“Ban the inciters of violence!”) Dorsey gave him a $3 million grant to do more of it.

Pelosi engages in sedition

By Mike Huckabee

Law Professor and Instapundit blog master Glenn Reynolds points out that by pushing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to block President Trump from initiating military hostilities or having access to the nuclear codes, she was attempting to incite a military coup against the Commander-in-Chief, which is sedition. Shouldn't she be removed from office?

RIP Tommy Lasorda

By Mike Huckabee

We’re sad to report that Hall of Fame baseball manager Tommy Lasorda has died at home in Los Angeles at 93.

In a statement, MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred said. "He loved life as a Dodger. His career began as a pitcher in 1949 but he is, of course, best known as the manager of two World Series champions and four pennant-winning clubs. His passion, success, charisma and sense of humor turned him into an international celebrity, a stature that he used to grow our sport…He served Major League Baseball as the Global Ambassador for the first two editions of the World Baseball Classic and managed Team USA to gold in the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. Tommy loved family, the United States, the National Pastime and the Dodgers, and he made them all proud during a memorable baseball life.”

We join the MLB in sending our prayers and condolences to his family and to Jo LaSorda, his wife of 70 years.

Tech alternatives

By Mike Huckabee

Yesterday, Google removed the Parler app from its Google Play store, and Apple is threatening to do it and might have by the time you read this. They’re demanding that Parler impose the same kind of monitoring of speech that Twitter, Facebook and Google’s YouTube do, to “protect” us from the tiny segment of far-right users who might be using the sites to incite violence and spread misinformation, as they define it. There are also countless legitimate users on Parler, including me:

A reminder: These tech giants have allowed leftist groups such as Antifa and BLM to use their sites to organize protests that turned into riots, they allow violent rhetoric and death threats aimed at conservatives, and they’ve even turned a blind eye to Iran posting “death to America” rhetoric. But they ban the US President and those who support him.

Congressional Republicans made a big mistake in not reining in their partisan monopolistic practices when they had the chance. That won’t happen now, but I expect to see a flood of lawsuits following this, along with product boycotts and a mass exodus of millions of users. But where will they go if these leftist corporations abuse their power to strangle or force censorship onto alternative sites?

I asked our pop culture expert, Pat Reeder, for some tips on that. Here’s what he wrote back…

“I’m far from a tech expert, but I’ve been working via computer since before there was an Internet, so I’ve picked up a few tips.

First of all, why are you still paying premium prices to Apple? It’s not as if Steve Jobs still runs the place. They appear to be putting far more thought, time and energy into censorship, leftist virtue-signaling and kissing China’s rump than into R&D and consumer satisfaction these days. Here’s an example of how they’re doing lately, and it’s only one of countless such videos on YouTube (just search for ‘Apple sucks.’)

Currently, Parler’s app for cell phones is available at only by clicking on icons that take you to the Google or Apple app stores. But there’s nothing stopping them from offering it for direct download, which I suspect is coming very soon. Here’s an article about how that works with apps that Apple decides you shouldn’t be allowed to have:

As for the Android version that’s been banned from the Google Play Store, if you don’t have it already, try here:

If you scroll down, you’ll also find the app for MeWe, a free speech alternative to Facebook. But I’d suggest you do it quickly. (Another is

If that doesn’t work, try here

And there are others, if you look hard. Remember, you can always subscribe to Parler and use it through your tablet, laptop or desktop by signing up at, which I hope you’ll be accessing through a browser that protects your privacy (NOT Google Chrome!) Here’s some information comparing some top choices. Firefox is rated #1, as long as you go into the Settings and disable the functions that send information back to its parent, Mozilla.

Worse comes to worse, conservatives can abandon these social media sites entirely and go back to independent blog sites and web pages, which prevailed before the big Facebook/Twitter takeover. Or just hang out at, where you get real news, brilliant writing and a comments section.

Remember, it’s called ‘free speech’ because no matter how hard some people try to cage it, it will always find a way to escape.

UPDATE! Well, Mozilla just went full-on social justice censorship warrior, so skip over Firefox and move down the browser list. Still laughing that their link on the words “amplify factual voices” goes to an article from the New York Times.

While we’re on the subject, were you aware that one reason Chromebook laptops are so cheap is that they don’t have internal memory? Everything you search for (on Google Chrome, of course), write or store is placed in a cloud memory owned by Google. Why not just send Google your tax forms, or go on vacation with your front door open?

And remember that is the free speech alternative to Google-owned YouTube.



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Comments 26-50 of 58

  • Lisa Griffin

    01/09/2021 10:20 PM

    God bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you and give you peace

  • Diane Geraci

    01/09/2021 10:05 PM

    Just seeing your name at the top of my Emails gave me such comfort tonight. I have been over-thinking what's happening to our Country. I can't believe its in the hands of these godless Democrats who are going to destroy what President Trump has built. Do you know how hard it is to pray for such bad people? Yes, you do. We keep waiting for The Lord to move. We have heard a lot of prophesying about what is coming. I knew they would shut down President Trump. I wrote to him on Facebook so many times but, it's possible my comments never left my page, most of them don't go out or are deleted. Someone mentioned on Fox News that he might start a Media Site. I hope and pray that he does. Governor, it does reach a lot of people. Thanks for reading my rant, which reminds me I saw a rant from Rick Joyner. What a Blessing that you men of God haven't been Censored. Yet?

  • Nanc Anderson

    01/09/2021 09:59 PM

    Mr Huckabee thanks so much for your coverage of the current and past events, you always have such a nice balanced blend of news given calmly and with a great sense of humor. I am not an owner nor will I get recompense for saying this but back in November I was refused on Parler (they didn't like my phone number....?) so I went on GAB. Though it has plenty of conspiracy theorists and crazy haters, still, the speech is totally free and it DOES have a block button, as I've learned. It also has a very solid core of Christians. If you choose to join you'll, until you figure out whom to block? You'll learn a few new choice words you wished you didn't. But again, it's Free speech, and one click will take care of that. Thank you again, please don't get bullied into giving up. Stand strong, report the truth.

  • Gregory George Keller

    01/09/2021 09:51 PM

    You can also access parler through

  • Renee Kendrick

    01/09/2021 09:22 PM

    Guess conservatives need to go back to the old way of lines! Now where is my black rotary dial phone? Did I keep that long, coiled cord so I can talk while I walk around the room?

  • Cheryl Bullion

    01/09/2021 08:51 PM

    Thank you for standing strong!! It means more than you know.

  • Earl Leonard Copeland

    01/09/2021 08:36 PM

    Thank you Governor Huckabee for sharing the viewpoints of loyal and reasonable conservative sources. We need this outlet for keeping up, given the highly biased and unreasoned stuff being peddled on mass media and social media. Please keep us informed in continuing days of our beloved Nation.

  • Cynthia Frey

    01/09/2021 08:08 PM

    Thank you for the information.

  • Candace King

    01/09/2021 08:06 PM

    I looked up Rumble at the App Store but do not know which one to download.

  • Tyna Walker

    01/09/2021 08:04 PM

    DuckDuckGo is a great browser. Ever wondered why you search for something then it magically shows up in your Facebook feed. Well, they are tracking you. DuckDuckGo blocks them to seeing what your looking at!

  • Velma Ardis Marshall

    01/09/2021 08:00 PM

    I realy apreciate and look forward to your 2 daily articles. I also watch your weekly program on Saturday evenings. Thank you for the great service rou are providing! God bless you and your family!

  • DoraLee EagleWings

    01/09/2021 07:49 PM

    Isn't it called BRIBERY, when the Georgia DEMOCRAT Senators VOW to GIVE VOTERS $2000, Stimulus Checks if they WIN??

  • Chris Shehan

    01/09/2021 07:46 PM

    I only have one question
    If Pelosi committed sedition
    Why is she not in prison ?wouldn’t that also be considered treason ?
    Sorry I guess that was two questions

  • Diana

    01/09/2021 07:34 PM

    Thank you this is helpful info not very smart with technology but I'm learning can you delete google altogether

  • JC Holland

    01/09/2021 07:21 PM

    Why hasn't President Trump sent Federal Marshall's to arrest Speaker Pelosi for sedition?
    What more does it take?

  • Paul

    01/09/2021 07:06 PM

    There needs to be great emphasis on Pelosi's obvious act of sedition.
    Trump is still President and still Commander-in-Chief.
    Pelosi's behavior cannot be legally justified.

  • Dave Molinarolo

    01/09/2021 06:54 PM

    This Big Tech censorship is the height of Hypocrisy. They actually supported the BLM/ANTIFA crap that was going down last Summer, but the moment true Patriots wanted to just have their voices heard, Big Tech flips out and silences them. If I had Negan's infamous barbed wire wrapped bat, and I was sitting across from Dorsey or Zuckerberg, it would be all I could do to not smash their faces in with that bat. I'm serious. I'm not all that active on social media myself, but this censorship and cancelling is WAY out of hand. I value our Constitutional Rights more than anything and these companies should now be sued out the ass for what they've done.

  • Judy Radley

    01/09/2021 06:52 PM

    I have never done the Twitter thing nor Instagram and I don't even check my Facebook but maybe once a month or more depending on if one of my relatives is on it, like my brother Andy who is a United Methodist Pastor at Williamson, NY, United Methodist Church, he does his weekly devotions on Facebook every Monday, and I watch him, as his messages are uplifting, positive, hopeful, and a lot like your newsletters, but he is doing a video, and has many followers, esp. my cousins, and step-siblings, we like to watch Andy's videos. Andy Pollock is his name if you ever want to check out his video. Rev. Andrew W. Pollock, Williamson United Methodist Church, Williamson, NY. Ontario County, it is just East of Rochester, NY, on Rte. 104.

  • JoAnne Applebaum

    01/09/2021 06:51 PM

    Thank you Governor. I love reading your articles. I admire that you are steadfast, and it seems like that you are a man of your word. It saddens me that many Senators' word blows away with the slightest gust of wind. It's important at this frightening time for them to help keep us hopeful, instead of turning their backs on us.


  • Christine Patrice McNally

    01/09/2021 06:43 PM

    Please and thanks for safe email alternatives. I know you've mentioned prior but don't recall oops! I had a Yahoo email but it got hacked @2015-2016.

  • Linda Doud

    01/09/2021 06:43 PM

    You are a good man Mike Huckabee. You are Honest and awesome.

  • Floyd Unger

    01/09/2021 06:40 PM

    Thank you

  • Peter Tompkins

    01/09/2021 06:35 PM

    Are there any apps that offer free phone calls like whatsapp

  • Melissa Hammers

    01/09/2021 06:35 PM

    God bless you!!! Thank you for standing up for truth and for our great President Trump. I’ll be looking forward to the newsletter. Thank you for including the uplifting scripture.

  • Bob Peckham

    01/09/2021 06:31 PM

    If Joe Manchin were to switch to the republican party, would republicans be back in control of the senate?

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