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January 18, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Martin Luther King Day
  • About Those Weekend Protests
  • Graham Appeals To Schumer
  • Trump Will Leave The White House Wednesday Morning
  • In Case You Missed It
  • Parler Update


Mike Huckabee

Martin Luther King Day

By Mike Huckabee

Today is Martin Luther King Day, the national holiday in honor of the birth of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. on January 15, 1929.

Sadly, this day is not being celebrated as it should be. Not only are coronavirus measures preventing public gatherings, but the nation’s soul is suffering from intense divisions that threaten to undermine Dr. King’s work and legacy. His dream of a nation where all races join together in brotherhood and people are judged not by the color of their skin but the content of their character is under assault not only by racists on the far right, but by “identity politics” hucksters on the far left. They appropriate his name while perverting his message, sowing hatred, distrust, division and even violence under the guise of fighting racism.

As a young boy growing up in the South in the 1960s, I saw the evils of racism first hand, and I was deeply inspired by the Rev. King’s peaceful but forceful protests to right historic wrongs. His arguments weren’t just political statements, they were grounded in Biblical truths and moral absolutes. Secular historians may call what them “speeches,” but they were actually sermons, some of the greatest ever given. I wonder if he would even be allowed to give them on public property today.

I wish more than ever that he were still with us, because while his image is still prominent, it's being appropriated by people who scorn his message, his true message is being forgotten, and we are all the worse off for it.

What would the Rev. King say if he were alive today? I’m going to let that question be answered by someone more qualified to say, a woman I’m intensely proud to call my friend, his niece Alveda King:

About Those Weekend Protests

By Mike Huckabee

Despite all the talk of massive rightwing violence, the armed protests on Sunday in DC and state capitals were small and peaceful. And I mean actually peaceful, not the way the media describe leftist protests: “The city’s on fire, but it’s mostly peaceful.”

Check out the link to see the sign a protester was holding in Lansing, Michigan, about the election. If only someone had warned Biden right after the election that suspicions would continue festering and dog his entire term unless he agreed to a transparent, bipartisan investigation of alleged voting irregularities. Oh, wait: I did.


Graham Appeals To Schumer

By Mike Huckabee

Sen. Lindsay Graham is making what is likely a futile appeal to Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer to reject the House’s second politically-motivated impeachment of President Trump in the name of protecting the Constitution and healing the nation.

Graham calls the House’s latest impeachment vote, conducted without evidence, hearings or a defense as Trump was already preparing to leave office, unconstitutional, an act of political vengeance and “a disgraceful saga” that needs to come to an end. He warns Schumer that turning impeachment into a meaningless partisan political weapon will haunt all future Presidents. Impeachment had only come up twice in America's history until Pelosi wielded it twice in 13 months. Graham asks where it will end? If former Presidents can be impeached, could a future GOP Congress impeach Obama over Benghazi, or Democrats impeach George Washington because he owned slaves?

These are wise words, and serious adults in the Democratic leadership should heed them. The question is, are there any serious adults left in the Democratic Party leadership?

Trump Will Leave The White House Wednesday Morning

By Mike Huckabee

It was announced that on Wednesday, President Trump will leave the White House in the morning, arriving at his new home in Florida by noon, when Joe Biden will be inaugurated. Before anyone starts in on the “unprecedented” OUTRAGE of him not attending his successor’s Inauguration, it’s happened three times before. John Adams, John Quincy Adams and Andrew Johnson all skipped their successors’ Inaugurals.

Here are more details about the Inauguration and who will attend. Some of the names might surprise you.

I have a feeling Trump won’t be the only Republican who plans to find something better to do than watch Biden’s virtual Inauguration (what better way to follow a virtual campaign and a virtual election?) and the celebration of “unity” by celebrities who’ve spent the past four years calling Trump supporters white supremacist Nazis. Don’t get me wrong; I’d love to believe that we’re entering a new period of national healing and a cooling down of partisan rancor, but when I see the comments Biden made about Trump, I have a hard time swallowing it.

Kurt Schlichter offers his usual hilariously brutal assessment of how it will be viewed by all but Biden supporters and the media (but I repeat myself):

And he carries that theme forward on how Republicans must refuse to be silenced by government, media or social media, and how to go about countering that censorship and bullying to protect free speech, a free press and free thought.


In Case You Missed It

By Mike Huckabee

In case you missed my appearance on Fox Business Network Saturday, it made a little news. But then, these days, it’s always news when anyone suggests that Democrats be held to the same standards they want to hold other people to.

Parler Update

By Mike Huckabee

Parler’s CEO John Matze said there have been significant positive developments and the free speech Twitter alternative is hopeful that it will be back online soon, after Amazon cut off its hosting service with no warning.

One negative development is that Matze and his family had to go into hiding because of death threats, ironically from leftists who accuse Parler (“without evidence”) of hosting the planning of the attack on the US Capitol (they want to kill anyone who promotes violence.) So far, it appears that any planning took place on other platforms – and incidentally, if it was planned in advance, doesn’t that prove that Trump’s speech did NOT incite it?

If House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took her responsibilities seriously, she would call for a vote rescinding her latest bogus impeachment on those now-disproven grounds. But she’s too busy posing for photos with the same National Guard troops that she referred to as “stormtroopers” when they were protecting federal buildings that her office is not in from violent leftist rioters.

Until Parler returns, a number of other services are making it clear that they’ll be happy to accept the thousands if not millions of users who are abandoning Twitter and Facebook. Here’s an article about two more, Signal and Telegram, which you might find interesting.

Most telling detail: a tech expert who usually has to explain new services like this to his parents heard from his parents to tell him they had already signed up for Signal. So when Twitter and Facebook tell you that they’re just driving out dangerous rightwing extremists, remember: they’re talking about your parents.




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Comments 26-50 of 58

  • Dana Scott

    01/18/2021 11:19 PM

    No. No free anything to immigrants. When they do things the right way there should be a period of time they have to work before they get ANY government benefits. Many many years!!!!!

  • Laurie Carmichael

    01/18/2021 11:12 PM

    Thank you for always reporting truthfully to the American people. The culmination over the past 15 years is now: Democrats acts prove they have overthrown the Constitution and therefore the US Government and 'We the people.' Our voices are absconded. No future vote means anything anymore because they'll simply lie and connive to bring about their Socialist Agenda. The wolves are at the door: Iran, NK, and China. Seriously, President Trump cannot leave knowing this and that of the future peril of the Constitution & our country. I pray to God for grace upon our Nation of our former freedoms. I am sickened with the corruption, the ban on terms God has authored: Father (God is Father), Mother, Son (Jesus is Son), Daughter, etc in our House of Representatives, and the promised steps to come from Joe Biden... What I reflect on is the Hebrews being enslaved for 400 years because of a sell out... Dear God, WE were supposed to be the country w/ the lamp stand for the world to see. We're nothing now but a target and a nation of people who think they're gods & can shuffle life as they please, genderless, thoughtless, abortionists, teaching in our public schools there is no God, and making us dependent on the Gov. My heart is heavy with the prospect of our future without our Constitution and true rule of law.
    Laurie Carmichael

  • Judy Radley

    01/18/2021 11:12 PM

    Gov. Mike, Please tell President Trump and First Lady Melanie and their family, that they will be truly missed by those of us who still support them and thank them tirelessly, for all they have done for America.

    America will never be the same now, as President Trump and First Lady Melanie have awakened us to see the real ills of those now in power but they NEVER will control us. It is now like a nightmare some of us cannot wake up from, and every day will be less cheerful now that President Trump is not our leader.

    However, our focus now is to appreciate the things we can control, like the love of our family and that we have a loving family and that yes, God is still in control of life, and truth, and charity, no matter who satan tries to elevate over us, over good. Those of us who love truth, will always reign victorious that truth always matters, no matter who tries to cover it up, it will never be dimmed nor can be hidden under a basket, as the light of truth always uncovers the darkness of evil.

    President Trump and First Lady Melanie, are the epitome of true compassion, conservatives, and truth. That is the only reason why they have been treated so badly, because they truly do represent the true Republic Government, by the people, for the people, and of the people, Under God, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All. The opposite is what communism does, and they are heartless and evil to those who oppose their ideology. It should be called idiotology what the liberals and what hitler did against those who opposed them, and in the end, the liberals will be exposed for all their evil and betrayal they have brought on to others, and they will be the ones no one wants to hear anymore, and they will bring it on themselves, their own ruin.

    It is already happening in CA, and NY, people have realized that President Trump was always telling the truth, no matter how hard it was to hear it, it was needed to be said and heard. So President Trump, you leave victorious, not defeated, by the truth, and that is what matters the most at the end of the day. If cheaters couldn't win, then they would never cheat. Fraud is the total absence of Truth, and that is what the liberals have defined themselves as, the Fraudeans who won, but Truth will divide them and ruin them. (it has already started.) Betrayal is the easy thing to do, but Truth is the right thing to do.

  • Vivian Hui

    01/18/2021 11:05 PM

    I’m am so heart broken out greatvPresident Donald J Trump will no longer hold office.
    What I see in the streets of DC remnds me if the Junta while in Thessaloniki Greece, tanks, shootings, bombs and a 4 pm curfew. I never thought I would see this in my life time in the USA.
    We have such an amazing President. It’s shameful how they have treated him.
    I wish that the military was their to keep him in office.
    Praying for our President snd hus family.

  • Margie Phillips

    01/18/2021 10:47 PM

    President Trump did not do a anything wrong. He wasn't mistaken in any word he said. We have a mostly evil representation in Washington; the ones who are calling the shots. President Trump believes in freedom, the sanctity of life, Patriotism, freedom of worship, protecting our nation and our livelihood. He was our greatest President! God bless President Trump.

  • Teresa Kent

    01/18/2021 10:32 PM


  • mark poyhonen

    01/18/2021 10:25 PM

    May I clarify your statement to add the Governments are preventing public gatherings using Covid as an excuse?
    Biden did finally achieve a decent gathering by ordering the military to attend, in despite Covid.
    History reports stolen power has always involved a display of force by the conquerors.

  • Floyd

    01/18/2021 10:08 PM

    Thank you

  • LINDA Flores

    01/18/2021 09:58 PM

    Good for our President Trump! I am certainly not watching that junk tomorrow either! That would be like watching the devil take over completely in our country! I don't want to see any of the other things that will be attending that mess! I am really disappointed in many of the republicans too! Wonder how much they sold their souls for? How shameful of them, there should be NO donations for them anymore!

  • Barbara Stolp

    01/18/2021 09:51 PM

    As a non-working, ecumenically ordained, seminary graduate, it grieves me to find that the church I attend prayed only for Biden's side by name, and no prayer for the safety of All those in government who are being threatened. I would love to hear you speak to that. And I think the principle that Jesus taught would go a long way to truly uniting what is left of our communities.

  • Charolette Robeson

    01/18/2021 09:43 PM

    A group of my Southern Baptist friends and I will be spending Wednesday at the Olive Garden and may do a sleepover at Holiday Inn. Cannot think of a better way to spend the day!

  • Tammy Patten

    01/18/2021 09:42 PM

    We love you

  • Wendy Shull

    01/18/2021 09:23 PM

    Dear Gov.Huckabee,
    Would you please contact Tucker Carlson program,,Tucker or staff with the graphic video on YouTube you shared this AM? The names and their affiliations are necessary are necessary.....especially Sullivan being released by a federal judge. Tucker’s monologue was excellent this evening. I am in agreement with you arrests and not double standard justice to be applied.
    He would accept a call from you, being well known, rather than another viewer...being real!
    Thank you.
    Wendy Shull


    01/18/2021 08:49 PM

    The Democrats ands the RINOS are about to find out they have a massive problem looking at them and it coming to the Border very soon all due to Senile Joe saying he wants open borders and they are bringing along their family members and all any diseases they have to the US that will be spread all over and as the death toll rises and a real pandemic happens all Joe can do is go into the basement and hope when he comes out again there is still Americans have been mutitated permanently in the process.

  • Sandra Duke

    01/18/2021 08:41 PM

    I posted on Facebook that I was deleting my account due to their censorship of free speech and before I deleted my account, I went to post on a friend’s posting and got a pop up message that stated my account was temporarily restricted from posting or commenting until January 23??? How is this happening in America??? People tweet and post on Facebook absolutely horrible things about Trump, the President of the United States for crying out loud, and they don’t have a problem with any of it, but keep us from posting anything referencing their censorship. Nothing makes sense anymore :(((

  • Barbara Sierocinski

    01/18/2021 08:32 PM

    God save us

  • Mike Carey

    01/18/2021 08:22 PM

    Interesting Question and “Possible Dilemma” for Chief Justice Roberts....

    IF the crazy Dems decide to force an Unconstitutional Senate Trial... AND

    IF no-one preliminarily brings the legal question to the COURTS.....

    Will Chief Justice serve as the Judge in the Senate Trial????? Knowing it’s an unconstitutional act?

    And if he does serve, are his actions therefore deeming the Trial “Constitutional” ..... all by himself without a vote by the Full Court?

    If this goes forward, then all the participants should be offered Swatstika Armbands and Black Shirts.

  • Carol Landa

    01/18/2021 08:07 PM

    Praying for our President Trump.


    01/18/2021 08:07 PM

    I grew up in WA State in the 1950s - I lived in the rural area and the "blacks" grew up in the city - we both picked "green beans" to earn $$$ for school - I later went to the city high school with "blacks" - we carried on conversations with no animosity - both "blacks" and "whites" participated on the same sports teams - sang in the same choir ........................ When did the "discrimination" and civil war start ? Was it the "flower children" in the 70s - the Viet Nam protests - the "drug culture" - and the MALLs became a "melting pot" of all colors and all cultures ? What happened ? I am so disgusted with the last four years of HATRED !!!!

  • Melanie Stadel

    01/18/2021 08:05 PM

    Please add me

  • Debbie Kraemer

    01/18/2021 07:54 PM

    Can we encourage President Trump to declassify the Obamagate papers? Also, can he pardon himself and his family?

  • Paul Kern

    01/18/2021 07:48 PM

    Heading into a new year. A very dark one with an illegitimate President with all the signs of dementia. A Marxist oligarchy controlled by the CCP and Big Tech.
    Saddening but Biblical as we see the American dream being dismantled and Satan attempting to rebuild the tower of Babel
    I tell my friendsto prepare and be in constant prayer.
    Church leaders have caused a lot of confusion by joining Joe's multi-faith commission thus sending the mission that all faiths are equal. Syncretism! I can't even attend my church. Like the German churches that accepted Hitler's lies.they have instead accepted government rule!
    It would help many to bring on guests who can speak to this
    Thank you

  • Jerry

    01/18/2021 07:38 PM

    Having listened to the First Lady's farewell speech it is with so much sadness the dignity, intellect, and beauty has not been matched in the White House as this Lady brought. Jackie was very good as First Lady it could not have been easy however the obstacles put in Melania's path were overwhelming. Melania's strength has not been matched and probably never will, her standard of Humanity will never be match or has any one ever came close; most of them are light years away from being an equal.

  • James Drury Jr

    01/18/2021 07:36 PM

    Thanks Mike & Staff, Oh have you got anything scheduled to watch for Wed. at Noon?

  • Pat Sands

    01/18/2021 07:26 PM

    I heard a caller on the Tom Sullivan radio show today, referencing a Tennessee congressman talking about the military in DC, were made up with about 70-75% white supremacy who voted for Trump. The caller said if that's the case and the majority of black's, law enforcement, Hispanic and others voted for Trump, how is it that Trump lost. Sullivan didn't want to rehash the past few months.

Friday’s Oval Office Drama by Mike Huckabee

Sometimes, we’re grateful when big news happens late on Friday or a weekend because that gives us time for our 48-hour rule: We don’t talk about some stories until we’re sure we know what happened.

Read on Substack


Trip of a Lifetime: Join Chonda Pierce and other Christian conservatives for another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

Trump wants real news coverage instead of hoaxes and lunacy by Mike Huckabee

If President Trump wants to bring more media outlets into the White House, maybe it’s not because he wants to slant the coverage, as the liberal outlets claim.

Read on Substack