Today's News Stories

January 7, 2022

Friday afternoon, the Supreme Court heard arguments for blocking or upholding the Biden/OSHA vaccine mandate on businesses and health care workers. The conservative Justices seemed open to the idea that states have the power to impose such mandates in a health emergency, but were skeptical that an unelected federal agency does. They seemed to think that such a sweeping and destructive edict, one that is decimating businesses at a time when they’re already struggling with worker shortages and supply chain disruptions, should at least have to come from Congress. The plaintiffs’ attorney pointed out that the Post Office is seeking a waiver from the mandate because it will make it so hard to deliver the mail, proving that not even the government can comply with its own mandate.

Possibly the most shocking part of the oral arguments, however, was not that the liberal Justices seemed open to a dictatorship of unelected federal bureaucrats (big surprise), but just how confused about the law and how filled with stunning misinformation they were.

Justice Sotomayor seemed especially clueless, admitting to not understanding the distinction between state and federal powers (Gorsuch had to explain it.)

But Sotomayor also spewed a number of false COVID claims that would get her banned from Twitter for life if she were a conservative pundit. Among them: that the vaccines prevent disease and transmission in the workplace, that Omicron is just as deadly as Delta, and that there are over 100,000 children in the hospital with severe COVID, many on ventilators (there are currently 3,342 children nationwide in hospitals who’ve tested positive for COVID, and most are incidental to the real reason they’re there.)

Even that stunning array of misinformation takes a back seat to Justice Breyer, who seemed to think that the OSHA mandate would block 100% of all new COVID cases. He also said hospitals are at near-capacity (they’re slightly above average capacity), and most jaw-dropping of all, that yesterday, there were 750 million new cases of COVID in America. He later corrected himself to 750,000, which is good, since 750 million is more than twice the entire US population, so every American would have had to get COVID twice in one day. Wow, that Omicron variant really is transmissible!

When you consider that the liberals on the court are from the same background, social circles and mindset as the liberals who came up with this policy, the odds that it’s intelligent, well-reasoned, based on facts and consistent with the law and the Constitution seem lower than Kamala Harris’ approval rating.

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Plan for action after AG Garland’s contempt of Congress

Comments 11-20 of 24

  • Sarah Unfried

    01/09/2022 11:05 PM

    There is an amazing ignorance about our government. I teach Boy Scouts the 3 citizenship badges (community, nation and world) and I explain about separation of powers (we contrast capital punishment and abortion as 2 similar controversial topics which are treated differently because in abortion the judiciary took over the legislative job and overruled the states, but with capital punishment the people and the states still have a voice). The boys are astounded by the idea of sovereign states. They seem to think that the Civil War put an end to states as a concept. Is anyone but me still teaching this?? Thank you Governor, I appreciate your humor and positive viewpoint in this morass we’re stewing in.

  • Marcia Friedman

    01/09/2022 10:33 PM

    How disappointing to hear the remarks of those deemed the top jurists speak falsehoods on such an important topic. There is no place for bias on the court. None. The Constitution protects "We the People" and the Supreme Court is the last word. We can only pray the nine members remember their duty to follow the Constitution.

  • Debi Collin-Smith

    01/09/2022 09:03 PM

    You are just flat out AWESOME and always have been! You put everything my confetti brain is thinking into words that make sense! God Bless you!

  • Christine Schember

    01/09/2022 07:01 PM


    Thanks for your email updates. I appreciate your hard work. As a fellow believer who is so discouraged by the events of this Covid haze, I’m more concerned about the stuff going on while the world is obsessed with Covid. What are your thoughts?

  • Donald Tygart

    01/09/2022 07:01 PM

    So when the smoke finally clears, and it appears that soon it will - what do the Liberals say about the Conservatives? 'Forget all of it, we were just kidding?'

  • Rex Campbell

    01/09/2022 06:57 PM

    Just a word of thanks. Am grateful for your daily input. Happy new Year! - Rex

  • Randy Pochel

    01/09/2022 06:34 PM

    If this was a “True” court this mandate would have been thrown out!
    Totally Unconstitutional!
    4,5,9,10 amendment.
    Our rights are from GOD! Not some fraudulent dictatorship that wants to be god.
    For the clown court to decide if our GOD given rights are negligible at the whim of man
    Is beyond blasphemy and better be pointed out.
    This Covid is a convenient
    mechanism for control. Needs to stop right now and the government who has accepted it need to be held accountable.

  • F. Gregory Walsh

    01/09/2022 05:48 PM

    Dear Mike,
    I'm not addressing this particular item; rather a more general subject:
    Have you considered labeling your Bible Verse pictures (regarding location) as you do your "Beautiful America" pictures?
    If no, I hope you would...
    Warmest regards,

  • Debbie Westbrook

    01/09/2022 05:38 PM

    If the supreme court does know the difference and importance of states rights versus federal rights we are in bad shape as a country

  • Gail Denham

    01/09/2022 05:18 PM

    Where on earth are these supreme court members getting their news. This is so far from reality - there isn't even a response. Just sit there with our mouths open. What news, what garbage are they being fed. This is truly sad - since we depend on them (so far) as the supreme court of the land. Today I'm not so sure.

Election 2024 Coverage

January 7, 2022

Friday afternoon, the Supreme Court heard arguments for blocking or upholding the Biden/OSHA vaccine mandate on businesses and health care workers. The conservative Justices seemed open to the idea that states have the power to impose such mandates in a health emergency, but were skeptical that an unelected federal agency does. They seemed to think that such a sweeping and destructive edict, one that is decimating businesses at a time when they’re already struggling with worker shortages and supply chain disruptions, should at least have to come from Congress. The plaintiffs’ attorney pointed out that the Post Office is seeking a waiver from the mandate because it will make it so hard to deliver the mail, proving that not even the government can comply with its own mandate.

Possibly the most shocking part of the oral arguments, however, was not that the liberal Justices seemed open to a dictatorship of unelected federal bureaucrats (big surprise), but just how confused about the law and how filled with stunning misinformation they were.

Justice Sotomayor seemed especially clueless, admitting to not understanding the distinction between state and federal powers (Gorsuch had to explain it.)

But Sotomayor also spewed a number of false COVID claims that would get her banned from Twitter for life if she were a conservative pundit. Among them: that the vaccines prevent disease and transmission in the workplace, that Omicron is just as deadly as Delta, and that there are over 100,000 children in the hospital with severe COVID, many on ventilators (there are currently 3,342 children nationwide in hospitals who’ve tested positive for COVID, and most are incidental to the real reason they’re there.)

Even that stunning array of misinformation takes a back seat to Justice Breyer, who seemed to think that the OSHA mandate would block 100% of all new COVID cases. He also said hospitals are at near-capacity (they’re slightly above average capacity), and most jaw-dropping of all, that yesterday, there were 750 million new cases of COVID in America. He later corrected himself to 750,000, which is good, since 750 million is more than twice the entire US population, so every American would have had to get COVID twice in one day. Wow, that Omicron variant really is transmissible!

When you consider that the liberals on the court are from the same background, social circles and mindset as the liberals who came up with this policy, the odds that it’s intelligent, well-reasoned, based on facts and consistent with the law and the Constitution seem lower than Kamala Harris’ approval rating.

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The Overseas Elections

Very Fine People

Raked over the coals

Plan for action after AG Garland’s contempt of Congress

Comments 11-20 of 24

  • Sarah Unfried

    01/09/2022 11:05 PM

    There is an amazing ignorance about our government. I teach Boy Scouts the 3 citizenship badges (community, nation and world) and I explain about separation of powers (we contrast capital punishment and abortion as 2 similar controversial topics which are treated differently because in abortion the judiciary took over the legislative job and overruled the states, but with capital punishment the people and the states still have a voice). The boys are astounded by the idea of sovereign states. They seem to think that the Civil War put an end to states as a concept. Is anyone but me still teaching this?? Thank you Governor, I appreciate your humor and positive viewpoint in this morass we’re stewing in.

  • Marcia Friedman

    01/09/2022 10:33 PM

    How disappointing to hear the remarks of those deemed the top jurists speak falsehoods on such an important topic. There is no place for bias on the court. None. The Constitution protects "We the People" and the Supreme Court is the last word. We can only pray the nine members remember their duty to follow the Constitution.

  • Debi Collin-Smith

    01/09/2022 09:03 PM

    You are just flat out AWESOME and always have been! You put everything my confetti brain is thinking into words that make sense! God Bless you!

  • Christine Schember

    01/09/2022 07:01 PM


    Thanks for your email updates. I appreciate your hard work. As a fellow believer who is so discouraged by the events of this Covid haze, I’m more concerned about the stuff going on while the world is obsessed with Covid. What are your thoughts?

  • Donald Tygart

    01/09/2022 07:01 PM

    So when the smoke finally clears, and it appears that soon it will - what do the Liberals say about the Conservatives? 'Forget all of it, we were just kidding?'

  • Rex Campbell

    01/09/2022 06:57 PM

    Just a word of thanks. Am grateful for your daily input. Happy new Year! - Rex

  • Randy Pochel

    01/09/2022 06:34 PM

    If this was a “True” court this mandate would have been thrown out!
    Totally Unconstitutional!
    4,5,9,10 amendment.
    Our rights are from GOD! Not some fraudulent dictatorship that wants to be god.
    For the clown court to decide if our GOD given rights are negligible at the whim of man
    Is beyond blasphemy and better be pointed out.
    This Covid is a convenient
    mechanism for control. Needs to stop right now and the government who has accepted it need to be held accountable.

  • F. Gregory Walsh

    01/09/2022 05:48 PM

    Dear Mike,
    I'm not addressing this particular item; rather a more general subject:
    Have you considered labeling your Bible Verse pictures (regarding location) as you do your "Beautiful America" pictures?
    If no, I hope you would...
    Warmest regards,

  • Debbie Westbrook

    01/09/2022 05:38 PM

    If the supreme court does know the difference and importance of states rights versus federal rights we are in bad shape as a country

  • Gail Denham

    01/09/2022 05:18 PM

    Where on earth are these supreme court members getting their news. This is so far from reality - there isn't even a response. Just sit there with our mouths open. What news, what garbage are they being fed. This is truly sad - since we depend on them (so far) as the supreme court of the land. Today I'm not so sure.

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    Latest News

    January 7, 2022

    Friday afternoon, the Supreme Court heard arguments for blocking or upholding the Biden/OSHA vaccine mandate on businesses and health care workers. The conservative Justices seemed open to the idea that states have the power to impose such mandates in a health emergency, but were skeptical that an unelected federal agency does. They seemed to think that such a sweeping and destructive edict, one that is decimating businesses at a time when they’re already struggling with worker shortages and supply chain disruptions, should at least have to come from Congress. The plaintiffs’ attorney pointed out that the Post Office is seeking a waiver from the mandate because it will make it so hard to deliver the mail, proving that not even the government can comply with its own mandate.

    Possibly the most shocking part of the oral arguments, however, was not that the liberal Justices seemed open to a dictatorship of unelected federal bureaucrats (big surprise), but just how confused about the law and how filled with stunning misinformation they were.

    Justice Sotomayor seemed especially clueless, admitting to not understanding the distinction between state and federal powers (Gorsuch had to explain it.)

    But Sotomayor also spewed a number of false COVID claims that would get her banned from Twitter for life if she were a conservative pundit. Among them: that the vaccines prevent disease and transmission in the workplace, that Omicron is just as deadly as Delta, and that there are over 100,000 children in the hospital with severe COVID, many on ventilators (there are currently 3,342 children nationwide in hospitals who’ve tested positive for COVID, and most are incidental to the real reason they’re there.)

    Even that stunning array of misinformation takes a back seat to Justice Breyer, who seemed to think that the OSHA mandate would block 100% of all new COVID cases. He also said hospitals are at near-capacity (they’re slightly above average capacity), and most jaw-dropping of all, that yesterday, there were 750 million new cases of COVID in America. He later corrected himself to 750,000, which is good, since 750 million is more than twice the entire US population, so every American would have had to get COVID twice in one day. Wow, that Omicron variant really is transmissible!

    When you consider that the liberals on the court are from the same background, social circles and mindset as the liberals who came up with this policy, the odds that it’s intelligent, well-reasoned, based on facts and consistent with the law and the Constitution seem lower than Kamala Harris’ approval rating.

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    More Stories

    The Overseas Elections

    Very Fine People

    Raked over the coals

    Plan for action after AG Garland’s contempt of Congress

    Comments 11-20 of 24

    • Sarah Unfried

      01/09/2022 11:05 PM

      There is an amazing ignorance about our government. I teach Boy Scouts the 3 citizenship badges (community, nation and world) and I explain about separation of powers (we contrast capital punishment and abortion as 2 similar controversial topics which are treated differently because in abortion the judiciary took over the legislative job and overruled the states, but with capital punishment the people and the states still have a voice). The boys are astounded by the idea of sovereign states. They seem to think that the Civil War put an end to states as a concept. Is anyone but me still teaching this?? Thank you Governor, I appreciate your humor and positive viewpoint in this morass we’re stewing in.

    • Marcia Friedman

      01/09/2022 10:33 PM

      How disappointing to hear the remarks of those deemed the top jurists speak falsehoods on such an important topic. There is no place for bias on the court. None. The Constitution protects "We the People" and the Supreme Court is the last word. We can only pray the nine members remember their duty to follow the Constitution.

    • Debi Collin-Smith

      01/09/2022 09:03 PM

      You are just flat out AWESOME and always have been! You put everything my confetti brain is thinking into words that make sense! God Bless you!

    • Christine Schember

      01/09/2022 07:01 PM


      Thanks for your email updates. I appreciate your hard work. As a fellow believer who is so discouraged by the events of this Covid haze, I’m more concerned about the stuff going on while the world is obsessed with Covid. What are your thoughts?

    • Donald Tygart

      01/09/2022 07:01 PM

      So when the smoke finally clears, and it appears that soon it will - what do the Liberals say about the Conservatives? 'Forget all of it, we were just kidding?'

    • Rex Campbell

      01/09/2022 06:57 PM

      Just a word of thanks. Am grateful for your daily input. Happy new Year! - Rex

    • Randy Pochel

      01/09/2022 06:34 PM

      If this was a “True” court this mandate would have been thrown out!
      Totally Unconstitutional!
      4,5,9,10 amendment.
      Our rights are from GOD! Not some fraudulent dictatorship that wants to be god.
      For the clown court to decide if our GOD given rights are negligible at the whim of man
      Is beyond blasphemy and better be pointed out.
      This Covid is a convenient
      mechanism for control. Needs to stop right now and the government who has accepted it need to be held accountable.

    • F. Gregory Walsh

      01/09/2022 05:48 PM

      Dear Mike,
      I'm not addressing this particular item; rather a more general subject:
      Have you considered labeling your Bible Verse pictures (regarding location) as you do your "Beautiful America" pictures?
      If no, I hope you would...
      Warmest regards,

    • Debbie Westbrook

      01/09/2022 05:38 PM

      If the supreme court does know the difference and importance of states rights versus federal rights we are in bad shape as a country

    • Gail Denham

      01/09/2022 05:18 PM

      Where on earth are these supreme court members getting their news. This is so far from reality - there isn't even a response. Just sit there with our mouths open. What news, what garbage are they being fed. This is truly sad - since we depend on them (so far) as the supreme court of the land. Today I'm not so sure.