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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

February 5, 2021

Bro Mike, you say: "since the Constitution says “the Chief Justice SHALL preside...” Chief Justice John Roberts has wisely chosen not to accept this dubious honor and will play no part in the "trial," so Sen. Leahy has graciously taken it upon himself." How is it that Justice Roberts can "choose" to not perform his constitutionally required duty? And how is it that Leahy can "take it upon himself"? (asking for a friend)


From the Gov:

When President Trump went through his first impeachment trial in the Senate, Chief Justice Roberts presided, just as the Constitution calls for during the impeachment trial of a President. For the second (sigh) trial that takes place next week, the Chief Justice sent his regrets, but neither he nor the Supreme Court offered any comments.

Donald Trump is now a private citizen; he does not hold the office of President and so cannot be removed from it. So the ceremonial duty of presiding as outlined in the Constitution apparently does not apply to the Chief Justice in this case.

Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy, who serves as president pro tempore of the Senate, will preside instead. In a statement, he said, “The president pro tempore has historically presided over Senate impeachment trials of non-presidents.” What he didn’t say is that those “non-presidents” were other office-holders, not private citizens as Trump now is. Vice President Kamala Harris could have presided as well, but she is so closely in line for the Presidency that it would have looked even more inappropriate than what we are going to see.

As I've said, Democrats are essentially making this up as they go along. Some have argued that the Chief Justice owes us an explanation for his decision not to preside, as analyst Dan McLaughlin does here in an article we linked to a couple of weeks ago.

There also remains the question of whether a former President can be impeached at all. Legal expert Andrew McCarthy has said, “History and precedent are on the side of those who argue that impeachment trials of non-incumbents are constitutional,” –- this is news to me, and he doesn’t cite the precedent –- “but that is beside the point. The Supreme Court surely wants no part of this hot political dispute, and the Constitution’s commitment to impeachment trials to Senate control gives the justices a good reason to stay out of it.”

As McCarthy said, “Impeachment is a political process, not a legal one; there is no entitlement to the kind of due process required in judicial proceedings, where a presumptively impartial judge and counsel for the parties to select a jury of the defendant’s peers, which has been vetted to ensure its objectivity.”

In other words, this will be a political circus. Sen. Leahy has already said he’s voting to convict, before the thing even starts. With him presiding instead of Chief Justice Roberts, it will seem even more like the show trial it is. If the Democrats have any self-awareness at all, which is doubtful, maybe they’ll try to keep it a little more low-key this time around, to avoid looking like the partisan ghouls they are.

Yes, ghouls. If you don’t think this is going to be a hateful and contentious process, take a look at the wording of Impeachment Manager Jamie Raskin’s letter to Trump “inviting” him to testify --- which he wisely will not be doing.


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  • Tom Darnley

    02/05/2021 03:43 PM

    The loss of any life is tragic. The Capital Hill Police Officer that died after the January 6th incident is sad.

    As a career soldier, I have witnessed the deaths of many great patriots. However, I don’t recall their bodies being laid to rest in Congress, let alone seeing grieving politicians standing next to the remains.

    It was great “political theatre”.

    The funeral was held at Arlington National Cemetery with full honors. I’m sorry but I know many great warriors that passed away only for their families to wait more than a year to be buried there. What did this honorable law officer do to allow him burial at Arlington before other veterans?

    I haven’t heard the cause of death yet, have you? I feel bad for his family, as they probably don’t realize that they are political pawns.


  • Karen Broxson

    02/05/2021 03:37 PM

    Why is this being allowed when so many democrats have truly incited violence and insurrection? I am so tired of the double standards.

  • David Brandt

    02/05/2021 03:36 PM

    Governor Huckabee,

    I would suggest sir that indeed, Chief Justice Roberts has spoken on the issue. His very act of telling the Senate to take a hike and that he was not going to take part in their game has said clearly that he and a majority of the Court are of the opinion that this is not proper and within the confines of our Constitution.

    In fact, he has painted the Democrats into a legal corner, if they continue with this charade they will have clearly violated the terms of our Constitution and by doing so, opened the door to serious legal repercussions.

    As you have pointed out, Article 1, Section 3, Paragraph 6, clearly states "When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside".

    Nowhere in the Constitution is it stated that in the absence of the Chief Justice, the duties can be taken over by some over the hill, prejudiced, third rate Senator.

  • Vern Trumbly

    02/05/2021 03:24 PM

    Governor, I'd like to hearken back a few days to what you were saying about the outrageous number of EO's the NEW president has burdened our great country with since his inauguration. I'm a veteran of over eight years in the US Air Force during the Vietnam debacle (thankfully they didn't send me there, not to put down anyone who was). What greatly concerns me, and many other Vets, is that the president has curtailed many of the programs which do a great amount of good for us. For instance, I have to have some medical care outside the VA purview, and am now told I may have to pay for that myself. Almost fifty years ago, I signed a contract with the US Government which said I would receive medical care in perpetuity after discharge. Now I may not be able to receive this. I stopped paying for Medicare a few years back because it was beyond my budget at the time, and now have to restart that in hopes it will cover most of what the VA used to. Can we have a discussion about this, and what the so-called president is doing to people who faithfully served this country for low pay while he was languishing in the Senate making many times the amount we did. I am very disappointed in this after President Trump did so much to improve Veteran's health care.
    Vern Trumbly
    P.S. I was living in Arkansas for a short time while you were governor, and always felt your efforts for the state were exemplary.

  • Jimmie Harris

    02/05/2021 03:23 PM

    I am so glad that President Trump is not going to appear for this Kabuki Theater.

  • Doug Morgan

    02/05/2021 03:19 PM

    Governor: In looking at your response to Stephen R., "NO THIRD PARTY: Here's why," I wonder if you’ve considered what is already happening in Republican controlled states. I live in one, but two major cities controlled by radical leftists, in the state have most of the people. And corporations for the most part are located in those two cities. My Representative in Congress and an established Senator from this state won’t even respond to correspondence. The other Senator is new and not part of the swamp, but he is constantly under attack by the left. I do not see but a very small number of republicans willing to take a stand for anything but saying and voting the way the lobbyists who pay them dictate.

    It now is becoming apparent that many large corporations are yielding to BLM and Antifa pressure and now appear to have joined and support the democrat party. Half of law-abiding citizens, even in so-called conservative states, the non-left employee, student, teacher, and even patronizing places of business, are afraid to even let it be known that they are conservatives, especially Trump supporters, for fear being verbally attacked, ostracized or worse, fired.

    One only has to study history, (quickly before it’s eliminated) to understand the average German living under Nazism and the average Russian living under communism was bombarded by the media and those in power to brainwash and convince the average citizen to yield to their pressure to survive.

    I am afraid that within 2 years, the same thing will happen in the USA. The incessant left-wing drumbeat of The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and almost every other major newspaper, plus The Atlantic, The New Yorker, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, all of Hollywood and almost every school from kindergarten through graduate school, has brainwashed at least half of America every bit as effectively as the German, Soviet and Chinese communist press did (and in the latter case, still does). That thousands of schools will teach the lie that is the New York Times' 1619 Project is one of the countless examples. Just look at what happens to those who dare to say a word about the stolen election, BLM, Antifa, or who actually started the riot in Washington.

  • Robert Wrucke

    02/05/2021 03:18 PM

    OH MY!! That is all I got at this time!

  • Bea LaRue

    02/05/2021 03:18 PM

    Gov. Huck, First, love your newsletter! Now, then, have you read the Time Magazine article by someone named Ball, who tells how the left wing Activists, RINO'S AND Big Business got together to "shadow" the 2020 Election??? I'd like to know your opinion of the article and if it would have any bearing at all on 1. Impeachment hearing and 2. Upcoming hearing's in the Supreme Court vs Powell and Wood.


    02/05/2021 03:10 PM

    Being Trump ( Which I am not) I wouldn't even show up for this mockery of the constitution. Especially being a private citizen and not in the political system. However if I did decide to appear I would bring every news source with me that heard my speech other than left wing media. What a joke, as said befor a circus and let's not forget constitutional law.

  • Mary Waggoner

    02/05/2021 03:01 PM

    Governor, After the “spy-gate” saga and what the FBI did to Gen. Flynn, I have little to no regard for the “intelligence” groups in D.C. With that said, I theorized that they intentionally disregarded prior information about the attack on the Capital to get back at Trump for releasing the documents on the whole Russia collusion hoax. I have never been a conspiracy theorist but something doesn’t “smell” right here. The FBI has NEVER, that I’m aware of, taken responsibility so quickly to say that they “heard” chatter days before but didn’t act on it? Come on man! Tell why you would believe these people.

  • Fred Stickler

    02/05/2021 02:52 PM

    Gov. I agree that we should NOT from a third party but, reform and re-invent the GOP. Please check out There you find our efforts to re-shape the party into a real activists party driven by issues and not whether a candidate has a R or D on the ballot. A true conservative organization dedicated to "Making America Great Again." We currently have clubs in 45 states. So, don't let the Arizona base confuse you. Thanks for your consideration.

  • Dr. Carolyn O'RourkeThere has to be a third party

    02/05/2021 02:27 PM

    There must be a third party! I have voted for Republicans since I first voted for General Dwight David Eisenhower. In those days and in times up to the present, I could count on members of the Republican Party voting for their constituents - to support the elected President. In these days, members of the Republican party ("Rino"s,"Never Trumpers", and the " Lone Rangers") simply become turncoats, and instead of supporting the duly elected President of the United States by the American people these choose NOT to support him. This is the reality of what is happening in America right now. This leaves the Democratic Party with their radical Communist agenda.....and no one to turn to who will support the American people by supporting their President. It's a sad day!
    So where do Americans go now? Is there anyone who can be trusted?

  • Elizabeth Houghton

    02/05/2021 01:30 PM

    I'm getting up to here with people on the right preaching that now is the time to form a third party. No, no, and hell, no. We have to push back hard, by voting in huge numbers, by organizing get-out-the-vote and voter registration drives, by being unafraid to speak up for Constitutional principles, and ridiculing (see Alinksy's Rules for Radicals) the bonkers ideas that the leftists come up with. Follow the left's example and mount primary challenges to Republicans who do not support actual Republican principles and our Constitution.

    You've heard the common wisdom that more people find jobs, service people, etc. by word of mouth than they do with paid adverts. We can bypass the strictures of Big Tech by networking among ourselves. That's where to put your energy.

  • Richard Swiger

    02/05/2021 01:28 PM

    Nothing is impossible for God .I just saw that the US senate just voted down the protection for failed abortion attempts .This along with all the other immoral laws to murder the innocent that have been passed in this Country ,will be our undoing When a nation such as ours turns from God and continues to commit such egregious sins against him He will turn from that Nation and although our God is a merciful one.He is a just God and with that comes punishment .Our country was a God fearing country at one time but now with the immoral representatives we have elected along with the unwillingness of the people to turn from sin ,I believe Wrath is what’s coming and I believe it is much over due

  • Valerie Blount

    02/05/2021 01:10 PM

    You explained this complicated subject matter (Trump's trial info) so very well that even my
    simple mind understood. Thank you. Nothing surprises me...and the outcome is almost predictible. We ARE dealing with people who deal in deceit....of the highest form.

    IMPORTANT.....PLEASE, please, please write about your feelings re Mike Lindell's "The Absolute Truth". Took my breath away. Am so used to things being swept under the rug with zero you think these revelations will result in any action(s) by ANYONE? ...God you for speaking out so very well and God bless our beloved US of A.

  • William D. Mizell Jr.

    02/05/2021 01:08 PM

    Gov I have to say the Democrats penchant for kangaroo court trials isn't that alarming or unexpected. Nor is the push to shred our Constitution. It is clear that Maxine Waters, AOC (who led an incursion into Nancy Pelosi's office & staged a sit in), Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell [aka Manchurian candidate #4(Sleepy Joe #1, D. Feinstein #2, Hunter #3)] & others in Congress have repeatedly called for harrassment of administration officials & Trump supporters. Antifa has been attacking people since Charlottesville (the police deliberately pushed those protesting the removal of statues into the waiting crowd of Antifa attackers) Antifa & BLM have rioted, burned, looted & murdered their way across the USA since inauguration day 2017. The defaced monuments attacked police & tried to storm the Whitehouse & rioted in DC yet we're the domestic terrorists? Bull butter. The incursion into the Capitol happened while President Trump was still speaking. Antifa & BLM activist leaders met before the incursion, which they planned & had been planning since they heard about his rally. I personally have screenshots of posts by Antifa leaders that planned to dress like Trump supporters & cause violence. When has there been a riot by Republicans ever in history? Name one. You can't because Christian's are Republicans & we don't act like animals. The fact that President Trump was still speaking when the incursion that you doltish politician/oligarchial, folks fail to understand is that you work for us. It isn't an elected official's job to do what they think is best or what their big donors want. It is to do what those who voted them into office want. It matters not what a politician thinks. It is their job to do as they are told by those who put them in office. When they forget that they are oligarchs. Sadly most of our government is made up of such tyranical fools & people are just beginning to see their dictatorial mindsets.

  • Joanne Sgrignoli

    02/05/2021 01:05 PM

    I understand that CJ John Roberts doesn't think he's responsible for presiding over an unconstitutional impeachment of a private citizen. I do wish that he had the modicum of decency to say that.

    The Raskin letter made me laugh when I read the first line. "Factual allegations?" No, the Democrats twist facts and President Trump inspired and encouraged a "patriotic and peaceful walk to the Capitol to make their voices heard" after his speech. The breach happened while the president was speaking. How do Democrats twist truth into another reality? Oh, it's their leader, the Father of Lies, the Great Deceiver... Satan!

  • Gina Mikels

    02/05/2021 12:55 PM

    Speaking of their playbook and impeachment, I believe they skipped over learning #7. They are becoming a drag!!

  • Johnna Hale

    02/05/2021 12:42 PM

    There is no doubt in my mind that the Dems are “self-aware” and cognizant of their goal (singular). All these baby steps are toward a singular goal of eliminating individual rights. Some have ultimately called it communism but surely it has a bigger umbrella of “anti-Christ”.

  • Teresa I Miller

    02/05/2021 12:36 PM

    Gov Huckabee....I still think a third party....with the right leader...could draw not only from the GOP and collapse them but also the Dem party and collapse them so what is left of GOP and Dems would get together and form one party (they support each other) could be called the Swamp party and then there would be the Patriots...

  • Candie Cobb

    02/05/2021 12:31 PM

    Mike, have been Filipino you fir many years! I even voted for you!! You should be President sir. But I’m now praying for Sarah to hold that office in the future.
    I am so dismayed by all that is going on. My thoughts of Leahy in there sounds like a railroaded deal to me! This is such a waste of tax payers money and of time, taken away from the important areas of need right now, for the PEOPLE of the United States ! ????
    Thank you Mike for always being truthful, your Faith in God, your love of the people and music??????????

  • Dennis Price

    02/05/2021 12:29 PM

    Mike, why can’t a state attorney general (say from Florida where Trump resides) file suit with a conservative judge to stop the trial of its private citizen until the Supreme Court decides if the impeachment is constitutional and force the Supreme Court to do their job. It would seem that if a Federal judge can stop an executive order from the President from being enacted, why doesn’t that judge have the same power over Congress?

  • Mary Deatherage

    02/05/2021 12:27 PM

    Sir - I know you tell us to continue to hope. Continue to vote Republican. Continue to speak out against what is happening in and to our Country. I DID vote Republican - and I DID vote in the GA runoff. And they cheated again (and apparently got a Nobel Peace Prize nomination for their effort). And will continue to cheat. I watch what they're doing to President Trump - who - other than being abrasive, not speaking in meaningless sound-bites and, frankly, being EXACTLY what this Country needed (still does IMO) - has done nothing wrong. He spent four years taking every abuse imaginable from the left and working like crazy for the good of us and our Country in spite of them. Watching this witch hunt makes me sad. And tired. And discouraged. And wondering if we can ever, ever recover. Thank you for reading this.

  • Don Proeschel

    02/05/2021 12:25 PM

    Mike, I really like that you put a Bible verse at the beginning of your daily news summary. I wonder, however, why many of these verses are in King James English that is rarely, if ever, used anymore. I had a King James Bible as a young person 50 years ago but I am so glad to have modern translations that more clearly transmit the truth of God and Jesus Christ. Would you consider using only more modern English versions? I understand the King James English but lots of younger Christians and Christ seekers do not.

  • Steve Jarrett

    02/05/2021 12:23 PM

    Gov. Huckabee: How are you today, sir! I believe that if the Senate is going to abide by the Constitution, the Supreme Court should rule that an impeachment trial of a President who is no longer in office be declared unconstitutional on the very fact that a) Mr. Trump is no longer President and b) The Senate does not have the constitutional authority to try an ex-officio President un unconstitutional grounds laid out by a House of Representatives who is only seek to stop Mr. Trump from running again, which is what primaries are for. In baseball parlance, if a runner misses a base, he can and should be “called out” at that base and if the Senate goes through with it, the least that Justice Roberts could do is honor his own constitutional duty in the first place. IMO the Senate does not have the votes to convict even if Sen. Leahy does preside. It just makes Justice Roberts look derelict!!

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