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March 10, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • Voters' Remorse
  • Senate Retirements
  • Unexpected
  • Disney
  • Six Allegations Against Cuomo
  • Word of the Day
  • A Reader Writes...
  • America The Beautiful


Mike Huckabee



Voters' Remorse

By Mike Huckabee

Sometimes, I get up, look at the news, and there are so many similar stories, it’s almost as if the news had a theme that day. Wednesday’s theme appears to be a predictable one: voters’ remorse.

Here’s a story by a woman who hated Donald Trump so much, she called him the “most dishonest person imaginable.” She even wrote a book to slam him, about how important the truth is, and she worked hard to elect Biden and celebrated his “victory.”

Now, she’s suddenly been slapped with a hard truth. The “PRO Act” bill he’s pushing that just passed the House, and that would take the disastrous California AB5 bill that killed small businesses and the gig economy nationwide, threatens to destroy her career as a freelance writer. She writes, “The bill could end my ability to be my own boss, set my own hours and otherwise live the American worker's dream.”

In short, it’s a shining example of a typical piece of “progressive” legislation. Sorry, but this is what you voted for, and that's the truth.

Next, the US Chamber of Commerce, which worked hard to elect Biden and Democrats instead of the most pro-business President in decades, is feeling stunned, shocked, betrayed that Biden is pushing that pro-union bill that would destroy contract workers and small businesses. editor Jennifer Van Laar, who’s led opposition to AB5 in California for years, tweeted, “Odd, they pulled the EXACT SAME (BLEEP) on us in CA. They chose not to fight AB5, then were up in arms when there were terrible consequences. S***w you, US Chamber of Commerce. You don’t care about small business or business at all.”

But probably the group with the least convincing tears of regret is a group called “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden.” They endorsed him despite his clear record as part of an Administration that persecuted nuns for refusing to pay for abortion drugs and contraceptives; his statement that if the SCOTUS overturned Roe V. Wade, he’d go to Congress and make it the law of the land; and the fact that his running mate is the most pro-abortion person ever in the White House.

Now that Biden is doing exactly what anyone with more than two brain cells knew he would do – rolling back religious freedom protections, funding Planned Parenthood, forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions in other nations, attempting to destroy the Hyde Amendment, etc. etc. etc. – they profess to be upset, shocked and disappointed that he’s instituting the most radical pro-abortion agenda in history. Would they feel the same way if they discovered that dogs bark?

I’m having a hard time feeling pity for any of these people because all they had to do was subscribe to this free newsletter and they would have been warned for most of the past year exactly what was going to happen if the Democrats won the White House and Congress. What I do feel sympathy for are the many millions of Americans who will suffer needlessly because of their willfully uninformed votes, and for the countless children who will never survive the womb because this Administration continues to promote a barbaric practice that denies obvious facts of biology, one of those “sciences” that they claim to believe in so fervently.

Senate Retirements

By Mike Huckabee

Missouri Senator Roy Blunt just became the fifth Republican Senator to announce his retirement. This will make it harder for Republicans to take back the Senate in 2022, since, as Rick Moran of PJ Media points out at the link, the GOP was already defending 20 seats while the Democrats only had to defend 14. The open seats mean more in-fighting, more money, and no incumbency advantage.

On the other hand, considering the unbridled mess Biden has made in only six weeks, I shudder to think of the state of the union by 2022. While I hope and pray things won’t be as bad as I fear they will be, if this start is any indication, it’s possible that by 2022, Americans will be so fed up with the Democrats that they’d vote for Pepe LePew if he were the only alternative.


By Mike Huckabee

You might not expect me to write a column defending Britney Spears (even though we’re both great musical talents, of course!) But check out my new column for Fox News.

It’s not just about the pop star but the epidemic problem of greedy people abusing conservatorship laws to rob people, many of them elderly, who should have the freedom to make their own decisions and control their own lives. If it can happen to someone as rich, famous and high-profile as Britney Spears, how can unknown, everyday senior citizens fight back against it?


By Mike Huckabee

If the phrase, “Get woke, go broke,” is true, then the Disney Corp, which had revenues of over $65 billion last year, is risking an awful lot just to virtue signal its leftist intolerance.

For instance, a new Survey Monkey poll found that most Americans are not at all happy with Disney’s embrace of leftist social issues and canceling of those who don’t conform.

The firing of “The Mandalorian” star Gina Carano over her social media post criticizing cancel culture has only boosted her stardom, and the poll finds widespread disagreement with Disney over it. 58% of those who recognized Carano had a favorable opinion of her. When shown her post (which warned that demonizing others was how the Nazis began their persecution of Jews), 39% thought it could have been worded better but she shouldn’t have been fired for it, and 34% saw nothing wrong with it at all. Bottom line: that’s 73% who think she should not have been fired.

In addition, almost two-thirds believe that companies like Disney have taken political correctness too far; 64% oppose Disney’s decision to close down popular theme park rides that are accused of being “racist” in origin or messaging; and 54% oppose Disney’s threat to boycott Georgia for banning abortions of babies with detectable heartbeats. 51% of self-described Disney fans say its recent activities make them view the company less favorably, and 47% say it’s made them less likely to watch Disney programming.

They also must feel that Disney has no room to be judging others, considering its own hypocrisy. A massive 84% disagree with Disney shooting its live action “Mulan” remake in a province of China where the communist government is oppressing minority groups. Disney should have taken a lesson about ticking off their fans from the fact that that movie cost $200 million to make and earned back $70 million.

But they obviously didn’t, since the latest news is that, joining “The Muppet Show” in Disney-Plus’s adults-only, offensive content section will be “Peter Pan,” “Dumbo” and “The Aristocats,” for their racist depictions of Native Americans, black crows and Siamese cats.

These films will be blocked to children and can be seen by them only with the permission of an adult. Even if adults want to watch them, they’ll have to sit through a disclaimer that lectures, "This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together."

Funny, if they hadn’t told me, I never would’ve imagined that they were speaking to adults. Most adults I know are capable of realizing that a movie made in 1941 might not reflect the current social values of 2021 and somehow manage to watch “Dumbo” without turning into drooling racists. They might also roll their eyes at the thought that the current Disney suits who think the original classic “Dumbo” is something to be ashamed of are the same ones who gave us the woeful 2019 remake (46% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes.)

Incidentally, TCM is also doing a series called “Reframed Classics” that will include “wide-ranging discussions” of “problematic” aspects of classic films, including “My Fair Lady,” “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” and appropriately enough, “Psycho.” You’d think that if anyone would be grown adults who understand historical context without a condescending lecture, it would be viewers of TCM.

Since Disney seems to think much of its classic catalog that people subscribed to Disney Plus for is offensive, dangerous, racist and should be hidden from children, maybe they’d agree that the best thing to ensure a "more inclusive future" would be for parents to cancel their subscriptions. They could use the money saved to buy DVDs of classic films, so that when they are eventually brutally edited or yanked completely, they’ll still be able to see them as Walt and their other creators intended.

Six Allegations Against Cuomo

By Mike Huckabee

It was bad enough when New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was accused of covering up the true number (about 11,000) of COVID deaths in nursing homes that he'd forced to take in coronavirus patients. But here’s a new wrinkle: Fox News reports that the state has a similar directive barring group homes for those with developmental disabilities from requiring COVID tests for admission and readmission. According to state records, 6900 residents of those homes got the virus, and 552 died.

All this is in addition to two…no, three…no, four…no, five…wait: SIX sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Cuomo.

Cuomo is denying any wrongdoing and dismissed these as minor incidents. He said, “There is a spectrum of allegations. There’s capital crimes, there’s physical violence, right? Down to more minor allegations…There’s allegations and there’s allegations.” He explained, “No one ever told me at the time that I made them feel uncomfortable. Obviously, there are people who said after the fact they felt uncomfortable.”

I’m sure that sounds perfectly reasonable to him, but I can’t help imagining how the media would eviscerate any “clueless, Neanderthal” Republican who said it.

Word of the Day

By Mike Huckabee

“Bowdlerize.” It means to cut out parts of a book or other work that some might deem offensive. It’s derived from Thomas Bowdler, a 19th century English doctor who expanded his obsession with unsanitary conditions into literature by publishing “The Family Shakespeare,” a volume of the Bard’s works with all the parts he found offensive removed. He carried his censorship movement into other works, such as “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” (imagine the Roman Empire with all the offensive parts removed – what would be left?)

Literary critics and historians so reviled Bowdler that they helped turn his name into a pejorative term for censored works of art and literature. Today, he would be a hero of the left and probably be put in charge of running Facebook.

A Reader Writes Back...

It's 5 am on a Sunday morning and I really needed an article like this today. It makes my day to know that President Trump has friends in good places. Thank you.

America The Beautiful

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Hawai?i Volcanoes National Park, visit its website here.

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Comments 26-31 of 31

  • Renee Kendrick

    03/10/2021 08:28 PM

    We who believe in Jesus "Bowdlerize" the Bible and the Lord Himself almost daily. How many of us fully and firmly believe in the God of the Bible? How many churches promote a watered-down gospel? A false gospel? A prosperity gospel?

    So many Believers and Churches have gone so far in the "being politically correct" direction that there will be very little change to make among them if religious freedoms are taken away! They have already "socially-distanced" themselves from the truth!

    True Bible-Believing churches are hard to find in America today. They are the ones that still proclaim the whole counsel of God...not adding to or taking away from God's word. HIS richest blessings to them!

  • Neil Gottschalck

    03/10/2021 08:25 PM

    I will never say or believe that Biden is the president of the U.S. The election was flat out stolen from President Trump. That's my story and I'm sticking to it......Thank You Mike for keeping us informed.

  • Rheann Shine

    03/10/2021 08:10 PM

    How about adding to your title? Senator Huckabee? Congressman Huckabee? Your country needs your common sense! Got my vote! I'll even move to whichever district you're in!

  • Gregory George Keller

    03/10/2021 07:53 PM

    When I read the epoch times I see civil war on the horizon. I know that the democratic party is pushing for one . But like the old saying be careful for what you wish for . I don't think that all of the 84 million conservative Americans will roll over. Scary times in witch we live in

  • James Drury Jr

    03/10/2021 07:39 PM

    Thanks Mike & Staff, keep doing what you're doing!

  • Mary Oscarson

    03/10/2021 07:27 PM

    I have always loved reading your articles,and always looking forward to reading more.I also wanted to share,how i loved watching a video,of you and Tony Olando together,yes again,i loved it! Gods many blessings to all.

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