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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

Trump 2.0

1. Effort to end birthright citizenship is called “blatantly unconstitutional.”

2. Trump addresses the World Economic Forum at Davos.

3. "Trump takes command," by Col. Ken Allard.

4. Trump is disrupting Washington's status quo.

Latest Videos

1. TRANSFORMATION in Washington | Huckabee Today

2. U.S.-Israel Alliance Strengthened | Huckabee Today

3. Trump’s pick for ambassador to Israel: Hamas has to go | On Balance

4. Lessons from COVID: Building Trust in Public Health | Huckabee Today

Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Trip of a Lifetime

Another unforgettable trip to the Mediterranean in the Fall of 2025!

January 15, 2021

Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip DILBERT, has a subscriber-only service he calls “Coffee with Scott Adams,” featuring podcasts and posts from, you guessed it, Scott Adams. We recommend it as a way to challenge one’s confirmation bias and automatically boost IQ by several points, just by engaging every day. It’s on, which hosts independent "creators" (Greg Gutfeld is another) who prefer to be able to say what they want without getting black marks from the social justice warriors running Big Tech. That’s getting to be a challenge these days, in case you haven’t heard.

In Thursday’s podcast, Adams expresses a surprising lack of interest in what Congress has been doing with impeachment and the 25th Amendment to remove a President who is about to exit stage right anyway. He says: “If they want to do useless things in Congress, to me that just looks like another Tuesday. They’ve been doing useless things all year; why would this be the time they stopped doing useless things?”

He sees the people on the left as wanting to go beyond just enjoying the win. They want to “rub it in” and destroy Trump’s reputation, his family, his business, “everything about him.” And the only way that’s any fun for them, he says, “is if his supporters care.”

"I care about Trump as a person,” Adams says, “‘cause I like him,” noting that the real Trump, after you interact with him and get to know him a little, isn’t like his reputation at all. The left, he says, is also trying to grind the Trump SUPPORTERS down. It might really get to them to know that some of us don’t care more.

"If you care about this,” he says, “you’re caring about all the wrong stuff.”

Well………..let's think about that. It depends on what is meant by not caring. To not care in the sense of giving up and letting them continue to get away with what they’re doing --- that’s exactly what the left wants. To not care in the sense of staying strong –- getting stronger, even –- and pushing back against their agenda --- that’s what the left does NOT want.


Regarding impeachment, Adams asks a very good question; namely, why aren’t the Republicans impeaching Kamala Harris for the same thing Trump has been impeached for? The article of impeachment against Trump says that he “willfully made statements that encouraged and foreseeably resulted in imminent lawless action at the Capitol.” If you change “at the Capitol,” he says, to “in Portland” or “in cities across the United States,” the statements holds true for Harris as well.

"That is so completely, obviously true,” Adams says, “that how do you not put that into an impeachment?” On Day One.

He feels as if Republican politicians are letting their supporters down. Indeed. I would add that ten of them actively went over to the dark side. (And, yes, we’ve listed them.) "Can’t one Republican at least call the Democrats out on consistency?" he wonders. “Is that too much to ask for the standard to be similar for all sides; I don’t think that’s unreasonable.”

Ah, but to point out those inconsistencies –- that’s the brand new made-up sin of “whataboutism.” I’ll tell you something about whataboutism: It’s GREAT. Leftist hypocrisy is so rampant that we need to see a lot more whataboutism right now!

In fact, one Republican did have the guts to employ whataboutism to make the point about holding everyone to the same standard, but he used it on someone besides Kamala Harris. One of the best illustrations of the double standard we’ve seen in a day or two (there are so many) happened on Wednesday, when Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert stood at the podium on the House floor and said, “Here’s a quote: ‘I just don’t even know why there aren’t more –- why there aren’t uprisings all over the country, and maybe there will be.’ Or, 'Sadly, the domestic enemies of our voting system and honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in Congress.’ We were called ‘enemies of the state.’

"Those are all quotes from our Speaker,” Gohmert continued. “Now, on our side, we didn’t take those quotes to be impeachable because we didn’t think she surely meant that. But by the Democrats taking this action [impeaching Trump], you’re telling me, ‘No, when WE [Republicans] say those, we actually MEAN to incite violence.’ That’s what this action is saying.”

The first quote Gohmert offered was said by Speaker Nancy Pelosi in June 2018 in regard to President Trump’s “child separation” policy at the border. The second was also uttered by her, in August 2020 when the GOP expressed opposition to universal mail-in voting. (We've since seen what happened with that. I digress.)

A number of Democrats who weren’t listening to Gohmert very closely apparently missed his point --- inadvertently proving it --- as Twitter went crazy with demands that he be sanctioned, arrested, and/or kicked out of Congress for inciting violence. This led one Twitter user to offer this hilarious deadpan tweet: “Gohmert said something that has those on the left demanding he be arrested or kicked out of Congress, but it turns out he was just quoting Nancy Pelosi.”

It won’t surprise you that even “journalists” mistakenly attributed the quotes not to Pelosi but to Gohmert. “Holy s---,” CNN analyst Asha Rangappa tweeted. “Is [Gohmert] encouraging MORE ‘uprisings’??!? Did I hear that right??????????”

"You did,” replied LAW & CRIME columnist Elura Nanos. “His testimony should be used to immediately expel him.”

Some reportedly have deleted their tweets and acknowledged their errors. But none, to our knowledge, have called for Pelosi’s expulsion from Congress for inciting violence.

Anyway, Gohmert was making the same point about Speaker Pelosi that Scott Adams made about VP-elect Harris. Whataboutism --- we love it.

As Adams says in his podcast, “If you impeach Trump for this exact behavior, you HAVE to impeach Kamala Harris, or at least attempt to...If it’s not even introduced as an article of doesn’t feel like trying. It looks like they’ve just given up.”

There’s one difference Adams doesn’t mention: Kamala Harris wasn’t Vice President yet when she incited violence. But that brings up another point: Democrats heard her incite violence, more than once, as a candidate, and voted for her, anyway. That shows their hypocrisy even more. If they can vote for a person whom they know incited violence, how can they impeach someone else for doing what they consider to be the same thing?

Maybe Adams doesn’t care much that Democrats in Congress are acting like the useless time- and money-wasters they are and impeaching Trump right before he leaves the White House. But he does seem to care quite a lot about holding people to the same standards regardless of political affiliation. And truly, that’s what will be the most important consideration, long after Trump leaves office.

And now, for your entertainment pleasure, here are more tweets from numb-headed leftists who went crazy thinking Gohmert, not Pelosi, was the one inciting violence.


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Comments 26-50 of 82

  • Mary Mackay

    01/15/2021 05:15 PM

    great read

  • Barbara Weller

    01/15/2021 05:08 PM

    I'm liking your newsletter much more again now that you've stopped blaming Trump (even in the least little way) for the Capitol riot. :) He did NOTHING blameworthy. We have to stand up for Trump and encourage others to do so as well---not take the other side's false view in any way, shape or form. That's been my point. But thank you for at least no longer repeating that lie. It was never true and we can usually count on you for truth.


    01/15/2021 04:54 PM

    Don't forget Maxine Waters as senator calling for violence.

    Their hypocrisy is shameless. Takes having a conscience to acknowledge shame.

  • Kay DeWitt

    01/15/2021 04:37 PM

    In answer to Scott Adams...THE only thing Republicans should care about is...that is, if they are taking a stand for Christ's RIGHTEOUS judgment that has ALREADY impeached the Democrats for being guilty of the same sin of hatred that Trump is guilty of!!!

    Get it straight people, in reality, it was NOT the Democrats who won this political election, it was Satan himself!  When, at the, mind you, National PRAYER Breakfast, Jesus Christ used Arthur Brooks as His mouthpiece to try and TELL both political parties that, because HE commanded us to love our enemies, the only REAL winner of the upcoming election will be the party who could answer their opposing party's hatred with HIS unconditional love, neither party could say Amen TO that!

    And SINCE neither party COULD say "AMEN" in response TO Arthur's (Christ's) definition of what makes for one's being a REAL winner, in GOD'S eyes, there WAS no "political" party that really won this election, but the he in the world...Satan himself...the father of lies...because he is really the one who could not say Amen to the truth our father God...who IS truth ....spoke THROUGH Arthur Brooks! 

    And HAD our beloved President SAID Amen in response TO Arthur Brooks' (Jesus') message, rather than saying to him (Him), in response, "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't agree with you..I cannot like someone who is trying to destroy me!",  HE WOULD HAVE WON THE ELECTION because, if one is a BORN AGAIN Christian, the He who is in him is "greater than the he who is in the world" because this He CAN answer hatred with His love and because Satan's hatred is powerless against the supernatural power of Christ's love, had that greater He lived in Trump's heart, Trump would not only have SAID Amen to Arthur Brooks, he would have won the election!

    IN ANSWER TO THE STATEMENTS: "Maybe Adams doesn’t care much that ....." But he does seem to care quite a lot about holding people to the same standards regardless of political affiliation. And truly, that’s what will be the most important consideration, long after Trump leaves office. " ......DO I SAY THAT...the problem WITH that is those "same standards" are not good enough ! They must be GOD'S standards which begin with His Love that loves sinners, and hates their sin!

    If anyone CAN truly love Trump WITH Christ's brand of love then THE single greatest way you CAN love this man is to tell him that what cost him winning the election is because He did not listen to what Christ tried to make him understand as to how HE (his heavenly Father....opposed to his earthly father) defines one's being a winner...which is the ability TO answer hatred with love....and, therefore, he...from God's perspective...can still BE a winner and that, NOW, if he says yes TO being a born again Christian...and can witness to the world how his BEING born again, from above, has enabled him to no longer answer hatred WITH hatred....but WITH love...God can STILL use him to make America helping to make AMERICANS great... by helping them to KNOW..via the change in him...that the He who is greater than the he in the world IS real...and, in reality, THE only He Who CAN make America great again!

  • Debby Baker

    01/15/2021 04:35 PM

    Does the world continue to spin and does American government just stop working on EVERYTHING there is to do to keep this business we call America operating as the Democrats lay up on their butts and do nothing but find hatefilled asinine crap like that to do while also their focusing on spending allll the money for this asinine mind game of hate while they spew let’s UNITE!! They are rabid hyenas!! It’s embarrassing that Republicans can’t seem to do anything about it. Surely there is someone up there smarter than rabid hyenas... TRUMP doesn’t have to do that job too does he???? Somebody help the man!!! ??

  • Allen Hare

    01/15/2021 04:30 PM

    So far no one has answered my question. How can Democrats who believe in Socialism and Communism take an oath of Office in the Senate or the House of Representatives to "uphold and defend the Constitution of The United States". Is this Impeachable of not? They LIE

  • Eric Hinrichs

    01/15/2021 04:21 PM

    Eric H.-90757798 January 15, 2021 at 1:10 PM
    Bill O'Reilly, How can you say that there was no compelling evidence of election fraud, when the evidence was NEVER examined by the Supreme Court, Bill Barr, Mike Pence, Powell, Giuliani, 15 state attororny generals, and a host of election monitors who were denied their day in court, because they did not have "standing? The People's Court (German: Volksgerichtshof) was a Sondergericht ("special court") of Nazi Germany, set up outside the operations of the constitutional frame of law. The proceedings of the court were often even less than show trials in that some cases, such as that of Sophie Scholl and her brother Hans Scholl and fellow White Rose activists, trials were concluded in less than an hour without evidence being presented or arguments made by either side. The president of the court often acted as prosecutor, denouncing defendants, then pronouncing his verdict and sentence without objection from defense counsel, who usually remained silent throughout. Is our Justice System any better?

  • Firewagon

    01/15/2021 03:42 PM

    What a complete exercise in futility! By that I mean, Republicans/Conservatives, pick'em, have whined, cried, moaned, and groaned while gnashing their teeth over being 'rode hard and put up wet' by those having an ONLY interest in America's decline. Now, they are simply rolling over to the tune of those same anti-Americans. "We Are Better Than This," is such a limp wristed, milky toast, comment for getting rolled over!

    Thomas Jefferson was concerned that it had been far too long since America had cleansed itself with a revolution. His belief that Democracy is replaced by Tyranny shortly after governments claim all powers to themselves. "Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." "A little rebellion now and then... is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government." Thomas Jefferson

    As bad as that Capitol incursion was on a past Wednesday, it was far less destructive than ANY of the riots that saw the massive burning and looting of America's cities this past year. One 'benefit,' from that Capitol 'visit,' was that that self-absorbed, self-enriching, do nothing but foment their vile spew to incite violence, POLs found out what EVERY business owner attacked and/or killed experienced while watching their LIFE'S work being destroyed!!!

    If nothing else was learned by this last election, can we now accept that "We The Serfs" have abdicated any 'control' over our government those Founders thought was necessary to preserve the "Republic" they envisioned?

  • jack macdonald

    01/15/2021 03:30 PM

    I may be overdoing it since this is my 3rd contribution today. It just occurred to me that Hunter Biden has no worries about his laptop. If the FBI were to ever pursue this and get a conviction for Hunter's numerous transgressions, crime, debauchery, etc. , his father would merely pardon him. If anyone is waiting for justice to happen with any of the Leftie criminals they are going to be gravely disappointed. jm

  • Sharon Fodrocy

    01/15/2021 03:02 PM

    I just recently signed up for this newsletter. I just want to let you know that I love it and look forward to receiving it each day. Thanks. Love the Bible verse too.

  • Jim Moore

    01/15/2021 02:51 PM

    Thanks Governor, I'm a Scott Adams fan and subscriber. I also live in Louie Gohmert's district. I follow Scott for the exact reason you offer, to challenge my ultra conservative confirmation bias.
    I'm proud of my representative, but question his reason with one main consideration. There are some delusional folks that, despite the overwhelming evidence, still believe the "fine people hoax."
    The so called media can edit truth out of most anything and do so way too often. Thanks for sharing Scott with you fans.
    Blessings to you.
    Long Live the Republic, when she re-emerges.

  • rebecca larew

    01/15/2021 02:51 PM

    VP elect needs impeached for fueling riots, bailing out thugs, burning businesses, and asking them to not stop. to teach us a lesson and Dont let the destrucion stop! She should be paying to rebuild businesses. Not bail out thugs! Nancy Pelosi needs removed for tearing up the state of union address and fueling anger and distrust in our government.

  • Kenny Tyree

    01/15/2021 02:49 PM

    Hey Governor hope yer doing well. My comment:
    I notice that you always seem to credit sources when you quote them or reprint. Why don’t ya just plagiarize them like Joey Biden does and then lie about it when they complain? Just askin. Have a great day n hope all goes well

  • Daniel Sia

    01/15/2021 02:49 PM

    I'd also like to mention that I'm seeing headlines about Trump being impeached twice. Really, even recently in Honolulu Star Advertiser, it was right on the front page. Sheer idiocy. He was technically not even impeached once. Getting impeached would mean he isn't president anymore, and therefore cannot be impeached a second time. Another fine example of people twisting words to make someone look bad. Intolerable... But what choice do we have now but to tolerate it?

  • Daniel Sia

    01/15/2021 02:42 PM

    "why aren’t the Republicans impeaching Kamala Harris for the same thing Trump has been impeached for?" Well, for starters, Democrats hold the House and Senate.

    I'm mocked as a Trump supporter, but I'm technically not. I'm a supporter of Justice, and I don't see anything just or remotely right in the way Trump and his supporters are treated.

    Y'know, I'm very upset about the obvious political and media oppression Trump in particular, and of Conservative speech in general, but I'm not surprised at all. Throughout history - even American history, groups of people are systemically oppressed (they call this "cancelled" now). Blacks, Whites, Japanese, Communists, Gays, Straights, and of course I'd like to point out Sex Offense Registrants (many readers would cringe here, and will continue to do so even after I point out the very low reoffense rate). I've been cancelled for many years - even before cancelling was a thing, so no, I'm not at all surprised. I am very much disgusted. I hate seeing the bad guys win. But now that it's hit half the country, maybe people who don't know what it's like will realize just how terrible it is. Can we end the hate? Maybe get rational again? Start to treat our fellow humans as actual people? Maybe?

    But back on topic. I'm just scratching my head over how, exactly, reason is supposed to retake our government. How do the reasonable prevent their votes from getting cancelled, now that lunacy has taken over government, media, and even the private sector?

  • George Russell Mortenson

    01/15/2021 02:31 PM

    In your column today you report on Scott Adams' commentary that Republicans should impeach Kamala Harris for exactly the same thing that they are trying to hang on President Trump. Most in Congress would in retort say that such a thing would be a non-starter in Congress, and of course they may be right. But why don't Republicans create a "shadow" government -- sort of like the party out of power in the UK does -- complete with "shadow" cabinet officers, etc., and pursue this kind of "shadow" impeachment. I think this sort of approach might just capture broad support among Republicans of all stripes and would help galvanize the party to both respond and withstand what the Democrats and Biden do in the coming months. I hope you will consider recommending this!

  • Judith Reeves

    01/15/2021 02:26 PM

    What about Maxine Waters inciting violence & recommending to attack administration people in restaurants, stores, etc. She should have been expelled from Congress. How about Ayanna Presley for inciting violence in the streets all summer & recently continues to spout that mantra! She should be expelled, impeached, etc. No Republicans are sitting on their hands or become traitors like the 10 who voted for President Trump’s impeachment which is a sham!

  • Ramona Mix

    01/15/2021 02:16 PM

    Regarding "The Most Powerful Man in Washington:" Joe Manchin can and will be bought just like all Democrats.

  • Ellen Klapperich

    01/15/2021 02:16 PM

    Well I for one can't help but care what the left is doing to President Trump but more importantly is how they are now attacking our right to a social forum with the takedown of Parler and other censoring. I say those who play with fire usually get burned. I see more yellow Don't Tread On Me flags displayed as I ever have. America Rising Indeed!

  • Randy Pochel

    01/15/2021 02:16 PM

    Another stimulus bill ! With more money for Democrats pork projects and less for the people who need it.
    People ( self including) are hurting from the very policies of closing business and endless lockdowns. Imposed by the Democrats and there republican allies( not all).
    Now they want to give us money for the problems they caused?
    How about resigning instead.

  • Randy Pochel

    01/15/2021 02:05 PM

    Mr. Huckabee
    Compose a letter demanding that all Democrats that promoted violence and attacks on the country be impeached
    I will gladly add my name

  • Kathy Fuglee

    01/15/2021 02:02 PM

    You might like this video:

    Jim Jordan tells colleagues 'cancel culture will come for us all'


    01/15/2021 01:54 PM

    Gov. Huckabee-
    If DJ Trump is guilty, of inciting a riot,then Harris, Pelosi and anybody else that talked about inciting a riot. Hell put even G. Soros in jail for inciting riots and paying out of state rioters to travel to distant cities to cause mayhem,bedlam and commotion as well as destruction, etc.

  • Norman Scott

    01/15/2021 01:53 PM

    I would like to hear any new info on Ashli Babbitt the women shot and killed at the capital. It appears she was shot by a black man in a suite that was inside the house chamber. Ashli was a strong Trump supporter. Also there appears to be other police officers near her on the outside. It appears very questionable as to why she was shot.

  • Lewis Cleveland

    01/15/2021 01:53 PM

    Hello, Gov.Huckabee, Scott is so right about that. I been saying this a-lot, everything democrats said, do and act put it on Trump and us. I have not watch medias for 4 yrs, bec all are humongous lie. Its disgusting, appalling. Im very heartbroken what I am seeing going on this nation. Gohmer saying, yes, he quoted from Pelosi, not surprise by covering up any democrats to take out on Republicans. Yes, why Kamala continue to run, why allowing Biden continue to run by getting a way with crimes? Why many democrats getting a way with crimes and expell republican and arrested immediately, but on democrats, “investigating”. Wonder, deep state, medias, big tech, judgs, fbi, cia, are they under Obama’s control and plot to destroy our country? I have gut feeling about that. Also Hillary, someone who knew Hillary’s crimes, is it a hit man she hired to kill them, many of them while claiming its suicide which is obvious not. Its perfect crimes, like epstein, to me, been murdered by her hit man or whoever. Still praying for America. Thank you sooo much for sharing. Always love your sharing and fact. My love to and your families. God bless.m

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