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January 15, 2021

Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip DILBERT, has a subscriber-only service he calls “Coffee with Scott Adams,” featuring podcasts and posts from, you guessed it, Scott Adams. We recommend it as a way to challenge one’s confirmation bias and automatically boost IQ by several points, just by engaging every day. It’s on, which hosts independent "creators" (Greg Gutfeld is another) who prefer to be able to say what they want without getting black marks from the social justice warriors running Big Tech. That’s getting to be a challenge these days, in case you haven’t heard.

In Thursday’s podcast, Adams expresses a surprising lack of interest in what Congress has been doing with impeachment and the 25th Amendment to remove a President who is about to exit stage right anyway. He says: “If they want to do useless things in Congress, to me that just looks like another Tuesday. They’ve been doing useless things all year; why would this be the time they stopped doing useless things?”

He sees the people on the left as wanting to go beyond just enjoying the win. They want to “rub it in” and destroy Trump’s reputation, his family, his business, “everything about him.” And the only way that’s any fun for them, he says, “is if his supporters care.”

"I care about Trump as a person,” Adams says, “‘cause I like him,” noting that the real Trump, after you interact with him and get to know him a little, isn’t like his reputation at all. The left, he says, is also trying to grind the Trump SUPPORTERS down. It might really get to them to know that some of us don’t care more.

"If you care about this,” he says, “you’re caring about all the wrong stuff.”

Well………..let's think about that. It depends on what is meant by not caring. To not care in the sense of giving up and letting them continue to get away with what they’re doing --- that’s exactly what the left wants. To not care in the sense of staying strong –- getting stronger, even –- and pushing back against their agenda --- that’s what the left does NOT want.


Regarding impeachment, Adams asks a very good question; namely, why aren’t the Republicans impeaching Kamala Harris for the same thing Trump has been impeached for? The article of impeachment against Trump says that he “willfully made statements that encouraged and foreseeably resulted in imminent lawless action at the Capitol.” If you change “at the Capitol,” he says, to “in Portland” or “in cities across the United States,” the statements holds true for Harris as well.

"That is so completely, obviously true,” Adams says, “that how do you not put that into an impeachment?” On Day One.

He feels as if Republican politicians are letting their supporters down. Indeed. I would add that ten of them actively went over to the dark side. (And, yes, we’ve listed them.) "Can’t one Republican at least call the Democrats out on consistency?" he wonders. “Is that too much to ask for the standard to be similar for all sides; I don’t think that’s unreasonable.”

Ah, but to point out those inconsistencies –- that’s the brand new made-up sin of “whataboutism.” I’ll tell you something about whataboutism: It’s GREAT. Leftist hypocrisy is so rampant that we need to see a lot more whataboutism right now!

In fact, one Republican did have the guts to employ whataboutism to make the point about holding everyone to the same standard, but he used it on someone besides Kamala Harris. One of the best illustrations of the double standard we’ve seen in a day or two (there are so many) happened on Wednesday, when Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert stood at the podium on the House floor and said, “Here’s a quote: ‘I just don’t even know why there aren’t more –- why there aren’t uprisings all over the country, and maybe there will be.’ Or, 'Sadly, the domestic enemies of our voting system and honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in Congress.’ We were called ‘enemies of the state.’

"Those are all quotes from our Speaker,” Gohmert continued. “Now, on our side, we didn’t take those quotes to be impeachable because we didn’t think she surely meant that. But by the Democrats taking this action [impeaching Trump], you’re telling me, ‘No, when WE [Republicans] say those, we actually MEAN to incite violence.’ That’s what this action is saying.”

The first quote Gohmert offered was said by Speaker Nancy Pelosi in June 2018 in regard to President Trump’s “child separation” policy at the border. The second was also uttered by her, in August 2020 when the GOP expressed opposition to universal mail-in voting. (We've since seen what happened with that. I digress.)

A number of Democrats who weren’t listening to Gohmert very closely apparently missed his point --- inadvertently proving it --- as Twitter went crazy with demands that he be sanctioned, arrested, and/or kicked out of Congress for inciting violence. This led one Twitter user to offer this hilarious deadpan tweet: “Gohmert said something that has those on the left demanding he be arrested or kicked out of Congress, but it turns out he was just quoting Nancy Pelosi.”

It won’t surprise you that even “journalists” mistakenly attributed the quotes not to Pelosi but to Gohmert. “Holy s---,” CNN analyst Asha Rangappa tweeted. “Is [Gohmert] encouraging MORE ‘uprisings’??!? Did I hear that right??????????”

"You did,” replied LAW & CRIME columnist Elura Nanos. “His testimony should be used to immediately expel him.”

Some reportedly have deleted their tweets and acknowledged their errors. But none, to our knowledge, have called for Pelosi’s expulsion from Congress for inciting violence.

Anyway, Gohmert was making the same point about Speaker Pelosi that Scott Adams made about VP-elect Harris. Whataboutism --- we love it.

As Adams says in his podcast, “If you impeach Trump for this exact behavior, you HAVE to impeach Kamala Harris, or at least attempt to...If it’s not even introduced as an article of doesn’t feel like trying. It looks like they’ve just given up.”

There’s one difference Adams doesn’t mention: Kamala Harris wasn’t Vice President yet when she incited violence. But that brings up another point: Democrats heard her incite violence, more than once, as a candidate, and voted for her, anyway. That shows their hypocrisy even more. If they can vote for a person whom they know incited violence, how can they impeach someone else for doing what they consider to be the same thing?

Maybe Adams doesn’t care much that Democrats in Congress are acting like the useless time- and money-wasters they are and impeaching Trump right before he leaves the White House. But he does seem to care quite a lot about holding people to the same standards regardless of political affiliation. And truly, that’s what will be the most important consideration, long after Trump leaves office.

And now, for your entertainment pleasure, here are more tweets from numb-headed leftists who went crazy thinking Gohmert, not Pelosi, was the one inciting violence.


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Comments 51-75 of 82

  • Ken Truell

    01/15/2021 01:45 PM


    These are confusing and dangerous times to be a Patriot and a Christian. We have tried our best to be both, but the game the Democrats are playing are making it tough. Part of me wants to try to reason with them while another wants to give them the spanking their parents never gave them.

    Ken and Jan Truell

  • Deborah Boatright

    01/15/2021 01:41 PM

    Please , Mr.Scott Adams , I hope you can do something about the dubble standards the Democrats have on President Trump, if they can impeach Trump , Why can’t Republicans impeach Harris ? For the same ??? Republicans need to do something about this .

  • Cynthia Gartner

    01/15/2021 01:36 PM

    Scott Adam's is right on target!!????????????

  • Pat J Green

    01/15/2021 01:35 PM

    This just proves a point that the person who cries and yells the loudest you can bet they are guilty of the same stuff and most of the time more so

  • Jim Mullen

    01/15/2021 01:33 PM

    All of this Democrat fol-di-ra is clearly Hillary deflection.

  • Donna Wilkey

    01/15/2021 01:32 PM

    Yes that’s the dumbocrats for you. They took everything Our President Trumps said and turned his words around like that constantly and started with his first speech about Mexico only sending their rapist and murderers . We heard him say not all of them. The same with The protests about statues being torn down in Charlotte. Good people on both sides Anyone with a bit of common sense knew what he was saying but not the DUMBOCRATS!! But you know My God is in control and that is where my comfort comes from.

  • Norman Scott

    01/15/2021 01:32 PM

    I have seen footage of the capital on January 6th where Trump’s supporters were invited in in the capital by the police. I have seen footage of probably an Antifa guy trying to break the window and Trump supporters dragged him down and stopped him. I am told people were at the capital twenty minutes before Trump stated speaking. Trump in no way fostered violence at the capital. As true to form the corrupt Democrats accused Trump of what they are guilty of. We need to stand and resist the schemes of the devil. The election was a corrupt steal. We need to stand with Trump, and people who supported him or we will lose our country!

  • Bonnie Crow

    01/15/2021 01:28 PM

    What has happened to The Durham Report? Or has that dropped to the bottom of The Swamp?

  • John Carter

    01/15/2021 01:20 PM

    The dem approach is just sickening! We pray to God for some real justice!????

  • Sue Rogers

    01/15/2021 01:11 PM

    Looking back, Prez should have run that piece of news Biden said they had the perfect fraud organization....he should have run that that night and day ...24/7...Prez WON, and his supporters know it...what goes around comes around..they will "pay" some day...

  • jack macdonald

    01/15/2021 01:11 PM

    Back at it again: I'm a patient person however I would like to know how long is a reasonable time to wait for the Durham report? How long to wait for Hillary and all the participants in the first impeachment hoax to be sent to jail? How long before the FBI brings Hunter Biden to trial since they have had the laptop evidence in excess of a year. Molasses moves faster than our Justice? system. Bill Barr was a reincarnation of Jeff Sessions. He was brought on with a lot of hoopla about what a swell DOJ chief he would be. We should have known better having seen all the fawning we heard and saw about the straightshooter R Mueller. I am 81 years old and no longer trust the institutions running this country. Hard to watch what has and is taking place. It appears that the trust I placed in these institutions was unwarranted!

  • Carol Wadley

    01/15/2021 01:08 PM

    Why aren’t the spineless Republicans In Congress moving to oust Swalwell? Is it necessary that Nancy begin the procedure?

  • Teddy W Sanders

    01/15/2021 01:04 PM

    How would it be possible for this old preacher to send you something
    that I think you might like, maybe even us. Do you have a mailing
    address for me. Teddy W Sanders, 8503 Huebner Rd. Apt. 1250,
    San Antonio, Texas 78240. Be Blessed
    Teddy "The Cowboy" Not to animals, to sheep and lambs of the Lord.

  • Debby Baker

    01/15/2021 01:02 PM

    The Dems continues with same actions bc the Republicans allows it. The Republicans do not know how to fight..saying on street... don’t take a knife to gun fight ??. Republicans are too soft. Republicans are NOT foresiteful.. am deeply disappointed.. gonna drop my Republican label. Not a Democrat either... never. I’m now an American without a Party ... don’t want a party that is full of traitors.

  • Jenifer Schulz

    01/15/2021 01:00 PM

    Why is Nancy Pelosi, who is just as mentally incompetent as Joe Biden (and just as treasonous), not being impeached? She, Biden, Harris, the Clintons, George Soros, the Obamas, Cuomo, Newsome, Polis, and so many more have proven themselves with their words and actions that they think they are above the law. No amount of accusing others of what they themselves have done will change the truth. We have listened to their videos.

  • Janet Fletcher

    01/15/2021 12:58 PM

    I am very worried and actually depressed about what is going on in Washington. We all know that basement Biden did not legally win this election; but the Republicans are very weak and do not want to confront any of this disinformation and prove that this was a fake election. Now America is facing years of persecution by the Socialist Democrats who will take away our freedoms and place them as the ruling party in America and if anyone objects there will be possible imprisonment and who knows what will happen. There will no longer be a middle class; only a ruling dictatorial class of Democrats and the rest of people--Republicans-- will be without work, homes, bank accounts taken by Democrats, etc. Where are the leaders who should protect us from this Socialist group who will remake America into China, Russia, Iran, etc.?????

  • Arlene Herrick

    01/15/2021 12:50 PM

    You are great! Do all Americans something wonderful and ask Bill O’Reilly to disclose the names of the people who were in attendance at the meeting on Penn Ave right after Capital mess! He disclosed said meeting on his program saying the Washington Post was sent the headline stating President Trump incited insurrection from the attendees who I believe included Obammamma, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and Soros. Please we need to exonerate President Trump!!

  • David Womer

    01/15/2021 12:45 PM

    I've pretty much had it with politics. The left cares nothing about the Constitution although they like to tell us how many Republicans are violating it, while conveniently passing over the dozens of Constitutional violations they have committed. Rather than having blood run through their veins, theirs are filled with vitriol and an unquenchable thirst for power and control.

    Republicans do not have a plan, a message, or a backbone. They do not articulate their philosophy to the American people, or lay out in clear, logical fashion why we need to do the things we need to do. They need to take a page from the Ross Perot days when he had his charts, graphs, etc. and explained to us what was going on, rather than calling people names or constantly sounding the alarms.
    Perhaps Republicans need to start paying for TV time and running intelligent programming detailing the important issues in our country. Too often politicians run to the same old statements that they have used for decades. "Democrats only care about taxes and spending", etc. Instead of simply running to how much an issue will increase the deficit, (I am 100% for deficit reduction), how about actually taking an issue and showing exactly what makes it unfeasible. For example, the New Green Deal. First, Republicans need to recognize that we DO need to have more care for our environment, energy use, clean water, etc. They need to say that publicly and mean it. And while recognizing the honest need for us to to better, discuss the fact that solar panels are only about 20% efficient and that efficiency drops even when they get dirty, the fact that we do not have recycling capabilities for solar panels at this time, a solar field occupies 450 times the land space as a nuclear reactor, and many states will not benefit from solar, When people can see it in these terms the cries of AOC will not be so convincing.

    This is the first year I have ever donated money to an election. In a way I wish I hadn't. As soon as I did, every politician under the sun came running with their hands out asking for money. Not one told me what that money was going to be used for and what happens to any leftover money after they have lost their race. Do they get to keep it for themselves? Where does it go? No explanations, no transparency, and no accountability. And that is what politics has become. I have written numerous politicians over the years and not one time has any of them responded to me personally. They think it is fine to ask for my money but not give me a minute of their time.
    I think the majority of the time our politicians are out raising money to get re-elected rather than serving those who elected them in the first place. Maybe I'm clueless, but I think that if the politicians spent 70% of their time meeting with their constituents, genuinely caring about their needs and concerns, rather than seeing them as a potential donation, there would be far fewer close elections.
    Politicians need to check their hearts and intentions. Or as the apostle Paul said, examine yourself daily. Why are they really in office? Whose agenda are they pursuing?

    My verse for the day? James 3:16. "Where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. NIV.

  • Sue Collins

    01/15/2021 12:41 PM

    Makes me wonder why they got so many votes. Their platform is totally wrong.

  • Riccardo Sembiante

    01/15/2021 12:35 PM

    I think is in the culture of the left lying to the people. Propaganda is used by the left faking whatever they don't want to be heard by the masses. It's their basic weapon to criminalize the political opponent!

  • Keith Peterson

    01/15/2021 12:34 PM

    Just recently signed up for your newsletter it’s both refreshing and informative keep it going
    Btw when is your daughter Sarah going to run for office
    She is a SUPERSTAR

  • jack macdonald

    01/15/2021 12:31 PM

    Has anyone else noticed a pattern with Dems when they win reelection. People are talking about sore winners and that is so true. Not satisfied with winning they want everyone to hate the person just defeated. Recall what happened to GW Bush. He left with hate in full swing. They wanted everyone to hate that nice, jovial old guy, Ronald Reagan. They really hated Nixon. I think G Ford was the only one who escaped this and this was because it was like he was never there. Dems poison everything they touch and I could spend a day giving examples, but I'll save that for another time. jack

  • Tommy G. Wienke

    01/15/2021 12:17 PM

    Hi Mike, yours is the only newsletter I get and it's the only one I need. Really appreciate how you breakdown the daily news for us, especially how you always include links so we can see, read, or hear it for ourselves. Hoping that you and people like you decide to get into or back into politics. We've never needed Godly men like you more than we do now in this country.
    One opinion on a lot of the comments I've heard from conservative voices concerning election fraud and how there wasn't ENOUGH or it wasn't WIDESPREAD and that people that still complain the election was stolen need to stop because the evidence just isn't there? Call me crazy, but I've seen a multitude of video evidence and written affidavits that claim election fraud in every possible fashion, and it all indicates that the fraud only happened in one direction. I'd just like to ask if what I've seen and heard isn't ENOUGH or WIDESPREAD, then I'd like the people saying these things to define exactly what ENOUGH or WIDESPREAD would be. This election was stolen - the Dominion voting machines made sure of it, and no court in the land was willing to take on the case because they all seem to be complicit in the corruption. The American people aren't stupid, and we aren't asleep. We are sick of being lied to about everything, and it disappoints me when I get left wing talking points and vernacular from conservative figureheads that I respect. Rant off.

  • Kathryn Blue

    01/15/2021 12:08 PM

    I do not follow Scott Adams but I find his statements oddly familiar as yesterday I posted this on my Facebook page.

    Speaker Pelosi, your party has not won a victory. Instead, it has exposed your hating, black souls. You will not erase history with a wave of your gavel or bury the spirit of conservative America. I will not accept your hypocrisy as truth. I will pray for your eyes to be opened and your hearts to be softened; turning from your evil ways to serve our country with wisdom while embracing reconciliation.

    3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
    2 Timothy 4:3-4

    I do pray for them earnestly. As a child of God, I am not filled with hate but love.

    I then had an online discussion with a friend who does not support President Trump. She responded "a little harsh" and advised me first things first let's get past the epidemic. Just let it go and move on.

    What did I respond with? I know I will never convince you to appreciate the good President Trump did for our Country because you dislike his personality. I just don't understand how you can overlook the hypocrisy of those accusing him of impeachable acts and leading the charge to destroy him when they have all done worse than what the are unfairly accusing him of. First things first by the House was to impeach the President not deal with the pandemic or reconciliation of the people. President elect Biden has not taken one step to stop this lunacy. I also posted links to Speaker Pelosi's comment. “I Just Don’t Even Know Why There Aren’t Uprisings All Over The Country” Her tearing up the State of the Union Address speech. a copy of her 5/16/17 tweet "Our election was hijacked, there is no question" and Vice-President elect Kamala Harris' interview with Stephen Colbert stating “These protests are not going to stop after Election Day. They’re not going to stop. And they should not.” (Protests for me, but not for thee.) and her participation in posting bail and tweet calling for contributions to MNF Freedom fund for bail for the rioters she insisted were "protestors". "If you're able to chip in now to the @MNF Freedom Fund for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota" and a quote by Joe Irizarry. "When a politician does not speak differentiating between a riot, protest, and looting, the constituents get confused as to what is peaceful and what is violent. This differentiation is important to note and therefore when not addressed it informs the public that all the latter is 100% acceptable." I included a video showing just how peaceful the protestors were. (sarcasm). I could have gone on but she asked me to stop.

    I did not convince my friend of anything other than I am a "Trumper." However, so far I still have a Facebook page. It was also somewhat calming to express my opinion which all of my other followers agree with. We will rebuild our party and continue to believe we can drain the swamp in 2 years.
    Kathryn Blue

  • Nina F Lockard

    01/15/2021 12:03 PM

    I just pray that Trump is not in Washington during the Inauguration. I don't trust the Dems being in charge of 20,000 troops. You never know what their evilness will do....

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