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No, we’re not dreaming: a President is doing exactly what he promised to do.

With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

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November 30, 2021

Sunday on “Face the Nation,” I think Dr. Anthony Fauci might have finally reached his “A Face in the Crowd” moment. In that classic movie, Andy Griffith plays a “man of the people” drunk on his own power who falls from public grace after an open microphone reveals what an arrogant, power-mad demagogue he really is. In Fauci’s case, he knew the mic was on, he (as always) sought out the camera, but he still revealed in shockingly clear terms that he’s suffering from a terminal case of galloping egomania.

When asked about the justifiable criticism of him by such Senators as Ted Cruz and Rand Paul for denying under oath that his NIH funded gain-of-function research when it was later revealed that it had, Fauci scoffed that it was just “noise.” As for Cruz pointing out that lying to Congress is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison, Fauci laughed and asked, "What happened on January 6th, Senator?

For the record, Ted Cruz had nothing to do with January 6th, but the lies about gain-of-function research came directly from Dr. Fauci’s mouth. And he wasn’t wearing three masks at the time, so we all heard it clearly.

But then came the really telling moment, when Fauci tried to dismiss any criticism of him as invalid by declaring, “They’re really criticizing science, because I represent science. They’re dangerous.”

Cruz responded bluntly, blasting Fauci not only for being an "unelected technocrat who has distorted science and facts in order to exercise authoritarian control over millions of Americans" and for “ad hominem insults parroting Democratic talking points,” but also for his jaw-dropping hubris in declaring that any questioning of him is dangerous because he is the living embodiment of “science.” As I’ve had to remind people countless times over recent years, science is the process of asking questions and developing evidence that points to the truth, even if it disproves what everyone believed up to that point. This is why anyone who says, “The science is settled!” is actually admitting that they don’t know jack squat about what science is.

But now, we all know what science is. Dr. Fauci is “Science!” If he says it, it cannot be questioned! Too bad there’s no vaccine to prevent his head from swelling up bigger than a Macy’s Parade balloon. Frankly, I’m at the point where I’d put more faith in Mr. Wizard than in Dr. “Science.”

I’ll give the last word to Sen. Paul, who unlike Fauci is a doctor who’s actually treated patients:

"It’s astounding and alarming that a public health bureaucrat would even think to claim such a thing, especially one who has worked so hard to ignore the science of natural immunity."

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  • Karroll Hauseknecht

    12/05/2021 02:54 PM

    All this Covid nonsense is getting tiresome and I don't give a hoot what Dr Fauci says! Bottom line, people have been dying from the flu ever since I can remember I'm 77 and my husband 83, we were both exposed to lots of germs growing up and still are. Our horses, dogs, cats, chickens and guineas! Were surrounded by germs and loving every minute of it and we have great immune systems! My advice go outside and roll around in the dirt, have some fun and quiet worrying.

  • Carol l. Jones

    12/05/2021 02:49 PM

    I love the way you write. Succinctly, truthfully and with humor and a little sarcasm thrown in the pot for flavor. You are my very favorite opinion writer!
    Please, don’t ever steer away from the truth, and standing up for what is right. God bless you!

  • Bubba Humphries

    12/05/2021 02:09 PM

    I am so tired of hearing the Quack, "Dr" Fauci, what will it take to get rid of him and off of the taxpayer funded payroll. Please try to start a ground swell in America to have this guy removed.

  • Mary Bohinc

    12/05/2021 01:43 PM

    I am reading a book that all should read. “The Real Anthony Fauci” is a eye opener written by a famous Democrat, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. It is truth backed by hundreds of references. No matter what political your beliefs may be, please take the time to read this fact based book. I am only into it 100 pages but am already sickened by what Fauci and Bill Gates among others have done and continue to do. It is unacceptable!!! They should be in jail. By the way I am a Republican that tries my best to listen to both sides and form an educated opinion. God Bless you for all you do in presenting facts. Merry Christmas!

  • John Cashion

    12/05/2021 12:55 PM

    He has denied the facts and lied about the truth. Now everything that comes out of his mouth has to be questioned.

  • Dawn Chevoya

    12/05/2021 12:32 PM

    Your commentary as does Sen. John Kennedy's are what make my day in these days of depressing news. Thank you.

  • Vincent M Tedone MD

    12/05/2021 12:31 PM

    Fauci has been head of NIAID since 1984. Since that time he has ignored the vast amount of evidence that the following diseases are caused by a bacterial infection usually borrelia and at times co-infections. Neurodegenerative diseases [ALS, Ad, PD, MS, and others], Psychiatric diseases [ Think mass shootings] Autism 1 in 44 children, Rheumatological diseases.
    Billions of dollars of our tax money are spent every year to support research to find chemicals foreign to our bodies to treat these diseases, patented so big pharma can make billions of dollars to corrupt our Media political system government HC agencies, and the HC leaders of the most prestigious universities.
    Reads my ALS story here

  • David J. Dubie

    12/05/2021 12:13 PM

    Thank you , Mike.

    This is about as clear and honest as you can make it.

    Please continue to call them as you see them.


    Dave Dubie-R, Prescott, AZ

  • John Anderson

    12/05/2021 10:43 AM

    I completely agree with you that this “wokeness” has gone way to far.
    The strange thing about these people that are so worried about racism is that it seems it only matters IF it is in America.
    They embrace Islam, yet don’t seem to mind, or care that Muslims still own over 15 million black slaves. They gladly take China’s money, yet don’t seem to care about what China is doing to the Muslim Uyghurs. Their hypocrisy is almost overwhelming.
    We all know, or at least understand why the Democrat party is spreading this type of hysteria and propaganda… IF the blacks, no other POC’s seem to have these issues, figure out that racism on this grander scale doesn’t exist… they would lose the black vote.
    If that ever happens, the Democrat party might lose its power for decades, if not more!

  • Ruby Leuty

    12/05/2021 10:14 AM

    Dr Fauci does experiments on dogs and expects us to believe he is “science”. If he is science why would he have to conduct experiments at all? Maybe he is experimenting on humans right now. You think?

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