Today's News Stories

January 10, 2021

Good afternoon!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

Today's newsletter includes:

  • A tough week for America
  • Washington is stained Nancy
  • DC Statehood push
  • Sharp observation
  • Focus Group-Tested Word Alert


Mike Huckabee

A tough week for America

By Mike Huckabee

This has been a tough week for America. It’s been an embarrassing and disgusting week for those of us who believe that the recent Presidential election was tainted with unanswered questions about fraud and massive voting irregularities. Whatever hopes we had that there might be a sincere investigation into the evidence that the media claimed didn’t exist was wiped out by a hot-headed mob at our nation’s Capitol. To be clear, of the tens of thousands of protesters and demonstrators who descended on Washington, most really were peaceful, law abiding patriots who love God, their families and their country. But those who stormed our Nation’s Capitol, ignored and fought the police, broke windows and doors and vandalized the offices of members of Congress and the Capitol itself were not patriots. They were a mob. A violent, lawless, and reckless mob engaged in criminal acts. Some of those participating in this mayhem or who tried to defend it tried to compare the actions of the mob to those of our Founders in the American Revolution. The violence at the Capitol this week was not at all like the American Revolution.

The Revolution of 1776 was carefully thought out. It was meticulously planned, and carried out by people who had exhausted all avenues to peacefully secure their liberty and to rid themselves of the intolerable behavior of their mother country, England. They declared their independence in a carefully crafted document and pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. They did not act spontaneously or compulsively. Their actions were thoroughly contemplated and the consequences were fully understood. What happened this week was carried out by hot-headed people moved by raw rage. There was no rational consideration of the consequences. There are no excuses or explanations for endangering innocent people, destroying public property, and challenging the authority of law enforcement. Even if 95% of that crowd were God-fearing law-abiding citizens who are rightfully angry that their beloved Republic is being taken over by Marxists and the useful idiots in the media who follow along, there is still no justification for the mayhem. Some of the rioters even quoted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but Dr. King NEVER got so fed up with the horrible and unjust treatment by the government and said, “That’s it—let’s storm the Capitol and break windows and occupy the chamber.”

The American Revolution indeed became violent and resulted in a war but they were not a mob, who in a blind rage launched something they had no plan to fulfill. They articulated their grievances, requested relief, and only after all possible remedies were rebuffed did they declare independence.

WE must be the voice of reason and rationality. The mob set back the conservative patriotic cause of limited government and a government that provides justice equally. This angry mob of played right into the hands of the press and the left.

I support the many policies President Trump implemented to put America First. I’m glad he stood up to China and Russia, brought manufacturing jobs back to America, cut taxes because he believed that you could spend the money you worked for better than the government, fought to protect the lives of unborn children, protected religious liberty, stood with Israel against those who sought to annihilate her, and who appointed Constitutionalists to the courts. I don’t blame him because some who supported him devolved into criminal activity and tried to take over our nation’s Capitol. But to be fair and honest, his language about the election being stolen probably cost us 2 Senate seats in Georgia and gave some people the false sense that it was justifiable to storm past police barricades and take over the Capitol. Joe Biden will be the next President. It’s not who I voted for but I won’t burn down the country because he’s President. I will speak out for my views and I will faithfully vote in every election. But as disgusted as I was when Black Lives Matter and Antifa followers were burning our cities, looting stores and attacking police officers, I’m equally disgusted when people who may share many of my views do the same thing. I don’t care what their politics are, they are lawless thugs and need to be found, charged and prosecuted. I can’t teach my children and grandchildren to obey the rules of my house if I can’t be trusted to obey the laws of my nation!


Washington is stained Nancy

By Mike Huckabee

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are calling on Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and immediately remove President Trump from office, blaming him for inciting the violent protesters who vandalized and broke into the Capitol. Pelosi said, “The gleeful desecration of the U.S. Capitol, which is the temple of our American democracy, and the violence targeting Congress are horrors that will forever stain our nation’s history — instigated by the president of the United States — that’s why this is such a stain.”

She’s right, Washington is as stained as an old pair of farm overalls, but those mud stains didn’t all appear yesterday. Just as a reminder:

Throughout spring and summer of 2020, up until polls showed it was hurting Democrats, Pelosi and Schumer were publicly supportive of violent “protesters” who rioted, burned and looted America’s cities nationwide, including Washington, DC. They not only attacked and vandalized national monuments and federal buildings in the nation’s capital, they staged longterm assaults on local and federal officers, seized private property, threatened citizens, and laid siege to a federal courthouse in Portland, throwing Molotov cocktail-like fire bombs into it. That courthouse is just as much federal property and a temple of American democracy as the Capitol is.

Pelosi’s response to all that was to support the violent protesters, dismiss concerns about old buildings, and smear officers who were trying to protect federal property as Nazi “stormtroopers.” When called on it, she tried to split hairs by claiming she only said they were “acting like stormtroopers.” Well, that’s different!

I am upset with Trump’s rhetoric, too, and I’ve condemned the violent hotheads who set back the conservative cause with their illegal behavior. But I have zero interest in listening to Pelosi, Schumer or any other Democrat who spent much of 2020 egging on rioters and attacking police piously lecture me about the dangers of irresponsible rhetoric from public officials. Their “moral high ground” is a muddy sinkhole.

DC Statehood push 

By Mike Huckabee

The Mayor of Washington, DC, has been doing such a crackerjack job that she thinks she deserves to be promoted to Governor. She’s calling on the new Congress to send legislation to President Biden’s desk in the first 100 days to make the District of Columbia the 51st state (with, of course, two more permanent Democrat Senators and at least one more far-left voting Representative.)

That article explains why this would be blatantly unconstitutional, although I doubt that would prevent it from happening, considering the makeup of the incoming Congress and White House. It would require a massive and expensive court fight to block it. I fear this is just a preview of what the next two years are going to be like.

Sharp observation

By Mike Huckabee

Mark Steyn, speaking on Wednesday’s TUCKER CARLSON show, had a sharp observation: “It’s always interesting to me that people are surprised when a tactic that’s proved effective for one group of people is then suddenly taken up by other people of whom they don’t approve.”

"There’s been a complete collapse of equality before the law,” Steyn explained. “The more [people on the left] are not subject to any laws, the more onerous the burden that falls upon the law-abiding.” Those on the left can do anything, he said, while those law-abiding souls on the right are “micro-regulated.” (To quote Victor Davis Hanson, “Ideology trumps accountability.”)

"At some point, that has to give,” he said. “And whoever is behind this, to a certain degree, that ‘gave’ today in Washington.”

If that’s what we’re seeing, we conservatives will have to be careful not to become the thing we hate, as so often happens to people. (It’s certainly happened to the left, who used to be pro-free speech.) It may sound cliché to say it at this point, but we really are better than that.

Focus Group-Tested Word Alert

By Mike Huckabee

I’ve noticed that anyone who points out that the same Democrats who supported violent leftist protesters who attacked federal buildings are now condemning violent rightwing protesters who attack federal buildings is being accused of “whataboutism.” For those unfamiliar with this word, it’s a made-up term that means “Stop pointing out my hypocrisy.”



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Comments 101-125 of 194

  • ann smith

    01/10/2021 02:47 PM

    I agree with your comments, especially the "whataboutism". Should get alot of use from that word.
    I know you get lots of comments but this is my theory. The coup has already happened. Demonstrating at the capital and the Presidents behavior was icing on the cake. Whether some of the democrats and media were complicit we will never know. President Trump was the biggest threat to BigTech and they worked together with others to get him out of office. (Zucks illegal grant for voting that will never be prosecuted good example). Section 230 will never get repealed.
    Just think about Big Tech? They own every part of everyone's lives is some small way. They are already using social media to determine what we read and removing what they don't like. Thank goodness there are still a few free speech platforms for people to vent, but for how long? Amazon is the major retailer just think what they could do if you don't follow their ideology? Apple sells the most technology and they have crossed the line determining what apps you can purchase. Google is so full of misleading information when you use them. They determine what you see when you search and what pop ups are relative to their cause. the list is really endless and scary.
    People are very frustrated and Pelosi is making it worse. Biden needs to be a strong leader but is basically a puppet. I don't see him able to bring people together for the sake of the country. I feel we are in for a very rocky road ahead. I am worried for my children and grandchildren's future and feel powerless to do anything. That is the sentiment most people are feeling and with our first amendments being taken away we are not left with much choice.
    Thanks for letting me vent. God Bless America! Ann

  • Tammy Baughman

    01/10/2021 02:46 PM

    I use to like you but I'm so disappointed in your articles. Your riding the fence. You have decided to spread trash and no see the truth. I cannot believe that you haven't watched the many videos of the capital police simply allowing the protesters into the building. You said protesters played right into the left's hands? Of course they did because it was all set up. I'm really disappointed in you.

  • John T Stewart

    01/10/2021 02:45 PM

    I have seen evidence that Antifa were allowed to enter the Cap by police before any Trump supporters entered. I have seen evidence that the destruction that was being done was by Antifa primarily. I understand that the Antifi people were prepped for this to be able to frame the Donald Trump supporters...Unfortunately you were not there to warn the conservatives

  • Linda Sanford

    01/10/2021 02:44 PM

    Thank you for helping people who are scared but don’t know what to do.

  • DeAnna Wederski

    01/10/2021 02:42 PM

    Hi Governor, my husband and I have followed you for years and you were our first choice in the 2016 election. I was watching Breitbar livestream video on the 6th. Something weird was happening there that was highly unusual. Will they ever investigate to find out the truth? People at the capitol even claimed that Trump supporters were chatting with police. Are you sure about where the violence was coming from? DeAnna

  • Phil

    01/10/2021 02:42 PM

    Republican leaders don't need to support the people who protested at the capital, but GROW A PAIR and don't call them terrorists. Stop going on the shows and repeating how there traitors, thugs, and bad people. The POLICE ALLOWED most of them into the building with OPEN doors for GOD SAKE!!

    Democrats do not bad talk there base no matter what, Republicans at the very least not call them traitors and terrorists. Grow a paid, try to get a spine, and support your base!!

  • Rachel (Faith) Lilley-Lupfer

    01/10/2021 02:41 PM


  • Deb Hillis

    01/10/2021 02:36 PM

    Why isn’t anyone delving into why Antifa was escorted into Washington DC a day or two before the rally? Is anyone investigating who exactly was leading the riot? I have read several accounts of people who attended the rally and their accounts do not match exactly what the media is portraying. This has just been another ploy to get rid of President Trump and ruin his life! I do acknowledge that you there were probably some...a few of the so called patriots that were involved in the horrible rioting....but I do not believe for one minute that we as a nation are being told the truth about what happened. I am not for one minute condoning the violence! But I also do not accept nor believe we are being told the truth. And this is an injustice that is being cloaked as caring for our country by such evilness!!! A very sad day!

  • Penny Champion

    01/10/2021 02:35 PM

    Please send me news letter

  • Debra Collier

    01/10/2021 02:35 PM

    I am just in need to find truth! We all want and pray for justice to be served!

  • Joyce l. Brooks

    01/10/2021 02:34 PM

    Thank you for being a true Patriot Gov.

  • john roy Clark

    01/10/2021 02:34 PM

    I am so glad that we have you to speak the truth and I hope you will be able to continue to do so.
    I am hearing that Trump is planning a insurrection in the next few days and its going to be like a war.

  • Justin Roberts

    01/10/2021 02:31 PM

    Thank you sir! You are a true Patriot!

  • Joyce l. Brooks

    01/10/2021 02:30 PM

    I love the truth and you are a truth teller. Thank you Gov. for your commitment to God and His truths.

  • June Kaneshiro

    01/10/2021 02:27 PM

    Thank you for ending with verses. Just a technical note: I no longer need to move the screen side to side to see the whole verse but the print is so small I have to enlarge the screen.
    Appreciate your newsletters!

  • Lynn Brown

    01/10/2021 02:24 PM

    Please subscribe me to your newsletter.

  • Jerry Knorr

    01/10/2021 02:23 PM

    God Bless America

  • Rebecca Hicks

    01/10/2021 02:22 PM

    Thank you Mr. Huckabee for putting into words exactly how it is in the USA Today... I just pray tomorrow will be a better day for this country that is hurting.

  • Sandy Duff

    01/10/2021 02:22 PM

    Thank you for your encouragement and truth. God bless you and your family

  • Joyce Ann Schertz

    01/10/2021 02:20 PM

    I am with you 100%

  • Dana Noel

    01/10/2021 02:18 PM


  • Tress Tipton

    01/10/2021 02:18 PM

    Thank you for your unwavering yet fair point of view.

  • Diane Brazel

    01/10/2021 02:18 PM

    Go USA

  • Diana Pearson

    01/10/2021 02:17 PM

    I agree what can we do I believe the beginning of the end started in 2008 the Obama administration and Trump did stand up for America it's only what the good book tells us is happening God bless

  • Gary Fancher

    01/10/2021 02:16 PM

    God bless America!

Message from Mike Huckabee

    Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

    Biden Scandal News

    January 10, 2021

    Good afternoon!

    Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

    Today's newsletter includes:

    • A tough week for America
    • Washington is stained Nancy
    • DC Statehood push
    • Sharp observation
    • Focus Group-Tested Word Alert


    Mike Huckabee

    A tough week for America

    By Mike Huckabee

    This has been a tough week for America. It’s been an embarrassing and disgusting week for those of us who believe that the recent Presidential election was tainted with unanswered questions about fraud and massive voting irregularities. Whatever hopes we had that there might be a sincere investigation into the evidence that the media claimed didn’t exist was wiped out by a hot-headed mob at our nation’s Capitol. To be clear, of the tens of thousands of protesters and demonstrators who descended on Washington, most really were peaceful, law abiding patriots who love God, their families and their country. But those who stormed our Nation’s Capitol, ignored and fought the police, broke windows and doors and vandalized the offices of members of Congress and the Capitol itself were not patriots. They were a mob. A violent, lawless, and reckless mob engaged in criminal acts. Some of those participating in this mayhem or who tried to defend it tried to compare the actions of the mob to those of our Founders in the American Revolution. The violence at the Capitol this week was not at all like the American Revolution.

    The Revolution of 1776 was carefully thought out. It was meticulously planned, and carried out by people who had exhausted all avenues to peacefully secure their liberty and to rid themselves of the intolerable behavior of their mother country, England. They declared their independence in a carefully crafted document and pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. They did not act spontaneously or compulsively. Their actions were thoroughly contemplated and the consequences were fully understood. What happened this week was carried out by hot-headed people moved by raw rage. There was no rational consideration of the consequences. There are no excuses or explanations for endangering innocent people, destroying public property, and challenging the authority of law enforcement. Even if 95% of that crowd were God-fearing law-abiding citizens who are rightfully angry that their beloved Republic is being taken over by Marxists and the useful idiots in the media who follow along, there is still no justification for the mayhem. Some of the rioters even quoted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but Dr. King NEVER got so fed up with the horrible and unjust treatment by the government and said, “That’s it—let’s storm the Capitol and break windows and occupy the chamber.”

    The American Revolution indeed became violent and resulted in a war but they were not a mob, who in a blind rage launched something they had no plan to fulfill. They articulated their grievances, requested relief, and only after all possible remedies were rebuffed did they declare independence.

    WE must be the voice of reason and rationality. The mob set back the conservative patriotic cause of limited government and a government that provides justice equally. This angry mob of played right into the hands of the press and the left.

    I support the many policies President Trump implemented to put America First. I’m glad he stood up to China and Russia, brought manufacturing jobs back to America, cut taxes because he believed that you could spend the money you worked for better than the government, fought to protect the lives of unborn children, protected religious liberty, stood with Israel against those who sought to annihilate her, and who appointed Constitutionalists to the courts. I don’t blame him because some who supported him devolved into criminal activity and tried to take over our nation’s Capitol. But to be fair and honest, his language about the election being stolen probably cost us 2 Senate seats in Georgia and gave some people the false sense that it was justifiable to storm past police barricades and take over the Capitol. Joe Biden will be the next President. It’s not who I voted for but I won’t burn down the country because he’s President. I will speak out for my views and I will faithfully vote in every election. But as disgusted as I was when Black Lives Matter and Antifa followers were burning our cities, looting stores and attacking police officers, I’m equally disgusted when people who may share many of my views do the same thing. I don’t care what their politics are, they are lawless thugs and need to be found, charged and prosecuted. I can’t teach my children and grandchildren to obey the rules of my house if I can’t be trusted to obey the laws of my nation!


    Washington is stained Nancy

    By Mike Huckabee

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are calling on Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and immediately remove President Trump from office, blaming him for inciting the violent protesters who vandalized and broke into the Capitol. Pelosi said, “The gleeful desecration of the U.S. Capitol, which is the temple of our American democracy, and the violence targeting Congress are horrors that will forever stain our nation’s history — instigated by the president of the United States — that’s why this is such a stain.”

    She’s right, Washington is as stained as an old pair of farm overalls, but those mud stains didn’t all appear yesterday. Just as a reminder:

    Throughout spring and summer of 2020, up until polls showed it was hurting Democrats, Pelosi and Schumer were publicly supportive of violent “protesters” who rioted, burned and looted America’s cities nationwide, including Washington, DC. They not only attacked and vandalized national monuments and federal buildings in the nation’s capital, they staged longterm assaults on local and federal officers, seized private property, threatened citizens, and laid siege to a federal courthouse in Portland, throwing Molotov cocktail-like fire bombs into it. That courthouse is just as much federal property and a temple of American democracy as the Capitol is.

    Pelosi’s response to all that was to support the violent protesters, dismiss concerns about old buildings, and smear officers who were trying to protect federal property as Nazi “stormtroopers.” When called on it, she tried to split hairs by claiming she only said they were “acting like stormtroopers.” Well, that’s different!

    I am upset with Trump’s rhetoric, too, and I’ve condemned the violent hotheads who set back the conservative cause with their illegal behavior. But I have zero interest in listening to Pelosi, Schumer or any other Democrat who spent much of 2020 egging on rioters and attacking police piously lecture me about the dangers of irresponsible rhetoric from public officials. Their “moral high ground” is a muddy sinkhole.

    DC Statehood push 

    By Mike Huckabee

    The Mayor of Washington, DC, has been doing such a crackerjack job that she thinks she deserves to be promoted to Governor. She’s calling on the new Congress to send legislation to President Biden’s desk in the first 100 days to make the District of Columbia the 51st state (with, of course, two more permanent Democrat Senators and at least one more far-left voting Representative.)

    That article explains why this would be blatantly unconstitutional, although I doubt that would prevent it from happening, considering the makeup of the incoming Congress and White House. It would require a massive and expensive court fight to block it. I fear this is just a preview of what the next two years are going to be like.

    Sharp observation

    By Mike Huckabee

    Mark Steyn, speaking on Wednesday’s TUCKER CARLSON show, had a sharp observation: “It’s always interesting to me that people are surprised when a tactic that’s proved effective for one group of people is then suddenly taken up by other people of whom they don’t approve.”

    "There’s been a complete collapse of equality before the law,” Steyn explained. “The more [people on the left] are not subject to any laws, the more onerous the burden that falls upon the law-abiding.” Those on the left can do anything, he said, while those law-abiding souls on the right are “micro-regulated.” (To quote Victor Davis Hanson, “Ideology trumps accountability.”)

    "At some point, that has to give,” he said. “And whoever is behind this, to a certain degree, that ‘gave’ today in Washington.”

    If that’s what we’re seeing, we conservatives will have to be careful not to become the thing we hate, as so often happens to people. (It’s certainly happened to the left, who used to be pro-free speech.) It may sound cliché to say it at this point, but we really are better than that.

    Focus Group-Tested Word Alert

    By Mike Huckabee

    I’ve noticed that anyone who points out that the same Democrats who supported violent leftist protesters who attacked federal buildings are now condemning violent rightwing protesters who attack federal buildings is being accused of “whataboutism.” For those unfamiliar with this word, it’s a made-up term that means “Stop pointing out my hypocrisy.”



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    Comments 101-125 of 194

    • ann smith

      01/10/2021 02:47 PM

      I agree with your comments, especially the "whataboutism". Should get alot of use from that word.
      I know you get lots of comments but this is my theory. The coup has already happened. Demonstrating at the capital and the Presidents behavior was icing on the cake. Whether some of the democrats and media were complicit we will never know. President Trump was the biggest threat to BigTech and they worked together with others to get him out of office. (Zucks illegal grant for voting that will never be prosecuted good example). Section 230 will never get repealed.
      Just think about Big Tech? They own every part of everyone's lives is some small way. They are already using social media to determine what we read and removing what they don't like. Thank goodness there are still a few free speech platforms for people to vent, but for how long? Amazon is the major retailer just think what they could do if you don't follow their ideology? Apple sells the most technology and they have crossed the line determining what apps you can purchase. Google is so full of misleading information when you use them. They determine what you see when you search and what pop ups are relative to their cause. the list is really endless and scary.
      People are very frustrated and Pelosi is making it worse. Biden needs to be a strong leader but is basically a puppet. I don't see him able to bring people together for the sake of the country. I feel we are in for a very rocky road ahead. I am worried for my children and grandchildren's future and feel powerless to do anything. That is the sentiment most people are feeling and with our first amendments being taken away we are not left with much choice.
      Thanks for letting me vent. God Bless America! Ann

    • Tammy Baughman

      01/10/2021 02:46 PM

      I use to like you but I'm so disappointed in your articles. Your riding the fence. You have decided to spread trash and no see the truth. I cannot believe that you haven't watched the many videos of the capital police simply allowing the protesters into the building. You said protesters played right into the left's hands? Of course they did because it was all set up. I'm really disappointed in you.

    • John T Stewart

      01/10/2021 02:45 PM

      I have seen evidence that Antifa were allowed to enter the Cap by police before any Trump supporters entered. I have seen evidence that the destruction that was being done was by Antifa primarily. I understand that the Antifi people were prepped for this to be able to frame the Donald Trump supporters...Unfortunately you were not there to warn the conservatives

    • Linda Sanford

      01/10/2021 02:44 PM

      Thank you for helping people who are scared but don’t know what to do.

    • DeAnna Wederski

      01/10/2021 02:42 PM

      Hi Governor, my husband and I have followed you for years and you were our first choice in the 2016 election. I was watching Breitbar livestream video on the 6th. Something weird was happening there that was highly unusual. Will they ever investigate to find out the truth? People at the capitol even claimed that Trump supporters were chatting with police. Are you sure about where the violence was coming from? DeAnna

    • Phil

      01/10/2021 02:42 PM

      Republican leaders don't need to support the people who protested at the capital, but GROW A PAIR and don't call them terrorists. Stop going on the shows and repeating how there traitors, thugs, and bad people. The POLICE ALLOWED most of them into the building with OPEN doors for GOD SAKE!!

      Democrats do not bad talk there base no matter what, Republicans at the very least not call them traitors and terrorists. Grow a paid, try to get a spine, and support your base!!

    • Rachel (Faith) Lilley-Lupfer

      01/10/2021 02:41 PM


    • Deb Hillis

      01/10/2021 02:36 PM

      Why isn’t anyone delving into why Antifa was escorted into Washington DC a day or two before the rally? Is anyone investigating who exactly was leading the riot? I have read several accounts of people who attended the rally and their accounts do not match exactly what the media is portraying. This has just been another ploy to get rid of President Trump and ruin his life! I do acknowledge that you there were probably some...a few of the so called patriots that were involved in the horrible rioting....but I do not believe for one minute that we as a nation are being told the truth about what happened. I am not for one minute condoning the violence! But I also do not accept nor believe we are being told the truth. And this is an injustice that is being cloaked as caring for our country by such evilness!!! A very sad day!

    • Penny Champion

      01/10/2021 02:35 PM

      Please send me news letter

    • Debra Collier

      01/10/2021 02:35 PM

      I am just in need to find truth! We all want and pray for justice to be served!

    • Joyce l. Brooks

      01/10/2021 02:34 PM

      Thank you for being a true Patriot Gov.

    • john roy Clark

      01/10/2021 02:34 PM

      I am so glad that we have you to speak the truth and I hope you will be able to continue to do so.
      I am hearing that Trump is planning a insurrection in the next few days and its going to be like a war.

    • Justin Roberts

      01/10/2021 02:31 PM

      Thank you sir! You are a true Patriot!

    • Joyce l. Brooks

      01/10/2021 02:30 PM

      I love the truth and you are a truth teller. Thank you Gov. for your commitment to God and His truths.

    • June Kaneshiro

      01/10/2021 02:27 PM

      Thank you for ending with verses. Just a technical note: I no longer need to move the screen side to side to see the whole verse but the print is so small I have to enlarge the screen.
      Appreciate your newsletters!

    • Lynn Brown

      01/10/2021 02:24 PM

      Please subscribe me to your newsletter.

    • Jerry Knorr

      01/10/2021 02:23 PM

      God Bless America

    • Rebecca Hicks

      01/10/2021 02:22 PM

      Thank you Mr. Huckabee for putting into words exactly how it is in the USA Today... I just pray tomorrow will be a better day for this country that is hurting.

    • Sandy Duff

      01/10/2021 02:22 PM

      Thank you for your encouragement and truth. God bless you and your family

    • Joyce Ann Schertz

      01/10/2021 02:20 PM

      I am with you 100%

    • Dana Noel

      01/10/2021 02:18 PM


    • Tress Tipton

      01/10/2021 02:18 PM

      Thank you for your unwavering yet fair point of view.

    • Diane Brazel

      01/10/2021 02:18 PM

      Go USA

    • Diana Pearson

      01/10/2021 02:17 PM

      I agree what can we do I believe the beginning of the end started in 2008 the Obama administration and Trump did stand up for America it's only what the good book tells us is happening God bless

    • Gary Fancher

      01/10/2021 02:16 PM

      God bless America!

    Trump Indictment News

    January 10, 2021

    Good afternoon!

    Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

    Today's newsletter includes:

    • A tough week for America
    • Washington is stained Nancy
    • DC Statehood push
    • Sharp observation
    • Focus Group-Tested Word Alert


    Mike Huckabee

    A tough week for America

    By Mike Huckabee

    This has been a tough week for America. It’s been an embarrassing and disgusting week for those of us who believe that the recent Presidential election was tainted with unanswered questions about fraud and massive voting irregularities. Whatever hopes we had that there might be a sincere investigation into the evidence that the media claimed didn’t exist was wiped out by a hot-headed mob at our nation’s Capitol. To be clear, of the tens of thousands of protesters and demonstrators who descended on Washington, most really were peaceful, law abiding patriots who love God, their families and their country. But those who stormed our Nation’s Capitol, ignored and fought the police, broke windows and doors and vandalized the offices of members of Congress and the Capitol itself were not patriots. They were a mob. A violent, lawless, and reckless mob engaged in criminal acts. Some of those participating in this mayhem or who tried to defend it tried to compare the actions of the mob to those of our Founders in the American Revolution. The violence at the Capitol this week was not at all like the American Revolution.

    The Revolution of 1776 was carefully thought out. It was meticulously planned, and carried out by people who had exhausted all avenues to peacefully secure their liberty and to rid themselves of the intolerable behavior of their mother country, England. They declared their independence in a carefully crafted document and pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. They did not act spontaneously or compulsively. Their actions were thoroughly contemplated and the consequences were fully understood. What happened this week was carried out by hot-headed people moved by raw rage. There was no rational consideration of the consequences. There are no excuses or explanations for endangering innocent people, destroying public property, and challenging the authority of law enforcement. Even if 95% of that crowd were God-fearing law-abiding citizens who are rightfully angry that their beloved Republic is being taken over by Marxists and the useful idiots in the media who follow along, there is still no justification for the mayhem. Some of the rioters even quoted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but Dr. King NEVER got so fed up with the horrible and unjust treatment by the government and said, “That’s it—let’s storm the Capitol and break windows and occupy the chamber.”

    The American Revolution indeed became violent and resulted in a war but they were not a mob, who in a blind rage launched something they had no plan to fulfill. They articulated their grievances, requested relief, and only after all possible remedies were rebuffed did they declare independence.

    WE must be the voice of reason and rationality. The mob set back the conservative patriotic cause of limited government and a government that provides justice equally. This angry mob of played right into the hands of the press and the left.

    I support the many policies President Trump implemented to put America First. I’m glad he stood up to China and Russia, brought manufacturing jobs back to America, cut taxes because he believed that you could spend the money you worked for better than the government, fought to protect the lives of unborn children, protected religious liberty, stood with Israel against those who sought to annihilate her, and who appointed Constitutionalists to the courts. I don’t blame him because some who supported him devolved into criminal activity and tried to take over our nation’s Capitol. But to be fair and honest, his language about the election being stolen probably cost us 2 Senate seats in Georgia and gave some people the false sense that it was justifiable to storm past police barricades and take over the Capitol. Joe Biden will be the next President. It’s not who I voted for but I won’t burn down the country because he’s President. I will speak out for my views and I will faithfully vote in every election. But as disgusted as I was when Black Lives Matter and Antifa followers were burning our cities, looting stores and attacking police officers, I’m equally disgusted when people who may share many of my views do the same thing. I don’t care what their politics are, they are lawless thugs and need to be found, charged and prosecuted. I can’t teach my children and grandchildren to obey the rules of my house if I can’t be trusted to obey the laws of my nation!


    Washington is stained Nancy

    By Mike Huckabee

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are calling on Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and immediately remove President Trump from office, blaming him for inciting the violent protesters who vandalized and broke into the Capitol. Pelosi said, “The gleeful desecration of the U.S. Capitol, which is the temple of our American democracy, and the violence targeting Congress are horrors that will forever stain our nation’s history — instigated by the president of the United States — that’s why this is such a stain.”

    She’s right, Washington is as stained as an old pair of farm overalls, but those mud stains didn’t all appear yesterday. Just as a reminder:

    Throughout spring and summer of 2020, up until polls showed it was hurting Democrats, Pelosi and Schumer were publicly supportive of violent “protesters” who rioted, burned and looted America’s cities nationwide, including Washington, DC. They not only attacked and vandalized national monuments and federal buildings in the nation’s capital, they staged longterm assaults on local and federal officers, seized private property, threatened citizens, and laid siege to a federal courthouse in Portland, throwing Molotov cocktail-like fire bombs into it. That courthouse is just as much federal property and a temple of American democracy as the Capitol is.

    Pelosi’s response to all that was to support the violent protesters, dismiss concerns about old buildings, and smear officers who were trying to protect federal property as Nazi “stormtroopers.” When called on it, she tried to split hairs by claiming she only said they were “acting like stormtroopers.” Well, that’s different!

    I am upset with Trump’s rhetoric, too, and I’ve condemned the violent hotheads who set back the conservative cause with their illegal behavior. But I have zero interest in listening to Pelosi, Schumer or any other Democrat who spent much of 2020 egging on rioters and attacking police piously lecture me about the dangers of irresponsible rhetoric from public officials. Their “moral high ground” is a muddy sinkhole.

    DC Statehood push 

    By Mike Huckabee

    The Mayor of Washington, DC, has been doing such a crackerjack job that she thinks she deserves to be promoted to Governor. She’s calling on the new Congress to send legislation to President Biden’s desk in the first 100 days to make the District of Columbia the 51st state (with, of course, two more permanent Democrat Senators and at least one more far-left voting Representative.)

    That article explains why this would be blatantly unconstitutional, although I doubt that would prevent it from happening, considering the makeup of the incoming Congress and White House. It would require a massive and expensive court fight to block it. I fear this is just a preview of what the next two years are going to be like.

    Sharp observation

    By Mike Huckabee

    Mark Steyn, speaking on Wednesday’s TUCKER CARLSON show, had a sharp observation: “It’s always interesting to me that people are surprised when a tactic that’s proved effective for one group of people is then suddenly taken up by other people of whom they don’t approve.”

    "There’s been a complete collapse of equality before the law,” Steyn explained. “The more [people on the left] are not subject to any laws, the more onerous the burden that falls upon the law-abiding.” Those on the left can do anything, he said, while those law-abiding souls on the right are “micro-regulated.” (To quote Victor Davis Hanson, “Ideology trumps accountability.”)

    "At some point, that has to give,” he said. “And whoever is behind this, to a certain degree, that ‘gave’ today in Washington.”

    If that’s what we’re seeing, we conservatives will have to be careful not to become the thing we hate, as so often happens to people. (It’s certainly happened to the left, who used to be pro-free speech.) It may sound cliché to say it at this point, but we really are better than that.

    Focus Group-Tested Word Alert

    By Mike Huckabee

    I’ve noticed that anyone who points out that the same Democrats who supported violent leftist protesters who attacked federal buildings are now condemning violent rightwing protesters who attack federal buildings is being accused of “whataboutism.” For those unfamiliar with this word, it’s a made-up term that means “Stop pointing out my hypocrisy.”



    Leave a Comment

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    Comments 101-125 of 194

    • ann smith

      01/10/2021 02:47 PM

      I agree with your comments, especially the "whataboutism". Should get alot of use from that word.
      I know you get lots of comments but this is my theory. The coup has already happened. Demonstrating at the capital and the Presidents behavior was icing on the cake. Whether some of the democrats and media were complicit we will never know. President Trump was the biggest threat to BigTech and they worked together with others to get him out of office. (Zucks illegal grant for voting that will never be prosecuted good example). Section 230 will never get repealed.
      Just think about Big Tech? They own every part of everyone's lives is some small way. They are already using social media to determine what we read and removing what they don't like. Thank goodness there are still a few free speech platforms for people to vent, but for how long? Amazon is the major retailer just think what they could do if you don't follow their ideology? Apple sells the most technology and they have crossed the line determining what apps you can purchase. Google is so full of misleading information when you use them. They determine what you see when you search and what pop ups are relative to their cause. the list is really endless and scary.
      People are very frustrated and Pelosi is making it worse. Biden needs to be a strong leader but is basically a puppet. I don't see him able to bring people together for the sake of the country. I feel we are in for a very rocky road ahead. I am worried for my children and grandchildren's future and feel powerless to do anything. That is the sentiment most people are feeling and with our first amendments being taken away we are not left with much choice.
      Thanks for letting me vent. God Bless America! Ann

    • Tammy Baughman

      01/10/2021 02:46 PM

      I use to like you but I'm so disappointed in your articles. Your riding the fence. You have decided to spread trash and no see the truth. I cannot believe that you haven't watched the many videos of the capital police simply allowing the protesters into the building. You said protesters played right into the left's hands? Of course they did because it was all set up. I'm really disappointed in you.

    • John T Stewart

      01/10/2021 02:45 PM

      I have seen evidence that Antifa were allowed to enter the Cap by police before any Trump supporters entered. I have seen evidence that the destruction that was being done was by Antifa primarily. I understand that the Antifi people were prepped for this to be able to frame the Donald Trump supporters...Unfortunately you were not there to warn the conservatives

    • Linda Sanford

      01/10/2021 02:44 PM

      Thank you for helping people who are scared but don’t know what to do.

    • DeAnna Wederski

      01/10/2021 02:42 PM

      Hi Governor, my husband and I have followed you for years and you were our first choice in the 2016 election. I was watching Breitbar livestream video on the 6th. Something weird was happening there that was highly unusual. Will they ever investigate to find out the truth? People at the capitol even claimed that Trump supporters were chatting with police. Are you sure about where the violence was coming from? DeAnna

    • Phil

      01/10/2021 02:42 PM

      Republican leaders don't need to support the people who protested at the capital, but GROW A PAIR and don't call them terrorists. Stop going on the shows and repeating how there traitors, thugs, and bad people. The POLICE ALLOWED most of them into the building with OPEN doors for GOD SAKE!!

      Democrats do not bad talk there base no matter what, Republicans at the very least not call them traitors and terrorists. Grow a paid, try to get a spine, and support your base!!

    • Rachel (Faith) Lilley-Lupfer

      01/10/2021 02:41 PM


    • Deb Hillis

      01/10/2021 02:36 PM

      Why isn’t anyone delving into why Antifa was escorted into Washington DC a day or two before the rally? Is anyone investigating who exactly was leading the riot? I have read several accounts of people who attended the rally and their accounts do not match exactly what the media is portraying. This has just been another ploy to get rid of President Trump and ruin his life! I do acknowledge that you there were probably some...a few of the so called patriots that were involved in the horrible rioting....but I do not believe for one minute that we as a nation are being told the truth about what happened. I am not for one minute condoning the violence! But I also do not accept nor believe we are being told the truth. And this is an injustice that is being cloaked as caring for our country by such evilness!!! A very sad day!

    • Penny Champion

      01/10/2021 02:35 PM

      Please send me news letter

    • Debra Collier

      01/10/2021 02:35 PM

      I am just in need to find truth! We all want and pray for justice to be served!

    • Joyce l. Brooks

      01/10/2021 02:34 PM

      Thank you for being a true Patriot Gov.

    • john roy Clark

      01/10/2021 02:34 PM

      I am so glad that we have you to speak the truth and I hope you will be able to continue to do so.
      I am hearing that Trump is planning a insurrection in the next few days and its going to be like a war.

    • Justin Roberts

      01/10/2021 02:31 PM

      Thank you sir! You are a true Patriot!

    • Joyce l. Brooks

      01/10/2021 02:30 PM

      I love the truth and you are a truth teller. Thank you Gov. for your commitment to God and His truths.

    • June Kaneshiro

      01/10/2021 02:27 PM

      Thank you for ending with verses. Just a technical note: I no longer need to move the screen side to side to see the whole verse but the print is so small I have to enlarge the screen.
      Appreciate your newsletters!

    • Lynn Brown

      01/10/2021 02:24 PM

      Please subscribe me to your newsletter.

    • Jerry Knorr

      01/10/2021 02:23 PM

      God Bless America

    • Rebecca Hicks

      01/10/2021 02:22 PM

      Thank you Mr. Huckabee for putting into words exactly how it is in the USA Today... I just pray tomorrow will be a better day for this country that is hurting.

    • Sandy Duff

      01/10/2021 02:22 PM

      Thank you for your encouragement and truth. God bless you and your family

    • Joyce Ann Schertz

      01/10/2021 02:20 PM

      I am with you 100%

    • Dana Noel

      01/10/2021 02:18 PM


    • Tress Tipton

      01/10/2021 02:18 PM

      Thank you for your unwavering yet fair point of view.

    • Diane Brazel

      01/10/2021 02:18 PM

      Go USA

    • Diana Pearson

      01/10/2021 02:17 PM

      I agree what can we do I believe the beginning of the end started in 2008 the Obama administration and Trump did stand up for America it's only what the good book tells us is happening God bless

    • Gary Fancher

      01/10/2021 02:16 PM

      God bless America!

    Election 2024 Coverage

    January 10, 2021

    Good afternoon!

    Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!

    Today's newsletter includes:

    • A tough week for America
    • Washington is stained Nancy
    • DC Statehood push
    • Sharp observation
    • Focus Group-Tested Word Alert


    Mike Huckabee

    A tough week for America

    By Mike Huckabee

    This has been a tough week for America. It’s been an embarrassing and disgusting week for those of us who believe that the recent Presidential election was tainted with unanswered questions about fraud and massive voting irregularities. Whatever hopes we had that there might be a sincere investigation into the evidence that the media claimed didn’t exist was wiped out by a hot-headed mob at our nation’s Capitol. To be clear, of the tens of thousands of protesters and demonstrators who descended on Washington, most really were peaceful, law abiding patriots who love God, their families and their country. But those who stormed our Nation’s Capitol, ignored and fought the police, broke windows and doors and vandalized the offices of members of Congress and the Capitol itself were not patriots. They were a mob. A violent, lawless, and reckless mob engaged in criminal acts. Some of those participating in this mayhem or who tried to defend it tried to compare the actions of the mob to those of our Founders in the American Revolution. The violence at the Capitol this week was not at all like the American Revolution.

    The Revolution of 1776 was carefully thought out. It was meticulously planned, and carried out by people who had exhausted all avenues to peacefully secure their liberty and to rid themselves of the intolerable behavior of their mother country, England. They declared their independence in a carefully crafted document and pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. They did not act spontaneously or compulsively. Their actions were thoroughly contemplated and the consequences were fully understood. What happened this week was carried out by hot-headed people moved by raw rage. There was no rational consideration of the consequences. There are no excuses or explanations for endangering innocent people, destroying public property, and challenging the authority of law enforcement. Even if 95% of that crowd were God-fearing law-abiding citizens who are rightfully angry that their beloved Republic is being taken over by Marxists and the useful idiots in the media who follow along, there is still no justification for the mayhem. Some of the rioters even quoted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but Dr. King NEVER got so fed up with the horrible and unjust treatment by the government and said, “That’s it—let’s storm the Capitol and break windows and occupy the chamber.”

    The American Revolution indeed became violent and resulted in a war but they were not a mob, who in a blind rage launched something they had no plan to fulfill. They articulated their grievances, requested relief, and only after all possible remedies were rebuffed did they declare independence.

    WE must be the voice of reason and rationality. The mob set back the conservative patriotic cause of limited government and a government that provides justice equally. This angry mob of played right into the hands of the press and the left.

    I support the many policies President Trump implemented to put America First. I’m glad he stood up to China and Russia, brought manufacturing jobs back to America, cut taxes because he believed that you could spend the money you worked for better than the government, fought to protect the lives of unborn children, protected religious liberty, stood with Israel against those who sought to annihilate her, and who appointed Constitutionalists to the courts. I don’t blame him because some who supported him devolved into criminal activity and tried to take over our nation’s Capitol. But to be fair and honest, his language about the election being stolen probably cost us 2 Senate seats in Georgia and gave some people the false sense that it was justifiable to storm past police barricades and take over the Capitol. Joe Biden will be the next President. It’s not who I voted for but I won’t burn down the country because he’s President. I will speak out for my views and I will faithfully vote in every election. But as disgusted as I was when Black Lives Matter and Antifa followers were burning our cities, looting stores and attacking police officers, I’m equally disgusted when people who may share many of my views do the same thing. I don’t care what their politics are, they are lawless thugs and need to be found, charged and prosecuted. I can’t teach my children and grandchildren to obey the rules of my house if I can’t be trusted to obey the laws of my nation!


    Washington is stained Nancy

    By Mike Huckabee

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are calling on Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment and immediately remove President Trump from office, blaming him for inciting the violent protesters who vandalized and broke into the Capitol. Pelosi said, “The gleeful desecration of the U.S. Capitol, which is the temple of our American democracy, and the violence targeting Congress are horrors that will forever stain our nation’s history — instigated by the president of the United States — that’s why this is such a stain.”

    She’s right, Washington is as stained as an old pair of farm overalls, but those mud stains didn’t all appear yesterday. Just as a reminder:

    Throughout spring and summer of 2020, up until polls showed it was hurting Democrats, Pelosi and Schumer were publicly supportive of violent “protesters” who rioted, burned and looted America’s cities nationwide, including Washington, DC. They not only attacked and vandalized national monuments and federal buildings in the nation’s capital, they staged longterm assaults on local and federal officers, seized private property, threatened citizens, and laid siege to a federal courthouse in Portland, throwing Molotov cocktail-like fire bombs into it. That courthouse is just as much federal property and a temple of American democracy as the Capitol is.

    Pelosi’s response to all that was to support the violent protesters, dismiss concerns about old buildings, and smear officers who were trying to protect federal property as Nazi “stormtroopers.” When called on it, she tried to split hairs by claiming she only said they were “acting like stormtroopers.” Well, that’s different!

    I am upset with Trump’s rhetoric, too, and I’ve condemned the violent hotheads who set back the conservative cause with their illegal behavior. But I have zero interest in listening to Pelosi, Schumer or any other Democrat who spent much of 2020 egging on rioters and attacking police piously lecture me about the dangers of irresponsible rhetoric from public officials. Their “moral high ground” is a muddy sinkhole.

    DC Statehood push 

    By Mike Huckabee

    The Mayor of Washington, DC, has been doing such a crackerjack job that she thinks she deserves to be promoted to Governor. She’s calling on the new Congress to send legislation to President Biden’s desk in the first 100 days to make the District of Columbia the 51st state (with, of course, two more permanent Democrat Senators and at least one more far-left voting Representative.)

    That article explains why this would be blatantly unconstitutional, although I doubt that would prevent it from happening, considering the makeup of the incoming Congress and White House. It would require a massive and expensive court fight to block it. I fear this is just a preview of what the next two years are going to be like.

    Sharp observation

    By Mike Huckabee

    Mark Steyn, speaking on Wednesday’s TUCKER CARLSON show, had a sharp observation: “It’s always interesting to me that people are surprised when a tactic that’s proved effective for one group of people is then suddenly taken up by other people of whom they don’t approve.”

    "There’s been a complete collapse of equality before the law,” Steyn explained. “The more [people on the left] are not subject to any laws, the more onerous the burden that falls upon the law-abiding.” Those on the left can do anything, he said, while those law-abiding souls on the right are “micro-regulated.” (To quote Victor Davis Hanson, “Ideology trumps accountability.”)

    "At some point, that has to give,” he said. “And whoever is behind this, to a certain degree, that ‘gave’ today in Washington.”

    If that’s what we’re seeing, we conservatives will have to be careful not to become the thing we hate, as so often happens to people. (It’s certainly happened to the left, who used to be pro-free speech.) It may sound cliché to say it at this point, but we really are better than that.

    Focus Group-Tested Word Alert

    By Mike Huckabee

    I’ve noticed that anyone who points out that the same Democrats who supported violent leftist protesters who attacked federal buildings are now condemning violent rightwing protesters who attack federal buildings is being accused of “whataboutism.” For those unfamiliar with this word, it’s a made-up term that means “Stop pointing out my hypocrisy.”



    Leave a Comment

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    Comments 101-125 of 194

    • ann smith

      01/10/2021 02:47 PM

      I agree with your comments, especially the "whataboutism". Should get alot of use from that word.
      I know you get lots of comments but this is my theory. The coup has already happened. Demonstrating at the capital and the Presidents behavior was icing on the cake. Whether some of the democrats and media were complicit we will never know. President Trump was the biggest threat to BigTech and they worked together with others to get him out of office. (Zucks illegal grant for voting that will never be prosecuted good example). Section 230 will never get repealed.
      Just think about Big Tech? They own every part of everyone's lives is some small way. They are already using social media to determine what we read and removing what they don't like. Thank goodness there are still a few free speech platforms for people to vent, but for how long? Amazon is the major retailer just think what they could do if you don't follow their ideology? Apple sells the most technology and they have crossed the line determining what apps you can purchase. Google is so full of misleading information when you use them. They determine what you see when you search and what pop ups are relative to their cause. the list is really endless and scary.
      People are very frustrated and Pelosi is making it worse. Biden needs to be a strong leader but is basically a puppet. I don't see him able to bring people together for the sake of the country. I feel we are in for a very rocky road ahead. I am worried for my children and grandchildren's future and feel powerless to do anything. That is the sentiment most people are feeling and with our first amendments being taken away we are not left with much choice.
      Thanks for letting me vent. God Bless America! Ann

    • Tammy Baughman

      01/10/2021 02:46 PM

      I use to like you but I'm so disappointed in your articles. Your riding the fence. You have decided to spread trash and no see the truth. I cannot believe that you haven't watched the many videos of the capital police simply allowing the protesters into the building. You said protesters played right into the left's hands? Of course they did because it was all set up. I'm really disappointed in you.

    • John T Stewart

      01/10/2021 02:45 PM

      I have seen evidence that Antifa were allowed to enter the Cap by police before any Trump supporters entered. I have seen evidence that the destruction that was being done was by Antifa primarily. I understand that the Antifi people were prepped for this to be able to frame the Donald Trump supporters...Unfortunately you were not there to warn the conservatives

    • Linda Sanford

      01/10/2021 02:44 PM

      Thank you for helping people who are scared but don’t know what to do.

    • DeAnna Wederski

      01/10/2021 02:42 PM

      Hi Governor, my husband and I have followed you for years and you were our first choice in the 2016 election. I was watching Breitbar livestream video on the 6th. Something weird was happening there that was highly unusual. Will they ever investigate to find out the truth? People at the capitol even claimed that Trump supporters were chatting with police. Are you sure about where the violence was coming from? DeAnna

    • Phil

      01/10/2021 02:42 PM

      Republican leaders don't need to support the people who protested at the capital, but GROW A PAIR and don't call them terrorists. Stop going on the shows and repeating how there traitors, thugs, and bad people. The POLICE ALLOWED most of them into the building with OPEN doors for GOD SAKE!!

      Democrats do not bad talk there base no matter what, Republicans at the very least not call them traitors and terrorists. Grow a paid, try to get a spine, and support your base!!

    • Rachel (Faith) Lilley-Lupfer

      01/10/2021 02:41 PM


    • Deb Hillis

      01/10/2021 02:36 PM

      Why isn’t anyone delving into why Antifa was escorted into Washington DC a day or two before the rally? Is anyone investigating who exactly was leading the riot? I have read several accounts of people who attended the rally and their accounts do not match exactly what the media is portraying. This has just been another ploy to get rid of President Trump and ruin his life! I do acknowledge that you there were probably some...a few of the so called patriots that were involved in the horrible rioting....but I do not believe for one minute that we as a nation are being told the truth about what happened. I am not for one minute condoning the violence! But I also do not accept nor believe we are being told the truth. And this is an injustice that is being cloaked as caring for our country by such evilness!!! A very sad day!

    • Penny Champion

      01/10/2021 02:35 PM

      Please send me news letter

    • Debra Collier

      01/10/2021 02:35 PM

      I am just in need to find truth! We all want and pray for justice to be served!

    • Joyce l. Brooks

      01/10/2021 02:34 PM

      Thank you for being a true Patriot Gov.

    • john roy Clark

      01/10/2021 02:34 PM

      I am so glad that we have you to speak the truth and I hope you will be able to continue to do so.
      I am hearing that Trump is planning a insurrection in the next few days and its going to be like a war.

    • Justin Roberts

      01/10/2021 02:31 PM

      Thank you sir! You are a true Patriot!

    • Joyce l. Brooks

      01/10/2021 02:30 PM

      I love the truth and you are a truth teller. Thank you Gov. for your commitment to God and His truths.

    • June Kaneshiro

      01/10/2021 02:27 PM

      Thank you for ending with verses. Just a technical note: I no longer need to move the screen side to side to see the whole verse but the print is so small I have to enlarge the screen.
      Appreciate your newsletters!

    • Lynn Brown

      01/10/2021 02:24 PM

      Please subscribe me to your newsletter.

    • Jerry Knorr

      01/10/2021 02:23 PM

      God Bless America

    • Rebecca Hicks

      01/10/2021 02:22 PM

      Thank you Mr. Huckabee for putting into words exactly how it is in the USA Today... I just pray tomorrow will be a better day for this country that is hurting.

    • Sandy Duff

      01/10/2021 02:22 PM

      Thank you for your encouragement and truth. God bless you and your family

    • Joyce Ann Schertz

      01/10/2021 02:20 PM

      I am with you 100%

    • Dana Noel

      01/10/2021 02:18 PM


    • Tress Tipton

      01/10/2021 02:18 PM

      Thank you for your unwavering yet fair point of view.

    • Diane Brazel

      01/10/2021 02:18 PM

      Go USA

    • Diana Pearson

      01/10/2021 02:17 PM

      I agree what can we do I believe the beginning of the end started in 2008 the Obama administration and Trump did stand up for America it's only what the good book tells us is happening God bless

    • Gary Fancher

      01/10/2021 02:16 PM

      God bless America!