While most media outlets are suddenly obsessed with talking about Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities (something we already figured out long ago), and the Democrats are engaging in public catfights, Donald Trump and his campaign have wisely remained, for the most part, pretty quiet on this issue.
Well, we’re back from our brief vacation from the daily news! Did anything happen while we were gone? No, I’m only joking. My writers and I were VINOs: Vacationers In Name Only. We were supposed to be relaxing on a much-needed break, but we couldn’t resist constantly checking the news, if for no other reason than to watch the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) having a volcanic meltdown

Losing Support

June 27, 2024

Biden is not only losing support among women and minorities, but also among one of their most reliable voting blocs: young voters whose brains haven’t fully matured and who haven’t gone out into the real world and started paying taxes yet.