
Primary Results

May 16, 2024

The presidential candidates may be chosen already, but primaries for state and local races are still going on. Tuesday, primary elections were held in Maryland, Nebraska, West Virginia and the 13th District of North Carolina. has regularly-updated news and vote totals on the major races.

Debate Update

May 16, 2024

The Biden campaign turned down the Presidential Debates Commission’s plans for three debates and instead directly proposed two debates with Donald Trump, in June and September. Trump immediately accepted.
Not only do a majority of voters say they believe these prosecutions are politically-motivated, but a new Quinnipiac Poll blows away their last remaining hope. They actually think that if they can just get a biased judge and biased jury in a Trump-hating district to find him guilty of something criminal, Trump’s voters will at last turn on him.

Democrats backpedal

April 10, 2024

After three years of the Biden White House and its enablers in Congress, blue states and the media trying to force-feed Americans a diet of pure baloney, polls showing that the Party is facing an electoral hanging in November are suddenly concentrating their minds...

Primary results

April 4, 2024

Tuesday, more primary elections were held in New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Wisconsin. The results were so predictable (Trump and Biden won their respective contests easily) that it barely made the news, but here are the results if you’re inclined to look.