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August 19, 2021

Vice President Kamala Harris has a pretty dismal approval rating, but she’s still popular on America’s college campuses, where young people who don’t know any better get spoonfed daily doses of leftist indoctrination that can’t hold up to facts or logic. To prove it, Campus Reform took its camera to Georgetown University to ask students’ opinions on Harris.

Not surprisingly, they gushed about how “amazing” it is to have a woman of color as Vice President. They were asked if they approved of her achievements and the policies she champions. Oh, yes, those are great, too! Then came the killshot: Could you please name a few of her policies you agree with and her achievements you approve of?

“Uh…could we cut this part out?” No, they couldn't name a single achievement.

Harris certainly won’t be able to cite “good timing” as one of her accomplishments, since she’s already taking flak for her plans to go ahead with a scheduled Asian trip that will include a stop in (déjà vu) Vietnam.

But in her defense, and I mean this sincerely, Harris may have one accomplishment to point to, and that’s her refusal to let Biden throw her under the bus on Afghanistan. There were stories that she was involved in the botched pullout planning, and she was reportedly being set up to give a press conference on Afghanistan on Sunday, while Biden was still hiding out at Camp David. That never happened, and an inside White House source told Becker News that Harris was overheard yelling, “They will not pin this (BLEEP) on me!”

Other liberals, from Nancy Pelosi to Stephen Colbert (who obscenely tried to concoct a moral equivalency by comparing the handful of unarmed jerks in the Capitol on January 6th to the Taliban), are twisting themselves into pretzels and setting fire to their own reputations trying to paper over Biden’s tragic incompetence. But if Harris really had nothing to do with his Afghanistan debacle, and she had the spine to refuse to take the blame and save Biden from responsibility for his own actions, then that’s something I can actually respect.

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  • Sandra Renaud

    08/19/2021 05:47 PM

    This administration is one big joke. We have a giggling idiot for a VP and a old man with nothing left between his ears as president. I hope everyone who voted for them are happy with the divided country we now have. Such a shame.