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August 21, 2024

Hillary Clinton got a big cheer by saying of Kamala Harris, “Yes, she will restore abortion rights nationwide.” Moments later, she declared, “Kamala cares, cares about kids and families.” Does that mean if kids can manage to make it out of the womb without being dismembered, she’ll care about them? Considering this party is so obsessed with abortion that activists were walking around outside dressed as giant abortion pills, I find it hard to believe their biggest concern is children.

Hillary also had the immense gall to use the “Trump is a convicted felon” line, when we all know that the only reason she wasn’t convicted of actual felonies is that Trump had the decency and respect for tradition not to prosecute his political opponent, no matter how well deserved.

Hillary also loudly denounced corruption and greed and violating the Constitution, all things she represents just as surely as Col. Sanders represents fried chicken.

Let’s face it, if Joe Biden were a fraction as good a President as all the effusive praise implied, he wouldn’t have been shoved out of the way for Kamala. He wasn’t going to lose just because of his age and mental shakiness; he has a record of almost unprecedented damage to the nation. I find it hard to believe that anyone could have inflicted that much wreckage in only 3-1/2 years unless he was deliberately trying. Even his one arguable success (bringing down the inflation rate his policies sent skyrocketing) has only brought it down to over 50% higher than the Fed’s 2% target rate.

Showing how little they care about “stolen valor,” the Democrats introduced Tim Walz as a “command sergeant major” in the National Guard. He was provisionally promoted to that rank but never completed the required coursework, and it was rescinded before he quit. The people running the DNC may not care about things like that, but military people and their families do.

Pushing wokeness to an absurd extreme, the DNC provided a “gender-neutral Islamic prayer room” with two prayer rugs. FYI: Under Islamic tradition, men and women are forbidden from praying in the same room.

The focus group-tested term of praise that everyone was told to repeat seemed to be “consequential,” as in “Joe Biden is the most consequential President of the past century.” Yes, and Katrina was the most consequential hurricane to hit New Orleans in the past century. That isn’t necessarily a good thing.

The crowd was waving printed signs reading “We (heart) Joe!” If they really (heart)ed Joe, they wouldn’t have (boot)ed Joe.

In a desperate attempt to use identity politics to turn out votes, there was a LOT of talk about “reproductive freedom,” which is apparently the only freedom today’s Democrats respect. They told scare stories about the rarest and most extreme cases (like twelve-year-olds who were raped) and deny they support “abortion up until birth.” But just try suggesting any restrictions and see how they react.

I believe that deep inside, most liberals know that it’s wrong to murder children in the womb but just can’t bring themselves to say it.

You can tell by the way they never call abortion what it is. They constantly invent new fuzzy euphemisms: “Reproductive freedom,” “women’s health care,” “reproductive justice” (I’ll bet it doesn’t feel like justice to the baby), etc. Likewise, Hollywood liberals promote abortion to the extreme off-screen, but when they make a movie or TV show where a character is pregnant, how many times do they depict her getting an abortion? When Rachel got pregnant on “Friends,” that was a perfect opportunity to demonstrate “reproductive freedom.” Did they? Of course not. “Friends” gave TV its first lesbian wedding, but even it wouldn’t risk showing a major character having an abortion because that would’ve required them to show viewers what it actually is.

Meanwhile, outside the DNC venue in the Real World…

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