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February 11, 2022


Good morning! 

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff!  

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Proverbs 3:5-6
  • The Biden Interview
  • Another Jan. 6 death, buried by "internal investigation"
  • And much more...

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Mike Huckabee


Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3: 5-6 

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].


Photo credit: Fox News

2. The Biden Interview:

President Biden gave an interview to NBC’s Lester Holt, and it did not go well. Most critics are talking about how he confused Ukraine, Iraq and Afghanistan in one sentence.

Others are remarking on how he called Holt a “wise guy” for daring to ask about inflation, one of the most serious problems facing Americans.

But I could overlook both of those things. What makes me worry that he’s suffering cognitive decline was his comments about Russia and Afghanistan.

When asked if he rejected the conclusions of a US Army report on how badly his Administration botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan and how poorly prepared they were, Biden said, “Yes, I am.” To clarify, Holt asked, “So they’re not true?” Biden replied, “I’m rejecting them.”

That seems to imply that whether they’re true or not, he simply rejects them. I’ve long believed that rejecting reality was the basis of all Democrat policy, but I’ve never heard the party’s leader state it so emphatically.   

Even more worrisome was a statement on Russia that implies he’s learned nothing from his Afghanistan debacle. Biden declared that if Russia invaded Ukraine, he wouldn’t send troops to rescue Americans because that could trigger a world war and “things could go crazy quickly.” Asked if there was no scenario where he would send troops to rescue Americans, Biden said (and this no surprise to anyone who paid attention to what he didn’t do in Afghanistan), “There’s not. That’s a world war when Americans and Russia start shooting at one another.”

As Nick Arama at points out, this is Strategery 101. Even if you don’t plan to send troops, you don’t tell Russia in advance that there’s no way you would ever send troops if they invaded. Why not just send Ukraine a giant Welcome mat to put on their border for the Russian Army to wipe their boots on before they come in?

Speaking of being foolish, Biden said that if Putin is “foolish enough to go in, he’s smart enough not to, in fact, do anything that would negatively impact on American citizens.” So we can trust the guy who’s invading Ukraine not to hurt any of our people, just like we could trust the new kinder, gentler, more reasonable Taliban? Well, yes, because Biden said he told Putin that -- but then said he didn’t have to.

If these aren’t the words of someone with a mental problem, then he must be so sick of the job that he’s trying to get removed via the 25th Amendment.

3. Another Jan. 6 death, buried by "internal investigation":

Though he’s expressed frustration in the past with the length of time it’s taking, President Trump expects Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation to “fully expose” the FBI’s investigation into Russian collusion as a sham.

Let’s hope he’s right. That’s a special counsel probe, with much broader scope and powers than an Inspector General’s internal investigation. We’ve expressed skepticism lately –- if not downright hopelessness –- about internal investigations, as they more often than not seem undertaken to officially bury the real story. For examples, just look to Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s stunning justification of Crossfire Hurricane, and the equally stunning no-bill of Lt. Michael Byrd in the killing of Ashli Babbitt. And now, we’re seeing what might be the most egregious internal affairs cover-up of all.

Don’t expect any of my trademark humor on this one, folks. This story is too disgusting and sad to joke about. It confirms our worst suspicions about our government’s abuse of power.

Recall the death of Trump supporter Rosanne Boyland, 34, just inside the West Terrace tunnel outside the Capitol building on January 6 of last year. To the outrage of her friends and family, her death was initially reported as a drug overdose, leading most Americans to assume she was the victim of her own substance abuse. (The drug she was prescribed was Adderall, which she’d taken for about 10 years to treat her ADHD.) But after a police brutality report by witness Gary McBride of Decatur, Texas, and the existence of video from the tunnel, it was clear that this woman was actually beaten by a DC Metropolitan Police Department officer, even after she was lying unconscious in the tunnel. A steel baton and a large wooden stick were used to hit her repeatedly.

She’d been trapped in the crush of people going inside the tunnel –- it seems she hadn’t intended to go in –- and then trampled when police deployed a crowd-control gas. She lost consciousness, and then, shockingly, the officer started beating her in the head. As she lay on the ground, her companion, Justin Winchell, cried, “She’s gonna die! She’s gonna die! ...I need somebody! She’s dead!” Video shows protesters trying to help her and being pepper-sprayed by cops.

Police finally dragged her body out of the tunnel and, according to testimony, administered CPR. There’s some discrepancy about when this was started and how long they worked to revive her. She was pronounced dead about 90 minutes after Winchell was pleading for help.

McBride studied thousands of hours of January 6 footage and went back and forth with the DC Metro Police before being told by email last November 15, to his shock, that the officer, Lila Morris, had been cleared of any wrongdoing.

“The use of force within this investigation was determined to be objectively reasonable,” wrote Capt. David K. Augustine, director of the Risk Management Division of the MPD Internal Affairs Division. “Officer Morris is still employed with the MPD and not facing criminal charges relating to the use of force on January 6.”

The above link is to a premium story in The Epoch Times, but for non-subscribers, I’ll tell you what another protester who witnessed this, Philip Anderson of Mesquite, Texas, said of the ruling: It’s “absolute [expletive].”

Anderson believes they consider it reasonable “because she was a Trump supporter.” Indeed, the Metro Police policy book says officers “shall value and preserve the sanctity of human life at all times, especially when lawfully exercising the use of force.” Unless it’s the life of a Trump supporter. I made that last part up.

Anderson says there was cause from the beginning for an independent investigation by a special prosecutor or grand jury.

Bret Boyland, Rosanne’s father, has been trying to get bodycam footage from various officers who were there. That request was denied by a Freedom Of Information Act specialist with the Metro Police. Excuse: this was part of an “ongoing investigation and criminal proceeding” (right). The Epoch Times also filed a FOIA request, and it also was denied. Different excuse: “privacy grounds.”

But video shows what Morris did, as described in the Epoch Times story: “She raised the weapon over her head with both hands and struck Boyland four times in quick succession. The stick broke at one point. Morris continued to strike Boyland until other officers pulled her back.”

“Objectively reasonable”? By whose standards? If a police officer did this to, say, an unconscious black protester during a BLM march, and the person died, what do you think happen to that officer?

Well, instead of that, Morris was hailed as a hero, even invited as a guest of honor at Super Bowl LIV in Tampa.


In related news:

Fortunately, a special counsel is different from these sham internal “investigations.” And a special counsel can benefit from the testimony in other court cases, as we’ve seen with Durham after Christopher Steele had to testify in a London courtroom during a civil suit brought against him and others by Alfa Bank. (Steele’s “dossier” had contained lies about that plaintiff. Alfa Bank won.)

And now, another court case in Washington, DC, has uncovered a document showing Fusion GPS was much more involved in taking down Trump than just with the Trump/Russia “dossier.”

Fusion GPS, the dirt-digging company hired by the Hillary campaign through law firm Perkins Coie, was apparently involved in much more than hiring Steele. They had dealings with operative Don Berlin, who first used a story about Russian collusion back in the early 2000s. Berlin is alleged to have given President Trump a bogus 2020 election “dossier” before January 6, and apparently Pelosi’s “Special Committee” is using this to claim Trump had motivation to call for “insurrection.” This stinks to high heaven and might very well have been a set-up.

And here’s the update from Tuesday.

It links to the court document that lists the Trump-related “projects” Fusion GPS had. These include Carter Page, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen and George Papadopoulos; CrowdStrike, WikiLeaks and the dubious claim that Russia had hacked the DNC server; Alfa Bank; and, finally...“Trump kids/Kushner.”

“It appears that these stories were pumped into the DOJ and Mueller investigation and then used as a means to harass the President of the United States and have him removed from office,” the story reads. “This is also known as an attempted coup.” For that reason, it would also be nice to know who else might have been paying Perkins Coie.

If you think we’re sounding a bit like conspiracy theorists today, please know that I include this story to spark questions that absolutely must be asked. After the things we know have happened, and the government’s attempts to sweep them under the rug, we really don’t put anything past the people currently in power. At this point, it’s hard even to imagine a scenario that could be dismissed out of hand. Let THEM be transparent –- for a change –- and SHOW us these stories aren’t true. Otherwise, there’s no reason to believe their denials.

4. An example of our politicized two-tiered justice system:

In a companion piece to today’s comments about the shocking ruling in the death of Trump supporter Roseanne Boyland (that a DC cop who repeatedly struck her in the head with a stick while she lay unconscious was acting “reasonably” and not in violation of the law), here’s an example of how politicized our two-tiered justice system has become.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that House Republicans are demanding an explanation from the Biden “Justice” Department for why they were so lenient with 26-year-old arsonist, Terriell Lee.

During the George Floyd riots in Minneapolis, Lee was caught on video pouring a flammable liquid onto a looted pawn shop, then standing outside the burning building, where he raised his fist and shouted, “(BLEEP) this place! We’re gonna burn this (BLEEP) down!” A third video shows him talking with others about restaurants they could hit next.

Inside the shop was Oscar Stewart, a father of five whose body was later found in the rubble. Lee claimed he’d checked the building and didn’t see any occupants. I guess he should be commended for being such a thoughtful, detail-oriented arsonist.

Sentencing guidelines for such a heinous crime call for a sentence of 19-20 years. But in a memo described as sounding like it came from his defense attorney, the federal prosecutor asked for only 12 years. The memo differentiated between violent rioters and those who merely got carried away because they felt “angry, frustrated and disenfranchised,” which Lee’s raised fist and shouting showed he was. The memo read, “Mr. Lee was terribly misguided, and his actions had tragic, unthinkable consequences. But he appears to have believed that he was, in Dr. King's eloquent words, engaging in ‘the language of the unheard.'"

Yes, they actually perverted the words of Dr. Martin Luther King to go easy on an arsonist whose actions resulted in burning an innocent black man to death.

But here’s the real kick in the gut: Lee didn’t get 20 years. He didn’t even get 12 years. The judge sentenced him to only ten years, with three years of supervised release.

That judge was US District Judge Wilhelmina Wright. She’s on Biden’s short list for possible nomination to the Supreme Court.

5. More Information Please:

Democrat Sens. Ron Wyden and Martin Heinrich are demanding more information from the CIA after it was revealed that the intelligence agency has for years been running a secret, bulk surveillance program and collecting data on American citizens without Congressional approval or judicial, congressional or executive oversight.

There’s more info at the link, or at least as much as we know at the moment, which by design isn’t much. It does point out that the CIA and NSA are supposed to deal with foreign threats and be barred from investigating Americans and US businesses. As we’ve been learning recently, the agency tasked with illegally surveilling Americans and violating their Constitutional rights is the FBI.

6. Justin Trudeau:

It’s long been rumored that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s real father was Fidel Castro (although judging from the most famous photo of him, I would’ve guessed Al Jolson.) “Fact-checkers” have tried to debunk that rumor, but there’s no denying the startling resemblance. I don’t mean just the physical resemblance, but the way that Trudeau is dealing with working people who try to protest his authoritarian rule.

He’s tried denouncing the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy protesters as racists and a threat to “democracy,” and using the media as his propaganda arm to turn the people against them. He tried seizing their funds, but when GoFundMe caved in, GiveSendGo stepped up. The government wants to confiscate that money, too, but GiveSendGo told them to put it in their toques.

When all that didn’t work, the government ordered the police to crack down not just on the protesters, but anyone who voices support for them.

We’ve seen cops confiscating gas and even firewood that the protesters need to keep from freezing in the harsh February weather. And in one of the most outrageous acts, caught on video, two cops arrested a small, elderly man who protested that they were hurting him, then hauled him away for the serious crime of honking his horn to signal that he supports the truckers. Bystanders who caught it on video shouted “Shame!” at the cops. And they’re right: they should be ashamed.

If all this isn’t in the long tradition of the Castro family of Cuba, I don’t know what is.

While the Canadian media and much of the American media are echoing Trudeau’s rhetoric, a handful of actual citizen journalists are going directly to the truckers and asking them what it’s really about. You probably won’t be surprised to learn that no, it’s not about promoting racism, white supremacy, QAnon or homophobia. It's about freedom and demanding their rights back. Read it for yourself here:

I especially love the photo of the Indonesian, Black and Asian truckers holding up a sign that asks, “Am I racist?”

This weekend on “Huckabee” on TBN, I’ll interview Ezra Levant of Rebel News, who has been doing an outstanding job of covering these protests and cutting through the media spin by showing and telling the world what’s really going on. It’s a must-see interview so set your DVRs.

Tucker Carlson had an excellent, lengthy report on the protest on his show last night, which I recommend you watch here, or read the full transcript, to get a better idea of the issues at stake and all the latest developments:

The biggest piece of info in the report is that the truckers are blocking Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Ontario. That’s a major trade route that handles about half as much cargo as passes through the port of Los Angeles. Already, the lack of auto supplies has caused Ford, GM and Toyota to have to cut production at their plants.

The truckers will need to walk a tightrope between asserting their rights and not causing serious job loss and shortages to other working people, which could lose public support. So far, a number of provincial officials have been smart enough to listen to them and lift their onerous mandates and restrictions. The question is, will Trudeau, who so far has only insulted and threatened them, grow enough brain cells and humility to sit down and talk to them before more economic damage is done?

And by the way, if a similar protest should roll into Washington, will President Biden be smart enough to listen to them and reign in his partisan insults and authoritarian policies? I’ll pray for a miracle.

7. I Just Wanted to Say:

Thank you for reading the Morning Edition. Now that you are finished, leave me a comment.  I read them!

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Comments 11-14 of 14

  • Anne Turner

    02/11/2022 03:45 PM

    Perhaps the most concerning thing about all that is happening is the egregious behavior of police, the FBI, and the Justice departments with judges thrown in to the mix. I thought many of our fore-parents came to the new world to get away from the injustices we see now. How can a small portion of the American people be running everything, African .Americans, Gays, Trans? We Constitutionally protect minorities, whomever they may be, and that is right, but that does not allow them to totally run the country. Where in history, religion, the
    Bible, does it say whiteness is by definition evil? From early times there have been injustices per perpetrated on minority people, whether it be race, religion, culture, nationality, or whatever. No people have been more discriminated against than the .Jewish people and yet we see antisemitism raising its ugly head again. All of this makes no rational sense.

    Please tell me the connection between the truckers’ protest of Covid mandates and racism. Many if the truckers are not evil white people. How is a peaceful protest UN democratic. Oh well, just blame it all in Trump. It’s so easy.

  • Jerry Korba

    02/11/2022 03:41 PM

    Biden Blunders taking energy independence away from the country has taken a bargaining chip away from the US when help is needed on the International energy needs sector the US could be the partner many Nations need the cost of energy has risen all over the planet biden's shut down of our energy sector is being felt over the planet. Unrest has ensued because of it biden is a National and International menace and needs to be removed the entire mess needs to be removed today. The biden infection has hit the entire Hemisphere nut jobs are present and in control the rest of the is on the loose.

  • Bob Ernst

    02/11/2022 03:32 PM

    With all the evidence of election fraud, police investigation fraud, spying on citizens, and all the other unConstitutional activity within our government, who has authority to bring charges against these people? How can we put a stop to it short of a revolution? Or is that what it will take?

  • Sharon Faulkner

    02/11/2022 01:13 PM

    When are we going to face the cold hard bitter fact that the DNC has become the rebirth of the Third Reich?