
Latest News

November 7, 2023

Here’s a story about why it’s vitally important for Republicans to turn out and vote in Virginia.

One of the more interesting races is the Kentucky Governor’s race. Kentucky is a deep red state that for some reason has a Democrat Governor, Andy Beshear. He won in 2019 by only 0.4% against an unpopular incumbent. He poses as a moderate, but he has repeatedly vetoed popular conservative legislation, such as a ban on barbaric “trans” procedures on minors, and seen those vetoes overridden. Nevertheless, polls showed him with a healthy lead over Republican challenger Daniel Cameron. That is, until the last week or so, when the polls have suddenly shifted, showing the race virtually tied.

Democrats seem to be panicking at the thought that they might lose this race; so since Cameron is black, they’re launching some shockingly racist attacks against him.

One thing the Democrats have taught us recently is that every white person is a racist. Even if you think you aren’t a racist, that just proves what a racist you are. They’re triggered even by alleged “microaggressions.” HOWEVER…there’s one caveat. If you are a white liberal talking about a black conservative, then it’s perfectly okay to be as blatantly, openly racist as a KKK grand wizard at a George Wallace rally. Chris Queen at PJ Media offers some disgusting examples.

Cameron responded, "I never faced racism or discrimination while growing up or working in Kentucky until I decided to stand up to the national Democrat establishment. I don’t support their policies, so the Left attacks me for my skin color."

Anyone who knows the real history of the parties shouldn’t be surprised at the resort to race-baiting (guess which party actually invented Jim Crow laws), but in 2023, this nauseating tactic should be rejected by any decent American. I hope and pray you all turn out to vote in every state, county and city and in every race to remove this cancer from American politics. A vote for Daniel Cameron in Kentucky would be an excellent start.

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