
Latest News

July 21, 2021

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seems to be taking a page from Bernie Sanders and many others who failed at everything in life before becoming socialist politicians and then they somehow turned into millionaires. AOC has signed a deal to sell a line of "AOC" and “Tax the Rich” merchandise on her popular social media pages. Now, listen to her try to explain how making money through private enterprise isn’t capitalism when she does it. Unlike her merch, it’s priceless.

On a more serious note, AOC’s attempt to sorta voice solidarity with the Cuban people while not actually denouncing their oppressive communist government and instead blaming America and denouncing Trump did not go over well with a former Democrat House member from Miami. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell gave her a scolding and a civics lesson on Twitter.

Will that be enough to convince Cuban-Americans to vote for Democrats again? With Biden ordering the Coast Guard to make sure they’re the only asylum seekers on Earth who are actually turned away from America, I wouldn’t count on it.

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